path: root/tests/vm/openbsd
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/vm/openbsd')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/vm/openbsd b/tests/vm/openbsd
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..337fe7c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vm/openbsd
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# OpenBSD VM image
+# Copyright 2017-2019 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Fam Zheng <famz@redhat.com>
+# Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@redhat.com>
+# This code is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import os
+import sys
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import basevm
+class OpenBSDVM(basevm.BaseVM):
+ name = "openbsd"
+ arch = "x86_64"
+ link = "https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.0/amd64/install70.iso"
+ csum = "1882f9a23c9800e5dba3dbd2cf0126f552605c915433ef4c5bb672610a4ca3a4"
+ size = "20G"
+ pkgs = [
+ # tools
+ "git",
+ "pkgconf",
+ "bzip2", "xz",
+ "ninja",
+ # gnu tools
+ "bash",
+ "gmake",
+ "gsed",
+ "gettext-tools",
+ # libs: usb
+ "libusb1--",
+ # libs: crypto
+ "gnutls",
+ # libs: images
+ "jpeg",
+ "png",
+ # libs: ui
+ "sdl2",
+ "gtk+3",
+ "libxkbcommon",
+ # libs: migration
+ "zstd",
+ ]
+ set -e;
+ rm -rf /home/qemu/qemu-test.*
+ cd $(mktemp -d /home/qemu/qemu-test.XXXXXX);
+ mkdir src build; cd src;
+ tar -xf /dev/rsd1c;
+ cd ../build
+ ../src/configure --cc=cc --python=python3 {configure_opts};
+ gmake --output-sync -j{jobs} {target} {verbose};
+ """
+ poweroff = "halt -p"
+ def build_image(self, img):
+ self.print_step("Downloading install iso")
+ cimg = self._download_with_cache(self.link, sha256sum=self.csum)
+ img_tmp = img + ".tmp"
+ iso = img + ".install.iso"
+ self.print_step("Preparing iso and disk image")
+ subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-f", cimg, iso])
+ self.exec_qemu_img("create", "-f", "qcow2", img_tmp, self.size)
+ self.print_step("Booting installer")
+ self.boot(img_tmp, extra_args = [
+ "-bios", "pc-bios/bios-256k.bin",
+ "-machine", "graphics=off",
+ "-device", "VGA",
+ "-cdrom", iso
+ ])
+ self.console_init()
+ self.console_wait_send("boot>", "set tty com0\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("boot>", "\n")
+ # pre-install configuration
+ self.console_wait_send("(I)nstall", "i\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Terminal type", "xterm\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("System hostname", "openbsd\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Which network interface", "vio0\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("IPv4 address", "autoconf\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("IPv6 address", "none\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Which network interface", "done\n")
+ self.console_wait("Password for root account")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["root_pass"])
+ self.console_wait("Password for root account")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["root_pass"])
+ self.console_wait_send("Start sshd(8)", "yes\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("X Window System", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("xenodm", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("console to com0", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Which speed", "\n")
+ self.console_wait("Setup a user")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["guest_user"])
+ self.console_wait("Full name")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["guest_user"])
+ self.console_wait("Password")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["guest_pass"])
+ self.console_wait("Password")
+ self.console_send("%s\n" % self._config["guest_pass"])
+ self.console_wait_send("Allow root ssh login", "yes\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("timezone", "UTC\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("root disk", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("(W)hole disk", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("(A)uto layout", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Location of sets", "cd0\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Pathname to the sets", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("Set name(s)", "\n")
+ self.console_wait_send("without verification", "yes\n")
+ self.print_step("Installation started now, this will take a while")
+ self.console_wait_send("Location of sets", "done\n")
+ self.console_wait("successfully completed")
+ self.print_step("Installation finished, rebooting")
+ self.console_wait_send("(R)eboot", "reboot\n")
+ # setup qemu user
+ prompt = "$"
+ self.console_ssh_init(prompt, self._config["guest_user"],
+ self._config["guest_pass"])
+ self.console_wait_send(prompt, "exit\n")
+ # setup root user
+ prompt = "openbsd#"
+ self.console_ssh_init(prompt, "root", self._config["root_pass"])
+ self.console_sshd_config(prompt)
+ # setup virtio-blk #1 (tarfile)
+ self.console_wait(prompt)
+ self.console_send("echo 'chmod 666 /dev/rsd1c' >> /etc/rc.local\n")
+ # enable w+x for /home
+ self.console_wait(prompt)
+ self.console_send("sed -i -e '/home/s/rw,/rw,wxallowed,/' /etc/fstab\n")
+ # tweak datasize limit
+ self.console_wait(prompt)
+ self.console_send("sed -i -e 's/\\(datasize[^=]*\\)=[^:]*/\\1=infinity/' /etc/login.conf\n")
+ # use http (be proxy cache friendly)
+ self.console_wait(prompt)
+ self.console_send("sed -i -e 's/https/http/' /etc/installurl\n")
+ self.print_step("Configuration finished, rebooting")
+ self.console_wait_send(prompt, "reboot\n")
+ self.console_wait("login:")
+ self.wait_ssh()
+ self.print_step("Installing packages")
+ self.ssh_root_check("pkg_add %s\n" % " ".join(self.pkgs))
+ # shutdown
+ self.ssh_root(self.poweroff)
+ self.wait()
+ if os.path.exists(img):
+ os.remove(img)
+ os.rename(img_tmp, img)
+ os.remove(iso)
+ self.print_step("All done")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(basevm.main(OpenBSDVM))