path: root/vehicleservice/positioning/client/include/vehicle_service/POS_gps_API.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'vehicleservice/positioning/client/include/vehicle_service/POS_gps_API.h')
1 files changed, 1135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vehicleservice/positioning/client/include/vehicle_service/POS_gps_API.h b/vehicleservice/positioning/client/include/vehicle_service/POS_gps_API.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41e8e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vehicleservice/positioning/client/include/vehicle_service/POS_gps_API.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file POS_gps_API.h
+ * @brief API definition file for GPS function
+ */
+/** @addtogroup BaseSystem
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup vehicle_service
+ * @ingroup BaseSystem
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup positioning
+ * @ingroup vehicle_service
+ * @{
+ */
+ * Incluce *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <vehicle_service/POS_define.h>
+#include <gps_hal.h>
+ * Typedef declaration *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef int32_t NAVIINFO_RET_API;
+//!< \~english define return value of Get/Set GPS information API
+ * Event declaration *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \~english @brief GPS time setting result delivery command ID
+ * \~english @brief If you want to catch above envents, use NSFW like below.
+ * \~english @code
+ * l_eStatus = FrameworkunifiedAttachCallbackToDispatcher(h_app,POS_NTFY_SEND_THREAD, CID_POSIF_REGISTER_LISTENER_GPS_TIME_SET_REQ, CBCallbackA);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ * Struct declaration *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ * \~english message for setting vehicle sensor data(to vehicle sensor)
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ DID did; //!< \~english data ID
+ uint16_t usSize; //!< \~english data size
+ uint8_t data[502]; //!< \~english data body
+ * Prototype Declaration *
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* GPS_API public API */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - GPS setting request
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] p_data
+/// - SENSOR_MSG_SEND_DAT * - pointer of GPS setting data
+/// \~english @par
+/// - SENSOR_MSG_SEND_DAT structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// DID did; /* Data ID */
+/// uint16_t usSize; /* Data size */
+/// uint8_t data[502]; /* Data body */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Data ID(did)
+/// - POS_DID_GPS__CWORD82__SETINITIAL - setting initial location and time data to GPS \n
+/// (reference to initial location, time setting(_CWORD82_))
+/// - POS_DID_GPS__CWORD82__SETRMODEEX - setting GPS receiver mode(pull extension sentence) \n
+/// (reference to GPS receiver mode setting(_CWORD82_))
+/// - POS_DID_GPS__CWORD82__SELSENT - setting command to GPS that output any sentence \n
+/// (reference to output any sentence setting(_CWORD82_))
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT event create error
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_DID data ID not registered
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status by this API
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter p_data is NULL [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - Data ID(p_data->did) is not supported [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_DID]
+/// - GPS setting data size(p_data->usSize) is not same with the data \n
+/// that related to data ID [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when GPS \n
+/// setting message transfer between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - GPS setting message transfer failed. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to set GPS data. \n
+/// The GPS data specified by the parameter p_data will be set in positioning.
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - This API is only called by Navigation proxy.
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Fire and Forget
+/// \~english @see
+/// - None
+int32_t POS_ReqGPSSetting(HANDLE hApp, SENSOR_MSG_SEND_DAT *p_data);
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Set GPS information
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] navilocinfo
+/// - NAVIINFO_ALL * - pointer of GPS information
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_ALL structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint8_t ucSensorCnt; /* sensor count */
+/// uint8_t reserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS stDiagGps; /* position fix related information */
+/// NAVIINFO_NAVI_GPS stNaviGps; /* other GPS related information */
+/// @endcode
+/// - sensor count \n
+/// sensor count value when GPS data received
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX stFix; /* position fix information */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_SAT stSat; /* all satellite information */
+/// @endcode
+/// \n
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint8_t ucFixSts; /* position fix status */
+/// uint8_t ucReserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_CNT stCnt; /* position fix count data */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_XYZ stWgs84; /* lonlat data(WGS84 geodetic) */
+/// @endcode
+/// - position fix status(ucFixSts)
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_CNT structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint32_t ulCnt3d; /* position fix ratio:3D(unit:sec) */
+/// uint32_t ulCnt2d; /* position fix ratio:2D(unit:sec) */
+/// uint32_t ulCntElse; /* position fix ratio:not fix(unit:sec) */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_XYZ structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// int32_t lLat; /* GPS latitude(unit:1/256sec) (+: north latitude,-: south latitude) */
+/// int32_t lLon; /* GPS longitude(unit:1/256sec) (+: east longitude, -: west longitude) */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_SAT structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_PRN stPrn[12]; /* all satellite information */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_PRN structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint8_t ucRcvSts; /* reception status */
+/// uint8_t ucPrn; /* satellite No. */
+/// uint8_t ucelv; /* satellite angle(unit:1.0deg) */
+/// uint8_t ucLv; /* satellite level */
+/// uint16_t usAzm; /* satellite azimuth(unit:1.0deg) (clockwise from north) */
+/// uint8_t ucReserve[2]; /* reserve */
+/// @endcode
+/// - reception status(ucRcvSts)
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_RCV_STS_NOTUSEFIX :not used for position fix
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_RCV_STS_USEFIX :used for position fix
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_NAVI_GPS structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// int32_t altitude; /* altitude(unit:1m) */
+/// uint16_t speed; /* speed(unit:1.00km/h) */
+/// uint16_t heading; /* heading(unit:0.1deg) (clockwise from north) */
+/// NAVIINFO_UTCTIME utc; /* UTC time */
+/// uint8_t tdsts; /* date and time status */
+/// uint8_t reserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// @endcode
+/// - altitude(altitude) \n
+/// As the altitude is used as unit [0.01m] in internal, \n
+/// the altitude data range is (-21,474,839~21,474,839).
+/// - UTC(utc)
+/// - The time set after rollover.
+/// - date and time status(tdsts)
+/// - 0= time has not been adjusted after GPS receiver reset(time input or master reset or CSF start)
+/// - 1= time output from RTC Backup(have time adjustment result)
+/// - 2= time adjustment completed
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_UTCTIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// uint16_t year; /* A.D. (1~) */
+/// uint8_t month; /* month(1~12) */
+/// uint8_t date; /* date(1~31) */
+/// uint8_t hour; /* hour(0~23) */
+/// uint8_t minute; /* minute(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t second; /* second(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t reserved; /* not used */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter navilocinfo is NULL [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - GPS setting data size(p_data->usSize) is not same as the data that \n
+/// related to data ID [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - GPS setting message transfer failed between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to set GPS information to vehicle sensor.\n
+/// - This API will finish when get the return value.
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - This API is only called by Navigation proxy.
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Fire and Forget and Method and Fire and Forget and Fire and Forget
+/// \~english @see
+/// - POS_GetGPSInfo
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Get GPS data
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [out] navidiaginfo
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS* - pointer to get GPS data
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX stFix; /* position fix information */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_SAT stSat; /* all satellite information */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint8_t ucFixSts; /* position fix status */
+/// uint8_t ucReserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_CNT stCnt; /* position fix count data */
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_XYZ stWgs84; /* lonlat data(WGS84 geodetic) */
+/// @endcode
+/// - position fix status(ucFixSts)
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_CNT structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint32_t ulCnt3d; /* position fix count:3D(unit:sec) */
+/// uint32_t ulCnt2d; /* position fix count:2D(unit:sec) */
+/// uint32_t ulCntElse; /* position fix count:not fix(unit:sec) */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_FIX_XYZ structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// int32_t lLat; /* GPS latitude(unit:1/256sec) (+: north latitude, -: south latitude) */
+/// int32_t lLon; /* GPS longitude(unit:1/256sec) (+: east longitude, -: west longitude) */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_SAT structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_PRN stPrn[12]; /* all satellite information */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_PRN structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// uint8_t ucRcvSts; /* reception status */
+/// uint8_t ucPrn; /* satellite No. */
+/// uint8_t ucelv; /* satellite angle(unit:1.0deg) */
+/// uint8_t ucLv; /* satellite level */
+/// uint16_t usAzm; /* satellite azimuth(unit:1.0deg) (clockwise from north) */
+/// uint8_t ucReserve[2]; /* reserve */
+/// @endcode
+/// - reception status(ucRcvSts)
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_RCV_STS_NOTUSEFIX : not used for position fix
+/// - NAVIINFO_DIAG_GPS_RCV_STS_USEFIX : used for position fix
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter navidiaginfo is NULL [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of reference is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event is created in system, but the count of reference is reach to max [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate falied during the event table creation for event \n
+/// registering. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not register in the event table. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed in event table during the thread table creation. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag has already \n
+/// been registered. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag register failed. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event table is full during event creation. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for event HANDLE allocate failed during event table creation. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not be registered in event table. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - In event table, try to allocate the memory of the thread table creation, but \n
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag has already been \n
+/// registered. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag register failed. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event ID has not been registered in table. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Initialize event object failed. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for storing semaphore control data allocate failed. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified semaphore ID has not been registered when semaphore lock. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Internal mutex HANDLE is NULL when mutex lock. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Internal mutex HANDLE has not been registered in mutex table when mutex lock. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The owner of specified mutex is not itself when mutex lock. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Mutex has been multiple locked [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The HANDLE is NULL when getting usable share memory address. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not get usable share memory address. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed for share memory map. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed for share memory management. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not open share memory. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to mapping share memory. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - No empty field in share memory. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to guarantee share memory. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - ProcessNo has not been registered in message control table when message \n
+/// transfered between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed when message transfered between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The destination process name size is larger than 20 characters when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed when message transfered between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table when message transfered \n
+/// between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event HANDLE has not been registered in event HANDLE table during \n
+/// event waiting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The count of thread arrived max in event management table during event waiting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The EV_FLAG_BIT is not set in flagID during event getting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The ID of message event queue has not been created during event getting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The flagID has not been registered during event getting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The interruption happened during event getting [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Whatever error happened during event getting. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The HANDLE is NULL when getting usable share memory address for accessing \n
+/// received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not get usable share memory address for accessing received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory for share memory map allocate failed for accessing received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory for share memory management allocate failed for accessing received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not open share memory for accessing received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to mapping share memory for accessing received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The size of data stored in share memory is larger than the size of \n
+/// received data. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The result of sensor data get processing is POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The result of sensor data get processing is not POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to get GPS data for diag. \n
+/// This API will finish when get the return value.
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Sync
+/// \~english @see
+/// - POS_SetGPSInfo
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - GPS reset request
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] ResName
+/// - PCSTR - response thread name
+/// \~english @param [in] mode
+/// - uint8_t - reset mode
+/// \~english @par
+/// - reset mode(mode) \n
+/// If the mode is not one of the following, return POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM
+/// - GPS_RST_COLDSTART - GPS reset request(cold start) \n
+/// Automatic search, track satellite and position fix after RAM initialized(all config \n
+/// items be initialized to default value).\n
+/// Initialize data objects:almanac/ ephemeris data, current position, GPS receiver mode and etc.\n
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_BUSY GPS device is still in setting
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter ResName is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter mode is not GPS_RST_COLDSTART [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event is created in system, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate falied when the event table creation that for event registering. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not register in the event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed in event table when the thread table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag has already been \n
+/// registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event table is full when event creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for event HANDLE allocate failed when event table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not be registered in event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - In event table, to allocate the memory of the thread table creation, but failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag has already been registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event ID has not been registered in table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Initialize event object failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when GPS reset \n
+/// message transfer between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed when GPS reset message transfered \n
+/// between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table when GPS reset message \n
+/// transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - GPS reset message transfer failed between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event HANDLE has not been registered in event HANDLE table during \n
+/// event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The count of thread is reach to max in event management table during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The EV_FLAG_BIT is not set in flagID during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The ID of message event queue has not been created during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The flagID has not been registered during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The interruption happened during event waiting [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Whatever error happened during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The result of sensor data get processing is POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The result of sensor data get processing is not POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to reset GPS device.
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - This API is only called by Navigation proxy.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Notification of message
+/// - The result of communication with GPS device will be sent by system API message with following format. \n
+/// Command ID : CID_POSIF_REQ_GPS_RESET \n
+/// message structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct
+/// {
+/// TG_GPS_RET_RESET data; /* GPS reset status data */
+/// @endcode
+/// - message data body structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// unsigned long ret_rst_status; /* response GPS reset status */
+/// @endcode
+/// - response GPS reset status(ret_rst_status)
+/// - GPS_SENDOK:acknowledge
+/// - GPS_SENDNG:connection error
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Fire and Forget
+/// \~english @see
+/// - None
+POS_RET_API POS_ReqGPSReset(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR ResName, uint8_t mode);
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Register GPS time setting request delivery
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] notifyName
+/// - PCSTR - Destination thread name
+/// \~english @param [in] ucCtrlFlg
+/// - uint8_t - Delivery control flag(register)
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Delivery control flag(ucCtrlFlg)
+/// - SENSOR_DELIVERY_REGIST - register
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_BUFFULL the register count is full
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) of \n
+/// the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter notifyName is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter ucCtrlFlg is not register(SENSOR_DELIVERY_REGIST) [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event is created in system, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate falied during the event table creation for event registering. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not register in the event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed in event table during the thread table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag has already been \n
+/// registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event table is full during event creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for event HANDLE allocate failed during event table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not be registered in event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - In event table, try to allocate the memory of the thread table creation, but failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag has already been registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event ID has not been registered in table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Initialize event object failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - ProcessNo has not been registered in message control table when message \n
+/// transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed when message transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed in process. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The destination process name size is larger than 20 characters when message transfer \n
+/// between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed when message transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table when message transfered \n
+/// between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event HANDLE has not been registered in event HANDLE table during \n
+/// event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The count of thread arrived max in event management table during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The EV_FLAG_BIT is not set in flagID during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The ID of message event queue has not been created during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The flagID has not been registered during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The interruption happened during event getting [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Whatever error happened during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The result from positioning service is SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM. [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The result from positioning service is SENSOR_RET_ERROR_BUFFULL. [POS_RET_ERROR_BUFFULL]
+/// - The result from positioning service is SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The result from positioning service is not SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM or \n
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to register GPS time setting request delivery. \n
+/// This API will finish when get the return value.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - Duplication registering
+/// - The same destination thread name has already been registered
+/// - The registered delivery data updated and normal return.(first delivery)
+/// - To one delivery destination, the same data will not be duplication deliveried at same timing.
+/// - After call this API, if the delivery destination thread name has been changed, please call this API again.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Notification of message
+/// - After registered successfully, vehicle sensor information will be sent by system \n
+/// API message with following format. \n
+/// time info structure \n
+/// The year, month, date, hour, minute and second should be the format set to GPS
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// uint16_t year; /* A.D.(1~) */
+/// uint8_t month; /* month(1~12) */
+/// uint8_t date; /* date(1~31) */
+/// uint8_t hour; /* hour(0~23) */
+/// uint8_t minute; /* minute(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t second; /* second(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t reserved; /* not used */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Method
+/// \~english @see
+/// - None
+POS_RET_API POS_RegisterListenerGPSTimeSetReq(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, uint8_t ucCtrlFlg);
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Temporarily set GPS time from Diag function
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] pstDateTime
+/// - POS_DATETIME * - pointer of GPS time
+/// \~english @par
+/// - POS_DATETIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// uint16_t year; /* A.D.(1~) */
+/// uint8_t month; /* month(1~12) */
+/// uint8_t date; /* date(1~31) */
+/// uint8_t hour; /* hour(0~23) */
+/// uint8_t minute; /* minute(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t second; /* second(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t reserved; /* not used */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval NAVIINFO_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par change of internal status
+/// - There is no change of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter pstDateTime is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - GPS time Data size is larger than 144 [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - GPS time setting message transfer failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to set GPS time data to vehicle sensor. \n
+/// This API will finish when get the return value.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - This API will not notify the result of setting time to GPS device. \n
+/// Return normal only there is no error such as parameter error.
+/// - If want to get the result of setting time to GPS device, use \n
+/// POS_RegisterListnerGpsTime to get GPS time and judge it.
+/// - This API is only called by Diag service.
+/// - While GPS data is receiving from GPS device, the GPS time set by this API is ignored \n
+/// and it is set actual GPS time notified by positioning_hal.
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Fire and Forget
+/// \~english @see
+/// - POS_GetGPStime
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Register GPS time delivery
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [in] notifyName
+/// - PCSTR - Destination thread name
+/// \~english @param [in] ucCtrlFlg
+/// - uint8_t - Delivery control flag(register)
+/// \~english @param [in] ucDeliveryTiming
+/// - uint8_t - Delivery timing(change/update)
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Delivery control flag(ucCtrlFlg)
+/// - SENSOR_DELIVERY_REGIST - register
+/// - Register specified data delivery
+/// - Please note that if the same data delivery has been registered for multiple \n
+/// times, the data will also be deliveried for registered multiple times.
+/// - The specified GPS time information will be deliveried at registered time (first delivery).
+/// - Delivery timing(ucDeliveryTiming)
+/// - SENSOR_DELIVERY_TIMING_CHANGE - change Specified data will be deliveried only when it changed.
+/// - SENSOR_DELIVERY_TIMING_UPDATE - update Specified data will be deliveried as \n
+/// long as it updated by vehicle sensor.
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT event creation error
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) of \n
+/// the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter notifyName is NULL [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter ucCtrlFlg is not register(SENSOR_DELIVERY_REGIST) [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter ucDeliveryTiming is neither update(SENSOR_DELIVERY_TIMING_UPDATE) \n
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of reference is reach to \n
+/// - The event is created in system, but the count of reference is reach to max [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Memory allocate falied during the event table creation for event \n
+/// - The thread can not register in the event table. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Memory allocate failed in event table during the thread table creation. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag has already been \n
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag register \n
+/// - The event table is full during event creation. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - The memory for event HANDLE allocate failed during event table creation. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - The thread can not be registered in event table. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - In event table, try to allocate the memory of the thread table creation, but \n
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag has already been \n
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag register failed. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Specified event ID has not been registered in table. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - Initialize event object failed. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_CREATE_EVENT]
+/// - ProcessNo has not been registered in message control table when message \n
+/// transfered between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed when message transfered between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The destination process name size is larger than 20 characters when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed when message transfered between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table when message transfered \n
+/// between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event HANDLE has not been registered in event HANDLE table during \n
+/// event waiting. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The count of thread arrived max in event management table during event waiting. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The EV_FLAG_BIT is not set in flagID during event get. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The ID of message event queue has not been created during event get. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The flagID has not been registered during event get. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The interruption happened during event get [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Whatever error happened during event get. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Get event timeout. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Error happened during event get. [SENSOR_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to register GPS time delivery. \n
+/// This API will finish when get the return value.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// - Duplication registering
+/// - The same destination thread name has already been registered
+/// - The registered delivery data updated and normal return.(first delivery)
+/// - To one delivery destination, the same data will not be duplication deliveried at same timing.
+/// - After call this API, if the delivery destination thread name has changed, please call this API again.
+/// \~english @par
+/// Notification of message
+/// - After registered successfully, vehicle sensor will send GPS time data \n
+/// as system API message with following format.
+/// - If the register successed, certainly delivery first data. And then \n
+/// delivery data according to the delivery timing.
+/// - SENSOR_MSG_GPSTIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// NAVIINFO_UTCTIME utc; /* UTC time */
+/// uint8_t tdsts; /* time status */
+/// uint8_t reserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// @endcode
+/// - time status(tdsts)
+/// - 0= time has not been adjusted after GPS receiver reset(time input or master reset or CSF start)
+/// - 1= time output from RTC Backup(have time adjustment result)
+/// - 2= time adjustment completed
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_UTCTIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// uint16_t year; /* A.D.(1~) */
+/// uint8_t month; /* month(1~12) */
+/// uint8_t date; /* date(1~31) */
+/// uint8_t hour; /* hour(0~23) */
+/// uint8_t minute; /* minute(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t second; /* second(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t reserved; /* not used */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Method
+/// \~english @see
+/// - None
+SENSOR_RET_API POS_RegisterListenerGPStime(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR notifyName, uint8_t ucCtrlFlg, uint8_t ucDeliveryTiming);
+/// \ingroup tag_Positioning
+/// \~english @par Brief
+/// - Get GPS time
+/// \~english @param [in] hApp
+/// - HANDLE - App Handle
+/// \~english @param [out] dat
+/// - SENSOR_GPSTIME* - output buffer pointer to store GPS time
+/// \~english @par
+/// - SENSOR_GPSTIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// NAVIINFO_UTCTIME utc; /* UTC time */
+/// uint8_t tdsts; /* date amd time status */
+/// uint8_t reserve[3]; /* reserve */
+/// @endcode
+/// - date amd time status(tdsts)
+/// - 0= time has not been adjusted after GPS receiver reset(time input or master reset or CSF start)
+/// - 1= time output from RTC Backup(have time adjustment result)
+/// - 2= time adjustment completed
+/// \~english @par
+/// - NAVIINFO_UTCTIME structure
+/// \~english @code
+/// typedef struct {
+/// uint16_t year; /* A.D.(1~) */
+/// uint8_t month; /* month(1~12) */
+/// uint8_t date; /* date(1~31) */
+/// uint8_t hour; /* hour(0~23) */
+/// uint8_t minute; /* minute(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t second; /* second(0~59) */
+/// uint8_t reserved; /* not used */
+/// @endcode
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_NORMAL normal finish
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM parameter error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_INNER internal error
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_NOSUPPORT unsupported
+/// \~english @retval POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE lack of resource
+/// \~english @par Precondition
+/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) \n
+/// of the Dispatcher for App are completed.
+/// - Availability of positioning service is TRUE.
+/// \~english @par changes of internal status
+/// - There is no changes of internal status
+/// \~english @par Failure condition
+/// - The parameter hApp is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The parameter dat is NULL [POS_RET_ERROR_PARAM]
+/// - The count of message in message queue is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of mutex is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The count of item in ProcessName-ProcessNo convert table is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event is created in system, but the count of reference is reach to max [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate falied during the event table creation for event registering. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not register in the event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed in event table during the thread table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag has already \n
+/// been registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread table in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The event table is full during event creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for event HANDLE allocate failed during event table creation. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The thread can not be registered in event table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - In event table, try to allocate the memory of the thread table creation, but failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag has already been registered. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - After register the thread in event table, the event flag register failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event ID has not been registered in table. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Initialize event object failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The memory for storing semaphore control data allocate failed. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified semaphore ID has not been registered when semaphore lock. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Internal mutex HANDLE is NULL when mutex lock. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Internal mutex HANDLE has not been registered in mutex table when mutex lock. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The owner of specified mutex is not itself when mutex lock. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Mutex has been multiple locked [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The HANDLE is NULL when getting usable share memory address. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not get usable share memory address. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed for share memory map. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory allocate failed for share memory management. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not open share memory. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to mapping share memory. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - No empty field in share memory. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to guarantee share memory. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - ProcessNo has not been registered in message control table when message \n
+/// transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed when message transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The destination process name size is larger than 20 characters when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The message queue name has not been registered in control table when message \n
+/// transfer between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE create failed when message transfered between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer HANDLE get failed from internal table when message transfered \n
+/// between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Message transfer failed between processes. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Specified event HANDLE has not been registered in event HANDLE table during \n
+/// event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The count of thread arrived max in event management table during event waiting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The EV_FLAG_BIT is not set in flagID during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The ID of message event queue has not been created during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The flagID has not been registered during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The interruption happened during event getting [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Whatever error happened during event getting. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The HANDLE is NULL when getting usable share memory address for accessing \n
+/// received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not get usable share memory address for accessing received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory for share memory map allocate failed for accessing received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Memory for share memory management allocate failed for accessing received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Can not open share memory for accessing received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - Failed to mapping share memory for accessing received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The size of data stored in share memory is larger than the size of received data. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// - The result of sensor data getting process is POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE]
+/// - The result of sensor data getting process is not POS_RET_ERROR_RESOURCE. [POS_RET_ERROR_INNER]
+/// \~english @par Detail
+/// - Call this API to get GPS time from vehicle sensor.
+/// \~english @par
+/// - Please note the following points when use this API.
+/// \~english @par Classification
+/// - Public
+/// \~english @par Type
+/// - Sync
+/// \~english @see
+/// - POS_SetGPStime
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** @}*/ // end of positioning
+/** @}*/ // end of vehicle_service
+/** @}*/ // end of BaseSystem