path: root/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/Ip6Impl.h
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diff --git a/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/Ip6Impl.h b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/Ip6Impl.h
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index 000000000..8919e9448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe/Ip6Impl.h
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+/** @file
+ Implementation of EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL protocol interfaces and type definitions.
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef __EFI_IP6_IMPL_H__
+#define __EFI_IP6_IMPL_H__
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#include <IndustryStandard/Dhcp.h>
+#include <Protocol/ServiceBinding.h>
+#include <Protocol/ManagedNetwork.h>
+#include <Protocol/IpSec.h>
+#include <Protocol/Ip6.h>
+#include <Protocol/Ip6Config.h>
+#include <Protocol/Dhcp6.h>
+#include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
+#include <Protocol/HiiConfigRouting.h>
+#include <Protocol/HiiConfigAccess.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Library/NetLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/DpcLib.h>
+#include <Library/HiiLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiHiiServicesLib.h>
+#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
+#include <Library/PrintLib.h>
+#include <Guid/MdeModuleHii.h>
+#include "Ip6Common.h"
+#include "Ip6Driver.h"
+#include "Ip6Icmp.h"
+#include "Ip6If.h"
+#include "Ip6Input.h"
+#include "Ip6Mld.h"
+#include "Ip6Nd.h"
+#include "Ip6Option.h"
+#include "Ip6Output.h"
+#include "Ip6Route.h"
+#include "Ip6ConfigNv.h"
+#include "Ip6ConfigImpl.h"
+#define IP6_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('I', 'P', '6', 'P')
+#define IP6_SERVICE_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('I', 'P', '6', 'S')
+// The state of IP6 protocol. It starts from UNCONFIGED. if it is
+// successfully configured, it goes to CONFIGED. if configure NULL
+// is called, it becomes UNCONFIGED again. If (partly) destroyed, it
+// becomes DESTROY.
+// The state of IP6 service. It starts from UNSTARTED. It transits
+// to STARTED if autoconfigure is started. If default address is
+// configured, it becomes CONFIGED. and if partly destroyed, it goes
+// to DESTROY.
+#define IP6_NO_MAPPING(IpInstance) (!(IpInstance)->Interface->Configured)
+extern EFI_IPSEC2_PROTOCOL *mIpSec;
+extern BOOLEAN mIpSec2Installed;
+// IP6_TXTOKEN_WRAP wraps the upper layer's transmit token.
+// The user's data is kept in the Packet. When fragment is
+// needed, each fragment of the Packet has a reference to the
+// Packet, no data is actually copied. The Packet will be
+// released when all the fragments of it have been recycled by
+// MNP. Upon then, the IP6_TXTOKEN_WRAP will be released, and
+// user's event signalled.
+typedef struct {
+ IP6_PROTOCOL *IpInstance;
+ EFI_EVENT IpSecRecycleSignal;
+ NET_BUF *Packet;
+ INTN Life;
+typedef struct {
+ EFI_EVENT IpSecRecycleSignal;
+ NET_BUF *Packet;
+// IP6_RXDATA_WRAP wraps the data IP6 child delivers to the
+// upper layers. The received packet is kept in the Packet.
+// The Packet itself may be constructured from some fragments.
+// All the fragments of the Packet is organized by a
+// IP6_ASSEMBLE_ENTRY structure. If the Packet is recycled by
+// the upper layer, the assemble entry and its associated
+// fragments will be freed at last.
+typedef struct {
+ IP6_PROTOCOL *IpInstance;
+ NET_BUF *Packet;
+struct _IP6_PROTOCOL {
+ UINT32 Signature;
+ EFI_HANDLE Handle;
+ INTN State;
+ IP6_SERVICE *Service;
+ LIST_ENTRY Link; // Link to all the IP protocol from the service
+ UINT8 PrefixLength; // PrefixLength of the configured station address.
+ //
+ // User's transmit/receive tokens, and received/delivered packets
+ //
+ NET_MAP RxTokens;
+ NET_MAP TxTokens; // map between (User's Token, IP6_TXTOKE_WRAP)
+ LIST_ENTRY Received; // Received but not delivered packet
+ LIST_ENTRY Delivered; // Delivered and to be recycled packets
+ EFI_LOCK RecycleLock;
+ IP6_INTERFACE *Interface;
+ LIST_ENTRY AddrLink; // Ip instances with the same IP address.
+ EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *GroupList; // stored in network order.
+ UINT32 GroupCount;
+ BOOLEAN InDestroy;
+struct _IP6_SERVICE {
+ UINT32 Signature;
+ INTN State;
+ //
+ // List of all the IP instances and interfaces, and default
+ // interface and route table and caches.
+ //
+ UINTN NumChildren;
+ LIST_ENTRY Children;
+ LIST_ENTRY Interfaces;
+ IP6_INTERFACE *DefaultInterface;
+ IP6_ROUTE_TABLE *RouteTable;
+ IP6_LINK_RX_TOKEN RecvRequest;
+ //
+ // Ip reassemble utilities and MLD data
+ //
+ EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS LinkLocalAddr;
+ BOOLEAN LinkLocalOk;
+ BOOLEAN LinkLocalDadFail;
+ BOOLEAN Dhcp6NeedStart;
+ BOOLEAN Dhcp6NeedInfoRequest;
+ //
+ // ND data
+ //
+ UINT8 CurHopLimit;
+ UINT32 LinkMTU;
+ UINT32 BaseReachableTime;
+ UINT32 ReachableTime;
+ UINT32 RetransTimer;
+ LIST_ENTRY NeighborTable;
+ LIST_ENTRY OnlinkPrefix;
+ LIST_ENTRY AutonomousPrefix;
+ LIST_ENTRY DefaultRouterList;
+ UINT32 RoundRobin;
+ UINT8 InterfaceIdLen;
+ UINT8 *InterfaceId;
+ BOOLEAN RouterAdvertiseReceived;
+ UINT8 SolicitTimer;
+ UINT32 Ticks;
+ //
+ // Low level protocol used by this service instance
+ //
+ EFI_HANDLE Controller;
+ EFI_HANDLE MnpChildHandle;
+ EFI_EVENT Timer;
+ EFI_EVENT FasterTimer;
+ //
+ // IPv6 Configuration Protocol instance
+ //
+ IP6_CONFIG_INSTANCE Ip6ConfigInstance;
+ //
+ // The string representation of the current mac address of the
+ // NIC this IP6_SERVICE works on.
+ //
+ CHAR16 *MacString;
+ UINT32 MaxPacketSize;
+ UINT32 OldMaxPacketSize;
+ The callback function for the net buffer which wraps the user's
+ transmit token. Although this function seems simple,
+ there are some subtle aspects.
+ When a user requests the IP to transmit a packet by passing it a
+ token, the token is wrapped in an IP6_TXTOKEN_WRAP and the data
+ is wrapped in a net buffer. The net buffer's Free function is
+ set to Ip6FreeTxToken. The Token and token wrap are added to the
+ IP child's TxToken map. Then the buffer is passed to Ip6Output for
+ transmission. If an error occurs before that, the buffer
+ is freed, which in turn frees the token wrap. The wrap may
+ have been added to the TxToken map or not, and the user's event
+ shouldn't be signaled because we are still in the EfiIp6Transmit. If
+ the buffer has been sent by Ip6Output, it should be removed from
+ the TxToken map and the user's event signaled. The token wrap and buffer
+ are bound together. Refer to the comments in Ip6Output for information
+ about IP fragmentation.
+ @param[in] Context The token's wrap.
+Ip6FreeTxToken (
+ IN VOID *Context
+ );
+ Config the MNP parameter used by IP. The IP driver use one MNP
+ child to transmit/receive frames. By default, it configures MNP
+ to receive unicast/multicast/broadcast. And it will enable/disable
+ the promiscuous receive according to whether there is IP child
+ enable that or not. If Force is FALSE, it will iterate through
+ all the IP children to check whether the promiscuous receive
+ setting has been changed. If it hasn't been changed, it won't
+ reconfigure the MNP. If Force is TRUE, the MNP is configured
+ whether that is changed or not.
+ @param[in] IpSb The IP6 service instance that is to be changed.
+ @param[in] Force Force the configuration or not.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The MNP successfully configured/reconfigured.
+ @retval Others The configuration failed.
+Ip6ServiceConfigMnp (
+ );
+ Cancel the user's receive/transmit request. It is the worker function of
+ EfiIp6Cancel API.
+ @param[in] IpInstance The IP6 child.
+ @param[in] Token The token to cancel. If NULL, all tokens will be
+ cancelled.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The token was cancelled.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The token isn't found on either the
+ transmit or receive queue.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Not all tokens are cancelled when Token is NULL.
+Ip6Cancel (
+ IN IP6_PROTOCOL *IpInstance,
+ );
+ Initialize the IP6_PROTOCOL structure to the unconfigured states.
+ @param[in] IpSb The IP6 service instance.
+ @param[in, out] IpInstance The IP6 child instance.
+Ip6InitProtocol (
+ );
+ Clean up the IP6 child, release all the resources used by it.
+ @param[in, out] IpInstance The IP6 child to clean up.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The IP6 child was cleaned up
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Some resources failed to be released.
+Ip6CleanProtocol (
+ );
+// EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL interface prototypes
+ Gets the current operational settings for this instance of the EFI IPv6 Protocol driver.
+ The GetModeData() function returns the current operational mode data for this driver instance.
+ The data fields in EFI_IP6_MODE_DATA are read only. This function is used optionally to
+ retrieve the operational mode data of underlying networks or drivers.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[out] Ip6ModeData The pointer to the EFI IPv6 Protocol mode data structure.
+ @param[out] MnpConfigData The pointer to the managed network configuration data structure.
+ @param[out] SnpModeData The pointer to the simple network mode data structure.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The required mode data could not be allocated.
+EfiIp6GetModeData (
+ );
+ Assigns an IPv6 address and subnet mask to this EFI IPv6 Protocol driver instance.
+ The Configure() function is used to set, change, or reset the operational parameters and filter
+ settings for this EFI IPv6 Protocol instance. Until these parameters have been set, no network traffic
+ can be sent or received by this instance. Once the parameters have been reset (by calling this
+ function with Ip6ConfigData set to NULL), no more traffic can be sent or received until these
+ parameters have been set again. Each EFI IPv6 Protocol instance can be started and stopped
+ independently of each other by enabling or disabling their receive filter settings with the
+ Configure() function.
+ If Ip6ConfigData.StationAddress is a valid non-zero IPv6 unicast address, it is required
+ to be one of the currently configured IPv6 addresses list in the EFI IPv6 drivers, or else
+ EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER will be returned. If Ip6ConfigData.StationAddress is
+ unspecified, the IPv6 driver will bind a source address according to the source address selection
+ algorithm. Clients could frequently call GetModeData() to check get a currently configured IPv6.
+ If both Ip6ConfigData.StationAddress and Ip6ConfigData.Destination are unspecified, when
+ transmitting the packet afterwards, the source address filled in each outgoing IPv6 packet
+ is decided based on the destination of this packet.
+ If operational parameters are reset or changed, any pending transmit and receive requests will be
+ cancelled. Their completion token status will be set to EFI_ABORTED, and their events will be
+ signaled.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] Ip6ConfigData The pointer to the EFI IPv6 Protocol configuration data structure.
+ If NULL, reset the configuration data.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The driver instance was successfully opened.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - Ip6ConfigData.StationAddress is neither zero nor
+ a unicast IPv6 address.
+ - Ip6ConfigData.StationAddress is neither zero nor
+ one of the configured IP addresses in the EFI IPv6 driver.
+ - Ip6ConfigData.DefaultProtocol is illegal.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The EFI IPv6 Protocol driver instance data could not be allocated.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IPv6 driver was responsible for choosing a source address for
+ this instance, but no source address was available for use.
+ @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED The interface is already open and must be stopped before the IPv6
+ address or prefix length can be changed.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred. The EFI IPv6
+ Protocol driver instance was not opened.
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Default protocol specified through
+ Ip6ConfigData.DefaultProtocol isn't supported.
+EfiIp6Configure (
+ );
+ Joins and leaves multicast groups.
+ The Groups() function is used to join and leave multicast group sessions. Joining a group will
+ enable reception of matching multicast packets. Leaving a group will disable reception of matching
+ multicast packets. Source-Specific Multicast isn't required to be supported.
+ If JoinFlag is FALSE and GroupAddress is NULL, all joined groups will be left.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] JoinFlag Set to TRUE to join the multicast group session and FALSE to leave.
+ @param[in] GroupAddress The pointer to the IPv6 multicast address.
+ This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - JoinFlag is TRUE and GroupAddress is NULL.
+ - GroupAddress is not NULL and *GroupAddress is
+ not a multicast IPv6 address.
+ - GroupAddress is not NULL and *GroupAddress is in the
+ range of SSM destination address.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES System resources could not be allocated.
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This EFI IPv6 Protocol implementation does not support multicast groups.
+ @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED The group address is already in the group table (when
+ JoinFlag is TRUE).
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The group address is not in the group table (when JoinFlag is FALSE).
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
+EfiIp6Groups (
+ IN BOOLEAN JoinFlag,
+ );
+ Adds and deletes routing table entries.
+ The Routes() function adds a route to or deletes a route from the routing table.
+ Routes are determined by comparing the leftmost PrefixLength bits of Destination with
+ the destination IPv6 address arithmetically. The gateway address must be on the same subnet as the
+ configured station address.
+ The default route is added with Destination and PrefixLength both set to all zeros. The
+ default route matches all destination IPv6 addresses that do not match any other routes.
+ All EFI IPv6 Protocol instances share a routing table.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] DeleteRoute Set to TRUE to delete this route from the routing table. Set to
+ FALSE to add this route to the routing table. Destination,
+ PrefixLength and Gateway are used as the key to each
+ route entry.
+ @param[in] Destination The address prefix of the subnet that needs to be routed.
+ This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
+ @param[in] PrefixLength The prefix length of Destination. Ignored if Destination
+ is NULL.
+ @param[in] GatewayAddress The unicast gateway IPv6 address for this route.
+ This is an optional parameter that may be NULL.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The driver instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - When DeleteRoute is TRUE, both Destination and
+ GatewayAddress are NULL.
+ - When DeleteRoute is FALSE, either Destination or
+ GatewayAddress is NULL.
+ - *GatewayAddress is not a valid unicast IPv6 address.
+ - *GatewayAddress is one of the local configured IPv6
+ addresses.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not add the entry to the routing table.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND This route is not in the routing table (when DeleteRoute is TRUE).
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The route is already defined in the routing table (when
+ DeleteRoute is FALSE).
+EfiIp6Routes (
+ IN BOOLEAN DeleteRoute,
+ IN UINT8 PrefixLength,
+ );
+ Add or delete Neighbor cache entries.
+ The Neighbors() function is used to add, update, or delete an entry from a neighbor cache.
+ IPv6 neighbor cache entries are typically inserted and updated by the network protocol driver as
+ network traffic is processed. Most neighbor cache entries will timeout and be deleted if the network
+ traffic stops. Neighbor cache entries that were inserted by Neighbors() may be static (will not
+ timeout) or dynamic (will timeout).
+ The implementation should follow the neighbor cache timeout mechanism defined in
+ RFC4861. The default neighbor cache timeout value should be tuned for the expected network
+ environment.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] DeleteFlag Set to TRUE to delete the specified cache entry. Set to FALSE to
+ add (or update, if it already exists and Override is TRUE) the
+ specified cache entry. TargetIp6Address is used as the key
+ to find the requested cache entry.
+ @param[in] TargetIp6Address The pointer to the Target IPv6 address.
+ @param[in] TargetLinkAddress The pointer to link-layer address of the target. Ignored if NULL.
+ @param[in] Timeout Time in 100-ns units that this entry will remain in the neighbor
+ cache, it will be deleted after Timeout. A value of zero means that
+ the entry is permanent. A non-zero value means that the entry is
+ dynamic.
+ @param[in] Override If TRUE, the cached link-layer address of the matching entry will
+ be overridden and updated; if FALSE, EFI_ACCESS_DENIED
+ will be returned if a corresponding cache entry already exists.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data has been queued for transmission.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - TargetIpAddress is NULL.
+ - *TargetLinkAddress is invalid when not NULL.
+ - *TargetIpAddress is not a valid unicast IPv6 address.
+ - *TargetIpAddress is one of the local configured IPv6
+ addresses.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not add the entry to the neighbor cache.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND This entry is not in the neighbor cache (when DeleteFlag is
+ TRUE or when DeleteFlag is FALSE while
+ TargetLinkAddress is NULL.).
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The to-be-added entry is already defined in the neighbor cache,
+ and that entry is tagged as un-overridden (when Override
+ is FALSE).
+EfiIp6Neighbors (
+ IN BOOLEAN DeleteFlag,
+ IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *TargetIp6Address,
+ IN UINT32 Timeout,
+ IN BOOLEAN Override
+ );
+ Places outgoing data packets into the transmit queue.
+ The Transmit() function places a sending request in the transmit queue of this
+ EFI IPv6 Protocol instance. Whenever the packet in the token is sent out or some
+ errors occur, the event in the token will be signaled and the status is updated.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] Token The pointer to the transmit token.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The data has been queued for transmission.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IPv6 driver was responsible for choosing
+ a source address for this transmission,
+ but no source address was available for use.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - Token is NULL.
+ - Token.Event is NULL.
+ - Token.Packet.TxData is NULL.
+ - Token.Packet.ExtHdrsLength is not zero and
+ Token.Packet.ExtHdrs is NULL.
+ - Token.Packet.FragmentCount is zero.
+ - One or more of the Token.Packet.TxData.
+ FragmentTable[].FragmentLength fields is zero.
+ - One or more of the Token.Packet.TxData.
+ FragmentTable[].FragmentBuffer fields is NULL.
+ - Token.Packet.TxData.DataLength is zero or not
+ equal to the sum of fragment lengths.
+ - Token.Packet.TxData.DestinationAddress is non-
+ zero when DestinationAddress is configured as
+ non-zero when doing Configure() for this
+ EFI IPv6 protocol instance.
+ - Token.Packet.TxData.DestinationAddress is
+ unspecified when DestinationAddress is unspecified
+ when doing Configure() for this EFI IPv6 protocol
+ instance.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The transmit completion token with the same Token.
+ The event was already in the transmit queue.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_READY The completion token could not be queued because
+ the transmit queue is full.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Not route is found to the destination address.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Could not queue the transmit data.
+ @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Token.Packet.TxData.TotalDataLength is too
+ short to transmit.
+ @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE If Token.Packet.TxData.DataLength is beyond the
+ maximum that which can be described through the
+ Fragment Offset field in Fragment header when
+ performing fragmentation.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
+EfiIp6Transmit (
+ );
+ Places a receiving request into the receiving queue.
+ The Receive() function places a completion token into the receive packet queue.
+ This function is always asynchronous.
+ The Token.Event field in the completion token must be filled in by the caller
+ and cannot be NULL. When the receive operation completes, the EFI IPv6 Protocol
+ driver updates the Token.Status and Token.Packet.RxData fields and the Token.Event
+ is signaled.
+ Current Udp implementation creates an IP child for each Udp child.
+ It initiates a asynchronous receive immediately whether or not
+ there is no mapping. Therefore, disable the returning EFI_NO_MAPPING for now.
+ To enable it, the following check must be performed:
+ if (NetIp6IsUnspecifiedAddr (&Config->StationAddress) && IP6_NO_MAPPING (IpInstance)) {
+ Status = EFI_NO_MAPPING;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] Token The pointer to a token that is associated with the
+ receive data descriptor.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The receive completion token was cached.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This EFI IPv6 Protocol instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING When IP6 driver responsible for binding source address to this instance,
+ while no source address is available for use.
+ @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following conditions is TRUE:
+ - This is NULL.
+ - Token is NULL.
+ - Token.Event is NULL.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The receive completion token could not be queued due to a lack of system
+ resources (usually memory).
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
+ The EFI IPv6 Protocol instance has been reset to startup defaults.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The receive completion token with the same Token.Event was already
+ in the receive queue.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_READY The receive request could not be queued because the receive queue is full.
+EfiIp6Receive (
+ );
+ Abort an asynchronous transmit or receive request.
+ The Cancel() function is used to abort a pending transmit or receive request.
+ If the token is in the transmit or receive request queues, after calling this
+ function, Token->Status will be set to EFI_ABORTED, and then Token->Event will
+ be signaled. If the token is not in one of the queues, which usually means the
+ asynchronous operation has completed, this function will not signal the token,
+ and EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @param[in] Token The pointer to a token that has been issued by
+ EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL.Transmit() or
+ EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL.Receive(). If NULL, all pending
+ tokens are aborted. Type EFI_IP6_COMPLETION_TOKEN is
+ defined in EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL.Transmit().
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The asynchronous I/O request was aborted and
+ Token->Event was signaled. When Token is NULL, all
+ pending requests were aborted, and their events were signaled.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND When Token is not NULL, the asynchronous I/O request was
+ not found in the transmit or receive queue. It has either completed
+ or was not issued by Transmit() and Receive().
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
+EfiIp6Cancel (
+ );
+ Polls for incoming data packets and processes outgoing data packets.
+ The Poll() function polls for incoming data packets and processes outgoing data
+ packets. Network drivers and applications can call the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL.Poll()
+ function to increase the rate that data packets are moved between the communications
+ device and the transmit and receive queues.
+ In some systems the periodic timer event may not poll the underlying communications
+ device fast enough to transmit and/or receive all data packets without missing
+ incoming packets or dropping outgoing packets. Drivers and applications that are
+ experiencing packet loss should try calling the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL.Poll() function
+ more often.
+ @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP6_PROTOCOL instance.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Incoming or outgoing data was processed.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED This EFI IPv6 Protocol instance has not been started.
+ @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_READY No incoming or outgoing data was processed.
+ @retval EFI_TIMEOUT Data was dropped out of the transmit and/or receive queue.
+ Consider increasing the polling rate.
+EfiIp6Poll (
+ );