path: root/tests/qemu-iotests/124
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/qemu-iotests/124
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+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# group: rw backing
+# Tests for incremental drive-backup
+# Copyright (C) 2015 John Snow for Red Hat, Inc.
+# Based on 056.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import iotests
+from iotests import try_remove
+def io_write_patterns(img, patterns):
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ iotests.qemu_io('-c', 'write -P%s %s %s' % pattern, img)
+def transaction_action(action, **kwargs):
+ return {
+ 'type': action,
+ 'data': dict((k.replace('_', '-'), v) for k, v in kwargs.items())
+ }
+def transaction_bitmap_clear(node, name, **kwargs):
+ return transaction_action('block-dirty-bitmap-clear',
+ node=node, name=name, **kwargs)
+def transaction_drive_backup(device, target, **kwargs):
+ return transaction_action('drive-backup', job_id=device, device=device,
+ target=target, **kwargs)
+class Bitmap:
+ def __init__(self, name, drive):
+ self.name = name
+ self.drive = drive
+ self.num = 0
+ self.backups = list()
+ def base_target(self):
+ return (self.drive['backup'], None)
+ def new_target(self, num=None):
+ if num is None:
+ num = self.num
+ self.num = num + 1
+ base = os.path.join(iotests.test_dir,
+ "%s.%s." % (self.drive['id'], self.name))
+ suff = "%i.%s" % (num, self.drive['fmt'])
+ target = base + "inc" + suff
+ reference = base + "ref" + suff
+ self.backups.append((target, reference))
+ return (target, reference)
+ def last_target(self):
+ if self.backups:
+ return self.backups[-1]
+ return self.base_target()
+ def del_target(self):
+ for image in self.backups.pop():
+ try_remove(image)
+ self.num -= 1
+ def cleanup(self):
+ for backup in self.backups:
+ for image in backup:
+ try_remove(image)
+class TestIncrementalBackupBase(iotests.QMPTestCase):
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ super(TestIncrementalBackupBase, self).__init__(*args)
+ self.bitmaps = list()
+ self.files = list()
+ self.drives = list()
+ self.vm = iotests.VM()
+ self.err_img = os.path.join(iotests.test_dir, 'err.%s' % iotests.imgfmt)
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Create a base image with a distinctive patterning
+ drive0 = self.add_node('drive0')
+ self.img_create(drive0['file'], drive0['fmt'])
+ self.vm.add_drive(drive0['file'], opts='node-name=node0')
+ self.write_default_pattern(drive0['file'])
+ self.vm.launch()
+ def write_default_pattern(self, target):
+ io_write_patterns(target, (('0x41', 0, 512),
+ ('0xd5', '1M', '32k'),
+ ('0xdc', '32M', '124k')))
+ def add_node(self, node_id, fmt=iotests.imgfmt, path=None, backup=None):
+ if path is None:
+ path = os.path.join(iotests.test_dir, '%s.%s' % (node_id, fmt))
+ if backup is None:
+ backup = os.path.join(iotests.test_dir,
+ '%s.full.backup.%s' % (node_id, fmt))
+ self.drives.append({
+ 'id': node_id,
+ 'file': path,
+ 'backup': backup,
+ 'fmt': fmt })
+ return self.drives[-1]
+ def img_create(self, img, fmt=iotests.imgfmt, size='64M',
+ parent=None, parentFormat=None, **kwargs):
+ optargs = []
+ for k,v in kwargs.items():
+ optargs = optargs + ['-o', '%s=%s' % (k,v)]
+ args = ['create', '-f', fmt] + optargs + [img, size]
+ if parent:
+ if parentFormat is None:
+ parentFormat = fmt
+ args = args + ['-b', parent, '-F', parentFormat]
+ iotests.qemu_img(*args)
+ self.files.append(img)
+ def do_qmp_backup(self, error='Input/output error', **kwargs):
+ res = self.vm.qmp('drive-backup', **kwargs)
+ self.assert_qmp(res, 'return', {})
+ return self.wait_qmp_backup(kwargs['device'], error)
+ def ignore_job_status_change_events(self):
+ while True:
+ e = self.vm.event_wait(name="JOB_STATUS_CHANGE")
+ if e['data']['status'] == 'null':
+ break
+ def wait_qmp_backup(self, device, error='Input/output error'):
+ event = self.vm.event_wait(name="BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED",
+ match={'data': {'device': device}})
+ self.assertNotEqual(event, None)
+ self.ignore_job_status_change_events()
+ try:
+ failure = self.dictpath(event, 'data/error')
+ except AssertionError:
+ # Backup succeeded.
+ self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/offset', event['data']['len'])
+ return True
+ else:
+ # Backup failed.
+ self.assert_qmp(event, 'data/error', error)
+ return False
+ def wait_qmp_backup_cancelled(self, device):
+ event = self.vm.event_wait(name='BLOCK_JOB_CANCELLED',
+ match={'data': {'device': device}})
+ self.assertNotEqual(event, None)
+ self.ignore_job_status_change_events()
+ def create_anchor_backup(self, drive=None):
+ if drive is None:
+ drive = self.drives[-1]
+ res = self.do_qmp_backup(job_id=drive['id'],
+ device=drive['id'], sync='full',
+ format=drive['fmt'], target=drive['backup'])
+ self.assertTrue(res)
+ self.files.append(drive['backup'])
+ return drive['backup']
+ def make_reference_backup(self, bitmap=None):
+ if bitmap is None:
+ bitmap = self.bitmaps[-1]
+ _, reference = bitmap.last_target()
+ res = self.do_qmp_backup(job_id=bitmap.drive['id'],
+ device=bitmap.drive['id'], sync='full',
+ format=bitmap.drive['fmt'], target=reference)
+ self.assertTrue(res)
+ def add_bitmap(self, name, drive, **kwargs):
+ bitmap = Bitmap(name, drive)
+ self.bitmaps.append(bitmap)
+ result = self.vm.qmp('block-dirty-bitmap-add', node=drive['id'],
+ name=bitmap.name, **kwargs)
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ return bitmap
+ def prepare_backup(self, bitmap=None, parent=None, **kwargs):
+ if bitmap is None:
+ bitmap = self.bitmaps[-1]
+ if parent is None:
+ parent, _ = bitmap.last_target()
+ target, _ = bitmap.new_target()
+ self.img_create(target, bitmap.drive['fmt'], parent=parent,
+ **kwargs)
+ return target
+ def create_incremental(self, bitmap=None, parent=None,
+ parentFormat=None, validate=True,
+ target=None):
+ if bitmap is None:
+ bitmap = self.bitmaps[-1]
+ if parent is None:
+ parent, _ = bitmap.last_target()
+ if target is None:
+ target = self.prepare_backup(bitmap, parent)
+ res = self.do_qmp_backup(job_id=bitmap.drive['id'],
+ device=bitmap.drive['id'],
+ sync='incremental', bitmap=bitmap.name,
+ format=bitmap.drive['fmt'], target=target,
+ mode='existing')
+ if not res:
+ bitmap.del_target();
+ self.assertFalse(validate)
+ else:
+ self.make_reference_backup(bitmap)
+ return res
+ def check_backups(self):
+ for bitmap in self.bitmaps:
+ for incremental, reference in bitmap.backups:
+ self.assertTrue(iotests.compare_images(incremental, reference))
+ last = bitmap.last_target()[0]
+ self.assertTrue(iotests.compare_images(last, bitmap.drive['file']))
+ def hmp_io_writes(self, drive, patterns):
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ self.vm.hmp_qemu_io(drive, 'write -P%s %s %s' % pattern)
+ self.vm.hmp_qemu_io(drive, 'flush')
+ def do_incremental_simple(self, **kwargs):
+ self.create_anchor_backup()
+ self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', self.drives[0], **kwargs)
+ # Sanity: Create a "hollow" incremental backup
+ self.create_incremental()
+ # Three writes: One complete overwrite, one new segment,
+ # and one partial overlap.
+ self.hmp_io_writes(self.drives[0]['id'], (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ self.create_incremental()
+ # Three more writes, one of each kind, like above
+ self.hmp_io_writes(self.drives[0]['id'], (('0x9a', 0, 512),
+ ('0x55', '8M', '352k'),
+ ('0x78', '15872k', '1M')))
+ self.create_incremental()
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ for bitmap in self.bitmaps:
+ bitmap.cleanup()
+ for filename in self.files:
+ try_remove(filename)
+class TestIncrementalBackup(TestIncrementalBackupBase):
+ def test_incremental_simple(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Create and verify three incremental backups.
+ Create a bitmap and a full backup before VM execution begins,
+ then create a series of three incremental backups "during execution,"
+ i.e.; after IO requests begin modifying the drive.
+ '''
+ return self.do_incremental_simple()
+ def test_small_granularity(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Create and verify backups made with a small granularity bitmap.
+ Perform the same test as test_incremental_simple, but with a granularity
+ of only 32KiB instead of the present default of 64KiB.
+ '''
+ return self.do_incremental_simple(granularity=32768)
+ def test_large_granularity(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Create and verify backups made with a large granularity bitmap.
+ Perform the same test as test_incremental_simple, but with a granularity
+ of 128KiB instead of the present default of 64KiB.
+ '''
+ return self.do_incremental_simple(granularity=131072)
+ def test_larger_cluster_target(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Create and verify backups made to a larger cluster size target.
+ With a default granularity of 64KiB, verify that backups made to a
+ larger cluster size target of 128KiB without a backing file works.
+ '''
+ drive0 = self.drives[0]
+ # Create a cluster_size=128k full backup / "anchor" backup
+ self.img_create(drive0['backup'], cluster_size='128k')
+ self.assertTrue(self.do_qmp_backup(device=drive0['id'], sync='full',
+ format=drive0['fmt'],
+ target=drive0['backup'],
+ mode='existing'))
+ # Create bitmap and dirty it with some new writes.
+ # overwrite [32736, 32799] which will dirty bitmap clusters at
+ # 32M-64K and 32M. 32M+64K will be left undirtied.
+ bitmap0 = self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive0)
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'],
+ (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ # Check the dirty bitmap stats
+ self.assertTrue(self.vm.check_bitmap_status(
+ 'node0', bitmap0.name, {
+ 'name': 'bitmap0',
+ 'count': 458752,
+ 'granularity': 65536,
+ 'persistent': False
+ }))
+ # Prepare a cluster_size=128k backup target without a backing file.
+ (target, _) = bitmap0.new_target()
+ self.img_create(target, bitmap0.drive['fmt'], cluster_size='128k')
+ # Perform Incremental Backup
+ self.assertTrue(self.do_qmp_backup(device=bitmap0.drive['id'],
+ sync='incremental',
+ bitmap=bitmap0.name,
+ format=bitmap0.drive['fmt'],
+ target=target,
+ mode='existing'))
+ self.make_reference_backup(bitmap0)
+ # Add the backing file, then compare and exit.
+ iotests.qemu_img('rebase', '-f', drive0['fmt'], '-u', '-b',
+ drive0['backup'], '-F', drive0['fmt'], target)
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+ def test_incremental_transaction(self):
+ '''Test: Verify backups made from transactionally created bitmaps.
+ Create a bitmap "before" VM execution begins, then create a second
+ bitmap AFTER writes have already occurred. Use transactions to create
+ a full backup and synchronize both bitmaps to this backup.
+ Create an incremental backup through both bitmaps and verify that
+ both backups match the current drive0 image.
+ '''
+ drive0 = self.drives[0]
+ bitmap0 = self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive0)
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ bitmap1 = self.add_bitmap('bitmap1', drive0)
+ result = self.vm.qmp('transaction', actions=[
+ transaction_bitmap_clear(bitmap0.drive['id'], bitmap0.name),
+ transaction_bitmap_clear(bitmap1.drive['id'], bitmap1.name),
+ transaction_drive_backup(drive0['id'], drive0['backup'],
+ sync='full', format=drive0['fmt'])
+ ])
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ self.wait_until_completed(drive0['id'])
+ self.files.append(drive0['backup'])
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0x9a', 0, 512),
+ ('0x55', '8M', '352k'),
+ ('0x78', '15872k', '1M')))
+ # Both bitmaps should be correctly in sync.
+ self.create_incremental(bitmap0)
+ self.create_incremental(bitmap1)
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+ def do_transaction_failure_test(self, race=False):
+ # Create a second drive, with pattern:
+ drive1 = self.add_node('drive1')
+ self.img_create(drive1['file'], drive1['fmt'])
+ io_write_patterns(drive1['file'], (('0x14', 0, 512),
+ ('0x5d', '1M', '32k'),
+ ('0xcd', '32M', '124k')))
+ # Create a blkdebug interface to this img as 'drive1'
+ result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add',
+ node_name=drive1['id'],
+ driver=drive1['fmt'],
+ file={
+ 'driver': 'blkdebug',
+ 'image': {
+ 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': drive1['file']
+ },
+ 'set-state': [{
+ 'event': 'flush_to_disk',
+ 'state': 1,
+ 'new_state': 2
+ }],
+ 'inject-error': [{
+ 'event': 'read_aio',
+ 'errno': 5,
+ 'state': 2,
+ 'immediately': False,
+ 'once': True
+ }],
+ }
+ )
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ # Create bitmaps and full backups for both drives
+ drive0 = self.drives[0]
+ dr0bm0 = self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive0)
+ dr1bm0 = self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive1)
+ self.create_anchor_backup(drive0)
+ self.create_anchor_backup(drive1)
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ self.assertFalse(self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=False))
+ # Emulate some writes
+ if not race:
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive1['id'], (('0xba', 0, 512),
+ ('0xef', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x46', '32736k', '64k')))
+ # Create incremental backup targets
+ target0 = self.prepare_backup(dr0bm0)
+ target1 = self.prepare_backup(dr1bm0)
+ # Ask for a new incremental backup per-each drive,
+ # expecting drive1's backup to fail. In the 'race' test,
+ # we expect drive1 to attempt to cancel the empty drive0 job.
+ transaction = [
+ transaction_drive_backup(drive0['id'], target0, sync='incremental',
+ format=drive0['fmt'], mode='existing',
+ bitmap=dr0bm0.name),
+ transaction_drive_backup(drive1['id'], target1, sync='incremental',
+ format=drive1['fmt'], mode='existing',
+ bitmap=dr1bm0.name)
+ ]
+ result = self.vm.qmp('transaction', actions=transaction,
+ properties={'completion-mode': 'grouped'} )
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ # Observe that drive0's backup is cancelled and drive1 completes with
+ # an error.
+ self.wait_qmp_backup_cancelled(drive0['id'])
+ self.assertFalse(self.wait_qmp_backup(drive1['id']))
+ error = self.vm.event_wait('BLOCK_JOB_ERROR')
+ self.assert_qmp(error, 'data', {'device': drive1['id'],
+ 'action': 'report',
+ 'operation': 'read'})
+ self.assertFalse(self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=False))
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ # Delete drive0's successful target and eliminate our record of the
+ # unsuccessful drive1 target.
+ dr0bm0.del_target()
+ dr1bm0.del_target()
+ if race:
+ # Don't re-run the transaction, we only wanted to test the race.
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ return
+ # Re-run the same transaction:
+ target0 = self.prepare_backup(dr0bm0)
+ target1 = self.prepare_backup(dr1bm0)
+ # Re-run the exact same transaction.
+ result = self.vm.qmp('transaction', actions=transaction,
+ properties={'completion-mode':'grouped'})
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ # Both should complete successfully this time.
+ self.assertTrue(self.wait_qmp_backup(drive0['id']))
+ self.assertTrue(self.wait_qmp_backup(drive1['id']))
+ self.make_reference_backup(dr0bm0)
+ self.make_reference_backup(dr1bm0)
+ self.assertFalse(self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=False))
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ # And the images should of course validate.
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+ def test_transaction_failure(self):
+ '''Test: Verify backups made from a transaction that partially fails.
+ Add a second drive with its own unique pattern, and add a bitmap to each
+ drive. Use blkdebug to interfere with the backup on just one drive and
+ attempt to create a coherent incremental backup across both drives.
+ verify a failure in one but not both, then delete the failed stubs and
+ re-run the same transaction.
+ verify that both incrementals are created successfully.
+ '''
+ self.do_transaction_failure_test()
+ def test_transaction_failure_race(self):
+ '''Test: Verify that transactions with jobs that have no data to
+ transfer do not cause race conditions in the cancellation of the entire
+ transaction job group.
+ '''
+ self.do_transaction_failure_test(race=True)
+ def test_sync_dirty_bitmap_missing(self):
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ self.files.append(self.err_img)
+ result = self.vm.qmp('drive-backup', device=self.drives[0]['id'],
+ sync='incremental', format=self.drives[0]['fmt'],
+ target=self.err_img)
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
+ def test_sync_dirty_bitmap_not_found(self):
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ self.files.append(self.err_img)
+ result = self.vm.qmp('drive-backup', device=self.drives[0]['id'],
+ sync='incremental', bitmap='unknown',
+ format=self.drives[0]['fmt'], target=self.err_img)
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'error/class', 'GenericError')
+ def test_sync_dirty_bitmap_bad_granularity(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Test what happens if we provide an improper granularity.
+ The granularity must always be a power of 2.
+ '''
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, self.add_bitmap,
+ 'bitmap0', self.drives[0],
+ granularity=64000)
+ def test_growing_before_backup(self):
+ '''
+ Test: Add a bitmap, truncate the image, write past the old
+ end, do a backup.
+ Incremental backup should not ignore dirty bits past the old
+ image end.
+ '''
+ self.assert_no_active_block_jobs()
+ self.create_anchor_backup()
+ self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', self.drives[0])
+ res = self.vm.qmp('block_resize', device=self.drives[0]['id'],
+ size=(65 * 1048576))
+ self.assert_qmp(res, 'return', {})
+ # Dirty the image past the old end
+ self.vm.hmp_qemu_io(self.drives[0]['id'], 'write 64M 64k')
+ target = self.prepare_backup(size='65M')
+ self.create_incremental(target=target)
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+class TestIncrementalBackupBlkdebug(TestIncrementalBackupBase):
+ '''Incremental backup tests that utilize a BlkDebug filter on drive0.'''
+ def setUp(self):
+ drive0 = self.add_node('drive0')
+ self.img_create(drive0['file'], drive0['fmt'])
+ self.write_default_pattern(drive0['file'])
+ self.vm.launch()
+ def test_incremental_failure(self):
+ '''Test: Verify backups made after a failure are correct.
+ Simulate a failure during an incremental backup block job,
+ emulate additional writes, then create another incremental backup
+ afterwards and verify that the backup created is correct.
+ '''
+ drive0 = self.drives[0]
+ result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add',
+ node_name=drive0['id'],
+ driver=drive0['fmt'],
+ file={
+ 'driver': 'blkdebug',
+ 'image': {
+ 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': drive0['file']
+ },
+ 'set-state': [{
+ 'event': 'flush_to_disk',
+ 'state': 1,
+ 'new_state': 2
+ }],
+ 'inject-error': [{
+ 'event': 'read_aio',
+ 'errno': 5,
+ 'state': 2,
+ 'immediately': False,
+ 'once': True
+ }],
+ }
+ )
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ self.create_anchor_backup(drive0)
+ self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive0)
+ # Note: at this point, during a normal execution,
+ # Assume that the VM resumes and begins issuing IO requests here.
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ result = self.create_incremental(validate=False)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0x9a', 0, 512),
+ ('0x55', '8M', '352k'),
+ ('0x78', '15872k', '1M')))
+ self.create_incremental()
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+ def test_incremental_pause(self):
+ """
+ Test an incremental backup that errors into a pause and is resumed.
+ """
+ drive0 = self.drives[0]
+ # NB: The blkdebug script here looks for a "flush, read" pattern.
+ # The flush occurs in hmp_io_writes, and the read during the block job.
+ result = self.vm.qmp('blockdev-add',
+ node_name=drive0['id'],
+ driver=drive0['fmt'],
+ file={
+ 'driver': 'blkdebug',
+ 'image': {
+ 'driver': 'file',
+ 'filename': drive0['file']
+ },
+ 'set-state': [{
+ 'event': 'flush_to_disk',
+ 'state': 1,
+ 'new_state': 2
+ }],
+ 'inject-error': [{
+ 'event': 'read_aio',
+ 'errno': 5,
+ 'state': 2,
+ 'immediately': False,
+ 'once': True
+ }],
+ })
+ self.assert_qmp(result, 'return', {})
+ self.create_anchor_backup(drive0)
+ bitmap = self.add_bitmap('bitmap0', drive0)
+ # Emulate guest activity
+ self.hmp_io_writes(drive0['id'], (('0xab', 0, 512),
+ ('0xfe', '16M', '256k'),
+ ('0x64', '32736k', '64k')))
+ # Bitmap Status Check
+ self.assertTrue(self.vm.check_bitmap_status(
+ drive0['id'], bitmap.name, {
+ 'count': 458752,
+ 'granularity': 65536,
+ 'busy': False,
+ 'recording': True
+ }))
+ # Start backup
+ parent, _ = bitmap.last_target()
+ target = self.prepare_backup(bitmap, parent)
+ res = self.vm.qmp('drive-backup',
+ job_id=bitmap.drive['id'],
+ device=bitmap.drive['id'],
+ sync='incremental',
+ bitmap=bitmap.name,
+ format=bitmap.drive['fmt'],
+ target=target,
+ mode='existing',
+ on_source_error='stop')
+ self.assert_qmp(res, 'return', {})
+ # Wait for the error
+ event = self.vm.event_wait(name="BLOCK_JOB_ERROR",
+ match={"data":{"device":bitmap.drive['id']}})
+ self.assert_qmp(event, 'data', {'device': bitmap.drive['id'],
+ 'action': 'stop',
+ 'operation': 'read'})
+ # Bitmap Status Check
+ self.assertTrue(self.vm.check_bitmap_status(
+ drive0['id'], bitmap.name, {
+ 'count': 458752,
+ 'granularity': 65536,
+ 'busy': True,
+ 'recording': True
+ }))
+ # Resume and check incremental backup for consistency
+ res = self.vm.qmp('block-job-resume', device=bitmap.drive['id'])
+ self.assert_qmp(res, 'return', {})
+ self.wait_qmp_backup(bitmap.drive['id'])
+ # Bitmap Status Check
+ self.assertTrue(self.vm.check_bitmap_status(
+ drive0['id'], bitmap.name, {
+ 'count': 0,
+ 'granularity': 65536,
+ 'busy': False,
+ 'recording': True
+ }))
+ # Finalize / Cleanup
+ self.make_reference_backup(bitmap)
+ self.vm.shutdown()
+ self.check_backups()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ iotests.main(supported_fmts=['qcow2'],
+ supported_protocols=['file'])