path: root/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/TcpDxe/Socket.h
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diff --git a/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/TcpDxe/Socket.h b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/TcpDxe/Socket.h
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index 000000000..9448710a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/NetworkPkg/TcpDxe/Socket.h
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+/** @file
+ Common head file for TCP socket.
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _SOCKET_H_
+#define _SOCKET_H_
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#include <Protocol/Tcp4.h>
+#include <Protocol/Tcp6.h>
+#include <Library/NetLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Library/DpcLib.h>
+#define SOCK_SND_BUF 0
+#define SOCK_RCV_BUF 1
+#define SOCK_BUFF_LOW_WATER (2 * 1024)
+#define SOCK_RCV_BUFF_SIZE (8 * 1024)
+#define SOCK_SND_BUFF_SIZE (8 * 1024)
+#define SOCK_BACKLOG 5
+#define SO_NO_MORE_DATA 0x0001
+// When a socket is created it enters into SO_UNCONFIGURED,
+// no actions can be taken on this socket, only after calling
+// SockConfigure. The state transition diagram of socket is
+// as following:
+// ^ | |
+// | ---> SO_LISTENING |
+// | |
+// |------------------SO_DISCONNECTING<-- SO_CONNECTED
+// A passive socket can only go into SO_LISTENING and
+// SO_UNCONFIGURED state. SO_XXXING state is a middle state
+// when a socket is undergoing a protocol procedure such
+// as requesting a TCP connection.
+/// Socket state
+#define SO_CLOSED 0
+#define SO_LISTENING 1
+#define SO_CONNECTING 2
+#define SO_CONNECTED 3
+/// Socket configure state
+#define SO_NO_MAPPING 3
+/// The request issued from socket layer to protocol layer.
+#define SOCK_ATTACH 0 ///< Attach current socket to a new PCB
+#define SOCK_DETACH 1 ///< Detach current socket from the PCB
+#define SOCK_CONFIGURE 2 ///< Configure attached PCB
+#define SOCK_FLUSH 3 ///< Flush attached PCB
+#define SOCK_SND 4 ///< Need protocol to send something
+#define SOCK_SNDPUSH 5 ///< Need protocol to send pushed data
+#define SOCK_SNDURG 6 ///< Need protocol to send urgent data
+#define SOCK_CONSUMED 7 ///< Application has retrieved data from socket
+#define SOCK_CONNECT 8 ///< Need to connect to a peer
+#define SOCK_CLOSE 9 ///< Need to close the protocol process
+#define SOCK_ABORT 10 ///< Need to reset the protocol process
+#define SOCK_POLL 11 ///< Need to poll to the protocol layer
+#define SOCK_ROUTE 12 ///< Need to add a route information
+#define SOCK_MODE 13 ///< Need to get the mode data of the protocol
+#define SOCK_GROUP 14 ///< Need to join a mcast group
+ Set socket SO_NO_MORE_DATA flag.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket
+#define SOCK_NO_MORE_DATA(Sock) ((Sock)->Flag |= SO_NO_MORE_DATA)
+ Check whether the socket is unconfigured.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is unconfigured.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not unconfigured.
+#define SOCK_IS_UNCONFIGURED(Sock) ((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_UNCONFIGURED)
+ Check whether the socket is configured.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket
+ @retval TRUE The socket is configured
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not configured
+#define SOCK_IS_CONFIGURED(Sock) \
+ (((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_CONFIGURED_ACTIVE) || \
+ ((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_CONFIGURED_PASSIVE))
+ Check whether the socket is configured to active mode.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is configured to active mode.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not configured to active mode.
+#define SOCK_IS_CONFIGURED_ACTIVE(Sock) ((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_CONFIGURED_ACTIVE)
+ Check whether the socket is configured to passive mode.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is configured to passive mode.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not configured to passive mode.
+#define SOCK_IS_CONNECTED_PASSIVE(Sock) ((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_CONFIGURED_PASSIVE)
+ Check whether the socket is mapped.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is not mapping.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is mapped.
+#define SOCK_IS_NO_MAPPING(Sock) ((Sock)->ConfigureState == SO_NO_MAPPING)
+ Check whether the socket is closed.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is closed.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not closed.
+#define SOCK_IS_CLOSED(Sock) ((Sock)->State == SO_CLOSED)
+ Check whether the socket is listening.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is listening.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not listening.
+#define SOCK_IS_LISTENING(Sock) ((Sock)->State == SO_LISTENING)
+ Check whether the socket is connecting.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is connecting.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not connecting.
+#define SOCK_IS_CONNECTING(Sock) ((Sock)->State == SO_CONNECTING)
+ Check whether the socket has connected.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket has connected.
+ @retval FALSE The socket has not connected.
+#define SOCK_IS_CONNECTED(Sock) ((Sock)->State == SO_CONNECTED)
+ Check whether the socket is disconnecting.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is disconnecting.
+ @retval FALSE The socket is not disconnecting.
+ Check whether the socket is no more data.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @retval TRUE The socket is no more data.
+ @retval FALSE The socket still has data.
+#define SOCK_IS_NO_MORE_DATA(Sock) (0 != ((Sock)->Flag & SO_NO_MORE_DATA))
+ Set the size of the receive buffer.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Size The size to set.
+#define SET_RCV_BUFFSIZE(Sock, Size) ((Sock)->RcvBuffer.HighWater = (Size))
+ Get the size of the receive buffer.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @return The receive buffer size.
+#define GET_RCV_BUFFSIZE(Sock) ((Sock)->RcvBuffer.HighWater)
+ Get the size of the receive data.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @return The received data size.
+#define GET_RCV_DATASIZE(Sock) (((Sock)->RcvBuffer.DataQueue)->BufSize)
+ Set the size of the send buffer.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Size The size to set.
+#define SET_SND_BUFFSIZE(Sock, Size) ((Sock)->SndBuffer.HighWater = (Size))
+ Get the size of the send buffer.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @return The send buffer size.
+#define GET_SND_BUFFSIZE(Sock) ((Sock)->SndBuffer.HighWater)
+ Get the size of the send data.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @return The send data size.
+#define GET_SND_DATASIZE(Sock) (((Sock)->SndBuffer.DataQueue)->BufSize)
+ Set the backlog value of the socket.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Value The value to set.
+#define SET_BACKLOG(Sock, Value) ((Sock)->BackLog = (Value))
+ Get the backlog value of the socket.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @return The backlog value.
+#define GET_BACKLOG(Sock) ((Sock)->BackLog)
+ Set the socket with error state.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Error The error state.
+#define SOCK_ERROR(Sock, Error) ((Sock)->SockError = (Error))
+#define SOCK_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('S', 'O', 'C', 'K')
+#define SOCK_FROM_THIS(a) CR ((a), SOCKET, NetProtocol, SOCK_SIGNATURE)
+#define SOCK_FROM_TOKEN(Token) (((SOCK_TOKEN *) (Token))->Sock)
+#define PROTO_TOKEN_FORM_SOCK(SockToken, Type) ((Type *) (((SOCK_TOKEN *) (SockToken))->Token))
+typedef struct _TCP_SOCKET SOCKET;
+/// Socket completion token
+typedef struct _SOCK_COMPLETION_TOKEN {
+ EFI_EVENT Event; ///< The event to be issued
+ EFI_STATUS Status; ///< The status to be issued
+typedef union {
+ VOID *RxData;
+ VOID *TxData;
+/// The application token with data packet
+typedef struct _SOCK_IO_TOKEN {
+ SOCK_IO_DATA Packet;
+/// The socket type.
+typedef enum {
+ SockDgram, ///< This socket providing datagram service
+ SockStream ///< This socket providing stream service
+/// The buffer structure of rcvd data and send data used by socket.
+typedef struct _SOCK_BUFFER {
+ UINT32 HighWater; ///< The buffersize upper limit of sock_buffer
+ UINT32 LowWater; ///< The low water mark of sock_buffer
+ NET_BUF_QUEUE *DataQueue; ///< The queue to buffer data
+ The handler of protocol for request from socket.
+ @param[in] Socket The socket issuing the request to protocol.
+ @param[in] Request The request issued by socket.
+ @param[in] RequestData The request related data.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The socket request is completed successfully.
+ @retval other The error status returned by the corresponding TCP
+ layer function.
+ IN SOCKET *Socket,
+ IN UINT8 Request,
+ IN VOID *RequestData
+ );
+ The Callback function called after the TCP socket is created.
+ @param[in] This Pointer to the socket just created.
+ @param[in] Context Context of the socket.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS This protocol installed successfully.
+ @retval other Some error occurred.
+ IN SOCKET *This,
+ IN VOID *Context
+ );
+ The callback function called before the TCP socket is to be destroyed.
+ @param[in] This The TCP socket to be destroyed.
+ @param[in] Context The context.
+ IN SOCKET *This,
+ IN VOID *Context
+ );
+/// The initialize data for create a new socket.
+typedef struct _SOCK_INIT_DATA {
+ UINT8 State;
+ SOCKET *Parent; ///< The parent of this socket
+ UINT32 BackLog; ///< The connection limit for listening socket
+ UINT32 SndBufferSize; ///< The high water mark of send buffer
+ UINT32 RcvBufferSize; ///< The high water mark of receive buffer
+ UINT8 IpVersion;
+ VOID *Protocol; ///< The pointer to protocol function template
+ ///< wanted to install on socket
+ //
+ // Callbacks after socket is created and before socket is to be destroyed.
+ //
+ SOCK_CREATE_CALLBACK CreateCallback; ///< Callback after created
+ SOCK_DESTROY_CALLBACK DestroyCallback; ///< Callback before destroyed
+ VOID *Context; ///< The context of the callback
+ //
+ // Opaque protocol data.
+ //
+ VOID *ProtoData;
+ UINT32 DataSize;
+ SOCK_PROTO_HANDLER ProtoHandler; ///< The handler of protocol for socket request
+ EFI_HANDLE DriverBinding; ///< The driver binding handle
+/// The union type of TCP4 and TCP6 protocol.
+typedef union _NET_PROTOCOL {
+ EFI_TCP4_PROTOCOL Tcp4Protocol; ///< Tcp4 protocol
+ EFI_TCP6_PROTOCOL Tcp6Protocol; ///< Tcp6 protocol
+/// The socket structure representing a network service access point.
+struct _TCP_SOCKET {
+ //
+ // Socket description information
+ //
+ UINT32 Signature; ///< Signature of the socket
+ EFI_HANDLE SockHandle; ///< The virtual handle of the socket
+ EFI_HANDLE DriverBinding; ///< Socket's driver binding protocol
+ UINT8 ConfigureState;
+ UINT8 State;
+ UINT16 Flag;
+ EFI_LOCK Lock; ///< The lock of socket
+ SOCK_BUFFER SndBuffer; ///< Send buffer of application's data
+ SOCK_BUFFER RcvBuffer; ///< Receive buffer of received data
+ EFI_STATUS SockError; ///< The error returned by low layer protocol
+ BOOLEAN InDestroy;
+ //
+ // Fields used to manage the connection request
+ //
+ UINT32 BackLog; ///< the limit of connection to this socket
+ UINT32 ConnCnt; ///< the current count of connections to it
+ SOCKET *Parent; ///< listening parent that accept the connection
+ LIST_ENTRY ConnectionList; ///< the connections maintained by this socket
+ //
+ // The queue to buffer application's asynchronous token
+ //
+ LIST_ENTRY ListenTokenList;
+ LIST_ENTRY RcvTokenList;
+ LIST_ENTRY SndTokenList;
+ LIST_ENTRY ProcessingSndTokenList;
+ SOCK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *ConnectionToken; ///< app's token to signal if connected
+ SOCK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *CloseToken; ///< app's token to signal if closed
+ //
+ // Interface for low level protocol
+ //
+ SOCK_PROTO_HANDLER ProtoHandler; ///< The request handler of protocol
+ UINT8 ProtoReserved[PROTO_RESERVED_LEN]; ///< Data fields reserved for protocol
+ UINT8 IpVersion;
+ NET_PROTOCOL NetProtocol; ///< TCP4 or TCP6 protocol socket used
+ //
+ // Callbacks after socket is created and before socket is to be destroyed.
+ //
+ SOCK_CREATE_CALLBACK CreateCallback; ///< Callback after created
+ SOCK_DESTROY_CALLBACK DestroyCallback; ///< Callback before destroyed
+ VOID *Context; ///< The context of the callback
+/// The token structure buffered in socket layer.
+typedef struct _SOCK_TOKEN {
+ LIST_ENTRY TokenList; ///< The entry to add in the token list
+ SOCK_COMPLETION_TOKEN *Token; ///< The application's token
+ UINT32 RemainDataLen; ///< Unprocessed data length
+ SOCKET *Sock; ///< The pointer to the socket this token
+ ///< belongs to
+/// Reserved data to access the NET_BUF delivered by TCP driver.
+typedef struct _TCP_RSV_DATA {
+ UINT32 UrgLen;
+// Socket provided operations for low layer protocol implemented in SockImpl.c
+ Set the state of the socket.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] State The new socket state to be set.
+SockSetState (
+ IN UINT8 State
+ );
+ Clone a new socket including its associated protocol control block.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to be cloned.
+ @return Pointer to the newly cloned socket. If NULL, an error condition occurred.
+SockClone (
+ );
+ Called by the low layer protocol to indicate the socket a connection is
+ established.
+ This function just changes the socket's state to SO_CONNECTED
+ and signals the token used for connection establishment.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket associated with the
+ established connection.
+SockConnEstablished (
+ );
+ Called by the low layer protocol to indicate that the connection is closed.
+ This function flushes the socket, sets the state to SO_CLOSED, and signals
+ the close token.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket associated with the closed
+ connection.
+SockConnClosed (
+ );
+ Called by low layer protocol to indicate that some data is sent or processed.
+ This function trims the sent data in the socket send buffer and signals the data
+ token, if proper.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Count The length of the data processed or sent, in bytes.
+SockDataSent (
+ IN UINT32 Count
+ );
+ Called by the low layer protocol to copy some data in socket send
+ buffer starting from the specific offset to a buffer provided by
+ the caller.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Offset The start point of the data to be copied.
+ @param[in] Len The length of the data to be copied.
+ @param[out] Dest Pointer to the destination to copy the data.
+ @return The data size copied.
+SockGetDataToSend (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN UINT32 Offset,
+ IN UINT32 Len,
+ OUT UINT8 *Dest
+ );
+ Called by the low layer protocol to deliver received data to socket layer.
+ This function appends the data to the socket receive buffer, set the
+ urgent data length, then checks if any receive token can be signaled.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in, out] NetBuffer Pointer to the buffer that contains the received data.
+ @param[in] UrgLen The length of the urgent data in the received data.
+SockDataRcvd (
+ IN OUT NET_BUF *NetBuffer,
+ IN UINT32 UrgLen
+ );
+ Get the length of the free space of the specific socket buffer.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+ @param[in] Which Flag to indicate which socket buffer to check:
+ either send buffer or receive buffer.
+ @return The length of the free space, in bytes.
+SockGetFreeSpace (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN UINT32 Which
+ );
+ Called by the low layer protocol to indicate that there will be no more data
+ from the communication peer.
+ This function sets the socket's state to SO_NO_MORE_DATA and signals all queued
+ IO tokens with the error status EFI_CONNECTION_FIN.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket.
+SockNoMoreData (
+ );
+// Socket provided operations for user interface implemented in SockInterface.c
+ Create a socket and its associated protocol control block
+ with the initial data SockInitData and protocol specific
+ data ProtoData.
+ @param[in] SockInitData Initial data to setting the socket.
+ @return Pointer to the newly created socket. If NULL, an error condition occurred.
+SockCreateChild (
+ );
+ Destroy the socket Sock and its associated protocol control block.
+ @param[in, out] Sock The socket to be destroyed.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The socket Sock was destroyed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket.
+SockDestroyChild (
+ );
+ Configure the specific socket Sock using configuration data ConfigData.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to be configured.
+ @param[in] ConfigData Pointer to the configuration data.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The socket configured successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is already configured.
+SockConfigure (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *ConfigData
+ );
+ Initiate a connection establishment process.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to initiate the
+ connection.
+ @param[in] Token Pointer to the token used for the connection
+ operation.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The connection initialized successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is closed, or the socket is not configured to
+ be an active one, or the token is already in one of
+ this socket's lists.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+SockConnect (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *Token
+ );
+ Issue a listen token to get an existed connected network instance,
+ or wait for a connection if there is none.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to accept connections.
+ @param[in] Token The token to accept a connection.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS Either a connection is accepted or the Token is
+ buffered for further acceptance.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is closed, or the socket is not configured to
+ be a passive one, or the token is already in one of
+ this socket's lists.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE Failed to buffer the Token due to memory limit.
+SockAccept (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *Token
+ );
+ Issue a token with data to the socket to send out.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to process the token with
+ data.
+ @param[in] Token The token with data that needs to send out.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The token processed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is closed, or the socket is not in a
+ synchronized state , or the token is already in one
+ of this socket's lists.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE Failed to buffer the token due to a memory limit.
+SockSend (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *Token
+ );
+ Issue a token to get data from the socket.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to get data from.
+ @param[in] Token The token to store the received data from the
+ socket.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The token processed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is closed, or the socket is not in a
+ synchronized state , or the token is already in one
+ of this socket's lists.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+ @retval EFI_CONNECTION_FIN The connection is closed and there is no more data.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCE Failed to buffer the token due to a memory limit.
+SockRcv (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *Token
+ );
+ Reset the socket and its associated protocol control block.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket to be flushed.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The socket flushed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket.
+SockFlush (
+ );
+ Close or abort the socket associated connection.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket of the connection to close
+ or abort.
+ @param[in] Token The token for close operation.
+ @param[in] OnAbort TRUE for aborting the connection, FALSE to close it.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The close or abort operation initialized
+ successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket, or the
+ socket is closed, or the socket is not in a
+ synchronized state , or the token is already in one
+ of this socket's lists.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+SockClose (
+ IN VOID *Token,
+ );
+ Abort the socket associated connection, listen, transmission or receive request.
+ @param[in, out] Sock Pointer to the socket to abort.
+ @param[in] Token Pointer to a token that has been issued by
+ Connect(), Accept(), Transmit() or Receive(). If
+ NULL, all pending tokens issued by the four
+ functions listed above will be aborted.
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The operation is not supported in the current
+ implementation.
+SockCancel (
+ IN VOID *Token
+ );
+ Get the mode data of the low layer protocol.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket to get mode data from.
+ @param[in, out] Mode Pointer to the data to store the low layer mode
+ information.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The mode data was obtained successfully.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+SockGetMode (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ );
+ Add or remove route information in IP route table associated
+ with this socket.
+ @param[in] Sock Pointer to the socket associated with the IP route
+ table to operate on.
+ @param[in] RouteInfo Pointer to the route information to be processed.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The route table updated successfully.
+ @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Failed to get the lock to access the socket.
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING The IP address configuration operation is not
+ finished.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The socket is not configured.
+SockRoute (
+ IN SOCKET *Sock,
+ IN VOID *RouteInfo
+ );