path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/binman/entry.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/binman/entry.py')
1 files changed, 963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/binman/entry.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/binman/entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70222718e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/binman/entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+# Base class for all entries
+from collections import namedtuple
+import importlib
+import os
+import sys
+from dtoc import fdt_util
+from patman import tools
+from patman.tools import ToHex, ToHexSize
+from patman import tout
+modules = {}
+# An argument which can be passed to entries on the command line, in lieu of
+# device-tree properties.
+EntryArg = namedtuple('EntryArg', ['name', 'datatype'])
+# Information about an entry for use when displaying summaries
+EntryInfo = namedtuple('EntryInfo', ['indent', 'name', 'etype', 'size',
+ 'image_pos', 'uncomp_size', 'offset',
+ 'entry'])
+class Entry(object):
+ """An Entry in the section
+ An entry corresponds to a single node in the device-tree description
+ of the section. Each entry ends up being a part of the final section.
+ Entries can be placed either right next to each other, or with padding
+ between them. The type of the entry determines the data that is in it.
+ This class is not used by itself. All entry objects are subclasses of
+ Entry.
+ Attributes:
+ section: Section object containing this entry
+ node: The node that created this entry
+ offset: Offset of entry within the section, None if not known yet (in
+ which case it will be calculated by Pack())
+ size: Entry size in bytes, None if not known
+ pre_reset_size: size as it was before ResetForPack(). This allows us to
+ keep track of the size we started with and detect size changes
+ uncomp_size: Size of uncompressed data in bytes, if the entry is
+ compressed, else None
+ contents_size: Size of contents in bytes, 0 by default
+ align: Entry start offset alignment relative to the start of the
+ containing section, or None
+ align_size: Entry size alignment, or None
+ align_end: Entry end offset alignment relative to the start of the
+ containing section, or None
+ pad_before: Number of pad bytes before the contents when it is placed
+ in the containing section, 0 if none. The pad bytes become part of
+ the entry.
+ pad_after: Number of pad bytes after the contents when it is placed in
+ the containing section, 0 if none. The pad bytes become part of
+ the entry.
+ data: Contents of entry (string of bytes). This does not include
+ padding created by pad_before or pad_after. If the entry is
+ compressed, this contains the compressed data.
+ uncomp_data: Original uncompressed data, if this entry is compressed,
+ else None
+ compress: Compression algoithm used (e.g. 'lz4'), 'none' if none
+ orig_offset: Original offset value read from node
+ orig_size: Original size value read from node
+ missing: True if this entry is missing its contents
+ allow_missing: Allow children of this entry to be missing (used by
+ subclasses such as Entry_section)
+ external: True if this entry contains an external binary blob
+ """
+ def __init__(self, section, etype, node, name_prefix=''):
+ # Put this here to allow entry-docs and help to work without libfdt
+ global state
+ from binman import state
+ self.section = section
+ self.etype = etype
+ self._node = node
+ self.name = node and (name_prefix + node.name) or 'none'
+ self.offset = None
+ self.size = None
+ self.pre_reset_size = None
+ self.uncomp_size = None
+ self.data = None
+ self.uncomp_data = None
+ self.contents_size = 0
+ self.align = None
+ self.align_size = None
+ self.align_end = None
+ self.pad_before = 0
+ self.pad_after = 0
+ self.offset_unset = False
+ self.image_pos = None
+ self._expand_size = False
+ self.compress = 'none'
+ self.missing = False
+ self.external = False
+ self.allow_missing = False
+ @staticmethod
+ def Lookup(node_path, etype, expanded):
+ """Look up the entry class for a node.
+ Args:
+ node_node: Path name of Node object containing information about
+ the entry to create (used for errors)
+ etype: Entry type to use
+ expanded: Use the expanded version of etype
+ Returns:
+ The entry class object if found, else None if not found and expanded
+ is True
+ Raise:
+ ValueError if expanded is False and the class is not found
+ """
+ # Convert something like 'u-boot@0' to 'u_boot' since we are only
+ # interested in the type.
+ module_name = etype.replace('-', '_')
+ if '@' in module_name:
+ module_name = module_name.split('@')[0]
+ if expanded:
+ module_name += '_expanded'
+ module = modules.get(module_name)
+ # Also allow entry-type modules to be brought in from the etype directory.
+ # Import the module if we have not already done so.
+ if not module:
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module('binman.etype.' + module_name)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ if expanded:
+ return None
+ raise ValueError("Unknown entry type '%s' in node '%s' (expected etype/%s.py, error '%s'" %
+ (etype, node_path, module_name, e))
+ modules[module_name] = module
+ # Look up the expected class name
+ return getattr(module, 'Entry_%s' % module_name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def Create(section, node, etype=None, expanded=False):
+ """Create a new entry for a node.
+ Args:
+ section: Section object containing this node
+ node: Node object containing information about the entry to
+ create
+ etype: Entry type to use, or None to work it out (used for tests)
+ expanded: True to use expanded versions of entries, where available
+ Returns:
+ A new Entry object of the correct type (a subclass of Entry)
+ """
+ if not etype:
+ etype = fdt_util.GetString(node, 'type', node.name)
+ obj = Entry.Lookup(node.path, etype, expanded)
+ if obj and expanded:
+ # Check whether to use the expanded entry
+ new_etype = etype + '-expanded'
+ can_expand = not fdt_util.GetBool(node, 'no-expanded')
+ if can_expand and obj.UseExpanded(node, etype, new_etype):
+ etype = new_etype
+ else:
+ obj = None
+ if not obj:
+ obj = Entry.Lookup(node.path, etype, False)
+ # Call its constructor to get the object we want.
+ return obj(section, etype, node)
+ def ReadNode(self):
+ """Read entry information from the node
+ This must be called as the first thing after the Entry is created.
+ This reads all the fields we recognise from the node, ready for use.
+ """
+ if 'pos' in self._node.props:
+ self.Raise("Please use 'offset' instead of 'pos'")
+ self.offset = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'offset')
+ self.size = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'size')
+ self.orig_offset = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'orig-offset')
+ self.orig_size = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'orig-size')
+ if self.GetImage().copy_to_orig:
+ self.orig_offset = self.offset
+ self.orig_size = self.size
+ # These should not be set in input files, but are set in an FDT map,
+ # which is also read by this code.
+ self.image_pos = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'image-pos')
+ self.uncomp_size = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'uncomp-size')
+ self.align = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'align')
+ if tools.NotPowerOfTwo(self.align):
+ raise ValueError("Node '%s': Alignment %s must be a power of two" %
+ (self._node.path, self.align))
+ if self.section and self.align is None:
+ self.align = self.section.align_default
+ self.pad_before = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'pad-before', 0)
+ self.pad_after = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'pad-after', 0)
+ self.align_size = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'align-size')
+ if tools.NotPowerOfTwo(self.align_size):
+ self.Raise("Alignment size %s must be a power of two" %
+ self.align_size)
+ self.align_end = fdt_util.GetInt(self._node, 'align-end')
+ self.offset_unset = fdt_util.GetBool(self._node, 'offset-unset')
+ self.expand_size = fdt_util.GetBool(self._node, 'expand-size')
+ self.missing_msg = fdt_util.GetString(self._node, 'missing-msg')
+ # This is only supported by blobs and sections at present
+ self.compress = fdt_util.GetString(self._node, 'compress', 'none')
+ def GetDefaultFilename(self):
+ return None
+ def GetFdts(self):
+ """Get the device trees used by this entry
+ Returns:
+ Empty dict, if this entry is not a .dtb, otherwise:
+ Dict:
+ key: Filename from this entry (without the path)
+ value: Tuple:
+ Entry object for this dtb
+ Filename of file containing this dtb
+ """
+ return {}
+ def ExpandEntries(self):
+ """Expand out entries which produce other entries
+ Some entries generate subnodes automatically, from which sub-entries
+ are then created. This method allows those to be added to the binman
+ definition for the current image. An entry which implements this method
+ should call state.AddSubnode() to add a subnode and can add properties
+ with state.AddString(), etc.
+ An example is 'files', which produces a section containing a list of
+ files.
+ """
+ pass
+ def AddMissingProperties(self, have_image_pos):
+ """Add new properties to the device tree as needed for this entry
+ Args:
+ have_image_pos: True if this entry has an image position. This can
+ be False if its parent section is compressed, since compression
+ groups all entries together into a compressed block of data,
+ obscuring the start of each individual child entry
+ """
+ for prop in ['offset', 'size']:
+ if not prop in self._node.props:
+ state.AddZeroProp(self._node, prop)
+ if have_image_pos and 'image-pos' not in self._node.props:
+ state.AddZeroProp(self._node, 'image-pos')
+ if self.GetImage().allow_repack:
+ if self.orig_offset is not None:
+ state.AddZeroProp(self._node, 'orig-offset', True)
+ if self.orig_size is not None:
+ state.AddZeroProp(self._node, 'orig-size', True)
+ if self.compress != 'none':
+ state.AddZeroProp(self._node, 'uncomp-size')
+ err = state.CheckAddHashProp(self._node)
+ if err:
+ self.Raise(err)
+ def SetCalculatedProperties(self):
+ """Set the value of device-tree properties calculated by binman"""
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'offset', self.offset)
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'size', self.size)
+ base = self.section.GetRootSkipAtStart() if self.section else 0
+ if self.image_pos is not None:
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'image-pos', self.image_pos - base)
+ if self.GetImage().allow_repack:
+ if self.orig_offset is not None:
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'orig-offset', self.orig_offset, True)
+ if self.orig_size is not None:
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'orig-size', self.orig_size, True)
+ if self.uncomp_size is not None:
+ state.SetInt(self._node, 'uncomp-size', self.uncomp_size)
+ state.CheckSetHashValue(self._node, self.GetData)
+ def ProcessFdt(self, fdt):
+ """Allow entries to adjust the device tree
+ Some entries need to adjust the device tree for their purposes. This
+ may involve adding or deleting properties.
+ Returns:
+ True if processing is complete
+ False if processing could not be completed due to a dependency.
+ This will cause the entry to be retried after others have been
+ called
+ """
+ return True
+ def SetPrefix(self, prefix):
+ """Set the name prefix for a node
+ Args:
+ prefix: Prefix to set, or '' to not use a prefix
+ """
+ if prefix:
+ self.name = prefix + self.name
+ def SetContents(self, data):
+ """Set the contents of an entry
+ This sets both the data and content_size properties
+ Args:
+ data: Data to set to the contents (bytes)
+ """
+ self.data = data
+ self.contents_size = len(self.data)
+ def ProcessContentsUpdate(self, data):
+ """Update the contents of an entry, after the size is fixed
+ This checks that the new data is the same size as the old. If the size
+ has changed, this triggers a re-run of the packing algorithm.
+ Args:
+ data: Data to set to the contents (bytes)
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the new data size is not the same as the old
+ """
+ size_ok = True
+ new_size = len(data)
+ if state.AllowEntryExpansion() and new_size > self.contents_size:
+ # self.data will indicate the new size needed
+ size_ok = False
+ elif state.AllowEntryContraction() and new_size < self.contents_size:
+ size_ok = False
+ # If not allowed to change, try to deal with it or give up
+ if size_ok:
+ if new_size > self.contents_size:
+ self.Raise('Cannot update entry size from %d to %d' %
+ (self.contents_size, new_size))
+ # Don't let the data shrink. Pad it if necessary
+ if size_ok and new_size < self.contents_size:
+ data += tools.GetBytes(0, self.contents_size - new_size)
+ if not size_ok:
+ tout.Debug("Entry '%s' size change from %s to %s" % (
+ self._node.path, ToHex(self.contents_size),
+ ToHex(new_size)))
+ self.SetContents(data)
+ return size_ok
+ def ObtainContents(self):
+ """Figure out the contents of an entry.
+ Returns:
+ True if the contents were found, False if another call is needed
+ after the other entries are processed.
+ """
+ # No contents by default: subclasses can implement this
+ return True
+ def ResetForPack(self):
+ """Reset offset/size fields so that packing can be done again"""
+ self.Detail('ResetForPack: offset %s->%s, size %s->%s' %
+ (ToHex(self.offset), ToHex(self.orig_offset),
+ ToHex(self.size), ToHex(self.orig_size)))
+ self.pre_reset_size = self.size
+ self.offset = self.orig_offset
+ self.size = self.orig_size
+ def Pack(self, offset):
+ """Figure out how to pack the entry into the section
+ Most of the time the entries are not fully specified. There may be
+ an alignment but no size. In that case we take the size from the
+ contents of the entry.
+ If an entry has no hard-coded offset, it will be placed at @offset.
+ Once this function is complete, both the offset and size of the
+ entry will be know.
+ Args:
+ Current section offset pointer
+ Returns:
+ New section offset pointer (after this entry)
+ """
+ self.Detail('Packing: offset=%s, size=%s, content_size=%x' %
+ (ToHex(self.offset), ToHex(self.size),
+ self.contents_size))
+ if self.offset is None:
+ if self.offset_unset:
+ self.Raise('No offset set with offset-unset: should another '
+ 'entry provide this correct offset?')
+ self.offset = tools.Align(offset, self.align)
+ needed = self.pad_before + self.contents_size + self.pad_after
+ needed = tools.Align(needed, self.align_size)
+ size = self.size
+ if not size:
+ size = needed
+ new_offset = self.offset + size
+ aligned_offset = tools.Align(new_offset, self.align_end)
+ if aligned_offset != new_offset:
+ size = aligned_offset - self.offset
+ new_offset = aligned_offset
+ if not self.size:
+ self.size = size
+ if self.size < needed:
+ self.Raise("Entry contents size is %#x (%d) but entry size is "
+ "%#x (%d)" % (needed, needed, self.size, self.size))
+ # Check that the alignment is correct. It could be wrong if the
+ # and offset or size values were provided (i.e. not calculated), but
+ # conflict with the provided alignment values
+ if self.size != tools.Align(self.size, self.align_size):
+ self.Raise("Size %#x (%d) does not match align-size %#x (%d)" %
+ (self.size, self.size, self.align_size, self.align_size))
+ if self.offset != tools.Align(self.offset, self.align):
+ self.Raise("Offset %#x (%d) does not match align %#x (%d)" %
+ (self.offset, self.offset, self.align, self.align))
+ self.Detail(' - packed: offset=%#x, size=%#x, content_size=%#x, next_offset=%x' %
+ (self.offset, self.size, self.contents_size, new_offset))
+ return new_offset
+ def Raise(self, msg):
+ """Convenience function to raise an error referencing a node"""
+ raise ValueError("Node '%s': %s" % (self._node.path, msg))
+ def Info(self, msg):
+ """Convenience function to log info referencing a node"""
+ tag = "Info '%s'" % self._node.path
+ tout.Detail('%30s: %s' % (tag, msg))
+ def Detail(self, msg):
+ """Convenience function to log detail referencing a node"""
+ tag = "Node '%s'" % self._node.path
+ tout.Detail('%30s: %s' % (tag, msg))
+ def GetEntryArgsOrProps(self, props, required=False):
+ """Return the values of a set of properties
+ Args:
+ props: List of EntryArg objects
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if a property is not found
+ """
+ values = []
+ missing = []
+ for prop in props:
+ python_prop = prop.name.replace('-', '_')
+ if hasattr(self, python_prop):
+ value = getattr(self, python_prop)
+ else:
+ value = None
+ if value is None:
+ value = self.GetArg(prop.name, prop.datatype)
+ if value is None and required:
+ missing.append(prop.name)
+ values.append(value)
+ if missing:
+ self.GetImage().MissingArgs(self, missing)
+ return values
+ def GetPath(self):
+ """Get the path of a node
+ Returns:
+ Full path of the node for this entry
+ """
+ return self._node.path
+ def GetData(self, required=True):
+ """Get the contents of an entry
+ Args:
+ required: True if the data must be present, False if it is OK to
+ return None
+ Returns:
+ bytes content of the entry, excluding any padding. If the entry is
+ compressed, the compressed data is returned
+ """
+ self.Detail('GetData: size %s' % ToHexSize(self.data))
+ return self.data
+ def GetPaddedData(self, data=None):
+ """Get the data for an entry including any padding
+ Gets the entry data and uses its section's pad-byte value to add padding
+ before and after as defined by the pad-before and pad-after properties.
+ This does not consider alignment.
+ Returns:
+ Contents of the entry along with any pad bytes before and
+ after it (bytes)
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ data = self.GetData()
+ return self.section.GetPaddedDataForEntry(self, data)
+ def GetOffsets(self):
+ """Get the offsets for siblings
+ Some entry types can contain information about the position or size of
+ other entries. An example of this is the Intel Flash Descriptor, which
+ knows where the Intel Management Engine section should go.
+ If this entry knows about the position of other entries, it can specify
+ this by returning values here
+ Returns:
+ Dict:
+ key: Entry type
+ value: List containing position and size of the given entry
+ type. Either can be None if not known
+ """
+ return {}
+ def SetOffsetSize(self, offset, size):
+ """Set the offset and/or size of an entry
+ Args:
+ offset: New offset, or None to leave alone
+ size: New size, or None to leave alone
+ """
+ if offset is not None:
+ self.offset = offset
+ if size is not None:
+ self.size = size
+ def SetImagePos(self, image_pos):
+ """Set the position in the image
+ Args:
+ image_pos: Position of this entry in the image
+ """
+ self.image_pos = image_pos + self.offset
+ def ProcessContents(self):
+ """Do any post-packing updates of entry contents
+ This function should call ProcessContentsUpdate() to update the entry
+ contents, if necessary, returning its return value here.
+ Args:
+ data: Data to set to the contents (bytes)
+ Returns:
+ True if the new data size is OK, False if expansion is needed
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the new data size is not the same as the old and
+ state.AllowEntryExpansion() is False
+ """
+ return True
+ def WriteSymbols(self, section):
+ """Write symbol values into binary files for access at run time
+ Args:
+ section: Section containing the entry
+ """
+ pass
+ def CheckEntries(self):
+ """Check that the entry offsets are correct
+ This is used for entries which have extra offset requirements (other
+ than having to be fully inside their section). Sub-classes can implement
+ this function and raise if there is a problem.
+ """
+ pass
+ @staticmethod
+ def GetStr(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return '<none> '
+ return '%08x' % value
+ @staticmethod
+ def WriteMapLine(fd, indent, name, offset, size, image_pos):
+ print('%s %s%s %s %s' % (Entry.GetStr(image_pos), ' ' * indent,
+ Entry.GetStr(offset), Entry.GetStr(size),
+ name), file=fd)
+ def WriteMap(self, fd, indent):
+ """Write a map of the entry to a .map file
+ Args:
+ fd: File to write the map to
+ indent: Curent indent level of map (0=none, 1=one level, etc.)
+ """
+ self.WriteMapLine(fd, indent, self.name, self.offset, self.size,
+ self.image_pos)
+ def GetEntries(self):
+ """Return a list of entries contained by this entry
+ Returns:
+ List of entries, or None if none. A normal entry has no entries
+ within it so will return None
+ """
+ return None
+ def GetArg(self, name, datatype=str):
+ """Get the value of an entry argument or device-tree-node property
+ Some node properties can be provided as arguments to binman. First check
+ the entry arguments, and fall back to the device tree if not found
+ Args:
+ name: Argument name
+ datatype: Data type (str or int)
+ Returns:
+ Value of argument as a string or int, or None if no value
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the argument cannot be converted to in
+ """
+ value = state.GetEntryArg(name)
+ if value is not None:
+ if datatype == int:
+ try:
+ value = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.Raise("Cannot convert entry arg '%s' (value '%s') to integer" %
+ (name, value))
+ elif datatype == str:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("GetArg() internal error: Unknown data type '%s'" %
+ datatype)
+ else:
+ value = fdt_util.GetDatatype(self._node, name, datatype)
+ return value
+ @staticmethod
+ def WriteDocs(modules, test_missing=None):
+ """Write out documentation about the various entry types to stdout
+ Args:
+ modules: List of modules to include
+ test_missing: Used for testing. This is a module to report
+ as missing
+ """
+ print('''Binman Entry Documentation
+This file describes the entry types supported by binman. These entry types can
+be placed in an image one by one to build up a final firmware image. It is
+fairly easy to create new entry types. Just add a new file to the 'etype'
+directory. You can use the existing entries as examples.
+Note that some entries are subclasses of others, using and extending their
+features to produce new behaviours.
+ modules = sorted(modules)
+ # Don't show the test entry
+ if '_testing' in modules:
+ modules.remove('_testing')
+ missing = []
+ for name in modules:
+ module = Entry.Lookup('WriteDocs', name, False)
+ docs = getattr(module, '__doc__')
+ if test_missing == name:
+ docs = None
+ if docs:
+ lines = docs.splitlines()
+ first_line = lines[0]
+ rest = [line[4:] for line in lines[1:]]
+ hdr = 'Entry: %s: %s' % (name.replace('_', '-'), first_line)
+ print(hdr)
+ print('-' * len(hdr))
+ print('\n'.join(rest))
+ print()
+ print()
+ else:
+ missing.append(name)
+ if missing:
+ raise ValueError('Documentation is missing for modules: %s' %
+ ', '.join(missing))
+ def GetUniqueName(self):
+ """Get a unique name for a node
+ Returns:
+ String containing a unique name for a node, consisting of the name
+ of all ancestors (starting from within the 'binman' node) separated
+ by a dot ('.'). This can be useful for generating unique filesnames
+ in the output directory.
+ """
+ name = self.name
+ node = self._node
+ while node.parent:
+ node = node.parent
+ if node.name == 'binman':
+ break
+ name = '%s.%s' % (node.name, name)
+ return name
+ def ExpandToLimit(self, limit):
+ """Expand an entry so that it ends at the given offset limit"""
+ if self.offset + self.size < limit:
+ self.size = limit - self.offset
+ # Request the contents again, since changing the size requires that
+ # the data grows. This should not fail, but check it to be sure.
+ if not self.ObtainContents():
+ self.Raise('Cannot obtain contents when expanding entry')
+ def HasSibling(self, name):
+ """Check if there is a sibling of a given name
+ Returns:
+ True if there is an entry with this name in the the same section,
+ else False
+ """
+ return name in self.section.GetEntries()
+ def GetSiblingImagePos(self, name):
+ """Return the image position of the given sibling
+ Returns:
+ Image position of sibling, or None if the sibling has no position,
+ or False if there is no such sibling
+ """
+ if not self.HasSibling(name):
+ return False
+ return self.section.GetEntries()[name].image_pos
+ @staticmethod
+ def AddEntryInfo(entries, indent, name, etype, size, image_pos,
+ uncomp_size, offset, entry):
+ """Add a new entry to the entries list
+ Args:
+ entries: List (of EntryInfo objects) to add to
+ indent: Current indent level to add to list
+ name: Entry name (string)
+ etype: Entry type (string)
+ size: Entry size in bytes (int)
+ image_pos: Position within image in bytes (int)
+ uncomp_size: Uncompressed size if the entry uses compression, else
+ None
+ offset: Entry offset within parent in bytes (int)
+ entry: Entry object
+ """
+ entries.append(EntryInfo(indent, name, etype, size, image_pos,
+ uncomp_size, offset, entry))
+ def ListEntries(self, entries, indent):
+ """Add files in this entry to the list of entries
+ This can be overridden by subclasses which need different behaviour.
+ Args:
+ entries: List (of EntryInfo objects) to add to
+ indent: Current indent level to add to list
+ """
+ self.AddEntryInfo(entries, indent, self.name, self.etype, self.size,
+ self.image_pos, self.uncomp_size, self.offset, self)
+ def ReadData(self, decomp=True):
+ """Read the data for an entry from the image
+ This is used when the image has been read in and we want to extract the
+ data for a particular entry from that image.
+ Args:
+ decomp: True to decompress any compressed data before returning it;
+ False to return the raw, uncompressed data
+ Returns:
+ Entry data (bytes)
+ """
+ # Use True here so that we get an uncompressed section to work from,
+ # although compressed sections are currently not supported
+ tout.Debug("ReadChildData section '%s', entry '%s'" %
+ (self.section.GetPath(), self.GetPath()))
+ data = self.section.ReadChildData(self, decomp)
+ return data
+ def ReadChildData(self, child, decomp=True):
+ """Read the data for a particular child entry
+ This reads data from the parent and extracts the piece that relates to
+ the given child.
+ Args:
+ child: Child entry to read data for (must be valid)
+ decomp: True to decompress any compressed data before returning it;
+ False to return the raw, uncompressed data
+ Returns:
+ Data for the child (bytes)
+ """
+ pass
+ def LoadData(self, decomp=True):
+ data = self.ReadData(decomp)
+ self.contents_size = len(data)
+ self.ProcessContentsUpdate(data)
+ self.Detail('Loaded data size %x' % len(data))
+ def GetImage(self):
+ """Get the image containing this entry
+ Returns:
+ Image object containing this entry
+ """
+ return self.section.GetImage()
+ def WriteData(self, data, decomp=True):
+ """Write the data to an entry in the image
+ This is used when the image has been read in and we want to replace the
+ data for a particular entry in that image.
+ The image must be re-packed and written out afterwards.
+ Args:
+ data: Data to replace it with
+ decomp: True to compress the data if needed, False if data is
+ already compressed so should be used as is
+ Returns:
+ True if the data did not result in a resize of this entry, False if
+ the entry must be resized
+ """
+ if self.size is not None:
+ self.contents_size = self.size
+ else:
+ self.contents_size = self.pre_reset_size
+ ok = self.ProcessContentsUpdate(data)
+ self.Detail('WriteData: size=%x, ok=%s' % (len(data), ok))
+ section_ok = self.section.WriteChildData(self)
+ return ok and section_ok
+ def WriteChildData(self, child):
+ """Handle writing the data in a child entry
+ This should be called on the child's parent section after the child's
+ data has been updated. It
+ This base-class implementation does nothing, since the base Entry object
+ does not have any children.
+ Args:
+ child: Child Entry that was written
+ Returns:
+ True if the section could be updated successfully, False if the
+ data is such that the section could not updat
+ """
+ return True
+ def GetSiblingOrder(self):
+ """Get the relative order of an entry amoung its siblings
+ Returns:
+ 'start' if this entry is first among siblings, 'end' if last,
+ otherwise None
+ """
+ entries = list(self.section.GetEntries().values())
+ if entries:
+ if self == entries[0]:
+ return 'start'
+ elif self == entries[-1]:
+ return 'end'
+ return 'middle'
+ def SetAllowMissing(self, allow_missing):
+ """Set whether a section allows missing external blobs
+ Args:
+ allow_missing: True if allowed, False if not allowed
+ """
+ # This is meaningless for anything other than sections
+ pass
+ def CheckMissing(self, missing_list):
+ """Check if any entries in this section have missing external blobs
+ If there are missing blobs, the entries are added to the list
+ Args:
+ missing_list: List of Entry objects to be added to
+ """
+ if self.missing:
+ missing_list.append(self)
+ def GetAllowMissing(self):
+ """Get whether a section allows missing external blobs
+ Returns:
+ True if allowed, False if not allowed
+ """
+ return self.allow_missing
+ def GetHelpTags(self):
+ """Get the tags use for missing-blob help
+ Returns:
+ list of possible tags, most desirable first
+ """
+ return list(filter(None, [self.missing_msg, self.name, self.etype]))
+ def CompressData(self, indata):
+ """Compress data according to the entry's compression method
+ Args:
+ indata: Data to compress
+ Returns:
+ Compressed data (first word is the compressed size)
+ """
+ self.uncomp_data = indata
+ if self.compress != 'none':
+ self.uncomp_size = len(indata)
+ data = tools.Compress(indata, self.compress)
+ return data
+ @classmethod
+ def UseExpanded(cls, node, etype, new_etype):
+ """Check whether to use an expanded entry type
+ This is called by Entry.Create() when it finds an expanded version of
+ an entry type (e.g. 'u-boot-expanded'). If this method returns True then
+ it will be used (e.g. in place of 'u-boot'). If it returns False, it is
+ ignored.
+ Args:
+ node: Node object containing information about the entry to
+ create
+ etype: Original entry type being used
+ new_etype: New entry type proposed
+ Returns:
+ True to use this entry type, False to use the original one
+ """
+ tout.Info("Node '%s': etype '%s': %s selected" %
+ (node.path, etype, new_etype))
+ return True