Name | Description | Idle |
AGL-JTA | | 8 years |
AGL-JTA-core | | 8 years |
CIAT-docs | EG CIAT documentation repo | 5 years |
ci-management | CI jobs on AGL Jenkins, written in jjb yaml style. | 4 months |
docs-sources | [deprecated] sources for the doc site | 5 years |
docs-webtemplate | webrendering | 5 years |
z_sandbox | Gerrit Jenkins sandbox. | 10 years |
AGL-repo | ##### AGL-repo is the central repo file to checkout AGL ##### | 7 hours |
docker-worker-generator | Docker container generator script | 3 years |
documentation | This holds the documentation hosted on | 3 days |
lava-docker | Unnamed repository | 3 days |
meta-agl | meta-agl layer (core AGL) | 11 hours |
meta-agl-cluster-demo | cluster demo specific recipes and configuration | 3 days |
meta-agl-demo | meta-agl-demo layer (demo/staging/"one-shot") | 3 days |
meta-agl-devel | meta-agl-devel (Development and Community BSPs) | 23 hours |
meta-agl-extra | meta-agl-extra (additional/optional components for AGL) | 3 days |
meta-agl-refhw | BSP of the AGL reference hardware | 3 days |
meta-agl-telematics-demo | AGL/meta-agl-telematics-demo | 3 days |
meta-renesas | | 5 years |
meta-renesas-rcar-gen3 | | 5 years |
releng-scripts | Lava CI tools and templates | 3 days |
apps |
agl-cluster-demo-dashboard | Sample cluster demo dashboard | 2 months |
agl-cluster-demo-gauges | Minimal cluster demo gauges that can be used standalone. | 2 months |
agl-cluster-demo-receiver | Cluster receiver demo native application (XDG) | 2 months |
agl-qt-cluster-demo-receiver | Cluster receiver demo QT application | 2 months |
agl-service-audio-4a | | 5 years |
agl-service-audiomixer | Mixer (control) API for use with pipewire | 2 weeks |
agl-service-bluetooth | bluetooth binding | 2 months |
agl-service-bluetooth-map | Bluetooth Message Access Profile service | 2 months |
agl-service-bluetooth-pbap | Bluetooth Phone Book Access Protocoll service | 2 months |
agl-service-can-high-level-viwi | High level can service using the VIWI spec | 2 months |
agl-service-can-low-level | Low level CAN service made to decode and write on CAN bus. | 2 months |
agl-service-cloudproxy | cloudproxy service | 2 months |
agl-service-data-persistence | AGL binding for data persistence | 2 months |
agl-service-geoclue | AGL Geoclue service to backup GPS positioning with network-based positioning | 2 months |
agl-service-geofence | AGL geofence binding to signal vehicle POI bounding box events | 2 months |
agl-service-gps | GPS binding | 2 months |
agl-service-gstreamer | | 7 years |
agl-service-harvester | V2C interface that collect data to TimeSeries database | 2 months |
agl-service-helloworld | simple hello world | 2 months |
agl-service-homescreen | Applications need a new binding to communicate with homescreen | 2 months |
agl-service-homescreen-2017 | | 6 years |
agl-service-hvac | hvac service | 3 days |
agl-service-identity-agent | Identity Agent | 2 months |
agl-service-iiodevices | iiodevices support | 2 months |
agl-service-inputmethod | This service can communicate input methods between applications and virtual keyb... | 2 months |
agl-service-mediaplayer | AGL Media Player service that allows applications to control playing media. | 2 months |
agl-service-mediascanner | AGL Media Scanning service that allows applications to detect and index media at... | 2 months |
agl-service-navigation | Navigation API with binding | 2 months |
agl-service-network | AGL Network service providing support for management of networking interfaces in... | 2 months |
agl-service-nfc | AGL service NFC binding | 2 months |
agl-service-platform-info | indings to provide platform information such as build, hardware, os to others bi... | 2 months |
agl-service-poi | Demonstration POI service and API with binding | 2 months |
agl-service-radio | radio binding | 2 months |
agl-service-signal-composer | AGL High Level Signaling service to handle CAN, LIN, and others signaling source... | 2 months |
agl-service-soundmanager | Binding for applications to communicate with the soundmanager | 2 months |
agl-service-soundmanager-2017 | | 6 years |
agl-service-speech | | 5 years |
agl-service-steering-wheel | And binding service for steering wheel demo | 2 months |
agl-service-taskmanager | Simple taskmanager service to retrieve data from procps. | 2 months |
agl-service-telephony | Telephony service | 2 months |
agl-service-unicens | Infotainment network setup and access (using Unified Centralized Network Stack) | 2 months |
agl-service-unicens-controller | API to control infotainment network devices | 2 months |
agl-service-voice-high | Highlevel voice service | 2 months |
agl-service-voice-high-capabilities | Highlevel voice capabilities service | 2 months |
agl-service-voiceagent | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
agl-service-weather | AGL binding that uses OpenWeathermap data to display current conditions on Homes... | 2 months |
agl-service-wifi | | 6 years |
agl-service-windowmanager | [deprecated] Binding for applications to communicate with the windowmanager | 2 months |
agl-service-windowmanager-2017 | | 6 years |
agl-service-xds-monitoring | Collects intrinsic bindings metrics from supervisor daemon as well as system res... | 2 months |
agl-telematics-demo-recorder | apps/agl-telematics-demo-recorder | 2 months |
alexa-viewer | An app to view the visual templates (cards) returned by alexa. | 2 months |
als-meter-demo | Show information for steering-wheel and usb camera | 2 months |
app-afb-helpers-submodule | Library to be use for AFB bindings development . Use as a submodule in your proj... | 2 months |
app-afb-test | Binding embedding test framework to test others binding | 2 months |
app-controller-submodule | Generic Controller Utilities to handle Policy,Small Business Logic, Glue in betw... | 2 months |
app-templates | [Deprecated] For versions >= Guppy use the CMake module instead. | 2 months |
aroundview | AGL demo around view sample application using v4l2 API. | 2 months |
camera-gstreamer | camera app using gstreamer | 2 months |
chromium | Chromium built with the SDK as application | 2 months |
controls | Controls (setup) reference application | 2 months |
dashboard | Dashboard reference application | 2 months |
demo3-camera | apps/demo3-camera | 2 months |
demo3-dashboard | apps/demo3-dashboard | 2 months |
demo3-homescreen | apps/demo3-homescreen | 2 months |
demo3-hvac | apps/demo3-hvac | 2 months |
demo3-launcher | apps/demo3-launcher | 2 months |
demo3-settings | apps/demo3-settings | 2 months |
demo3-tachometer | apps/demo3-tachometer | 2 months |
demo3-warehouse | apps/demo3-warehouse | 2 months |
flutter-dashboard | Flutter-based dashboard app | 2 months |
flutter-homescreen | flutter-based homescreen | 2 months |
flutter-hvac | Flutter-based hvac app | 2 months |
flutter-ics-homescreen | New flutter-based homescreen implementation | 2 weeks |
flutter-instrument-cluster | flutter-based instrument-cluster | 2 months |
flutter-mediaplayer | Flutter-based mediaplayer | 2 months |
flutter-navigation | Flutter-based navigation app | 2 months |
flutter-speechrecognition-demo | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
homescreen | AGL Home Screen reference implementation | 2 months |
homescreen-demo-ci | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
html5-background | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
html5-dashboard | HTML implementation of the dashboard | 2 months |
html5-homescreen | HTML implementation of the homescreen | 2 months |
html5-hvac | HTML implementation of the HVAC application | 2 months |
html5-launcher | HTML application for listing and launching runnable applications. | 2 months |
html5-mediaplayer | HTML implementation of the mediaplayer | 2 months |
html5-mixer | HTML implementation of the mixer | 2 months |
html5-settings | HTML implementation of the settings | 2 months |
hvac | HVAC reference application | 2 months |
launcher | Application for display runnable applications icons and launch them | 2 months |
low-level-can-service | | 7 years |
mediaplayer | Mediaplayer reference application | 2 months |
messaging | Sample messaging app | 2 months |
mixer | Mixer reference application | 2 months |
mominavi | Simple Mapbox vector tile based navigation | 2 months |
momiplayer | Simple media player for simple IVI Guest | 2 months |
momiscreen | Simple Home Screen for IC simple IVI demo guest. | 2 months |
navigation | Navigation application for AGL which utilizes service bindings | 2 months |
ondemandnavi | New navigation app using online maps | 2 months |
onscreenapp | Application to display on screen messages using the new hmi framework (windowman... | 2 months |
phone | Phone reference application | 2 months |
poi-yelp | poiapp application using the yelp api | 2 months |
radio | Radio reference application | 2 months |
restriction-screen | Application display restriction screen over other application for safety. | 2 months |
settings | Settings (submenu) reference application | 2 months |
settings-bluetooth | | 6 years |
settings-log-utils | Logging extension utility | 2 months |
settings-wifi | | 6 years |
taskmanager | Taskmanager UI | 2 months |
tbtnavi | Application and display turn by turn information from navigation. | 5 weeks |
videoplayer | AGL Demo video player application | 2 months |
voiceagent-demo | apps-voiceagent-demo | 2 months |
waltham-receiver | Sample remote streaming 'waltham receiver' | 2 months |
webapp-samples | Sample webapps | 2 months |
src |
4a-alsa-core | | 5 years |
4a-hal-community | | 7 years |
4a-hal-configs | | 5 years |
4a-hal-generic | | 5 years |
4a-hal-reference | | 7 years |
4a-hal-unicens | | 5 years |
4a-hal-utilities | | 5 years |
4a-softmixer | | 5 years |
4a-tools | | 5 years |
agl-compositor | AGL compositor (using wayland) | 7 weeks |
agl-dbc | agl-dbc , definition of messages for a virtual car | 2 months |
agl-demo-control-panel | A PyQt6 application to simulate CAN Bus signals using Kuksa.val for the AGL demo... | 2 months |
agl-js-api | Webapps JS bindings with the app framework | 2 months |
agl-shell-activator | agl-shell-activator companion tool for use with agl-compositor | 2 months |
agl-test-framework | agl-test-framework | 2 months |
agl-vss-proxy | Unnamed repository | 2 weeks |
agl-yocto-kernel-meta | kernel (build) metadata repository | 2 months |
app-framework-binder | Application Framework binder daemon, maintained by team | 2 months |
app-framework-demo | Application Framework demos, maintained by team | 2 months |
app-framework-host-utilities | | 7 years |
app-framework-main | Application Framework main service, maintained by team | 2 months |
applaunchd | New appfw - application launcher deamon | 2 months |
avirt | | 5 years |
bluez-glib | GLib BlueZ interface library | 2 months |
can-lin | | 7 years |
cluster-refgui | Reference GUI for Instrument Cluster | 2 months |
cmake-apps-module | CMake Apps module to ease development, maintained by team | 2 months |
connman-glib | GLib ConnMan interface library | 2 months |
cynagoauth | auth plugin | 2 months |
cynagora | A version of cynara with support of security tokens. | 2 months |
demo3-qtquickcontrols | src/demo3-qtquickcontrols | 2 months |
demo3-warehouse-server | src/demo3-warehouse-server | 2 months |
drm-lease-manager | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
homescreen-demo-ci | homescreen-demo-ci - homescreen replacement app for CI test use. | 2 months |
homescreenappframeworkbinderagl | | 7 years |
hvac-demo-microcontroller | Simple hvac controller made for the demo unit based on pi pico (canpico board) | 2 months |
hvacplugin | | 7 years |
inputeventmanager | AGL Input Event Manager reference implementation | 2 months |
libafb-helpers | Application Framework helper library | 2 months |
libagl-compositor | Library for providing easy access to the private extensions advertised by the ag... | 2 months |
libaglnavigation | Navigation client library for applications | 2 months |
libappcontroller | Application controller library | 2 months |
libavirt | | 5 years |
libcloudproxy | cloud proxy service library | 2 months |
libcluster-api | cluster service APIs | 2 months |
libcluster-ipc | IPC for cluster application & service | 2 months |
libhomescreen | A C++ shared library to access the HomeScreen D-Bus API | 2 months |
libqtappfw | Library wrapping AppFW message processing and bindings within Qt objects | 2 weeks |
libqthomescreen | A Qt wrapper library of libhomescreen for Qt applications in AGL | 2 months |
libqtsoundmanager | A Qt library for agl-service-soundmanager | 2 months |
libqtwindowmanager | | 5 years |
librefob | Redundancy file operation library (librefop) | 3 years |
librefop | Redundancy file operation library (librefop) | 2 months |
libsoundmanager | A library for agl-service-soundmanager | 2 months |
libwindowmanager | | 5 years |
log-utils | src/log-utils | 2 months |
low-level-can-generator | Low level CAN generator, used to generate application code from CAN signals JSON... | 2 months |
most | most driver components maintained by microchip | 2 months |
native-shell-client | Simple native shell client for testing and debugging purposes. | 2 months |
nss-localuser | nss-localuser is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) | 2 months |
pipewire-ic-ipc | PipeWire Instrument Cluster IPC | 2 months |
pulseaudio-module-4a | | 5 years |
pyagl | Python AGL binding wrappers and tests | 2 months |
qa-test-misc | Sources for various tests that we have recipes for but no good upstream | 2 months |
qa-testdefinitions | QA testdedinitions for LAVA | 2 months |
qtaglextras | Qt modules for AGL applications compatible with AGL AppFw and Demo HomeScreen/Wi... | 2 months |
qtquickcontrols2-agl | AGL demo custom QtQuickControls2 widgets | 2 months |
qtquickcontrols2-agl-style | AGL QtQuickControls2 style customizations. | 2 months |
rasa-model-agl | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
snips-inference-agl | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
snips-model-agl | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
steering-wheel-microcontroller | AGL DEMO Steering Wheel microcontroller firmware based on CANpico (Raspberrypi P... | 2 months |
uhmi-agl-wm | uhmi-agl-wm | 8 days |
unicens | | 7 years |
virtio/adapter_app | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
virtio/qemu | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
virtio/virtio-loopback-adapter | Unnamed repository | 8 weeks |
virtio/virtio-loopback-driver | kernel driver | 8 weeks |
virtio/virtio_driver | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
vod-server | video server for streaming | 2 months |
waltham-transmitter-plugin | Waltham transmitter plugin | 2 months |
weston-ivi-plugins | weston-ivi-plugins | 2 months |
window-management-client-grpc | src-window-management-client-grpc | 2 months |
windowmanager | [deprecated] AGL WindowManager reference implementation (replaced by agl-service... | 2 months |
xds/xds-agent | | 5 years |
xds/xds-cli | XDS cli | 2 months |
xds/xds-common | XDS common components | 2 months |
xds/xds-docs | XDS Documentation | 2 months |
xds/xds-gdb | XDS gdb | 2 months |
xds/xds-server | XDS server | 2 months |
staging |
AudioManagerPlugins | | 9 years |
HomeScreen | | 8 years |
agl-audio-plugin | | 8 years |
agl-inputmethod-qt-plugin | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
agl-jta-results | | 8 years |
basesystem | Staging repository of 'basesystem' component. | 2 months |
homescreen-2017 | | 7 years |
incar-wireless-monitor | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
libsoundmanager | Library for SoundManager audio framework | 2 months |
libwindowmanager | | 5 years |
most-can-demo-bin | | 8 years |
new-apps | Repo to submit apps in a subfolder for review before inclusion in AGL | 2 months |
persistent-storage-api | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
qlibhomescreen | HMI Framework homescreen wrapper library for Qt applications | 2 months |
qlibsoundmanager | HMI Framework soundmanager wrapper library for Qt applications | 2 months |
qlibwindowmanager | | 5 years |
qtmultimedia-rtlfm-radio-plugin | | 7 years |
rba | Rule Based Arbitrator | 2 months |
rba-tool | Unnamed repository | 2 months |
release-upload | | 2 months |
soundmanager | Sound Manager provides Abstract API of Audio Manager Interface and service bindi... | 2 months |
tizen-application-manager | | 8 years |
toyota | Staging repository for code | 2 months |
vehicle2cloud-communication | staging/vehicle2cloud-communication | 2 months |
windowmanager | | 8 years |
xdg-launcher | Launcher for XDG applications on AGL Demo with HomeScreen/WindowManager | 2 months |