path: root/vehicleservice/positioning_base_library/library/include/vehicle_service/WPF_STD.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'vehicleservice/positioning_base_library/library/include/vehicle_service/WPF_STD.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1653 deletions
diff --git a/vehicleservice/positioning_base_library/library/include/vehicle_service/WPF_STD.h b/vehicleservice/positioning_base_library/library/include/vehicle_service/WPF_STD.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 085640a..0000000
--- a/vehicleservice/positioning_base_library/library/include/vehicle_service/WPF_STD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1653 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * @file WPF_STD.h
- * @brief Header file for system standard definitions
- */
-/** @addtogroup BaseSystem
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup vehicle_service
- * @ingroup BaseSystem
- * @{
- */
-/** @addtogroup positioning_base_library
- * @ingroup vehicle_service
- * @{
- */
- * Incluce *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <wchar.h>
-#include <sys/prctl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <native_service/wpf_legacy.h>
-#include <vehicle_service/std_types.h>
-#include <vehicle_service/pos_message_header.h>
-#include <vehicle_service/sys_timerapi.h>
-#include <vehicle_service/positioning_positioningbaselibrarylog.h>
- * Definition *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define POS_THREAD_NAME "Positioning" //!< \~english Positioning thread name
-#ifdef UNICODE
-#define __TEXT(quote) L##quote
-#else /* UNICODE */
-#define __TEXT(quote) (quote) /* r_winnt */
-#endif /* UNICODE */
-#define D_LTEXT(x) __TEXT(x)
-#define LTEXT(x) D_LTEXT(x)
-#define DEBUG_DUMP_MAX_SIZE 4096
-//!< \~english FrameworkunifiedOnDebugDump max size
-/* Sensor Log Type */
-#define POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NONE 0 //!< \~english sensor log type NONE
-#define POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_SYS 1 //!< \~english sensor log type SYS
-#define POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_GPS 2 //!< \~english sensor log type GPS
-#define POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_NAV 3 //!< \~english sensor log type NAV
-#define POS_SENSLOG_TYPE_CMD 4 //!< \~english sensor log type CMD
-#define POS_SENSLOG_GET_ZONE(typ) \
- (0))
-//!< \~english get sensor log zone code
-#define POS_WRITE_SENSLOG(zone, data, len) (((zone) != (0))?((void)((FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG_DATA(zone, data, len)))):((void)(0)))
-//!< \~english write sensor log output
-#define POS_SENSLOG(typ, data, len) (POS_WRITE_SENSLOG(POS_SENSLOG_GET_ZONE(typ), data, len))
-/* HW configuration type */
- * Note.
- * This feature needs to be defined by the vendor.
- */
-#define UNIT_TYPE_NONE 0x00000000UL //!< \~english type none
-#define UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0x00000001UL //!< \~english type unknown
-#define UNIT_TYPE_GRADE1 0x00000002UL //!< \~english type Grade1
-#define UNIT_TYPE_GRADE2 0x00000004UL //!< \~english type Grade2
-#define MAX_NAME_LEN 32 //!< \~english name max length
-#define _CWORD31__NO_SIZE 16 //!< \~english _CWORD31_ No size
-#define RESERVE1_SIZE 16 //!< \~english reserve 1
-#define HELPNET_ID_SIZE 21 //!< \~english helpnet ID size
-#define RESERVE2_SIZE 11 //!< \~english reserve 2
-#define DATE_SIZE 32 //!< \~english make time size
-#define SERIAL_NO_SIZE 3 //!< \~english serial No size
-#define PRODUCT_NAME_SIZE 1 //!< \~english product name size
-#define _pb_memcpy memcpy
-#define _pb_memset memset
-/* RET_API define */
-#define RET_NORMAL 0 //!< \~english normal return
-#define RET_ERROR (-1) //!< \~english error return
-#define RET_ERRPARAM (-2) //!< \~english parameter error
-#define SAPI_EVSET_ABSOLUTE 1 //!< \~english absolute vale set
-#define SAPI_EVWAIT_VAL 1 //!< \~english event wait value set
-/* sys common commandID definition */
-#define CID_GPS_BASE (CID)0xF030
-//!< \~english GPS
-#define CID_TIMER_BASE (CID)0xF040
-//!< \~english timer management
-#define CID_INITIAL_BASE (CID)0xF100
-//!< \~english initial
-/* ResourceManager/CID definition */
-#define CID_GPS_SERIAL0 (CID)0x0100
-//!< \~english GPS reset request func definition
-//!< \~english GPS reset request CID
-/* sys common commandID detail definition */
-#define CID_COM_SERIAL4 (CID)0x0004
-//!< \~english serial command ID 4
-#define CID_COM_SERIAL6 (CID)0x0006
-//!< \~english serial command ID 6
-#define CID_COM_SERIAL7 (CID)0x0007
-//!< \~english serial command ID 7
-/* initial CID definition */
-//!< \~english system abnormality notify
-//!< \~english internal ACC-OFF start Indication
-/* timer control CID definition */
-//!< \~english timeout notify
-/* PNO definition */
-#define PNO_NONE 0x0000 //!< \~english initial value
-#define PNO__CWORD88___CWORD23_ 0x0100
-//!< \~english _CWORD23_ primary thread
-#define PNO_GINI_MAIN 0x0300
-//!< \~english G initial
-#define PNO_CLK_GPS 0x0316
-//!< \~english clock GPS thread
-#define PNO_VEHICLE_SENSOR 0x0363
-//!< \~english vehicle sensor thread
-#define PNO_LINE_SENS_DRV 0x0364
-//!< \~english line sensor driver thread
-#define PNO_NAVI_GPS_MAIN 0x0440
-//!< \~english GPS communication manager thread
-#define PNO_NAVI_GPS_RCV 0x0441
-//!< \~english GPS receive thread
-#define PNO__CWORD83_ 0x0900
-//!< \~english _CWORD83_(Intersystem Communication Message)thread
-#define SYS_PNO_MIN PNO__CWORD88___CWORD23_
-//!< \~english minimum PNO.(normal process)
-#define SYS_PNO_MAX PNO__CWORD83_
-//!< \~english maximum PNO.(normal process)
- * Typedef declaration *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef u_int32 EventID;
-typedef int32 RET_API; //!< \~english _CWORD64_API return code
-typedef u_int32 event_id;
-typedef event_id SemID; //!< \~english semaphore ID
-typedef u_int16 CID; //!< \~english command ID
-typedef uint32_t UNIT_TYPE; //!< \~english unit type data type define
-typedef int32 ANA_RET_API;
-typedef char TCHAR;
- * @enum _RcvMsgMode
- * \~english mode of receive message
- */
-typedef enum {
- RM_WAIT, //!< \~english wait until received message
- RM_CHECKRCV //!< \~english do not wait message, return
-} _RcvMsgMode;
- * @enum
- * \~english definition of event reset mode
- */
-enum {
- _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_OFF = 0, //!< \~english manual reset off
- _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_ON, //!< \~english manual reset on
- _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_MAX //!< \~english manual reset max value
- * Struct declaration *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- * \~english security attribute
- */
-typedef struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {
- DWORD nLength; //!< \~english length
- LPVOID lpSecurityDescriptor; //!< \~english data pointer
- BOOL bInheritHandle; //!< \~english inherited handle
-typedef SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; //!< \~english security attribute
-typedef SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; //!< \~english security attribute
- * Prototype Declaration *
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Create event by specified name
-/// \~english @param [in] ucManualReset
-/// - u_int8 manual reset mode
-/// \~english @param [in] lInitData
-/// - int32 event value
-/// \~english @param [in] cpEventName
-/// - char* event name
-/// \~english @par
-/// - manual reset mode(ucManualReset)
-/// - _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_OFF manual reset OFF
-/// - _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_ON manual reset ON
-/// \~english @retval 0 event create failed
-/// \~english @retval not 0 created event ID
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter cpEventName is NULL
-/// - The parameter ucManualReset is more than or equal _CWORD64_EVENT_MANUALRESET_MAX
-/// - The string of parameter cpEventName has no text
-/// - The string length of parameter cpEventName is longer than MAX_EVENT_NAME_LEN
-/// - The event is created in same process, but the count of thread reference to the event is reach to the max
-/// - The event is created in system, but the count of process reference to the event is reach to the max
-/// - Memory allocate failed for creating event table
-/// - During create the event table, the event flag register failed
-/// - The event table is full
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to create event and return the created event ID.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-EventID _pb_CreateEvent(u_int8 ucManualReset, int32 lInitData, char *cpEventName);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Wait for the event specified by ID
-/// \~english @param [in] eventID
-/// - EventID event ID
-/// \~english @param [in] lWaitMode
-/// - int32 event wait mode
-/// \~english @param [in] lMinVal
-/// - int32 event wait min value
-/// \~english @param [in] lMaxVal
-/// - int32 event wait max value
-/// \~english @param [out] plEventVal
-/// - int32* event wait value output pointer
-/// \~english @param [in] ulMillSecTime
-/// - u_int32 timeout time(ms)
-/// \~english @par
-/// - event wait mode(lWaitMode)
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_EV_NONE parameter error or specified event not exist
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRTIMEOUT timeout
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter plEventVal is NULL
-/// - The parameter eventID is more than MAX_PB_EVENTS
-/// - The specified event has not been registered in event table
-/// - The count of threads which is waiting this event is reach max
-/// - The parameter ulMillSecTime is 0
-/// - The parameter ulMillSecTime is INFINITE, and wait event flag failed
-/// - The parameter ulMillSecTime is not INFINITE, and timeout
-/// - The parameter ulMillSecTime is not INFINITE, and get event flag failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to wait event.
-/// - This API will return after timeout or this event been set.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-RET_API _pb_WaitEvent(EventID eventID, int32 lWaitMode, int32 lMinVal,
- int32 lMaxVal, int32* plEventVal, u_int32 ulMillSecTime);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Set the value of event specified by ID
-/// \~english @param [in] eventID
-/// - EventID event ID
-/// \~english @param [in] lSetMode
-/// - int32 event value set mode
-/// \~english @param [in] iVal
-/// - int32 event value
-/// \~english @par
-/// - event value set mode(lSetMode)
-/// - SAPI_EVSET_ABSOLUTE absolute value set(set parameter value)
-/// - SAPI_EVSET_RELATE offset set(offset of current value set)
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_EV_NONE specified event not exist
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter eventID is more than MAX_PB_EVENTS
-/// - The specified event has not been registered in event table
-/// - The parameter lSetMode is neither SAPI_EVSET_ABSOLUTE nor SAPI_EVSET_RELATE
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to set event value.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_SetEvent(EventID eventID, int32 lSetMode, int32 lval);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Destroy the event specified by ID
-/// \~english @param [in] eventID
-/// - EventID event ID
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR event flag destroy failed
-/// \~english @retval RET_EV_NONE specified event not exist
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter eventID is more than MAX_PB_EVENTS
-/// - The specified event has not been registered in event table
-/// - Event flag destroy failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to destroy specified event.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_DeleteEvent(EventID eventID);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Initialization before call Base API(every process used Base API should call this API firstly).
-/// \~english @param [in] hApp
-/// - HANDLE app Handle
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - The creation/initialization(FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcherWithoutLoop and etc.) of the dispatcher for App are completed.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to initialize Base API.
-/// - Every process used Base API should call this API firstly.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_Setup_CWORD64_API(HANDLE hApp);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Terminate current thread.
-/// \~english @param [in] dwExitCode
-/// - DWORD exit code(not used)
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - None
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to terminate current thread.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-VOID _pb_ExitThread(DWORD dwExitCode);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Create the message queue
-/// \~english @param [in] eventID
-/// - EventID process No
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter pno is 0
-/// - The name length of thread called this API is longer than MAX_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to create the message queue.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_CreateMsg(PNO pno);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Send message in process
-/// \~english @param [in] pno
-/// - PNO process No
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int16 message size
-/// \~english @param [in] msgbuf
-/// - void* message buffer
-/// \~english @param [in] mode
-/// - u_int16 not used
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter msgbuf is NULL
-/// - The parameter pno is 0
-/// - The message queue specified by parameter pno has not been created
-/// - Get sender Handle failed
-/// - Send message failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to send message in process.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_SndMsg(PNO pno, u_int16 size, void* msgbuf, u_int16 mode);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Send message between process
-/// \~english @param [in] name
-/// - PCSTR destination process name
-/// \~english @param [in] cid
-/// - CID command ID
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int16 message size
-/// \~english @param [in] msgbuf
-/// - const void* message buffer
-/// \~english @param [in] mode
-/// - u_int16 not used
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter name is NULL
-/// - The parameter msgbuf is NULL
-/// - The length of parameter name is longer than MAX_QUEUE_NAME_SIZE
-/// - Get sender Handle failed
-/// - Send message failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to send message between process.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_SndMsg_Ext(PCSTR name, CID cid, u_int16 size, const void* msgbuf, u_int16 mode);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Create semaphore by specified name
-/// \~english @param [in] semName
-/// - char* semaphore name
-/// \~english @retval 0 semaphore create failed
-/// \~english @retval not 0 created semaphore ID
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter semName is NULL
-/// - The string of parameter semName has no text
-/// - The string length of parameter semName is longer than MAX_SEMAPHORE_NAME_LEN
-/// - Memory allocate failed for creating semaphore table
-/// - The semaphore table is full
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to create semaphore and return the created semaphore ID.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-SemID _pb_CreateSemaphore(char* semName);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Semaphore lock
-/// \~english @param [in] semID
-/// - SemID semaphore ID
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_OSERROR error return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter semName is 0
-/// - The parameter semName is more than MAX_PB_SEMAPHORES
-/// - The specified semaphore has not been registered in semaphore table
-/// - The specified semaphore's mutex has not been created
-/// - The specified semaphore's mutex lock failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get semaphore.
-/// - This API will return after got semaphore.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_SemLock(SemID semID);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Semaphore unlock
-/// \~english @param [in] semID
-/// - SemID semaphore ID
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_OSERROR error return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter semName is 0
-/// - The parameter semName is more than MAX_PB_SEMAPHORES
-/// - The specified semaphore has not been registered in semaphore table
-/// - The specified semaphore's mutex has not been created
-/// - The specified semaphore's mutex release failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to relesae semaphore.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_SemUnlock(SemID semID);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Create Share Data
-/// \~english @param [in] area_name
-/// - char* share data name
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int32 data size
-/// \~english @param [out] mem_ptr
-/// - void** share memory pointer
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR error return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter area_name is NULL
-/// - The parameter mem_ptr is NULL
-/// - The string of parameter area_name has no text
-/// - The string length of parameter area_name is longer than MAX_AREA_NAME_LEN
-/// - The parameter size is 0
-/// - The specified share data has already been created
-/// - Memory allocate failed for creating share data
-/// - The specified share data file create failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to create share data.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-RET_API _pb_CreateShareData(char* area_name, u_int32 size, void** mem_ptr);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Link Share Data
-/// \~english @param [in] area_name
-/// - char* share data name
-/// \~english @param [out] mem_ptr
-/// - void** share memory pointer
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int32* data size
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR error return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter area_name is NULL
-/// - The parameter mem_ptr is NULL
-/// - The string of parameter area_name has no text
-/// - The string length of parameter area_name is longer than MAX_AREA_NAME_LEN
-/// - The parameter size is NULL
-/// - Memory allocate failed for linking share data
-/// - The specified share data file open failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to link share data.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-RET_API _pb_LinkShareData(char* area_name, void** mem_ptr, u_int32* size);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Start timer
-/// \~english @param [in] SndPno
-/// - PNO source process No
-/// \~english @param [in] TimerSeq
-/// - u_int16 timer sequence No
-/// \~english @param [in] TimerType
-/// - u_int8 timer type
-/// \~english @param [in] TimeOut
-/// - u_int32 timeout time
-/// \~english @par
-/// - timer type(TimerType)
-/// - TIMER_TYPE_SYN fixed term timer
-/// - TIMER_TYPE_USN asynchronous timer
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - Initialization of positioning_base_library has not been done in current process
-/// - The parameter TimerType is neither TIMER_TYPE_SYN nor TIMER_TYPE_USN
-/// - The parameter TimeOut is 0
-/// - The same timer has already been started
-/// - Timer start failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to start timer.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_ReqTimerStart(PNO SndPno, u_int16 TimerSeq, u_int8 TimeType, u_int32 TimeOut);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Stop timer
-/// \~english @param [in] SndPno
-/// - PNO source process No
-/// \~english @param [in] TimerSeq
-/// - u_int16 timer sequence No
-/// \~english @param [in] TimerType
-/// - u_int8 timer type
-/// \~english @par
-/// - timer type(TimerType)
-/// - TIMER_TYPE_SYN fixed term timer
-/// - TIMER_TYPE_USN asynchronous timer
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR error return
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - Initialization of positioning_base_library has not been done in current process
-/// - Timer stop failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to stop timer.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_TimerStop(PNO SndPno, u_int16 TimerSeq, u_int8 TimeType);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Create mutex
-/// \~english @param [in] lpMutexAttributes
-/// \~english @param [in] bInitialOwner
-/// - BOOL not used
-/// \~english @param [in] lpName
-/// - LPCTSTR mutex name
-/// \~english @retval NULL error return
-/// \~english @retval Except NULL created mutex Handle
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter lpName is NULL
-/// - The string length of pamareter lpName is longer than NAME_MAX
-/// - Mutex lock map failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to create mutex.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-HANDLE _pb_CreateMutex(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, BOOL bInitialOwner, LPCTSTR lpName);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get message management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @param [in/out] pLen
-/// - uint8_t* output buffer size
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get message management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugMsgMngTbl(void* pBuf, uint8_t* pLen);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get mutex management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @param [in/out] pLen
-/// - uint8_t* output buffer size
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get mutex management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugMutexMngTbl(void* pBuf, uint8_t* pLen);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get timer management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get timer management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugTimerMngTbl(void* pBuf);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get event management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @param [in/out] pLen
-/// - uint8_t* output buffer size
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get event management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugEventMngTbl(void* pBuf, uint8_t* pLen);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get memory management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get memory management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugMemoryMngTbl(void* pBuf);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get common info management table dump info.
-/// \~english @param [out] pBuf
-/// - void* output buffer
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get common info management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-void _pb_GetDebugOtherMngTbl(void* pBuf);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get current app Handle.
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval 0 get Handle failed
-/// \~english @retval not 0 Handle
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - Current app Handle has not been registered
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get current app Handle.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-HANDLE _pb_GetAppHandle(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Set current app Handle.
-/// \~english @param [in] hApp
-/// - HANDLE app Handle
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get common info management table dump info.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_SetAppHandle(HANDLE hApp);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Base API stop process(every process used Base API should call this API before stop).
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to stop Base API.
-/// - Every process used Base API should call this API before stop.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_Teardown_CWORD64_API(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Terminate current process.
-/// \~english @param [in] pFunc
-/// - char* source function
-/// \~english @param [in] line
-/// - int source line
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - None
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to terminate current process.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_Exit_d(const char* pFunc, int line);
-#define _pb_Exit() _pb_Exit_d(__func__, __LINE__)
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Receive message.
-/// \~english @param [in] pno
-/// - PNO process No
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int16 message size
-/// \~english @param [out] msgbuf
-/// - void* message buffer
-/// \~english @param [in] mode
-/// - u_int16 not used
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter msgbuf is NULL
-/// - The parameter pno is 0
-/// - The message queue specified by parameter pno has not been created
-/// - Receive message failed
-/// - Receive message successrully, but the received message size is longer than parameter size
-/// - Get received message data failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to receive message of specified pno.
-/// - This API will return after received message.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-RET_API _pb_RcvMsg(PNO pno, u_int16 size, void** msgbuf, u_int16 mode);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get send buffer for message transferring in process
-/// \~english @param [in] pno
-/// - PNO process No
-/// \~english @param [out] pSndBuf
-/// - void** send buffer
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter pno is 0
-/// - The message queue specified by parameter pno has not been created
-/// - Get sender Handle failed
-/// - Get send buffer failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get send buffer for message transferring in process.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-RET_API _pb_GetZcSndBuf(PNO pno, void** pSndBuf);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Send message in process
-/// \~english @param [in] pno
-/// - PNO process No
-/// \~english @param [in] size
-/// - u_int16 message size
-/// \~english @param [in] mode
-/// - u_int16 not used
-/// \~english @retval RET_NORMAL normal return
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERRPARAM parameter error
-/// \~english @retval RET_ERROR other error
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter pno is 0
-/// - The message queue specified by parameter pno has not been created
-/// - Get sender Handle failed
-/// - Get send buffer failed
-/// - Set send buffer failed
-/// - Send message failed
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to send message in process.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-RET_API _pb_ZcSndMsg(PNO pno, u_int16 size, u_int16 mode);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Convert process name to pno
-/// \~english @param [in] name
-/// - PCSTR process name
-/// \~english @retval 0 convert failed
-/// \~english @retval not 0 converted PNO
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter name is NULL
-/// - The size of parameter name is longer than THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to convert process name to pno.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-PNO _pb_CnvName2Pno(PCSTR name);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Convert pno to process name
-/// \~english @param [in] pno
-/// - PNO process No
-/// \~english @retval NULL convert failed
-/// \~english @retval not NULL converted process name
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Failure condition
-/// - The parameter pno has not been registered(not the return pno of _pb_CnvName2Pno).
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to convert pno to process name.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Sync
-PCSTR _pb_CnvPno2Name(PNO pno);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get message resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval TRUE normal return
-/// \~english @retval FALSE error(lack of resource)
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get message resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-BOOL _pb_GetMsgResource(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get mutex resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval TRUE normal return
-/// \~english @retval FALSE error(lack of resource)
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get mutex resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-BOOL _pb_GetMutexResource(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Get common resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval TRUE normal return
-/// \~english @retval FALSE error(lack of resource)
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to get common resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-BOOL _pb_GetOtherResource(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Release message resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to release message resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_ReleaseMsgResource(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Release mutex resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to release mutex resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_ReleaseMutexResource(void);
-/// \ingroup positioning_base_library
-/// \~english @par Brief
-/// - Release common resource
-/// \~english @param None
-/// \~english @retval None
-/// \~english @par Precondition
-/// - positioning_base_library initialization are completed \n
-/// (_pb_Setup_CWORD64_API has already been called) in current process.
-/// \~english @par changes of the internal status
-/// - There is no changes of the internal status by this API
-/// \~english @par Detail
-/// - Call this API to release common resource.
-/// \n
-/// \~english @par Classification
-/// - Public
-/// \~english @par Type
-/// - Fire and Forget
-void _pb_ReleaseOtherResource(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-/** @}*/ // end of positioning_base_library
-/** @}*/ // end of vehicle_service
-/** @}*/ // end of BaseSystem