path: root/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/AcpiParser.h
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1 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/AcpiParser.h b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/AcpiParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f81ccac7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Library/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib/AcpiParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,830 @@
+/** @file
+ Header file for ACPI parser
+ Copyright (c) 2016 - 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef ACPIPARSER_H_
+#define ACPIPARSER_H_
+/// The RSDP table signature is "RSD PTR " (8 bytes)
+/// However The signature for ACPI tables is 4 bytes.
+/// To work around this oddity define a signature type
+/// that allows us to process the log options.
+#define RSDP_TABLE_INFO SIGNATURE_32('R', 'S', 'D', 'P')
+ This function increments the ACPI table error counter.
+IncrementErrorCount (
+ );
+ This function increments the ACPI table warning counter.
+IncrementWarningCount (
+ );
+ This function verifies the ACPI table checksum.
+ This function verifies the checksum for the ACPI table and optionally
+ prints the status.
+ @param [in] Log If TRUE log the status of the checksum.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the table buffer.
+ @param [in] Length The length of the buffer.
+ @retval TRUE The checksum is OK.
+ @retval FALSE The checksum failed.
+VerifyChecksum (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 Length
+ );
+ This function performs a raw data dump of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the table buffer.
+ @param [in] Length The length of the buffer.
+DumpRaw (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 Length
+ );
+ This function traces 1 byte of datum as specified in the format string.
+ @param [in] Format The format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+DumpUint8 (
+ IN CONST CHAR16* Format,
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 2 bytes of data as specified in the format string.
+ @param [in] Format The format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+DumpUint16 (
+ IN CONST CHAR16* Format,
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 4 bytes of data as specified in the format string.
+ @param [in] Format The format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+DumpUint32 (
+ IN CONST CHAR16* Format,
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 8 bytes of data as specified by the format string.
+ @param [in] Format The format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+DumpUint64 (
+ IN CONST CHAR16* Format,
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 3 characters which can be optionally
+ formated using the format string if specified.
+ If no format string is specified the Format must be NULL.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+Dump3Chars (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 4 characters which can be optionally
+ formated using the format string if specified.
+ If no format string is specified the Format must be NULL.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+Dump4Chars (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 6 characters which can be optionally
+ formated using the format string if specified.
+ If no format string is specified the Format must be NULL.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+Dump6Chars (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 8 characters which can be optionally
+ formated using the format string if specified.
+ If no format string is specified the Format must be NULL.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+Dump8Chars (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces 12 characters which can be optionally
+ formated using the format string if specified.
+ If no format string is specified the Format must be NULL.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+Dump12Chars (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function indents and prints the ACPI table Field Name.
+ @param [in] Indent Number of spaces to add to the global table
+ indent. The global table indent is 0 by default;
+ however this value is updated on entry to the
+ ParseAcpi() by adding the indent value provided to
+ ParseAcpi() and restored back on exit. Therefore
+ the total indent in the output is dependent on from
+ where this function is called.
+ @param [in] FieldName Pointer to the Field Name.
+PrintFieldName (
+ IN UINT32 Indent,
+ IN CONST CHAR16* FieldName
+ );
+ This function pointer is the template for customizing the trace output
+ @param [in] Format Format string for tracing the data as specified by
+ the 'Format' member of ACPI_PARSER.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ This function pointer is the template for validating an ACPI table field.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the field data.
+ @param [in] Context Pointer to context specific information as specified by
+ the 'Context' member of the ACPI_PARSER.
+ e.g. this could be a pointer to the ACPI table header.
+ The ACPI_PARSER structure describes the fields of an ACPI table and
+ provides means for the parser to interpret and trace appropriately.
+ The first three members are populated based on information present in
+ in the ACPI table specifications. The remaining members describe how
+ the parser should report the field information, validate the field data
+ and/or update an external pointer to the field (ItemPtr).
+ ParseAcpi() uses the format string specified by 'Format' for tracing
+ the field data. If the field is more complex and requires additional
+ processing for formatting and representation a print formatter function
+ can be specified in 'PrintFormatter'.
+ The PrintFormatter function may choose to use the format string
+ specified by 'Format' or use its own internal format string.
+ The 'Format' and 'PrintFormatter' members allow flexibility for
+ representing the field data.
+typedef struct AcpiParser {
+ /// String describing the ACPI table field
+ /// (Field column from ACPI table spec)
+ CONST CHAR16* NameStr;
+ /// The length of the field.
+ /// (Byte Length column from ACPI table spec)
+ UINT32 Length;
+ /// The offset of the field from the start of the table.
+ /// (Byte Offset column from ACPI table spec)
+ UINT32 Offset;
+ /// Optional Print() style format string for tracing the data. If not
+ /// used this must be set to NULL.
+ CONST CHAR16* Format;
+ /// Optional pointer to a print formatter function which
+ /// is typically used to trace complex field information.
+ /// If not used this must be set to NULL.
+ /// The Format string is passed to the PrintFormatter function
+ /// but may be ignored by the implementation code.
+ /// Optional pointer which may be set to request the parser to update
+ /// a pointer to the field data. If unused this must be set to NULL.
+ VOID** ItemPtr;
+ /// Optional pointer to a field validator function.
+ /// The function should directly report any appropriate error or warning
+ /// and invoke the appropriate counter update function.
+ /// If not used this parameter must be set to NULL.
+ /// Optional pointer to context specific information,
+ /// which the Field Validator function can use to determine
+ /// additional information about the ACPI table and make
+ /// decisions about the field being validated.
+ /// e.g. this could be a pointer to the ACPI table header
+ VOID* Context;
+ A structure used to store the pointers to the members of the
+ ACPI description header structure that was parsed.
+typedef struct AcpiDescriptionHeaderInfo {
+ /// ACPI table signature
+ UINT32* Signature;
+ /// Length of the ACPI table
+ UINT32* Length;
+ /// Revision
+ UINT8* Revision;
+ /// Checksum
+ UINT8* Checksum;
+ /// OEM Id - length is 6 bytes
+ UINT8* OemId;
+ /// OEM table Id
+ UINT64* OemTableId;
+ /// OEM revision Id
+ UINT32* OemRevision;
+ /// Creator Id
+ UINT32* CreatorId;
+ /// Creator revision
+ UINT32* CreatorRevision;
+ This function is used to parse an ACPI table buffer.
+ The ACPI table buffer is parsed using the ACPI table parser information
+ specified by a pointer to an array of ACPI_PARSER elements. This parser
+ function iterates through each item on the ACPI_PARSER array and logs the
+ ACPI table fields.
+ This function can optionally be used to parse ACPI tables and fetch specific
+ field values. The ItemPtr member of the ACPI_PARSER structure (where used)
+ is updated by this parser function to point to the selected field data
+ (e.g. useful for variable length nested fields).
+ @param [in] Trace Trace the ACPI fields TRUE else only parse the
+ table.
+ @param [in] Indent Number of spaces to indent the output.
+ @param [in] AsciiName Optional pointer to an ASCII string that describes
+ the table being parsed.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] Length Length of the buffer pointed by Ptr.
+ @param [in] Parser Pointer to an array of ACPI_PARSER structure that
+ describes the table being parsed.
+ @param [in] ParserItems Number of items in the ACPI_PARSER array.
+ @retval Number of bytes parsed.
+ParseAcpi (
+ IN UINT32 Indent,
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 Length,
+ IN UINT32 ParserItems
+ );
+ This is a helper macro to pass parameters to the Parser functions.
+ @param [in] Parser The name of the ACPI_PARSER array describing the
+ ACPI table fields.
+#define PARSER_PARAMS(Parser) Parser, sizeof (Parser) / sizeof (Parser[0])
+ This is a helper macro for describing the ACPI header fields.
+ @param [out] Info Pointer to retrieve the ACPI table header information.
+#define PARSE_ACPI_HEADER(Info) \
+ { L"Signature", 4, 0, NULL, Dump4Chars, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->Signature , NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Length", 4, 4, L"%d", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->Length, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Revision", 1, 8, L"%d", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->Revision, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Checksum", 1, 9, L"0x%X", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->Checksum, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Oem ID", 6, 10, NULL, Dump6Chars, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->OemId, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Oem Table ID", 8, 16, NULL, Dump8Chars, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->OemTableId, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Oem Revision", 4, 24, L"0x%X", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->OemRevision, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Creator ID", 4, 28, NULL, Dump4Chars, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->CreatorId, NULL, NULL }, \
+ { L"Creator Revision", 4, 32, L"0x%X", NULL, \
+ (VOID**)&(Info)->CreatorRevision, NULL, NULL }
+ This function indents and traces the GAS structure as described by the GasParser.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] Indent Number of spaces to indent the output.
+ @param [in] Length Length of the GAS structure buffer.
+ @retval Number of bytes parsed.
+DumpGasStruct (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 Indent,
+ IN UINT32 Length
+ );
+ This function traces the GAS structure as described by the GasParser.
+ @param [in] Format Optional format string for tracing the data.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+DumpGas (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function traces the ACPI header as described by the AcpiHeaderParser.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @retval Number of bytes parsed.
+DumpAcpiHeader (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI header as described by the AcpiHeaderParser.
+ This function optionally returns the Signature, Length and revision of the
+ ACPI table.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [out] Signature Gets location of the ACPI table signature.
+ @param [out] Length Gets location of the length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [out] Revision Gets location of the revision of the ACPI table.
+ @retval Number of bytes parsed.
+ParseAcpiHeader (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ OUT CONST UINT32** Signature,
+ OUT CONST UINT32** Length,
+ OUT CONST UINT8** Revision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI BGRT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the BGRT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiBgrt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI DBG2 table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the DBG2 table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiDbg2 (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI DSDT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the DSDT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ For the DSDT table only the ACPI header fields are parsed and
+ traced.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiDsdt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI FACS table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the FACS table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiFacs (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI FADT table.
+ This function parses the FADT table and optionally traces the ACPI
+ table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiFadt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI GTDT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the GTDT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also parses the following platform timer structures:
+ - GT Block timer
+ - Watchdog timer
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiGtdt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI IORT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the IORT table and
+ traces the ACPI fields.
+ This function also parses the following nodes:
+ - ITS Group
+ - Named Component
+ - Root Complex
+ - SMMUv1/2
+ - SMMUv3
+ - PMCG
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiIort (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI MADT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the MADT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function currently parses the following Interrupt Controller
+ Structures:
+ - GICC
+ - GICD
+ - GIC MSI Frame
+ - GICR
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiMadt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI MCFG table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the MCFG table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiMcfg (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI PPTT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the PPTT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiPptt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI RSDP table.
+ This function invokes the parser for the XSDT table.
+ * Note - This function does not support parsing of RSDT table.
+ This function also performs a RAW dump of the ACPI table and
+ validates the checksum.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiRsdp (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI SLIT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the SLIT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also validates System Localities for the following:
+ - Diagonal elements have a normalized value of 10
+ - Relative distance from System Locality at i*N+j is same as
+ j*N+i
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiSlit (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI SPCR table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the SPCR table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validations of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiSpcr (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI SRAT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the SRAT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function parses the following Resource Allocation Structures:
+ - Processor Local APIC/SAPIC Affinity Structure
+ - Memory Affinity Structure
+ - Processor Local x2APIC Affinity Structure
+ - GICC Affinity Structure
+ This function also performs validation of the ACPI table fields.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiSrat (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI SSDT table.
+ When trace is enabled this function parses the SSDT table and
+ traces the ACPI table fields.
+ For the SSDT table only the ACPI header fields are
+ parsed and traced.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiSsdt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+ This function parses the ACPI XSDT table
+ and optionally traces the ACPI table fields.
+ This function also performs validation of the XSDT table.
+ @param [in] Trace If TRUE, trace the ACPI fields.
+ @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the start of the buffer.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableLength Length of the ACPI table.
+ @param [in] AcpiTableRevision Revision of the ACPI table.
+ParseAcpiXsdt (
+ IN UINT8* Ptr,
+ IN UINT32 AcpiTableLength,
+ IN UINT8 AcpiTableRevision
+ );
+#endif // ACPIPARSER_H_