path: root/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Dhcp6Dxe/Dhcp6Utility.h
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diff --git a/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Dhcp6Dxe/Dhcp6Utility.h b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Dhcp6Dxe/Dhcp6Utility.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f18eb360
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+++ b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Dhcp6Dxe/Dhcp6Utility.h
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+/** @file
+ Dhcp6 support functions declaration.
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2012, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef __EFI_DHCP6_UTILITY_H__
+#define __EFI_DHCP6_UTILITY_H__
+#define DHCP6_10_BIT_MASK 0x3ff
+#define DHCP6_DAD_ADDITIONAL_DELAY 30000000 // 3 seconds
+ Generate client Duid in the format of Duid-llt.
+ @param[in] Mode The pointer to the mode of SNP.
+ @retval NULL if failed to generate client Id.
+ @retval Others The pointer to the new client id.
+Dhcp6GenerateClientId (
+ );
+ Copy the Dhcp6 configure data.
+ @param[in] DstCfg The pointer to the destination configure data.
+ @param[in] SorCfg The pointer to the source configure data.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Copy the content from SorCfg from DstCfg successfully.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
+Dhcp6CopyConfigData (
+ );
+ Clean up the configure data.
+ @param[in, out] CfgData The pointer to the configure data.
+Dhcp6CleanupConfigData (
+ );
+ Clean up the mode data.
+ @param[in, out] ModeData The pointer to the mode data.
+Dhcp6CleanupModeData (
+ );
+ Calculate the expire time by the algorithm defined in rfc.
+ @param[in] Base The base value of the time.
+ @param[in] IsFirstRt If TRUE, it is the first time to calculate expire time.
+ @param[in] NeedSigned If TRUE, the signed factor is needed.
+ @return Expire The calculated result for the new expire time.
+Dhcp6CalculateExpireTime (
+ IN UINT32 Base,
+ IN BOOLEAN NeedSigned
+ );
+ Calculate the lease time by the algorithm defined in rfc.
+ @param[in] IaCb The pointer to the Ia control block.
+Dhcp6CalculateLeaseTime (
+ );
+ Check whether the addresses are all included by the configured Ia.
+ @param[in] Ia The pointer to the Ia.
+ @param[in] AddressCount The number of addresses.
+ @param[in] Addresses The pointer to the addresses buffer.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The addresses are all included by the configured IA.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The addresses are not included by the configured IA.
+Dhcp6CheckAddress (
+ IN UINT32 AddressCount,
+ IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Addresses
+ );
+ Deprive the addresses from current Ia, and generate another eliminated Ia.
+ @param[in] Ia The pointer to the Ia.
+ @param[in] AddressCount The number of addresses.
+ @param[in] Addresses The pointer to the addresses buffer.
+ @retval NULL If failed to generate the deprived Ia.
+ @retval others The pointer to the deprived Ia.
+Dhcp6DepriveAddress (
+ IN UINT32 AddressCount,
+ IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Addresses
+ );
+ The dummy ext buffer free callback routine.
+ @param[in] Arg The pointer to the parameter.
+Dhcp6DummyExtFree (
+ IN VOID *Arg
+ );
+ The callback routine once message transmitted.
+ @param[in] Wrap The pointer to the received net buffer.
+ @param[in] EndPoint The pointer to the udp end point.
+ @param[in] IoStatus The return status from udp io.
+ @param[in] Context The opaque parameter to the function.
+Dhcp6OnTransmitted (
+ IN NET_BUF *Wrap,
+ IN VOID *Context
+ );
+ Append the appointed option to the buf, and move the buf to the end.
+ @param[in, out] Buf The pointer to buffer.
+ @param[in] OptType The option type.
+ @param[in] OptLen The length of option content.s
+ @param[in] Data The pointer to the option content.
+ @return Buf The position to append the next option.
+UINT8 *
+Dhcp6AppendOption (
+ IN OUT UINT8 *Buf,
+ IN UINT16 OptType,
+ IN UINT16 OptLen,
+ IN UINT8 *Data
+ );
+ Append the Ia option to Buf, and move Buf to the end.
+ @param[in, out] Buf The pointer to the position to append.
+ @param[in] Ia The pointer to the Ia.
+ @param[in] T1 The time of T1.
+ @param[in] T2 The time of T2.
+ @param[in] MessageType Message type of DHCP6 package.
+ @return Buf The position to append the next Ia option.
+UINT8 *
+Dhcp6AppendIaOption (
+ IN OUT UINT8 *Buf,
+ IN UINT32 T1,
+ IN UINT32 T2,
+ IN UINT32 MessageType
+ );
+ Append the appointed Elapsed time option to Buf, and move Buf to the end.
+ @param[in, out] Buf The pointer to the position to append.
+ @param[in] Instance The pointer to the Dhcp6 instance.
+ @param[out] Elapsed The pointer to the elapsed time value in
+ the generated packet.
+ @return Buf The position to append the next Ia option.
+UINT8 *
+Dhcp6AppendETOption (
+ IN OUT UINT8 *Buf,
+ IN DHCP6_INSTANCE *Instance,
+ OUT UINT16 **Elapsed
+ );
+ Set the elapsed time based on the given instance and the pointer to the
+ elapsed time option.
+ @param[in] Elapsed The pointer to the position to append.
+ @param[in] Instance The pointer to the Dhcp6 instance.
+SetElapsedTime (
+ IN UINT16 *Elapsed,
+ );
+ Seek the address of the first byte of the option header.
+ @param[in] Buf The pointer to buffer.
+ @param[in] SeekLen The length to seek.
+ @param[in] OptType The option type.
+ @retval NULL If failed to seek the option.
+ @retval others The position to the option.
+UINT8 *
+Dhcp6SeekOption (
+ IN UINT8 *Buf,
+ IN UINT32 SeekLen,
+ IN UINT16 OptType
+ );
+ Seek the address of the first byte of the Ia option header.
+ @param[in] Buf The pointer to the buffer.
+ @param[in] SeekLen The length to seek.
+ @param[in] IaDesc The pointer to the Ia descriptor.
+ @retval NULL If failed to seek the Ia option.
+ @retval others The position to the Ia option.
+UINT8 *
+Dhcp6SeekIaOption (
+ IN UINT8 *Buf,
+ IN UINT32 SeekLen,
+ );
+ Parse the address option and update the address info.
+ @param[in] CurrentIa The pointer to the Ia Address in control block.
+ @param[in] IaInnerOpt The pointer to the buffer.
+ @param[in] IaInnerLen The length to parse.
+ @param[out] AddrNum The number of addresses.
+ @param[in, out] AddrBuf The pointer to the address buffer.
+Dhcp6ParseAddrOption (
+ IN EFI_DHCP6_IA *CurrentIa,
+ IN UINT8 *IaInnerOpt,
+ IN UINT16 IaInnerLen,
+ OUT UINT32 *AddrNum,
+ );
+ Create a control block for the Ia according to the corresponding options.
+ @param[in] Instance The pointer to DHCP6 Instance.
+ @param[in] IaInnerOpt The pointer to the inner options in the Ia option.
+ @param[in] IaInnerLen The length of all the inner options in the Ia option.
+ @param[in] T1 T1 time in the Ia option.
+ @param[in] T2 T2 time in the Ia option.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No valid IA option is found.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Create an IA control block successfully.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected error.
+Dhcp6GenerateIaCb (
+ IN DHCP6_INSTANCE *Instance,
+ IN UINT8 *IaInnerOpt,
+ IN UINT16 IaInnerLen,
+ IN UINT32 T1,
+ IN UINT32 T2
+ );
+ Cache the current IA configuration information.
+ @param[in] Instance The pointer to DHCP6 Instance.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Cache the current IA successfully.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
+Dhcp6CacheIa (
+ );
+ Append CacheIa to the current IA. Meanwhile, clear CacheIa.ValidLifetime to 0.
+ @param[in] Instance The pointer to DHCP6 instance.
+Dhcp6AppendCacheIa (
+ );
+ Calculate the Dhcp6 get mapping timeout by adding additional delay to the IP6 DAD transmits count.
+ @param[in] Ip6Cfg The pointer to Ip6 config protocol.
+ @param[out] TimeOut The time out value in 100ns units.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Input parameters are invalid.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Calculate the time out value successfully.
+Dhcp6GetMappingTimeOut (
+ OUT UINTN *TimeOut
+ );