path: root/roms/u-boot/drivers/fpga/lattice.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/drivers/fpga/lattice.c')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/drivers/fpga/lattice.c b/roms/u-boot/drivers/fpga/lattice.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e292d991c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/drivers/fpga/lattice.c
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ * (C) Copyright 2010
+ * Stefano Babic, DENX Software Engineering, sbabic@denx.de.
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Rich Ireland, Enterasys Networks, rireland@enterasys.com.
+ *
+ * ispVM functions adapted from Lattice's ispmVMEmbedded code:
+ * Copyright 2009 Lattice Semiconductor Corp.
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <log.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <fpga.h>
+#include <lattice.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+static lattice_board_specific_func *pfns;
+static const char *fpga_image;
+static unsigned long read_bytes;
+static unsigned long bufsize;
+static unsigned short expectedCRC;
+ * External variables and functions declared in ivm_core.c module.
+ */
+extern unsigned short g_usCalculatedCRC;
+extern unsigned short g_usDataType;
+extern unsigned char *g_pucIntelBuffer;
+extern unsigned char *g_pucHeapMemory;
+extern unsigned short g_iHeapCounter;
+extern unsigned short g_iHEAPSize;
+extern unsigned short g_usIntelDataIndex;
+extern unsigned short g_usIntelBufferSize;
+extern char *const g_szSupportedVersions[];
+ * ispVMDelay
+ *
+ * Users must implement a delay to observe a_usTimeDelay, where
+ * bit 15 of the a_usTimeDelay defines the unit.
+ * 1 = milliseconds
+ * 0 = microseconds
+ * Example:
+ * a_usTimeDelay = 0x0001 = 1 microsecond delay.
+ * a_usTimeDelay = 0x8001 = 1 millisecond delay.
+ *
+ * This subroutine is called upon to provide a delay from 1 millisecond to a few
+ * hundreds milliseconds each time.
+ * It is understood that due to a_usTimeDelay is defined as unsigned short, a 16
+ * bits integer, this function is restricted to produce a delay to 64000
+ * micro-seconds or 32000 milli-second maximum. The VME file will never pass on
+ * to this function a delay time > those maximum number. If it needs more than
+ * those maximum, the VME file will launch the delay function several times to
+ * realize a larger delay time cummulatively.
+ * It is perfectly alright to provide a longer delay than required. It is not
+ * acceptable if the delay is shorter.
+ */
+void ispVMDelay(unsigned short delay)
+ if (delay & 0x8000)
+ delay = (delay & ~0x8000) * 1000;
+ udelay(delay);
+void writePort(unsigned char a_ucPins, unsigned char a_ucValue)
+ a_ucValue = a_ucValue ? 1 : 0;
+ switch (a_ucPins) {
+ case g_ucPinTDI:
+ pfns->jtag_set_tdi(a_ucValue);
+ break;
+ case g_ucPinTCK:
+ pfns->jtag_set_tck(a_ucValue);
+ break;
+ case g_ucPinTMS:
+ pfns->jtag_set_tms(a_ucValue);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%s: requested unknown pin\n", __func__);
+ }
+unsigned char readPort(void)
+ return pfns->jtag_get_tdo();
+void sclock(void)
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x01);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+void calibration(void)
+ /* Apply 2 pulses to TCK. */
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x01);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x01);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+ ispVMDelay(0x8001);
+ /* Apply 2 pulses to TCK. */
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x01);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x01);
+ writePort(g_ucPinTCK, 0x00);
+ * GetByte
+ *
+ * Returns a byte to the caller. The returned byte depends on the
+ * g_usDataType register. If the HEAP_IN bit is set, then the byte
+ * is returned from the HEAP. If the LHEAP_IN bit is set, then
+ * the byte is returned from the intelligent buffer. Otherwise,
+ * the byte is returned directly from the VME file.
+ */
+unsigned char GetByte(void)
+ unsigned char ucData;
+ unsigned int block_size = 4 * 1024;
+ if (g_usDataType & HEAP_IN) {
+ /*
+ * Get data from repeat buffer.
+ */
+ if (g_iHeapCounter > g_iHEAPSize) {
+ /*
+ * Data over-run.
+ */
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ ucData = g_pucHeapMemory[g_iHeapCounter++];
+ } else if (g_usDataType & LHEAP_IN) {
+ /*
+ * Get data from intel buffer.
+ */
+ if (g_usIntelDataIndex >= g_usIntelBufferSize) {
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ ucData = g_pucIntelBuffer[g_usIntelDataIndex++];
+ } else {
+ if (read_bytes == bufsize) {
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ ucData = *fpga_image++;
+ read_bytes++;
+ if (!(read_bytes % block_size)) {
+ printf("Downloading FPGA %ld/%ld completed\r",
+ read_bytes,
+ bufsize);
+ }
+ if (expectedCRC != 0) {
+ ispVMCalculateCRC32(ucData);
+ }
+ }
+ return ucData;
+signed char ispVM(void)
+ char szFileVersion[9] = { 0 };
+ signed char cRetCode = 0;
+ signed char cIndex = 0;
+ signed char cVersionIndex = 0;
+ unsigned char ucReadByte = 0;
+ unsigned short crc;
+ g_pucHeapMemory = NULL;
+ g_iHeapCounter = 0;
+ g_iHEAPSize = 0;
+ g_usIntelDataIndex = 0;
+ g_usIntelBufferSize = 0;
+ g_usCalculatedCRC = 0;
+ expectedCRC = 0;
+ ucReadByte = GetByte();
+ switch (ucReadByte) {
+ case FILE_CRC:
+ crc = (unsigned char)GetByte();
+ crc <<= 8;
+ crc |= GetByte();
+ expectedCRC = crc;
+ for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < 8; cIndex++)
+ szFileVersion[cIndex] = GetByte();
+ break;
+ default:
+ szFileVersion[0] = (signed char) ucReadByte;
+ for (cIndex = 1; cIndex < 8; cIndex++)
+ szFileVersion[cIndex] = GetByte();
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ * Compare the VME file version against the supported version.
+ *
+ */
+ for (cVersionIndex = 0; g_szSupportedVersions[cVersionIndex] != 0;
+ cVersionIndex++) {
+ for (cIndex = 0; cIndex < 8; cIndex++) {
+ if (szFileVersion[cIndex] !=
+ g_szSupportedVersions[cVersionIndex][cIndex]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ cRetCode = 0;
+ }
+ if (cRetCode == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cRetCode < 0) {
+ }
+ printf("VME file checked: starting downloading to FPGA\n");
+ ispVMStart();
+ cRetCode = ispVMCode();
+ ispVMEnd();
+ ispVMFreeMem();
+ puts("\n");
+ if (cRetCode == 0 && expectedCRC != 0 &&
+ (expectedCRC != g_usCalculatedCRC)) {
+ printf("Expected CRC: 0x%.4X\n", expectedCRC);
+ printf("Calculated CRC: 0x%.4X\n", g_usCalculatedCRC);
+ }
+ return cRetCode;
+static int lattice_validate(Lattice_desc *desc, const char *fn)
+ int ret_val = false;
+ if (desc) {
+ if ((desc->family > min_lattice_type) &&
+ (desc->family < max_lattice_type)) {
+ if ((desc->iface > min_lattice_iface_type) &&
+ (desc->iface < max_lattice_iface_type)) {
+ if (desc->size) {
+ ret_val = true;
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: NULL part size\n", fn);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: Invalid Interface type, %d\n",
+ fn, desc->iface);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: Invalid family type, %d\n",
+ fn, desc->family);
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: NULL descriptor!\n", fn);
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+int lattice_load(Lattice_desc *desc, const void *buf, size_t bsize)
+ int ret_val = FPGA_FAIL;
+ if (!lattice_validate(desc, (char *)__func__)) {
+ printf("%s: Invalid device descriptor\n", __func__);
+ } else {
+ pfns = desc->iface_fns;
+ switch (desc->family) {
+ case Lattice_XP2:
+ fpga_image = buf;
+ read_bytes = 0;
+ bufsize = bsize;
+ debug("%s: Launching the Lattice ISPVME Loader:"
+ " addr %p size 0x%lx...\n",
+ __func__, fpga_image, bufsize);
+ ret_val = ispVM();
+ if (ret_val)
+ printf("%s: error %d downloading FPGA image\n",
+ __func__, ret_val);
+ else
+ puts("FPGA downloaded successfully\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%s: Unsupported family type, %d\n",
+ __func__, desc->family);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret_val;
+int lattice_dump(Lattice_desc *desc, const void *buf, size_t bsize)
+ puts("Dump not supported for Lattice FPGA\n");
+ return FPGA_FAIL;
+int lattice_info(Lattice_desc *desc)
+ int ret_val = FPGA_FAIL;
+ if (lattice_validate(desc, (char *)__func__)) {
+ printf("Family: \t");
+ switch (desc->family) {
+ case Lattice_XP2:
+ puts("XP2\n");
+ break;
+ /* Add new family types here */
+ default:
+ printf("Unknown family type, %d\n", desc->family);
+ }
+ puts("Interface type:\t");
+ switch (desc->iface) {
+ case lattice_jtag_mode:
+ puts("JTAG Mode\n");
+ break;
+ /* Add new interface types here */
+ default:
+ printf("Unsupported interface type, %d\n", desc->iface);
+ }
+ printf("Device Size: \t%d bytes\n",
+ desc->size);
+ if (desc->iface_fns) {
+ printf("Device Function Table @ 0x%p\n",
+ desc->iface_fns);
+ switch (desc->family) {
+ case Lattice_XP2:
+ break;
+ /* Add new family types here */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts("No Device Function Table.\n");
+ }
+ if (desc->desc)
+ printf("Model: \t%s\n", desc->desc);
+ ret_val = FPGA_SUCCESS;
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: Invalid device descriptor\n", __func__);
+ }
+ return ret_val;