path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/terminal.py
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1 files changed, 270 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/terminal.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/terminal.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9be03b3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/terminal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
+"""Terminal utilities
+This module handles terminal interaction including ANSI color codes.
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+# Selection of when we want our output to be colored
+# Initially, we are set up to print to the terminal
+print_test_mode = False
+print_test_list = []
+# The length of the last line printed without a newline
+last_print_len = None
+# credit:
+# stackoverflow.com/questions/14693701/how-can-i-remove-the-ansi-escape-sequences-from-a-string-in-python
+ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1b(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])')
+class PrintLine:
+ """A line of text output
+ Members:
+ text: Text line that was printed
+ newline: True to output a newline after the text
+ colour: Text colour to use
+ """
+ def __init__(self, text, colour, newline=True, bright=True):
+ self.text = text
+ self.newline = newline
+ self.colour = colour
+ self.bright = bright
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (self.text == other.text and
+ self.newline == other.newline and
+ self.colour == other.colour and
+ self.bright == other.bright)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("newline=%s, colour=%s, bright=%d, text='%s'" %
+ (self.newline, self.colour, self.bright, self.text))
+def CalcAsciiLen(text):
+ """Calculate the length of a string, ignoring any ANSI sequences
+ When displayed on a terminal, ANSI sequences don't take any space, so we
+ need to ignore them when calculating the length of a string.
+ Args:
+ text: Text to check
+ Returns:
+ Length of text, after skipping ANSI sequences
+ >>> col = Color(COLOR_ALWAYS)
+ >>> text = col.Color(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> len(text)
+ 14
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(text)
+ 3
+ >>>
+ >>> text += 'def'
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(text)
+ 6
+ >>> text += col.Color(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(text)
+ 9
+ """
+ result = ansi_escape.sub('', text)
+ return len(result)
+def TrimAsciiLen(text, size):
+ """Trim a string containing ANSI sequences to the given ASCII length
+ The string is trimmed with ANSI sequences being ignored for the length
+ calculation.
+ >>> col = Color(COLOR_ALWAYS)
+ >>> text = col.Color(Color.RED, 'abc')
+ >>> len(text)
+ 14
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(TrimAsciiLen(text, 4))
+ 3
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(TrimAsciiLen(text, 2))
+ 2
+ >>> text += 'def'
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(TrimAsciiLen(text, 4))
+ 4
+ >>> text += col.Color(Color.RED, 'ghi')
+ >>> CalcAsciiLen(TrimAsciiLen(text, 7))
+ 7
+ """
+ if CalcAsciiLen(text) < size:
+ return text
+ pos = 0
+ out = ''
+ left = size
+ # Work through each ANSI sequence in turn
+ for m in ansi_escape.finditer(text):
+ # Find the text before the sequence and add it to our string, making
+ # sure it doesn't overflow
+ before = text[pos:m.start()]
+ toadd = before[:left]
+ out += toadd
+ # Figure out how much non-ANSI space we have left
+ left -= len(toadd)
+ # Add the ANSI sequence and move to the position immediately after it
+ out += m.group()
+ pos = m.start() + len(m.group())
+ # Deal with text after the last ANSI sequence
+ after = text[pos:]
+ toadd = after[:left]
+ out += toadd
+ return out
+def Print(text='', newline=True, colour=None, limit_to_line=False, bright=True):
+ """Handle a line of output to the terminal.
+ In test mode this is recorded in a list. Otherwise it is output to the
+ terminal.
+ Args:
+ text: Text to print
+ newline: True to add a new line at the end of the text
+ colour: Colour to use for the text
+ """
+ global last_print_len
+ if print_test_mode:
+ print_test_list.append(PrintLine(text, colour, newline, bright))
+ else:
+ if colour:
+ col = Color()
+ text = col.Color(colour, text, bright=bright)
+ if newline:
+ print(text)
+ last_print_len = None
+ else:
+ if limit_to_line:
+ cols = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
+ text = TrimAsciiLen(text, cols)
+ print(text, end='', flush=True)
+ last_print_len = CalcAsciiLen(text)
+def PrintClear():
+ """Clear a previously line that was printed with no newline"""
+ global last_print_len
+ if last_print_len:
+ print('\r%s\r' % (' '* last_print_len), end='', flush=True)
+ last_print_len = None
+def SetPrintTestMode(enable=True):
+ """Go into test mode, where all printing is recorded"""
+ global print_test_mode
+ print_test_mode = enable
+ GetPrintTestLines()
+def GetPrintTestLines():
+ """Get a list of all lines output through Print()
+ Returns:
+ A list of PrintLine objects
+ """
+ global print_test_list
+ ret = print_test_list
+ print_test_list = []
+ return ret
+def EchoPrintTestLines():
+ """Print out the text lines collected"""
+ for line in print_test_list:
+ if line.colour:
+ col = Color()
+ print(col.Color(line.colour, line.text), end='')
+ else:
+ print(line.text, end='')
+ if line.newline:
+ print()
+class Color(object):
+ """Conditionally wraps text in ANSI color escape sequences."""
+ BOLD = -1
+ BRIGHT_START = '\033[1;%dm'
+ NORMAL_START = '\033[22;%dm'
+ BOLD_START = '\033[1m'
+ RESET = '\033[0m'
+ def __init__(self, colored=COLOR_IF_TERMINAL):
+ """Create a new Color object, optionally disabling color output.
+ Args:
+ enabled: True if color output should be enabled. If False then this
+ class will not add color codes at all.
+ """
+ try:
+ self._enabled = (colored == COLOR_ALWAYS or
+ (colored == COLOR_IF_TERMINAL and
+ os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno())))
+ except:
+ self._enabled = False
+ def Start(self, color, bright=True):
+ """Returns a start color code.
+ Args:
+ color: Color to use, .e.g BLACK, RED, etc.
+ Returns:
+ If color is enabled, returns an ANSI sequence to start the given
+ color, otherwise returns empty string
+ """
+ if self._enabled:
+ base = self.BRIGHT_START if bright else self.NORMAL_START
+ return base % (color + 30)
+ return ''
+ def Stop(self):
+ """Returns a stop color code.
+ Returns:
+ If color is enabled, returns an ANSI color reset sequence,
+ otherwise returns empty string
+ """
+ if self._enabled:
+ return self.RESET
+ return ''
+ def Color(self, color, text, bright=True):
+ """Returns text with conditionally added color escape sequences.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ color: Text color -- one of the color constants defined in this
+ class.
+ text: The text to color.
+ Returns:
+ If self._enabled is False, returns the original text. If it's True,
+ returns text with color escape sequences based on the value of
+ color.
+ """
+ if not self._enabled:
+ return text
+ if color == self.BOLD:
+ start = self.BOLD_START
+ else:
+ base = self.BRIGHT_START if bright else self.NORMAL_START
+ start = base % (color + 30)
+ return start + text + self.RESET