path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/gitutil.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/patman/gitutil.py')
1 files changed, 675 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/gitutil.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/gitutil.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e4c1128d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/gitutil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
+import re
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from patman import command
+from patman import settings
+from patman import terminal
+from patman import tools
+# True to use --no-decorate - we check this in Setup()
+use_no_decorate = True
+def LogCmd(commit_range, git_dir=None, oneline=False, reverse=False,
+ count=None):
+ """Create a command to perform a 'git log'
+ Args:
+ commit_range: Range expression to use for log, None for none
+ git_dir: Path to git repository (None to use default)
+ oneline: True to use --oneline, else False
+ reverse: True to reverse the log (--reverse)
+ count: Number of commits to list, or None for no limit
+ Return:
+ List containing command and arguments to run
+ """
+ cmd = ['git']
+ if git_dir:
+ cmd += ['--git-dir', git_dir]
+ cmd += ['--no-pager', 'log', '--no-color']
+ if oneline:
+ cmd.append('--oneline')
+ if use_no_decorate:
+ cmd.append('--no-decorate')
+ if reverse:
+ cmd.append('--reverse')
+ if count is not None:
+ cmd.append('-n%d' % count)
+ if commit_range:
+ cmd.append(commit_range)
+ # Add this in case we have a branch with the same name as a directory.
+ # This avoids messages like this, for example:
+ # fatal: ambiguous argument 'test': both revision and filename
+ cmd.append('--')
+ return cmd
+def CountCommitsToBranch(branch):
+ """Returns number of commits between HEAD and the tracking branch.
+ This looks back to the tracking branch and works out the number of commits
+ since then.
+ Args:
+ branch: Branch to count from (None for current branch)
+ Return:
+ Number of patches that exist on top of the branch
+ """
+ if branch:
+ us, msg = GetUpstream('.git', branch)
+ rev_range = '%s..%s' % (us, branch)
+ else:
+ rev_range = '@{upstream}..'
+ pipe = [LogCmd(rev_range, oneline=True)]
+ result = command.RunPipe(pipe, capture=True, capture_stderr=True,
+ oneline=True, raise_on_error=False)
+ if result.return_code:
+ raise ValueError('Failed to determine upstream: %s' %
+ result.stderr.strip())
+ patch_count = len(result.stdout.splitlines())
+ return patch_count
+def NameRevision(commit_hash):
+ """Gets the revision name for a commit
+ Args:
+ commit_hash: Commit hash to look up
+ Return:
+ Name of revision, if any, else None
+ """
+ pipe = ['git', 'name-rev', commit_hash]
+ stdout = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, oneline=True).stdout
+ # We expect a commit, a space, then a revision name
+ name = stdout.split(' ')[1].strip()
+ return name
+def GuessUpstream(git_dir, branch):
+ """Tries to guess the upstream for a branch
+ This lists out top commits on a branch and tries to find a suitable
+ upstream. It does this by looking for the first commit where
+ 'git name-rev' returns a plain branch name, with no ! or ^ modifiers.
+ Args:
+ git_dir: Git directory containing repo
+ branch: Name of branch
+ Returns:
+ Tuple:
+ Name of upstream branch (e.g. 'upstream/master') or None if none
+ Warning/error message, or None if none
+ """
+ pipe = [LogCmd(branch, git_dir=git_dir, oneline=True, count=100)]
+ result = command.RunPipe(pipe, capture=True, capture_stderr=True,
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ if result.return_code:
+ return None, "Branch '%s' not found" % branch
+ for line in result.stdout.splitlines()[1:]:
+ commit_hash = line.split(' ')[0]
+ name = NameRevision(commit_hash)
+ if '~' not in name and '^' not in name:
+ if name.startswith('remotes/'):
+ name = name[8:]
+ return name, "Guessing upstream as '%s'" % name
+ return None, "Cannot find a suitable upstream for branch '%s'" % branch
+def GetUpstream(git_dir, branch):
+ """Returns the name of the upstream for a branch
+ Args:
+ git_dir: Git directory containing repo
+ branch: Name of branch
+ Returns:
+ Tuple:
+ Name of upstream branch (e.g. 'upstream/master') or None if none
+ Warning/error message, or None if none
+ """
+ try:
+ remote = command.OutputOneLine('git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'config',
+ 'branch.%s.remote' % branch)
+ merge = command.OutputOneLine('git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'config',
+ 'branch.%s.merge' % branch)
+ except:
+ upstream, msg = GuessUpstream(git_dir, branch)
+ return upstream, msg
+ if remote == '.':
+ return merge, None
+ elif remote and merge:
+ leaf = merge.split('/')[-1]
+ return '%s/%s' % (remote, leaf), None
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot determine upstream branch for branch "
+ "'%s' remote='%s', merge='%s'" % (branch, remote, merge))
+def GetRangeInBranch(git_dir, branch, include_upstream=False):
+ """Returns an expression for the commits in the given branch.
+ Args:
+ git_dir: Directory containing git repo
+ branch: Name of branch
+ Return:
+ Expression in the form 'upstream..branch' which can be used to
+ access the commits. If the branch does not exist, returns None.
+ """
+ upstream, msg = GetUpstream(git_dir, branch)
+ if not upstream:
+ return None, msg
+ rstr = '%s%s..%s' % (upstream, '~' if include_upstream else '', branch)
+ return rstr, msg
+def CountCommitsInRange(git_dir, range_expr):
+ """Returns the number of commits in the given range.
+ Args:
+ git_dir: Directory containing git repo
+ range_expr: Range to check
+ Return:
+ Number of patches that exist in the supplied range or None if none
+ were found
+ """
+ pipe = [LogCmd(range_expr, git_dir=git_dir, oneline=True)]
+ result = command.RunPipe(pipe, capture=True, capture_stderr=True,
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ if result.return_code:
+ return None, "Range '%s' not found or is invalid" % range_expr
+ patch_count = len(result.stdout.splitlines())
+ return patch_count, None
+def CountCommitsInBranch(git_dir, branch, include_upstream=False):
+ """Returns the number of commits in the given branch.
+ Args:
+ git_dir: Directory containing git repo
+ branch: Name of branch
+ Return:
+ Number of patches that exist on top of the branch, or None if the
+ branch does not exist.
+ """
+ range_expr, msg = GetRangeInBranch(git_dir, branch, include_upstream)
+ if not range_expr:
+ return None, msg
+ return CountCommitsInRange(git_dir, range_expr)
+def CountCommits(commit_range):
+ """Returns the number of commits in the given range.
+ Args:
+ commit_range: Range of commits to count (e.g. 'HEAD..base')
+ Return:
+ Number of patches that exist on top of the branch
+ """
+ pipe = [LogCmd(commit_range, oneline=True),
+ ['wc', '-l']]
+ stdout = command.RunPipe(pipe, capture=True, oneline=True).stdout
+ patch_count = int(stdout)
+ return patch_count
+def Checkout(commit_hash, git_dir=None, work_tree=None, force=False):
+ """Checkout the selected commit for this build
+ Args:
+ commit_hash: Commit hash to check out
+ """
+ pipe = ['git']
+ if git_dir:
+ pipe.extend(['--git-dir', git_dir])
+ if work_tree:
+ pipe.extend(['--work-tree', work_tree])
+ pipe.append('checkout')
+ if force:
+ pipe.append('-f')
+ pipe.append(commit_hash)
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, raise_on_error=False,
+ capture_stderr=True)
+ if result.return_code != 0:
+ raise OSError('git checkout (%s): %s' % (pipe, result.stderr))
+def Clone(git_dir, output_dir):
+ """Checkout the selected commit for this build
+ Args:
+ commit_hash: Commit hash to check out
+ """
+ pipe = ['git', 'clone', git_dir, '.']
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, cwd=output_dir,
+ capture_stderr=True)
+ if result.return_code != 0:
+ raise OSError('git clone: %s' % result.stderr)
+def Fetch(git_dir=None, work_tree=None):
+ """Fetch from the origin repo
+ Args:
+ commit_hash: Commit hash to check out
+ """
+ pipe = ['git']
+ if git_dir:
+ pipe.extend(['--git-dir', git_dir])
+ if work_tree:
+ pipe.extend(['--work-tree', work_tree])
+ pipe.append('fetch')
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, capture_stderr=True)
+ if result.return_code != 0:
+ raise OSError('git fetch: %s' % result.stderr)
+def CheckWorktreeIsAvailable(git_dir):
+ """Check if git-worktree functionality is available
+ Args:
+ git_dir: The repository to test in
+ Returns:
+ True if git-worktree commands will work, False otherwise.
+ """
+ pipe = ['git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'worktree', 'list']
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, capture_stderr=True,
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ return result.return_code == 0
+def AddWorktree(git_dir, output_dir, commit_hash=None):
+ """Create and checkout a new git worktree for this build
+ Args:
+ git_dir: The repository to checkout the worktree from
+ output_dir: Path for the new worktree
+ commit_hash: Commit hash to checkout
+ """
+ # We need to pass --detach to avoid creating a new branch
+ pipe = ['git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'worktree', 'add', '.', '--detach']
+ if commit_hash:
+ pipe.append(commit_hash)
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, cwd=output_dir,
+ capture_stderr=True)
+ if result.return_code != 0:
+ raise OSError('git worktree add: %s' % result.stderr)
+def PruneWorktrees(git_dir):
+ """Remove administrative files for deleted worktrees
+ Args:
+ git_dir: The repository whose deleted worktrees should be pruned
+ """
+ pipe = ['git', '--git-dir', git_dir, 'worktree', 'prune']
+ result = command.RunPipe([pipe], capture=True, capture_stderr=True)
+ if result.return_code != 0:
+ raise OSError('git worktree prune: %s' % result.stderr)
+def CreatePatches(branch, start, count, ignore_binary, series, signoff = True):
+ """Create a series of patches from the top of the current branch.
+ The patch files are written to the current directory using
+ git format-patch.
+ Args:
+ branch: Branch to create patches from (None for current branch)
+ start: Commit to start from: 0=HEAD, 1=next one, etc.
+ count: number of commits to include
+ ignore_binary: Don't generate patches for binary files
+ series: Series object for this series (set of patches)
+ Return:
+ Filename of cover letter (None if none)
+ List of filenames of patch files
+ """
+ if series.get('version'):
+ version = '%s ' % series['version']
+ cmd = ['git', 'format-patch', '-M' ]
+ if signoff:
+ cmd.append('--signoff')
+ if ignore_binary:
+ cmd.append('--no-binary')
+ if series.get('cover'):
+ cmd.append('--cover-letter')
+ prefix = series.GetPatchPrefix()
+ if prefix:
+ cmd += ['--subject-prefix=%s' % prefix]
+ brname = branch or 'HEAD'
+ cmd += ['%s~%d..%s~%d' % (brname, start + count, brname, start)]
+ stdout = command.RunList(cmd)
+ files = stdout.splitlines()
+ # We have an extra file if there is a cover letter
+ if series.get('cover'):
+ return files[0], files[1:]
+ else:
+ return None, files
+def BuildEmailList(in_list, tag=None, alias=None, warn_on_error=True):
+ """Build a list of email addresses based on an input list.
+ Takes a list of email addresses and aliases, and turns this into a list
+ of only email address, by resolving any aliases that are present.
+ If the tag is given, then each email address is prepended with this
+ tag and a space. If the tag starts with a minus sign (indicating a
+ command line parameter) then the email address is quoted.
+ Args:
+ in_list: List of aliases/email addresses
+ tag: Text to put before each address
+ alias: Alias dictionary
+ warn_on_error: True to raise an error when an alias fails to match,
+ False to just print a message.
+ Returns:
+ List of email addresses
+ >>> alias = {}
+ >>> alias['fred'] = ['f.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['john'] = ['j.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['mary'] = ['Mary Poppins <m.poppins@cloud.net>']
+ >>> alias['boys'] = ['fred', ' john']
+ >>> alias['all'] = ['fred ', 'john', ' mary ']
+ >>> BuildEmailList(['john', 'mary'], None, alias)
+ ['j.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'Mary Poppins <m.poppins@cloud.net>']
+ >>> BuildEmailList(['john', 'mary'], '--to', alias)
+ ['--to "j.bloggs@napier.co.nz"', \
+'--to "Mary Poppins <m.poppins@cloud.net>"']
+ >>> BuildEmailList(['john', 'mary'], 'Cc', alias)
+ ['Cc j.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'Cc Mary Poppins <m.poppins@cloud.net>']
+ """
+ quote = '"' if tag and tag[0] == '-' else ''
+ raw = []
+ for item in in_list:
+ raw += LookupEmail(item, alias, warn_on_error=warn_on_error)
+ result = []
+ for item in raw:
+ if not item in result:
+ result.append(item)
+ if tag:
+ return ['%s %s%s%s' % (tag, quote, email, quote) for email in result]
+ return result
+def CheckSuppressCCConfig():
+ """Check if sendemail.suppresscc is configured correctly.
+ Returns:
+ True if the option is configured correctly, False otherwise.
+ """
+ suppresscc = command.OutputOneLine('git', 'config', 'sendemail.suppresscc',
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ # Other settings should be fine.
+ if suppresscc == 'all' or suppresscc == 'cccmd':
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ print((col.Color(col.RED, "error") +
+ ": git config sendemail.suppresscc set to %s\n" % (suppresscc)) +
+ " patman needs --cc-cmd to be run to set the cc list.\n" +
+ " Please run:\n" +
+ " git config --unset sendemail.suppresscc\n" +
+ " Or read the man page:\n" +
+ " git send-email --help\n" +
+ " and set an option that runs --cc-cmd\n")
+ return False
+ return True
+def EmailPatches(series, cover_fname, args, dry_run, warn_on_error, cc_fname,
+ self_only=False, alias=None, in_reply_to=None, thread=False,
+ smtp_server=None):
+ """Email a patch series.
+ Args:
+ series: Series object containing destination info
+ cover_fname: filename of cover letter
+ args: list of filenames of patch files
+ dry_run: Just return the command that would be run
+ warn_on_error: True to print a warning when an alias fails to match,
+ False to ignore it.
+ cc_fname: Filename of Cc file for per-commit Cc
+ self_only: True to just email to yourself as a test
+ in_reply_to: If set we'll pass this to git as --in-reply-to.
+ Should be a message ID that this is in reply to.
+ thread: True to add --thread to git send-email (make
+ all patches reply to cover-letter or first patch in series)
+ smtp_server: SMTP server to use to send patches
+ Returns:
+ Git command that was/would be run
+ # For the duration of this doctest pretend that we ran patman with ./patman
+ >>> _old_argv0 = sys.argv[0]
+ >>> sys.argv[0] = './patman'
+ >>> alias = {}
+ >>> alias['fred'] = ['f.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['john'] = ['j.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['mary'] = ['m.poppins@cloud.net']
+ >>> alias['boys'] = ['fred', ' john']
+ >>> alias['all'] = ['fred ', 'john', ' mary ']
+ >>> alias[os.getenv('USER')] = ['this-is-me@me.com']
+ >>> series = {}
+ >>> series['to'] = ['fred']
+ >>> series['cc'] = ['mary']
+ >>> EmailPatches(series, 'cover', ['p1', 'p2'], True, True, 'cc-fname', \
+ False, alias)
+ 'git send-email --annotate --to "f.bloggs@napier.co.nz" --cc \
+"m.poppins@cloud.net" --cc-cmd "./patman send --cc-cmd cc-fname" cover p1 p2'
+ >>> EmailPatches(series, None, ['p1'], True, True, 'cc-fname', False, \
+ alias)
+ 'git send-email --annotate --to "f.bloggs@napier.co.nz" --cc \
+"m.poppins@cloud.net" --cc-cmd "./patman send --cc-cmd cc-fname" p1'
+ >>> series['cc'] = ['all']
+ >>> EmailPatches(series, 'cover', ['p1', 'p2'], True, True, 'cc-fname', \
+ True, alias)
+ 'git send-email --annotate --to "this-is-me@me.com" --cc-cmd "./patman \
+send --cc-cmd cc-fname" cover p1 p2'
+ >>> EmailPatches(series, 'cover', ['p1', 'p2'], True, True, 'cc-fname', \
+ False, alias)
+ 'git send-email --annotate --to "f.bloggs@napier.co.nz" --cc \
+"f.bloggs@napier.co.nz" --cc "j.bloggs@napier.co.nz" --cc \
+"m.poppins@cloud.net" --cc-cmd "./patman send --cc-cmd cc-fname" cover p1 p2'
+ # Restore argv[0] since we clobbered it.
+ >>> sys.argv[0] = _old_argv0
+ """
+ to = BuildEmailList(series.get('to'), '--to', alias, warn_on_error)
+ if not to:
+ git_config_to = command.Output('git', 'config', 'sendemail.to',
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ if not git_config_to:
+ print("No recipient.\n"
+ "Please add something like this to a commit\n"
+ "Series-to: Fred Bloggs <f.blogs@napier.co.nz>\n"
+ "Or do something like this\n"
+ "git config sendemail.to u-boot@lists.denx.de")
+ return
+ cc = BuildEmailList(list(set(series.get('cc')) - set(series.get('to'))),
+ '--cc', alias, warn_on_error)
+ if self_only:
+ to = BuildEmailList([os.getenv('USER')], '--to', alias, warn_on_error)
+ cc = []
+ cmd = ['git', 'send-email', '--annotate']
+ if smtp_server:
+ cmd.append('--smtp-server=%s' % smtp_server)
+ if in_reply_to:
+ cmd.append('--in-reply-to="%s"' % in_reply_to)
+ if thread:
+ cmd.append('--thread')
+ cmd += to
+ cmd += cc
+ cmd += ['--cc-cmd', '"%s send --cc-cmd %s"' % (sys.argv[0], cc_fname)]
+ if cover_fname:
+ cmd.append(cover_fname)
+ cmd += args
+ cmdstr = ' '.join(cmd)
+ if not dry_run:
+ os.system(cmdstr)
+ return cmdstr
+def LookupEmail(lookup_name, alias=None, warn_on_error=True, level=0):
+ """If an email address is an alias, look it up and return the full name
+ TODO: Why not just use git's own alias feature?
+ Args:
+ lookup_name: Alias or email address to look up
+ alias: Dictionary containing aliases (None to use settings default)
+ warn_on_error: True to print a warning when an alias fails to match,
+ False to ignore it.
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ list containing a list of email addresses
+ Raises:
+ OSError if a recursive alias reference was found
+ ValueError if an alias was not found
+ >>> alias = {}
+ >>> alias['fred'] = ['f.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['john'] = ['j.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['mary'] = ['m.poppins@cloud.net']
+ >>> alias['boys'] = ['fred', ' john', 'f.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> alias['all'] = ['fred ', 'john', ' mary ']
+ >>> alias['loop'] = ['other', 'john', ' mary ']
+ >>> alias['other'] = ['loop', 'john', ' mary ']
+ >>> LookupEmail('mary', alias)
+ ['m.poppins@cloud.net']
+ >>> LookupEmail('arthur.wellesley@howe.ro.uk', alias)
+ ['arthur.wellesley@howe.ro.uk']
+ >>> LookupEmail('boys', alias)
+ ['f.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'j.bloggs@napier.co.nz']
+ >>> LookupEmail('all', alias)
+ ['f.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'j.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'm.poppins@cloud.net']
+ >>> LookupEmail('odd', alias)
+ Alias 'odd' not found
+ []
+ >>> LookupEmail('loop', alias)
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ OSError: Recursive email alias at 'other'
+ >>> LookupEmail('odd', alias, warn_on_error=False)
+ []
+ >>> # In this case the loop part will effectively be ignored.
+ >>> LookupEmail('loop', alias, warn_on_error=False)
+ Recursive email alias at 'other'
+ Recursive email alias at 'john'
+ Recursive email alias at 'mary'
+ ['j.bloggs@napier.co.nz', 'm.poppins@cloud.net']
+ """
+ if not alias:
+ alias = settings.alias
+ lookup_name = lookup_name.strip()
+ if '@' in lookup_name: # Perhaps a real email address
+ return [lookup_name]
+ lookup_name = lookup_name.lower()
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ out_list = []
+ if level > 10:
+ msg = "Recursive email alias at '%s'" % lookup_name
+ if warn_on_error:
+ raise OSError(msg)
+ else:
+ print(col.Color(col.RED, msg))
+ return out_list
+ if lookup_name:
+ if not lookup_name in alias:
+ msg = "Alias '%s' not found" % lookup_name
+ if warn_on_error:
+ print(col.Color(col.RED, msg))
+ return out_list
+ for item in alias[lookup_name]:
+ todo = LookupEmail(item, alias, warn_on_error, level + 1)
+ for new_item in todo:
+ if not new_item in out_list:
+ out_list.append(new_item)
+ return out_list
+def GetTopLevel():
+ """Return name of top-level directory for this git repo.
+ Returns:
+ Full path to git top-level directory
+ This test makes sure that we are running tests in the right subdir
+ >>> os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) == \
+ os.path.join(GetTopLevel(), 'tools', 'patman')
+ True
+ """
+ return command.OutputOneLine('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')
+def GetAliasFile():
+ """Gets the name of the git alias file.
+ Returns:
+ Filename of git alias file, or None if none
+ """
+ fname = command.OutputOneLine('git', 'config', 'sendemail.aliasesfile',
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ if fname:
+ fname = os.path.join(GetTopLevel(), fname.strip())
+ return fname
+def GetDefaultUserName():
+ """Gets the user.name from .gitconfig file.
+ Returns:
+ User name found in .gitconfig file, or None if none
+ """
+ uname = command.OutputOneLine('git', 'config', '--global', 'user.name')
+ return uname
+def GetDefaultUserEmail():
+ """Gets the user.email from the global .gitconfig file.
+ Returns:
+ User's email found in .gitconfig file, or None if none
+ """
+ uemail = command.OutputOneLine('git', 'config', '--global', 'user.email')
+ return uemail
+def GetDefaultSubjectPrefix():
+ """Gets the format.subjectprefix from local .git/config file.
+ Returns:
+ Subject prefix found in local .git/config file, or None if none
+ """
+ sub_prefix = command.OutputOneLine('git', 'config', 'format.subjectprefix',
+ raise_on_error=False)
+ return sub_prefix
+def Setup():
+ """Set up git utils, by reading the alias files."""
+ # Check for a git alias file also
+ global use_no_decorate
+ alias_fname = GetAliasFile()
+ if alias_fname:
+ settings.ReadGitAliases(alias_fname)
+ cmd = LogCmd(None, count=0)
+ use_no_decorate = (command.RunPipe([cmd], raise_on_error=False)
+ .return_code == 0)
+def GetHead():
+ """Get the hash of the current HEAD
+ Returns:
+ Hash of HEAD
+ """
+ return command.OutputOneLine('git', 'show', '-s', '--pretty=format:%H')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()