path: root/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.h
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1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.h b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6eb150f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.h
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/** @file
+ function definitions for internal to shell functions.
+ (C) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#include <Guid/ShellVariableGuid.h>
+#include <Guid/ShellAliasGuid.h>
+#include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
+#include <Protocol/SimpleTextOut.h>
+#include <Protocol/Shell.h>
+#include <Protocol/EfiShellInterface.h>
+#include <Protocol/EfiShellEnvironment2.h>
+#include <Protocol/ShellParameters.h>
+#include <Protocol/BlockIo.h>
+#include <Protocol/HiiPackageList.h>
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiApplicationEntryPoint.h>
+#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Library/ShellCommandLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
+#include <Library/ShellLib.h>
+#include <Library/SortLib.h>
+#include <Library/HiiLib.h>
+#include <Library/PrintLib.h>
+#include <Library/HandleParsingLib.h>
+#include <Library/FileHandleLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiHiiServicesLib.h>
+#include "ShellParametersProtocol.h"
+#include "ShellProtocol.h"
+#include "ShellEnvVar.h"
+#include "ConsoleLogger.h"
+#include "ShellManParser.h"
+#include "ConsoleWrappers.h"
+#include "FileHandleWrappers.h"
+extern CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingEnvVarName[];
+extern CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingTrue[];
+extern CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingFalse[];
+typedef struct {
+ LIST_ENTRY Link; ///< Standard linked list handler.
+ SHELL_FILE_HANDLE SplitStdOut; ///< ConsoleOut for use in the split.
+ SHELL_FILE_HANDLE SplitStdIn; ///< ConsoleIn for use in the split.
+typedef struct {
+ UINT32 Startup:1; ///< Was "-startup" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoStartup:1; ///< Was "-nostartup" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoConsoleOut:1; ///< Was "-noconsoleout" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoConsoleIn:1; ///< Was "-noconsolein" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoInterrupt:1; ///< Was "-nointerrupt" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoMap:1; ///< Was "-nomap" found on command line.
+ UINT32 NoVersion:1; ///< Was "-noversion" found on command line.
+ UINT32 Delay:1; ///< Was "-delay[:n] found on command line
+ UINT32 Exit:1; ///< Was "-_exit" found on command line
+ UINT32 NoNest:1; ///< Was "-nonest" found on command line
+ UINT32 Reserved:7; ///< Extra bits
+typedef union {
+ UINT16 AllBits;
+typedef struct {
+ UINTN Delay; ///< Seconds of delay default:5.
+ CHAR16 *FileName; ///< Filename to run upon successful initialization.
+ CHAR16 *FileOptions; ///< Options to pass to FileName.
+typedef struct {
+ BUFFER_LIST CommandHistory;
+ UINTN VisibleRowNumber;
+ UINTN OriginalVisibleRowNumber;
+ BOOLEAN InsertMode; ///< Is the current typing mode insert (FALSE = overwrite).
+typedef struct {
+ EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL *NewShellParametersProtocol;
+ EFI_SHELL_PROTOCOL *NewEfiShellProtocol;
+ BOOLEAN PageBreakEnabled;
+ BOOLEAN RootShellInstance;
+ SHELL_INIT_SETTINGS ShellInitSettings;
+ BUFFER_LIST BufferToFreeList; ///< List of buffers that were returned to the user to free.
+ EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle; ///< Handle from HiiLib.
+ UINTN LogScreenCount; ///< How many screens of log information to save.
+ EFI_EVENT UserBreakTimer; ///< Timer event for polling for CTRL-C.
+ EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *ImageDevPath; ///< DevicePath for ourselves.
+ EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FileDevPath; ///< DevicePath for ourselves.
+ CONSOLE_LOGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *ConsoleInfo; ///< Pointer for ConsoleInformation.
+ EFI_SHELL_PARAMETERS_PROTOCOL *OldShellParameters; ///< old shell parameters to reinstall upon exiting.
+ SHELL_PROTOCOL_HANDLE_LIST OldShellList; ///< List of other instances to reinstall when closing.
+ SPLIT_LIST SplitList; ///< List of Splits in FILO stack.
+ VOID *CtrlCNotifyHandle1; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlCNotifyHandle2; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlCNotifyHandle3; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlCNotifyHandle4; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlSNotifyHandle1; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlSNotifyHandle2; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlSNotifyHandle3; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ VOID *CtrlSNotifyHandle4; ///< The NotifyHandle returned from SimpleTextInputEx.RegisterKeyNotify.
+ BOOLEAN HaltOutput; ///< TRUE to start a CTRL-S halt.
+#pragma pack(1)
+/// HII specific Vendor Device Path definition.
+typedef struct {
+ VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH VendorDevicePath;
+#pragma pack()
+extern SHELL_INFO ShellInfoObject;
+ Converts the command line to its post-processed form. this replaces variables and alias' per UEFI Shell spec.
+ @param[in,out] CmdLine pointer to the command line to update
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed.
+ @return some other error occurred
+ IN OUT CHAR16 **CmdLine
+ );
+ Function to update the shell variable "lasterror".
+ @param[in] ErrorCode the error code to put into lasterror
+ );
+ Sets all the alias' that were registered with the ShellCommandLib library.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS all init commands were run successfully.
+ );
+ This function will populate the 2 device path protocol parameters based on the
+ global gImageHandle. the DevPath will point to the device path for the handle that has
+ loaded image protocol installed on it. the FilePath will point to the device path
+ for the file that was loaded.
+ @param[in, out] DevPath on a successful return the device path to the loaded image
+ @param[in, out] FilePath on a successful return the device path to the file
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the 2 device paths were successfully returned.
+ @return other a error from gBS->HandleProtocol
+ @sa HandleProtocol
+GetDevicePathsForImageAndFile (
+ );
+ Process all Uefi Shell 2.0 command line options.
+ see Uefi Shell 2.0 section 3.2 for full details.
+ the command line should resemble the following:
+ shell.efi [ShellOpt-options] [options] [file-name [file-name-options]]
+ ShellOpt options Options which control the initialization behavior of the shell.
+ These options are read from the EFI global variable "ShellOpt"
+ and are processed before options or file-name.
+ options Options which control the initialization behavior of the shell.
+ file-name The name of a UEFI shell application or script to be executed
+ after initialization is complete. By default, if file-name is
+ specified, then -nostartup is implied. Scripts are not supported
+ by level 0.
+ file-nameoptions The command-line options that are passed to file-name when it
+ is invoked.
+ This will initialize the ShellInitSettings global variable.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the variable is initialized.
+ );
+ Handles all interaction with the default startup script.
+ this will check that the correct command line parameters were passed, handle the delay, and then start running the script.
+ @param[in] ImagePath The path to the image for shell. The first place to look for the startup script.
+ @param[in] FilePath The path to the file for shell. The second place to look for the startup script.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The variable is initialized.
+ );
+ Function to perform the shell prompt looping. It will do a single prompt,
+ dispatch the result, and then return. It is expected that the caller will
+ call this function in a loop many times.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS
+DoShellPrompt (
+ );
+ Add a buffer to the Buffer To Free List for safely returning buffers to other
+ places without risking letting them modify internal shell information.
+ @param Buffer Something to pass to FreePool when the shell is exiting.
+ VOID *Buffer
+ );
+ Add a buffer to the Command History List.
+ @param Buffer[in] The line buffer to add.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Buffer
+ );
+ Function will process and run a command line.
+ This will determine if the command line represents an internal shell command or dispatch an external application.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to parse
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the command was completed
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED the command's operation was aborted
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ );
+ Function will process and run a command line.
+ This will determine if the command line represents an internal shell
+ command or dispatch an external application.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @param[out] CommandStatus The status from the command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ OUT EFI_STATUS *CommandStatus
+ );
+ Function to process a NSH script file via SHELL_FILE_HANDLE.
+ @param[in] Handle The handle to the already opened file.
+ @param[in] Name The name of the script file.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the script completed successfully
+RunScriptFileHandle (
+ );
+ Function to process a NSH script file.
+ @param[in] ScriptPath Pointer to the script file name (including file system path).
+ @param[in] Handle the handle of the script file already opened.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to run.
+ @param[in] ParamProtocol the shell parameters protocol pointer
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the script completed successfully
+RunScriptFile (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *ScriptPath,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ );
+ Return the pointer to the first occurrence of any character from a list of characters.
+ @param[in] String the string to parse
+ @param[in] CharacterList the list of character to look for
+ @param[in] EscapeCharacter An escape character to skip
+ @return the location of the first character in the string
+ @retval CHAR_NULL no instance of any character in CharacterList was found in String
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CharacterList,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 EscapeCharacter
+ );
+ Cleans off leading and trailing spaces and tabs.
+ @param[in] String pointer to the string to trim them off.
+ IN CHAR16 **String
+ );
+ Create a new buffer list and stores the old one to OldBufferList
+ @param OldBufferList The temporary list head used to store the nodes in BufferToFreeList.
+SaveBufferList (
+ OUT LIST_ENTRY *OldBufferList
+ );
+ Restore previous nodes into BufferToFreeList .
+ @param OldBufferList The temporary list head used to store the nodes in BufferToFreeList.
+RestoreBufferList (
+ IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *OldBufferList
+ );