path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/fdt.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/fdt.py')
1 files changed, 804 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/fdt.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/fdt.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3996971e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/fdt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc
+# Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
+from enum import IntEnum
+import struct
+import sys
+from dtoc import fdt_util
+import libfdt
+from libfdt import QUIET_NOTFOUND
+from patman import tools
+# This deals with a device tree, presenting it as an assortment of Node and
+# Prop objects, representing nodes and properties, respectively. This file
+# contains the base classes and defines the high-level API. You can use
+# FdtScan() as a convenience function to create and scan an Fdt.
+# This implementation uses a libfdt Python library to access the device tree,
+# so it is fairly efficient.
+# A list of types we support
+class Type(IntEnum):
+ (BYTE, INT, STRING, BOOL, INT64) = range(5)
+ def is_wider_than(self, other):
+ """Check if another type is 'wider' than this one
+ A wider type is one that holds more information than an earlier one,
+ similar to the concept of type-widening in C.
+ This uses a simple arithmetic comparison, since type values are in order
+ from narrowest (BYTE) to widest (INT64).
+ Args:
+ other: Other type to compare against
+ Return:
+ True if the other type is wider
+ """
+ return self.value > other.value
+def CheckErr(errnum, msg):
+ if errnum:
+ raise ValueError('Error %d: %s: %s' %
+ (errnum, libfdt.fdt_strerror(errnum), msg))
+def BytesToValue(data):
+ """Converts a string of bytes into a type and value
+ Args:
+ A bytes value (which on Python 2 is an alias for str)
+ Return:
+ A tuple:
+ Type of data
+ Data, either a single element or a list of elements. Each element
+ is one of:
+ Type.STRING: str/bytes value from the property
+ Type.INT: a byte-swapped integer stored as a 4-byte str/bytes
+ Type.BYTE: a byte stored as a single-byte str/bytes
+ """
+ data = bytes(data)
+ size = len(data)
+ strings = data.split(b'\0')
+ is_string = True
+ count = len(strings) - 1
+ if count > 0 and not len(strings[-1]):
+ for string in strings[:-1]:
+ if not string:
+ is_string = False
+ break
+ for ch in string:
+ if ch < 32 or ch > 127:
+ is_string = False
+ break
+ else:
+ is_string = False
+ if is_string:
+ if count == 1:
+ return Type.STRING, strings[0].decode()
+ else:
+ return Type.STRING, [s.decode() for s in strings[:-1]]
+ if size % 4:
+ if size == 1:
+ return Type.BYTE, chr(data[0])
+ else:
+ return Type.BYTE, [chr(ch) for ch in list(data)]
+ val = []
+ for i in range(0, size, 4):
+ val.append(data[i:i + 4])
+ if size == 4:
+ return Type.INT, val[0]
+ else:
+ return Type.INT, val
+class Prop:
+ """A device tree property
+ Properties:
+ node: Node containing this property
+ offset: Offset of the property (None if still to be synced)
+ name: Property name (as per the device tree)
+ value: Property value as a string of bytes, or a list of strings of
+ bytes
+ type: Value type
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node, offset, name, data):
+ self._node = node
+ self._offset = offset
+ self.name = name
+ self.value = None
+ self.bytes = bytes(data)
+ self.dirty = offset is None
+ if not data:
+ self.type = Type.BOOL
+ self.value = True
+ return
+ self.type, self.value = BytesToValue(bytes(data))
+ def RefreshOffset(self, poffset):
+ self._offset = poffset
+ def Widen(self, newprop):
+ """Figure out which property type is more general
+ Given a current property and a new property, this function returns the
+ one that is less specific as to type. The less specific property will
+ be ble to represent the data in the more specific property. This is
+ used for things like:
+ node1 {
+ compatible = "fred";
+ value = <1>;
+ };
+ node1 {
+ compatible = "fred";
+ value = <1 2>;
+ };
+ He we want to use an int array for 'value'. The first property
+ suggests that a single int is enough, but the second one shows that
+ it is not. Calling this function with these two propertes would
+ update the current property to be like the second, since it is less
+ specific.
+ """
+ if self.type.is_wider_than(newprop.type):
+ if self.type == Type.INT and newprop.type == Type.BYTE:
+ if type(self.value) == list:
+ new_value = []
+ for val in self.value:
+ new_value += [chr(by) for by in val]
+ else:
+ new_value = [chr(by) for by in self.value]
+ self.value = new_value
+ self.type = newprop.type
+ if type(newprop.value) == list and type(self.value) != list:
+ self.value = [self.value]
+ if type(self.value) == list and len(newprop.value) > len(self.value):
+ val = self.GetEmpty(self.type)
+ while len(self.value) < len(newprop.value):
+ self.value.append(val)
+ @classmethod
+ def GetEmpty(self, type):
+ """Get an empty / zero value of the given type
+ Returns:
+ A single value of the given type
+ """
+ if type == Type.BYTE:
+ return chr(0)
+ elif type == Type.INT:
+ return struct.pack('>I', 0);
+ elif type == Type.STRING:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return True
+ def GetOffset(self):
+ """Get the offset of a property
+ Returns:
+ The offset of the property (struct fdt_property) within the file
+ """
+ self._node._fdt.CheckCache()
+ return self._node._fdt.GetStructOffset(self._offset)
+ def SetInt(self, val):
+ """Set the integer value of the property
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the block on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ val: Integer value (32-bit, single cell)
+ """
+ self.bytes = struct.pack('>I', val);
+ self.value = self.bytes
+ self.type = Type.INT
+ self.dirty = True
+ def SetData(self, bytes):
+ """Set the value of a property as bytes
+ Args:
+ bytes: New property value to set
+ """
+ self.bytes = bytes
+ self.type, self.value = BytesToValue(bytes)
+ self.dirty = True
+ def Sync(self, auto_resize=False):
+ """Sync property changes back to the device tree
+ This updates the device tree blob with any changes to this property
+ since the last sync.
+ Args:
+ auto_resize: Resize the device tree automatically if it does not
+ have enough space for the update
+ Raises:
+ FdtException if auto_resize is False and there is not enough space
+ """
+ if self.dirty:
+ node = self._node
+ fdt_obj = node._fdt._fdt_obj
+ node_name = fdt_obj.get_name(node._offset)
+ if node_name and node_name != node.name:
+ raise ValueError("Internal error, node '%s' name mismatch '%s'" %
+ (node.path, node_name))
+ if auto_resize:
+ while fdt_obj.setprop(node.Offset(), self.name, self.bytes,
+ (libfdt.NOSPACE,)) == -libfdt.NOSPACE:
+ fdt_obj.resize(fdt_obj.totalsize() + 1024 +
+ len(self.bytes))
+ fdt_obj.setprop(node.Offset(), self.name, self.bytes)
+ else:
+ fdt_obj.setprop(node.Offset(), self.name, self.bytes)
+ self.dirty = False
+class Node:
+ """A device tree node
+ Properties:
+ parent: Parent Node
+ offset: Integer offset in the device tree (None if to be synced)
+ name: Device tree node tname
+ path: Full path to node, along with the node name itself
+ _fdt: Device tree object
+ subnodes: A list of subnodes for this node, each a Node object
+ props: A dict of properties for this node, each a Prop object.
+ Keyed by property name
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fdt, parent, offset, name, path):
+ self._fdt = fdt
+ self.parent = parent
+ self._offset = offset
+ self.name = name
+ self.path = path
+ self.subnodes = []
+ self.props = {}
+ def GetFdt(self):
+ """Get the Fdt object for this node
+ Returns:
+ Fdt object
+ """
+ return self._fdt
+ def FindNode(self, name):
+ """Find a node given its name
+ Args:
+ name: Node name to look for
+ Returns:
+ Node object if found, else None
+ """
+ for subnode in self.subnodes:
+ if subnode.name == name:
+ return subnode
+ return None
+ def Offset(self):
+ """Returns the offset of a node, after checking the cache
+ This should be used instead of self._offset directly, to ensure that
+ the cache does not contain invalid offsets.
+ """
+ self._fdt.CheckCache()
+ return self._offset
+ def Scan(self):
+ """Scan a node's properties and subnodes
+ This fills in the props and subnodes properties, recursively
+ searching into subnodes so that the entire tree is built.
+ """
+ fdt_obj = self._fdt._fdt_obj
+ self.props = self._fdt.GetProps(self)
+ phandle = fdt_obj.get_phandle(self.Offset())
+ if phandle:
+ self._fdt.phandle_to_node[phandle] = self
+ offset = fdt_obj.first_subnode(self.Offset(), QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ while offset >= 0:
+ sep = '' if self.path[-1] == '/' else '/'
+ name = fdt_obj.get_name(offset)
+ path = self.path + sep + name
+ node = Node(self._fdt, self, offset, name, path)
+ self.subnodes.append(node)
+ node.Scan()
+ offset = fdt_obj.next_subnode(offset, QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ def Refresh(self, my_offset):
+ """Fix up the _offset for each node, recursively
+ Note: This does not take account of property offsets - these will not
+ be updated.
+ """
+ fdt_obj = self._fdt._fdt_obj
+ if self._offset != my_offset:
+ self._offset = my_offset
+ name = fdt_obj.get_name(self._offset)
+ if name and self.name != name:
+ raise ValueError("Internal error, node '%s' name mismatch '%s'" %
+ (self.path, name))
+ offset = fdt_obj.first_subnode(self._offset, QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ for subnode in self.subnodes:
+ if subnode.name != fdt_obj.get_name(offset):
+ raise ValueError('Internal error, node name mismatch %s != %s' %
+ (subnode.name, fdt_obj.get_name(offset)))
+ subnode.Refresh(offset)
+ offset = fdt_obj.next_subnode(offset, QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ if offset != -libfdt.FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND:
+ raise ValueError('Internal error, offset == %d' % offset)
+ poffset = fdt_obj.first_property_offset(self._offset, QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ while poffset >= 0:
+ p = fdt_obj.get_property_by_offset(poffset)
+ prop = self.props.get(p.name)
+ if not prop:
+ raise ValueError("Internal error, node '%s' property '%s' missing, "
+ 'offset %d' % (self.path, p.name, poffset))
+ prop.RefreshOffset(poffset)
+ poffset = fdt_obj.next_property_offset(poffset, QUIET_NOTFOUND)
+ def DeleteProp(self, prop_name):
+ """Delete a property of a node
+ The property is deleted and the offset cache is invalidated.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of the property to delete
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the property does not exist
+ """
+ CheckErr(self._fdt._fdt_obj.delprop(self.Offset(), prop_name),
+ "Node '%s': delete property: '%s'" % (self.path, prop_name))
+ del self.props[prop_name]
+ self._fdt.Invalidate()
+ def AddZeroProp(self, prop_name):
+ """Add a new property to the device tree with an integer value of 0.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property
+ """
+ self.props[prop_name] = Prop(self, None, prop_name,
+ tools.GetBytes(0, 4))
+ def AddEmptyProp(self, prop_name, len):
+ """Add a property with a fixed data size, for filling in later
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property
+ len: Length of data in property
+ """
+ value = tools.GetBytes(0, len)
+ self.props[prop_name] = Prop(self, None, prop_name, value)
+ def _CheckProp(self, prop_name):
+ """Check if a property is present
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property
+ Returns:
+ self
+ Raises:
+ ValueError if the property is missing
+ """
+ if prop_name not in self.props:
+ raise ValueError("Fdt '%s', node '%s': Missing property '%s'" %
+ (self._fdt._fname, self.path, prop_name))
+ return self
+ def SetInt(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Update an integer property int the device tree.
+ This is not allowed to change the size of the FDT.
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property
+ val: Value to set
+ """
+ self._CheckProp(prop_name).props[prop_name].SetInt(val)
+ def SetData(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Set the data value of a property
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property to set
+ val: Data value to set
+ """
+ self._CheckProp(prop_name).props[prop_name].SetData(val)
+ def SetString(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Set the string value of a property
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property to set
+ val: String value to set (will be \0-terminated in DT)
+ """
+ if type(val) == str:
+ val = val.encode('utf-8')
+ self._CheckProp(prop_name).props[prop_name].SetData(val + b'\0')
+ def AddData(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Add a new property to a node
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property to add
+ val: Bytes value of property
+ Returns:
+ Prop added
+ """
+ prop = Prop(self, None, prop_name, val)
+ self.props[prop_name] = prop
+ return prop
+ def AddString(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Add a new string property to a node
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property to add
+ val: String value of property
+ Returns:
+ Prop added
+ """
+ val = bytes(val, 'utf-8')
+ return self.AddData(prop_name, val + b'\0')
+ def AddInt(self, prop_name, val):
+ """Add a new integer property to a node
+ The device tree is marked dirty so that the value will be written to
+ the blob on the next sync.
+ Args:
+ prop_name: Name of property to add
+ val: Integer value of property
+ Returns:
+ Prop added
+ """
+ return self.AddData(prop_name, struct.pack('>I', val))
+ def AddSubnode(self, name):
+ """Add a new subnode to the node
+ Args:
+ name: name of node to add
+ Returns:
+ New subnode that was created
+ """
+ path = self.path + '/' + name
+ subnode = Node(self._fdt, self, None, name, path)
+ self.subnodes.append(subnode)
+ return subnode
+ def Sync(self, auto_resize=False):
+ """Sync node changes back to the device tree
+ This updates the device tree blob with any changes to this node and its
+ subnodes since the last sync.
+ Args:
+ auto_resize: Resize the device tree automatically if it does not
+ have enough space for the update
+ Returns:
+ True if the node had to be added, False if it already existed
+ Raises:
+ FdtException if auto_resize is False and there is not enough space
+ """
+ added = False
+ if self._offset is None:
+ # The subnode doesn't exist yet, so add it
+ fdt_obj = self._fdt._fdt_obj
+ if auto_resize:
+ while True:
+ offset = fdt_obj.add_subnode(self.parent._offset, self.name,
+ (libfdt.NOSPACE,))
+ if offset != -libfdt.NOSPACE:
+ break
+ fdt_obj.resize(fdt_obj.totalsize() + 1024)
+ else:
+ offset = fdt_obj.add_subnode(self.parent._offset, self.name)
+ self._offset = offset
+ added = True
+ # Sync the existing subnodes first, so that we can rely on the offsets
+ # being correct. As soon as we add new subnodes, it pushes all the
+ # existing subnodes up.
+ for node in reversed(self.subnodes):
+ if node._offset is not None:
+ node.Sync(auto_resize)
+ # Sync subnodes in reverse so that we get the expected order. Each
+ # new node goes at the start of the subnode list. This avoids an O(n^2)
+ # rescan of node offsets.
+ num_added = 0
+ for node in reversed(self.subnodes):
+ if node.Sync(auto_resize):
+ num_added += 1
+ if num_added:
+ # Reorder our list of nodes to put the new ones first, since that's
+ # what libfdt does
+ old_count = len(self.subnodes) - num_added
+ subnodes = self.subnodes[old_count:] + self.subnodes[:old_count]
+ self.subnodes = subnodes
+ # Sync properties now, whose offsets should not have been disturbed,
+ # since properties come before subnodes. This is done after all the
+ # subnode processing above, since updating properties can disturb the
+ # offsets of those subnodes.
+ # Properties are synced in reverse order, with new properties added
+ # before existing properties are synced. This ensures that the offsets
+ # of earlier properties are not disturbed.
+ # Note that new properties will have an offset of None here, which
+ # Python cannot sort against int. So use a large value instead so that
+ # new properties are added first.
+ prop_list = sorted(self.props.values(),
+ key=lambda prop: prop._offset or 1 << 31,
+ reverse=True)
+ for prop in prop_list:
+ prop.Sync(auto_resize)
+ return added
+class Fdt:
+ """Provides simple access to a flat device tree blob using libfdts.
+ Properties:
+ fname: Filename of fdt
+ _root: Root of device tree (a Node object)
+ name: Helpful name for this Fdt for the user (useful when creating the
+ DT from data rather than a file)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fname):
+ self._fname = fname
+ self._cached_offsets = False
+ self.phandle_to_node = {}
+ self.name = ''
+ if self._fname:
+ self.name = self._fname
+ self._fname = fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(self._fname)
+ with open(self._fname, 'rb') as fd:
+ self._fdt_obj = libfdt.Fdt(fd.read())
+ @staticmethod
+ def FromData(data, name=''):
+ """Create a new Fdt object from the given data
+ Args:
+ data: Device-tree data blob
+ name: Helpful name for this Fdt for the user
+ Returns:
+ Fdt object containing the data
+ """
+ fdt = Fdt(None)
+ fdt._fdt_obj = libfdt.Fdt(bytes(data))
+ fdt.name = name
+ return fdt
+ def LookupPhandle(self, phandle):
+ """Look up a phandle
+ Args:
+ phandle: Phandle to look up (int)
+ Returns:
+ Node object the phandle points to
+ """
+ return self.phandle_to_node.get(phandle)
+ def Scan(self, root='/'):
+ """Scan a device tree, building up a tree of Node objects
+ This fills in the self._root property
+ Args:
+ root: Ignored
+ TODO(sjg@chromium.org): Implement the 'root' parameter
+ """
+ self._cached_offsets = True
+ self._root = self.Node(self, None, 0, '/', '/')
+ self._root.Scan()
+ def GetRoot(self):
+ """Get the root Node of the device tree
+ Returns:
+ The root Node object
+ """
+ return self._root
+ def GetNode(self, path):
+ """Look up a node from its path
+ Args:
+ path: Path to look up, e.g. '/microcode/update@0'
+ Returns:
+ Node object, or None if not found
+ """
+ node = self._root
+ parts = path.split('/')
+ if len(parts) < 2:
+ return None
+ if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1] == '':
+ return node
+ for part in parts[1:]:
+ node = node.FindNode(part)
+ if not node:
+ return None
+ return node
+ def Flush(self):
+ """Flush device tree changes back to the file
+ If the device tree has changed in memory, write it back to the file.
+ """
+ with open(self._fname, 'wb') as fd:
+ fd.write(self._fdt_obj.as_bytearray())
+ def Sync(self, auto_resize=False):
+ """Make sure any DT changes are written to the blob
+ Args:
+ auto_resize: Resize the device tree automatically if it does not
+ have enough space for the update
+ Raises:
+ FdtException if auto_resize is False and there is not enough space
+ """
+ self.CheckCache()
+ self._root.Sync(auto_resize)
+ self.Refresh()
+ def Pack(self):
+ """Pack the device tree down to its minimum size
+ When nodes and properties shrink or are deleted, wasted space can
+ build up in the device tree binary.
+ """
+ CheckErr(self._fdt_obj.pack(), 'pack')
+ self.Refresh()
+ def GetContents(self):
+ """Get the contents of the FDT
+ Returns:
+ The FDT contents as a string of bytes
+ """
+ return bytes(self._fdt_obj.as_bytearray())
+ def GetFdtObj(self):
+ """Get the contents of the FDT
+ Returns:
+ The FDT contents as a libfdt.Fdt object
+ """
+ return self._fdt_obj
+ def GetProps(self, node):
+ """Get all properties from a node.
+ Args:
+ node: Full path to node name to look in.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary containing all the properties, indexed by node name.
+ The entries are Prop objects.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: if the node does not exist.
+ """
+ props_dict = {}
+ poffset = self._fdt_obj.first_property_offset(node._offset,
+ while poffset >= 0:
+ p = self._fdt_obj.get_property_by_offset(poffset)
+ prop = Prop(node, poffset, p.name, p)
+ props_dict[prop.name] = prop
+ poffset = self._fdt_obj.next_property_offset(poffset,
+ return props_dict
+ def Invalidate(self):
+ """Mark our offset cache as invalid"""
+ self._cached_offsets = False
+ def CheckCache(self):
+ """Refresh the offset cache if needed"""
+ if self._cached_offsets:
+ return
+ self.Refresh()
+ def Refresh(self):
+ """Refresh the offset cache"""
+ self._root.Refresh(0)
+ self._cached_offsets = True
+ def GetStructOffset(self, offset):
+ """Get the file offset of a given struct offset
+ Args:
+ offset: Offset within the 'struct' region of the device tree
+ Returns:
+ Position of @offset within the device tree binary
+ """
+ return self._fdt_obj.off_dt_struct() + offset
+ @classmethod
+ def Node(self, fdt, parent, offset, name, path):
+ """Create a new node
+ This is used by Fdt.Scan() to create a new node using the correct
+ class.
+ Args:
+ fdt: Fdt object
+ parent: Parent node, or None if this is the root node
+ offset: Offset of node
+ name: Node name
+ path: Full path to node
+ """
+ node = Node(fdt, parent, offset, name, path)
+ return node
+ def GetFilename(self):
+ """Get the filename of the device tree
+ Returns:
+ String filename
+ """
+ return self._fname
+def FdtScan(fname):
+ """Returns a new Fdt object"""
+ dtb = Fdt(fname)
+ dtb.Scan()
+ return dtb