path: root/meta-agl-profile-graphical-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwayland/0099_qtwayland_no_evdev.patch
diff options
authorJan-Simon Möller <>2018-05-15 14:46:21 +0200
committerJan-Simon Möller <>2018-05-31 18:16:00 +0200
commitb43165328658087277b667152fdbc04fe07cba08 (patch)
treed1540adb65af28e41e9ebdfdbfe8b08470cb6887 /meta-agl-profile-graphical-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/qtwayland/0099_qtwayland_no_evdev.patch
parentc40ee88f6aa0b379787a9ea3c853a806892e0dd1 (diff)
3rd part of the layer/profile rework [1/2]
This is the last larger commit in this series and deals with the graphical part. We introduce the graphical profiles: - meta-agl-profile-graphical -- meta-agl-profile-graphical-html5 -- meta-agl-profile-graphical-qt5 Notable changes: - weston-ini-conf moved to the meta-agl-bsp layer. Most BSPs have bbappends, so we need to have the recipes present (but unused) even in the console images. - new image: agl-image-boot = terminal-only + network + package-manaager. Ready for using package-feeds - new image/sdk: agl-image-minimal-crosssdk - agl-service-mediaplayer has a dependency on weston, thus it cannot be in the 'core'. Moved it to profile-graphical. - The wayland-ivi-extension moved to the agl-demo-platform. - The app-framework layer included and pulled 'web-runtime' as dependency. This broke console-only images. This has been moved to be in meta-agl-demo only for now. - added and massaged the agl-features. - found and added a useful script 'oe-depends-dot' that helps to work with the dot files (produced with bitbake -g) Todo: - we'll need an
KBRANCH ?= "v4.18/standard/preempt-rt/base"

require recipes-kernel/linux/

# Skip processing of this recipe if it is not explicitly specified as the
# PREFERRED_PROVIDER for virtual/kernel. This avoids errors when trying
# to build multiple virtual/kernel providers, e.g. as dependency of
# core-image-rt-sdk, core-image-rt.
python () {
    if d.getVar("KERNEL_PACKAGE_NAME") == "kernel" and d.getVar("PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel") != "linux-yocto-rt":
        raise bb.parse.SkipRecipe("Set PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel to linux-yocto-rt to enable it")

SRCREV_machine ?= "60b23779def52cac86267bdef0da0f2750dce287"
SRCREV_meta ?= "865683fc87deee7030cd168f295e8afd70894d6c"

SRC_URI = "git://;branch=${KBRANCH};name=machine \

LINUX_VERSION ?= "4.18.33"

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=bbea815ee2795b2f4230826c0c6b8814"

DEPENDS += "${@bb.utils.contains('ARCH', 'x86', 'elfutils-native', '', d)}"
DEPENDS += "openssl-native util-linux-native"


KMETA = "kernel-meta"

LINUX_KERNEL_TYPE = "preempt-rt"

COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(qemux86|qemux86-64|qemuarm|qemuarm64|qemuppc|qemumips)"

KERNEL_DEVICETREE_qemuarm = "versatile-pb.dtb"

# Functionality flags
KERNEL_EXTRA_FEATURES ?= "features/netfilter/netfilter.scc features/taskstats/taskstats.scc"
KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemuall=" cfg/virtio.scc"
KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemux86=" cfg/sound.scc cfg/paravirt_kvm.scc"
KERNEL_FEATURES_append_qemux86-64=" cfg/sound.scc cfg/paravirt_kvm.scc"