path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/imagetool.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/imagetool.h')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/imagetool.h b/roms/u-boot/tools/imagetool.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e229a34ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/imagetool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2013
+ *
+ * Written by Guilherme Maciel Ferreira <guilherme.maciel.ferreira@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _IMAGETOOL_H_
+#define _IMAGETOOL_H_
+#include "os_support.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <u-boot/sha1.h>
+#include "fdt_host.h"
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+#define __ALIGN_MASK(x, mask) (((x) + (mask)) & ~(mask))
+#define ALIGN(x, a) __ALIGN_MASK((x), (typeof(x))(a) - 1)
+/* Information about a file that needs to be placed into the FIT */
+struct content_info {
+ struct content_info *next;
+ int type; /* File type (IH_TYPE_...) */
+ const char *fname;
+ * This structure defines all such variables those are initialized by
+ * mkimage and dumpimage main core and need to be referred by image
+ * type specific functions
+ */
+struct image_tool_params {
+ int dflag;
+ int eflag;
+ int fflag;
+ int iflag;
+ int lflag;
+ int pflag;
+ int vflag;
+ int xflag;
+ int skipcpy;
+ int os;
+ int arch;
+ int type;
+ int comp;
+ char *dtc;
+ unsigned int addr;
+ unsigned int ep;
+ char *imagename;
+ char *imagename2;
+ char *datafile;
+ char *imagefile;
+ char *cmdname;
+ const char *outfile; /* Output filename */
+ const char *keydir; /* Directory holding private keys */
+ const char *keydest; /* Destination .dtb for public key */
+ const char *keyfile; /* Filename of private or public key */
+ const char *comment; /* Comment to add to signature node */
+ int require_keys; /* 1 to mark signing keys as 'required' */
+ int file_size; /* Total size of output file */
+ int orig_file_size; /* Original size for file before padding */
+ bool auto_its; /* Automatically create the .its file */
+ int fit_image_type; /* Image type to put into the FIT */
+ char *fit_ramdisk; /* Ramdisk file to include */
+ struct content_info *content_head; /* List of files to include */
+ struct content_info *content_tail;
+ bool external_data; /* Store data outside the FIT */
+ bool quiet; /* Don't output text in normal operation */
+ unsigned int external_offset; /* Add padding to external data */
+ int bl_len; /* Block length in byte for external data */
+ const char *engine_id; /* Engine to use for signing */
+ bool reset_timestamp; /* Reset the timestamp on an existing image */
+ * image type specific variables and callback functions
+ */
+struct image_type_params {
+ /* name is an identification tag string for added support */
+ char *name;
+ /*
+ * header size is local to the specific image type to be supported,
+ * mkimage core treats this as number of bytes
+ */
+ uint32_t header_size;
+ /* Image type header pointer */
+ void *hdr;
+ /*
+ * There are several arguments that are passed on the command line
+ * and are registered as flags in image_tool_params structure.
+ * This callback function can be used to check the passed arguments
+ * are in-lined with the image type to be supported
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if parameter check is successful
+ */
+ int (*check_params) (struct image_tool_params *);
+ /*
+ * This function is used by list command (i.e. mkimage -l <filename>)
+ * image type verification code must be put here
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if image header verification is successful
+ * otherwise, returns respective negative error codes
+ */
+ int (*verify_header) (unsigned char *, int, struct image_tool_params *);
+ /* Prints image information abstracting from image header */
+ void (*print_header) (const void *);
+ /*
+ * The header or image contents need to be set as per image type to
+ * be generated using this callback function.
+ * further output file post processing (for ex. checksum calculation,
+ * padding bytes etc..) can also be done in this callback function.
+ */
+ void (*set_header) (void *, struct stat *, int,
+ struct image_tool_params *);
+ /*
+ * This function is used by the command to retrieve a component
+ * (sub-image) from the image (i.e. dumpimage -p <position>
+ * -o <component-outfile> <image>). Thus the code to extract a file
+ * from an image must be put here.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the file was successfully retrieved from the image,
+ * or a negative value on error.
+ */
+ int (*extract_subimage)(void *, struct image_tool_params *);
+ /*
+ * Some image generation support for ex (default image type) supports
+ * more than one type_ids, this callback function is used to check
+ * whether input (-T <image_type>) is supported by registered image
+ * generation/list low level code
+ */
+ int (*check_image_type) (uint8_t);
+ /* This callback function will be executed if fflag is defined */
+ int (*fflag_handle) (struct image_tool_params *);
+ /*
+ * This callback function will be executed for variable size record
+ * It is expected to build this header in memory and return its length
+ * and a pointer to it by using image_type_params.header_size and
+ * image_type_params.hdr. The return value shall indicate if an
+ * additional padding should be used when copying the data image
+ * by returning the padding length.
+ */
+ int (*vrec_header) (struct image_tool_params *,
+ struct image_type_params *);
+ * imagetool_get_type() - find the image type params for a given image type
+ *
+ * It scans all registers image type supports
+ * checks the input type for each supported image type
+ *
+ * if successful,
+ * returns respective image_type_params pointer if success
+ * if input type_id is not supported by any of image_type_support
+ * returns NULL
+ */
+struct image_type_params *imagetool_get_type(int type);
+ * imagetool_verify_print_header() - verifies the image header
+ *
+ * Scan registered image types and verify the image_header for each
+ * supported image type. If verification is successful, this prints
+ * the respective header.
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, negative if input image format does not match with
+ * any of supported image types
+ */
+int imagetool_verify_print_header(
+ void *ptr,
+ struct stat *sbuf,
+ struct image_type_params *tparams,
+ struct image_tool_params *params);
+ * imagetool_verify_print_header_by_type() - verifies the image header
+ *
+ * Verify the image_header for the image type given by tparams.
+ * If verification is successful, this prints the respective header.
+ * @ptr: pointer the the image header
+ * @sbuf: stat information about the file pointed to by ptr
+ * @tparams: image type parameters
+ * @params: mkimage parameters
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, negative if input image format does not match with
+ * the given image type
+ */
+int imagetool_verify_print_header_by_type(
+ void *ptr,
+ struct stat *sbuf,
+ struct image_type_params *tparams,
+ struct image_tool_params *params);
+ * imagetool_save_subimage - store data into a file
+ * @file_name: name of the destination file
+ * @file_data: data to be written
+ * @file_len: the amount of data to store
+ *
+ * imagetool_save_subimage() store file_len bytes of data pointed by file_data
+ * into the file name by file_name.
+ *
+ * returns:
+ * zero in case of success or a negative value if fail.
+ */
+int imagetool_save_subimage(
+ const char *file_name,
+ ulong file_data,
+ ulong file_len);
+ * imagetool_get_filesize() - Utility function to obtain the size of a file
+ *
+ * This function prints a message if an error occurs, showing the error that
+ * was obtained.
+ *
+ * @params: mkimage parameters
+ * @fname: filename to check
+ * @return size of file, or -ve value on error
+ */
+int imagetool_get_filesize(struct image_tool_params *params, const char *fname);
+ * imagetool_get_source_date() - Get timestamp for build output.
+ *
+ * Gets a timestamp for embedding it in a build output. If set
+ * SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is used. Else the given fallback value is returned. Prints
+ * an error message if SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH contains an invalid value and returns
+ * 0.
+ *
+ * @cmdname: command name
+ * @fallback: timestamp to use if SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH isn't set
+ * @return timestamp based on SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
+ */
+time_t imagetool_get_source_date(
+ const char *cmdname,
+ time_t fallback);
+ * There is a c file associated with supported image type low level code
+ * for ex. default_image.c, fit_image.c
+ */
+void pbl_load_uboot(int fd, struct image_tool_params *mparams);
+int zynqmpbif_copy_image(int fd, struct image_tool_params *mparams);
+int imx8image_copy_image(int fd, struct image_tool_params *mparams);
+int imx8mimage_copy_image(int fd, struct image_tool_params *mparams);
+int rockchip_copy_image(int fd, struct image_tool_params *mparams);
+#define ___cat(a, b) a ## b
+#define __cat(a, b) ___cat(a, b)
+/* we need some special handling for this host tool running eventually on
+ * Darwin. The Mach-O section handling is a bit different than ELF section
+ * handling. The differnces in detail are:
+ * a) we have segments which have sections
+ * b) we need a API call to get the respective section symbols */
+#if defined(__MACH__)
+#include <mach-o/getsect.h>
+#define INIT_SECTION(name) do { \
+ unsigned long name ## _len; \
+ char *__cat(pstart_, name) = getsectdata("__DATA", \
+ #name, &__cat(name, _len)); \
+ char *__cat(pstop_, name) = __cat(pstart_, name) + \
+ __cat(name, _len); \
+ __cat(__start_, name) = (void *)__cat(pstart_, name); \
+ __cat(__stop_, name) = (void *)__cat(pstop_, name); \
+ } while (0)
+#define SECTION(name) __attribute__((section("__DATA, " #name)))
+struct image_type_params **__start_image_type, **__stop_image_type;
+#define INIT_SECTION(name) /* no-op for ELF */
+#define SECTION(name) __attribute__((section(#name)))
+/* We construct a table of pointers in an ELF section (pointers generally
+ * go unpadded by gcc). ld creates boundary syms for us. */
+extern struct image_type_params *__start_image_type[], *__stop_image_type[];
+#endif /* __MACH__ */
+#if !defined(__used)
+# if __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 3
+# define __used __attribute__((__unused__))
+# else
+# define __used __attribute__((__used__))
+# endif
+#define U_BOOT_IMAGE_TYPE( \
+ _id, \
+ _name, \
+ _header_size, \
+ _header, \
+ _check_params, \
+ _verify_header, \
+ _print_header, \
+ _set_header, \
+ _extract_subimage, \
+ _check_image_type, \
+ _fflag_handle, \
+ _vrec_header \
+ ) \
+ static struct image_type_params __cat(image_type_, _id) = \
+ { \
+ .name = _name, \
+ .header_size = _header_size, \
+ .hdr = _header, \
+ .check_params = _check_params, \
+ .verify_header = _verify_header, \
+ .print_header = _print_header, \
+ .set_header = _set_header, \
+ .extract_subimage = _extract_subimage, \
+ .check_image_type = _check_image_type, \
+ .fflag_handle = _fflag_handle, \
+ .vrec_header = _vrec_header \
+ }; \
+ static struct image_type_params *SECTION(image_type) __used \
+ __cat(image_type_ptr_, _id) = &__cat(image_type_, _id)
+#endif /* _IMAGETOOL_H_ */