path: root/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/Pei/Variable.h
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diff --git a/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/Pei/Variable.h b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/Pei/Variable.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f660b339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/Pei/Variable.h
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+/** @file
+ The internal header file includes the common header files, defines
+ internal structure and functions used by PeiVariable module.
+Copyright (c) 2006 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _PEI_VARIABLE_H_
+#define _PEI_VARIABLE_H_
+#include <PiPei.h>
+#include <Ppi/ReadOnlyVariable2.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/PeimEntryPoint.h>
+#include <Library/HobLib.h>
+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/PeiServicesTablePointerLib.h>
+#include <Library/PeiServicesLib.h>
+#include <Guid/VariableFormat.h>
+#include <Guid/VariableIndexTable.h>
+#include <Guid/SystemNvDataGuid.h>
+#include <Guid/FaultTolerantWrite.h>
+typedef enum {
+ VariableStoreTypeHob,
+ VariableStoreTypeNv,
+ VariableStoreTypeMax
+typedef struct {
+ VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER *VariableStoreHeader;
+ //
+ // If it is not NULL, it means there may be an inconsecutive variable whose
+ // partial content is still in NV storage, but another partial content is backed up
+ // in spare block.
+ //
+ BOOLEAN AuthFlag;
+// Functions
+ Provide the functionality of the variable services.
+ @param FileHandle Handle of the file being invoked.
+ Type EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE is defined in FfsFindNextFile().
+ @param PeiServices General purpose services available to every PEIM.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS If the interface could be successfully installed
+ @retval Others Returned from PeiServicesInstallPpi()
+PeimInitializeVariableServices (
+ );
+ This service retrieves a variable's value using its name and GUID.
+ Read the specified variable from the UEFI variable store. If the Data
+ buffer is too small to hold the contents of the variable, the error
+ EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned and DataSize is set to the required buffer
+ size to obtain the data.
+ @param This A pointer to this instance of the EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI.
+ @param VariableName A pointer to a null-terminated string that is the variable's name.
+ @param VariableGuid A pointer to an EFI_GUID that is the variable's GUID. The combination of
+ VariableGuid and VariableName must be unique.
+ @param Attributes If non-NULL, on return, points to the variable's attributes.
+ @param DataSize On entry, points to the size in bytes of the Data buffer.
+ On return, points to the size of the data returned in Data.
+ @param Data Points to the buffer which will hold the returned variable value.
+ May be NULL with a zero DataSize in order to determine the size of the buffer needed.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The variable was read successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable was not found.
+ @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The DataSize is too small for the resulting data.
+ DataSize is updated with the size required for
+ the specified variable.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableName, VariableGuid, DataSize or Data is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The variable could not be retrieved because of a device error.
+PeiGetVariable (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN CONST EFI_GUID *VariableGuid,
+ OUT UINT32 *Attributes,
+ IN OUT UINTN *DataSize,
+ );
+ Return the next variable name and GUID.
+ This function is called multiple times to retrieve the VariableName
+ and VariableGuid of all variables currently available in the system.
+ On each call, the previous results are passed into the interface,
+ and, on return, the interface returns the data for the next
+ interface. When the entire variable list has been returned,
+ EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
+ @param This A pointer to this instance of the EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI.
+ @param VariableNameSize On entry, points to the size of the buffer pointed to by VariableName.
+ @param VariableName On entry, a pointer to a null-terminated string that is the variable's name.
+ On return, points to the next variable's null-terminated name string.
+ @param VariableGuid On entry, a pointer to an UEFI _GUID that is the variable's GUID.
+ On return, a pointer to the next variable's GUID.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The variable was read successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable could not be found.
+ @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The VariableNameSize is too small for the resulting
+ data. VariableNameSize is updated with the size
+ required for the specified variable.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableName, VariableGuid or
+ VariableNameSize is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The variable could not be retrieved because of a device error.
+PeiGetNextVariableName (
+ IN OUT UINTN *VariableNameSize,
+ IN OUT CHAR16 *VariableName,
+ IN OUT EFI_GUID *VariableGuid
+ );