path: root/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/NS_FrameworkCore/include/frameworkunified_framework_internal.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/NS_FrameworkCore/include/frameworkunified_framework_internal.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 675 deletions
diff --git a/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/NS_FrameworkCore/include/frameworkunified_framework_internal.h b/video_in_hal/nsframework/framework_unified/client/NS_FrameworkCore/include/frameworkunified_framework_internal.h
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- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016-2020 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/// \ingroup tag_NSFramework
-/// \brief Internal functions of the application framework.
-#include <native_service/ns_shared_mem_if.h>
-#include <native_service/frameworkunified_types.h>
-#include "frameworkunified_framework_core.h"
-#define FRAMEWORKUNIFIEDLOG_CUT(zone, funcname, print_fmt, args...)
-// dispatcher internal functions
-/// FrameworkunifiedAttachSystemCallbacksDispatcher
-/// All system defined callbacks will be attached to the dispatcher
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to the application framework.
-/// \return eStatus
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - success or error
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedAttachSystemCallbacksDispatcher(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedSendSystemErrMessage
-/// This API is used to send application's critical error message to system manager.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to the application framework.
-/// \param [in] eSystemError
-/// EFrameworkunifiedSystemError - System error type
-/// \return EFrameworkunifiedStatus - success or error
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSendSystemErrMessage(HANDLE hApp, EFrameworkunifiedSystemError eSystemError);
-/// FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher
-/// Creates and initializes an applications/threads dispatcher.
-/// \param [in] cAppname
-/// PCSTR - Application/ thread name
-/// \param [out] hApp
-/// HANDLE& - Reference of application handle
-/// \param [in] bIsChildThread
-/// BOOL - child thread
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK if Success
-/// possible errors from call CreateDispatcher
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock,
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess, FrameworkunifiedCloseDispatcher,
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher(PCSTR cAppName, HANDLE &hApp, BOOL bIsChildThread); // NOLINT (readability/nolint)
-/// FrameworkunifiedCreateHSMDispatcher
-/// Creates and initializes an applications/threads hsm dispatcher.
-/// \param [in] cAppname
-/// PCSTR - Application/ thread name
-/// \param [out] hApp
-/// HANDLE& - Reference of application handle
-/// \param [in] bIsThread
-/// BOOL - child thread
-/// \param [in] f_pFrameworkunifiedHSM
-/// CFrameworkunifiedHSMFramework* - statemachine instances
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK if Success
-/// possible errors from call CreateDispatcher
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedCreateHSMDispatcher(PCSTR cAppName,
- HANDLE &hApp, // NOLINT (readability/nolint)
- BOOL bIsThread,
- CFrameworkunifiedHSMFramework *f_pFrameworkunifiedHSM = NULL);
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// Blocked until the dipatcher receives a notification of a service request or ack.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus -Success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher,
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess, FrameworkunifiedCloseDispatcher,
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock(HANDLE hApp);
-/// frameworkunifiedFdHandler
-/// FD POLLIN blocked & process.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \param [in] efd
-/// int - epoll FD
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus -Success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock,
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus frameworkunifiedFdHandler(HANDLE hApp , int efd);
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess
-/// Processes the Service/system request or notification.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus -Success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// FrameworkunifiedCloseDispatcher,
-/// \details
-/// \code
-/// Pseudo code:
-/// IF message_source != Notification Service
-/// FIND source_name
-/// IF source_name available
-/// FIND protocol_cmd
-/// IF protocol_cmd available
-/// execute callback
-/// ELSE
-/// ignore
-/// END
-/// ELSE
-/// ignore
-/// END
-/// ELSE // notification
-/// FIND notification_callback
-/// IF available
-/// execute callback
-/// END
-/// \endcode
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedCloseDispatcher
-/// Closing the dispatcher
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus -Success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedCloseDispatcher(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedPopedDeferedMessage
-/// Checks the Defer'ed Message Queue should be pop'ed off
-/// the front of the queue!
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// BOOL - TRUE (a message has been pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// FALSE (no msg was pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess.
-BOOL FrameworkunifiedPopedDeferedMessage(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatcherMain
-/// Main processing loop that is shared between FrameworkunifiedDispacther and FrameworkunifiedDispatcherWithCmdLnArguments.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// BOOL - TRUE (a message has been pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// FALSE (no msg was pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedDispatcherMain(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedHSMDispatcherMain(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatcherMain
-/// Main processing loop that is shared between FrameworkunifiedDispacther and FrameworkunifiedDispatcherWithCmdLnArguments.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// BOOL - TRUE (a message has been pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// FALSE (no msg was pop'ed of the defer'ed msg queue)
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedCreateDispatcher, FrameworkunifiedDispatchBlock
-/// FrameworkunifiedDispatchProcess.
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedArgumentParser(HANDLE hApp, int argc, char *argv[], CustomCommandLineOptions *cmdLineOptions);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnInitializationInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnDestroyInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnStartInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnStopInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnPreStartInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnPreStopInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStartInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnBackgroundStopInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedOnDebugDumpInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedCreateStateMachineInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSSFrameworkInterfaceInternal(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus RegistDefaultCbHandler(const FrameworkunifiedDefaultCallbackHandler *CbHandler);
-// message center internal functions
-/// frameworkunifiedGetIsTypeOfSync
-/// Gets if message type is sync, return TRUE. or not return FALSE
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to a Application Framework
-/// \return status
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedInvokeSync, frameworkunifiedSendSyncResponse
-BOOL frameworkunifiedGetIsTypeOfSync(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedSendSyncResponse
-/// Send Sync Response to the hApp.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to the dispatcher to receive message
-/// \param [in] seq_id
-/// UI_32 - Sync sequence ID
-/// \param [in] retValue
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - Return Status
-/// \param [in] length
-/// UI_32 - Length of the data to be receive response.
-/// \param [in] data
-/// PVOID - Pointer to the response data.
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedInvokeSync
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus frameworkunifiedSendSyncResponse(HANDLE hApp, UI_32 iCmd, UI_32 seq_id, EFrameworkunifiedStatus retValue, UI_32 length, PCVOID data);
-// logger internal functions
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedAttachLoggerCallbacksDispatcher(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedAttachMsgProfilerCallbacksDispatcher
-/// This function attaches callback function for profiler protocol for main thread.
-/// Protocol is attached considering the source as "nsprofilerutil"
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to a Application Framework
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - success or error
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedAttachMsgProfilerCallbacksDispatcher(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedAttachMsgProfilerCallbacksDispatcher
-/// This function attaches callback function for profiler protocol for child threads.
-/// Protocol is attached considering the source as parent thread
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Handle to a Application Framework
-/// \return status
-/// EFrameworkunifiedStatus - success or error
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedAttachChildMsgProfilerCallbacksDispatcher(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSetLogMask(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedGetLogMask(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSetOutputLogOpts(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedGetOutputLogOpts(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedSetLogSeverity(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedGetLogSeverity(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedDebugDumpRequest(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSRcsSetLogSettings(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSRcsGetLogSettings(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSRcsSetLogMask(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSRcsSetOutputLogOpts(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus NSRcsSetLogSeverity(HANDLE hApp);
-/// SetConfigHandle
-/// This Function opens the configuration file from given path and sets the file handle in hApp
-/// \param [in] cAppname
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] sFilePath
-/// PCHAR - File path of the config file
-/// \return status of the operation
-/// \see SetDefaultFilePath,
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus SetConfigHandle(HANDLE hApp, PCHAR sFilePath);
-/// SetDefaultFilePath
-/// This Function fetches the default config path, opens the configuration file and sets the file
-/// handle in the application
-/// \param [in] cAppname
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] sFilePath
-/// PCHAR - File path of the config file
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus SetDefaultConfigFile(HANDLE hApp);
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus FrameworkunifiedProcessServiceProtocolHSMEvent(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR pRequester);
-/// ProcessProtocolEvents
-/// This Function registers the events of server with the client.
-/// If the event is published previously and is a state event then send the event data to the client.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus ProcessProtocolEvents(HANDLE hApp);
-/// ProcessPrivateEvents
-/// This Function registers the events of server with the client.
-/// If the event is published previously and is a state event then send the event data to the client.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus ProcessPrivateEvents(HANDLE hApp);
-/// CleanAllEventsOfSession
-/// This Function closes the session handle and removes its entry from the table of
-/// ServiceSessionHandleTable of application framework handle.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] serviceName
-/// PCSTR - Name of a service
-/// \param [in] sessionId
-/// UI_32 - Session id
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus CleanAllEventsOfSession(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR serviceName, UI_32 sessionId);
-/// RemoveEntryFromSessionEventInfoTable
-/// This Function removes the entry of event id from the session table based on the service
-/// name and session id.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] serviceName
-/// PCSTR - Name of service
-/// \param [in] sessionId
-/// UI_32 - Session id
-/// \param [in] eventId
-/// UI_32 - Event id which needs to be removed from internal table
-/// \return eFrameworkunifiedStatusOK- Success, or eFrameworkunifiedStatusFail
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus RemoveEntryFromSessionEventInfoTable(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR serviceName, UI_32 sessionId, UI_32 eventId);
-/// HandleSessionEventOnCloseSession
-/// This Function does the handling of session events on close session request
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus HandleSessionEventOnCloseSession(HANDLE hApp);
-/// UnregisterPrivateEvents
-/// This Function unregisters the private event.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \return status of the operation
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus UnregisterPrivateEvents(HANDLE hApp);
-/// GetMsgQueueHandle
-/// Gets the message queue handle from servicesessionhandletable map.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] serviceName
-/// PCSTR - Service name of receiver
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \return Message queue handle
-HANDLE GetMsgQueueHandle(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR serviceName, const UI_32 uiSessionId);
-/// GetNewMsgQueueHandle
-/// This function creates and returns the message queue handle.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] serviceName
-/// PCSTR - Service name of receiver
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \param [in] uiEventId
-/// const UI_32 - event id
-/// \return Message queue handle
-HANDLE GetNewHandleAndUpdateEventInfoTable(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR serviceName, const UI_32 uiSessionId,
- const UI_32 uiEventId);
-/// IsEventAlreadyRegistered
-/// Searches for the session id in the vector
-/// \param [in] vSessionIdList
-/// SessionIdList - list of sessions id's
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \return true or false
-BOOL IsEventAlreadyRegistered(const SessionIdList &vSessionIdList, const UI_32 uiSessionId);
-/// RemoveEventEntryFromEventTable
-/// This Function removes the entry of event for received service on the active session id
-/// from Event Table.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] uiEventId
-/// UI_32 - event id
-/// \param [in] serviceName
-/// PCSTR - Service name of receiver
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \return success or failure
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus RemoveEventEntryFromEventTable(HANDLE hApp, UI_32 uiEventId, PCSTR cServiceName, const UI_32 uiSessionId);
-/// SendEventMessage
-/// This function sends the private event message to all the sessions of service registered
-/// for event.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] vSessionIdList
-/// SessionIdList - session id list
-/// \param [in] uiEventId
-/// UI_32 - event id
-/// \param [in] cServiceName
-/// PCSTR - Service name of receiver
-/// \param [in] pData
-/// PCVOID - data to send
-/// \param [in] uiLength
-/// UI_32 - length of data
-/// \return success or failure
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus SendEventMessage(HANDLE hApp, const SessionIdList &vSessionIdList, UI_32 uiEventId, PCSTR cServiceName,
- PCVOID pData, UI_32 uiLength);
-/// UpdatePublicStateEventData
-/// This API updates the event data of public state event for all the session of
-/// all subscribed clients.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] uiEventId
-/// UI_32 - event id
-/// \param [in] pData
-/// PCVOID - data to send
-/// \param [in] uiLength
-/// UI_32 - length of data
-/// \return success or failure
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus UpdatePublicStateEventData(HANDLE hApp, UI_32 uiEventId, PCVOID pData, UI_32 uiLength);
-/// UpdatePrivateStateEventData
-/// This API updates the event data of private state event for session with
-/// session id uiSessionId of client pClientName.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] uiEventId
-/// UI_32 - event id
-/// \param [in] pClientName
-/// PCSTR - Event Subscriber name
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \param [in] pData
-/// PCVOID - data to send
-/// \param [in] uiLength
-/// UI_32 - length of data
-/// \return success or failure
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus UpdatePrivateStateEventData(HANDLE hApp, UI_32 uiEventId, PCSTR pClientName, UI_32 uiSessionId, PCVOID pData,
- UI_32 uiLength);
-/// DeleteSessionEventData
-/// This function is called while destroying the session with client.
-/// This method removes the private event data associated with the session.
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application handle
-/// \param [in] pClientName
-/// PCSTR - Event Subscriber name
-/// \param [in] uiSessionId
-/// UI_32 - session id
-/// \return success or failure
-EFrameworkunifiedStatus DeleteSessionEventData(HANDLE hApp, PCSTR pClientName, UI_32 uiSessionId);
-/// FrameworkunifiedGetDataUSID
-/// Gets the shared memory ID
-/// \param [in] hApp
-/// HANDLE - Application framework handle
-/// \return status
-/// UI_32 - success or error
-/// \see FrameworkunifiedMcOpenSender, FrameworkunifiedMcClose, FrameworkunifiedSendMsg, FrameworkunifiedGetMsgLength, FrameworkunifiedGetMsgSrc, FrameworkunifiedGetMsgDataOfSize,
-/// FrameworkunifiedClearMsgData, FrameworkunifiedForwardMessage, FrameworkunifiedGetSystemInfo
-TMemID FrameworkunifiedGetDataUSID(HANDLE hApp);
-/// FrameworkunifiedIsAutoPublishServiceAvailableEnabled
-/// This function is used to check whether auto publishing of service availability is
-/// enabled or not.
-/// \param None
-/// \return BOOL
-/// BOOL - true if auto publish is enabled for service else false
-BOOL FrameworkunifiedIsAutoPublishServiceAvailableEnabled();
-/// FrameworkunifiedIsWaitInStoppingStateEnabled
-/// Check if wait in stopping state is enabled.
-/// \param [in] none
-/// \return BOOL - TRUE if enabled or FALSE
-BOOL FrameworkunifiedIsWaitInStoppingStateEnabled();