diff options
author | 2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000 | |
committer | 2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000 | |
commit | af1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch) | |
tree | 2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc | |
parent | e02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff) |
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc')
31 files changed, 43056 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g new file mode 100644 index 000000000..386956d7d --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/C.g @@ -0,0 +1,673 @@ +/* @file
+ This file is used to be the grammar file of ECC tool
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+grammar C;
+options {
+ language=Python;
+ backtrack=true;
+ memoize=true;
+ k=2;
+## @file
+# The file defines the Lexer for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
+# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
+@header {
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
+# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
+import CodeFragment
+import FileProfile
+@members {
+ def printTokenInfo(self, line, offset, tokenText):
+ print str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText)
+ def StorePredicateExpression(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
+ def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
+ def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
+ def StoreTypedefDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FromText, ToText):
+ Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
+ def StoreFunctionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText, LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset):
+ FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
+ def StoreVariableDeclaration(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText):
+ VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
+ def StoreFunctionCalling(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FuncName, ParamList):
+ FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
+ : external_declaration*
+ ;
+ print $function_declaration.text
+ : declaration_specifiers IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_list ')' ';'
+ ;
+options {k=1;}
+ print $external_declaration.text
+ : ( declaration_specifiers? declarator declaration* '{' )=> function_definition
+ | declaration
+ | macro_statement (';')?
+ ;
+scope {
+ ModifierText;
+ DeclText;
+ LBLine;
+ LBOffset;
+ DeclLine;
+ DeclOffset;
+@init {
+ $function_definition::ModifierText = '';
+ $function_definition::DeclText = '';
+ $function_definition::LBLine = 0;
+ $function_definition::LBOffset = 0;
+ $function_definition::DeclLine = 0;
+ $function_definition::DeclOffset = 0;
+ self.StoreFunctionDefinition($function_definition.start.line, $function_definition.start.charPositionInLine, $function_definition.stop.line, $function_definition.stop.charPositionInLine, $function_definition::ModifierText, $function_definition::DeclText, $function_definition::LBLine, $function_definition::LBOffset, $function_definition::DeclLine, $function_definition::DeclOffset)
+ : d=declaration_specifiers? declarator
+ ( declaration+ a=compound_statement // K&R style
+ | b=compound_statement // ANSI style
+ ) {
+ if d != None:
+ $function_definition::ModifierText = $declaration_specifiers.text
+ else:
+ $function_definition::ModifierText = ''
+ $function_definition::DeclText = $declarator.text
+ $function_definition::DeclLine = $declarator.start.line
+ $function_definition::DeclOffset = $declarator.start.charPositionInLine
+ if a != None:
+ $function_definition::LBLine = $a.start.line
+ $function_definition::LBOffset = $a.start.charPositionInLine
+ else:
+ $function_definition::LBLine = $b.start.line
+ $function_definition::LBOffset = $b.start.charPositionInLine
+ }
+ ;
+ : a='typedef' b=declaration_specifiers?
+ c=init_declarator_list d=';'
+ {
+ if b != None:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition($a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $d.line, $d.charPositionInLine, $b.text, $c.text)
+ else:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition($a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $d.line, $d.charPositionInLine, '', $c.text)
+ }
+ | s=declaration_specifiers t=init_declarator_list? e=';'
+ {
+ if t != None:
+ self.StoreVariableDeclaration($s.start.line, $s.start.charPositionInLine, $t.start.line, $t.start.charPositionInLine, $s.text, $t.text)
+ }
+ ;
+ : ( storage_class_specifier
+ | type_specifier
+ | type_qualifier
+ )+
+ ;
+ : init_declarator (',' init_declarator)*
+ ;
+ : declarator ('=' initializer)?
+ ;
+ : 'extern'
+ | 'static'
+ | 'auto'
+ | 'register'
+ | 'STATIC'
+ ;
+ : 'void'
+ | 'char'
+ | 'short'
+ | 'int'
+ | 'long'
+ | 'float'
+ | 'double'
+ | 'signed'
+ | 'unsigned'
+ | s=struct_or_union_specifier
+ {
+ if s.stop != None:
+ self.StoreStructUnionDefinition($s.start.line, $s.start.charPositionInLine, $s.stop.line, $s.stop.charPositionInLine, $s.text)
+ }
+ | e=enum_specifier
+ {
+ if e.stop != None:
+ self.StoreEnumerationDefinition($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)
+ }
+ | (IDENTIFIER type_qualifier* declarator)=> type_id
+ ;
+ //{self.printTokenInfo($a.line, $a.pos, $a.text)}
+ ;
+options {k=3;}
+ : struct_or_union IDENTIFIER? '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ : 'struct'
+ | 'union'
+ ;
+ : struct_declaration+
+ ;
+ : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
+ ;
+ : ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
+ ;
+ : struct_declarator (',' struct_declarator)*
+ ;
+ : declarator (':' constant_expression)?
+ | ':' constant_expression
+ ;
+options {k=3;}
+ : 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
+ | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
+ | 'enum' IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ : enumerator (',' enumerator)*
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER ('=' constant_expression)?
+ ;
+ : 'const'
+ | 'volatile'
+ | 'IN'
+ | 'OUT'
+ | 'CONST'
+ | 'EFIAPI'
+ | 'PACKED'
+ ;
+ : pointer? ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? direct_declarator
+// | ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? pointer? direct_declarator
+ | pointer
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER declarator_suffix*
+ | '(' ('EFIAPI')? declarator ')' declarator_suffix+
+ ;
+ : '[' constant_expression ']'
+ | '[' ']'
+ | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ | '(' identifier_list ')'
+ | '(' ')'
+ ;
+ : '*' type_qualifier+ pointer?
+ | '*' pointer
+ | '*'
+ ;
+ : parameter_list (',' ('OPTIONAL')? '...')?
+ ;
+ : parameter_declaration (',' ('OPTIONAL')? parameter_declaration)*
+ ;
+ : declaration_specifiers (declarator|abstract_declarator)* ('OPTIONAL')?
+ //accomerdate user-defined type only, no declarator follow.
+ | pointer* IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ ;
+ : specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator?
+ | type_id
+ ;
+ : pointer direct_abstract_declarator?
+ | direct_abstract_declarator
+ ;
+ : ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) abstract_declarator_suffix*
+ ;
+ : '[' ']'
+ | '[' constant_expression ']'
+ | '(' ')'
+ | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ ;
+ : assignment_expression
+ | '{' initializer_list ','? '}'
+ ;
+ : initializer (',' initializer )*
+ ;
+// E x p r e s s i o n s
+ : assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')? (',' assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')?)*
+ ;
+ : (multiplicative_expression) ('+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression)*
+ ;
+ : (cast_expression) ('*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression)*
+ ;
+ : '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
+ | unary_expression
+ ;
+ : postfix_expression
+ | '++' unary_expression
+ | '--' unary_expression
+ | unary_operator cast_expression
+ | 'sizeof' unary_expression
+ | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
+ ;
+scope {
+ FuncCallText;
+@init {
+ $postfix_expression::FuncCallText = '';
+ : p=primary_expression {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += $p.text}
+ ( '[' expression ']'
+ | '(' a=')'{self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.charPositionInLine, $a.line, $a.charPositionInLine, $postfix_expression::FuncCallText, '')}
+ | '(' c=argument_expression_list b=')' {self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.charPositionInLine, $b.line, $b.charPositionInLine, $postfix_expression::FuncCallText, $c.text)}
+ | '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
+ | '.' x=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += '.' + $x.text}
+ | '*' y=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText = $y.text}
+ | '->' z=IDENTIFIER {$postfix_expression::FuncCallText += '->' + $z.text}
+ | '++'
+ | '--'
+ )*
+ ;
+ : parameter_declaration (',' parameter_declaration)*
+ ;
+ : '&'
+ | '*'
+ | '+'
+ | '-'
+ | '~'
+ | '!'
+ ;
+ | constant
+ | '(' expression ')'
+ ;
+ ;
+ : assignment_expression (',' assignment_expression)*
+ ;
+ : conditional_expression
+ ;
+ : lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ | conditional_expression
+ ;
+ : unary_expression
+ ;
+ : '='
+ | '*='
+ | '/='
+ | '%='
+ | '+='
+ | '-='
+ | '<<='
+ | '>>='
+ | '&='
+ | '^='
+ | '|='
+ ;
+ : e=logical_or_expression ('?' expression ':' conditional_expression {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)})?
+ ;
+ : logical_and_expression ('||' logical_and_expression)*
+ ;
+ : inclusive_or_expression ('&&' inclusive_or_expression)*
+ ;
+ : exclusive_or_expression ('|' exclusive_or_expression)*
+ ;
+ : and_expression ('^' and_expression)*
+ ;
+ : equality_expression ('&' equality_expression)*
+ ;
+ : relational_expression (('=='|'!=') relational_expression )*
+ ;
+ : shift_expression (('<'|'>'|'<='|'>=') shift_expression)*
+ ;
+ : additive_expression (('<<'|'>>') additive_expression)*
+ ;
+// S t a t e m e n t s
+ : labeled_statement
+ | compound_statement
+ | expression_statement
+ | selection_statement
+ | iteration_statement
+ | jump_statement
+ | macro_statement
+ | asm2_statement
+ | asm1_statement
+ | asm_statement
+ | declaration
+ ;
+ : '__asm__'? IDENTIFIER '(' (~(';'))* ')' ';'
+ ;
+ : '_asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
+ ;
+ : '__asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER '(' declaration* statement_list? expression? ')'
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER ':' statement
+ | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
+ | 'default' ':' statement
+ ;
+ : '{' declaration* statement_list? '}'
+ ;
+ : statement+
+ ;
+ : ';'
+ | expression ';'
+ ;
+ : 'if' '(' e=expression ')' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)} statement (options {k=1; backtrack=false;}:'else' statement)?
+ | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
+ ;
+ : 'while' '(' e=expression ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
+ | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e=expression ')' ';' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
+ | 'for' '(' expression_statement e=expression_statement expression? ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.charPositionInLine, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.charPositionInLine, $e.text)}
+ ;
+ : 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ | 'continue' ';'
+ | 'break' ';'
+ | 'return' ';'
+ | 'return' expression ';'
+ ;
+ : LETTER (LETTER|'0'..'9')*
+ ;
+ : '$'
+ | 'A'..'Z'
+ | 'a'..'z'
+ | '_'
+ ;
+ : ('L')? '\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\''|'\\') ) '\''
+ ;
+ : ('L')? '"' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'
+ ;
+HEX_LITERAL : '0' ('x'|'X') HexDigit+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+DECIMAL_LITERAL : ('0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'*) IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+OCTAL_LITERAL : '0' ('0'..'7')+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
+ : ('u'|'U')
+ | ('l'|'L')
+ | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L')
+ | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L') ('l'|'L')
+ ;
+ : ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | '.' ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix
+ ;
+Exponent : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;
+FloatTypeSuffix : ('f'|'F'|'d'|'D') ;
+ : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\')
+ | OctalEscape
+ ;
+ : '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
+ | '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
+ | '\\' ('0'..'7')
+ ;
+ : '\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+ ;
+WS : (' '|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C'|'\n') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ ;
+// ignore '\' of line concatenation
+BS : ('\\') {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ ;
+// ignore function modifiers
+// ;
+ : '\u0003'..'\uFFFE'
+ ;
+ : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ ;
+ : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ ;
+// ignore #line info for now
+ : '#' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n' {$channel=HIDDEN;}
+ ;
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CLexer.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CLexer.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca03adea7 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CLexer.py @@ -0,0 +1,4941 @@ +# $ANTLR 3.0.1 C.g 2010-02-23 09:58:53
+from antlr3 import *
+from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
+## @file
+# The file defines the Lexer for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# for convenience in actions
+HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
+# token types
+class CLexer(Lexer):
+ grammarFileName = "C.g"
+ def __init__(self, input=None):
+ Lexer.__init__(self, input)
+ self.dfa25 = self.DFA25(
+ self, 25,
+ eot = self.DFA25_eot,
+ eof = self.DFA25_eof,
+ min = self.DFA25_min,
+ max = self.DFA25_max,
+ accept = self.DFA25_accept,
+ special = self.DFA25_special,
+ transition = self.DFA25_transition
+ )
+ self.dfa35 = self.DFA35(
+ self, 35,
+ eot = self.DFA35_eot,
+ eof = self.DFA35_eof,
+ min = self.DFA35_min,
+ max = self.DFA35_max,
+ accept = self.DFA35_accept,
+ special = self.DFA35_special,
+ transition = self.DFA35_transition
+ )
+ # $ANTLR start T25
+ def mT25(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T25
+ # C.g:27:5: ( ';' )
+ # C.g:27:7: ';'
+ self.match(u';')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T25
+ # $ANTLR start T26
+ def mT26(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T26
+ # C.g:28:5: ( 'typedef' )
+ # C.g:28:7: 'typedef'
+ self.match("typedef")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T26
+ # $ANTLR start T27
+ def mT27(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T27
+ # C.g:29:5: ( ',' )
+ # C.g:29:7: ','
+ self.match(u',')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T27
+ # $ANTLR start T28
+ def mT28(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T28
+ # C.g:30:5: ( '=' )
+ # C.g:30:7: '='
+ self.match(u'=')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T28
+ # $ANTLR start T29
+ def mT29(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T29
+ # C.g:31:5: ( 'extern' )
+ # C.g:31:7: 'extern'
+ self.match("extern")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T29
+ # $ANTLR start T30
+ def mT30(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T30
+ # C.g:32:5: ( 'static' )
+ # C.g:32:7: 'static'
+ self.match("static")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T30
+ # $ANTLR start T31
+ def mT31(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T31
+ # C.g:33:5: ( 'auto' )
+ # C.g:33:7: 'auto'
+ self.match("auto")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T31
+ # $ANTLR start T32
+ def mT32(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T32
+ # C.g:34:5: ( 'register' )
+ # C.g:34:7: 'register'
+ self.match("register")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T32
+ # $ANTLR start T33
+ def mT33(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T33
+ # C.g:35:5: ( 'STATIC' )
+ # C.g:35:7: 'STATIC'
+ self.match("STATIC")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T33
+ # $ANTLR start T34
+ def mT34(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T34
+ # C.g:36:5: ( 'void' )
+ # C.g:36:7: 'void'
+ self.match("void")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T34
+ # $ANTLR start T35
+ def mT35(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T35
+ # C.g:37:5: ( 'char' )
+ # C.g:37:7: 'char'
+ self.match("char")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T35
+ # $ANTLR start T36
+ def mT36(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T36
+ # C.g:38:5: ( 'short' )
+ # C.g:38:7: 'short'
+ self.match("short")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T36
+ # $ANTLR start T37
+ def mT37(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T37
+ # C.g:39:5: ( 'int' )
+ # C.g:39:7: 'int'
+ self.match("int")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T37
+ # $ANTLR start T38
+ def mT38(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T38
+ # C.g:40:5: ( 'long' )
+ # C.g:40:7: 'long'
+ self.match("long")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T38
+ # $ANTLR start T39
+ def mT39(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T39
+ # C.g:41:5: ( 'float' )
+ # C.g:41:7: 'float'
+ self.match("float")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T39
+ # $ANTLR start T40
+ def mT40(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T40
+ # C.g:42:5: ( 'double' )
+ # C.g:42:7: 'double'
+ self.match("double")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T40
+ # $ANTLR start T41
+ def mT41(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T41
+ # C.g:43:5: ( 'signed' )
+ # C.g:43:7: 'signed'
+ self.match("signed")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T41
+ # $ANTLR start T42
+ def mT42(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T42
+ # C.g:44:5: ( 'unsigned' )
+ # C.g:44:7: 'unsigned'
+ self.match("unsigned")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T42
+ # $ANTLR start T43
+ def mT43(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T43
+ # C.g:45:5: ( '{' )
+ # C.g:45:7: '{'
+ self.match(u'{')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T43
+ # $ANTLR start T44
+ def mT44(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T44
+ # C.g:46:5: ( '}' )
+ # C.g:46:7: '}'
+ self.match(u'}')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T44
+ # $ANTLR start T45
+ def mT45(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T45
+ # C.g:47:5: ( 'struct' )
+ # C.g:47:7: 'struct'
+ self.match("struct")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T45
+ # $ANTLR start T46
+ def mT46(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T46
+ # C.g:48:5: ( 'union' )
+ # C.g:48:7: 'union'
+ self.match("union")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T46
+ # $ANTLR start T47
+ def mT47(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T47
+ # C.g:49:5: ( ':' )
+ # C.g:49:7: ':'
+ self.match(u':')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T47
+ # $ANTLR start T48
+ def mT48(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T48
+ # C.g:50:5: ( 'enum' )
+ # C.g:50:7: 'enum'
+ self.match("enum")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T48
+ # $ANTLR start T49
+ def mT49(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T49
+ # C.g:51:5: ( 'const' )
+ # C.g:51:7: 'const'
+ self.match("const")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T49
+ # $ANTLR start T50
+ def mT50(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T50
+ # C.g:52:5: ( 'volatile' )
+ # C.g:52:7: 'volatile'
+ self.match("volatile")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T50
+ # $ANTLR start T51
+ def mT51(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T51
+ # C.g:53:5: ( 'IN' )
+ # C.g:53:7: 'IN'
+ self.match("IN")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T51
+ # $ANTLR start T52
+ def mT52(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T52
+ # C.g:54:5: ( 'OUT' )
+ # C.g:54:7: 'OUT'
+ self.match("OUT")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T52
+ # $ANTLR start T53
+ def mT53(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T53
+ # C.g:55:5: ( 'OPTIONAL' )
+ # C.g:55:7: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match("OPTIONAL")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T53
+ # $ANTLR start T54
+ def mT54(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T54
+ # C.g:56:5: ( 'CONST' )
+ # C.g:56:7: 'CONST'
+ self.match("CONST")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T54
+ # $ANTLR start T55
+ def mT55(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T55
+ # C.g:57:5: ( 'UNALIGNED' )
+ # C.g:57:7: 'UNALIGNED'
+ self.match("UNALIGNED")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T55
+ # $ANTLR start T56
+ def mT56(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T56
+ # C.g:58:5: ( 'VOLATILE' )
+ # C.g:58:7: 'VOLATILE'
+ self.match("VOLATILE")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T56
+ # $ANTLR start T57
+ def mT57(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T57
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T57
+ # $ANTLR start T58
+ def mT58(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T58
+ # C.g:60:5: ( 'EFIAPI' )
+ # C.g:60:7: 'EFIAPI'
+ self.match("EFIAPI")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T58
+ # $ANTLR start T59
+ def mT59(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T59
+ # C.g:61:5: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )
+ # C.g:61:7: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
+ self.match("EFI_BOOTSERVICE")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T59
+ # $ANTLR start T60
+ def mT60(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T60
+ # C.g:62:5: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )
+ self.match("EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T60
+ # $ANTLR start T61
+ def mT61(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T61
+ # C.g:63:5: ( 'PACKED' )
+ # C.g:63:7: 'PACKED'
+ self.match("PACKED")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T61
+ # $ANTLR start T62
+ def mT62(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T62
+ # C.g:64:5: ( '(' )
+ # C.g:64:7: '('
+ self.match(u'(')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T62
+ # $ANTLR start T63
+ def mT63(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T63
+ # C.g:65:5: ( ')' )
+ # C.g:65:7: ')'
+ self.match(u')')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T63
+ # $ANTLR start T64
+ def mT64(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T64
+ # C.g:66:5: ( '[' )
+ # C.g:66:7: '['
+ self.match(u'[')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T64
+ # $ANTLR start T65
+ def mT65(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T65
+ # C.g:67:5: ( ']' )
+ # C.g:67:7: ']'
+ self.match(u']')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T65
+ # $ANTLR start T66
+ def mT66(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T66
+ # C.g:68:5: ( '*' )
+ # C.g:68:7: '*'
+ self.match(u'*')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T66
+ # $ANTLR start T67
+ def mT67(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T67
+ # C.g:69:5: ( '...' )
+ # C.g:69:7: '...'
+ self.match("...")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T67
+ # $ANTLR start T68
+ def mT68(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T68
+ # C.g:70:5: ( '+' )
+ # C.g:70:7: '+'
+ self.match(u'+')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T68
+ # $ANTLR start T69
+ def mT69(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T69
+ # C.g:71:5: ( '-' )
+ # C.g:71:7: '-'
+ self.match(u'-')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T69
+ # $ANTLR start T70
+ def mT70(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T70
+ # C.g:72:5: ( '/' )
+ # C.g:72:7: '/'
+ self.match(u'/')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T70
+ # $ANTLR start T71
+ def mT71(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T71
+ # C.g:73:5: ( '%' )
+ # C.g:73:7: '%'
+ self.match(u'%')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T71
+ # $ANTLR start T72
+ def mT72(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T72
+ # C.g:74:5: ( '++' )
+ # C.g:74:7: '++'
+ self.match("++")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T72
+ # $ANTLR start T73
+ def mT73(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T73
+ # C.g:75:5: ( '--' )
+ # C.g:75:7: '--'
+ self.match("--")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T73
+ # $ANTLR start T74
+ def mT74(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T74
+ # C.g:76:5: ( 'sizeof' )
+ # C.g:76:7: 'sizeof'
+ self.match("sizeof")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T74
+ # $ANTLR start T75
+ def mT75(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T75
+ # C.g:77:5: ( '.' )
+ # C.g:77:7: '.'
+ self.match(u'.')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T75
+ # $ANTLR start T76
+ def mT76(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T76
+ # C.g:78:5: ( '->' )
+ # C.g:78:7: '->'
+ self.match("->")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T76
+ # $ANTLR start T77
+ def mT77(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T77
+ # C.g:79:5: ( '&' )
+ # C.g:79:7: '&'
+ self.match(u'&')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T77
+ # $ANTLR start T78
+ def mT78(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T78
+ # C.g:80:5: ( '~' )
+ # C.g:80:7: '~'
+ self.match(u'~')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T78
+ # $ANTLR start T79
+ def mT79(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T79
+ # C.g:81:5: ( '!' )
+ # C.g:81:7: '!'
+ self.match(u'!')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T79
+ # $ANTLR start T80
+ def mT80(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T80
+ # C.g:82:5: ( '*=' )
+ # C.g:82:7: '*='
+ self.match("*=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T80
+ # $ANTLR start T81
+ def mT81(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T81
+ # C.g:83:5: ( '/=' )
+ # C.g:83:7: '/='
+ self.match("/=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T81
+ # $ANTLR start T82
+ def mT82(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T82
+ # C.g:84:5: ( '%=' )
+ # C.g:84:7: '%='
+ self.match("%=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T82
+ # $ANTLR start T83
+ def mT83(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T83
+ # C.g:85:5: ( '+=' )
+ # C.g:85:7: '+='
+ self.match("+=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T83
+ # $ANTLR start T84
+ def mT84(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T84
+ # C.g:86:5: ( '-=' )
+ # C.g:86:7: '-='
+ self.match("-=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T84
+ # $ANTLR start T85
+ def mT85(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T85
+ # C.g:87:5: ( '<<=' )
+ # C.g:87:7: '<<='
+ self.match("<<=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T85
+ # $ANTLR start T86
+ def mT86(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T86
+ # C.g:88:5: ( '>>=' )
+ # C.g:88:7: '>>='
+ self.match(">>=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T86
+ # $ANTLR start T87
+ def mT87(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T87
+ # C.g:89:5: ( '&=' )
+ # C.g:89:7: '&='
+ self.match("&=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T87
+ # $ANTLR start T88
+ def mT88(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T88
+ # C.g:90:5: ( '^=' )
+ # C.g:90:7: '^='
+ self.match("^=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T88
+ # $ANTLR start T89
+ def mT89(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T89
+ # C.g:91:5: ( '|=' )
+ # C.g:91:7: '|='
+ self.match("|=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T89
+ # $ANTLR start T90
+ def mT90(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T90
+ # C.g:92:5: ( '?' )
+ # C.g:92:7: '?'
+ self.match(u'?')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T90
+ # $ANTLR start T91
+ def mT91(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T91
+ # C.g:93:5: ( '||' )
+ # C.g:93:7: '||'
+ self.match("||")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T91
+ # $ANTLR start T92
+ def mT92(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T92
+ # C.g:94:5: ( '&&' )
+ # C.g:94:7: '&&'
+ self.match("&&")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T92
+ # $ANTLR start T93
+ def mT93(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T93
+ # C.g:95:5: ( '|' )
+ # C.g:95:7: '|'
+ self.match(u'|')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T93
+ # $ANTLR start T94
+ def mT94(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T94
+ # C.g:96:5: ( '^' )
+ # C.g:96:7: '^'
+ self.match(u'^')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T94
+ # $ANTLR start T95
+ def mT95(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T95
+ # C.g:97:5: ( '==' )
+ # C.g:97:7: '=='
+ self.match("==")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T95
+ # $ANTLR start T96
+ def mT96(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T96
+ # C.g:98:5: ( '!=' )
+ # C.g:98:7: '!='
+ self.match("!=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T96
+ # $ANTLR start T97
+ def mT97(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T97
+ # C.g:99:5: ( '<' )
+ # C.g:99:7: '<'
+ self.match(u'<')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T97
+ # $ANTLR start T98
+ def mT98(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T98
+ # C.g:100:5: ( '>' )
+ # C.g:100:7: '>'
+ self.match(u'>')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T98
+ # $ANTLR start T99
+ def mT99(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T99
+ # C.g:101:5: ( '<=' )
+ # C.g:101:7: '<='
+ self.match("<=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T99
+ # $ANTLR start T100
+ def mT100(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T100
+ # C.g:102:6: ( '>=' )
+ # C.g:102:8: '>='
+ self.match(">=")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T100
+ # $ANTLR start T101
+ def mT101(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T101
+ # C.g:103:6: ( '<<' )
+ # C.g:103:8: '<<'
+ self.match("<<")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T101
+ # $ANTLR start T102
+ def mT102(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T102
+ # C.g:104:6: ( '>>' )
+ # C.g:104:8: '>>'
+ self.match(">>")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T102
+ # $ANTLR start T103
+ def mT103(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T103
+ # C.g:105:6: ( '__asm__' )
+ # C.g:105:8: '__asm__'
+ self.match("__asm__")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T103
+ # $ANTLR start T104
+ def mT104(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T104
+ # C.g:106:6: ( '_asm' )
+ # C.g:106:8: '_asm'
+ self.match("_asm")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T104
+ # $ANTLR start T105
+ def mT105(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T105
+ # C.g:107:6: ( '__asm' )
+ # C.g:107:8: '__asm'
+ self.match("__asm")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T105
+ # $ANTLR start T106
+ def mT106(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T106
+ # C.g:108:6: ( 'case' )
+ # C.g:108:8: 'case'
+ self.match("case")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T106
+ # $ANTLR start T107
+ def mT107(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T107
+ # C.g:109:6: ( 'default' )
+ # C.g:109:8: 'default'
+ self.match("default")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T107
+ # $ANTLR start T108
+ def mT108(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T108
+ # C.g:110:6: ( 'if' )
+ # C.g:110:8: 'if'
+ self.match("if")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T108
+ # $ANTLR start T109
+ def mT109(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T109
+ # C.g:111:6: ( 'else' )
+ # C.g:111:8: 'else'
+ self.match("else")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T109
+ # $ANTLR start T110
+ def mT110(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T110
+ # C.g:112:6: ( 'switch' )
+ # C.g:112:8: 'switch'
+ self.match("switch")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T110
+ # $ANTLR start T111
+ def mT111(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T111
+ # C.g:113:6: ( 'while' )
+ # C.g:113:8: 'while'
+ self.match("while")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T111
+ # $ANTLR start T112
+ def mT112(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T112
+ # C.g:114:6: ( 'do' )
+ # C.g:114:8: 'do'
+ self.match("do")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T112
+ # $ANTLR start T113
+ def mT113(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T113
+ # C.g:115:6: ( 'for' )
+ # C.g:115:8: 'for'
+ self.match("for")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T113
+ # $ANTLR start T114
+ def mT114(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T114
+ # C.g:116:6: ( 'goto' )
+ # C.g:116:8: 'goto'
+ self.match("goto")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T114
+ # $ANTLR start T115
+ def mT115(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T115
+ # C.g:117:6: ( 'continue' )
+ # C.g:117:8: 'continue'
+ self.match("continue")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T115
+ # $ANTLR start T116
+ def mT116(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T116
+ # C.g:118:6: ( 'break' )
+ # C.g:118:8: 'break'
+ self.match("break")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T116
+ # $ANTLR start T117
+ def mT117(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = T117
+ # C.g:119:6: ( 'return' )
+ # C.g:119:8: 'return'
+ self.match("return")
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end T117
+ def mIDENTIFIER(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = IDENTIFIER
+ # C.g:586:2: ( LETTER ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )* )
+ # C.g:586:4: LETTER ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )*
+ self.mLETTER()
+ # C.g:586:11: ( LETTER | '0' .. '9' )*
+ while True: #loop1
+ alt1 = 2
+ LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA1_0 == u'$' or (u'0' <= LA1_0 <= u'9') or (u'A' <= LA1_0 <= u'Z') or LA1_0 == u'_' or (u'a' <= LA1_0 <= u'z')) :
+ alt1 = 1
+ if alt1 == 1:
+ # C.g:
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'$' or (u'0' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'9') or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'Z') or self.input.LA(1) == u'_' or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'z'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop1
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR start LETTER
+ def mLETTER(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:591:2: ( '$' | 'A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '_' )
+ # C.g:
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'$' or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'Z') or self.input.LA(1) == u'_' or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'z'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mCHARACTER_LITERAL(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:598:5: ( ( 'L' )? '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) ) '\\'' )
+ # C.g:598:9: ( 'L' )? '\\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) ) '\\''
+ # C.g:598:9: ( 'L' )?
+ alt2 = 2
+ LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA2_0 == u'L') :
+ alt2 = 1
+ if alt2 == 1:
+ # C.g:598:10: 'L'
+ self.match(u'L')
+ self.match(u'\'')
+ # C.g:598:21: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )
+ alt3 = 2
+ LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA3_0 == u'\\') :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA3_0 <= u'&') or (u'(' <= LA3_0 <= u'[') or (u']' <= LA3_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("598:21: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' ) )", 3, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt3 == 1:
+ # C.g:598:23: EscapeSequence
+ self.mEscapeSequence()
+ elif alt3 == 2:
+ # C.g:598:40: ~ ( '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'&') or (u'(' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'[') or (u']' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ self.match(u'\'')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mSTRING_LITERAL(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = STRING_LITERAL
+ # C.g:602:5: ( ( 'L' )? '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"' )
+ # C.g:602:8: ( 'L' )? '\"' ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )* '\"'
+ # C.g:602:8: ( 'L' )?
+ alt4 = 2
+ LA4_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA4_0 == u'L') :
+ alt4 = 1
+ if alt4 == 1:
+ # C.g:602:9: 'L'
+ self.match(u'L')
+ self.match(u'"')
+ # C.g:602:19: ( EscapeSequence | ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' ) )*
+ while True: #loop5
+ alt5 = 3
+ LA5_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA5_0 == u'\\') :
+ alt5 = 1
+ elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA5_0 <= u'!') or (u'#' <= LA5_0 <= u'[') or (u']' <= LA5_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt5 = 2
+ if alt5 == 1:
+ # C.g:602:21: EscapeSequence
+ self.mEscapeSequence()
+ elif alt5 == 2:
+ # C.g:602:38: ~ ( '\\\\' | '\"' )
+ if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'!') or (u'#' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'[') or (u']' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop5
+ self.match(u'"')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mHEX_LITERAL(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = HEX_LITERAL
+ # C.g:605:13: ( '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
+ # C.g:605:15: '0' ( 'x' | 'X' ) ( HexDigit )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ self.match(u'0')
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'X' or self.input.LA(1) == u'x':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ # C.g:605:29: ( HexDigit )+
+ cnt6 = 0
+ while True: #loop6
+ alt6 = 2
+ LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA6_0 <= u'9') or (u'A' <= LA6_0 <= u'F') or (u'a' <= LA6_0 <= u'f')) :
+ alt6 = 1
+ if alt6 == 1:
+ # C.g:605:29: HexDigit
+ self.mHexDigit()
+ else:
+ if cnt6 >= 1:
+ break #loop6
+ eee = EarlyExitException(6, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt6 += 1
+ # C.g:605:39: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ alt7 = 2
+ LA7_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA7_0 == u'L' or LA7_0 == u'U' or LA7_0 == u'l' or LA7_0 == u'u') :
+ alt7 = 1
+ if alt7 == 1:
+ # C.g:605:39: IntegerTypeSuffix
+ self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mDECIMAL_LITERAL(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = DECIMAL_LITERAL
+ # C.g:607:17: ( ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
+ # C.g:607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* ) ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ # C.g:607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )
+ alt9 = 2
+ LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA9_0 == u'0') :
+ alt9 = 1
+ elif ((u'1' <= LA9_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt9 = 2
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("607:19: ( '0' | '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )* )", 9, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt9 == 1:
+ # C.g:607:20: '0'
+ self.match(u'0')
+ elif alt9 == 2:
+ # C.g:607:26: '1' .. '9' ( '0' .. '9' )*
+ self.matchRange(u'1', u'9')
+ # C.g:607:35: ( '0' .. '9' )*
+ while True: #loop8
+ alt8 = 2
+ LA8_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA8_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt8 = 1
+ if alt8 == 1:
+ # C.g:607:35: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ break #loop8
+ # C.g:607:46: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ alt10 = 2
+ LA10_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA10_0 == u'L' or LA10_0 == u'U' or LA10_0 == u'l' or LA10_0 == u'u') :
+ alt10 = 1
+ if alt10 == 1:
+ # C.g:607:46: IntegerTypeSuffix
+ self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mOCTAL_LITERAL(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = OCTAL_LITERAL
+ # C.g:609:15: ( '0' ( '0' .. '7' )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )? )
+ # C.g:609:17: '0' ( '0' .. '7' )+ ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ self.match(u'0')
+ # C.g:609:21: ( '0' .. '7' )+
+ cnt11 = 0
+ while True: #loop11
+ alt11 = 2
+ LA11_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA11_0 <= u'7')) :
+ alt11 = 1
+ if alt11 == 1:
+ # C.g:609:22: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ else:
+ if cnt11 >= 1:
+ break #loop11
+ eee = EarlyExitException(11, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt11 += 1
+ # C.g:609:33: ( IntegerTypeSuffix )?
+ alt12 = 2
+ LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA12_0 == u'L' or LA12_0 == u'U' or LA12_0 == u'l' or LA12_0 == u'u') :
+ alt12 = 1
+ if alt12 == 1:
+ # C.g:609:33: IntegerTypeSuffix
+ self.mIntegerTypeSuffix()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR start HexDigit
+ def mHexDigit(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:612:10: ( ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' ) )
+ # C.g:612:12: ( '0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' )
+ if (u'0' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'9') or (u'A' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'F') or (u'a' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'f'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end HexDigit
+ # $ANTLR start IntegerTypeSuffix
+ def mIntegerTypeSuffix(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:616:2: ( ( 'u' | 'U' ) | ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) )
+ alt13 = 4
+ LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA13_0 == u'U' or LA13_0 == u'u') :
+ LA13_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA13_1 == u'L' or LA13_1 == u'l') :
+ LA13_3 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (LA13_3 == u'L' or LA13_3 == u'l') :
+ alt13 = 4
+ else:
+ alt13 = 3
+ else:
+ alt13 = 1
+ elif (LA13_0 == u'L' or LA13_0 == u'l') :
+ alt13 = 2
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("614:1: fragment IntegerTypeSuffix : ( ( 'u' | 'U' ) | ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) | ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) );", 13, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt13 == 1:
+ # C.g:616:4: ( 'u' | 'U' )
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ elif alt13 == 2:
+ # C.g:617:4: ( 'l' | 'L' )
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ elif alt13 == 3:
+ # C.g:618:4: ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' )
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ elif alt13 == 4:
+ # C.g:619:4: ( 'u' | 'U' ) ( 'l' | 'L' ) ( 'l' | 'L' )
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'U' or self.input.LA(1) == u'u':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'L' or self.input.LA(1) == u'l':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end IntegerTypeSuffix
+ try:
+ # C.g:623:5: ( ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ Exponent ( FloatTypeSuffix )? | ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? FloatTypeSuffix )
+ alt25 = 4
+ alt25 = self.dfa25.predict(self.input)
+ if alt25 == 1:
+ # C.g:623:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ '.' ( '0' .. '9' )* ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ # C.g:623:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ cnt14 = 0
+ while True: #loop14
+ alt14 = 2
+ LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA14_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt14 = 1
+ if alt14 == 1:
+ # C.g:623:10: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ if cnt14 >= 1:
+ break #loop14
+ eee = EarlyExitException(14, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt14 += 1
+ self.match(u'.')
+ # C.g:623:25: ( '0' .. '9' )*
+ while True: #loop15
+ alt15 = 2
+ LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA15_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt15 = 1
+ if alt15 == 1:
+ # C.g:623:26: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ break #loop15
+ # C.g:623:37: ( Exponent )?
+ alt16 = 2
+ LA16_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA16_0 == u'E' or LA16_0 == u'e') :
+ alt16 = 1
+ if alt16 == 1:
+ # C.g:623:37: Exponent
+ self.mExponent()
+ # C.g:623:47: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ alt17 = 2
+ LA17_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA17_0 == u'D' or LA17_0 == u'F' or LA17_0 == u'd' or LA17_0 == u'f') :
+ alt17 = 1
+ if alt17 == 1:
+ # C.g:623:47: FloatTypeSuffix
+ self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
+ elif alt25 == 2:
+ # C.g:624:9: '.' ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ self.match(u'.')
+ # C.g:624:13: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ cnt18 = 0
+ while True: #loop18
+ alt18 = 2
+ LA18_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA18_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt18 = 1
+ if alt18 == 1:
+ # C.g:624:14: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ if cnt18 >= 1:
+ break #loop18
+ eee = EarlyExitException(18, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt18 += 1
+ # C.g:624:25: ( Exponent )?
+ alt19 = 2
+ LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA19_0 == u'E' or LA19_0 == u'e') :
+ alt19 = 1
+ if alt19 == 1:
+ # C.g:624:25: Exponent
+ self.mExponent()
+ # C.g:624:35: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ alt20 = 2
+ LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA20_0 == u'D' or LA20_0 == u'F' or LA20_0 == u'd' or LA20_0 == u'f') :
+ alt20 = 1
+ if alt20 == 1:
+ # C.g:624:35: FloatTypeSuffix
+ self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
+ elif alt25 == 3:
+ # C.g:625:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ Exponent ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ # C.g:625:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ cnt21 = 0
+ while True: #loop21
+ alt21 = 2
+ LA21_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA21_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt21 = 1
+ if alt21 == 1:
+ # C.g:625:10: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ if cnt21 >= 1:
+ break #loop21
+ eee = EarlyExitException(21, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt21 += 1
+ self.mExponent()
+ # C.g:625:30: ( FloatTypeSuffix )?
+ alt22 = 2
+ LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA22_0 == u'D' or LA22_0 == u'F' or LA22_0 == u'd' or LA22_0 == u'f') :
+ alt22 = 1
+ if alt22 == 1:
+ # C.g:625:30: FloatTypeSuffix
+ self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
+ elif alt25 == 4:
+ # C.g:626:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+ ( Exponent )? FloatTypeSuffix
+ # C.g:626:9: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ cnt23 = 0
+ while True: #loop23
+ alt23 = 2
+ LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA23_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt23 = 1
+ if alt23 == 1:
+ # C.g:626:10: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ if cnt23 >= 1:
+ break #loop23
+ eee = EarlyExitException(23, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt23 += 1
+ # C.g:626:21: ( Exponent )?
+ alt24 = 2
+ LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA24_0 == u'E' or LA24_0 == u'e') :
+ alt24 = 1
+ if alt24 == 1:
+ # C.g:626:21: Exponent
+ self.mExponent()
+ self.mFloatTypeSuffix()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR start Exponent
+ def mExponent(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:630:10: ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+ )
+ # C.g:630:12: ( 'e' | 'E' ) ( '+' | '-' )? ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'E' or self.input.LA(1) == u'e':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ # C.g:630:22: ( '+' | '-' )?
+ alt26 = 2
+ LA26_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA26_0 == u'+' or LA26_0 == u'-') :
+ alt26 = 1
+ if alt26 == 1:
+ # C.g:
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'+' or self.input.LA(1) == u'-':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ # C.g:630:33: ( '0' .. '9' )+
+ cnt27 = 0
+ while True: #loop27
+ alt27 = 2
+ LA27_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA27_0 <= u'9')) :
+ alt27 = 1
+ if alt27 == 1:
+ # C.g:630:34: '0' .. '9'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'9')
+ else:
+ if cnt27 >= 1:
+ break #loop27
+ eee = EarlyExitException(27, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt27 += 1
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end Exponent
+ # $ANTLR start FloatTypeSuffix
+ def mFloatTypeSuffix(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:633:17: ( ( 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' ) )
+ # C.g:633:19: ( 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' )
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'D' or self.input.LA(1) == u'F' or self.input.LA(1) == u'd' or self.input.LA(1) == u'f':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end FloatTypeSuffix
+ # $ANTLR start EscapeSequence
+ def mEscapeSequence(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:637:5: ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape )
+ alt28 = 2
+ LA28_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA28_0 == u'\\') :
+ LA28_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA28_1 == u'"' or LA28_1 == u'\'' or LA28_1 == u'\\' or LA28_1 == u'b' or LA28_1 == u'f' or LA28_1 == u'n' or LA28_1 == u'r' or LA28_1 == u't') :
+ alt28 = 1
+ elif ((u'0' <= LA28_1 <= u'7')) :
+ alt28 = 2
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("635:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape );", 28, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("635:1: fragment EscapeSequence : ( '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' ) | OctalEscape );", 28, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt28 == 1:
+ # C.g:637:8: '\\\\' ( 'b' | 't' | 'n' | 'f' | 'r' | '\\\"' | '\\'' | '\\\\' )
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ if self.input.LA(1) == u'"' or self.input.LA(1) == u'\'' or self.input.LA(1) == u'\\' or self.input.LA(1) == u'b' or self.input.LA(1) == u'f' or self.input.LA(1) == u'n' or self.input.LA(1) == u'r' or self.input.LA(1) == u't':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ elif alt28 == 2:
+ # C.g:638:9: OctalEscape
+ self.mOctalEscape()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end EscapeSequence
+ # $ANTLR start OctalEscape
+ def mOctalEscape(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:643:5: ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) )
+ alt29 = 3
+ LA29_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA29_0 == u'\\') :
+ LA29_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA29_1 <= u'3')) :
+ LA29_2 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA29_2 <= u'7')) :
+ LA29_4 = self.input.LA(4)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA29_4 <= u'7')) :
+ alt29 = 1
+ else:
+ alt29 = 2
+ else:
+ alt29 = 3
+ elif ((u'4' <= LA29_1 <= u'7')) :
+ LA29_3 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if ((u'0' <= LA29_3 <= u'7')) :
+ alt29 = 2
+ else:
+ alt29 = 3
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("641:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 29, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("641:1: fragment OctalEscape : ( '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) | '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) );", 29, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt29 == 1:
+ # C.g:643:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '3' ) ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ # C.g:643:14: ( '0' .. '3' )
+ # C.g:643:15: '0' .. '3'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'3')
+ # C.g:643:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ # C.g:643:26: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ # C.g:643:36: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ # C.g:643:37: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ elif alt29 == 2:
+ # C.g:644:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' ) ( '0' .. '7' )
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ # C.g:644:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ # C.g:644:15: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ # C.g:644:25: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ # C.g:644:26: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ elif alt29 == 3:
+ # C.g:645:9: '\\\\' ( '0' .. '7' )
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ # C.g:645:14: ( '0' .. '7' )
+ # C.g:645:15: '0' .. '7'
+ self.matchRange(u'0', u'7')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end OctalEscape
+ # $ANTLR start UnicodeEscape
+ def mUnicodeEscape(self, ):
+ try:
+ # C.g:650:5: ( '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit )
+ # C.g:650:9: '\\\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ self.match(u'u')
+ self.mHexDigit()
+ self.mHexDigit()
+ self.mHexDigit()
+ self.mHexDigit()
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end UnicodeEscape
+ # $ANTLR start WS
+ def mWS(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = WS
+ # C.g:653:5: ( ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' ) )
+ # C.g:653:8: ( ' ' | '\\r' | '\\t' | '\\u000C' | '\\n' )
+ if (u'\t' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\n') or (u'\f' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\r') or self.input.LA(1) == u' ':
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ #action start
+ self.channel=HIDDEN;
+ #action end
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end WS
+ # $ANTLR start BS
+ def mBS(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = BS
+ # C.g:657:5: ( ( '\\\\' ) )
+ # C.g:657:7: ( '\\\\' )
+ # C.g:657:7: ( '\\\\' )
+ # C.g:657:8: '\\\\'
+ self.match(u'\\')
+ #action start
+ self.channel=HIDDEN;
+ #action end
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end BS
+ # $ANTLR start UnicodeVocabulary
+ def mUnicodeVocabulary(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = UnicodeVocabulary
+ # C.g:665:5: ( '\\u0003' .. '\\uFFFE' )
+ # C.g:665:7: '\\u0003' .. '\\uFFFE'
+ self.matchRange(u'\u0003', u'\uFFFE')
+ finally:
+ pass
+ # $ANTLR end UnicodeVocabulary
+ # $ANTLR start COMMENT
+ def mCOMMENT(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = COMMENT
+ # C.g:668:5: ( '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/' )
+ # C.g:668:9: '/*' ( options {greedy=false; } : . )* '*/'
+ self.match("/*")
+ # C.g:668:14: ( options {greedy=false; } : . )*
+ while True: #loop30
+ alt30 = 2
+ LA30_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA30_0 == u'*') :
+ LA30_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA30_1 == u'/') :
+ alt30 = 2
+ elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA30_1 <= u'.') or (u'0' <= LA30_1 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt30 = 1
+ elif ((u'\u0000' <= LA30_0 <= u')') or (u'+' <= LA30_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt30 = 1
+ if alt30 == 1:
+ # C.g:668:42: .
+ self.matchAny()
+ else:
+ break #loop30
+ self.match("*/")
+ #action start
+ self.channel=HIDDEN;
+ #action end
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mLINE_COMMENT(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = LINE_COMMENT
+ # C.g:673:5: ( '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )
+ # C.g:673:7: '//' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
+ self.match("//")
+ # C.g:673:12: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
+ while True: #loop31
+ alt31 = 2
+ LA31_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'\u0000' <= LA31_0 <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= LA31_0 <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= LA31_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ if alt31 == 1:
+ # C.g:673:12: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
+ if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop31
+ # C.g:673:26: ( '\\r' )?
+ alt32 = 2
+ LA32_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA32_0 == u'\r') :
+ alt32 = 1
+ if alt32 == 1:
+ # C.g:673:26: '\\r'
+ self.match(u'\r')
+ self.match(u'\n')
+ #action start
+ self.channel=HIDDEN;
+ #action end
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mLINE_COMMAND(self, ):
+ try:
+ self.type = LINE_COMMAND
+ # C.g:678:5: ( '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n' )
+ # C.g:678:7: '#' (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )* ( '\\r' )? '\\n'
+ self.match(u'#')
+ # C.g:678:11: (~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' ) )*
+ while True: #loop33
+ alt33 = 2
+ LA33_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((u'\u0000' <= LA33_0 <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= LA33_0 <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= LA33_0 <= u'\uFFFE')) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ if alt33 == 1:
+ # C.g:678:11: ~ ( '\\n' | '\\r' )
+ if (u'\u0000' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\t') or (u'\u000B' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\f') or (u'\u000E' <= self.input.LA(1) <= u'\uFFFE'):
+ self.input.consume();
+ else:
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recover(mse)
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop33
+ # C.g:678:25: ( '\\r' )?
+ alt34 = 2
+ LA34_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA34_0 == u'\r') :
+ alt34 = 1
+ if alt34 == 1:
+ # C.g:678:25: '\\r'
+ self.match(u'\r')
+ self.match(u'\n')
+ #action start
+ self.channel=HIDDEN;
+ #action end
+ finally:
+ pass
+ def mTokens(self):
+ # C.g:1:8: ( T25 | T26 | T27 | T28 | T29 | T30 | T31 | T32 | T33 | T34 | T35 | T36 | T37 | T38 | T39 | T40 | T41 | T42 | T43 | T44 | T45 | T46 | T47 | T48 | T49 | T50 | T51 | T52 | T53 | T54 | T55 | T56 | T57 | T58 | T59 | T60 | T61 | T62 | T63 | T64 | T65 | T66 | T67 | T68 | T69 | T70 | T71 | T72 | T73 | T74 | T75 | T76 | T77 | T78 | T79 | T80 | T81 | T82 | T83 | T84 | T85 | T86 | T87 | T88 | T89 | T90 | T91 | T92 | T93 | T94 | T95 | T96 | T97 | T98 | T99 | T100 | T101 | T102 | T103 | T104 | T105 | T106 | T107 | T108 | T109 | T110 | T111 | T112 | T113 | T114 | T115 | T116 | T117 | IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL | STRING_LITERAL | HEX_LITERAL | DECIMAL_LITERAL | OCTAL_LITERAL | FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL | WS | BS | UnicodeVocabulary | COMMENT | LINE_COMMENT | LINE_COMMAND )
+ alt35 = 106
+ alt35 = self.dfa35.predict(self.input)
+ if alt35 == 1:
+ # C.g:1:10: T25
+ self.mT25()
+ elif alt35 == 2:
+ # C.g:1:14: T26
+ self.mT26()
+ elif alt35 == 3:
+ # C.g:1:18: T27
+ self.mT27()
+ elif alt35 == 4:
+ # C.g:1:22: T28
+ self.mT28()
+ elif alt35 == 5:
+ # C.g:1:26: T29
+ self.mT29()
+ elif alt35 == 6:
+ # C.g:1:30: T30
+ self.mT30()
+ elif alt35 == 7:
+ # C.g:1:34: T31
+ self.mT31()
+ elif alt35 == 8:
+ # C.g:1:38: T32
+ self.mT32()
+ elif alt35 == 9:
+ # C.g:1:42: T33
+ self.mT33()
+ elif alt35 == 10:
+ # C.g:1:46: T34
+ self.mT34()
+ elif alt35 == 11:
+ # C.g:1:50: T35
+ self.mT35()
+ elif alt35 == 12:
+ # C.g:1:54: T36
+ self.mT36()
+ elif alt35 == 13:
+ # C.g:1:58: T37
+ self.mT37()
+ elif alt35 == 14:
+ # C.g:1:62: T38
+ self.mT38()
+ elif alt35 == 15:
+ # C.g:1:66: T39
+ self.mT39()
+ elif alt35 == 16:
+ # C.g:1:70: T40
+ self.mT40()
+ elif alt35 == 17:
+ # C.g:1:74: T41
+ self.mT41()
+ elif alt35 == 18:
+ # C.g:1:78: T42
+ self.mT42()
+ elif alt35 == 19:
+ # C.g:1:82: T43
+ self.mT43()
+ elif alt35 == 20:
+ # C.g:1:86: T44
+ self.mT44()
+ elif alt35 == 21:
+ # C.g:1:90: T45
+ self.mT45()
+ elif alt35 == 22:
+ # C.g:1:94: T46
+ self.mT46()
+ elif alt35 == 23:
+ # C.g:1:98: T47
+ self.mT47()
+ elif alt35 == 24:
+ # C.g:1:102: T48
+ self.mT48()
+ elif alt35 == 25:
+ # C.g:1:106: T49
+ self.mT49()
+ elif alt35 == 26:
+ # C.g:1:110: T50
+ self.mT50()
+ elif alt35 == 27:
+ # C.g:1:114: T51
+ self.mT51()
+ elif alt35 == 28:
+ # C.g:1:118: T52
+ self.mT52()
+ elif alt35 == 29:
+ # C.g:1:122: T53
+ self.mT53()
+ elif alt35 == 30:
+ # C.g:1:126: T54
+ self.mT54()
+ elif alt35 == 31:
+ # C.g:1:130: T55
+ self.mT55()
+ elif alt35 == 32:
+ # C.g:1:134: T56
+ self.mT56()
+ elif alt35 == 33:
+ # C.g:1:138: T57
+ self.mT57()
+ elif alt35 == 34:
+ # C.g:1:142: T58
+ self.mT58()
+ elif alt35 == 35:
+ # C.g:1:146: T59
+ self.mT59()
+ elif alt35 == 36:
+ # C.g:1:150: T60
+ self.mT60()
+ elif alt35 == 37:
+ # C.g:1:154: T61
+ self.mT61()
+ elif alt35 == 38:
+ # C.g:1:158: T62
+ self.mT62()
+ elif alt35 == 39:
+ # C.g:1:162: T63
+ self.mT63()
+ elif alt35 == 40:
+ # C.g:1:166: T64
+ self.mT64()
+ elif alt35 == 41:
+ # C.g:1:170: T65
+ self.mT65()
+ elif alt35 == 42:
+ # C.g:1:174: T66
+ self.mT66()
+ elif alt35 == 43:
+ # C.g:1:178: T67
+ self.mT67()
+ elif alt35 == 44:
+ # C.g:1:182: T68
+ self.mT68()
+ elif alt35 == 45:
+ # C.g:1:186: T69
+ self.mT69()
+ elif alt35 == 46:
+ # C.g:1:190: T70
+ self.mT70()
+ elif alt35 == 47:
+ # C.g:1:194: T71
+ self.mT71()
+ elif alt35 == 48:
+ # C.g:1:198: T72
+ self.mT72()
+ elif alt35 == 49:
+ # C.g:1:202: T73
+ self.mT73()
+ elif alt35 == 50:
+ # C.g:1:206: T74
+ self.mT74()
+ elif alt35 == 51:
+ # C.g:1:210: T75
+ self.mT75()
+ elif alt35 == 52:
+ # C.g:1:214: T76
+ self.mT76()
+ elif alt35 == 53:
+ # C.g:1:218: T77
+ self.mT77()
+ elif alt35 == 54:
+ # C.g:1:222: T78
+ self.mT78()
+ elif alt35 == 55:
+ # C.g:1:226: T79
+ self.mT79()
+ elif alt35 == 56:
+ # C.g:1:230: T80
+ self.mT80()
+ elif alt35 == 57:
+ # C.g:1:234: T81
+ self.mT81()
+ elif alt35 == 58:
+ # C.g:1:238: T82
+ self.mT82()
+ elif alt35 == 59:
+ # C.g:1:242: T83
+ self.mT83()
+ elif alt35 == 60:
+ # C.g:1:246: T84
+ self.mT84()
+ elif alt35 == 61:
+ # C.g:1:250: T85
+ self.mT85()
+ elif alt35 == 62:
+ # C.g:1:254: T86
+ self.mT86()
+ elif alt35 == 63:
+ # C.g:1:258: T87
+ self.mT87()
+ elif alt35 == 64:
+ # C.g:1:262: T88
+ self.mT88()
+ elif alt35 == 65:
+ # C.g:1:266: T89
+ self.mT89()
+ elif alt35 == 66:
+ # C.g:1:270: T90
+ self.mT90()
+ elif alt35 == 67:
+ # C.g:1:274: T91
+ self.mT91()
+ elif alt35 == 68:
+ # C.g:1:278: T92
+ self.mT92()
+ elif alt35 == 69:
+ # C.g:1:282: T93
+ self.mT93()
+ elif alt35 == 70:
+ # C.g:1:286: T94
+ self.mT94()
+ elif alt35 == 71:
+ # C.g:1:290: T95
+ self.mT95()
+ elif alt35 == 72:
+ # C.g:1:294: T96
+ self.mT96()
+ elif alt35 == 73:
+ # C.g:1:298: T97
+ self.mT97()
+ elif alt35 == 74:
+ # C.g:1:302: T98
+ self.mT98()
+ elif alt35 == 75:
+ # C.g:1:306: T99
+ self.mT99()
+ elif alt35 == 76:
+ # C.g:1:310: T100
+ self.mT100()
+ elif alt35 == 77:
+ # C.g:1:315: T101
+ self.mT101()
+ elif alt35 == 78:
+ # C.g:1:320: T102
+ self.mT102()
+ elif alt35 == 79:
+ # C.g:1:325: T103
+ self.mT103()
+ elif alt35 == 80:
+ # C.g:1:330: T104
+ self.mT104()
+ elif alt35 == 81:
+ # C.g:1:335: T105
+ self.mT105()
+ elif alt35 == 82:
+ # C.g:1:340: T106
+ self.mT106()
+ elif alt35 == 83:
+ # C.g:1:345: T107
+ self.mT107()
+ elif alt35 == 84:
+ # C.g:1:350: T108
+ self.mT108()
+ elif alt35 == 85:
+ # C.g:1:355: T109
+ self.mT109()
+ elif alt35 == 86:
+ # C.g:1:360: T110
+ self.mT110()
+ elif alt35 == 87:
+ # C.g:1:365: T111
+ self.mT111()
+ elif alt35 == 88:
+ # C.g:1:370: T112
+ self.mT112()
+ elif alt35 == 89:
+ # C.g:1:375: T113
+ self.mT113()
+ elif alt35 == 90:
+ # C.g:1:380: T114
+ self.mT114()
+ elif alt35 == 91:
+ # C.g:1:385: T115
+ self.mT115()
+ elif alt35 == 92:
+ # C.g:1:390: T116
+ self.mT116()
+ elif alt35 == 93:
+ # C.g:1:395: T117
+ self.mT117()
+ elif alt35 == 94:
+ # C.g:1:400: IDENTIFIER
+ self.mIDENTIFIER()
+ elif alt35 == 95:
+ elif alt35 == 96:
+ # C.g:1:429: STRING_LITERAL
+ elif alt35 == 97:
+ # C.g:1:444: HEX_LITERAL
+ self.mHEX_LITERAL()
+ elif alt35 == 98:
+ # C.g:1:456: DECIMAL_LITERAL
+ elif alt35 == 99:
+ # C.g:1:472: OCTAL_LITERAL
+ elif alt35 == 100:
+ elif alt35 == 101:
+ # C.g:1:509: WS
+ self.mWS()
+ elif alt35 == 102:
+ # C.g:1:512: BS
+ self.mBS()
+ elif alt35 == 103:
+ # C.g:1:515: UnicodeVocabulary
+ self.mUnicodeVocabulary()
+ elif alt35 == 104:
+ # C.g:1:533: COMMENT
+ self.mCOMMENT()
+ elif alt35 == 105:
+ # C.g:1:541: LINE_COMMENT
+ self.mLINE_COMMENT()
+ elif alt35 == 106:
+ # C.g:1:554: LINE_COMMAND
+ self.mLINE_COMMAND()
+ # lookup tables for DFA #25
+ DFA25_eot = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\7\uffff\1\10\2\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA25_eof = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\12\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA25_min = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\2\56\2\uffff\1\53\1\uffff\2\60\2\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA25_max = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\1\71\1\146\2\uffff\1\71\1\uffff\1\71\1\146\2\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA25_accept = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\2\uffff\1\2\1\1\1\uffff\1\4\2\uffff\2\3"
+ )
+ DFA25_special = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\12\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA25_transition = [
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\2\1\uffff\12\1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\3\1\uffff\12\1\12\uffff\1\5\1\4\1\5\35\uffff\1\5"
+ u"\1\4\1\5"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\6\1\uffff\1\6\2\uffff\12\7"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\12\7"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\12\7\12\uffff\1\11\1\uffff\1\11\35\uffff\1\11\1\uffff"
+ u"\1\11"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"")
+ ]
+ # class definition for DFA #25
+ DFA25 = DFA
+ # lookup tables for DFA #35
+ DFA35_eot = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\2\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\1\101\14\76\3\uffff\10\76\4\uffff\1\151\1"
+ u"\153\1\157\1\163\1\167\1\171\1\174\1\uffff\1\177\1\u0082\1\u0085"
+ u"\1\u0087\1\u008a\1\uffff\5\76\1\uffff\2\73\2\u0095\2\uffff\1\73"
+ u"\2\uffff\1\76\4\uffff\16\76\1\u00ad\5\76\1\u00b4\1\76\3\uffff\1"
+ u"\u00b7\10\76\34\uffff\1\u00c1\2\uffff\1\u00c3\10\uffff\5\76\3\uffff"
+ u"\1\u00c9\1\uffff\1\u0095\3\uffff\23\76\1\uffff\1\u00de\1\76\1\u00e0"
+ u"\3\76\1\uffff\2\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\u00e7\6\76\4\uffff\5\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\1\76\1\u00f5\1\76\1\u00f7\6\76\1\u00fe\4\76\1\u0103\1\u0104\2"
+ u"\76\1\u0107\1\uffff\1\u0108\1\uffff\6\76\1\uffff\10\76\1\u0118"
+ u"\1\76\1\u011a\2\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\5\76\1\u0123\1\uffff\4"
+ u"\76\2\uffff\1\76\1\u0129\2\uffff\1\u012a\3\76\1\u012e\1\76\1\u0130"
+ u"\7\76\1\u0139\1\uffff\1\u013a\1\uffff\1\u013b\1\76\1\u013d\1\u013e"
+ u"\1\u013f\1\u0140\1\u0141\1\u0142\1\uffff\1\76\1\u0144\1\u0145\2"
+ u"\76\2\uffff\1\76\1\u0149\1\76\1\uffff\1\76\1\uffff\5\76\1\u0151"
+ u"\1\u0152\1\76\3\uffff\1\u0154\6\uffff\1\76\2\uffff\2\76\1\u0158"
+ u"\1\uffff\7\76\2\uffff\1\u0160\1\uffff\1\u0161\1\u0162\1\u0163\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\u0164\1\u0165\1\76\1\u0167\3\76\6\uffff\1\u016b\1\uffff"
+ u"\3\76\1\uffff\21\76\1\u0180\2\76\1\uffff\3\76\1\u0186\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\11\76\1\u0191\1\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA35_eof = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\u0192\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA35_min = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\1\3\1\uffff\1\171\1\uffff\1\75\1\154\1\150\1\165\1\145\1\124\1"
+ u"\157\1\141\1\146\1\157\1\154\1\145\1\156\3\uffff\1\116\1\120\1"
+ u"\117\1\116\1\117\1\114\1\106\1\101\4\uffff\1\75\1\56\1\53\1\55"
+ u"\1\52\1\75\1\46\1\uffff\1\75\1\74\3\75\1\uffff\1\137\1\150\1\157"
+ u"\1\162\1\42\1\uffff\2\0\2\56\2\uffff\1\0\2\uffff\1\160\4\uffff"
+ u"\1\163\1\164\1\165\1\151\1\141\1\147\1\157\1\164\1\147\1\101\1"
+ u"\151\1\163\1\156\1\141\1\44\1\164\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\146\1\44"
+ u"\1\151\3\uffff\1\44\2\124\1\116\1\101\1\114\1\117\1\111\1\103\34"
+ u"\uffff\1\75\2\uffff\1\75\10\uffff\1\141\1\163\1\151\1\164\1\145"
+ u"\3\uffff\1\56\1\uffff\1\56\3\uffff\3\145\1\155\2\164\1\165\1\145"
+ u"\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\151\1\165\1\124\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\163\1"
+ u"\162\1\uffff\1\44\1\147\1\44\2\141\1\142\1\uffff\1\151\1\157\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\111\1\44\1\123\1\114\1\101\1\102\1\101\1\113\4\uffff\1"
+ u"\163\1\155\1\154\1\157\1\141\1\uffff\1\144\1\44\1\162\1\44\1\143"
+ u"\1\151\1\143\1\157\1\145\1\164\1\44\1\163\1\162\1\111\1\164\2\44"
+ u"\1\151\1\164\1\44\1\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\1\164\1\165\1\154\1\147"
+ u"\1\156\1\117\1\uffff\1\124\1\111\1\124\1\101\1\102\1\120\1\105"
+ u"\1\155\1\44\1\145\1\44\1\153\1\145\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff\1\150"
+ u"\1\143\1\164\1\146\1\144\1\44\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\103\1\151\2"
+ u"\uffff\1\156\1\44\2\uffff\1\44\1\154\1\145\1\156\1\44\1\116\1\44"
+ u"\1\107\1\111\1\114\1\125\1\117\1\111\1\104\1\44\1\uffff\1\44\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\44\1\146\6\44\1\uffff\1\145\2\44\1\154\1\165\2\uffff\1"
+ u"\164\1\44\1\145\1\uffff\1\101\1\uffff\1\116\1\114\1\137\1\116\1"
+ u"\117\2\44\1\137\3\uffff\1\44\6\uffff\1\162\2\uffff\2\145\1\44\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\144\1\114\2\105\1\122\2\124\2\uffff\1\44\1\uffff\3\44"
+ u"\1\uffff\2\44\1\104\1\44\1\105\1\111\1\123\6\uffff\1\44\1\uffff"
+ u"\2\115\1\105\1\uffff\1\117\1\105\1\122\1\126\1\123\1\126\2\105"
+ u"\1\111\1\137\1\122\1\103\1\111\1\126\1\105\1\106\1\111\1\44\1\137"
+ u"\1\103\1\uffff\1\125\1\105\1\116\1\44\1\122\1\uffff\1\105\1\106"
+ u"\1\105\1\122\1\105\1\116\1\103\1\105\1\104\1\44\1\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA35_max = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\1\ufffe\1\uffff\1\171\1\uffff\1\75\1\170\1\167\1\165\1\145\1\124"
+ u"\2\157\1\156\3\157\1\156\3\uffff\1\116\1\125\1\117\1\116\1\117"
+ u"\1\114\1\106\1\101\4\uffff\1\75\1\71\1\75\1\76\3\75\1\uffff\2\75"
+ u"\1\76\1\75\1\174\1\uffff\1\141\1\150\1\157\1\162\1\47\1\uffff\2"
+ u"\ufffe\1\170\1\146\2\uffff\1\ufffe\2\uffff\1\160\4\uffff\1\163"
+ u"\1\164\1\165\1\151\1\162\1\172\1\157\2\164\1\101\1\154\1\163\1"
+ u"\156\1\141\1\172\1\164\1\156\1\162\1\157\1\146\1\172\1\163\3\uffff"
+ u"\1\172\2\124\1\116\1\101\1\114\1\117\1\111\1\103\34\uffff\1\75"
+ u"\2\uffff\1\75\10\uffff\1\141\1\163\1\151\1\164\1\145\3\uffff\1"
+ u"\146\1\uffff\1\146\3\uffff\3\145\1\155\2\164\1\165\1\145\1\156"
+ u"\1\162\1\157\1\151\1\165\1\124\1\141\1\144\1\145\1\164\1\162\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\172\1\147\1\172\2\141\1\142\1\uffff\1\151\1\157\1\uffff"
+ u"\1\111\1\172\1\123\1\114\1\101\1\102\1\137\1\113\4\uffff\1\163"
+ u"\1\155\1\154\1\157\1\141\1\uffff\1\144\1\172\1\162\1\172\1\143"
+ u"\1\151\1\143\1\157\1\145\1\164\1\172\1\163\1\162\1\111\1\164\2"
+ u"\172\1\151\1\164\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\164\1\165\1\154"
+ u"\1\147\1\156\1\117\1\uffff\1\124\1\111\1\124\1\101\1\122\1\120"
+ u"\1\105\1\155\1\172\1\145\1\172\1\153\1\145\1\uffff\1\156\1\uffff"
+ u"\1\150\1\143\1\164\1\146\1\144\1\172\1\uffff\1\164\1\156\1\103"
+ u"\1\151\2\uffff\1\156\1\172\2\uffff\1\172\1\154\1\145\1\156\1\172"
+ u"\1\116\1\172\1\107\1\111\1\114\1\125\1\117\1\111\1\104\1\172\1"
+ u"\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\1\172\1\146\6\172\1\uffff\1\145\2\172\1\154"
+ u"\1\165\2\uffff\1\164\1\172\1\145\1\uffff\1\101\1\uffff\1\116\1"
+ u"\114\1\137\1\116\1\117\2\172\1\137\3\uffff\1\172\6\uffff\1\162"
+ u"\2\uffff\2\145\1\172\1\uffff\1\144\1\114\2\105\1\122\2\124\2\uffff"
+ u"\1\172\1\uffff\3\172\1\uffff\2\172\1\104\1\172\1\105\1\111\1\123"
+ u"\6\uffff\1\172\1\uffff\2\115\1\105\1\uffff\1\117\1\105\1\122\1"
+ u"\126\1\123\1\126\2\105\1\111\1\137\1\122\1\103\1\111\1\126\1\105"
+ u"\1\106\1\111\1\172\1\137\1\103\1\uffff\1\125\1\105\1\116\1\172"
+ u"\1\122\1\uffff\1\105\1\106\1\105\1\122\1\105\1\116\1\103\1\105"
+ u"\1\104\1\172\1\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA35_accept = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\1\uffff\1\1\1\uffff\1\3\15\uffff\1\23\1\24\1\27\10\uffff\1\46"
+ u"\1\47\1\50\1\51\7\uffff\1\66\5\uffff\1\102\5\uffff\1\136\4\uffff"
+ u"\1\145\1\146\1\uffff\1\147\1\1\1\uffff\1\136\1\3\1\107\1\4\26\uffff"
+ u"\1\23\1\24\1\27\11\uffff\1\46\1\47\1\50\1\51\1\70\1\52\1\53\1\63"
+ u"\1\144\1\73\1\60\1\54\1\74\1\64\1\61\1\55\1\150\1\151\1\71\1\56"
+ u"\1\72\1\57\1\77\1\104\1\65\1\66\1\110\1\67\1\uffff\1\113\1\111"
+ u"\1\uffff\1\114\1\112\1\100\1\106\1\103\1\101\1\105\1\102\5\uffff"
+ u"\1\140\1\137\1\141\1\uffff\1\142\1\uffff\1\145\1\146\1\152\23\uffff"
+ u"\1\124\6\uffff\1\130\2\uffff\1\33\10\uffff\1\75\1\115\1\76\1\116"
+ u"\5\uffff\1\143\24\uffff\1\15\1\uffff\1\131\6\uffff\1\34\15\uffff"
+ u"\1\125\1\uffff\1\30\6\uffff\1\7\4\uffff\1\12\1\122\2\uffff\1\13"
+ u"\1\16\17\uffff\1\120\1\uffff\1\132\10\uffff\1\14\5\uffff\1\31\1"
+ u"\17\3\uffff\1\26\1\uffff\1\36\10\uffff\1\121\1\127\1\134\1\uffff"
+ u"\1\5\1\126\1\6\1\25\1\62\1\21\1\uffff\1\135\1\11\3\uffff\1\20\7"
+ u"\uffff\1\42\1\45\1\uffff\1\2\3\uffff\1\123\7\uffff\1\117\1\10\1"
+ u"\32\1\133\1\22\1\35\1\uffff\1\40\3\uffff\1\37\24\uffff\1\43\5\uffff"
+ u"\1\44\12\uffff\1\41"
+ )
+ DFA35_special = DFA.unpack(
+ u"\u0192\uffff"
+ )
+ DFA35_transition = [
+ DFA.unpack(u"\6\73\2\70\1\73\2\70\22\73\1\70\1\50\1\65\1\72\1\63"
+ u"\1\45\1\46\1\64\1\34\1\35\1\40\1\42\1\3\1\43\1\41\1\44\1\66\11"
+ u"\67\1\23\1\1\1\51\1\4\1\52\1\55\1\73\2\63\1\26\1\63\1\32\1\63\1"
+ u"\31\1\63\1\24\2\63\1\62\2\63\1\25\1\33\2\63\1\11\1\63\1\27\1\30"
+ u"\4\63\1\36\1\71\1\37\1\53\1\56\1\73\1\7\1\61\1\13\1\17\1\5\1\16"
+ u"\1\60\1\63\1\14\2\63\1\15\5\63\1\10\1\6\1\2\1\20\1\12\1\57\3\63"
+ u"\1\21\1\54\1\22\1\47\uff80\73"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\75"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\100"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\102\1\uffff\1\104\11\uffff\1\103"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\110\1\107\12\uffff\1\106\2\uffff\1\105"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\111"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\112"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\113"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\114"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\115\6\uffff\1\117\6\uffff\1\116"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\120\7\uffff\1\121"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\122"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\124\2\uffff\1\123"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\125\11\uffff\1\126"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\127"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\133"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\134\4\uffff\1\135"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\136"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\137"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\140"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\141"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\142"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\143"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\150"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\152\1\uffff\12\154"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\156\21\uffff\1\155"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\162\17\uffff\1\160\1\161"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\164\4\uffff\1\165\15\uffff\1\166"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\170"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\173\26\uffff\1\172"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\176"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0080\1\u0081"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0084\1\u0083"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0086"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0089\76\uffff\1\u0088"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008c\1\uffff\1\u008d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u008f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0090"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0091\4\uffff\1\u0092"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\47\u0092\1\uffff\uffd7\u0092"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\uffff\u0091"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\10\u0094\2\154\12\uffff\3\154\21\uffff"
+ u"\1\u0093\13\uffff\3\154\21\uffff\1\u0093"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\12\u0096\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff\3\154"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\uffff\u0099"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u009f\20\uffff\1\u00a0"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a2\22\uffff\1\u00a1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a3"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a4"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a5\14\uffff\1\u00a6"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a7"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00a9\2\uffff\1\u00a8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00aa"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ab"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ac"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ae"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00af"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b0"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b2"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\24\76\1\u00b3\5\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b6\11\uffff\1\u00b5"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00b9"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ba"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bb"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bc"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bd"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00be"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00bf"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c0"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c2"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c4"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c5"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c6"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c7"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00c8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\10\u0094\2\154\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff"
+ u"\3\154"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\154\1\uffff\12\u0096\12\uffff\3\154\35\uffff\3\154"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ca"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cb"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cc"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cd"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ce"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00cf"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d0"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d2"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d3"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d4"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d5"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d6"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d7"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00d9"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00da"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00dc\1\u00db"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00dd"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00df"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e2"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e3"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e4"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e5"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e6"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00e9"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ea"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00eb"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ed\35\uffff\1\u00ec"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ee"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ef"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f0"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f1"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f2"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f3"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f4"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f6"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f8"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00f9"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fa"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fb"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fc"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00fd"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u00ff"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0100"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0101"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0102"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0105"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0106"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0109"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u010f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0110"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0111"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0112"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0114\17\uffff\1\u0113"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0115"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0116"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0117"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0119"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u011f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0120"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0121"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0122"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0124"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0125"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0126"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0127"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0128"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u012f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0131"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0132"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0133"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0134"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0135"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0136"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0137"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\u0138\1"
+ u"\uffff\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u013c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0143"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0146"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0147"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0148"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u014f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0150"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0153"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0155"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0156"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0157"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0159"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u015f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0166"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0168"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0169"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u016f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0170"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0171"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0172"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0173"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0174"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0175"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0176"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0177"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0178"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0179"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u017f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0181"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0182"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0183"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0184"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0185"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0187"),
+ DFA.unpack(u""),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0188"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0189"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018a"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018b"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018c"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018d"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018e"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u018f"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\u0190"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"\1\76\13\uffff\12\76\7\uffff\32\76\4\uffff\1\76\1\uffff"
+ u"\32\76"),
+ DFA.unpack(u"")
+ ]
+ # class definition for DFA #35
+ DFA35 = DFA
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CParser.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CParser.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b07839796 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/CParser.py @@ -0,0 +1,18833 @@ +# $ANTLR 3.0.1 C.g 2010-02-23 09:58:53
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from antlr3 import *
+from antlr3.compat import set, frozenset
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from Ecc import CodeFragment
+from Ecc import FileProfile
+# for convenience in actions
+HIDDEN = BaseRecognizer.HIDDEN
+# token types
+# token names
+tokenNames = [
+ "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>",
+ "HexDigit", "IntegerTypeSuffix", "Exponent", "FloatTypeSuffix", "OctalEscape",
+ "UnicodeEscape", "WS", "BS", "UnicodeVocabulary", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT",
+ "LINE_COMMAND", "';'", "'typedef'", "','", "'='", "'extern'", "'static'",
+ "'auto'", "'register'", "'STATIC'", "'void'", "'char'", "'short'", "'int'",
+ "'long'", "'float'", "'double'", "'signed'", "'unsigned'", "'{'", "'}'",
+ "'struct'", "'union'", "':'", "'enum'", "'const'", "'volatile'", "'IN'",
+ "'('", "')'", "'['", "']'", "'*'", "'...'", "'+'", "'-'", "'/'", "'%'",
+ "'++'", "'--'", "'sizeof'", "'.'", "'->'", "'&'", "'~'", "'!'", "'*='",
+ "'/='", "'%='", "'+='", "'-='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'&='", "'^='", "'|='",
+ "'?'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'|'", "'^'", "'=='", "'!='", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='",
+ "'>='", "'<<'", "'>>'", "'__asm__'", "'_asm'", "'__asm'", "'case'",
+ "'default'", "'if'", "'else'", "'switch'", "'while'", "'do'", "'for'",
+ "'goto'", "'continue'", "'break'", "'return'"
+class function_definition_scope(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ModifierText = None
+ self.DeclText = None
+ self.LBLine = None
+ self.LBOffset = None
+ self.DeclLine = None
+ self.DeclOffset = None
+class postfix_expression_scope(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.FuncCallText = None
+class CParser(Parser):
+ grammarFileName = "C.g"
+ tokenNames = tokenNames
+ def __init__(self, input):
+ Parser.__init__(self, input)
+ self.ruleMemo = {}
+ self.function_definition_stack = []
+ self.postfix_expression_stack = []
+ def printTokenInfo(self, line, offset, tokenText):
+ print(str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText))
+ def StorePredicateExpression(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
+ def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
+ def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
+ def StoreTypedefDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FromText, ToText):
+ Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
+ def StoreFunctionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText, LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset):
+ FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
+ def StoreVariableDeclaration(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText):
+ VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
+ def StoreFunctionCalling(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FuncName, ParamList):
+ FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
+ # $ANTLR start translation_unit
+ # C.g:102:1: translation_unit : ( external_declaration )* ;
+ def translation_unit(self, ):
+ translation_unit_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 1):
+ return
+ # C.g:103:2: ( ( external_declaration )* )
+ # C.g:103:4: ( external_declaration )*
+ # C.g:103:4: ( external_declaration )*
+ while True: #loop1
+ alt1 = 2
+ LA1_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA1_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA1_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA1_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA1_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA1_0 <= 62) or LA1_0 == 66) :
+ alt1 = 1
+ if alt1 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: external_declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_external_declaration_in_translation_unit74)
+ self.external_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop1
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 1, translation_unit_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end translation_unit
+ # $ANTLR start external_declaration
+ # C.g:114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );
+ def external_declaration(self, ):
+ external_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 2):
+ return
+ # C.g:119:2: ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? )
+ alt3 = 3
+ LA3_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((29 <= LA3_0 <= 33)) :
+ LA3_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 34) :
+ LA3_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 35) :
+ LA3_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 3, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 36) :
+ LA3_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 4, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 37) :
+ LA3_5 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 5, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 38) :
+ LA3_6 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 6, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 39) :
+ LA3_7 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 7, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 40) :
+ LA3_8 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 8, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 41) :
+ LA3_9 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 9, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 42) :
+ LA3_10 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 10, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif ((45 <= LA3_0 <= 46)) :
+ LA3_11 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 11, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 48) :
+ LA3_12 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 12, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA3_13 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ elif (True) :
+ alt3 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 13, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 58) :
+ LA3_14 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 14, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 66) and (self.synpred4()):
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (LA3_0 == 59) :
+ LA3_16 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 16, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 60) :
+ LA3_17 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 17, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif ((49 <= LA3_0 <= 57) or LA3_0 == 61) :
+ LA3_18 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred4()) :
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred5()) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 18, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA3_0 == 62) and (self.synpred4()):
+ alt3 = 1
+ elif (LA3_0 == 26) :
+ alt3 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("114:1: external_declaration options {k=1; } : ( ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition | declaration | macro_statement ( ';' )? );", 3, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt3 == 1:
+ # C.g:119:4: ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )=> function_definition
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_function_definition_in_external_declaration113)
+ self.function_definition()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt3 == 2:
+ # C.g:120:4: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_external_declaration118)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt3 == 3:
+ # C.g:121:4: macro_statement ( ';' )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_external_declaration123)
+ self.macro_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:121:20: ( ';' )?
+ alt2 = 2
+ LA2_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA2_0 == 25) :
+ alt2 = 1
+ if alt2 == 1:
+ # C.g:121:21: ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_external_declaration126)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 2, external_declaration_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end external_declaration
+ class function_definition_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start function_definition
+ # C.g:126:1: function_definition : (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement ) ;
+ def function_definition(self, ):
+ self.function_definition_stack.append(function_definition_scope())
+ retval = self.function_definition_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ function_definition_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ d = None
+ a = None
+ b = None
+ declarator1 = None
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = ''
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText = ''
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = 0
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = 0
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine = 0
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset = 0
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 3):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:146:2: ( (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement ) )
+ # C.g:146:4: (d= declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )
+ # C.g:146:5: (d= declaration_specifiers )?
+ alt4 = 2
+ LA4 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA4 == 29 or LA4 == 30 or LA4 == 31 or LA4 == 32 or LA4 == 33 or LA4 == 34 or LA4 == 35 or LA4 == 36 or LA4 == 37 or LA4 == 38 or LA4 == 39 or LA4 == 40 or LA4 == 41 or LA4 == 42 or LA4 == 45 or LA4 == 46 or LA4 == 48 or LA4 == 49 or LA4 == 50 or LA4 == 51 or LA4 == 52 or LA4 == 53 or LA4 == 54 or LA4 == 55 or LA4 == 56 or LA4 == 57 or LA4 == 61:
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA4 == 66:
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 58:
+ LA4_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 59:
+ LA4_22 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 60:
+ LA4_23 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA4_24 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 62:
+ LA4_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 29 or LA4 == 30 or LA4 == 31 or LA4 == 32 or LA4 == 33:
+ LA4_26 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 34:
+ LA4_27 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 35:
+ LA4_28 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 36:
+ LA4_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 37:
+ LA4_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 38:
+ LA4_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 39:
+ LA4_32 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 40:
+ LA4_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 41:
+ LA4_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 42:
+ LA4_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 45 or LA4 == 46:
+ LA4_36 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 48:
+ LA4_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 49 or LA4 == 50 or LA4 == 51 or LA4 == 52 or LA4 == 53 or LA4 == 54 or LA4 == 55 or LA4 == 56 or LA4 == 57 or LA4 == 61:
+ LA4_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 58:
+ LA4_14 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 59:
+ LA4_16 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ elif LA4 == 60:
+ LA4_17 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred7()) :
+ alt4 = 1
+ if alt4 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: d= declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_function_definition157)
+ d = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_function_definition160)
+ declarator1 = self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:147:3: ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )
+ alt6 = 2
+ LA6_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA6_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA6_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA6_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA6_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA6_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt6 = 1
+ elif (LA6_0 == 43) :
+ alt6 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("147:3: ( ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement | b= compound_statement )", 6, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt6 == 1:
+ # C.g:147:5: ( declaration )+ a= compound_statement
+ # C.g:147:5: ( declaration )+
+ cnt5 = 0
+ while True: #loop5
+ alt5 = 2
+ LA5_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA5_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA5_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA5_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA5_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA5_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt5 = 1
+ if alt5 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_function_definition166)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ if cnt5 >= 1:
+ break #loop5
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ eee = EarlyExitException(5, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt5 += 1
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition171)
+ a = self.compound_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt6 == 2:
+ # C.g:148:5: b= compound_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition180)
+ b = self.compound_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ if d is not None:
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = self.input.toString(d.start, d.stop)
+ else:
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText = ''
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText = self.input.toString(declarator1.start, declarator1.stop)
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine = declarator1.start.line
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset = declarator1.start.charPositionInLine
+ if a is not None:
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = a.start.line
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = a.start.charPositionInLine
+ else:
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine = b.start.line
+ self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset = b.start.charPositionInLine
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StoreFunctionDefinition(retval.start.line, retval.start.charPositionInLine, retval.stop.line, retval.stop.charPositionInLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].ModifierText, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclText, self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].LBOffset, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclLine, self.function_definition_stack[-1].DeclOffset)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 3, function_definition_StartIndex)
+ self.function_definition_stack.pop()
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end function_definition
+ # $ANTLR start declaration
+ # C.g:166:1: declaration : (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' );
+ def declaration(self, ):
+ declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ a = None
+ d = None
+ e = None
+ b = None
+ c = None
+ s = None
+ t = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 4):
+ return
+ # C.g:167:2: (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' )
+ alt9 = 2
+ LA9_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA9_0 == 26) :
+ alt9 = 1
+ elif (LA9_0 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA9_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA9_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA9_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt9 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("166:1: declaration : (a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';' | s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';' );", 9, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt9 == 1:
+ # C.g:167:4: a= 'typedef' (b= declaration_specifiers )? c= init_declarator_list d= ';'
+ a = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, 26, self.FOLLOW_26_in_declaration203)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:167:17: (b= declaration_specifiers )?
+ alt7 = 2
+ LA7 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA7 == 29 or LA7 == 30 or LA7 == 31 or LA7 == 32 or LA7 == 33 or LA7 == 34 or LA7 == 35 or LA7 == 36 or LA7 == 37 or LA7 == 38 or LA7 == 39 or LA7 == 40 or LA7 == 41 or LA7 == 42 or LA7 == 45 or LA7 == 46 or LA7 == 48 or LA7 == 49 or LA7 == 50 or LA7 == 51 or LA7 == 52 or LA7 == 53 or LA7 == 54 or LA7 == 55 or LA7 == 56 or LA7 == 57 or LA7 == 61:
+ alt7 = 1
+ elif LA7 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA7_13 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA7_13 == 62) :
+ LA7_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred10()) :
+ alt7 = 1
+ elif (LA7_13 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA7_13 <= 42) or (45 <= LA7_13 <= 46) or (48 <= LA7_13 <= 61) or LA7_13 == 66) :
+ alt7 = 1
+ elif LA7 == 58:
+ LA7_14 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred10()) :
+ alt7 = 1
+ elif LA7 == 59:
+ LA7_16 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred10()) :
+ alt7 = 1
+ elif LA7 == 60:
+ LA7_17 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred10()) :
+ alt7 = 1
+ if alt7 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: b= declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration207)
+ b = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration216)
+ c = self.init_declarator_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ d = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_declaration220)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ if b is not None:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(a.line, a.charPositionInLine, d.line, d.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(b.start, b.stop), self.input.toString(c.start, c.stop))
+ else:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(a.line, a.charPositionInLine, d.line, d.charPositionInLine, '', self.input.toString(c.start, c.stop))
+ elif alt9 == 2:
+ # C.g:175:4: s= declaration_specifiers (t= init_declarator_list )? e= ';'
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration234)
+ s = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:175:30: (t= init_declarator_list )?
+ alt8 = 2
+ LA8_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA8_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA8_0 <= 60) or LA8_0 == 62 or LA8_0 == 66) :
+ alt8 = 1
+ if alt8 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: t= init_declarator_list
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration238)
+ t = self.init_declarator_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ e = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_declaration243)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ if t is not None:
+ self.StoreVariableDeclaration(s.start.line, s.start.charPositionInLine, t.start.line, t.start.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(s.start, s.stop), self.input.toString(t.start, t.stop))
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 4, declaration_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end declaration
+ class declaration_specifiers_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start declaration_specifiers
+ # C.g:182:1: declaration_specifiers : ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+ ;
+ def declaration_specifiers(self, ):
+ retval = self.declaration_specifiers_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ declaration_specifiers_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 5):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:183:2: ( ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+ )
+ # C.g:183:6: ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+
+ # C.g:183:6: ( storage_class_specifier | type_specifier | type_qualifier )+
+ cnt10 = 0
+ while True: #loop10
+ alt10 = 4
+ LA10 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA10 == 58:
+ LA10_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred15()) :
+ alt10 = 3
+ elif LA10 == 59:
+ LA10_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred15()) :
+ alt10 = 3
+ elif LA10 == 60:
+ LA10_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred15()) :
+ alt10 = 3
+ elif LA10 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA10_5 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred14()) :
+ alt10 = 2
+ elif LA10 == 53:
+ LA10_9 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred15()) :
+ alt10 = 3
+ elif LA10 == 29 or LA10 == 30 or LA10 == 31 or LA10 == 32 or LA10 == 33:
+ alt10 = 1
+ elif LA10 == 34 or LA10 == 35 or LA10 == 36 or LA10 == 37 or LA10 == 38 or LA10 == 39 or LA10 == 40 or LA10 == 41 or LA10 == 42 or LA10 == 45 or LA10 == 46 or LA10 == 48:
+ alt10 = 2
+ elif LA10 == 49 or LA10 == 50 or LA10 == 51 or LA10 == 52 or LA10 == 54 or LA10 == 55 or LA10 == 56 or LA10 == 57 or LA10 == 61:
+ alt10 = 3
+ if alt10 == 1:
+ # C.g:183:10: storage_class_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_storage_class_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers264)
+ self.storage_class_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt10 == 2:
+ # C.g:184:7: type_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers272)
+ self.type_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt10 == 3:
+ # C.g:185:13: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_declaration_specifiers286)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ if cnt10 >= 1:
+ break #loop10
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ eee = EarlyExitException(10, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt10 += 1
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 5, declaration_specifiers_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end declaration_specifiers
+ class init_declarator_list_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start init_declarator_list
+ # C.g:189:1: init_declarator_list : init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )* ;
+ def init_declarator_list(self, ):
+ retval = self.init_declarator_list_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ init_declarator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 6):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:190:2: ( init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )* )
+ # C.g:190:4: init_declarator ( ',' init_declarator )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list308)
+ self.init_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:190:20: ( ',' init_declarator )*
+ while True: #loop11
+ alt11 = 2
+ LA11_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA11_0 == 27) :
+ alt11 = 1
+ if alt11 == 1:
+ # C.g:190:21: ',' init_declarator
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_init_declarator_list311)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list313)
+ self.init_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ break #loop11
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 6, init_declarator_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end init_declarator_list
+ # $ANTLR start init_declarator
+ # C.g:193:1: init_declarator : declarator ( '=' initializer )? ;
+ def init_declarator(self, ):
+ init_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 7):
+ return
+ # C.g:194:2: ( declarator ( '=' initializer )? )
+ # C.g:194:4: declarator ( '=' initializer )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_init_declarator326)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:194:15: ( '=' initializer )?
+ alt12 = 2
+ LA12_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA12_0 == 28) :
+ alt12 = 1
+ if alt12 == 1:
+ # C.g:194:16: '=' initializer
+ self.match(self.input, 28, self.FOLLOW_28_in_init_declarator329)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_init_declarator331)
+ self.initializer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 7, init_declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end init_declarator
+ # $ANTLR start storage_class_specifier
+ # C.g:197:1: storage_class_specifier : ( 'extern' | 'static' | 'auto' | 'register' | 'STATIC' );
+ def storage_class_specifier(self, ):
+ storage_class_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 8):
+ return
+ # C.g:198:2: ( 'extern' | 'static' | 'auto' | 'register' | 'STATIC' )
+ # C.g:
+ if (29 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 33):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_storage_class_specifier0
+ )
+ raise mse
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 8, storage_class_specifier_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end storage_class_specifier
+ # $ANTLR start type_specifier
+ # C.g:205:1: type_specifier : ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id );
+ def type_specifier(self, ):
+ type_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ s = None
+ e = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 9):
+ return
+ # C.g:206:2: ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id )
+ alt13 = 12
+ LA13_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA13_0 == 34) :
+ alt13 = 1
+ elif (LA13_0 == 35) :
+ alt13 = 2
+ elif (LA13_0 == 36) :
+ alt13 = 3
+ elif (LA13_0 == 37) :
+ alt13 = 4
+ elif (LA13_0 == 38) :
+ alt13 = 5
+ elif (LA13_0 == 39) :
+ alt13 = 6
+ elif (LA13_0 == 40) :
+ alt13 = 7
+ elif (LA13_0 == 41) :
+ alt13 = 8
+ elif (LA13_0 == 42) :
+ alt13 = 9
+ elif ((45 <= LA13_0 <= 46)) :
+ alt13 = 10
+ elif (LA13_0 == 48) :
+ alt13 = 11
+ elif (LA13_0 == IDENTIFIER) and (self.synpred34()):
+ alt13 = 12
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("205:1: type_specifier : ( 'void' | 'char' | 'short' | 'int' | 'long' | 'float' | 'double' | 'signed' | 'unsigned' | s= struct_or_union_specifier | e= enum_specifier | ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id );", 13, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt13 == 1:
+ # C.g:206:4: 'void'
+ self.match(self.input, 34, self.FOLLOW_34_in_type_specifier376)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 2:
+ # C.g:207:4: 'char'
+ self.match(self.input, 35, self.FOLLOW_35_in_type_specifier381)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 3:
+ # C.g:208:4: 'short'
+ self.match(self.input, 36, self.FOLLOW_36_in_type_specifier386)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 4:
+ # C.g:209:4: 'int'
+ self.match(self.input, 37, self.FOLLOW_37_in_type_specifier391)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 5:
+ # C.g:210:4: 'long'
+ self.match(self.input, 38, self.FOLLOW_38_in_type_specifier396)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 6:
+ # C.g:211:4: 'float'
+ self.match(self.input, 39, self.FOLLOW_39_in_type_specifier401)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 7:
+ # C.g:212:4: 'double'
+ self.match(self.input, 40, self.FOLLOW_40_in_type_specifier406)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 8:
+ # C.g:213:4: 'signed'
+ self.match(self.input, 41, self.FOLLOW_41_in_type_specifier411)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 9:
+ # C.g:214:4: 'unsigned'
+ self.match(self.input, 42, self.FOLLOW_42_in_type_specifier416)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt13 == 10:
+ # C.g:215:4: s= struct_or_union_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_specifier_in_type_specifier423)
+ s = self.struct_or_union_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ if s.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreStructUnionDefinition(s.start.line, s.start.charPositionInLine, s.stop.line, s.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(s.start, s.stop))
+ elif alt13 == 11:
+ # C.g:220:4: e= enum_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enum_specifier_in_type_specifier433)
+ e = self.enum_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ if e.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreEnumerationDefinition(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ elif alt13 == 12:
+ # C.g:225:4: ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )=> type_id
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_specifier451)
+ self.type_id()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 9, type_specifier_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end type_specifier
+ # $ANTLR start type_id
+ # C.g:228:1: type_id : IDENTIFIER ;
+ def type_id(self, ):
+ type_id_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 10):
+ return
+ # C.g:229:5: ( IDENTIFIER )
+ # C.g:229:9: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_type_id467)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 10, type_id_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end type_id
+ class struct_or_union_specifier_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start struct_or_union_specifier
+ # C.g:233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );
+ def struct_or_union_specifier(self, ):
+ retval = self.struct_or_union_specifier_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ struct_or_union_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 11):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:235:2: ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER )
+ alt15 = 2
+ LA15_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((45 <= LA15_0 <= 46)) :
+ LA15_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA15_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA15_2 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (LA15_2 == 43) :
+ alt15 = 1
+ elif (LA15_2 == EOF or LA15_2 == IDENTIFIER or LA15_2 == 25 or LA15_2 == 27 or (29 <= LA15_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA15_2 <= 64) or LA15_2 == 66) :
+ alt15 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA15_1 == 43) :
+ alt15 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("233:1: struct_or_union_specifier options {k=3; } : ( struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}' | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER );", 15, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt15 == 1:
+ # C.g:235:4: struct_or_union ( IDENTIFIER )? '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier494)
+ self.struct_or_union()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:235:20: ( IDENTIFIER )?
+ alt14 = 2
+ LA14_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA14_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt14 = 1
+ if alt14 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier496)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_struct_or_union_specifier499)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declaration_list_in_struct_or_union_specifier501)
+ self.struct_declaration_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_struct_or_union_specifier503)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt15 == 2:
+ # C.g:236:4: struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier508)
+ self.struct_or_union()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier510)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 11, struct_or_union_specifier_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end struct_or_union_specifier
+ # $ANTLR start struct_or_union
+ # C.g:239:1: struct_or_union : ( 'struct' | 'union' );
+ def struct_or_union(self, ):
+ struct_or_union_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 12):
+ return
+ # C.g:240:2: ( 'struct' | 'union' )
+ # C.g:
+ if (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 46):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_struct_or_union0
+ )
+ raise mse
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 12, struct_or_union_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end struct_or_union
+ # $ANTLR start struct_declaration_list
+ # C.g:244:1: struct_declaration_list : ( struct_declaration )+ ;
+ def struct_declaration_list(self, ):
+ struct_declaration_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 13):
+ return
+ # C.g:245:2: ( ( struct_declaration )+ )
+ # C.g:245:4: ( struct_declaration )+
+ # C.g:245:4: ( struct_declaration )+
+ cnt16 = 0
+ while True: #loop16
+ alt16 = 2
+ LA16_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA16_0 == IDENTIFIER or (34 <= LA16_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA16_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA16_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt16 = 1
+ if alt16 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: struct_declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declaration_in_struct_declaration_list537)
+ self.struct_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt16 >= 1:
+ break #loop16
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(16, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt16 += 1
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 13, struct_declaration_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end struct_declaration_list
+ # $ANTLR start struct_declaration
+ # C.g:248:1: struct_declaration : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' ;
+ def struct_declaration(self, ):
+ struct_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 14):
+ return
+ # C.g:249:2: ( specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';' )
+ # C.g:249:4: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_struct_declaration549)
+ self.specifier_qualifier_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_list_in_struct_declaration551)
+ self.struct_declarator_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_struct_declaration553)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 14, struct_declaration_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end struct_declaration
+ # $ANTLR start specifier_qualifier_list
+ # C.g:252:1: specifier_qualifier_list : ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+ ;
+ def specifier_qualifier_list(self, ):
+ specifier_qualifier_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 15):
+ return
+ # C.g:253:2: ( ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+ )
+ # C.g:253:4: ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
+ # C.g:253:4: ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
+ cnt17 = 0
+ while True: #loop17
+ alt17 = 3
+ LA17 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA17 == 58:
+ LA17_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred39()) :
+ alt17 = 1
+ elif LA17 == 59:
+ LA17_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred39()) :
+ alt17 = 1
+ elif LA17 == 60:
+ LA17_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred39()) :
+ alt17 = 1
+ elif LA17 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA17 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA17 == EOF or LA17 == IDENTIFIER or LA17 == 34 or LA17 == 35 or LA17 == 36 or LA17 == 37 or LA17 == 38 or LA17 == 39 or LA17 == 40 or LA17 == 41 or LA17 == 42 or LA17 == 45 or LA17 == 46 or LA17 == 48 or LA17 == 49 or LA17 == 50 or LA17 == 51 or LA17 == 52 or LA17 == 53 or LA17 == 54 or LA17 == 55 or LA17 == 56 or LA17 == 57 or LA17 == 58 or LA17 == 59 or LA17 == 60 or LA17 == 61 or LA17 == 63 or LA17 == 66:
+ alt17 = 2
+ elif LA17 == 62:
+ LA17_94 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred40()) :
+ alt17 = 2
+ elif LA17 == 47:
+ LA17_95 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred40()) :
+ alt17 = 2
+ elif LA17 == 64:
+ LA17_96 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred40()) :
+ alt17 = 2
+ elif LA17 == 49 or LA17 == 50 or LA17 == 51 or LA17 == 52 or LA17 == 53 or LA17 == 54 or LA17 == 55 or LA17 == 56 or LA17 == 57 or LA17 == 61:
+ alt17 = 1
+ elif LA17 == 34 or LA17 == 35 or LA17 == 36 or LA17 == 37 or LA17 == 38 or LA17 == 39 or LA17 == 40 or LA17 == 41 or LA17 == 42 or LA17 == 45 or LA17 == 46 or LA17 == 48:
+ alt17 = 2
+ if alt17 == 1:
+ # C.g:253:6: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list566)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt17 == 2:
+ # C.g:253:23: type_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list570)
+ self.type_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt17 >= 1:
+ break #loop17
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(17, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt17 += 1
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 15, specifier_qualifier_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end specifier_qualifier_list
+ # $ANTLR start struct_declarator_list
+ # C.g:256:1: struct_declarator_list : struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )* ;
+ def struct_declarator_list(self, ):
+ struct_declarator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 16):
+ return
+ # C.g:257:2: ( struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )* )
+ # C.g:257:4: struct_declarator ( ',' struct_declarator )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list584)
+ self.struct_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:257:22: ( ',' struct_declarator )*
+ while True: #loop18
+ alt18 = 2
+ LA18_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA18_0 == 27) :
+ alt18 = 1
+ if alt18 == 1:
+ # C.g:257:23: ',' struct_declarator
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_struct_declarator_list587)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list589)
+ self.struct_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop18
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 16, struct_declarator_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end struct_declarator_list
+ # $ANTLR start struct_declarator
+ # C.g:260:1: struct_declarator : ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression );
+ def struct_declarator(self, ):
+ struct_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 17):
+ return
+ # C.g:261:2: ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression )
+ alt20 = 2
+ LA20_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA20_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA20_0 <= 60) or LA20_0 == 62 or LA20_0 == 66) :
+ alt20 = 1
+ elif (LA20_0 == 47) :
+ alt20 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("260:1: struct_declarator : ( declarator ( ':' constant_expression )? | ':' constant_expression );", 20, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt20 == 1:
+ # C.g:261:4: declarator ( ':' constant_expression )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_struct_declarator602)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:261:15: ( ':' constant_expression )?
+ alt19 = 2
+ LA19_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA19_0 == 47) :
+ alt19 = 1
+ if alt19 == 1:
+ # C.g:261:16: ':' constant_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator605)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator607)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt20 == 2:
+ # C.g:262:4: ':' constant_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator614)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator616)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 17, struct_declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end struct_declarator
+ class enum_specifier_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start enum_specifier
+ # C.g:265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );
+ def enum_specifier(self, ):
+ retval = self.enum_specifier_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ enum_specifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 18):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:267:2: ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER )
+ alt23 = 3
+ LA23_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA23_0 == 48) :
+ LA23_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA23_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA23_2 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (LA23_2 == 43) :
+ alt23 = 2
+ elif (LA23_2 == EOF or LA23_2 == IDENTIFIER or LA23_2 == 25 or LA23_2 == 27 or (29 <= LA23_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA23_2 <= 64) or LA23_2 == 66) :
+ alt23 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA23_1 == 43) :
+ alt23 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("265:1: enum_specifier options {k=3; } : ( 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}' | 'enum' IDENTIFIER );", 23, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt23 == 1:
+ # C.g:267:4: 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier634)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier636)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier638)
+ self.enumerator_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:267:31: ( ',' )?
+ alt21 = 2
+ LA21_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA21_0 == 27) :
+ alt21 = 1
+ if alt21 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: ','
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier640)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier643)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt23 == 2:
+ # C.g:268:4: 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ( ',' )? '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier648)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier650)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier652)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier654)
+ self.enumerator_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:268:42: ( ',' )?
+ alt22 = 2
+ LA22_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA22_0 == 27) :
+ alt22 = 1
+ if alt22 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: ','
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier656)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier659)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt23 == 3:
+ # C.g:269:4: 'enum' IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 48, self.FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier664)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier666)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 18, enum_specifier_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end enum_specifier
+ # $ANTLR start enumerator_list
+ # C.g:272:1: enumerator_list : enumerator ( ',' enumerator )* ;
+ def enumerator_list(self, ):
+ enumerator_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 19):
+ return
+ # C.g:273:2: ( enumerator ( ',' enumerator )* )
+ # C.g:273:4: enumerator ( ',' enumerator )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list677)
+ self.enumerator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:273:15: ( ',' enumerator )*
+ while True: #loop24
+ alt24 = 2
+ LA24_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA24_0 == 27) :
+ LA24_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA24_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt24 = 1
+ if alt24 == 1:
+ # C.g:273:16: ',' enumerator
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_enumerator_list680)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list682)
+ self.enumerator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop24
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 19, enumerator_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end enumerator_list
+ # $ANTLR start enumerator
+ # C.g:276:1: enumerator : IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )? ;
+ def enumerator(self, ):
+ enumerator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 20):
+ return
+ # C.g:277:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )? )
+ # C.g:277:4: IDENTIFIER ( '=' constant_expression )?
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enumerator695)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:277:15: ( '=' constant_expression )?
+ alt25 = 2
+ LA25_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA25_0 == 28) :
+ alt25 = 1
+ if alt25 == 1:
+ # C.g:277:16: '=' constant_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 28, self.FOLLOW_28_in_enumerator698)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_enumerator700)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 20, enumerator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end enumerator
+ # $ANTLR start type_qualifier
+ # C.g:280:1: type_qualifier : ( 'const' | 'volatile' | 'IN' | 'OUT' | 'OPTIONAL' | 'CONST' | 'UNALIGNED' | 'VOLATILE' | 'GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED' | 'EFIAPI' | 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' | 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' | 'PACKED' );
+ def type_qualifier(self, ):
+ type_qualifier_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 21):
+ return
+ # C.g:
+ if (49 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 61):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_type_qualifier0
+ )
+ raise mse
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 21, type_qualifier_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end type_qualifier
+ class declarator_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start declarator
+ # C.g:296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );
+ def declarator(self, ):
+ retval = self.declarator_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 22):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:297:2: ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer )
+ alt30 = 2
+ LA30_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA30_0 == 66) :
+ LA30_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred66()) :
+ alt30 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt30 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );", 30, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA30_0 == IDENTIFIER or (58 <= LA30_0 <= 60) or LA30_0 == 62) :
+ alt30 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("296:1: declarator : ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator | pointer );", 30, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt30 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator
+ # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )?
+ alt26 = 2
+ LA26_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA26_0 == 66) :
+ alt26 = 1
+ if alt26 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator784)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:297:13: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
+ alt27 = 2
+ LA27_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA27_0 == 58) :
+ alt27 = 1
+ if alt27 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:14: 'EFIAPI'
+ self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_declarator788)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:297:25: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )?
+ alt28 = 2
+ LA28_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA28_0 == 59) :
+ alt28 = 1
+ if alt28 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:26: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
+ self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_declarator793)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:297:46: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )?
+ alt29 = 2
+ LA29_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA29_0 == 60) :
+ alt29 = 1
+ if alt29 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:47: 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE'
+ self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_declarator798)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_declarator802)
+ self.direct_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt30 == 2:
+ # C.g:299:4: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator808)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 22, declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end declarator
+ # $ANTLR start direct_declarator
+ # C.g:302:1: direct_declarator : ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ );
+ def direct_declarator(self, ):
+ direct_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 23):
+ return
+ # C.g:303:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ )
+ alt34 = 2
+ LA34_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA34_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt34 = 1
+ elif (LA34_0 == 62) :
+ alt34 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("302:1: direct_declarator : ( IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )* | '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+ );", 34, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt34 == 1:
+ # C.g:303:4: IDENTIFIER ( declarator_suffix )*
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_direct_declarator819)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:303:15: ( declarator_suffix )*
+ while True: #loop31
+ alt31 = 2
+ LA31_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA31_0 == 62) :
+ LA31 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA31 == 63:
+ LA31_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 58:
+ LA31_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 66:
+ LA31_32 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 59:
+ LA31_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 60:
+ LA31_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA31_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 29 or LA31 == 30 or LA31 == 31 or LA31 == 32 or LA31 == 33:
+ LA31_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 34:
+ LA31_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 35:
+ LA31_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 36:
+ LA31_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 37:
+ LA31_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 38:
+ LA31_42 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 39:
+ LA31_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 40:
+ LA31_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 41:
+ LA31_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 42:
+ LA31_46 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 45 or LA31 == 46:
+ LA31_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 48:
+ LA31_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 49 or LA31 == 50 or LA31 == 51 or LA31 == 52 or LA31 == 53 or LA31 == 54 or LA31 == 55 or LA31 == 56 or LA31 == 57 or LA31 == 61:
+ LA31_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif (LA31_0 == 64) :
+ LA31 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA31 == 65:
+ LA31_51 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 62:
+ LA31_52 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA31_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA31_54 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA31_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ LA31_56 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ LA31_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA31_58 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ LA31_59 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 72:
+ LA31_60 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 73:
+ LA31_61 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 66 or LA31 == 68 or LA31 == 69 or LA31 == 77 or LA31 == 78 or LA31 == 79:
+ LA31_62 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ elif LA31 == 74:
+ LA31_63 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred67()) :
+ alt31 = 1
+ if alt31 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator821)
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop31
+ elif alt34 == 2:
+ # C.g:304:4: '(' ( 'EFIAPI' )? declarator ')' ( declarator_suffix )+
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_direct_declarator827)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:304:8: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
+ alt32 = 2
+ LA32_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA32_0 == 58) :
+ LA32_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred69()) :
+ alt32 = 1
+ if alt32 == 1:
+ # C.g:304:9: 'EFIAPI'
+ self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_direct_declarator830)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_direct_declarator834)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_direct_declarator836)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:304:35: ( declarator_suffix )+
+ cnt33 = 0
+ while True: #loop33
+ alt33 = 2
+ LA33_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA33_0 == 62) :
+ LA33 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA33 == 63:
+ LA33_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 58:
+ LA33_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 66:
+ LA33_32 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 59:
+ LA33_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 60:
+ LA33_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA33_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 29 or LA33 == 30 or LA33 == 31 or LA33 == 32 or LA33 == 33:
+ LA33_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 34:
+ LA33_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 35:
+ LA33_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 36:
+ LA33_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 37:
+ LA33_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 38:
+ LA33_42 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 39:
+ LA33_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 40:
+ LA33_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 41:
+ LA33_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 42:
+ LA33_46 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 45 or LA33 == 46:
+ LA33_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 48:
+ LA33_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 49 or LA33 == 50 or LA33 == 51 or LA33 == 52 or LA33 == 53 or LA33 == 54 or LA33 == 55 or LA33 == 56 or LA33 == 57 or LA33 == 61:
+ LA33_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif (LA33_0 == 64) :
+ LA33 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA33 == 65:
+ LA33_51 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 62:
+ LA33_52 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA33_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA33_54 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA33_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ LA33_56 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ LA33_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA33_58 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ LA33_59 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 72:
+ LA33_60 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 73:
+ LA33_61 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 66 or LA33 == 68 or LA33 == 69 or LA33 == 77 or LA33 == 78 or LA33 == 79:
+ LA33_62 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ elif LA33 == 74:
+ LA33_63 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred70()) :
+ alt33 = 1
+ if alt33 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator838)
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt33 >= 1:
+ break #loop33
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(33, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt33 += 1
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 23, direct_declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end direct_declarator
+ # $ANTLR start declarator_suffix
+ # C.g:307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );
+ def declarator_suffix(self, ):
+ declarator_suffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 24):
+ return
+ # C.g:308:2: ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' )
+ alt35 = 5
+ LA35_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA35_0 == 64) :
+ LA35_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA35_1 == 65) :
+ alt35 = 2
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA35_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA35_1 == 62 or LA35_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA35_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA35_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA35_1 <= 79)) :
+ alt35 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA35_0 == 62) :
+ LA35 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA35 == 63:
+ alt35 = 5
+ elif LA35 == 29 or LA35 == 30 or LA35 == 31 or LA35 == 32 or LA35 == 33 or LA35 == 34 or LA35 == 35 or LA35 == 36 or LA35 == 37 or LA35 == 38 or LA35 == 39 or LA35 == 40 or LA35 == 41 or LA35 == 42 or LA35 == 45 or LA35 == 46 or LA35 == 48 or LA35 == 49 or LA35 == 50 or LA35 == 51 or LA35 == 52 or LA35 == 53 or LA35 == 54 or LA35 == 55 or LA35 == 56 or LA35 == 57 or LA35 == 58 or LA35 == 59 or LA35 == 60 or LA35 == 61 or LA35 == 66:
+ alt35 = 3
+ elif LA35 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA35_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred73()) :
+ alt35 = 3
+ elif (self.synpred74()) :
+ alt35 = 4
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 29, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("307:1: declarator_suffix : ( '[' constant_expression ']' | '[' ']' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' | '(' identifier_list ')' | '(' ')' );", 35, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt35 == 1:
+ # C.g:308:6: '[' constant_expression ']'
+ self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix852)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_declarator_suffix854)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix856)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt35 == 2:
+ # C.g:309:9: '[' ']'
+ self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix866)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix868)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt35 == 3:
+ # C.g:310:9: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix878)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_declarator_suffix880)
+ self.parameter_type_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix882)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt35 == 4:
+ # C.g:311:9: '(' identifier_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix892)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_declarator_suffix894)
+ self.identifier_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix896)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt35 == 5:
+ # C.g:312:9: '(' ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix906)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix908)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 24, declarator_suffix_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end declarator_suffix
+ # $ANTLR start pointer
+ # C.g:315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );
+ def pointer(self, ):
+ pointer_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 25):
+ return
+ # C.g:316:2: ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' )
+ alt38 = 3
+ LA38_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA38_0 == 66) :
+ LA38 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA38 == 66:
+ LA38_2 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred78()) :
+ alt38 = 2
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA38 == 58:
+ LA38_3 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred77()) :
+ alt38 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 3, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA38 == 59:
+ LA38_4 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred77()) :
+ alt38 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 4, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA38 == 60:
+ LA38_5 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred77()) :
+ alt38 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 5, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA38 == EOF or LA38 == IDENTIFIER or LA38 == 25 or LA38 == 26 or LA38 == 27 or LA38 == 28 or LA38 == 29 or LA38 == 30 or LA38 == 31 or LA38 == 32 or LA38 == 33 or LA38 == 34 or LA38 == 35 or LA38 == 36 or LA38 == 37 or LA38 == 38 or LA38 == 39 or LA38 == 40 or LA38 == 41 or LA38 == 42 or LA38 == 43 or LA38 == 45 or LA38 == 46 or LA38 == 47 or LA38 == 48 or LA38 == 62 or LA38 == 63 or LA38 == 64:
+ alt38 = 3
+ elif LA38 == 53:
+ LA38_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred77()) :
+ alt38 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 21, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA38 == 49 or LA38 == 50 or LA38 == 51 or LA38 == 52 or LA38 == 54 or LA38 == 55 or LA38 == 56 or LA38 == 57 or LA38 == 61:
+ LA38_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred77()) :
+ alt38 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt38 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 29, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("315:1: pointer : ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? | '*' pointer | '*' );", 38, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt38 == 1:
+ # C.g:316:4: '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )?
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer919)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )+
+ cnt36 = 0
+ while True: #loop36
+ alt36 = 2
+ LA36 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA36 == 58:
+ LA36_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred75()) :
+ alt36 = 1
+ elif LA36 == 59:
+ LA36_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred75()) :
+ alt36 = 1
+ elif LA36 == 60:
+ LA36_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred75()) :
+ alt36 = 1
+ elif LA36 == 53:
+ LA36_20 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred75()) :
+ alt36 = 1
+ elif LA36 == 49 or LA36 == 50 or LA36 == 51 or LA36 == 52 or LA36 == 54 or LA36 == 55 or LA36 == 56 or LA36 == 57 or LA36 == 61:
+ LA36_28 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred75()) :
+ alt36 = 1
+ if alt36 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_pointer921)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt36 >= 1:
+ break #loop36
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(36, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt36 += 1
+ # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )?
+ alt37 = 2
+ LA37_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA37_0 == 66) :
+ LA37_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred76()) :
+ alt37 = 1
+ if alt37 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer924)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt38 == 2:
+ # C.g:317:4: '*' pointer
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer930)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer932)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt38 == 3:
+ # C.g:318:4: '*'
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_pointer937)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 25, pointer_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end pointer
+ # $ANTLR start parameter_type_list
+ # C.g:321:1: parameter_type_list : parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )? ;
+ def parameter_type_list(self, ):
+ parameter_type_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 26):
+ return
+ # C.g:322:2: ( parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )? )
+ # C.g:322:4: parameter_list ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_list_in_parameter_type_list948)
+ self.parameter_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:322:19: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...' )?
+ alt40 = 2
+ LA40_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA40_0 == 27) :
+ alt40 = 1
+ if alt40 == 1:
+ # C.g:322:20: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? '...'
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_type_list951)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:322:24: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt39 = 2
+ LA39_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA39_0 == 53) :
+ alt39 = 1
+ if alt39 == 1:
+ # C.g:322:25: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_type_list954)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 67, self.FOLLOW_67_in_parameter_type_list958)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 26, parameter_type_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end parameter_type_list
+ # $ANTLR start parameter_list
+ # C.g:325:1: parameter_list : parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )* ;
+ def parameter_list(self, ):
+ parameter_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 27):
+ return
+ # C.g:326:2: ( parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )* )
+ # C.g:326:4: parameter_declaration ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list971)
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:326:26: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )*
+ while True: #loop42
+ alt42 = 2
+ LA42_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA42_0 == 27) :
+ LA42_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA42_1 == 53) :
+ LA42_3 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred82()) :
+ alt42 = 1
+ elif (LA42_1 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA42_1 <= 42) or (45 <= LA42_1 <= 46) or (48 <= LA42_1 <= 52) or (54 <= LA42_1 <= 61) or LA42_1 == 66) :
+ alt42 = 1
+ if alt42 == 1:
+ # C.g:326:27: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_list974)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:326:31: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt41 = 2
+ LA41_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA41_0 == 53) :
+ LA41_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred81()) :
+ alt41 = 1
+ if alt41 == 1:
+ # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_list977)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list981)
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop42
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 27, parameter_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end parameter_list
+ # $ANTLR start parameter_declaration
+ # C.g:329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );
+ def parameter_declaration(self, ):
+ parameter_declaration_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 28):
+ return
+ # C.g:330:2: ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER )
+ alt46 = 2
+ LA46 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA46 == 29 or LA46 == 30 or LA46 == 31 or LA46 == 32 or LA46 == 33 or LA46 == 34 or LA46 == 35 or LA46 == 36 or LA46 == 37 or LA46 == 38 or LA46 == 39 or LA46 == 40 or LA46 == 41 or LA46 == 42 or LA46 == 45 or LA46 == 46 or LA46 == 48 or LA46 == 49 or LA46 == 50 or LA46 == 51 or LA46 == 52 or LA46 == 53 or LA46 == 54 or LA46 == 55 or LA46 == 56 or LA46 == 57 or LA46 == 58 or LA46 == 59 or LA46 == 60 or LA46 == 61:
+ alt46 = 1
+ elif LA46 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA46_13 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred86()) :
+ alt46 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt46 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );", 46, 13, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA46 == 66:
+ alt46 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("329:1: parameter_declaration : ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? | ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER );", 46, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt46 == 1:
+ # C.g:330:4: declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_parameter_declaration994)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:330:27: ( declarator | abstract_declarator )*
+ while True: #loop43
+ alt43 = 3
+ LA43 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA43 == 66:
+ LA43_5 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == IDENTIFIER or LA43 == 58 or LA43 == 59 or LA43 == 60:
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif LA43 == 62:
+ LA43 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA43 == 29 or LA43 == 30 or LA43 == 31 or LA43 == 32 or LA43 == 33 or LA43 == 34 or LA43 == 35 or LA43 == 36 or LA43 == 37 or LA43 == 38 or LA43 == 39 or LA43 == 40 or LA43 == 41 or LA43 == 42 or LA43 == 45 or LA43 == 46 or LA43 == 48 or LA43 == 49 or LA43 == 50 or LA43 == 51 or LA43 == 52 or LA43 == 53 or LA43 == 54 or LA43 == 55 or LA43 == 56 or LA43 == 57 or LA43 == 61 or LA43 == 63 or LA43 == 64:
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA43_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 58:
+ LA43_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 66:
+ LA43_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 59:
+ LA43_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 60:
+ LA43_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 62:
+ LA43_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt43 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt43 = 2
+ elif LA43 == 64:
+ alt43 = 2
+ if alt43 == 1:
+ # C.g:330:28: declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_parameter_declaration997)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt43 == 2:
+ # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_parameter_declaration999)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop43
+ # C.g:330:61: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt44 = 2
+ LA44_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA44_0 == 53) :
+ alt44 = 1
+ if alt44 == 1:
+ # C.g:330:62: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_declaration1004)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt46 == 2:
+ # C.g:332:4: ( pointer )* IDENTIFIER
+ # C.g:332:4: ( pointer )*
+ while True: #loop45
+ alt45 = 2
+ LA45_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA45_0 == 66) :
+ alt45 = 1
+ if alt45 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_parameter_declaration1013)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop45
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_parameter_declaration1016)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 28, parameter_declaration_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end parameter_declaration
+ # $ANTLR start identifier_list
+ # C.g:335:1: identifier_list : IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )* ;
+ def identifier_list(self, ):
+ identifier_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 29):
+ return
+ # C.g:336:2: ( IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )* )
+ # C.g:336:4: IDENTIFIER ( ',' IDENTIFIER )*
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1027)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:337:2: ( ',' IDENTIFIER )*
+ while True: #loop47
+ alt47 = 2
+ LA47_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA47_0 == 27) :
+ alt47 = 1
+ if alt47 == 1:
+ # C.g:337:3: ',' IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_identifier_list1031)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1033)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop47
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 29, identifier_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end identifier_list
+ # $ANTLR start type_name
+ # C.g:340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );
+ def type_name(self, ):
+ type_name_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 30):
+ return
+ # C.g:341:2: ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id )
+ alt49 = 2
+ LA49_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((34 <= LA49_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA49_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA49_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt49 = 1
+ elif (LA49_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA49_13 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred90()) :
+ alt49 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt49 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );", 49, 13, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("340:1: type_name : ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? | type_id );", 49, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt49 == 1:
+ # C.g:341:4: specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_type_name1046)
+ self.specifier_qualifier_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:341:29: ( abstract_declarator )?
+ alt48 = 2
+ LA48_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA48_0 == 62 or LA48_0 == 64 or LA48_0 == 66) :
+ alt48 = 1
+ if alt48 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_type_name1048)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt49 == 2:
+ # C.g:342:4: type_id
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_name1054)
+ self.type_id()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 30, type_name_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end type_name
+ # $ANTLR start abstract_declarator
+ # C.g:345:1: abstract_declarator : ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator );
+ def abstract_declarator(self, ):
+ abstract_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 31):
+ return
+ # C.g:346:2: ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator )
+ alt51 = 2
+ LA51_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA51_0 == 66) :
+ alt51 = 1
+ elif (LA51_0 == 62 or LA51_0 == 64) :
+ alt51 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("345:1: abstract_declarator : ( pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )? | direct_abstract_declarator );", 51, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt51 == 1:
+ # C.g:346:4: pointer ( direct_abstract_declarator )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_abstract_declarator1065)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:346:12: ( direct_abstract_declarator )?
+ alt50 = 2
+ LA50_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA50_0 == 62) :
+ LA50 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA50 == 63:
+ LA50_12 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 58:
+ LA50_13 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 66:
+ LA50_14 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 59:
+ LA50_15 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 60:
+ LA50_16 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA50_17 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 62:
+ LA50_18 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 64:
+ LA50_19 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 29 or LA50 == 30 or LA50 == 31 or LA50 == 32 or LA50 == 33:
+ LA50_20 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 34:
+ LA50_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 35:
+ LA50_22 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 36:
+ LA50_23 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 37:
+ LA50_24 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 38:
+ LA50_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 39:
+ LA50_26 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 40:
+ LA50_27 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 41:
+ LA50_28 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 42:
+ LA50_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 45 or LA50 == 46:
+ LA50_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 48:
+ LA50_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 49 or LA50 == 50 or LA50 == 51 or LA50 == 52 or LA50 == 53 or LA50 == 54 or LA50 == 55 or LA50 == 56 or LA50 == 57 or LA50 == 61:
+ LA50_32 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif (LA50_0 == 64) :
+ LA50 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA50 == 65:
+ LA50_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 62:
+ LA50_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA50_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA50_36 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA50_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ LA50_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ LA50_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA50_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ LA50_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 72:
+ LA50_42 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 73:
+ LA50_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 66 or LA50 == 68 or LA50 == 69 or LA50 == 77 or LA50 == 78 or LA50 == 79:
+ LA50_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ elif LA50 == 74:
+ LA50_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred91()) :
+ alt50 = 1
+ if alt50 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: direct_abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1067)
+ self.direct_abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt51 == 2:
+ # C.g:347:4: direct_abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1073)
+ self.direct_abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 31, abstract_declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end abstract_declarator
+ # $ANTLR start direct_abstract_declarator
+ # C.g:350:1: direct_abstract_declarator : ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )* ;
+ def direct_abstract_declarator(self, ):
+ direct_abstract_declarator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 32):
+ return
+ # C.g:351:2: ( ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )* )
+ # C.g:351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) ( abstract_declarator_suffix )*
+ # C.g:351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )
+ alt52 = 2
+ LA52_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA52_0 == 62) :
+ LA52 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA52 == IDENTIFIER or LA52 == 29 or LA52 == 30 or LA52 == 31 or LA52 == 32 or LA52 == 33 or LA52 == 34 or LA52 == 35 or LA52 == 36 or LA52 == 37 or LA52 == 38 or LA52 == 39 or LA52 == 40 or LA52 == 41 or LA52 == 42 or LA52 == 45 or LA52 == 46 or LA52 == 48 or LA52 == 49 or LA52 == 50 or LA52 == 51 or LA52 == 52 or LA52 == 53 or LA52 == 54 or LA52 == 55 or LA52 == 56 or LA52 == 57 or LA52 == 58 or LA52 == 59 or LA52 == 60 or LA52 == 61 or LA52 == 63:
+ alt52 = 2
+ elif LA52 == 66:
+ LA52_18 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred93()) :
+ alt52 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt52 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 18, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA52 == 62 or LA52 == 64:
+ alt52 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA52_0 == 64) :
+ alt52 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("351:4: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix )", 52, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt52 == 1:
+ # C.g:351:6: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_direct_abstract_declarator1086)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_direct_abstract_declarator1088)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_direct_abstract_declarator1090)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt52 == 2:
+ # C.g:351:36: abstract_declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1094)
+ self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:351:65: ( abstract_declarator_suffix )*
+ while True: #loop53
+ alt53 = 2
+ LA53_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA53_0 == 62) :
+ LA53 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA53 == 63:
+ LA53_12 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 58:
+ LA53_13 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 66:
+ LA53_14 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 59:
+ LA53_15 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 60:
+ LA53_16 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA53_17 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 29 or LA53 == 30 or LA53 == 31 or LA53 == 32 or LA53 == 33:
+ LA53_19 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 34:
+ LA53_20 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 35:
+ LA53_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 36:
+ LA53_22 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 37:
+ LA53_23 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 38:
+ LA53_24 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 39:
+ LA53_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 40:
+ LA53_26 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 41:
+ LA53_27 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 42:
+ LA53_28 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 45 or LA53 == 46:
+ LA53_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 48:
+ LA53_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 49 or LA53 == 50 or LA53 == 51 or LA53 == 52 or LA53 == 53 or LA53 == 54 or LA53 == 55 or LA53 == 56 or LA53 == 57 or LA53 == 61:
+ LA53_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif (LA53_0 == 64) :
+ LA53 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA53 == 65:
+ LA53_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 62:
+ LA53_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA53_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA53_36 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA53_37 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ LA53_38 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ LA53_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA53_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ LA53_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 72:
+ LA53_42 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 73:
+ LA53_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 66 or LA53 == 68 or LA53 == 69 or LA53 == 77 or LA53 == 78 or LA53 == 79:
+ LA53_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ elif LA53 == 74:
+ LA53_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred94()) :
+ alt53 = 1
+ if alt53 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1098)
+ self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop53
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 32, direct_abstract_declarator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end direct_abstract_declarator
+ # $ANTLR start abstract_declarator_suffix
+ # C.g:354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );
+ def abstract_declarator_suffix(self, ):
+ abstract_declarator_suffix_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 33):
+ return
+ # C.g:355:2: ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' )
+ alt54 = 4
+ LA54_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA54_0 == 64) :
+ LA54_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA54_1 == 65) :
+ alt54 = 1
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA54_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA54_1 == 62 or LA54_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA54_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA54_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA54_1 <= 79)) :
+ alt54 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif (LA54_0 == 62) :
+ LA54_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA54_2 == 63) :
+ alt54 = 3
+ elif (LA54_2 == IDENTIFIER or (29 <= LA54_2 <= 42) or (45 <= LA54_2 <= 46) or (48 <= LA54_2 <= 61) or LA54_2 == 66) :
+ alt54 = 4
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("354:1: abstract_declarator_suffix : ( '[' ']' | '[' constant_expression ']' | '(' ')' | '(' parameter_type_list ')' );", 54, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt54 == 1:
+ # C.g:355:4: '[' ']'
+ self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1110)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1112)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt54 == 2:
+ # C.g:356:4: '[' constant_expression ']'
+ self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1117)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1119)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1121)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt54 == 3:
+ # C.g:357:4: '(' ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1126)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1128)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt54 == 4:
+ # C.g:358:4: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1133)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1135)
+ self.parameter_type_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1137)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 33, abstract_declarator_suffix_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end abstract_declarator_suffix
+ # $ANTLR start initializer
+ # C.g:361:1: initializer : ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' );
+ def initializer(self, ):
+ initializer_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 34):
+ return
+ # C.g:363:2: ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' )
+ alt56 = 2
+ LA56_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA56_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA56_0 == 62 or LA56_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA56_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA56_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA56_0 <= 79)) :
+ alt56 = 1
+ elif (LA56_0 == 43) :
+ alt56 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("361:1: initializer : ( assignment_expression | '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}' );", 56, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt56 == 1:
+ # C.g:363:4: assignment_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_initializer1150)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt56 == 2:
+ # C.g:364:4: '{' initializer_list ( ',' )? '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_initializer1155)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_list_in_initializer1157)
+ self.initializer_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:364:25: ( ',' )?
+ alt55 = 2
+ LA55_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA55_0 == 27) :
+ alt55 = 1
+ if alt55 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: ','
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_initializer1159)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_initializer1162)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 34, initializer_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end initializer
+ # $ANTLR start initializer_list
+ # C.g:367:1: initializer_list : initializer ( ',' initializer )* ;
+ def initializer_list(self, ):
+ initializer_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 35):
+ return
+ # C.g:368:2: ( initializer ( ',' initializer )* )
+ # C.g:368:4: initializer ( ',' initializer )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1173)
+ self.initializer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:368:16: ( ',' initializer )*
+ while True: #loop57
+ alt57 = 2
+ LA57_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA57_0 == 27) :
+ LA57_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA57_1 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA57_1 == 43 or LA57_1 == 62 or LA57_1 == 66 or (68 <= LA57_1 <= 69) or (72 <= LA57_1 <= 74) or (77 <= LA57_1 <= 79)) :
+ alt57 = 1
+ if alt57 == 1:
+ # C.g:368:17: ',' initializer
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_initializer_list1176)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1178)
+ self.initializer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop57
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 35, initializer_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end initializer_list
+ class argument_expression_list_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start argument_expression_list
+ # C.g:373:1: argument_expression_list : assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )* ;
+ def argument_expression_list(self, ):
+ retval = self.argument_expression_list_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ argument_expression_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 36):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:374:2: ( assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )* )
+ # C.g:374:6: assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1196)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:374:28: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt58 = 2
+ LA58_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA58_0 == 53) :
+ alt58 = 1
+ if alt58 == 1:
+ # C.g:374:29: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1199)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:374:42: ( ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )*
+ while True: #loop60
+ alt60 = 2
+ LA60_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA60_0 == 27) :
+ alt60 = 1
+ if alt60 == 1:
+ # C.g:374:43: ',' assignment_expression ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_argument_expression_list1204)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1206)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:374:69: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt59 = 2
+ LA59_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA59_0 == 53) :
+ alt59 = 1
+ if alt59 == 1:
+ # C.g:374:70: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1209)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ break #loop60
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 36, argument_expression_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end argument_expression_list
+ # $ANTLR start additive_expression
+ # C.g:377:1: additive_expression : ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )* ;
+ def additive_expression(self, ):
+ additive_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 37):
+ return
+ # C.g:378:2: ( ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )* )
+ # C.g:378:4: ( multiplicative_expression ) ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )*
+ # C.g:378:4: ( multiplicative_expression )
+ # C.g:378:5: multiplicative_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1225)
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:378:32: ( '+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression )*
+ while True: #loop61
+ alt61 = 3
+ LA61_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA61_0 == 68) :
+ alt61 = 1
+ elif (LA61_0 == 69) :
+ alt61 = 2
+ if alt61 == 1:
+ # C.g:378:33: '+' multiplicative_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 68, self.FOLLOW_68_in_additive_expression1229)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1231)
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt61 == 2:
+ # C.g:378:65: '-' multiplicative_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 69, self.FOLLOW_69_in_additive_expression1235)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1237)
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop61
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 37, additive_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end additive_expression
+ # $ANTLR start multiplicative_expression
+ # C.g:381:1: multiplicative_expression : ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )* ;
+ def multiplicative_expression(self, ):
+ multiplicative_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 38):
+ return
+ # C.g:382:2: ( ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )* )
+ # C.g:382:4: ( cast_expression ) ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )*
+ # C.g:382:4: ( cast_expression )
+ # C.g:382:5: cast_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1251)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:382:22: ( '*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression )*
+ while True: #loop62
+ alt62 = 4
+ LA62 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA62 == 66:
+ alt62 = 1
+ elif LA62 == 70:
+ alt62 = 2
+ elif LA62 == 71:
+ alt62 = 3
+ if alt62 == 1:
+ # C.g:382:23: '*' cast_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_multiplicative_expression1255)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1257)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt62 == 2:
+ # C.g:382:45: '/' cast_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 70, self.FOLLOW_70_in_multiplicative_expression1261)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1263)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt62 == 3:
+ # C.g:382:67: '%' cast_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 71, self.FOLLOW_71_in_multiplicative_expression1267)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1269)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop62
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 38, multiplicative_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end multiplicative_expression
+ # $ANTLR start cast_expression
+ # C.g:385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );
+ def cast_expression(self, ):
+ cast_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 39):
+ return
+ # C.g:386:2: ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression )
+ alt63 = 2
+ LA63_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA63_0 == 62) :
+ LA63 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA63 == 34 or LA63 == 35 or LA63 == 36 or LA63 == 37 or LA63 == 38 or LA63 == 39 or LA63 == 40 or LA63 == 41 or LA63 == 42 or LA63 == 45 or LA63 == 46 or LA63 == 48 or LA63 == 49 or LA63 == 50 or LA63 == 51 or LA63 == 52 or LA63 == 53 or LA63 == 54 or LA63 == 55 or LA63 == 56 or LA63 == 57 or LA63 == 58 or LA63 == 59 or LA63 == 60 or LA63 == 61:
+ alt63 = 1
+ elif LA63 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA63_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred109()) :
+ alt63 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt63 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 25, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA63 == HEX_LITERAL or LA63 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA63 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA63 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA63 == STRING_LITERAL or LA63 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA63 == 62 or LA63 == 66 or LA63 == 68 or LA63 == 69 or LA63 == 72 or LA63 == 73 or LA63 == 74 or LA63 == 77 or LA63 == 78 or LA63 == 79:
+ alt63 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA63_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA63_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA63_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA63_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA63_0 <= 79)) :
+ alt63 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("385:1: cast_expression : ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression | unary_expression );", 63, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt63 == 1:
+ # C.g:386:4: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_cast_expression1282)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_cast_expression1284)
+ self.type_name()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_cast_expression1286)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_cast_expression1288)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt63 == 2:
+ # C.g:387:4: unary_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_cast_expression1293)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 39, cast_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end cast_expression
+ # $ANTLR start unary_expression
+ # C.g:390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );
+ def unary_expression(self, ):
+ unary_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 40):
+ return
+ # C.g:391:2: ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' )
+ alt64 = 6
+ LA64 = self.input.LA(1)
+ alt64 = 1
+ elif LA64 == 72:
+ alt64 = 2
+ elif LA64 == 73:
+ alt64 = 3
+ elif LA64 == 66 or LA64 == 68 or LA64 == 69 or LA64 == 77 or LA64 == 78 or LA64 == 79:
+ alt64 = 4
+ elif LA64 == 74:
+ LA64_12 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA64_12 == 62) :
+ LA64_13 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred114()) :
+ alt64 = 5
+ elif (True) :
+ alt64 = 6
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 13, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA64_12 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA64_12 == 66 or (68 <= LA64_12 <= 69) or (72 <= LA64_12 <= 74) or (77 <= LA64_12 <= 79)) :
+ alt64 = 5
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 12, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("390:1: unary_expression : ( postfix_expression | '++' unary_expression | '--' unary_expression | unary_operator cast_expression | 'sizeof' unary_expression | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')' );", 64, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt64 == 1:
+ # C.g:391:4: postfix_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_postfix_expression_in_unary_expression1304)
+ self.postfix_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt64 == 2:
+ # C.g:392:4: '++' unary_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 72, self.FOLLOW_72_in_unary_expression1309)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1311)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt64 == 3:
+ # C.g:393:4: '--' unary_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_unary_expression1316)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1318)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt64 == 4:
+ # C.g:394:4: unary_operator cast_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_operator_in_unary_expression1323)
+ self.unary_operator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_unary_expression1325)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt64 == 5:
+ # C.g:395:4: 'sizeof' unary_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1330)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1332)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt64 == 6:
+ # C.g:396:4: 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1337)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_unary_expression1339)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_unary_expression1341)
+ self.type_name()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_unary_expression1343)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 40, unary_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end unary_expression
+ # $ANTLR start postfix_expression
+ # C.g:399:1: postfix_expression : p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )* ;
+ def postfix_expression(self, ):
+ self.postfix_expression_stack.append(postfix_expression_scope())
+ postfix_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ a = None
+ b = None
+ x = None
+ y = None
+ z = None
+ p = None
+ c = None
+ self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText = ''
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 41):
+ return
+ # C.g:406:2: (p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )* )
+ # C.g:406:6: p= primary_expression ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_primary_expression_in_postfix_expression1367)
+ p = self.primary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += self.input.toString(p.start, p.stop)
+ # C.g:407:9: ( '[' expression ']' | '(' a= ')' | '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')' | '(' macro_parameter_list ')' | '.' x= IDENTIFIER | '*' y= IDENTIFIER | '->' z= IDENTIFIER | '++' | '--' )*
+ while True: #loop65
+ alt65 = 10
+ LA65 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA65 == 66:
+ LA65_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA65_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA65_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred120()) :
+ alt65 = 6
+ elif LA65 == 64:
+ alt65 = 1
+ elif LA65 == 62:
+ LA65 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA65 == 63:
+ alt65 = 2
+ elif LA65 == 29 or LA65 == 30 or LA65 == 31 or LA65 == 32 or LA65 == 33 or LA65 == 34 or LA65 == 35 or LA65 == 36 or LA65 == 37 or LA65 == 38 or LA65 == 39 or LA65 == 40 or LA65 == 41 or LA65 == 42 or LA65 == 45 or LA65 == 46 or LA65 == 48 or LA65 == 49 or LA65 == 50 or LA65 == 51 or LA65 == 52 or LA65 == 53 or LA65 == 54 or LA65 == 55 or LA65 == 56 or LA65 == 57 or LA65 == 58 or LA65 == 59 or LA65 == 60 or LA65 == 61:
+ alt65 = 4
+ elif LA65 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA65_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred117()) :
+ alt65 = 3
+ elif (self.synpred118()) :
+ alt65 = 4
+ elif LA65 == 66:
+ LA65_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred117()) :
+ alt65 = 3
+ elif (self.synpred118()) :
+ alt65 = 4
+ elif LA65 == HEX_LITERAL or LA65 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA65 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA65 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA65 == STRING_LITERAL or LA65 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA65 == 62 or LA65 == 68 or LA65 == 69 or LA65 == 72 or LA65 == 73 or LA65 == 74 or LA65 == 77 or LA65 == 78 or LA65 == 79:
+ alt65 = 3
+ elif LA65 == 75:
+ alt65 = 5
+ elif LA65 == 76:
+ alt65 = 7
+ elif LA65 == 72:
+ alt65 = 8
+ elif LA65 == 73:
+ alt65 = 9
+ if alt65 == 1:
+ # C.g:407:13: '[' expression ']'
+ self.match(self.input, 64, self.FOLLOW_64_in_postfix_expression1383)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_postfix_expression1385)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 65, self.FOLLOW_65_in_postfix_expression1387)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt65 == 2:
+ # C.g:408:13: '(' a= ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1401)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ a = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1405)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StoreFunctionCalling(p.start.line, p.start.charPositionInLine, a.line, a.charPositionInLine, self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText, '')
+ elif alt65 == 3:
+ # C.g:409:13: '(' c= argument_expression_list b= ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1420)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_postfix_expression1424)
+ c = self.argument_expression_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ b = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1428)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StoreFunctionCalling(p.start.line, p.start.charPositionInLine, b.line, b.charPositionInLine, self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText, self.input.toString(c.start, c.stop))
+ elif alt65 == 4:
+ # C.g:410:13: '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1444)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_postfix_expression1446)
+ self.macro_parameter_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1448)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt65 == 5:
+ # C.g:411:13: '.' x= IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 75, self.FOLLOW_75_in_postfix_expression1462)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ x = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1466)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += '.' + x.text
+ elif alt65 == 6:
+ # C.g:412:13: '*' y= IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_postfix_expression1482)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ y = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1486)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText = y.text
+ elif alt65 == 7:
+ # C.g:413:13: '->' z= IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 76, self.FOLLOW_76_in_postfix_expression1502)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ z = self.input.LT(1)
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1506)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.postfix_expression_stack[-1].FuncCallText += '->' + z.text
+ elif alt65 == 8:
+ # C.g:414:13: '++'
+ self.match(self.input, 72, self.FOLLOW_72_in_postfix_expression1522)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt65 == 9:
+ # C.g:415:13: '--'
+ self.match(self.input, 73, self.FOLLOW_73_in_postfix_expression1536)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop65
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 41, postfix_expression_StartIndex)
+ self.postfix_expression_stack.pop()
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end postfix_expression
+ # $ANTLR start macro_parameter_list
+ # C.g:419:1: macro_parameter_list : parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )* ;
+ def macro_parameter_list(self, ):
+ macro_parameter_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 42):
+ return
+ # C.g:420:2: ( parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )* )
+ # C.g:420:4: parameter_declaration ( ',' parameter_declaration )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1559)
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:420:26: ( ',' parameter_declaration )*
+ while True: #loop66
+ alt66 = 2
+ LA66_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA66_0 == 27) :
+ alt66 = 1
+ if alt66 == 1:
+ # C.g:420:27: ',' parameter_declaration
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_macro_parameter_list1562)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1564)
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop66
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 42, macro_parameter_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end macro_parameter_list
+ # $ANTLR start unary_operator
+ # C.g:423:1: unary_operator : ( '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' );
+ def unary_operator(self, ):
+ unary_operator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 43):
+ return
+ # C.g:424:2: ( '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '~' | '!' )
+ # C.g:
+ if self.input.LA(1) == 66 or (68 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 69) or (77 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 79):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_unary_operator0
+ )
+ raise mse
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 43, unary_operator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end unary_operator
+ class primary_expression_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start primary_expression
+ # C.g:432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );
+ def primary_expression(self, ):
+ retval = self.primary_expression_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ primary_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 44):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:433:2: ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' )
+ alt67 = 3
+ LA67 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA67 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA67_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA67_1 == EOF or LA67_1 == 25 or (27 <= LA67_1 <= 28) or LA67_1 == 44 or LA67_1 == 47 or LA67_1 == 53 or (62 <= LA67_1 <= 66) or (68 <= LA67_1 <= 73) or (75 <= LA67_1 <= 77) or (80 <= LA67_1 <= 102)) :
+ alt67 = 1
+ elif (LA67_1 == IDENTIFIER or LA67_1 == STRING_LITERAL) :
+ alt67 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );", 67, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ alt67 = 2
+ elif LA67 == 62:
+ alt67 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("432:1: primary_expression : ( IDENTIFIER | constant | '(' expression ')' );", 67, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt67 == 1:
+ # C.g:433:4: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_primary_expression1613)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt67 == 2:
+ # C.g:434:4: constant
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_in_primary_expression1618)
+ self.constant()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt67 == 3:
+ # C.g:435:4: '(' expression ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_primary_expression1623)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_primary_expression1625)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_primary_expression1627)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 44, primary_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end primary_expression
+ # $ANTLR start constant
+ def constant(self, ):
+ constant_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 45):
+ return
+ alt72 = 6
+ LA72 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA72 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ alt72 = 1
+ elif LA72 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ alt72 = 2
+ alt72 = 3
+ alt72 = 4
+ alt72 = 5
+ alt72 = 6
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("438:1: constant : ( HEX_LITERAL | OCTAL_LITERAL | DECIMAL_LITERAL | CHARACTER_LITERAL | ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+ ( IDENTIFIER )* | FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL );", 72, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt72 == 1:
+ # C.g:439:9: HEX_LITERAL
+ self.match(self.input, HEX_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_HEX_LITERAL_in_constant1643)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt72 == 2:
+ # C.g:440:9: OCTAL_LITERAL
+ self.match(self.input, OCTAL_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_OCTAL_LITERAL_in_constant1653)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt72 == 3:
+ # C.g:441:9: DECIMAL_LITERAL
+ self.match(self.input, DECIMAL_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_DECIMAL_LITERAL_in_constant1663)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt72 == 4:
+ self.match(self.input, CHARACTER_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_CHARACTER_LITERAL_in_constant1671)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt72 == 5:
+ # C.g:443:7: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+ ( IDENTIFIER )*
+ # C.g:443:7: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )+
+ cnt70 = 0
+ while True: #loop70
+ alt70 = 2
+ LA70_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA70_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA70_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA70_1 == STRING_LITERAL) :
+ alt70 = 1
+ elif (LA70_1 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA70_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred138()) :
+ alt70 = 1
+ elif (LA70_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
+ alt70 = 1
+ if alt70 == 1:
+ # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+
+ # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )*
+ while True: #loop68
+ alt68 = 2
+ LA68_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA68_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt68 = 1
+ if alt68 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1680)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop68
+ # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )+
+ cnt69 = 0
+ while True: #loop69
+ alt69 = 2
+ LA69_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA69_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
+ LA69_31 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred137()) :
+ alt69 = 1
+ if alt69 == 1:
+ self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constant1683)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt69 >= 1:
+ break #loop69
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(69, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt69 += 1
+ else:
+ if cnt70 >= 1:
+ break #loop70
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(70, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt70 += 1
+ # C.g:443:38: ( IDENTIFIER )*
+ while True: #loop71
+ alt71 = 2
+ LA71_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA71_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt71 = 1
+ if alt71 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1688)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop71
+ elif alt72 == 6:
+ self.match(self.input, FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constant1699)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 45, constant_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end constant
+ class expression_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start expression
+ # C.g:449:1: expression : assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )* ;
+ def expression(self, ):
+ retval = self.expression_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 46):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:450:2: ( assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )* )
+ # C.g:450:4: assignment_expression ( ',' assignment_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1715)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:450:26: ( ',' assignment_expression )*
+ while True: #loop73
+ alt73 = 2
+ LA73_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA73_0 == 27) :
+ alt73 = 1
+ if alt73 == 1:
+ # C.g:450:27: ',' assignment_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_expression1718)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1720)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ break #loop73
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 46, expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end expression
+ # $ANTLR start constant_expression
+ # C.g:453:1: constant_expression : conditional_expression ;
+ def constant_expression(self, ):
+ constant_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 47):
+ return
+ # C.g:454:2: ( conditional_expression )
+ # C.g:454:4: conditional_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_constant_expression1733)
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 47, constant_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end constant_expression
+ # $ANTLR start assignment_expression
+ # C.g:457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );
+ def assignment_expression(self, ):
+ assignment_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 48):
+ return
+ # C.g:458:2: ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression )
+ alt74 = 2
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_13 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 13, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_14 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 14, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_15 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 15, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_16 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 16, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_17 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 17, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_18 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 18, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_19 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 19, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 21, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_22 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 22, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 44, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 45, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_46 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 46, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 47, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 48, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 49, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_50 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 50, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 2, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_73 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 73, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_74 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 74, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_75 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 75, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_76 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 76, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_77 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 77, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_78 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 78, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_79 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 79, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 3, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_102 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 102, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_103 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 103, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_104 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 104, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_105 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 105, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_106 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 106, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_107 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 107, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_108 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 108, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 4, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_131 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 131, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_132 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 132, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_133 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 133, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_134 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 134, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_135 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 135, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_136 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 136, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_137 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 137, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 5, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_160 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 160, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_161 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 161, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_162 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 162, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_163 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 163, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_164 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 164, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_165 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 165, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_166 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 166, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_167 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 167, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_189 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 189, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 6, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 64:
+ LA74_191 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 191, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_192 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 192, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 75:
+ LA74_193 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 193, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66:
+ LA74_194 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 194, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 76:
+ LA74_195 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 195, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_196 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 196, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_197 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 197, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == EOF or LA74 == 25 or LA74 == 27 or LA74 == 44 or LA74 == 47 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 63 or LA74 == 65 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 70 or LA74 == 71 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 90 or LA74 == 91 or LA74 == 92 or LA74 == 93 or LA74 == 94 or LA74 == 95 or LA74 == 96 or LA74 == 97 or LA74 == 98 or LA74 == 99 or LA74 == 100 or LA74 == 101 or LA74 == 102:
+ alt74 = 2
+ elif LA74 == 28 or LA74 == 80 or LA74 == 81 or LA74 == 82 or LA74 == 83 or LA74 == 84 or LA74 == 85 or LA74 == 86 or LA74 == 87 or LA74 == 88 or LA74 == 89:
+ alt74 = 1
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 7, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_220 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 220, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74_221 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 221, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74_222 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 222, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_223 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 223, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_224 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 224, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_225 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 225, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_226 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 226, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_227 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 227, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_228 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 228, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_229 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 229, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74_230 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 230, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74_231 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 231, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 34 or LA74 == 35 or LA74 == 36 or LA74 == 37 or LA74 == 38 or LA74 == 39 or LA74 == 40 or LA74 == 41 or LA74 == 42 or LA74 == 45 or LA74 == 46 or LA74 == 48 or LA74 == 49 or LA74 == 50 or LA74 == 51 or LA74 == 52 or LA74 == 53 or LA74 == 54 or LA74 == 55 or LA74 == 56 or LA74 == 57 or LA74 == 58 or LA74 == 59 or LA74 == 60 or LA74 == 61:
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 8, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_244 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 244, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74_245 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 245, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74_246 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 246, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_247 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 247, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_248 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 248, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_249 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 249, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_250 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 250, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_251 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 251, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_252 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 252, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_253 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 253, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74_254 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 254, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74_255 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 255, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 9, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_256 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 256, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74_257 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 257, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74_258 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 258, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_259 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 259, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_260 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 260, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_261 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 261, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_262 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 262, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_263 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 263, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_264 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 264, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_265 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 265, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74_266 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 266, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74_267 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 267, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 10, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_268 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 268, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_269 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 269, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74_270 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 270, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74_271 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 271, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_272 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 272, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_273 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 273, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_274 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 274, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_275 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 275, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_276 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 276, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_277 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 277, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74_278 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 278, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74_279 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 279, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 11, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA74 == 62:
+ LA74_280 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 280, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA74_281 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 281, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA74_282 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 282, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA74_283 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 283, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_284 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 284, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_285 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 285, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA74_286 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 286, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ LA74_287 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 287, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 72:
+ LA74_288 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 288, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 73:
+ LA74_289 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 289, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 66 or LA74 == 68 or LA74 == 69 or LA74 == 77 or LA74 == 78 or LA74 == 79:
+ LA74_290 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 290, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA74 == 74:
+ LA74_291 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred142()) :
+ alt74 = 1
+ elif (True) :
+ alt74 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 291, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 12, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("457:1: assignment_expression : ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression | conditional_expression );", 74, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt74 == 1:
+ # C.g:458:4: lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_lvalue_in_assignment_expression1744)
+ self.lvalue()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_assignment_expression1746)
+ self.assignment_operator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_assignment_expression1748)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt74 == 2:
+ # C.g:459:4: conditional_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_assignment_expression1753)
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 48, assignment_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end assignment_expression
+ # $ANTLR start lvalue
+ # C.g:462:1: lvalue : unary_expression ;
+ def lvalue(self, ):
+ lvalue_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 49):
+ return
+ # C.g:463:2: ( unary_expression )
+ # C.g:463:4: unary_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_lvalue1765)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 49, lvalue_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end lvalue
+ # $ANTLR start assignment_operator
+ # C.g:466:1: assignment_operator : ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' );
+ def assignment_operator(self, ):
+ assignment_operator_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 50):
+ return
+ # C.g:467:2: ( '=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '+=' | '-=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=' )
+ # C.g:
+ if self.input.LA(1) == 28 or (80 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 89):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_assignment_operator0
+ )
+ raise mse
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 50, assignment_operator_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end assignment_operator
+ # $ANTLR start conditional_expression
+ # C.g:480:1: conditional_expression : e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )? ;
+ def conditional_expression(self, ):
+ conditional_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ e = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 51):
+ return
+ # C.g:481:2: (e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )? )
+ # C.g:481:4: e= logical_or_expression ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_or_expression_in_conditional_expression1839)
+ e = self.logical_or_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:481:28: ( '?' expression ':' conditional_expression )?
+ alt75 = 2
+ LA75_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA75_0 == 90) :
+ alt75 = 1
+ if alt75 == 1:
+ # C.g:481:29: '?' expression ':' conditional_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 90, self.FOLLOW_90_in_conditional_expression1842)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_conditional_expression1844)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_conditional_expression1846)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_conditional_expression1848)
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 51, conditional_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end conditional_expression
+ class logical_or_expression_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start logical_or_expression
+ # C.g:484:1: logical_or_expression : logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )* ;
+ def logical_or_expression(self, ):
+ retval = self.logical_or_expression_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ logical_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 52):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:485:2: ( logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )* )
+ # C.g:485:4: logical_and_expression ( '||' logical_and_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1863)
+ self.logical_and_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:485:27: ( '||' logical_and_expression )*
+ while True: #loop76
+ alt76 = 2
+ LA76_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA76_0 == 91) :
+ alt76 = 1
+ if alt76 == 1:
+ # C.g:485:28: '||' logical_and_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 91, self.FOLLOW_91_in_logical_or_expression1866)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1868)
+ self.logical_and_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ break #loop76
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 52, logical_or_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end logical_or_expression
+ # $ANTLR start logical_and_expression
+ # C.g:488:1: logical_and_expression : inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )* ;
+ def logical_and_expression(self, ):
+ logical_and_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 53):
+ return
+ # C.g:489:2: ( inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )* )
+ # C.g:489:4: inclusive_or_expression ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1881)
+ self.inclusive_or_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:489:28: ( '&&' inclusive_or_expression )*
+ while True: #loop77
+ alt77 = 2
+ LA77_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA77_0 == 92) :
+ alt77 = 1
+ if alt77 == 1:
+ # C.g:489:29: '&&' inclusive_or_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 92, self.FOLLOW_92_in_logical_and_expression1884)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1886)
+ self.inclusive_or_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop77
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 53, logical_and_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end logical_and_expression
+ # $ANTLR start inclusive_or_expression
+ # C.g:492:1: inclusive_or_expression : exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )* ;
+ def inclusive_or_expression(self, ):
+ inclusive_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 54):
+ return
+ # C.g:493:2: ( exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )* )
+ # C.g:493:4: exclusive_or_expression ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1899)
+ self.exclusive_or_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:493:28: ( '|' exclusive_or_expression )*
+ while True: #loop78
+ alt78 = 2
+ LA78_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA78_0 == 93) :
+ alt78 = 1
+ if alt78 == 1:
+ # C.g:493:29: '|' exclusive_or_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 93, self.FOLLOW_93_in_inclusive_or_expression1902)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1904)
+ self.exclusive_or_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop78
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 54, inclusive_or_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end inclusive_or_expression
+ # $ANTLR start exclusive_or_expression
+ # C.g:496:1: exclusive_or_expression : and_expression ( '^' and_expression )* ;
+ def exclusive_or_expression(self, ):
+ exclusive_or_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 55):
+ return
+ # C.g:497:2: ( and_expression ( '^' and_expression )* )
+ # C.g:497:4: and_expression ( '^' and_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1917)
+ self.and_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:497:19: ( '^' and_expression )*
+ while True: #loop79
+ alt79 = 2
+ LA79_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA79_0 == 94) :
+ alt79 = 1
+ if alt79 == 1:
+ # C.g:497:20: '^' and_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 94, self.FOLLOW_94_in_exclusive_or_expression1920)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1922)
+ self.and_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop79
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 55, exclusive_or_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end exclusive_or_expression
+ # $ANTLR start and_expression
+ # C.g:500:1: and_expression : equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )* ;
+ def and_expression(self, ):
+ and_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 56):
+ return
+ # C.g:501:2: ( equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )* )
+ # C.g:501:4: equality_expression ( '&' equality_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1935)
+ self.equality_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:501:24: ( '&' equality_expression )*
+ while True: #loop80
+ alt80 = 2
+ LA80_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA80_0 == 77) :
+ alt80 = 1
+ if alt80 == 1:
+ # C.g:501:25: '&' equality_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 77, self.FOLLOW_77_in_and_expression1938)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1940)
+ self.equality_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop80
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 56, and_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end and_expression
+ # $ANTLR start equality_expression
+ # C.g:503:1: equality_expression : relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )* ;
+ def equality_expression(self, ):
+ equality_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 57):
+ return
+ # C.g:504:2: ( relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )* )
+ # C.g:504:4: relational_expression ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1952)
+ self.relational_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:504:26: ( ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression )*
+ while True: #loop81
+ alt81 = 2
+ LA81_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((95 <= LA81_0 <= 96)) :
+ alt81 = 1
+ if alt81 == 1:
+ # C.g:504:27: ( '==' | '!=' ) relational_expression
+ if (95 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 96):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_equality_expression1955
+ )
+ raise mse
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1961)
+ self.relational_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop81
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 57, equality_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end equality_expression
+ # $ANTLR start relational_expression
+ # C.g:507:1: relational_expression : shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )* ;
+ def relational_expression(self, ):
+ relational_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 58):
+ return
+ # C.g:508:2: ( shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )* )
+ # C.g:508:4: shift_expression ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1975)
+ self.shift_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:508:21: ( ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression )*
+ while True: #loop82
+ alt82 = 2
+ LA82_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((97 <= LA82_0 <= 100)) :
+ alt82 = 1
+ if alt82 == 1:
+ # C.g:508:22: ( '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) shift_expression
+ if (97 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 100):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_relational_expression1978
+ )
+ raise mse
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1988)
+ self.shift_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop82
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 58, relational_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end relational_expression
+ # $ANTLR start shift_expression
+ # C.g:511:1: shift_expression : additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )* ;
+ def shift_expression(self, ):
+ shift_expression_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 59):
+ return
+ # C.g:512:2: ( additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )* )
+ # C.g:512:4: additive_expression ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )*
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2001)
+ self.additive_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:512:24: ( ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression )*
+ while True: #loop83
+ alt83 = 2
+ LA83_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((101 <= LA83_0 <= 102)) :
+ alt83 = 1
+ if alt83 == 1:
+ # C.g:512:25: ( '<<' | '>>' ) additive_expression
+ if (101 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 102):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_shift_expression2004
+ )
+ raise mse
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2010)
+ self.additive_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop83
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 59, shift_expression_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end shift_expression
+ # $ANTLR start statement
+ # C.g:517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );
+ def statement(self, ):
+ statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 60):
+ return
+ # C.g:518:2: ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration )
+ alt84 = 11
+ LA84 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA84 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA84 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA84 == 62:
+ LA84_43 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred169()) :
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif (self.synpred173()) :
+ alt84 = 7
+ elif (self.synpred174()) :
+ alt84 = 8
+ elif (True) :
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 43, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA84 == 47:
+ alt84 = 1
+ elif LA84 == STRING_LITERAL or LA84 == 27 or LA84 == 28 or LA84 == 64 or LA84 == 68 or LA84 == 69 or LA84 == 70 or LA84 == 71 or LA84 == 72 or LA84 == 73 or LA84 == 75 or LA84 == 76 or LA84 == 77 or LA84 == 80 or LA84 == 81 or LA84 == 82 or LA84 == 83 or LA84 == 84 or LA84 == 85 or LA84 == 86 or LA84 == 87 or LA84 == 88 or LA84 == 89 or LA84 == 90 or LA84 == 91 or LA84 == 92 or LA84 == 93 or LA84 == 94 or LA84 == 95 or LA84 == 96 or LA84 == 97 or LA84 == 98 or LA84 == 99 or LA84 == 100 or LA84 == 101 or LA84 == 102:
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif LA84 == 66:
+ LA84_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred169()) :
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif (True) :
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 47, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA84 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA84_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred169()) :
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif (True) :
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 53, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA84 == 25:
+ LA84_68 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred169()) :
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif (True) :
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 68, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA84 == 29 or LA84 == 30 or LA84 == 31 or LA84 == 32 or LA84 == 33 or LA84 == 34 or LA84 == 35 or LA84 == 36 or LA84 == 37 or LA84 == 38 or LA84 == 39 or LA84 == 40 or LA84 == 41 or LA84 == 42 or LA84 == 45 or LA84 == 46 or LA84 == 48 or LA84 == 49 or LA84 == 50 or LA84 == 51 or LA84 == 52 or LA84 == 53 or LA84 == 54 or LA84 == 55 or LA84 == 56 or LA84 == 57 or LA84 == 58 or LA84 == 59 or LA84 == 60 or LA84 == 61:
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 1, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ elif LA84 == 106 or LA84 == 107:
+ alt84 = 1
+ elif LA84 == 43:
+ alt84 = 2
+ elif LA84 == HEX_LITERAL or LA84 == OCTAL_LITERAL or LA84 == DECIMAL_LITERAL or LA84 == CHARACTER_LITERAL or LA84 == STRING_LITERAL or LA84 == FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL or LA84 == 25 or LA84 == 62 or LA84 == 66 or LA84 == 68 or LA84 == 69 or LA84 == 72 or LA84 == 73 or LA84 == 74 or LA84 == 77 or LA84 == 78 or LA84 == 79:
+ alt84 = 3
+ elif LA84 == 108 or LA84 == 110:
+ alt84 = 4
+ elif LA84 == 111 or LA84 == 112 or LA84 == 113:
+ alt84 = 5
+ elif LA84 == 114 or LA84 == 115 or LA84 == 116 or LA84 == 117:
+ alt84 = 6
+ elif LA84 == 103:
+ alt84 = 8
+ elif LA84 == 104:
+ alt84 = 9
+ elif LA84 == 105:
+ alt84 = 10
+ elif LA84 == 26 or LA84 == 29 or LA84 == 30 or LA84 == 31 or LA84 == 32 or LA84 == 33 or LA84 == 34 or LA84 == 35 or LA84 == 36 or LA84 == 37 or LA84 == 38 or LA84 == 39 or LA84 == 40 or LA84 == 41 or LA84 == 42 or LA84 == 45 or LA84 == 46 or LA84 == 48 or LA84 == 49 or LA84 == 50 or LA84 == 51 or LA84 == 52 or LA84 == 53 or LA84 == 54 or LA84 == 55 or LA84 == 56 or LA84 == 57 or LA84 == 58 or LA84 == 59 or LA84 == 60 or LA84 == 61:
+ alt84 = 11
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("517:1: statement : ( labeled_statement | compound_statement | expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement | jump_statement | macro_statement | asm2_statement | asm1_statement | asm_statement | declaration );", 84, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt84 == 1:
+ # C.g:518:4: labeled_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_labeled_statement_in_statement2025)
+ self.labeled_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 2:
+ # C.g:519:4: compound_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_statement2030)
+ self.compound_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 3:
+ # C.g:520:4: expression_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_statement2035)
+ self.expression_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 4:
+ # C.g:521:4: selection_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_selection_statement_in_statement2040)
+ self.selection_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 5:
+ # C.g:522:4: iteration_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_iteration_statement_in_statement2045)
+ self.iteration_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 6:
+ # C.g:523:4: jump_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_jump_statement_in_statement2050)
+ self.jump_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 7:
+ # C.g:524:4: macro_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_statement2055)
+ self.macro_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 8:
+ # C.g:525:4: asm2_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_statement2060)
+ self.asm2_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 9:
+ # C.g:526:4: asm1_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm1_statement_in_statement2065)
+ self.asm1_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 10:
+ # C.g:527:4: asm_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm_statement_in_statement2070)
+ self.asm_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt84 == 11:
+ # C.g:528:4: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_statement2075)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 60, statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end statement
+ # $ANTLR start asm2_statement
+ # C.g:531:1: asm2_statement : ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';' ;
+ def asm2_statement(self, ):
+ asm2_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 61):
+ return
+ # C.g:532:2: ( ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';' )
+ # C.g:532:4: ( '__asm__' )? IDENTIFIER '(' (~ ( ';' ) )* ')' ';'
+ # C.g:532:4: ( '__asm__' )?
+ alt85 = 2
+ LA85_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA85_0 == 103) :
+ alt85 = 1
+ if alt85 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: '__asm__'
+ self.match(self.input, 103, self.FOLLOW_103_in_asm2_statement2086)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_asm2_statement2089)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_asm2_statement2091)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:532:30: (~ ( ';' ) )*
+ while True: #loop86
+ alt86 = 2
+ LA86_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA86_0 == 63) :
+ LA86_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA86_1 <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= LA86_1 <= 117)) :
+ alt86 = 1
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA86_0 <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= LA86_0 <= 62) or (64 <= LA86_0 <= 117)) :
+ alt86 = 1
+ if alt86 == 1:
+ # C.g:532:31: ~ ( ';' )
+ if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= LINE_COMMAND) or (26 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm2_statement2094
+ )
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop86
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_asm2_statement2101)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_asm2_statement2103)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 61, asm2_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end asm2_statement
+ # $ANTLR start asm1_statement
+ # C.g:535:1: asm1_statement : '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' ;
+ def asm1_statement(self, ):
+ asm1_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 62):
+ return
+ # C.g:536:2: ( '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' )
+ # C.g:536:4: '_asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 104, self.FOLLOW_104_in_asm1_statement2115)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_asm1_statement2117)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:536:15: (~ ( '}' ) )*
+ while True: #loop87
+ alt87 = 2
+ LA87_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA87_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA87_0 <= 117)) :
+ alt87 = 1
+ if alt87 == 1:
+ # C.g:536:16: ~ ( '}' )
+ if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= 43) or (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm1_statement2120
+ )
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop87
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_asm1_statement2127)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 62, asm1_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end asm1_statement
+ # $ANTLR start asm_statement
+ # C.g:539:1: asm_statement : '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' ;
+ def asm_statement(self, ):
+ asm_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 63):
+ return
+ # C.g:540:2: ( '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}' )
+ # C.g:540:4: '__asm' '{' (~ ( '}' ) )* '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 105, self.FOLLOW_105_in_asm_statement2138)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_asm_statement2140)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:540:16: (~ ( '}' ) )*
+ while True: #loop88
+ alt88 = 2
+ LA88_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA88_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA88_0 <= 117)) :
+ alt88 = 1
+ if alt88 == 1:
+ # C.g:540:17: ~ ( '}' )
+ if (IDENTIFIER <= self.input.LA(1) <= 43) or (45 <= self.input.LA(1) <= 117):
+ self.input.consume();
+ self.errorRecovery = False
+ self.failed = False
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ mse = MismatchedSetException(None, self.input)
+ self.recoverFromMismatchedSet(
+ self.input, mse, self.FOLLOW_set_in_asm_statement2143
+ )
+ raise mse
+ else:
+ break #loop88
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_asm_statement2150)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 63, asm_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end asm_statement
+ # $ANTLR start macro_statement
+ # C.g:543:1: macro_statement : IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')' ;
+ def macro_statement(self, ):
+ macro_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 64):
+ return
+ # C.g:544:2: ( IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')' )
+ # C.g:544:4: IDENTIFIER '(' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? ( expression )? ')'
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_macro_statement2162)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_macro_statement2164)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:544:19: ( declaration )*
+ while True: #loop89
+ alt89 = 2
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_50 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_68 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_71 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_72 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_73 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_74 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_75 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_76 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_77 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_78 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_79 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_80 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_81 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_82 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_83 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_84 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_85 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_86 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 26:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_87 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_88 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_89 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_90 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_91 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_92 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_93 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_94 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_95 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_96 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_97 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_98 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_99 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_100 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_101 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_102 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_103 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_104 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_105 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_106 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_107 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_108 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_109 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_110 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_111 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_112 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_113 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_114 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_115 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_116 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_117 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_118 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_119 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_120 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_121 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_122 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_123 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_124 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_125 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_126 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_127 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_128 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_129 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_130 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_131 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_132 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_133 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_134 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_135 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_136 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_137 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_138 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_139 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_140 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_141 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_142 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_143 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_144 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_145 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_146 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_147 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_148 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_149 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_150 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_151 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_152 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_153 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_154 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_155 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_156 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_157 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_158 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_159 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_160 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_161 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_162 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_163 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_164 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_165 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_166 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_167 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_168 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_169 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_170 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_171 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_172 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_173 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_174 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_175 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_176 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_177 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_178 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_179 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_180 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_181 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_182 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_183 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_184 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_185 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_186 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_187 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_188 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_189 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_190 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_191 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_192 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_193 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_194 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_195 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_196 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_197 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_198 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_199 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_200 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_201 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_202 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_203 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_204 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_205 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_206 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_207 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_208 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_209 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_210 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_211 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_212 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_213 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_214 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_215 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_216 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_217 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_218 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_219 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_220 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_221 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_222 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_223 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_224 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_225 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_226 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_227 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_228 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_229 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_230 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_231 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_232 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_233 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_234 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_235 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_236 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_237 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_238 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_239 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_240 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_241 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_242 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_243 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_244 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_245 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_246 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_247 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_248 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_249 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_250 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_251 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_252 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_253 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_254 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_255 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_256 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_257 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_258 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_259 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_260 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_261 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_262 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_263 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_264 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_265 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_266 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_267 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_268 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_269 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_270 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_271 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_272 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_273 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_274 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_275 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_276 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_277 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_278 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_279 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_280 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_281 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_282 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_283 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_284 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_285 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_286 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_287 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_288 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_289 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_290 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_291 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_292 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_293 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_294 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_295 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_296 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_297 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_298 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_299 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_300 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_301 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_302 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_303 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_304 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_305 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_40 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA89_40 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA89_306 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif (LA89_40 == 43) :
+ LA89_307 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_41 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA89_41 == 43) :
+ LA89_308 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif (LA89_41 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA89_309 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 58 or LA89 == 59 or LA89 == 60 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA89 == 66:
+ LA89_310 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 58:
+ LA89_311 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 59:
+ LA89_312 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 60:
+ LA89_313 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA89_314 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 62:
+ LA89_315 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 25:
+ LA89_316 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 29 or LA89 == 30 or LA89 == 31 or LA89 == 32 or LA89 == 33:
+ LA89_317 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 34:
+ LA89_318 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 35:
+ LA89_319 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 36:
+ LA89_320 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 37:
+ LA89_321 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 38:
+ LA89_322 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 39:
+ LA89_323 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 40:
+ LA89_324 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 41:
+ LA89_325 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 42:
+ LA89_326 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 45 or LA89 == 46:
+ LA89_327 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 48:
+ LA89_328 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ elif LA89 == 49 or LA89 == 50 or LA89 == 51 or LA89 == 52 or LA89 == 53 or LA89 == 54 or LA89 == 55 or LA89 == 56 or LA89 == 57 or LA89 == 61:
+ LA89_329 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred181()) :
+ alt89 = 1
+ if alt89 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_macro_statement2166)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop89
+ # C.g:544:33: ( statement_list )?
+ alt90 = 2
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 25 or LA90 == 29 or LA90 == 30 or LA90 == 31 or LA90 == 32 or LA90 == 33 or LA90 == 34 or LA90 == 35 or LA90 == 36 or LA90 == 37 or LA90 == 38 or LA90 == 39 or LA90 == 40 or LA90 == 41 or LA90 == 42 or LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46 or LA90 == 47 or LA90 == 48 or LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_45 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_46 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_50 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_51 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_52 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_54 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_56 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_58 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_59 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_60 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_61 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_62 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_63 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_64 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_65 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_66 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_67 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_70 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25 or LA90 == 26 or LA90 == 29 or LA90 == 30 or LA90 == 31 or LA90 == 32 or LA90 == 33 or LA90 == 34 or LA90 == 35 or LA90 == 36 or LA90 == 37 or LA90 == 38 or LA90 == 39 or LA90 == 40 or LA90 == 41 or LA90 == 42 or LA90 == 43 or LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46 or LA90 == 48 or LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61 or LA90 == 103 or LA90 == 104 or LA90 == 105 or LA90 == 106 or LA90 == 107 or LA90 == 108 or LA90 == 110 or LA90 == 111 or LA90 == 112 or LA90 == 113 or LA90 == 114 or LA90 == 115 or LA90 == 116 or LA90 == 117:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_87 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_88 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_89 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_90 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_91 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_92 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_93 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_94 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_95 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_96 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_97 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_98 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_99 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_100 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_101 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_102 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_103 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_104 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_105 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_106 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_107 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_108 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_111 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_112 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_113 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_114 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_115 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_116 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_117 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_118 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_119 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_120 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_121 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_122 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_123 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_124 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_125 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_126 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_127 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_128 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_129 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_130 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_131 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_134 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_135 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_136 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_137 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_138 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_139 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_140 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_141 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_142 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_143 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_144 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_145 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_146 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_147 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_148 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_149 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_150 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_151 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_152 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_153 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_154 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_155 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_156 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_159 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_160 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_161 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_162 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_163 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_164 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_165 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_166 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_167 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_168 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_169 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_170 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_171 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_172 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_173 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_174 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_175 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_176 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_177 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_178 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_179 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_181 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_183 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_184 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_185 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_186 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_187 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_188 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_189 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_190 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_191 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_192 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_193 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_194 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_195 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_196 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_197 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_198 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_199 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_200 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_201 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_202 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_203 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_204 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_205 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_206 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 64:
+ LA90_209 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_210 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 75:
+ LA90_211 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66:
+ LA90_212 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 76:
+ LA90_213 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_214 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_215 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 28 or LA90 == 80 or LA90 == 81 or LA90 == 82 or LA90 == 83 or LA90 == 84 or LA90 == 85 or LA90 == 86 or LA90 == 87 or LA90 == 88 or LA90 == 89:
+ LA90_216 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 70:
+ LA90_217 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 71:
+ LA90_218 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 68:
+ LA90_219 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 69:
+ LA90_220 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 101 or LA90 == 102:
+ LA90_221 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 97 or LA90 == 98 or LA90 == 99 or LA90 == 100:
+ LA90_222 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 95 or LA90 == 96:
+ LA90_223 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 77:
+ LA90_224 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 94:
+ LA90_225 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 93:
+ LA90_226 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 92:
+ LA90_227 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 91:
+ LA90_228 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 90:
+ LA90_229 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 27:
+ LA90_230 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 25:
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_233 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90_234 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90_235 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_236 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_237 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_238 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_239 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_240 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_241 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_242 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90_243 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90_244 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 49 or LA90 == 50 or LA90 == 51 or LA90 == 52 or LA90 == 53 or LA90 == 54 or LA90 == 55 or LA90 == 56 or LA90 == 57 or LA90 == 58 or LA90 == 59 or LA90 == 60 or LA90 == 61:
+ LA90_245 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 34:
+ LA90_246 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 35:
+ LA90_247 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 36:
+ LA90_248 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 37:
+ LA90_249 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 38:
+ LA90_250 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 39:
+ LA90_251 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 40:
+ LA90_252 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 41:
+ LA90_253 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 42:
+ LA90_254 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 45 or LA90 == 46:
+ LA90_255 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 48:
+ LA90_256 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_257 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90_258 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90_259 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_260 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_261 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_262 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_263 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_264 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_265 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_266 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90_267 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90_268 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_269 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90_270 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90_271 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_272 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_273 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_274 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_275 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_276 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_277 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_278 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90_279 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90_280 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_281 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_282 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90_283 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90_284 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_285 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_286 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_287 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_288 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_289 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_290 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90_291 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90_292 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA90 == 62:
+ LA90_293 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA90_294 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA90_295 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA90_296 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_297 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_298 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA90_299 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ LA90_300 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 72:
+ LA90_301 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 73:
+ LA90_302 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 66 or LA90 == 68 or LA90 == 69 or LA90 == 77 or LA90 == 78 or LA90 == 79:
+ LA90_303 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ elif LA90 == 74:
+ LA90_304 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred182()) :
+ alt90 = 1
+ if alt90 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: statement_list
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_macro_statement2170)
+ self.statement_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:544:49: ( expression )?
+ alt91 = 2
+ LA91_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA91_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA91_0 == 62 or LA91_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA91_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA91_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA91_0 <= 79)) :
+ alt91 = 1
+ if alt91 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_macro_statement2173)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_macro_statement2176)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 64, macro_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end macro_statement
+ # $ANTLR start labeled_statement
+ # C.g:547:1: labeled_statement : ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement );
+ def labeled_statement(self, ):
+ labeled_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 65):
+ return
+ # C.g:548:2: ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement )
+ alt92 = 3
+ LA92 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA92 == IDENTIFIER:
+ alt92 = 1
+ elif LA92 == 106:
+ alt92 = 2
+ elif LA92 == 107:
+ alt92 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("547:1: labeled_statement : ( IDENTIFIER ':' statement | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement | 'default' ':' statement );", 92, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt92 == 1:
+ # C.g:548:4: IDENTIFIER ':' statement
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_labeled_statement2188)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2190)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2192)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt92 == 2:
+ # C.g:549:4: 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 106, self.FOLLOW_106_in_labeled_statement2197)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_labeled_statement2199)
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2201)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2203)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt92 == 3:
+ # C.g:550:4: 'default' ':' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 107, self.FOLLOW_107_in_labeled_statement2208)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 47, self.FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2210)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2212)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 65, labeled_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end labeled_statement
+ class compound_statement_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start compound_statement
+ # C.g:553:1: compound_statement : '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}' ;
+ def compound_statement(self, ):
+ retval = self.compound_statement_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ compound_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 66):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:554:2: ( '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}' )
+ # C.g:554:4: '{' ( declaration )* ( statement_list )? '}'
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_compound_statement2223)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ # C.g:554:8: ( declaration )*
+ while True: #loop93
+ alt93 = 2
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_44 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_47 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_50 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_51 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_52 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_54 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_56 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_58 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_59 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_60 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_61 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_62 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_63 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_64 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_65 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 26:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_86 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_87 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_88 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_89 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_90 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_91 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_92 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_93 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_94 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_95 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_96 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_97 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_98 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_99 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_100 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_101 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_102 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_103 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_104 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_105 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_106 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_107 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_108 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_109 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_110 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_111 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_112 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_113 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_114 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_115 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_116 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_117 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_118 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_119 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_120 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_121 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_122 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_123 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_124 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_125 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_126 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_127 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_128 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_129 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_130 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_131 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_132 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_133 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_134 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_135 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_136 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_137 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_138 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_139 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_140 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_141 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_142 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_143 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_144 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_145 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_146 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_147 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_148 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_149 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_150 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_151 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_152 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_153 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_154 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_155 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_156 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_157 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_158 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_159 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_160 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_161 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_162 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_163 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_164 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_165 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_166 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_167 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_168 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_169 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_170 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_171 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_172 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_173 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_174 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_175 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_176 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_177 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_178 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_179 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_180 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_181 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_182 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_183 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_184 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_185 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_186 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_187 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_188 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_189 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_190 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_191 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_192 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_193 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_194 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_195 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_196 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_197 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_198 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_199 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_200 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_201 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_202 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_203 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_204 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_205 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_206 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_207 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_208 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_209 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_210 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_211 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_212 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_213 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_214 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_215 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_216 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_217 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_218 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_219 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_220 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_221 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_222 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_223 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_224 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_225 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_226 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_227 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_228 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_229 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_230 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_231 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_232 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_233 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_234 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_235 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_236 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_237 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_238 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_239 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_240 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_241 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_242 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_243 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_244 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_245 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_246 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_247 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_248 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_249 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_250 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_251 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_252 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_253 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_254 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_255 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_256 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_257 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_258 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_259 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_260 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_261 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_262 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_263 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_264 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_265 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_266 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_267 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_268 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_269 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_270 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_271 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_272 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_273 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_274 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_275 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_276 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_277 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_278 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_279 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_280 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_281 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_282 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_283 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_284 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_285 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_286 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_287 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_288 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_289 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_290 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_291 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_292 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_293 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_294 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_295 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_296 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_297 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_298 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_299 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_300 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_301 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_302 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_303 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_304 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_40 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA93_40 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA93_305 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif (LA93_40 == 43) :
+ LA93_306 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_41 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA93_41 == 43) :
+ LA93_307 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif (LA93_41 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ LA93_308 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 58 or LA93 == 59 or LA93 == 60 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA93 == 66:
+ LA93_309 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 58:
+ LA93_310 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 59:
+ LA93_311 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 60:
+ LA93_312 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA93_313 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 62:
+ LA93_314 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 25:
+ LA93_315 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 29 or LA93 == 30 or LA93 == 31 or LA93 == 32 or LA93 == 33:
+ LA93_316 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 34:
+ LA93_317 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 35:
+ LA93_318 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 36:
+ LA93_319 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 37:
+ LA93_320 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 38:
+ LA93_321 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 39:
+ LA93_322 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 40:
+ LA93_323 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 41:
+ LA93_324 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 42:
+ LA93_325 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 45 or LA93 == 46:
+ LA93_326 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 48:
+ LA93_327 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ elif LA93 == 49 or LA93 == 50 or LA93 == 51 or LA93 == 52 or LA93 == 53 or LA93 == 54 or LA93 == 55 or LA93 == 56 or LA93 == 57 or LA93 == 61:
+ LA93_328 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred186()) :
+ alt93 = 1
+ if alt93 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_compound_statement2225)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ else:
+ break #loop93
+ # C.g:554:21: ( statement_list )?
+ alt94 = 2
+ LA94_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA94_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or (25 <= LA94_0 <= 26) or (29 <= LA94_0 <= 43) or (45 <= LA94_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA94_0 <= 62) or LA94_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA94_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA94_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA94_0 <= 79) or (103 <= LA94_0 <= 108) or (110 <= LA94_0 <= 117)) :
+ alt94 = 1
+ if alt94 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: statement_list
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_compound_statement2228)
+ self.statement_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 44, self.FOLLOW_44_in_compound_statement2231)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 66, compound_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end compound_statement
+ # $ANTLR start statement_list
+ # C.g:557:1: statement_list : ( statement )+ ;
+ def statement_list(self, ):
+ statement_list_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 67):
+ return
+ # C.g:558:2: ( ( statement )+ )
+ # C.g:558:4: ( statement )+
+ # C.g:558:4: ( statement )+
+ cnt95 = 0
+ while True: #loop95
+ alt95 = 2
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_46 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25 or LA95 == 29 or LA95 == 30 or LA95 == 31 or LA95 == 32 or LA95 == 33 or LA95 == 34 or LA95 == 35 or LA95 == 36 or LA95 == 37 or LA95 == 38 or LA95 == 39 or LA95 == 40 or LA95 == 41 or LA95 == 42 or LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46 or LA95 == 47 or LA95 == 48 or LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61:
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_48 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_49 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_50 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_51 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_52 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_53 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_54 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_55 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_56 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_57 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_58 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_59 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_60 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_61 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_62 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_63 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_64 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_65 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_66 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_67 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_68 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_69 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_88 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_89 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_90 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_91 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_92 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_93 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_94 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_95 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_96 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_97 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_98 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_99 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_100 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_101 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_102 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_103 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_104 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_105 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_106 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_107 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_108 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_109 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_110 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_113 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_114 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_115 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_116 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_117 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_118 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_119 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_120 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_121 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_122 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_123 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_124 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_125 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_126 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_127 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_128 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_129 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_130 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_131 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_132 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_133 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_135 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_137 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_138 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_139 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_140 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_141 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_142 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_143 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_144 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_145 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_146 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_147 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_148 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_149 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_150 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_151 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_152 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_153 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_154 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_155 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_156 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_157 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_158 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_161 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_162 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_163 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_164 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_165 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_166 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_167 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_168 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_169 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_170 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_171 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_172 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_173 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_174 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_175 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_176 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_177 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_178 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_179 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_180 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_181 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_182 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_185 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_186 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_187 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_188 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_189 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_190 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_191 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_192 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_193 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_194 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_195 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_196 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_197 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_198 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_199 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_200 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_201 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_202 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_203 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_204 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_205 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_206 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_208 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_209 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 64:
+ LA95_211 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_212 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 75:
+ LA95_213 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66:
+ LA95_214 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 76:
+ LA95_215 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_216 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_217 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 70:
+ LA95_218 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 71:
+ LA95_219 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 68:
+ LA95_220 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 69:
+ LA95_221 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 101 or LA95 == 102:
+ LA95_222 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 97 or LA95 == 98 or LA95 == 99 or LA95 == 100:
+ LA95_223 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 95 or LA95 == 96:
+ LA95_224 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 77:
+ LA95_225 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 94:
+ LA95_226 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 93:
+ LA95_227 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 92:
+ LA95_228 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 91:
+ LA95_229 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 90:
+ LA95_230 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 27:
+ LA95_231 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25:
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 28 or LA95 == 80 or LA95 == 81 or LA95 == 82 or LA95 == 83 or LA95 == 84 or LA95 == 85 or LA95 == 86 or LA95 == 87 or LA95 == 88 or LA95 == 89:
+ LA95_234 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_235 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95_236 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95_237 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_238 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_239 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_240 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_241 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_242 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_243 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_244 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95_245 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95_246 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61:
+ LA95_247 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 34:
+ LA95_248 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 35:
+ LA95_249 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 36:
+ LA95_250 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 37:
+ LA95_251 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 38:
+ LA95_252 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 39:
+ LA95_253 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 40:
+ LA95_254 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 41:
+ LA95_255 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 42:
+ LA95_256 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46:
+ LA95_257 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 48:
+ LA95_258 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_259 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95_260 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95_261 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_262 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_263 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_264 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_265 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_266 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_267 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_268 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95_269 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95_270 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_271 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95_272 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95_273 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_274 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_275 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_276 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_277 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_278 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_279 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_280 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95_281 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95_282 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_283 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_284 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95_285 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95_286 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_287 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_288 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_289 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_290 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_291 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_292 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95_293 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95_294 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA95 == 62:
+ LA95_295 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA95_296 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == HEX_LITERAL:
+ LA95_297 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == OCTAL_LITERAL:
+ LA95_298 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_299 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_300 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == STRING_LITERAL:
+ LA95_301 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ LA95_302 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 72:
+ LA95_303 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 73:
+ LA95_304 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 66 or LA95 == 68 or LA95 == 69 or LA95 == 77 or LA95 == 78 or LA95 == 79:
+ LA95_305 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 74:
+ LA95_306 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred188()) :
+ alt95 = 1
+ elif LA95 == 25 or LA95 == 26 or LA95 == 29 or LA95 == 30 or LA95 == 31 or LA95 == 32 or LA95 == 33 or LA95 == 34 or LA95 == 35 or LA95 == 36 or LA95 == 37 or LA95 == 38 or LA95 == 39 or LA95 == 40 or LA95 == 41 or LA95 == 42 or LA95 == 43 or LA95 == 45 or LA95 == 46 or LA95 == 48 or LA95 == 49 or LA95 == 50 or LA95 == 51 or LA95 == 52 or LA95 == 53 or LA95 == 54 or LA95 == 55 or LA95 == 56 or LA95 == 57 or LA95 == 58 or LA95 == 59 or LA95 == 60 or LA95 == 61 or LA95 == 103 or LA95 == 104 or LA95 == 105 or LA95 == 106 or LA95 == 107 or LA95 == 108 or LA95 == 110 or LA95 == 111 or LA95 == 112 or LA95 == 113 or LA95 == 114 or LA95 == 115 or LA95 == 116 or LA95 == 117:
+ alt95 = 1
+ if alt95 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_statement_list2242)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt95 >= 1:
+ break #loop95
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(95, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt95 += 1
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 67, statement_list_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end statement_list
+ class expression_statement_return(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.start = None
+ self.stop = None
+ # $ANTLR start expression_statement
+ # C.g:561:1: expression_statement : ( ';' | expression ';' );
+ def expression_statement(self, ):
+ retval = self.expression_statement_return()
+ retval.start = self.input.LT(1)
+ expression_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 68):
+ return retval
+ # C.g:562:2: ( ';' | expression ';' )
+ alt96 = 2
+ LA96_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA96_0 == 25) :
+ alt96 = 1
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA96_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA96_0 == 62 or LA96_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA96_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA96_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA96_0 <= 79)) :
+ alt96 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return retval
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("561:1: expression_statement : ( ';' | expression ';' );", 96, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt96 == 1:
+ # C.g:562:4: ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2254)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ elif alt96 == 2:
+ # C.g:563:4: expression ';'
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_expression_statement2259)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2261)
+ if self.failed:
+ return retval
+ retval.stop = self.input.LT(-1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 68, expression_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return retval
+ # $ANTLR end expression_statement
+ # $ANTLR start selection_statement
+ # C.g:566:1: selection_statement : ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement );
+ def selection_statement(self, ):
+ selection_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ e = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 69):
+ return
+ # C.g:567:2: ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement )
+ alt98 = 2
+ LA98_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA98_0 == 108) :
+ alt98 = 1
+ elif (LA98_0 == 110) :
+ alt98 = 2
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("566:1: selection_statement : ( 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )? | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement );", 98, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt98 == 1:
+ # C.g:567:4: 'if' '(' e= expression ')' statement ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )?
+ self.match(self.input, 108, self.FOLLOW_108_in_selection_statement2272)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2274)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2278)
+ e = self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2280)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2284)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:567:167: ( options {k=1; backtrack=false; } : 'else' statement )?
+ alt97 = 2
+ LA97_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA97_0 == 109) :
+ alt97 = 1
+ if alt97 == 1:
+ # C.g:567:200: 'else' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 109, self.FOLLOW_109_in_selection_statement2299)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2301)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt98 == 2:
+ # C.g:568:4: 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 110, self.FOLLOW_110_in_selection_statement2308)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2310)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2312)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2314)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2316)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 69, selection_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end selection_statement
+ # $ANTLR start iteration_statement
+ # C.g:571:1: iteration_statement : ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement );
+ def iteration_statement(self, ):
+ iteration_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ e = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 70):
+ return
+ # C.g:572:2: ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement )
+ alt100 = 3
+ LA100 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA100 == 111:
+ alt100 = 1
+ elif LA100 == 112:
+ alt100 = 2
+ elif LA100 == 113:
+ alt100 = 3
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("571:1: iteration_statement : ( 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';' | 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement );", 100, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt100 == 1:
+ # C.g:572:4: 'while' '(' e= expression ')' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 111, self.FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2327)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2329)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2333)
+ e = self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2335)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2337)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ elif alt100 == 2:
+ # C.g:573:4: 'do' statement 'while' '(' e= expression ')' ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 112, self.FOLLOW_112_in_iteration_statement2344)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2346)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 111, self.FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2348)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2350)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2354)
+ e = self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2356)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_iteration_statement2358)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ elif alt100 == 3:
+ # C.g:574:4: 'for' '(' expression_statement e= expression_statement ( expression )? ')' statement
+ self.match(self.input, 113, self.FOLLOW_113_in_iteration_statement2365)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2367)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2369)
+ self.expression_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2373)
+ e = self.expression_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:574:58: ( expression )?
+ alt99 = 2
+ LA99_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((IDENTIFIER <= LA99_0 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA99_0 == 62 or LA99_0 == 66 or (68 <= LA99_0 <= 69) or (72 <= LA99_0 <= 74) or (77 <= LA99_0 <= 79)) :
+ alt99 = 1
+ if alt99 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2375)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2378)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2380)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ if self.backtracking == 0:
+ self.StorePredicateExpression(e.start.line, e.start.charPositionInLine, e.stop.line, e.stop.charPositionInLine, self.input.toString(e.start, e.stop))
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 70, iteration_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end iteration_statement
+ # $ANTLR start jump_statement
+ # C.g:577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );
+ def jump_statement(self, ):
+ jump_statement_StartIndex = self.input.index()
+ try:
+ try:
+ if self.backtracking > 0 and self.alreadyParsedRule(self.input, 71):
+ return
+ # C.g:578:2: ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' )
+ alt101 = 5
+ LA101 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA101 == 114:
+ alt101 = 1
+ elif LA101 == 115:
+ alt101 = 2
+ elif LA101 == 116:
+ alt101 = 3
+ elif LA101 == 117:
+ LA101_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (LA101_4 == 25) :
+ alt101 = 4
+ elif ((IDENTIFIER <= LA101_4 <= FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL) or LA101_4 == 62 or LA101_4 == 66 or (68 <= LA101_4 <= 69) or (72 <= LA101_4 <= 74) or (77 <= LA101_4 <= 79)) :
+ alt101 = 5
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );", 101, 4, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ else:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ nvae = NoViableAltException("577:1: jump_statement : ( 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';' | 'continue' ';' | 'break' ';' | 'return' ';' | 'return' expression ';' );", 101, 0, self.input)
+ raise nvae
+ if alt101 == 1:
+ # C.g:578:4: 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 114, self.FOLLOW_114_in_jump_statement2393)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_jump_statement2395)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2397)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt101 == 2:
+ # C.g:579:4: 'continue' ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 115, self.FOLLOW_115_in_jump_statement2402)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2404)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt101 == 3:
+ # C.g:580:4: 'break' ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 116, self.FOLLOW_116_in_jump_statement2409)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2411)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt101 == 4:
+ # C.g:581:4: 'return' ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 117, self.FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2416)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2418)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt101 == 5:
+ # C.g:582:4: 'return' expression ';'
+ self.match(self.input, 117, self.FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2423)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_in_jump_statement2425)
+ self.expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 25, self.FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2427)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ self.reportError(re)
+ self.recover(self.input, re)
+ finally:
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.memoize(self.input, 71, jump_statement_StartIndex)
+ pass
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end jump_statement
+ # $ANTLR start synpred2
+ def synpred2_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )
+ # C.g:119:6: declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred2100)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred2
+ # $ANTLR start synpred4
+ def synpred4_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:119:4: ( ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{' )
+ # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )? declarator ( declaration )* '{'
+ # C.g:119:6: ( declaration_specifiers )?
+ alt102 = 2
+ LA102 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA102 == 29 or LA102 == 30 or LA102 == 31 or LA102 == 32 or LA102 == 33 or LA102 == 34 or LA102 == 35 or LA102 == 36 or LA102 == 37 or LA102 == 38 or LA102 == 39 or LA102 == 40 or LA102 == 41 or LA102 == 42 or LA102 == 45 or LA102 == 46 or LA102 == 48 or LA102 == 49 or LA102 == 50 or LA102 == 51 or LA102 == 52 or LA102 == 53 or LA102 == 54 or LA102 == 55 or LA102 == 56 or LA102 == 57 or LA102 == 61:
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA102 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA102 == 62:
+ LA102_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 29 or LA102 == 30 or LA102 == 31 or LA102 == 32 or LA102 == 33:
+ LA102_23 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 34:
+ LA102_24 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 35:
+ LA102_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 36:
+ LA102_26 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 37:
+ LA102_27 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 38:
+ LA102_28 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 39:
+ LA102_29 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 40:
+ LA102_30 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 41:
+ LA102_31 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 42:
+ LA102_32 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 45 or LA102 == 46:
+ LA102_33 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 48:
+ LA102_34 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA102_35 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 58:
+ LA102_36 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 66:
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 59:
+ LA102_39 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 60:
+ LA102_40 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 49 or LA102 == 50 or LA102 == 51 or LA102 == 52 or LA102 == 53 or LA102 == 54 or LA102 == 55 or LA102 == 56 or LA102 == 57 or LA102 == 61:
+ LA102_41 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 58:
+ LA102_14 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 59:
+ LA102_16 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ elif LA102 == 60:
+ LA102_17 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred2()) :
+ alt102 = 1
+ if alt102 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred4100)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred4103)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:119:41: ( declaration )*
+ while True: #loop103
+ alt103 = 2
+ LA103_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA103_0 == IDENTIFIER or LA103_0 == 26 or (29 <= LA103_0 <= 42) or (45 <= LA103_0 <= 46) or (48 <= LA103_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt103 = 1
+ if alt103 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred4105)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop103
+ self.match(self.input, 43, self.FOLLOW_43_in_synpred4108)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred4
+ # $ANTLR start synpred5
+ def synpred5_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:120:4: ( declaration )
+ # C.g:120:4: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred5118)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred5
+ # $ANTLR start synpred7
+ def synpred7_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:146:6: ( declaration_specifiers )
+ # C.g:146:6: declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred7157)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred7
+ # $ANTLR start synpred10
+ def synpred10_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:167:18: ( declaration_specifiers )
+ # C.g:167:18: declaration_specifiers
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred10207)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred10
+ # $ANTLR start synpred14
+ def synpred14_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:184:7: ( type_specifier )
+ # C.g:184:7: type_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred14272)
+ self.type_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred14
+ # $ANTLR start synpred15
+ def synpred15_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:185:13: ( type_qualifier )
+ # C.g:185:13: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred15286)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred15
+ # $ANTLR start synpred33
+ def synpred33_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:225:16: ( type_qualifier )
+ # C.g:225:16: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred33444)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred33
+ # $ANTLR start synpred34
+ def synpred34_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:225:4: ( IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator )
+ # C.g:225:5: IDENTIFIER ( type_qualifier )* declarator
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred34442)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:225:16: ( type_qualifier )*
+ while True: #loop106
+ alt106 = 2
+ LA106 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA106 == 58:
+ LA106_2 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred33()) :
+ alt106 = 1
+ elif LA106 == 59:
+ LA106_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred33()) :
+ alt106 = 1
+ elif LA106 == 60:
+ LA106_4 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred33()) :
+ alt106 = 1
+ elif LA106 == 49 or LA106 == 50 or LA106 == 51 or LA106 == 52 or LA106 == 53 or LA106 == 54 or LA106 == 55 or LA106 == 56 or LA106 == 57 or LA106 == 61:
+ alt106 = 1
+ if alt106 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred34444)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop106
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred34447)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred34
+ # $ANTLR start synpred39
+ def synpred39_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:253:6: ( type_qualifier )
+ # C.g:253:6: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred39566)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred39
+ # $ANTLR start synpred40
+ def synpred40_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:253:23: ( type_specifier )
+ # C.g:253:23: type_specifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred40570)
+ self.type_specifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred40
+ # $ANTLR start synpred66
+ def synpred66_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:297:4: ( ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator )
+ # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )? ( 'EFIAPI' )? ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )? ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )? direct_declarator
+ # C.g:297:4: ( pointer )?
+ alt111 = 2
+ LA111_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA111_0 == 66) :
+ alt111 = 1
+ if alt111 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred66784)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:297:13: ( 'EFIAPI' )?
+ alt112 = 2
+ LA112_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA112_0 == 58) :
+ alt112 = 1
+ if alt112 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:14: 'EFIAPI'
+ self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_synpred66788)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:297:25: ( 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE' )?
+ alt113 = 2
+ LA113_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA113_0 == 59) :
+ alt113 = 1
+ if alt113 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:26: 'EFI_BOOTSERVICE'
+ self.match(self.input, 59, self.FOLLOW_59_in_synpred66793)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:297:46: ( 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE' )?
+ alt114 = 2
+ LA114_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA114_0 == 60) :
+ alt114 = 1
+ if alt114 == 1:
+ # C.g:297:47: 'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE'
+ self.match(self.input, 60, self.FOLLOW_60_in_synpred66798)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_synpred66802)
+ self.direct_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred66
+ # $ANTLR start synpred67
+ def synpred67_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:303:15: ( declarator_suffix )
+ # C.g:303:15: declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred67821)
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred67
+ # $ANTLR start synpred69
+ def synpred69_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:304:9: ( 'EFIAPI' )
+ # C.g:304:9: 'EFIAPI'
+ self.match(self.input, 58, self.FOLLOW_58_in_synpred69830)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred69
+ # $ANTLR start synpred70
+ def synpred70_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:304:35: ( declarator_suffix )
+ # C.g:304:35: declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred70838)
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred70
+ # $ANTLR start synpred73
+ def synpred73_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:310:9: ( '(' parameter_type_list ')' )
+ # C.g:310:9: '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred73878)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_synpred73880)
+ self.parameter_type_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred73882)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred73
+ # $ANTLR start synpred74
+ def synpred74_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:311:9: ( '(' identifier_list ')' )
+ # C.g:311:9: '(' identifier_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred74892)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_synpred74894)
+ self.identifier_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred74896)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred74
+ # $ANTLR start synpred75
+ def synpred75_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )
+ # C.g:316:8: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred75921)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred75
+ # $ANTLR start synpred76
+ def synpred76_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )
+ # C.g:316:24: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred76924)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred76
+ # $ANTLR start synpred77
+ def synpred77_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:316:4: ( '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )? )
+ # C.g:316:4: '*' ( type_qualifier )+ ( pointer )?
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred77919)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:316:8: ( type_qualifier )+
+ cnt116 = 0
+ while True: #loop116
+ alt116 = 2
+ LA116_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if ((49 <= LA116_0 <= 61)) :
+ alt116 = 1
+ if alt116 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: type_qualifier
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred77921)
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt116 >= 1:
+ break #loop116
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(116, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt116 += 1
+ # C.g:316:24: ( pointer )?
+ alt117 = 2
+ LA117_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA117_0 == 66) :
+ alt117 = 1
+ if alt117 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: pointer
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred77924)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred77
+ # $ANTLR start synpred78
+ def synpred78_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:317:4: ( '*' pointer )
+ # C.g:317:4: '*' pointer
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred78930)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred78932)
+ self.pointer()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred78
+ # $ANTLR start synpred81
+ def synpred81_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:326:32: ( 'OPTIONAL' )
+ # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred81977)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred81
+ # $ANTLR start synpred82
+ def synpred82_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:326:27: ( ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration )
+ # C.g:326:27: ',' ( 'OPTIONAL' )? parameter_declaration
+ self.match(self.input, 27, self.FOLLOW_27_in_synpred82974)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:326:31: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt119 = 2
+ LA119_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA119_0 == 53) :
+ LA119_1 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred81()) :
+ alt119 = 1
+ if alt119 == 1:
+ # C.g:326:32: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred82977)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_synpred82981)
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred82
+ # $ANTLR start synpred83
+ def synpred83_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:330:28: ( declarator )
+ # C.g:330:28: declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred83997)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred83
+ # $ANTLR start synpred84
+ def synpred84_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:330:39: ( abstract_declarator )
+ # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred84999)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred84
+ # $ANTLR start synpred86
+ def synpred86_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:330:4: ( declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )? )
+ # C.g:330:4: declaration_specifiers ( declarator | abstract_declarator )* ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred86994)
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:330:27: ( declarator | abstract_declarator )*
+ while True: #loop120
+ alt120 = 3
+ LA120 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if LA120 == 66:
+ LA120_3 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == IDENTIFIER or LA120 == 58 or LA120 == 59 or LA120 == 60:
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif LA120 == 62:
+ LA120 = self.input.LA(2)
+ if LA120 == 29 or LA120 == 30 or LA120 == 31 or LA120 == 32 or LA120 == 33 or LA120 == 34 or LA120 == 35 or LA120 == 36 or LA120 == 37 or LA120 == 38 or LA120 == 39 or LA120 == 40 or LA120 == 41 or LA120 == 42 or LA120 == 45 or LA120 == 46 or LA120 == 48 or LA120 == 49 or LA120 == 50 or LA120 == 51 or LA120 == 52 or LA120 == 53 or LA120 == 54 or LA120 == 55 or LA120 == 56 or LA120 == 57 or LA120 == 61 or LA120 == 63 or LA120 == 64:
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 58:
+ LA120_21 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 66:
+ LA120_22 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 59:
+ LA120_23 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 60:
+ LA120_24 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == IDENTIFIER:
+ LA120_25 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 62:
+ LA120_26 = self.input.LA(3)
+ if (self.synpred83()) :
+ alt120 = 1
+ elif (self.synpred84()) :
+ alt120 = 2
+ elif LA120 == 64:
+ alt120 = 2
+ if alt120 == 1:
+ # C.g:330:28: declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred86997)
+ self.declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ elif alt120 == 2:
+ # C.g:330:39: abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred86999)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop120
+ # C.g:330:61: ( 'OPTIONAL' )?
+ alt121 = 2
+ LA121_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA121_0 == 53) :
+ alt121 = 1
+ if alt121 == 1:
+ # C.g:330:62: 'OPTIONAL'
+ self.match(self.input, 53, self.FOLLOW_53_in_synpred861004)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred86
+ # $ANTLR start synpred90
+ def synpred90_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:341:4: ( specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )? )
+ # C.g:341:4: specifier_qualifier_list ( abstract_declarator )?
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_synpred901046)
+ self.specifier_qualifier_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # C.g:341:29: ( abstract_declarator )?
+ alt122 = 2
+ LA122_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA122_0 == 62 or LA122_0 == 64 or LA122_0 == 66) :
+ alt122 = 1
+ if alt122 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred901048)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred90
+ # $ANTLR start synpred91
+ def synpred91_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:346:12: ( direct_abstract_declarator )
+ # C.g:346:12: direct_abstract_declarator
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_synpred911067)
+ self.direct_abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred91
+ # $ANTLR start synpred93
+ def synpred93_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:351:6: ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' )
+ # C.g:351:6: '(' abstract_declarator ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred931086)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred931088)
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred931090)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred93
+ # $ANTLR start synpred94
+ def synpred94_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:351:65: ( abstract_declarator_suffix )
+ # C.g:351:65: abstract_declarator_suffix
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_synpred941098)
+ self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred94
+ # $ANTLR start synpred109
+ def synpred109_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:386:4: ( '(' type_name ')' cast_expression )
+ # C.g:386:4: '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1091282)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_type_name_in_synpred1091284)
+ self.type_name()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1091286)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_synpred1091288)
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred109
+ # $ANTLR start synpred114
+ def synpred114_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:395:4: ( 'sizeof' unary_expression )
+ # C.g:395:4: 'sizeof' unary_expression
+ self.match(self.input, 74, self.FOLLOW_74_in_synpred1141330)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_synpred1141332)
+ self.unary_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred114
+ # $ANTLR start synpred117
+ def synpred117_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:409:13: ( '(' argument_expression_list ')' )
+ # C.g:409:13: '(' argument_expression_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1171420)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_synpred1171424)
+ self.argument_expression_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1171428)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred117
+ # $ANTLR start synpred118
+ def synpred118_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:410:13: ( '(' macro_parameter_list ')' )
+ # C.g:410:13: '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
+ self.match(self.input, 62, self.FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1181444)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_synpred1181446)
+ self.macro_parameter_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, 63, self.FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1181448)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred118
+ # $ANTLR start synpred120
+ def synpred120_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:412:13: ( '*' IDENTIFIER )
+ # C.g:412:13: '*' IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, 66, self.FOLLOW_66_in_synpred1201482)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1201486)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred120
+ # $ANTLR start synpred137
+ def synpred137_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )
+ # C.g:443:20: STRING_LITERAL
+ self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1371683)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred137
+ # $ANTLR start synpred138
+ def synpred138_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:443:8: ( ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+ )
+ # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )* ( STRING_LITERAL )+
+ # C.g:443:8: ( IDENTIFIER )*
+ while True: #loop125
+ alt125 = 2
+ LA125_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA125_0 == IDENTIFIER) :
+ alt125 = 1
+ if alt125 == 1:
+ # C.g:0:0: IDENTIFIER
+ self.match(self.input, IDENTIFIER, self.FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1381680)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ break #loop125
+ # C.g:443:20: ( STRING_LITERAL )+
+ cnt126 = 0
+ while True: #loop126
+ alt126 = 2
+ LA126_0 = self.input.LA(1)
+ if (LA126_0 == STRING_LITERAL) :
+ alt126 = 1
+ if alt126 == 1:
+ self.match(self.input, STRING_LITERAL, self.FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1381683)
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ else:
+ if cnt126 >= 1:
+ break #loop126
+ if self.backtracking > 0:
+ self.failed = True
+ return
+ eee = EarlyExitException(126, self.input)
+ raise eee
+ cnt126 += 1
+ # $ANTLR end synpred138
+ # $ANTLR start synpred142
+ def synpred142_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:458:4: ( lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression )
+ # C.g:458:4: lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_lvalue_in_synpred1421744)
+ self.lvalue()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_synpred1421746)
+ self.assignment_operator()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_synpred1421748)
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred142
+ # $ANTLR start synpred169
+ def synpred169_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:520:4: ( expression_statement )
+ # C.g:520:4: expression_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_synpred1692035)
+ self.expression_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred169
+ # $ANTLR start synpred173
+ def synpred173_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:524:4: ( macro_statement )
+ # C.g:524:4: macro_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_synpred1732055)
+ self.macro_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred173
+ # $ANTLR start synpred174
+ def synpred174_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:525:4: ( asm2_statement )
+ # C.g:525:4: asm2_statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_synpred1742060)
+ self.asm2_statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred174
+ # $ANTLR start synpred181
+ def synpred181_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:544:19: ( declaration )
+ # C.g:544:19: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1812166)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred181
+ # $ANTLR start synpred182
+ def synpred182_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:544:33: ( statement_list )
+ # C.g:544:33: statement_list
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_list_in_synpred1822170)
+ self.statement_list()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred182
+ # $ANTLR start synpred186
+ def synpred186_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:554:8: ( declaration )
+ # C.g:554:8: declaration
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1862225)
+ self.declaration()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred186
+ # $ANTLR start synpred188
+ def synpred188_fragment(self, ):
+ # C.g:558:4: ( statement )
+ # C.g:558:4: statement
+ self.following.append(self.FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred1882242)
+ self.statement()
+ self.following.pop()
+ if self.failed:
+ return
+ # $ANTLR end synpred188
+ def synpred69(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred69_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred81(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred81_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred82(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred82_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred66(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred66_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred83(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred83_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred84(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred84_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred67(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred67_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred86(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred86_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred120(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred120_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred40(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred40_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred142(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred142_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred182(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred182_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred109(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred109_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred181(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred181_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred186(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred186_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred188(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred188_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred169(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred169_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred117(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred117_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred70(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred70_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred118(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred118_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred34(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred34_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred33(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred33_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred94(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred94_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred39(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred39_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred74(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred74_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred114(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred114_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred93(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred93_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred75(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred75_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred137(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred137_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred90(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred90_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred138(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred138_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred91(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred91_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred73(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred73_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred5(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred5_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred78(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred78_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred7(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred7_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred76(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred76_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred77(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred77_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred2(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred2_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred4(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred4_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred174(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred174_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred173(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred173_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred14(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred14_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred15(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred15_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ def synpred10(self):
+ self.backtracking += 1
+ start = self.input.mark()
+ self.synpred10_fragment()
+ success = not self.failed
+ self.input.rewind(start)
+ self.backtracking -= 1
+ self.failed = False
+ return success
+ FOLLOW_external_declaration_in_translation_unit74 = frozenset([1, 4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_function_definition_in_external_declaration113 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_external_declaration118 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_external_declaration123 = frozenset([1, 25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_external_declaration126 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_function_definition157 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_function_definition160 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_function_definition166 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition171 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_function_definition180 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_26_in_declaration203 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration207 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration216 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_declaration220 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_declaration234 = frozenset([4, 25, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_init_declarator_list_in_declaration238 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_declaration243 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_storage_class_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers264 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_declaration_specifiers272 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_declaration_specifiers286 = frozenset([1, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list308 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_init_declarator_list311 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_init_declarator_in_init_declarator_list313 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_init_declarator326 = frozenset([1, 28])
+ FOLLOW_28_in_init_declarator329 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_initializer_in_init_declarator331 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_storage_class_specifier0 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_34_in_type_specifier376 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_35_in_type_specifier381 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_36_in_type_specifier386 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_37_in_type_specifier391 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_38_in_type_specifier396 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_39_in_type_specifier401 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_40_in_type_specifier406 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_41_in_type_specifier411 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_42_in_type_specifier416 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_struct_or_union_specifier_in_type_specifier423 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_enum_specifier_in_type_specifier433 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_specifier451 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_type_id467 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier494 = frozenset([4, 43])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier496 = frozenset([43])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_struct_or_union_specifier499 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_struct_declaration_list_in_struct_or_union_specifier501 = frozenset([44])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_struct_or_union_specifier503 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_struct_or_union_in_struct_or_union_specifier508 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_struct_or_union_specifier510 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_struct_or_union0 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_struct_declaration_in_struct_declaration_list537 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_struct_declaration549 = frozenset([4, 47, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_struct_declarator_list_in_struct_declaration551 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_struct_declaration553 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list566 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_specifier_qualifier_list570 = frozenset([1, 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list584 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_struct_declarator_list587 = frozenset([4, 47, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_struct_declarator_in_struct_declarator_list589 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_struct_declarator602 = frozenset([1, 47])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator605 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator607 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_struct_declarator614 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_struct_declarator616 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier634 = frozenset([43])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier636 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier638 = frozenset([27, 44])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier640 = frozenset([44])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier643 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier648 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier650 = frozenset([43])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_enum_specifier652 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_enumerator_list_in_enum_specifier654 = frozenset([27, 44])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_enum_specifier656 = frozenset([44])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_enum_specifier659 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_48_in_enum_specifier664 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enum_specifier666 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list677 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_enumerator_list680 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_enumerator_in_enumerator_list682 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_enumerator695 = frozenset([1, 28])
+ FOLLOW_28_in_enumerator698 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_enumerator700 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_type_qualifier0 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator784 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_58_in_declarator788 = frozenset([4, 59, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_59_in_declarator793 = frozenset([4, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_60_in_declarator798 = frozenset([4, 62])
+ FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_declarator802 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_declarator808 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_direct_declarator819 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator821 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_direct_declarator827 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_58_in_direct_declarator830 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_direct_declarator834 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_direct_declarator836 = frozenset([62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_direct_declarator838 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix852 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_declarator_suffix854 = frozenset([65])
+ FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix856 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_64_in_declarator_suffix866 = frozenset([65])
+ FOLLOW_65_in_declarator_suffix868 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix878 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_declarator_suffix880 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix882 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix892 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_declarator_suffix894 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix896 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_declarator_suffix906 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_declarator_suffix908 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_pointer919 = frozenset([49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_pointer921 = frozenset([1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer924 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_pointer930 = frozenset([66])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_pointer932 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_pointer937 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_list_in_parameter_type_list948 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_type_list951 = frozenset([53, 67])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_type_list954 = frozenset([67])
+ FOLLOW_67_in_parameter_type_list958 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list971 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_parameter_list974 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_list977 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_parameter_list981 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_parameter_declaration994 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_parameter_declaration997 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_parameter_declaration999 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_parameter_declaration1004 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_parameter_declaration1013 = frozenset([4, 66])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_parameter_declaration1016 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1027 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_identifier_list1031 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_identifier_list1033 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_type_name1046 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_type_name1048 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_id_in_type_name1054 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_abstract_declarator1065 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1067 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_abstract_declarator1073 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_direct_abstract_declarator1086 = frozenset([62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_direct_abstract_declarator1088 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_direct_abstract_declarator1090 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1094 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_direct_abstract_declarator1098 = frozenset([1, 62, 64])
+ FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1110 = frozenset([65])
+ FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1112 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_64_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1117 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1119 = frozenset([65])
+ FOLLOW_65_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1121 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1126 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1128 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1133 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1135 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_abstract_declarator_suffix1137 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_initializer1150 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_initializer1155 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_initializer_list_in_initializer1157 = frozenset([27, 44])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_initializer1159 = frozenset([44])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_initializer1162 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1173 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_initializer_list1176 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 43, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_initializer_in_initializer_list1178 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1196 = frozenset([1, 27, 53])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1199 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_argument_expression_list1204 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_argument_expression_list1206 = frozenset([1, 27, 53])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_argument_expression_list1209 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1225 = frozenset([1, 68, 69])
+ FOLLOW_68_in_additive_expression1229 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1231 = frozenset([1, 68, 69])
+ FOLLOW_69_in_additive_expression1235 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_multiplicative_expression_in_additive_expression1237 = frozenset([1, 68, 69])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1251 = frozenset([1, 66, 70, 71])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_multiplicative_expression1255 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1257 = frozenset([1, 66, 70, 71])
+ FOLLOW_70_in_multiplicative_expression1261 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1263 = frozenset([1, 66, 70, 71])
+ FOLLOW_71_in_multiplicative_expression1267 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_multiplicative_expression1269 = frozenset([1, 66, 70, 71])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_cast_expression1282 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_name_in_cast_expression1284 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_cast_expression1286 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_cast_expression1288 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_cast_expression1293 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_postfix_expression_in_unary_expression1304 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_72_in_unary_expression1309 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1311 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_73_in_unary_expression1316 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1318 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_unary_operator_in_unary_expression1323 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_unary_expression1325 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1330 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_unary_expression1332 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_74_in_unary_expression1337 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_unary_expression1339 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_name_in_unary_expression1341 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_unary_expression1343 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_primary_expression_in_postfix_expression1367 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_64_in_postfix_expression1383 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_postfix_expression1385 = frozenset([65])
+ FOLLOW_65_in_postfix_expression1387 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1401 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1405 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1420 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_postfix_expression1424 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1428 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_postfix_expression1444 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_postfix_expression1446 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_postfix_expression1448 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_75_in_postfix_expression1462 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1466 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_postfix_expression1482 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1486 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_76_in_postfix_expression1502 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_postfix_expression1506 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_72_in_postfix_expression1522 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_73_in_postfix_expression1536 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66, 72, 73, 75, 76])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1559 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_macro_parameter_list1562 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_macro_parameter_list1564 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_unary_operator0 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_primary_expression1613 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_constant_in_primary_expression1618 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_primary_expression1623 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_primary_expression1625 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_primary_expression1627 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_HEX_LITERAL_in_constant1643 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_OCTAL_LITERAL_in_constant1653 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_DECIMAL_LITERAL_in_constant1663 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_CHARACTER_LITERAL_in_constant1671 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1680 = frozenset([4, 9])
+ FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_constant1683 = frozenset([1, 4, 9])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_constant1688 = frozenset([1, 4])
+ FOLLOW_FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL_in_constant1699 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1715 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_expression1718 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_expression1720 = frozenset([1, 27])
+ FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_constant_expression1733 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_lvalue_in_assignment_expression1744 = frozenset([28, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_assignment_expression1746 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_assignment_expression1748 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_assignment_expression1753 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_lvalue1765 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_assignment_operator0 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_logical_or_expression_in_conditional_expression1839 = frozenset([1, 90])
+ FOLLOW_90_in_conditional_expression1842 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_conditional_expression1844 = frozenset([47])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_conditional_expression1846 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_conditional_expression_in_conditional_expression1848 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1863 = frozenset([1, 91])
+ FOLLOW_91_in_logical_or_expression1866 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_logical_and_expression_in_logical_or_expression1868 = frozenset([1, 91])
+ FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1881 = frozenset([1, 92])
+ FOLLOW_92_in_logical_and_expression1884 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_inclusive_or_expression_in_logical_and_expression1886 = frozenset([1, 92])
+ FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1899 = frozenset([1, 93])
+ FOLLOW_93_in_inclusive_or_expression1902 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_exclusive_or_expression_in_inclusive_or_expression1904 = frozenset([1, 93])
+ FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1917 = frozenset([1, 94])
+ FOLLOW_94_in_exclusive_or_expression1920 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_and_expression_in_exclusive_or_expression1922 = frozenset([1, 94])
+ FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1935 = frozenset([1, 77])
+ FOLLOW_77_in_and_expression1938 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_equality_expression_in_and_expression1940 = frozenset([1, 77])
+ FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1952 = frozenset([1, 95, 96])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_equality_expression1955 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_relational_expression_in_equality_expression1961 = frozenset([1, 95, 96])
+ FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1975 = frozenset([1, 97, 98, 99, 100])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_relational_expression1978 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_shift_expression_in_relational_expression1988 = frozenset([1, 97, 98, 99, 100])
+ FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2001 = frozenset([1, 101, 102])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_shift_expression2004 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_additive_expression_in_shift_expression2010 = frozenset([1, 101, 102])
+ FOLLOW_labeled_statement_in_statement2025 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_compound_statement_in_statement2030 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_statement2035 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_selection_statement_in_statement2040 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_iteration_statement_in_statement2045 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_jump_statement_in_statement2050 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_statement2055 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_statement2060 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_asm1_statement_in_statement2065 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_asm_statement_in_statement2070 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_statement2075 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_103_in_asm2_statement2086 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_asm2_statement2089 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_asm2_statement2091 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_asm2_statement2094 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_asm2_statement2101 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_asm2_statement2103 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_104_in_asm1_statement2115 = frozenset([43])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_asm1_statement2117 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_asm1_statement2120 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_asm1_statement2127 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_105_in_asm_statement2138 = frozenset([43])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_asm_statement2140 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_set_in_asm_statement2143 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_asm_statement2150 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_macro_statement2162 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_macro_statement2164 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_macro_statement2166 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_list_in_macro_statement2170 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_macro_statement2173 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_macro_statement2176 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_labeled_statement2188 = frozenset([47])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2190 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2192 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_106_in_labeled_statement2197 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_constant_expression_in_labeled_statement2199 = frozenset([47])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2201 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2203 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_107_in_labeled_statement2208 = frozenset([47])
+ FOLLOW_47_in_labeled_statement2210 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_labeled_statement2212 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_compound_statement2223 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_compound_statement2225 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_list_in_compound_statement2228 = frozenset([44])
+ FOLLOW_44_in_compound_statement2231 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_statement_list2242 = frozenset([1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2254 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_expression_statement2259 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_expression_statement2261 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_108_in_selection_statement2272 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2274 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2278 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2280 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2284 = frozenset([1, 109])
+ FOLLOW_109_in_selection_statement2299 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2301 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_110_in_selection_statement2308 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_selection_statement2310 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_selection_statement2312 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_selection_statement2314 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_selection_statement2316 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2327 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2329 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2333 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2335 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2337 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_112_in_iteration_statement2344 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2346 = frozenset([111])
+ FOLLOW_111_in_iteration_statement2348 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2350 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2354 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2356 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_iteration_statement2358 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_113_in_iteration_statement2365 = frozenset([62])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_iteration_statement2367 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2369 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_iteration_statement2373 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_iteration_statement2375 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_iteration_statement2378 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_iteration_statement2380 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_114_in_jump_statement2393 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_jump_statement2395 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2397 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_115_in_jump_statement2402 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2404 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_116_in_jump_statement2409 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2411 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2416 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2418 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_117_in_jump_statement2423 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_expression_in_jump_statement2425 = frozenset([25])
+ FOLLOW_25_in_jump_statement2427 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred2100 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred4100 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred4103 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred4105 = frozenset([4, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_43_in_synpred4108 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred5118 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred7157 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred10207 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred14272 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred15286 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred33444 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred34442 = frozenset([4, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred34444 = frozenset([4, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred34447 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred39566 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_specifier_in_synpred40570 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred66784 = frozenset([4, 58, 59, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_58_in_synpred66788 = frozenset([4, 59, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_59_in_synpred66793 = frozenset([4, 60, 62])
+ FOLLOW_60_in_synpred66798 = frozenset([4, 62])
+ FOLLOW_direct_declarator_in_synpred66802 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred67821 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_58_in_synpred69830 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_suffix_in_synpred70838 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred73878 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_type_list_in_synpred73880 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred73882 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred74892 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_identifier_list_in_synpred74894 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred74896 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred75921 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred76924 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_synpred77919 = frozenset([49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_qualifier_in_synpred77921 = frozenset([1, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred77924 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_synpred78930 = frozenset([66])
+ FOLLOW_pointer_in_synpred78932 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_synpred81977 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_27_in_synpred82974 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_synpred82977 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_parameter_declaration_in_synpred82981 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred83997 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred84999 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_specifiers_in_synpred86994 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_declarator_in_synpred86997 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred86999 = frozenset([1, 4, 53, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_53_in_synpred861004 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_specifier_qualifier_list_in_synpred901046 = frozenset([1, 62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred901048 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_direct_abstract_declarator_in_synpred911067 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred931086 = frozenset([62, 64, 66])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_in_synpred931088 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred931090 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_abstract_declarator_suffix_in_synpred941098 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1091282 = frozenset([4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61])
+ FOLLOW_type_name_in_synpred1091284 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1091286 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_cast_expression_in_synpred1091288 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_74_in_synpred1141330 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_unary_expression_in_synpred1141332 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1171420 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_argument_expression_list_in_synpred1171424 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1171428 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_62_in_synpred1181444 = frozenset([4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66])
+ FOLLOW_macro_parameter_list_in_synpred1181446 = frozenset([63])
+ FOLLOW_63_in_synpred1181448 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_66_in_synpred1201482 = frozenset([4])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1201486 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1371683 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred1381680 = frozenset([4, 9])
+ FOLLOW_STRING_LITERAL_in_synpred1381683 = frozenset([1, 9])
+ FOLLOW_lvalue_in_synpred1421744 = frozenset([28, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_operator_in_synpred1421746 = frozenset([4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 62, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79])
+ FOLLOW_assignment_expression_in_synpred1421748 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_expression_statement_in_synpred1692035 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_macro_statement_in_synpred1732055 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_asm2_statement_in_synpred1742060 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1812166 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_statement_list_in_synpred1822170 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_declaration_in_synpred1862225 = frozenset([1])
+ FOLLOW_statement_in_synpred1882242 = frozenset([1])
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser3/__init__.py diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/C.g4 b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/C.g4 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffc5c121a --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/C.g4 @@ -0,0 +1,631 @@ +/* @file
+ This file is used to be the grammar file of ECC tool
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+grammar C;
+options {
+ language=Python;
+@header {
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available
+# under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this
+# distribution. The full text of the license may be found at:
+# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
+import Ecc.CodeFragment as CodeFragment
+import Ecc.FileProfile as FileProfile
+@members {
+def printTokenInfo(self, line, offset, tokenText):
+ print(str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText))
+def StorePredicateExpression(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
+def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
+def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, Text):
+ SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
+def StoreTypedefDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FromText, ToText):
+ Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
+def StoreFunctionDefinition(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText, LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset):
+ FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
+def StoreVariableDeclaration(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, ModifierText, DeclText):
+ VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
+def StoreFunctionCalling(self, StartLine, StartOffset, EndLine, EndOffset, FuncName, ParamList):
+ FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
+ : external_declaration*
+ ;
+ : ( declaration_specifiers? declarator declaration* '{' )
+ | function_definition
+ | declaration
+ | macro_statement (';')?
+ ;
+locals [String ModifierText = '', String DeclText = '', int LBLine = 0, int LBOffset = 0, int DeclLine = 0, int DeclOffset = 0]
+@init {
+ModifierText = '';
+DeclText = '';
+LBLine = 0;
+LBOffset = 0;
+DeclLine = 0;
+DeclOffset = 0;
+self.StoreFunctionDefinition(localctx.start.line, localctx.start.column, localctx.stop.line, localctx.stop.column, ModifierText, DeclText, LBLine, LBOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset)
+ : d=declaration_specifiers? declarator
+ ( declaration+ a=compound_statement // K&R style
+ | b=compound_statement // ANSI style
+ ) {
+if localctx.d != None:
+ ModifierText = $declaration_specifiers.text
+ ModifierText = ''
+DeclText = $declarator.text
+DeclLine = $declarator.start.line
+DeclOffset = $declarator.start.column
+if localctx.a != None:
+ LBLine = $a.start.line
+ LBOffset = $a.start.column
+ LBLine = $b.start.line
+ LBOffset = $b.start.column
+ }
+ ;
+ : ( storage_class_specifier
+ | type_specifier
+ | type_qualifier
+ )+
+ ;
+ : a='typedef' b=declaration_specifiers? c=init_declarator_list d=';'
+ {
+if localctx.b is not None:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(localctx.a.line, localctx.a.column, $d.line, localctx.d.column, $b.text, $c.text)
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(localctx.a.line, localctx.a.column, $d.line, localctx.d.column, '', $c.text)
+ }
+ | s=declaration_specifiers t=init_declarator_list? e=';'
+ {
+if localctx.t is not None:
+ self.StoreVariableDeclaration($s.start.line, $s.start.column, $t.start.line, $t.start.column, $s.text, $t.text)
+ ;
+ : init_declarator (',' init_declarator)*
+ ;
+ : declarator ('=' initializer)?
+ ;
+ : 'extern'
+ | 'static'
+ | 'auto'
+ | 'register'
+ | 'STATIC'
+ ;
+ : 'void'
+ | 'char'
+ | 'short'
+ | 'int'
+ | 'long'
+ | 'float'
+ | 'double'
+ | 'signed'
+ | 'unsigned'
+ | s=struct_or_union_specifier
+ {
+if localctx.s.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreStructUnionDefinition($s.start.line, $s.start.column, $s.stop.line, $s.stop.column, $s.text)
+ | e=enum_specifier
+ {
+if localctx.e.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreEnumerationDefinition($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)
+ | (IDENTIFIER type_qualifier* declarator)
+ | type_id
+ ;
+ //{self.printTokenInfo($a.line, $a.pos, $a.text)}
+ ;
+ : struct_or_union IDENTIFIER? '{' struct_declaration_list '}'
+ | struct_or_union IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ : 'struct'
+ | 'union'
+ ;
+ : struct_declaration+
+ ;
+ : specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list ';'
+ ;
+ : ( type_qualifier | type_specifier )+
+ ;
+ : struct_declarator (',' struct_declarator)*
+ ;
+ : declarator (':' constant_expression)?
+ | ':' constant_expression
+ ;
+ : 'enum' '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
+ | 'enum' IDENTIFIER '{' enumerator_list ','? '}'
+ | 'enum' IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ : enumerator (',' enumerator)*
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER ('=' constant_expression)?
+ ;
+ : 'const'
+ | 'volatile'
+ | 'IN'
+ | 'OUT'
+ | 'CONST'
+ | 'EFIAPI'
+ | 'PACKED'
+ ;
+ : pointer? ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? direct_declarator
+// | ('EFIAPI')? ('EFI_BOOTSERVICE')? ('EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE')? pointer? direct_declarator
+ | pointer
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER declarator_suffix*
+ | '(' ('EFIAPI')? declarator ')' declarator_suffix+
+ ;
+ : '[' constant_expression ']'
+ | '[' ']'
+ | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ | '(' identifier_list ')'
+ | '(' ')'
+ ;
+ : '*' type_qualifier+ pointer?
+ | '*' pointer
+ | '*'
+ ;
+ : parameter_list (',' ('OPTIONAL')? '...')?
+ ;
+ : parameter_declaration (',' ('OPTIONAL')? parameter_declaration)*
+ ;
+ : declaration_specifiers (declarator|abstract_declarator)* ('OPTIONAL')?
+ //accomerdate user-defined type only, no declarator follow.
+ | pointer* IDENTIFIER
+ ;
+ ;
+ : specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator?
+ | type_id
+ ;
+ : pointer direct_abstract_declarator?
+ | direct_abstract_declarator
+ ;
+ : ( '(' abstract_declarator ')' | abstract_declarator_suffix ) abstract_declarator_suffix*
+ ;
+ : '[' ']'
+ | '[' constant_expression ']'
+ | '(' ')'
+ | '(' parameter_type_list ')'
+ ;
+ : assignment_expression
+ | '{' initializer_list ','? '}'
+ ;
+ : initializer (',' initializer )*
+ ;
+// E x p r e s s i o n s
+ : assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')? (',' assignment_expression ('OPTIONAL')?)*
+ ;
+ : (multiplicative_expression) ('+' multiplicative_expression | '-' multiplicative_expression)*
+ ;
+ : (cast_expression) ('*' cast_expression | '/' cast_expression | '%' cast_expression)*
+ ;
+ : '(' type_name ')' cast_expression
+ | unary_expression
+ ;
+ : postfix_expression
+ | '++' unary_expression
+ | '--' unary_expression
+ | unary_operator cast_expression
+ | 'sizeof' unary_expression
+ | 'sizeof' '(' type_name ')'
+ ;
+locals [FuncCallText='']
+ {
+ }
+ : p=primary_expression {self.FuncCallText += $p.text}
+ ( '[' expression ']'
+ | '(' a=')'{self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.column, $a.line, localctx.a.column, self.FuncCallText, '')}
+ | '(' c=argument_expression_list b=')' {self.StoreFunctionCalling($p.start.line, $p.start.column, $b.line, localctx.b.column, self.FuncCallText, $c.text)}
+ | '(' macro_parameter_list ')'
+ | '.' x=IDENTIFIER {self.FuncCallText += '.' + $x.text}
+ | '*' y=IDENTIFIER {self.FuncCallText = $y.text}
+ | '->' z=IDENTIFIER {self.FuncCallText += '->' + $z.text}
+ | '++'
+ | '--'
+ )*
+ ;
+ : parameter_declaration (',' parameter_declaration)*
+ ;
+ : '&'
+ | '*'
+ | '+'
+ | '-'
+ | '~'
+ | '!'
+ ;
+ | constant
+ | '(' expression ')'
+ ;
+ ;
+ : assignment_expression (',' assignment_expression)*
+ ;
+ : conditional_expression
+ ;
+ : lvalue assignment_operator assignment_expression
+ | conditional_expression
+ ;
+ : unary_expression
+ ;
+ : '='
+ | '*='
+ | '/='
+ | '%='
+ | '+='
+ | '-='
+ | '<<='
+ | '>>='
+ | '&='
+ | '^='
+ | '|='
+ ;
+ : e=logical_or_expression ('?' expression ':' conditional_expression {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)})?
+ ;
+ : logical_and_expression ('||' logical_and_expression)*
+ ;
+ : inclusive_or_expression ('&&' inclusive_or_expression)*
+ ;
+ : exclusive_or_expression ('|' exclusive_or_expression)*
+ ;
+ : and_expression ('^' and_expression)*
+ ;
+ : equality_expression ('&' equality_expression)*
+ ;
+ : relational_expression (('=='|'!=') relational_expression )*
+ ;
+ : shift_expression (('<'|'>'|'<='|'>=') shift_expression)*
+ ;
+ : additive_expression (('<<'|'>>') additive_expression)*
+ ;
+// S t a t e m e n t s
+ : labeled_statement
+ | compound_statement
+ | expression_statement
+ | selection_statement
+ | iteration_statement
+ | jump_statement
+ | macro_statement
+ | asm2_statement
+ | asm1_statement
+ | asm_statement
+ | declaration
+ ;
+ : '__asm__'? IDENTIFIER '(' (~(';'))* ')' ';'
+ ;
+ : '_asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
+ ;
+ : '__asm' '{' (~('}'))* '}'
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER '(' declaration* statement_list? expression? ')'
+ ;
+ : IDENTIFIER ':' statement
+ | 'case' constant_expression ':' statement
+ | 'default' ':' statement
+ ;
+ : '{' declaration* statement_list? '}'
+ ;
+ : statement+
+ ;
+ : ';'
+ | expression ';'
+ ;
+ : 'if' '(' e=expression ')' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)} statement (:'else' statement)?
+ | 'switch' '(' expression ')' statement
+ ;
+ : 'while' '(' e=expression ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)}
+ | 'do' statement 'while' '(' e=expression ')' ';' {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)}
+ //| 'for' '(' expression_statement e=expression_statement expression? ')' statement {self.StorePredicateExpression($e.start.line, $e.start.column, $e.stop.line, $e.stop.column, $e.text)}
+ ;
+ : 'goto' IDENTIFIER ';'
+ | 'continue' ';'
+ | 'break' ';'
+ | 'return' ';'
+ | 'return' expression ';'
+ ;
+ : LETTER (LETTER|'0'..'9')*
+ ;
+ : '$'
+ | 'A'..'Z'
+ | 'a'..'z'
+ | '_'
+ ;
+ : ('L')? '\'' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\''|'\\') ) '\''
+ ;
+ : ('L')? '"' ( EscapeSequence | ~('\\'|'"') )* '"'
+ ;
+HEX_LITERAL : '0' ('x'|'X') HexDigit+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+DECIMAL_LITERAL : ('0' | '1'..'9' '0'..'9'*) IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+OCTAL_LITERAL : '0' ('0'..'7')+ IntegerTypeSuffix? ;
+HexDigit : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ;
+ : ('u'|'U')
+ | ('l'|'L')
+ | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L')
+ | ('u'|'U') ('l'|'L') ('l'|'L')
+ ;
+ : ('0'..'9')+ '.' ('0'..'9')* Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | '.' ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent FloatTypeSuffix?
+ | ('0'..'9')+ Exponent? FloatTypeSuffix
+ ;
+Exponent : ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;
+FloatTypeSuffix : ('f'|'F'|'d'|'D') ;
+ : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\''|'\\')
+ | OctalEscape
+ ;
+ : '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
+ | '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7')
+ | '\\' ('0'..'7')
+ ;
+ : '\\' 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
+ ;
+WS : (' '|'\r'|'\t'|'\u000C'|'\n')
+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
+ ;
+// ingore '\' of line concatenation
+BS : ('\\')
+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
+ ;
+ : '\u0003'..'\uFFFE'
+ ;
+ : '/*' .*? '*/'
+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
+ ;
+ : '//' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n'
+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
+ ;
+// ignore #line info for now
+ : '#' ~('\n'|'\r')* '\r'? '\n'
+ -> channel(HIDDEN)
+ ;
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CLexer.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CLexer.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2cc5bf56 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CLexer.py @@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ +# Generated from C.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1
+from antlr4 import *
+from io import StringIO
+from typing.io import TextIO
+import sys
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import Ecc.CodeFragment as CodeFragment
+import Ecc.FileProfile as FileProfile
+def serializedATN():
+ with StringIO() as buf:
+ buf.write("\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\2k")
+ buf.write("\u0383\b\1\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7")
+ buf.write("\t\7\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r")
+ buf.write("\4\16\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22\4\23")
+ buf.write("\t\23\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30")
+ buf.write("\4\31\t\31\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36")
+ buf.write("\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%")
+ buf.write("\4&\t&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t+\4,\t,\4-\t-\4.")
+ buf.write("\t.\4/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64")
+ buf.write("\t\64\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:")
+ buf.write("\4;\t;\4<\t<\4=\t=\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\t")
+ buf.write("C\4D\tD\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\4I\tI\4J\tJ\4K\tK\4L\t")
+ buf.write("L\4M\tM\4N\tN\4O\tO\4P\tP\4Q\tQ\4R\tR\4S\tS\4T\tT\4U\t")
+ buf.write("U\4V\tV\4W\tW\4X\tX\4Y\tY\4Z\tZ\4[\t[\4\\\t\\\4]\t]\4")
+ buf.write("^\t^\4_\t_\4`\t`\4a\ta\4b\tb\4c\tc\4d\td\4e\te\4f\tf\4")
+ buf.write("g\tg\4h\th\4i\ti\4j\tj\4k\tk\4l\tl\4m\tm\4n\tn\4o\to\4")
+ buf.write("p\tp\4q\tq\4r\tr\3\2\3\2\3\3\3\3\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3\4\3")
+ buf.write("\4\3\4\3\4\3\5\3\5\3\6\3\6\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7\3\7")
+ buf.write("\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\b\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\t\3\n\3")
+ buf.write("\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\13\3\13")
+ buf.write("\3\13\3\13\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\r\3\16")
+ buf.write("\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\16\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\20\3\20")
+ buf.write("\3\20\3\20\3\20\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\21\3\22\3\22")
+ buf.write("\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\22\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23")
+ buf.write("\3\23\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\24\3\25")
+ buf.write("\3\25\3\26\3\26\3\26\3\26\3\26\3\26\3\26\3\27\3\27\3\27")
+ buf.write("\3\27\3\27\3\27\3\30\3\30\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\32")
+ buf.write("\3\32\3\32\3\32\3\32\3\32\3\33\3\33\3\33\3\33\3\33\3\33")
+ buf.write("\3\33\3\33\3\33\3\34\3\34\3\34\3\35\3\35\3\35\3\35\3\36")
+ buf.write("\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\36\3\37\3\37\3\37")
+ buf.write("\3\37\3\37\3\37\3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3")
+ buf.write("!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3")
+ buf.write("\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"")
+ buf.write("\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3#\3#\3#\3#")
+ buf.write("\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3$\3%\3")
+ buf.write("%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3%\3")
+ buf.write("&\3&\3&\3&\3&\3&\3&\3\'\3\'\3(\3(\3)\3)\3*\3*\3+\3+\3")
+ buf.write(",\3,\3,\3,\3-\3-\3.\3.\3/\3/\3\60\3\60\3\61\3\61\3\61")
+ buf.write("\3\62\3\62\3\62\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\63\3\64")
+ buf.write("\3\64\3\65\3\65\3\65\3\66\3\66\3\67\3\67\38\38\39\39\3")
+ buf.write("9\3:\3:\3:\3;\3;\3;\3<\3<\3<\3=\3=\3=\3>\3>\3>\3>\3?\3")
+ buf.write("?\3?\3?\3@\3@\3@\3A\3A\3A\3B\3B\3B\3C\3C\3D\3D\3D\3E\3")
+ buf.write("E\3E\3F\3F\3G\3G\3H\3H\3H\3I\3I\3I\3J\3J\3K\3K\3L\3L\3")
+ buf.write("L\3M\3M\3M\3N\3N\3N\3O\3O\3O\3P\3P\3P\3P\3P\3P\3P\3P\3")
+ buf.write("Q\3Q\3Q\3Q\3Q\3R\3R\3R\3R\3R\3R\3S\3S\3S\3S\3S\3T\3T\3")
+ buf.write("T\3T\3T\3T\3T\3T\3U\3U\3U\3V\3V\3V\3V\3V\3W\3W\3W\3W\3")
+ buf.write("W\3W\3W\3X\3X\3X\3X\3X\3X\3Y\3Y\3Y\3Z\3Z\3Z\3Z\3Z\3[\3")
+ buf.write("[\3[\3[\3[\3[\3[\3[\3[\3\\\3\\\3\\\3\\\3\\\3\\\3]\3]\3")
+ buf.write("]\3]\3]\3]\3]\3^\3^\3^\7^\u02b2\n^\f^\16^\u02b5\13^\3")
+ buf.write("_\3_\3`\5`\u02ba\n`\3`\3`\3`\5`\u02bf\n`\3`\3`\3a\5a\u02c4")
+ buf.write("\na\3a\3a\3a\7a\u02c9\na\fa\16a\u02cc\13a\3a\3a\3b\3b")
+ buf.write("\3b\6b\u02d3\nb\rb\16b\u02d4\3b\5b\u02d8\nb\3c\3c\3c\7")
+ buf.write("c\u02dd\nc\fc\16c\u02e0\13c\5c\u02e2\nc\3c\5c\u02e5\n")
+ buf.write("c\3d\3d\6d\u02e9\nd\rd\16d\u02ea\3d\5d\u02ee\nd\3e\3e")
+ buf.write("\3f\3f\3f\3f\3f\3f\5f\u02f8\nf\3g\6g\u02fb\ng\rg\16g\u02fc")
+ buf.write("\3g\3g\7g\u0301\ng\fg\16g\u0304\13g\3g\5g\u0307\ng\3g")
+ buf.write("\5g\u030a\ng\3g\3g\6g\u030e\ng\rg\16g\u030f\3g\5g\u0313")
+ buf.write("\ng\3g\5g\u0316\ng\3g\6g\u0319\ng\rg\16g\u031a\3g\3g\5")
+ buf.write("g\u031f\ng\3g\6g\u0322\ng\rg\16g\u0323\3g\5g\u0327\ng")
+ buf.write("\3g\5g\u032a\ng\3h\3h\5h\u032e\nh\3h\6h\u0331\nh\rh\16")
+ buf.write("h\u0332\3i\3i\3j\3j\3j\5j\u033a\nj\3k\3k\3k\3k\3k\3k\3")
+ buf.write("k\3k\3k\5k\u0345\nk\3l\3l\3l\3l\3l\3l\3l\3m\3m\3m\3m\3")
+ buf.write("n\3n\3n\3n\3o\3o\3p\3p\3p\3p\7p\u035c\np\fp\16p\u035f")
+ buf.write("\13p\3p\3p\3p\3p\3p\3q\3q\3q\3q\7q\u036a\nq\fq\16q\u036d")
+ buf.write("\13q\3q\5q\u0370\nq\3q\3q\3q\3q\3r\3r\7r\u0378\nr\fr\16")
+ buf.write("r\u037b\13r\3r\5r\u037e\nr\3r\3r\3r\3r\3\u035d\2s\3\3")
+ buf.write("\5\4\7\5\t\6\13\7\r\b\17\t\21\n\23\13\25\f\27\r\31\16")
+ buf.write("\33\17\35\20\37\21!\22#\23%\24\'\25)\26+\27-\30/\31\61")
+ buf.write("\32\63\33\65\34\67\359\36;\37= ?!A\"C#E$G%I&K\'M(O)Q*")
+ buf.write("S+U,W-Y.[/]\60_\61a\62c\63e\64g\65i\66k\67m8o9q:s;u<w")
+ buf.write("=y>{?}@\177A\u0081B\u0083C\u0085D\u0087E\u0089F\u008b")
+ buf.write("G\u008dH\u008fI\u0091J\u0093K\u0095L\u0097M\u0099N\u009b")
+ buf.write("O\u009dP\u009fQ\u00a1R\u00a3S\u00a5T\u00a7U\u00a9V\u00ab")
+ buf.write("W\u00adX\u00afY\u00b1Z\u00b3[\u00b5\\\u00b7]\u00b9^\u00bb")
+ buf.write("_\u00bd\2\u00bf`\u00c1a\u00c3b\u00c5c\u00c7d\u00c9\2\u00cb")
+ buf.write("\2\u00cde\u00cf\2\u00d1\2\u00d3\2\u00d5\2\u00d7\2\u00d9")
+ buf.write("f\u00dbg\u00ddh\u00dfi\u00e1j\u00e3k\3\2\20\6\2&&C\\a")
+ buf.write("ac|\4\2))^^\4\2$$^^\4\2ZZzz\5\2\62;CHch\6\2NNWWnnww\4")
+ buf.write("\2WWww\4\2NNnn\4\2GGgg\4\2--//\6\2FFHHffhh\t\2))^^ddh")
+ buf.write("hppttvv\5\2\13\f\16\17\"\"\4\2\f\f\17\17\2\u03a2\2\3\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\2\5\3\2\2\2\2\7\3\2\2\2\2\t\3\2\2\2\2\13\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\r\3\2\2\2\2\17\3\2\2\2\2\21\3\2\2\2\2\23\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\25\3\2\2\2\2\27\3\2\2\2\2\31\3\2\2\2\2\33\3\2\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\35\3\2\2\2\2\37\3\2\2\2\2!\3\2\2\2\2#\3\2\2\2\2%\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\'\3\2\2\2\2)\3\2\2\2\2+\3\2\2\2\2-\3\2\2\2\2/\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\2\61\3\2\2\2\2\63\3\2\2\2\2\65\3\2\2\2\2\67\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\29\3\2\2\2\2;\3\2\2\2\2=\3\2\2\2\2?\3\2\2\2\2A\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\2C\3\2\2\2\2E\3\2\2\2\2G\3\2\2\2\2I\3\2\2\2\2K")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2M\3\2\2\2\2O\3\2\2\2\2Q\3\2\2\2\2S\3\2\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("U\3\2\2\2\2W\3\2\2\2\2Y\3\2\2\2\2[\3\2\2\2\2]\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2_\3\2\2\2\2a\3\2\2\2\2c\3\2\2\2\2e\3\2\2\2\2g\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2i\3\2\2\2\2k\3\2\2\2\2m\3\2\2\2\2o\3\2\2\2\2q\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2s\3\2\2\2\2u\3\2\2\2\2w\3\2\2\2\2y\3\2\2\2\2{\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\2}\3\2\2\2\2\177\3\2\2\2\2\u0081\3\2\2\2\2\u0083")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u0085\3\2\2\2\2\u0087\3\2\2\2\2\u0089\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u008b\3\2\2\2\2\u008d\3\2\2\2\2\u008f\3\2\2\2\2\u0091")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u0093\3\2\2\2\2\u0095\3\2\2\2\2\u0097\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u0099\3\2\2\2\2\u009b\3\2\2\2\2\u009d\3\2\2\2\2\u009f")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u00a1\3\2\2\2\2\u00a3\3\2\2\2\2\u00a5\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u00a7\3\2\2\2\2\u00a9\3\2\2\2\2\u00ab\3\2\2\2\2\u00ad")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u00af\3\2\2\2\2\u00b1\3\2\2\2\2\u00b3\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u00b5\3\2\2\2\2\u00b7\3\2\2\2\2\u00b9\3\2\2\2\2\u00bb")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u00bf\3\2\2\2\2\u00c1\3\2\2\2\2\u00c3\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u00c5\3\2\2\2\2\u00c7\3\2\2\2\2\u00cd\3\2\2\2\2\u00d9")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\2\u00db\3\2\2\2\2\u00dd\3\2\2\2\2\u00df\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u00e1\3\2\2\2\2\u00e3\3\2\2\2\3\u00e5\3\2\2\2\5\u00e7")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\7\u00e9\3\2\2\2\t\u00f1\3\2\2\2\13\u00f3\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\r\u00f5\3\2\2\2\17\u00fc\3\2\2\2\21\u0103\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\23\u0108\3\2\2\2\25\u0111\3\2\2\2\27\u0118\3\2\2\2\31")
+ buf.write("\u011d\3\2\2\2\33\u0122\3\2\2\2\35\u0128\3\2\2\2\37\u012c")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2!\u0131\3\2\2\2#\u0137\3\2\2\2%\u013e\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\'\u0145\3\2\2\2)\u014e\3\2\2\2+\u0150\3\2\2\2-\u0157")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2/\u015d\3\2\2\2\61\u015f\3\2\2\2\63\u0164\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\65\u016a\3\2\2\2\67\u0173\3\2\2\29\u0176\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write(";\u017a\3\2\2\2=\u0183\3\2\2\2?\u0189\3\2\2\2A\u0193\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2C\u019c\3\2\2\2E\u01ba\3\2\2\2G\u01c1\3\2\2\2I\u01d1")
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+ buf.write("\7a\2\2\u0262\u00a0\3\2\2\2\u0263\u0264\7a\2\2\u0264\u0265")
+ buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0265\u0266\7u\2\2\u0266\u0267\7o\2\2\u0267\u00a2")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0268\u0269\7a\2\2\u0269\u026a\7a\2\2\u026a\u026b")
+ buf.write("\7c\2\2\u026b\u026c\7u\2\2\u026c\u026d\7o\2\2\u026d\u00a4")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u026e\u026f\7e\2\2\u026f\u0270\7c\2\2\u0270\u0271")
+ buf.write("\7u\2\2\u0271\u0272\7g\2\2\u0272\u00a6\3\2\2\2\u0273\u0274")
+ buf.write("\7f\2\2\u0274\u0275\7g\2\2\u0275\u0276\7h\2\2\u0276\u0277")
+ buf.write("\7c\2\2\u0277\u0278\7w\2\2\u0278\u0279\7n\2\2\u0279\u027a")
+ buf.write("\7v\2\2\u027a\u00a8\3\2\2\2\u027b\u027c\7k\2\2\u027c\u027d")
+ buf.write("\7h\2\2\u027d\u00aa\3\2\2\2\u027e\u027f\7g\2\2\u027f\u0280")
+ buf.write("\7n\2\2\u0280\u0281\7u\2\2\u0281\u0282\7g\2\2\u0282\u00ac")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0283\u0284\7u\2\2\u0284\u0285\7y\2\2\u0285\u0286")
+ buf.write("\7k\2\2\u0286\u0287\7v\2\2\u0287\u0288\7e\2\2\u0288\u0289")
+ buf.write("\7j\2\2\u0289\u00ae\3\2\2\2\u028a\u028b\7y\2\2\u028b\u028c")
+ buf.write("\7j\2\2\u028c\u028d\7k\2\2\u028d\u028e\7n\2\2\u028e\u028f")
+ buf.write("\7g\2\2\u028f\u00b0\3\2\2\2\u0290\u0291\7f\2\2\u0291\u0292")
+ buf.write("\7q\2\2\u0292\u00b2\3\2\2\2\u0293\u0294\7i\2\2\u0294\u0295")
+ buf.write("\7q\2\2\u0295\u0296\7v\2\2\u0296\u0297\7q\2\2\u0297\u00b4")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0298\u0299\7e\2\2\u0299\u029a\7q\2\2\u029a\u029b")
+ buf.write("\7p\2\2\u029b\u029c\7v\2\2\u029c\u029d\7k\2\2\u029d\u029e")
+ buf.write("\7p\2\2\u029e\u029f\7w\2\2\u029f\u02a0\7g\2\2\u02a0\u00b6")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02a1\u02a2\7d\2\2\u02a2\u02a3\7t\2\2\u02a3\u02a4")
+ buf.write("\7g\2\2\u02a4\u02a5\7c\2\2\u02a5\u02a6\7m\2\2\u02a6\u00b8")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02a7\u02a8\7t\2\2\u02a8\u02a9\7g\2\2\u02a9\u02aa")
+ buf.write("\7v\2\2\u02aa\u02ab\7w\2\2\u02ab\u02ac\7t\2\2\u02ac\u02ad")
+ buf.write("\7p\2\2\u02ad\u00ba\3\2\2\2\u02ae\u02b3\5\u00bd_\2\u02af")
+ buf.write("\u02b2\5\u00bd_\2\u02b0\u02b2\4\62;\2\u02b1\u02af\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u02b1\u02b0\3\2\2\2\u02b2\u02b5\3\2\2\2\u02b3\u02b1")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02b3\u02b4\3\2\2\2\u02b4\u00bc\3\2\2\2\u02b5")
+ buf.write("\u02b3\3\2\2\2\u02b6\u02b7\t\2\2\2\u02b7\u00be\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02b8\u02ba\7N\2\2\u02b9\u02b8\3\2\2\2\u02b9\u02ba\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02ba\u02bb\3\2\2\2\u02bb\u02be\7)\2\2\u02bc\u02bf")
+ buf.write("\5\u00d3j\2\u02bd\u02bf\n\3\2\2\u02be\u02bc\3\2\2\2\u02be")
+ buf.write("\u02bd\3\2\2\2\u02bf\u02c0\3\2\2\2\u02c0\u02c1\7)\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02c1\u00c0\3\2\2\2\u02c2\u02c4\7N\2\2\u02c3\u02c2\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02c3\u02c4\3\2\2\2\u02c4\u02c5\3\2\2\2\u02c5\u02ca")
+ buf.write("\7$\2\2\u02c6\u02c9\5\u00d3j\2\u02c7\u02c9\n\4\2\2\u02c8")
+ buf.write("\u02c6\3\2\2\2\u02c8\u02c7\3\2\2\2\u02c9\u02cc\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02ca\u02c8\3\2\2\2\u02ca\u02cb\3\2\2\2\u02cb\u02cd\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02cc\u02ca\3\2\2\2\u02cd\u02ce\7$\2\2\u02ce\u00c2")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02cf\u02d0\7\62\2\2\u02d0\u02d2\t\5\2\2\u02d1")
+ buf.write("\u02d3\5\u00c9e\2\u02d2\u02d1\3\2\2\2\u02d3\u02d4\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u02d4\u02d2\3\2\2\2\u02d4\u02d5\3\2\2\2\u02d5\u02d7")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02d6\u02d8\5\u00cbf\2\u02d7\u02d6\3\2\2\2\u02d7")
+ buf.write("\u02d8\3\2\2\2\u02d8\u00c4\3\2\2\2\u02d9\u02e2\7\62\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u02da\u02de\4\63;\2\u02db\u02dd\4\62;\2\u02dc\u02db")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02dd\u02e0\3\2\2\2\u02de\u02dc\3\2\2\2\u02de")
+ buf.write("\u02df\3\2\2\2\u02df\u02e2\3\2\2\2\u02e0\u02de\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02e1\u02d9\3\2\2\2\u02e1\u02da\3\2\2\2\u02e2\u02e4\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02e3\u02e5\5\u00cbf\2\u02e4\u02e3\3\2\2\2\u02e4")
+ buf.write("\u02e5\3\2\2\2\u02e5\u00c6\3\2\2\2\u02e6\u02e8\7\62\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u02e7\u02e9\4\629\2\u02e8\u02e7\3\2\2\2\u02e9\u02ea")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02ea\u02e8\3\2\2\2\u02ea\u02eb\3\2\2\2\u02eb")
+ buf.write("\u02ed\3\2\2\2\u02ec\u02ee\5\u00cbf\2\u02ed\u02ec\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u02ed\u02ee\3\2\2\2\u02ee\u00c8\3\2\2\2\u02ef\u02f0")
+ buf.write("\t\6\2\2\u02f0\u00ca\3\2\2\2\u02f1\u02f8\t\7\2\2\u02f2")
+ buf.write("\u02f3\t\b\2\2\u02f3\u02f8\t\t\2\2\u02f4\u02f5\t\b\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02f5\u02f6\t\t\2\2\u02f6\u02f8\t\t\2\2\u02f7\u02f1\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02f7\u02f2\3\2\2\2\u02f7\u02f4\3\2\2\2\u02f8\u00cc")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02f9\u02fb\4\62;\2\u02fa\u02f9\3\2\2\2\u02fb")
+ buf.write("\u02fc\3\2\2\2\u02fc\u02fa\3\2\2\2\u02fc\u02fd\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02fd\u02fe\3\2\2\2\u02fe\u0302\7\60\2\2\u02ff\u0301")
+ buf.write("\4\62;\2\u0300\u02ff\3\2\2\2\u0301\u0304\3\2\2\2\u0302")
+ buf.write("\u0300\3\2\2\2\u0302\u0303\3\2\2\2\u0303\u0306\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0304\u0302\3\2\2\2\u0305\u0307\5\u00cfh\2\u0306\u0305")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0306\u0307\3\2\2\2\u0307\u0309\3\2\2\2\u0308")
+ buf.write("\u030a\5\u00d1i\2\u0309\u0308\3\2\2\2\u0309\u030a\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u030a\u032a\3\2\2\2\u030b\u030d\7\60\2\2\u030c\u030e")
+ buf.write("\4\62;\2\u030d\u030c\3\2\2\2\u030e\u030f\3\2\2\2\u030f")
+ buf.write("\u030d\3\2\2\2\u030f\u0310\3\2\2\2\u0310\u0312\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0311\u0313\5\u00cfh\2\u0312\u0311\3\2\2\2\u0312\u0313")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0313\u0315\3\2\2\2\u0314\u0316\5\u00d1i\2\u0315")
+ buf.write("\u0314\3\2\2\2\u0315\u0316\3\2\2\2\u0316\u032a\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0317\u0319\4\62;\2\u0318\u0317\3\2\2\2\u0319\u031a\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u031a\u0318\3\2\2\2\u031a\u031b\3\2\2\2\u031b\u031c")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u031c\u031e\5\u00cfh\2\u031d\u031f\5\u00d1i\2")
+ buf.write("\u031e\u031d\3\2\2\2\u031e\u031f\3\2\2\2\u031f\u032a\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0320\u0322\4\62;\2\u0321\u0320\3\2\2\2\u0322\u0323")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0323\u0321\3\2\2\2\u0323\u0324\3\2\2\2\u0324")
+ buf.write("\u0326\3\2\2\2\u0325\u0327\5\u00cfh\2\u0326\u0325\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u0326\u0327\3\2\2\2\u0327\u0328\3\2\2\2\u0328\u032a")
+ buf.write("\5\u00d1i\2\u0329\u02fa\3\2\2\2\u0329\u030b\3\2\2\2\u0329")
+ buf.write("\u0318\3\2\2\2\u0329\u0321\3\2\2\2\u032a\u00ce\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u032b\u032d\t\n\2\2\u032c\u032e\t\13\2\2\u032d\u032c")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u032d\u032e\3\2\2\2\u032e\u0330\3\2\2\2\u032f")
+ buf.write("\u0331\4\62;\2\u0330\u032f\3\2\2\2\u0331\u0332\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0332\u0330\3\2\2\2\u0332\u0333\3\2\2\2\u0333\u00d0\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0334\u0335\t\f\2\2\u0335\u00d2\3\2\2\2\u0336\u0337")
+ buf.write("\7^\2\2\u0337\u033a\t\r\2\2\u0338\u033a\5\u00d5k\2\u0339")
+ buf.write("\u0336\3\2\2\2\u0339\u0338\3\2\2\2\u033a\u00d4\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u033b\u033c\7^\2\2\u033c\u033d\4\62\65\2\u033d\u033e")
+ buf.write("\4\629\2\u033e\u0345\4\629\2\u033f\u0340\7^\2\2\u0340")
+ buf.write("\u0341\4\629\2\u0341\u0345\4\629\2\u0342\u0343\7^\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0343\u0345\4\629\2\u0344\u033b\3\2\2\2\u0344\u033f\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0344\u0342\3\2\2\2\u0345\u00d6\3\2\2\2\u0346\u0347")
+ buf.write("\7^\2\2\u0347\u0348\7w\2\2\u0348\u0349\5\u00c9e\2\u0349")
+ buf.write("\u034a\5\u00c9e\2\u034a\u034b\5\u00c9e\2\u034b\u034c\5")
+ buf.write("\u00c9e\2\u034c\u00d8\3\2\2\2\u034d\u034e\t\16\2\2\u034e")
+ buf.write("\u034f\3\2\2\2\u034f\u0350\bm\2\2\u0350\u00da\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0351\u0352\7^\2\2\u0352\u0353\3\2\2\2\u0353\u0354\b")
+ buf.write("n\2\2\u0354\u00dc\3\2\2\2\u0355\u0356\4\5\0\2\u0356\u00de")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0357\u0358\7\61\2\2\u0358\u0359\7,\2\2\u0359")
+ buf.write("\u035d\3\2\2\2\u035a\u035c\13\2\2\2\u035b\u035a\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u035c\u035f\3\2\2\2\u035d\u035e\3\2\2\2\u035d\u035b")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u035e\u0360\3\2\2\2\u035f\u035d\3\2\2\2\u0360")
+ buf.write("\u0361\7,\2\2\u0361\u0362\7\61\2\2\u0362\u0363\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0363\u0364\bp\2\2\u0364\u00e0\3\2\2\2\u0365\u0366\7")
+ buf.write("\61\2\2\u0366\u0367\7\61\2\2\u0367\u036b\3\2\2\2\u0368")
+ buf.write("\u036a\n\17\2\2\u0369\u0368\3\2\2\2\u036a\u036d\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u036b\u0369\3\2\2\2\u036b\u036c\3\2\2\2\u036c\u036f")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u036d\u036b\3\2\2\2\u036e\u0370\7\17\2\2\u036f")
+ buf.write("\u036e\3\2\2\2\u036f\u0370\3\2\2\2\u0370\u0371\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0371\u0372\7\f\2\2\u0372\u0373\3\2\2\2\u0373\u0374\b")
+ buf.write("q\2\2\u0374\u00e2\3\2\2\2\u0375\u0379\7%\2\2\u0376\u0378")
+ buf.write("\n\17\2\2\u0377\u0376\3\2\2\2\u0378\u037b\3\2\2\2\u0379")
+ buf.write("\u0377\3\2\2\2\u0379\u037a\3\2\2\2\u037a\u037d\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u037b\u0379\3\2\2\2\u037c\u037e\7\17\2\2\u037d\u037c")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u037d\u037e\3\2\2\2\u037e\u037f\3\2\2\2\u037f")
+ buf.write("\u0380\7\f\2\2\u0380\u0381\3\2\2\2\u0381\u0382\br\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0382\u00e4\3\2\2\2\'\2\u02b1\u02b3\u02b9\u02be\u02c3")
+ buf.write("\u02c8\u02ca\u02d4\u02d7\u02de\u02e1\u02e4\u02ea\u02ed")
+ buf.write("\u02f7\u02fc\u0302\u0306\u0309\u030f\u0312\u0315\u031a")
+ buf.write("\u031e\u0323\u0326\u0329\u032d\u0332\u0339\u0344\u035d")
+ buf.write("\u036b\u036f\u0379\u037d\3\2\3\2")
+ return buf.getvalue()
+class CLexer(Lexer):
+ atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN())
+ decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ]
+ T__0 = 1
+ T__1 = 2
+ T__2 = 3
+ T__3 = 4
+ T__4 = 5
+ T__5 = 6
+ T__6 = 7
+ T__7 = 8
+ T__8 = 9
+ T__9 = 10
+ T__10 = 11
+ T__11 = 12
+ T__12 = 13
+ T__13 = 14
+ T__14 = 15
+ T__15 = 16
+ T__16 = 17
+ T__17 = 18
+ T__18 = 19
+ T__19 = 20
+ T__20 = 21
+ T__21 = 22
+ T__22 = 23
+ T__23 = 24
+ T__24 = 25
+ T__25 = 26
+ T__26 = 27
+ T__27 = 28
+ T__28 = 29
+ T__29 = 30
+ T__30 = 31
+ T__31 = 32
+ T__32 = 33
+ T__33 = 34
+ T__34 = 35
+ T__35 = 36
+ T__36 = 37
+ T__37 = 38
+ T__38 = 39
+ T__39 = 40
+ T__40 = 41
+ T__41 = 42
+ T__42 = 43
+ T__43 = 44
+ T__44 = 45
+ T__45 = 46
+ T__46 = 47
+ T__47 = 48
+ T__48 = 49
+ T__49 = 50
+ T__50 = 51
+ T__51 = 52
+ T__52 = 53
+ T__53 = 54
+ T__54 = 55
+ T__55 = 56
+ T__56 = 57
+ T__57 = 58
+ T__58 = 59
+ T__59 = 60
+ T__60 = 61
+ T__61 = 62
+ T__62 = 63
+ T__63 = 64
+ T__64 = 65
+ T__65 = 66
+ T__66 = 67
+ T__67 = 68
+ T__68 = 69
+ T__69 = 70
+ T__70 = 71
+ T__71 = 72
+ T__72 = 73
+ T__73 = 74
+ T__74 = 75
+ T__75 = 76
+ T__76 = 77
+ T__77 = 78
+ T__78 = 79
+ T__79 = 80
+ T__80 = 81
+ T__81 = 82
+ T__82 = 83
+ T__83 = 84
+ T__84 = 85
+ T__85 = 86
+ T__86 = 87
+ T__87 = 88
+ T__88 = 89
+ T__89 = 90
+ T__90 = 91
+ T__91 = 92
+ WS = 100
+ BS = 101
+ UnicodeVocabulary = 102
+ COMMENT = 103
+ channelNames = [ u"DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", u"HIDDEN" ]
+ modeNames = [ "DEFAULT_MODE" ]
+ literalNames = [ "<INVALID>",
+ "'{'", "';'", "'typedef'", "','", "'='", "'extern'", "'static'",
+ "'auto'", "'register'", "'STATIC'", "'void'", "'char'", "'short'",
+ "'int'", "'long'", "'float'", "'double'", "'signed'", "'unsigned'",
+ "'}'", "'struct'", "'union'", "':'", "'enum'", "'const'", "'volatile'",
+ "'IN'", "'OUT'", "'OPTIONAL'", "'CONST'", "'UNALIGNED'", "'VOLATILE'",
+ "'EFI_RUNTIMESERVICE'", "'PACKED'", "'('", "')'", "'['", "']'",
+ "'*'", "'...'", "'+'", "'-'", "'/'", "'%'", "'++'", "'--'",
+ "'sizeof'", "'.'", "'->'", "'&'", "'~'", "'!'", "'*='", "'/='",
+ "'%='", "'+='", "'-='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'&='", "'^='", "'|='",
+ "'?'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'|'", "'^'", "'=='", "'!='", "'<'",
+ "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'<<'", "'>>'", "'__asm__'", "'_asm'",
+ "'__asm'", "'case'", "'default'", "'if'", "'else'", "'switch'",
+ "'while'", "'do'", "'goto'", "'continue'", "'break'", "'return'" ]
+ symbolicNames = [ "<INVALID>",
+ "WS", "BS", "UnicodeVocabulary", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT",
+ ruleNames = [ "T__0", "T__1", "T__2", "T__3", "T__4", "T__5", "T__6",
+ "T__7", "T__8", "T__9", "T__10", "T__11", "T__12", "T__13",
+ "T__14", "T__15", "T__16", "T__17", "T__18", "T__19",
+ "T__20", "T__21", "T__22", "T__23", "T__24", "T__25",
+ "T__26", "T__27", "T__28", "T__29", "T__30", "T__31",
+ "T__32", "T__33", "T__34", "T__35", "T__36", "T__37",
+ "T__38", "T__39", "T__40", "T__41", "T__42", "T__43",
+ "T__44", "T__45", "T__46", "T__47", "T__48", "T__49",
+ "T__50", "T__51", "T__52", "T__53", "T__54", "T__55",
+ "T__56", "T__57", "T__58", "T__59", "T__60", "T__61",
+ "T__62", "T__63", "T__64", "T__65", "T__66", "T__67",
+ "T__68", "T__69", "T__70", "T__71", "T__72", "T__73",
+ "T__74", "T__75", "T__76", "T__77", "T__78", "T__79",
+ "T__80", "T__81", "T__82", "T__83", "T__84", "T__85",
+ "T__86", "T__87", "T__88", "T__89", "T__90", "T__91",
+ "IntegerTypeSuffix", "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL", "Exponent",
+ "FloatTypeSuffix", "EscapeSequence", "OctalEscape", "UnicodeEscape",
+ "WS", "BS", "UnicodeVocabulary", "COMMENT", "LINE_COMMENT",
+ grammarFileName = "C.g4"
+ # @param output= sys.stdout Type: TextIO
+ def __init__(self,input=None,output= sys.stdout):
+ super().__init__(input, output)
+ self.checkVersion("4.7.1")
+ self._interp = LexerATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, PredictionContextCache())
+ self._actions = None
+ self._predicates = None
+ def printTokenInfo(self,line,offset,tokenText):
+ print(str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText))
+ def StorePredicateExpression(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
+ def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
+ def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
+ def StoreTypedefDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,FromText,ToText):
+ Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
+ def StoreFunctionDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,ModifierText,DeclText,LeftBraceLine,LeftBraceOffset,DeclLine,DeclOffset):
+ FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
+ def StoreVariableDeclaration(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,ModifierText,DeclText):
+ VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
+ def StoreFunctionCalling(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,FuncName,ParamList):
+ FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CListener.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CListener.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bb4351d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CListener.py @@ -0,0 +1,809 @@ +# Generated from C.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1
+from antlr4 import *
+if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__:
+ from .CParser import CParser
+ from CParser import CParser
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import Ecc.CodeFragment as CodeFragment
+import Ecc.FileProfile as FileProfile
+# This class defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by CParser.
+class CListener(ParseTreeListener):
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#translation_unit.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Translation_unitContext
+ def enterTranslation_unit(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#translation_unit.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Translation_unitContext
+ def exitTranslation_unit(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#external_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.External_declarationContext
+ def enterExternal_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#external_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.External_declarationContext
+ def exitExternal_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#function_definition.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Function_definitionContext
+ def enterFunction_definition(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#function_definition.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Function_definitionContext
+ def exitFunction_definition(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#declaration_specifiers.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext
+ def enterDeclaration_specifiers(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#declaration_specifiers.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext
+ def exitDeclaration_specifiers(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.DeclarationContext
+ def enterDeclaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.DeclarationContext
+ def exitDeclaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#init_declarator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Init_declarator_listContext
+ def enterInit_declarator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#init_declarator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Init_declarator_listContext
+ def exitInit_declarator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#init_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Init_declaratorContext
+ def enterInit_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#init_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Init_declaratorContext
+ def exitInit_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#storage_class_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Storage_class_specifierContext
+ def enterStorage_class_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#storage_class_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Storage_class_specifierContext
+ def exitStorage_class_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#type_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_specifierContext
+ def enterType_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#type_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_specifierContext
+ def exitType_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#type_id.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_idContext
+ def enterType_id(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#type_id.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_idContext
+ def exitType_id(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_or_union_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_or_union_specifierContext
+ def enterStruct_or_union_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_or_union_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_or_union_specifierContext
+ def exitStruct_or_union_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_or_union.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_or_unionContext
+ def enterStruct_or_union(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_or_union.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_or_unionContext
+ def exitStruct_or_union(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declaration_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declaration_listContext
+ def enterStruct_declaration_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declaration_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declaration_listContext
+ def exitStruct_declaration_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declarationContext
+ def enterStruct_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declarationContext
+ def exitStruct_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#specifier_qualifier_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Specifier_qualifier_listContext
+ def enterSpecifier_qualifier_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#specifier_qualifier_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Specifier_qualifier_listContext
+ def exitSpecifier_qualifier_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declarator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declarator_listContext
+ def enterStruct_declarator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declarator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declarator_listContext
+ def exitStruct_declarator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declaratorContext
+ def enterStruct_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#struct_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Struct_declaratorContext
+ def exitStruct_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#enum_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Enum_specifierContext
+ def enterEnum_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#enum_specifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Enum_specifierContext
+ def exitEnum_specifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#enumerator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Enumerator_listContext
+ def enterEnumerator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#enumerator_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Enumerator_listContext
+ def exitEnumerator_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#enumerator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.EnumeratorContext
+ def enterEnumerator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#enumerator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.EnumeratorContext
+ def exitEnumerator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#type_qualifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_qualifierContext
+ def enterType_qualifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#type_qualifier.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_qualifierContext
+ def exitType_qualifier(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.DeclaratorContext
+ def enterDeclarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.DeclaratorContext
+ def exitDeclarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#direct_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Direct_declaratorContext
+ def enterDirect_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#direct_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Direct_declaratorContext
+ def exitDirect_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#declarator_suffix.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Declarator_suffixContext
+ def enterDeclarator_suffix(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#declarator_suffix.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Declarator_suffixContext
+ def exitDeclarator_suffix(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#pointer.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.PointerContext
+ def enterPointer(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#pointer.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.PointerContext
+ def exitPointer(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_type_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_type_listContext
+ def enterParameter_type_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_type_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_type_listContext
+ def exitParameter_type_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_listContext
+ def enterParameter_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_listContext
+ def exitParameter_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_declarationContext
+ def enterParameter_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#parameter_declaration.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Parameter_declarationContext
+ def exitParameter_declaration(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#identifier_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Identifier_listContext
+ def enterIdentifier_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#identifier_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Identifier_listContext
+ def exitIdentifier_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#type_name.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_nameContext
+ def enterType_name(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#type_name.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Type_nameContext
+ def exitType_name(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#abstract_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext
+ def enterAbstract_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#abstract_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext
+ def exitAbstract_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#direct_abstract_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Direct_abstract_declaratorContext
+ def enterDirect_abstract_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#direct_abstract_declarator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Direct_abstract_declaratorContext
+ def exitDirect_abstract_declarator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#abstract_declarator_suffix.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Abstract_declarator_suffixContext
+ def enterAbstract_declarator_suffix(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#abstract_declarator_suffix.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Abstract_declarator_suffixContext
+ def exitAbstract_declarator_suffix(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#initializer.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.InitializerContext
+ def enterInitializer(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#initializer.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.InitializerContext
+ def exitInitializer(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#initializer_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Initializer_listContext
+ def enterInitializer_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#initializer_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Initializer_listContext
+ def exitInitializer_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#argument_expression_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Argument_expression_listContext
+ def enterArgument_expression_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#argument_expression_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Argument_expression_listContext
+ def exitArgument_expression_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#additive_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Additive_expressionContext
+ def enterAdditive_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#additive_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Additive_expressionContext
+ def exitAdditive_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#multiplicative_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Multiplicative_expressionContext
+ def enterMultiplicative_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#multiplicative_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Multiplicative_expressionContext
+ def exitMultiplicative_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#cast_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Cast_expressionContext
+ def enterCast_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#cast_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Cast_expressionContext
+ def exitCast_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#unary_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Unary_expressionContext
+ def enterUnary_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#unary_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Unary_expressionContext
+ def exitUnary_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#postfix_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Postfix_expressionContext
+ def enterPostfix_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#postfix_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Postfix_expressionContext
+ def exitPostfix_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#macro_parameter_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Macro_parameter_listContext
+ def enterMacro_parameter_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#macro_parameter_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Macro_parameter_listContext
+ def exitMacro_parameter_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#unary_operator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Unary_operatorContext
+ def enterUnary_operator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#unary_operator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Unary_operatorContext
+ def exitUnary_operator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#primary_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Primary_expressionContext
+ def enterPrimary_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#primary_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Primary_expressionContext
+ def exitPrimary_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#constant.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.ConstantContext
+ def enterConstant(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#constant.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.ConstantContext
+ def exitConstant(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.ExpressionContext
+ def enterExpression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.ExpressionContext
+ def exitExpression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#constant_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Constant_expressionContext
+ def enterConstant_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#constant_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Constant_expressionContext
+ def exitConstant_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#assignment_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Assignment_expressionContext
+ def enterAssignment_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#assignment_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Assignment_expressionContext
+ def exitAssignment_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#lvalue.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.LvalueContext
+ def enterLvalue(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#lvalue.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.LvalueContext
+ def exitLvalue(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#assignment_operator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Assignment_operatorContext
+ def enterAssignment_operator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#assignment_operator.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Assignment_operatorContext
+ def exitAssignment_operator(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#conditional_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Conditional_expressionContext
+ def enterConditional_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#conditional_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Conditional_expressionContext
+ def exitConditional_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#logical_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Logical_or_expressionContext
+ def enterLogical_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#logical_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Logical_or_expressionContext
+ def exitLogical_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#logical_and_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Logical_and_expressionContext
+ def enterLogical_and_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#logical_and_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Logical_and_expressionContext
+ def exitLogical_and_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#inclusive_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Inclusive_or_expressionContext
+ def enterInclusive_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#inclusive_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Inclusive_or_expressionContext
+ def exitInclusive_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#exclusive_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Exclusive_or_expressionContext
+ def enterExclusive_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#exclusive_or_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Exclusive_or_expressionContext
+ def exitExclusive_or_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#and_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.And_expressionContext
+ def enterAnd_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#and_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.And_expressionContext
+ def exitAnd_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#equality_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Equality_expressionContext
+ def enterEquality_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#equality_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Equality_expressionContext
+ def exitEquality_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#relational_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Relational_expressionContext
+ def enterRelational_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#relational_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Relational_expressionContext
+ def exitRelational_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#shift_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Shift_expressionContext
+ def enterShift_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#shift_expression.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Shift_expressionContext
+ def exitShift_expression(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.StatementContext
+ def enterStatement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.StatementContext
+ def exitStatement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#asm2_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm2_statementContext
+ def enterAsm2_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#asm2_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm2_statementContext
+ def exitAsm2_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#asm1_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm1_statementContext
+ def enterAsm1_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#asm1_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm1_statementContext
+ def exitAsm1_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#asm_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm_statementContext
+ def enterAsm_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#asm_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Asm_statementContext
+ def exitAsm_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#macro_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Macro_statementContext
+ def enterMacro_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#macro_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Macro_statementContext
+ def exitMacro_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#labeled_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Labeled_statementContext
+ def enterLabeled_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#labeled_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Labeled_statementContext
+ def exitLabeled_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#compound_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Compound_statementContext
+ def enterCompound_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#compound_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Compound_statementContext
+ def exitCompound_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#statement_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Statement_listContext
+ def enterStatement_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#statement_list.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Statement_listContext
+ def exitStatement_list(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#expression_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Expression_statementContext
+ def enterExpression_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#expression_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Expression_statementContext
+ def exitExpression_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#selection_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Selection_statementContext
+ def enterSelection_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#selection_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Selection_statementContext
+ def exitSelection_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#iteration_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Iteration_statementContext
+ def enterIteration_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#iteration_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Iteration_statementContext
+ def exitIteration_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Enter a parse tree produced by CParser#jump_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Jump_statementContext
+ def enterJump_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
+ # Exit a parse tree produced by CParser#jump_statement.
+ # @param ctx Type: CParser.Jump_statementContext
+ def exitJump_statement(self,ctx):
+ pass
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CParser.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CParser.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31d23d55a --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/CParser.py @@ -0,0 +1,6273 @@ +# Generated from C.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1
+# encoding: utf-8
+from antlr4 import *
+from io import StringIO
+from typing.io import TextIO
+import sys
+## @file
+# The file defines the parser for C source files.
+# This file is generated by running:
+# java org.antlr.Tool C.g
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation All rights reserved.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import Ecc.CodeFragment as CodeFragment
+import Ecc.FileProfile as FileProfile
+def serializedATN():
+ with StringIO() as buf:
+ buf.write("\3\u608b\ua72a\u8133\ub9ed\u417c\u3be7\u7786\u5964\3k")
+ buf.write("\u0380\4\2\t\2\4\3\t\3\4\4\t\4\4\5\t\5\4\6\t\6\4\7\t\7")
+ buf.write("\4\b\t\b\4\t\t\t\4\n\t\n\4\13\t\13\4\f\t\f\4\r\t\r\4\16")
+ buf.write("\t\16\4\17\t\17\4\20\t\20\4\21\t\21\4\22\t\22\4\23\t\23")
+ buf.write("\4\24\t\24\4\25\t\25\4\26\t\26\4\27\t\27\4\30\t\30\4\31")
+ buf.write("\t\31\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36")
+ buf.write("\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!\t!\4\"\t\"\4#\t#\4$\t$\4%\t%\4&\t")
+ buf.write("&\4\'\t\'\4(\t(\4)\t)\4*\t*\4+\t+\4,\t,\4-\t-\4.\t.\4")
+ buf.write("/\t/\4\60\t\60\4\61\t\61\4\62\t\62\4\63\t\63\4\64\t\64")
+ buf.write("\4\65\t\65\4\66\t\66\4\67\t\67\48\t8\49\t9\4:\t:\4;\t")
+ buf.write(";\4<\t<\4=\t=\4>\t>\4?\t?\4@\t@\4A\tA\4B\tB\4C\tC\4D\t")
+ buf.write("D\4E\tE\4F\tF\4G\tG\4H\tH\3\2\7\2\u0092\n\2\f\2\16\2\u0095")
+ buf.write("\13\2\3\3\5\3\u0098\n\3\3\3\3\3\7\3\u009c\n\3\f\3\16\3")
+ buf.write("\u009f\13\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\3\5\3\u00a7\n\3\5\3")
+ buf.write("\u00a9\n\3\3\4\5\4\u00ac\n\4\3\4\3\4\6\4\u00b0\n\4\r\4")
+ buf.write("\16\4\u00b1\3\4\3\4\3\4\5\4\u00b7\n\4\3\4\3\4\3\5\3\5")
+ buf.write("\3\5\6\5\u00be\n\5\r\5\16\5\u00bf\3\6\3\6\5\6\u00c4\n")
+ buf.write("\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\5\6\u00cc\n\6\3\6\3\6\3\6\5")
+ buf.write("\6\u00d1\n\6\3\7\3\7\3\7\7\7\u00d6\n\7\f\7\16\7\u00d9")
+ buf.write("\13\7\3\b\3\b\3\b\5\b\u00de\n\b\3\t\3\t\3\n\3\n\3\n\3")
+ buf.write("\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n\3\n")
+ buf.write("\7\n\u00f3\n\n\f\n\16\n\u00f6\13\n\3\n\3\n\5\n\u00fa\n")
+ buf.write("\n\3\13\3\13\3\f\3\f\5\f\u0100\n\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f\3\f")
+ buf.write("\3\f\3\f\5\f\u0109\n\f\3\r\3\r\3\16\6\16\u010e\n\16\r")
+ buf.write("\16\16\16\u010f\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\17\3\20\3\20\6\20\u0118")
+ buf.write("\n\20\r\20\16\20\u0119\3\21\3\21\3\21\7\21\u011f\n\21")
+ buf.write("\f\21\16\21\u0122\13\21\3\22\3\22\3\22\5\22\u0127\n\22")
+ buf.write("\3\22\3\22\5\22\u012b\n\22\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\5\23\u0131")
+ buf.write("\n\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\5\23\u013a\n")
+ buf.write("\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\3\23\5\23\u0140\n\23\3\24\3\24\3\24")
+ buf.write("\7\24\u0145\n\24\f\24\16\24\u0148\13\24\3\25\3\25\3\25")
+ buf.write("\5\25\u014d\n\25\3\26\3\26\3\27\5\27\u0152\n\27\3\27\5")
+ buf.write("\27\u0155\n\27\3\27\5\27\u0158\n\27\3\27\5\27\u015b\n")
+ buf.write("\27\3\27\3\27\5\27\u015f\n\27\3\30\3\30\7\30\u0163\n\30")
+ buf.write("\f\30\16\30\u0166\13\30\3\30\3\30\5\30\u016a\n\30\3\30")
+ buf.write("\3\30\3\30\6\30\u016f\n\30\r\30\16\30\u0170\5\30\u0173")
+ buf.write("\n\30\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31")
+ buf.write("\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\3\31\5\31\u0185\n\31\3\32\3")
+ buf.write("\32\6\32\u0189\n\32\r\32\16\32\u018a\3\32\5\32\u018e\n")
+ buf.write("\32\3\32\3\32\3\32\5\32\u0193\n\32\3\33\3\33\3\33\5\33")
+ buf.write("\u0198\n\33\3\33\5\33\u019b\n\33\3\34\3\34\3\34\5\34\u01a0")
+ buf.write("\n\34\3\34\7\34\u01a3\n\34\f\34\16\34\u01a6\13\34\3\35")
+ buf.write("\3\35\3\35\7\35\u01ab\n\35\f\35\16\35\u01ae\13\35\3\35")
+ buf.write("\5\35\u01b1\n\35\3\35\7\35\u01b4\n\35\f\35\16\35\u01b7")
+ buf.write("\13\35\3\35\5\35\u01ba\n\35\3\36\3\36\3\36\7\36\u01bf")
+ buf.write("\n\36\f\36\16\36\u01c2\13\36\3\37\3\37\5\37\u01c6\n\37")
+ buf.write("\3\37\5\37\u01c9\n\37\3 \3 \5 \u01cd\n \3 \5 \u01d0\n")
+ buf.write(" \3!\3!\3!\3!\3!\5!\u01d7\n!\3!\7!\u01da\n!\f!\16!\u01dd")
+ buf.write("\13!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\3\"\5")
+ buf.write("\"\u01eb\n\"\3#\3#\3#\3#\5#\u01f1\n#\3#\3#\5#\u01f5\n")
+ buf.write("#\3$\3$\3$\7$\u01fa\n$\f$\16$\u01fd\13$\3%\3%\5%\u0201")
+ buf.write("\n%\3%\3%\3%\5%\u0206\n%\7%\u0208\n%\f%\16%\u020b\13%")
+ buf.write("\3&\3&\3&\3&\3&\7&\u0212\n&\f&\16&\u0215\13&\3\'\3\'\3")
+ buf.write("\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\3\'\7\'\u021e\n\'\f\'\16\'\u0221\13\'\3")
+ buf.write("(\3(\3(\3(\3(\3(\5(\u0229\n(\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3")
+ buf.write(")\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\3)\5)\u023a\n)\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3")
+ buf.write("*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3*\3")
+ buf.write("*\3*\3*\3*\7*\u0259\n*\f*\16*\u025c\13*\3+\3+\3+\7+\u0261")
+ buf.write("\n+\f+\16+\u0264\13+\3,\3,\3-\3-\3-\3-\3-\3-\5-\u026e")
+ buf.write("\n-\3.\3.\3.\3.\3.\7.\u0275\n.\f.\16.\u0278\13.\3.\6.")
+ buf.write("\u027b\n.\r.\16.\u027c\6.\u027f\n.\r.\16.\u0280\3.\7.")
+ buf.write("\u0284\n.\f.\16.\u0287\13.\3.\5.\u028a\n.\3/\3/\3/\7/")
+ buf.write("\u028f\n/\f/\16/\u0292\13/\3\60\3\60\3\61\3\61\3\61\3")
+ buf.write("\61\3\61\5\61\u029b\n\61\3\62\3\62\3\63\3\63\3\64\3\64")
+ buf.write("\3\64\3\64\3\64\3\64\3\64\5\64\u02a8\n\64\3\65\3\65\3")
+ buf.write("\65\7\65\u02ad\n\65\f\65\16\65\u02b0\13\65\3\66\3\66\3")
+ buf.write("\66\7\66\u02b5\n\66\f\66\16\66\u02b8\13\66\3\67\3\67\3")
+ buf.write("\67\7\67\u02bd\n\67\f\67\16\67\u02c0\13\67\38\38\38\7")
+ buf.write("8\u02c5\n8\f8\168\u02c8\138\39\39\39\79\u02cd\n9\f9\16")
+ buf.write("9\u02d0\139\3:\3:\3:\7:\u02d5\n:\f:\16:\u02d8\13:\3;\3")
+ buf.write(";\3;\7;\u02dd\n;\f;\16;\u02e0\13;\3<\3<\3<\7<\u02e5\n")
+ buf.write("<\f<\16<\u02e8\13<\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\3=\5")
+ buf.write("=\u02f5\n=\3>\5>\u02f8\n>\3>\3>\3>\7>\u02fd\n>\f>\16>")
+ buf.write("\u0300\13>\3>\3>\3>\3?\3?\3?\7?\u0308\n?\f?\16?\u030b")
+ buf.write("\13?\3?\3?\3@\3@\3@\7@\u0312\n@\f@\16@\u0315\13@\3@\3")
+ buf.write("@\3A\3A\3A\7A\u031c\nA\fA\16A\u031f\13A\3A\5A\u0322\n")
+ buf.write("A\3A\5A\u0325\nA\3A\3A\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3B\3")
+ buf.write("B\5B\u0334\nB\3C\3C\7C\u0338\nC\fC\16C\u033b\13C\3C\5")
+ buf.write("C\u033e\nC\3C\3C\3D\6D\u0343\nD\rD\16D\u0344\3E\3E\3E")
+ buf.write("\3E\5E\u034b\nE\3F\3F\3F\3F\3F\3F\3F\3F\5F\u0355\nF\3")
+ buf.write("F\3F\3F\3F\3F\3F\5F\u035d\nF\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3")
+ buf.write("G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\3G\5G\u036f\nG\3H\3H\3H\3H\3H\3H\3")
+ buf.write("H\3H\3H\3H\3H\3H\3H\5H\u037e\nH\3H\2\2I\2\4\6\b\n\f\16")
+ buf.write("\20\22\24\26\30\32\34\36 \"$&(*,.\60\62\64\668:<>@BDF")
+ buf.write("HJLNPRTVXZ\\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~\u0080\u0082\u0084\u0086")
+ buf.write("\u0088\u008a\u008c\u008e\2\f\3\2\b\f\3\2\27\30\3\2\33")
+ buf.write("\'\5\2,,./\679\4\2\7\7:C\3\2IJ\3\2KN\3\2OP\3\2\4\4\3\2")
+ buf.write("\26\26\2\u03d8\2\u0093\3\2\2\2\4\u00a8\3\2\2\2\6\u00ab")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\b\u00bd\3\2\2\2\n\u00d0\3\2\2\2\f\u00d2\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\16\u00da\3\2\2\2\20\u00df\3\2\2\2\22\u00f9\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\24\u00fb\3\2\2\2\26\u0108\3\2\2\2\30\u010a\3\2\2\2\32")
+ buf.write("\u010d\3\2\2\2\34\u0111\3\2\2\2\36\u0117\3\2\2\2 \u011b")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\"\u012a\3\2\2\2$\u013f\3\2\2\2&\u0141\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("(\u0149\3\2\2\2*\u014e\3\2\2\2,\u015e\3\2\2\2.\u0172\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\60\u0184\3\2\2\2\62\u0192\3\2\2\2\64\u0194\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\66\u019c\3\2\2\28\u01b9\3\2\2\2:\u01bb\3\2\2\2<\u01c8")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2>\u01cf\3\2\2\2@\u01d6\3\2\2\2B\u01ea\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("D\u01f4\3\2\2\2F\u01f6\3\2\2\2H\u01fe\3\2\2\2J\u020c\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2L\u0216\3\2\2\2N\u0228\3\2\2\2P\u0239\3\2\2\2R\u023b")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2T\u025d\3\2\2\2V\u0265\3\2\2\2X\u026d\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("Z\u0289\3\2\2\2\\\u028b\3\2\2\2^\u0293\3\2\2\2`\u029a")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2b\u029c\3\2\2\2d\u029e\3\2\2\2f\u02a0\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("h\u02a9\3\2\2\2j\u02b1\3\2\2\2l\u02b9\3\2\2\2n\u02c1\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2p\u02c9\3\2\2\2r\u02d1\3\2\2\2t\u02d9\3\2\2\2v\u02e1")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2x\u02f4\3\2\2\2z\u02f7\3\2\2\2|\u0304\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("~\u030e\3\2\2\2\u0080\u0318\3\2\2\2\u0082\u0333\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u0084\u0335\3\2\2\2\u0086\u0342\3\2\2\2\u0088\u034a")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u008a\u035c\3\2\2\2\u008c\u036e\3\2\2\2\u008e")
+ buf.write("\u037d\3\2\2\2\u0090\u0092\5\4\3\2\u0091\u0090\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0092\u0095\3\2\2\2\u0093\u0091\3\2\2\2\u0093\u0094\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0094\3\3\2\2\2\u0095\u0093\3\2\2\2\u0096\u0098")
+ buf.write("\5\b\5\2\u0097\u0096\3\2\2\2\u0097\u0098\3\2\2\2\u0098")
+ buf.write("\u0099\3\2\2\2\u0099\u009d\5,\27\2\u009a\u009c\5\n\6\2")
+ buf.write("\u009b\u009a\3\2\2\2\u009c\u009f\3\2\2\2\u009d\u009b\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u009d\u009e\3\2\2\2\u009e\u00a0\3\2\2\2\u009f\u009d")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00a0\u00a1\7\3\2\2\u00a1\u00a9\3\2\2\2\u00a2")
+ buf.write("\u00a9\5\6\4\2\u00a3\u00a9\5\n\6\2\u00a4\u00a6\5\u0080")
+ buf.write("A\2\u00a5\u00a7\7\4\2\2\u00a6\u00a5\3\2\2\2\u00a6\u00a7")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00a7\u00a9\3\2\2\2\u00a8\u0097\3\2\2\2\u00a8")
+ buf.write("\u00a2\3\2\2\2\u00a8\u00a3\3\2\2\2\u00a8\u00a4\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u00a9\5\3\2\2\2\u00aa\u00ac\5\b\5\2\u00ab\u00aa\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u00ab\u00ac\3\2\2\2\u00ac\u00ad\3\2\2\2\u00ad\u00b6")
+ buf.write("\5,\27\2\u00ae\u00b0\5\n\6\2\u00af\u00ae\3\2\2\2\u00b0")
+ buf.write("\u00b1\3\2\2\2\u00b1\u00af\3\2\2\2\u00b1\u00b2\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u00b2\u00b3\3\2\2\2\u00b3\u00b4\5\u0084C\2\u00b4\u00b7")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00b5\u00b7\5\u0084C\2\u00b6\u00af\3\2\2\2\u00b6")
+ buf.write("\u00b5\3\2\2\2\u00b7\u00b8\3\2\2\2\u00b8\u00b9\b\4\1\2")
+ buf.write("\u00b9\7\3\2\2\2\u00ba\u00be\5\20\t\2\u00bb\u00be\5\22")
+ buf.write("\n\2\u00bc\u00be\5*\26\2\u00bd\u00ba\3\2\2\2\u00bd\u00bb")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00bd\u00bc\3\2\2\2\u00be\u00bf\3\2\2\2\u00bf")
+ buf.write("\u00bd\3\2\2\2\u00bf\u00c0\3\2\2\2\u00c0\t\3\2\2\2\u00c1")
+ buf.write("\u00c3\7\5\2\2\u00c2\u00c4\5\b\5\2\u00c3\u00c2\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u00c3\u00c4\3\2\2\2\u00c4\u00c5\3\2\2\2\u00c5\u00c6\5")
+ buf.write("\f\7\2\u00c6\u00c7\7\4\2\2\u00c7\u00c8\b\6\1\2\u00c8\u00d1")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00c9\u00cb\5\b\5\2\u00ca\u00cc\5\f\7\2\u00cb")
+ buf.write("\u00ca\3\2\2\2\u00cb\u00cc\3\2\2\2\u00cc\u00cd\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u00cd\u00ce\7\4\2\2\u00ce\u00cf\b\6\1\2\u00cf\u00d1\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u00d0\u00c1\3\2\2\2\u00d0\u00c9\3\2\2\2\u00d1\13")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u00d2\u00d7\5\16\b\2\u00d3\u00d4\7\6\2\2\u00d4")
+ buf.write("\u00d6\5\16\b\2\u00d5\u00d3\3\2\2\2\u00d6\u00d9\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u00d7\u00d5\3\2\2\2\u00d7\u00d8\3\2\2\2\u00d8\r\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u00d9\u00d7\3\2\2\2\u00da\u00dd\5,\27\2\u00db\u00dc")
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+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u01ea\u01e6\3\2\2\2\u01ebC\3\2\2\2\u01ec\u01f5")
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+ buf.write("\7.\2\2\u020e\u0212\5L\'\2\u020f\u0210\7/\2\2\u0210\u0212")
+ buf.write("\5L\'\2\u0211\u020d\3\2\2\2\u0211\u020f\3\2\2\2\u0212")
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+ buf.write("\2\2\u021a\u021e\5N(\2\u021b\u021c\7\61\2\2\u021c\u021e")
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+ buf.write("\u0239\u0234\3\2\2\2\u023aQ\3\2\2\2\u023b\u023c\5X-\2")
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+ buf.write("\7(\2\2\u0242\u0243\7)\2\2\u0243\u0259\b*\1\2\u0244\u0245")
+ buf.write("\7(\2\2\u0245\u0246\5H%\2\u0246\u0247\7)\2\2\u0247\u0248")
+ buf.write("\b*\1\2\u0248\u0259\3\2\2\2\u0249\u024a\7(\2\2\u024a\u024b")
+ buf.write("\5T+\2\u024b\u024c\7)\2\2\u024c\u0259\3\2\2\2\u024d\u024e")
+ buf.write("\7\65\2\2\u024e\u024f\7_\2\2\u024f\u0259\b*\1\2\u0250")
+ buf.write("\u0251\7,\2\2\u0251\u0252\7_\2\2\u0252\u0259\b*\1\2\u0253")
+ buf.write("\u0254\7\66\2\2\u0254\u0255\7_\2\2\u0255\u0259\b*\1\2")
+ buf.write("\u0256\u0259\7\62\2\2\u0257\u0259\7\63\2\2\u0258\u023d")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0258\u0241\3\2\2\2\u0258\u0244\3\2\2\2\u0258")
+ buf.write("\u0249\3\2\2\2\u0258\u024d\3\2\2\2\u0258\u0250\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0258\u0253\3\2\2\2\u0258\u0256\3\2\2\2\u0258\u0257\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0259\u025c\3\2\2\2\u025a\u0258\3\2\2\2\u025a\u025b")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u025bS\3\2\2\2\u025c\u025a\3\2\2\2\u025d\u0262")
+ buf.write("\58\35\2\u025e\u025f\7\6\2\2\u025f\u0261\58\35\2\u0260")
+ buf.write("\u025e\3\2\2\2\u0261\u0264\3\2\2\2\u0262\u0260\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0262\u0263\3\2\2\2\u0263U\3\2\2\2\u0264\u0262\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u0265\u0266\t\5\2\2\u0266W\3\2\2\2\u0267\u026e\7_\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u0268\u026e\5Z.\2\u0269\u026a\7(\2\2\u026a\u026b\5")
+ buf.write("\\/\2\u026b\u026c\7)\2\2\u026c\u026e\3\2\2\2\u026d\u0267")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u026d\u0268\3\2\2\2\u026d\u0269\3\2\2\2\u026e")
+ buf.write("Y\3\2\2\2\u026f\u028a\7b\2\2\u0270\u028a\7d\2\2\u0271")
+ buf.write("\u028a\7c\2\2\u0272\u028a\7`\2\2\u0273\u0275\7_\2\2\u0274")
+ buf.write("\u0273\3\2\2\2\u0275\u0278\3\2\2\2\u0276\u0274\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0276\u0277\3\2\2\2\u0277\u027a\3\2\2\2\u0278\u0276\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0279\u027b\7a\2\2\u027a\u0279\3\2\2\2\u027b\u027c")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u027c\u027a\3\2\2\2\u027c\u027d\3\2\2\2\u027d")
+ buf.write("\u027f\3\2\2\2\u027e\u0276\3\2\2\2\u027f\u0280\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0280\u027e\3\2\2\2\u0280\u0281\3\2\2\2\u0281\u0285\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0282\u0284\7_\2\2\u0283\u0282\3\2\2\2\u0284\u0287")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0285\u0283\3\2\2\2\u0285\u0286\3\2\2\2\u0286")
+ buf.write("\u028a\3\2\2\2\u0287\u0285\3\2\2\2\u0288\u028a\7e\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0289\u026f\3\2\2\2\u0289\u0270\3\2\2\2\u0289\u0271\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0289\u0272\3\2\2\2\u0289\u027e\3\2\2\2\u0289\u0288")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u028a[\3\2\2\2\u028b\u0290\5`\61\2\u028c\u028d")
+ buf.write("\7\6\2\2\u028d\u028f\5`\61\2\u028e\u028c\3\2\2\2\u028f")
+ buf.write("\u0292\3\2\2\2\u0290\u028e\3\2\2\2\u0290\u0291\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0291]\3\2\2\2\u0292\u0290\3\2\2\2\u0293\u0294\5f\64")
+ buf.write("\2\u0294_\3\2\2\2\u0295\u0296\5b\62\2\u0296\u0297\5d\63")
+ buf.write("\2\u0297\u0298\5`\61\2\u0298\u029b\3\2\2\2\u0299\u029b")
+ buf.write("\5f\64\2\u029a\u0295\3\2\2\2\u029a\u0299\3\2\2\2\u029b")
+ buf.write("a\3\2\2\2\u029c\u029d\5P)\2\u029dc\3\2\2\2\u029e\u029f")
+ buf.write("\t\6\2\2\u029fe\3\2\2\2\u02a0\u02a7\5h\65\2\u02a1\u02a2")
+ buf.write("\7D\2\2\u02a2\u02a3\5\\/\2\u02a3\u02a4\7\31\2\2\u02a4")
+ buf.write("\u02a5\5f\64\2\u02a5\u02a6\b\64\1\2\u02a6\u02a8\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u02a7\u02a1\3\2\2\2\u02a7\u02a8\3\2\2\2\u02a8g\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u02a9\u02ae\5j\66\2\u02aa\u02ab\7E\2\2\u02ab\u02ad")
+ buf.write("\5j\66\2\u02ac\u02aa\3\2\2\2\u02ad\u02b0\3\2\2\2\u02ae")
+ buf.write("\u02ac\3\2\2\2\u02ae\u02af\3\2\2\2\u02afi\3\2\2\2\u02b0")
+ buf.write("\u02ae\3\2\2\2\u02b1\u02b6\5l\67\2\u02b2\u02b3\7F\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02b3\u02b5\5l\67\2\u02b4\u02b2\3\2\2\2\u02b5\u02b8\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02b6\u02b4\3\2\2\2\u02b6\u02b7\3\2\2\2\u02b7k")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02b8\u02b6\3\2\2\2\u02b9\u02be\5n8\2\u02ba\u02bb")
+ buf.write("\7G\2\2\u02bb\u02bd\5n8\2\u02bc\u02ba\3\2\2\2\u02bd\u02c0")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02be\u02bc\3\2\2\2\u02be\u02bf\3\2\2\2\u02bf")
+ buf.write("m\3\2\2\2\u02c0\u02be\3\2\2\2\u02c1\u02c6\5p9\2\u02c2")
+ buf.write("\u02c3\7H\2\2\u02c3\u02c5\5p9\2\u02c4\u02c2\3\2\2\2\u02c5")
+ buf.write("\u02c8\3\2\2\2\u02c6\u02c4\3\2\2\2\u02c6\u02c7\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02c7o\3\2\2\2\u02c8\u02c6\3\2\2\2\u02c9\u02ce\5r:\2")
+ buf.write("\u02ca\u02cb\7\67\2\2\u02cb\u02cd\5r:\2\u02cc\u02ca\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02cd\u02d0\3\2\2\2\u02ce\u02cc\3\2\2\2\u02ce\u02cf")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02cfq\3\2\2\2\u02d0\u02ce\3\2\2\2\u02d1\u02d6")
+ buf.write("\5t;\2\u02d2\u02d3\t\7\2\2\u02d3\u02d5\5t;\2\u02d4\u02d2")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02d5\u02d8\3\2\2\2\u02d6\u02d4\3\2\2\2\u02d6")
+ buf.write("\u02d7\3\2\2\2\u02d7s\3\2\2\2\u02d8\u02d6\3\2\2\2\u02d9")
+ buf.write("\u02de\5v<\2\u02da\u02db\t\b\2\2\u02db\u02dd\5v<\2\u02dc")
+ buf.write("\u02da\3\2\2\2\u02dd\u02e0\3\2\2\2\u02de\u02dc\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02de\u02df\3\2\2\2\u02dfu\3\2\2\2\u02e0\u02de\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u02e1\u02e6\5J&\2\u02e2\u02e3\t\t\2\2\u02e3\u02e5\5")
+ buf.write("J&\2\u02e4\u02e2\3\2\2\2\u02e5\u02e8\3\2\2\2\u02e6\u02e4")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02e6\u02e7\3\2\2\2\u02e7w\3\2\2\2\u02e8\u02e6")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02e9\u02f5\5\u0082B\2\u02ea\u02f5\5\u0084C\2")
+ buf.write("\u02eb\u02f5\5\u0088E\2\u02ec\u02f5\5\u008aF\2\u02ed\u02f5")
+ buf.write("\5\u008cG\2\u02ee\u02f5\5\u008eH\2\u02ef\u02f5\5\u0080")
+ buf.write("A\2\u02f0\u02f5\5z>\2\u02f1\u02f5\5|?\2\u02f2\u02f5\5")
+ buf.write("~@\2\u02f3\u02f5\5\n\6\2\u02f4\u02e9\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02ea")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02eb\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02ec\3\2\2\2\u02f4")
+ buf.write("\u02ed\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02ee\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02ef\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02f4\u02f0\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02f1\3\2\2\2\u02f4\u02f2\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u02f4\u02f3\3\2\2\2\u02f5y\3\2\2\2\u02f6\u02f8")
+ buf.write("\7Q\2\2\u02f7\u02f6\3\2\2\2\u02f7\u02f8\3\2\2\2\u02f8")
+ buf.write("\u02f9\3\2\2\2\u02f9\u02fa\7_\2\2\u02fa\u02fe\7(\2\2\u02fb")
+ buf.write("\u02fd\n\n\2\2\u02fc\u02fb\3\2\2\2\u02fd\u0300\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u02fe\u02fc\3\2\2\2\u02fe\u02ff\3\2\2\2\u02ff\u0301\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0300\u02fe\3\2\2\2\u0301\u0302\7)\2\2\u0302\u0303")
+ buf.write("\7\4\2\2\u0303{\3\2\2\2\u0304\u0305\7R\2\2\u0305\u0309")
+ buf.write("\7\3\2\2\u0306\u0308\n\13\2\2\u0307\u0306\3\2\2\2\u0308")
+ buf.write("\u030b\3\2\2\2\u0309\u0307\3\2\2\2\u0309\u030a\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u030a\u030c\3\2\2\2\u030b\u0309\3\2\2\2\u030c\u030d\7")
+ buf.write("\26\2\2\u030d}\3\2\2\2\u030e\u030f\7S\2\2\u030f\u0313")
+ buf.write("\7\3\2\2\u0310\u0312\n\13\2\2\u0311\u0310\3\2\2\2\u0312")
+ buf.write("\u0315\3\2\2\2\u0313\u0311\3\2\2\2\u0313\u0314\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0314\u0316\3\2\2\2\u0315\u0313\3\2\2\2\u0316\u0317\7")
+ buf.write("\26\2\2\u0317\177\3\2\2\2\u0318\u0319\7_\2\2\u0319\u031d")
+ buf.write("\7(\2\2\u031a\u031c\5\n\6\2\u031b\u031a\3\2\2\2\u031c")
+ buf.write("\u031f\3\2\2\2\u031d\u031b\3\2\2\2\u031d\u031e\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u031e\u0321\3\2\2\2\u031f\u031d\3\2\2\2\u0320\u0322\5")
+ buf.write("\u0086D\2\u0321\u0320\3\2\2\2\u0321\u0322\3\2\2\2\u0322")
+ buf.write("\u0324\3\2\2\2\u0323\u0325\5\\/\2\u0324\u0323\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0324\u0325\3\2\2\2\u0325\u0326\3\2\2\2\u0326\u0327\7")
+ buf.write(")\2\2\u0327\u0081\3\2\2\2\u0328\u0329\7_\2\2\u0329\u032a")
+ buf.write("\7\31\2\2\u032a\u0334\5x=\2\u032b\u032c\7T\2\2\u032c\u032d")
+ buf.write("\5^\60\2\u032d\u032e\7\31\2\2\u032e\u032f\5x=\2\u032f")
+ buf.write("\u0334\3\2\2\2\u0330\u0331\7U\2\2\u0331\u0332\7\31\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0332\u0334\5x=\2\u0333\u0328\3\2\2\2\u0333\u032b\3\2")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u0333\u0330\3\2\2\2\u0334\u0083\3\2\2\2\u0335\u0339")
+ buf.write("\7\3\2\2\u0336\u0338\5\n\6\2\u0337\u0336\3\2\2\2\u0338")
+ buf.write("\u033b\3\2\2\2\u0339\u0337\3\2\2\2\u0339\u033a\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u033a\u033d\3\2\2\2\u033b\u0339\3\2\2\2\u033c\u033e\5")
+ buf.write("\u0086D\2\u033d\u033c\3\2\2\2\u033d\u033e\3\2\2\2\u033e")
+ buf.write("\u033f\3\2\2\2\u033f\u0340\7\26\2\2\u0340\u0085\3\2\2")
+ buf.write("\2\u0341\u0343\5x=\2\u0342\u0341\3\2\2\2\u0343\u0344\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2\u0344\u0342\3\2\2\2\u0344\u0345\3\2\2\2\u0345\u0087")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0346\u034b\7\4\2\2\u0347\u0348\5\\/\2\u0348")
+ buf.write("\u0349\7\4\2\2\u0349\u034b\3\2\2\2\u034a\u0346\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u034a\u0347\3\2\2\2\u034b\u0089\3\2\2\2\u034c\u034d\7")
+ buf.write("V\2\2\u034d\u034e\7(\2\2\u034e\u034f\5\\/\2\u034f\u0350")
+ buf.write("\7)\2\2\u0350\u0351\bF\1\2\u0351\u0354\5x=\2\u0352\u0353")
+ buf.write("\7W\2\2\u0353\u0355\5x=\2\u0354\u0352\3\2\2\2\u0354\u0355")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0355\u035d\3\2\2\2\u0356\u0357\7X\2\2\u0357")
+ buf.write("\u0358\7(\2\2\u0358\u0359\5\\/\2\u0359\u035a\7)\2\2\u035a")
+ buf.write("\u035b\5x=\2\u035b\u035d\3\2\2\2\u035c\u034c\3\2\2\2\u035c")
+ buf.write("\u0356\3\2\2\2\u035d\u008b\3\2\2\2\u035e\u035f\7Y\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u035f\u0360\7(\2\2\u0360\u0361\5\\/\2\u0361\u0362\7)")
+ buf.write("\2\2\u0362\u0363\5x=\2\u0363\u0364\bG\1\2\u0364\u036f")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u0365\u0366\7Z\2\2\u0366\u0367\5x=\2\u0367\u0368")
+ buf.write("\7Y\2\2\u0368\u0369\7(\2\2\u0369\u036a\5\\/\2\u036a\u036b")
+ buf.write("\7)\2\2\u036b\u036c\7\4\2\2\u036c\u036d\bG\1\2\u036d\u036f")
+ buf.write("\3\2\2\2\u036e\u035e\3\2\2\2\u036e\u0365\3\2\2\2\u036f")
+ buf.write("\u008d\3\2\2\2\u0370\u0371\7[\2\2\u0371\u0372\7_\2\2\u0372")
+ buf.write("\u037e\7\4\2\2\u0373\u0374\7\\\2\2\u0374\u037e\7\4\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u0375\u0376\7]\2\2\u0376\u037e\7\4\2\2\u0377\u0378\7")
+ buf.write("^\2\2\u0378\u037e\7\4\2\2\u0379\u037a\7^\2\2\u037a\u037b")
+ buf.write("\5\\/\2\u037b\u037c\7\4\2\2\u037c\u037e\3\2\2\2\u037d")
+ buf.write("\u0370\3\2\2\2\u037d\u0373\3\2\2\2\u037d\u0375\3\2\2\2")
+ buf.write("\u037d\u0377\3\2\2\2\u037d\u0379\3\2\2\2\u037e\u008f\3")
+ buf.write("\2\2\2o\u0093\u0097\u009d\u00a6\u00a8\u00ab\u00b1\u00b6")
+ buf.write("\u00bd\u00bf\u00c3\u00cb\u00d0\u00d7\u00dd\u00f4\u00f9")
+ buf.write("\u00ff\u0108\u010f\u0117\u0119\u0120\u0126\u012a\u0130")
+ buf.write("\u0139\u013f\u0146\u014c\u0151\u0154\u0157\u015a\u015e")
+ buf.write("\u0164\u0169\u0170\u0172\u0184\u018a\u018d\u0192\u0197")
+ buf.write("\u019a\u019f\u01a4\u01aa\u01ac\u01b0\u01b5\u01b9\u01c0")
+ buf.write("\u01c5\u01c8\u01cc\u01cf\u01d6\u01db\u01ea\u01f0\u01f4")
+ buf.write("\u01fb\u0200\u0205\u0209\u0211\u0213\u021d\u021f\u0228")
+ buf.write("\u0239\u0258\u025a\u0262\u026d\u0276\u027c\u0280\u0285")
+ buf.write("\u0289\u0290\u029a\u02a7\u02ae\u02b6\u02be\u02c6\u02ce")
+ buf.write("\u02d6\u02de\u02e6\u02f4\u02f7\u02fe\u0309\u0313\u031d")
+ buf.write("\u0321\u0324\u0333\u0339\u033d\u0344\u034a\u0354\u035c")
+ buf.write("\u036e\u037d")
+ return buf.getvalue()
+class CParser ( Parser ):
+ grammarFileName = "C.g4"
+ atn = ATNDeserializer().deserialize(serializedATN())
+ decisionsToDFA = [ DFA(ds, i) for i, ds in enumerate(atn.decisionToState) ]
+ sharedContextCache = PredictionContextCache()
+ literalNames = [ "<INVALID>", "'{'", "';'", "'typedef'", "','", "'='",
+ "'extern'", "'static'", "'auto'", "'register'", "'STATIC'",
+ "'void'", "'char'", "'short'", "'int'", "'long'", "'float'",
+ "'double'", "'signed'", "'unsigned'", "'}'", "'struct'",
+ "'union'", "':'", "'enum'", "'const'", "'volatile'",
+ "'IN'", "'OUT'", "'OPTIONAL'", "'CONST'", "'UNALIGNED'",
+ "'('", "')'", "'['", "']'", "'*'", "'...'", "'+'",
+ "'-'", "'/'", "'%'", "'++'", "'--'", "'sizeof'", "'.'",
+ "'->'", "'&'", "'~'", "'!'", "'*='", "'/='", "'%='",
+ "'+='", "'-='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'&='", "'^='", "'|='",
+ "'?'", "'||'", "'&&'", "'|'", "'^'", "'=='", "'!='",
+ "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'<<'", "'>>'", "'__asm__'",
+ "'_asm'", "'__asm'", "'case'", "'default'", "'if'",
+ "'else'", "'switch'", "'while'", "'do'", "'goto'",
+ "'continue'", "'break'", "'return'" ]
+ symbolicNames = [ "<INVALID>", "<INVALID>", "<INVALID>", "<INVALID>",
+ "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL", "WS", "BS", "UnicodeVocabulary",
+ RULE_translation_unit = 0
+ RULE_external_declaration = 1
+ RULE_function_definition = 2
+ RULE_declaration_specifiers = 3
+ RULE_declaration = 4
+ RULE_init_declarator_list = 5
+ RULE_init_declarator = 6
+ RULE_storage_class_specifier = 7
+ RULE_type_specifier = 8
+ RULE_type_id = 9
+ RULE_struct_or_union_specifier = 10
+ RULE_struct_or_union = 11
+ RULE_struct_declaration_list = 12
+ RULE_struct_declaration = 13
+ RULE_specifier_qualifier_list = 14
+ RULE_struct_declarator_list = 15
+ RULE_struct_declarator = 16
+ RULE_enum_specifier = 17
+ RULE_enumerator_list = 18
+ RULE_enumerator = 19
+ RULE_type_qualifier = 20
+ RULE_declarator = 21
+ RULE_direct_declarator = 22
+ RULE_declarator_suffix = 23
+ RULE_pointer = 24
+ RULE_parameter_type_list = 25
+ RULE_parameter_list = 26
+ RULE_parameter_declaration = 27
+ RULE_identifier_list = 28
+ RULE_type_name = 29
+ RULE_abstract_declarator = 30
+ RULE_direct_abstract_declarator = 31
+ RULE_abstract_declarator_suffix = 32
+ RULE_initializer = 33
+ RULE_initializer_list = 34
+ RULE_argument_expression_list = 35
+ RULE_additive_expression = 36
+ RULE_multiplicative_expression = 37
+ RULE_cast_expression = 38
+ RULE_unary_expression = 39
+ RULE_postfix_expression = 40
+ RULE_macro_parameter_list = 41
+ RULE_unary_operator = 42
+ RULE_primary_expression = 43
+ RULE_constant = 44
+ RULE_expression = 45
+ RULE_constant_expression = 46
+ RULE_assignment_expression = 47
+ RULE_lvalue = 48
+ RULE_assignment_operator = 49
+ RULE_conditional_expression = 50
+ RULE_logical_or_expression = 51
+ RULE_logical_and_expression = 52
+ RULE_inclusive_or_expression = 53
+ RULE_exclusive_or_expression = 54
+ RULE_and_expression = 55
+ RULE_equality_expression = 56
+ RULE_relational_expression = 57
+ RULE_shift_expression = 58
+ RULE_statement = 59
+ RULE_asm2_statement = 60
+ RULE_asm1_statement = 61
+ RULE_asm_statement = 62
+ RULE_macro_statement = 63
+ RULE_labeled_statement = 64
+ RULE_compound_statement = 65
+ RULE_statement_list = 66
+ RULE_expression_statement = 67
+ RULE_selection_statement = 68
+ RULE_iteration_statement = 69
+ RULE_jump_statement = 70
+ ruleNames = [ "translation_unit", "external_declaration", "function_definition",
+ "declaration_specifiers", "declaration", "init_declarator_list",
+ "init_declarator", "storage_class_specifier", "type_specifier",
+ "type_id", "struct_or_union_specifier", "struct_or_union",
+ "struct_declaration_list", "struct_declaration", "specifier_qualifier_list",
+ "struct_declarator_list", "struct_declarator", "enum_specifier",
+ "enumerator_list", "enumerator", "type_qualifier", "declarator",
+ "direct_declarator", "declarator_suffix", "pointer",
+ "parameter_type_list", "parameter_list", "parameter_declaration",
+ "identifier_list", "type_name", "abstract_declarator",
+ "direct_abstract_declarator", "abstract_declarator_suffix",
+ "initializer", "initializer_list", "argument_expression_list",
+ "additive_expression", "multiplicative_expression", "cast_expression",
+ "unary_expression", "postfix_expression", "macro_parameter_list",
+ "unary_operator", "primary_expression", "constant", "expression",
+ "constant_expression", "assignment_expression", "lvalue",
+ "assignment_operator", "conditional_expression", "logical_or_expression",
+ "logical_and_expression", "inclusive_or_expression",
+ "exclusive_or_expression", "and_expression", "equality_expression",
+ "relational_expression", "shift_expression", "statement",
+ "asm2_statement", "asm1_statement", "asm_statement",
+ "macro_statement", "labeled_statement", "compound_statement",
+ "statement_list", "expression_statement", "selection_statement",
+ "iteration_statement", "jump_statement" ]
+ EOF = Token.EOF
+ T__0=1
+ T__1=2
+ T__2=3
+ T__3=4
+ T__4=5
+ T__5=6
+ T__6=7
+ T__7=8
+ T__8=9
+ T__9=10
+ T__10=11
+ T__11=12
+ T__12=13
+ T__13=14
+ T__14=15
+ T__15=16
+ T__16=17
+ T__17=18
+ T__18=19
+ T__19=20
+ T__20=21
+ T__21=22
+ T__22=23
+ T__23=24
+ T__24=25
+ T__25=26
+ T__26=27
+ T__27=28
+ T__28=29
+ T__29=30
+ T__30=31
+ T__31=32
+ T__32=33
+ T__33=34
+ T__34=35
+ T__35=36
+ T__36=37
+ T__37=38
+ T__38=39
+ T__39=40
+ T__40=41
+ T__41=42
+ T__42=43
+ T__43=44
+ T__44=45
+ T__45=46
+ T__46=47
+ T__47=48
+ T__48=49
+ T__49=50
+ T__50=51
+ T__51=52
+ T__52=53
+ T__53=54
+ T__54=55
+ T__55=56
+ T__56=57
+ T__57=58
+ T__58=59
+ T__59=60
+ T__60=61
+ T__61=62
+ T__62=63
+ T__63=64
+ T__64=65
+ T__65=66
+ T__66=67
+ T__67=68
+ T__68=69
+ T__69=70
+ T__70=71
+ T__71=72
+ T__72=73
+ T__73=74
+ T__74=75
+ T__75=76
+ T__76=77
+ T__77=78
+ T__78=79
+ T__79=80
+ T__80=81
+ T__81=82
+ T__82=83
+ T__83=84
+ T__84=85
+ T__85=86
+ T__86=87
+ T__87=88
+ T__88=89
+ T__89=90
+ T__90=91
+ T__91=92
+ WS=100
+ BS=101
+ UnicodeVocabulary=102
+ # @param input Type: TokenStream
+ # @param output= sys.stdout Type: TextIO
+ def __init__(self,input,output= sys.stdout):
+ super().__init__(input, output)
+ self.checkVersion("4.7.1")
+ self._interp = ParserATNSimulator(self, self.atn, self.decisionsToDFA, self.sharedContextCache)
+ self._predicates = None
+ def printTokenInfo(self,line,offset,tokenText):
+ print(str(line)+ ',' + str(offset) + ':' + str(tokenText))
+ def StorePredicateExpression(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ PredExp = CodeFragment.PredicateExpression(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList.append(PredExp)
+ def StoreEnumerationDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ EnumDef = CodeFragment.EnumerationDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList.append(EnumDef)
+ def StoreStructUnionDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,Text):
+ SUDef = CodeFragment.StructUnionDefinition(Text, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList.append(SUDef)
+ def StoreTypedefDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,FromText,ToText):
+ Tdef = CodeFragment.TypedefDefinition(FromText, ToText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList.append(Tdef)
+ def StoreFunctionDefinition(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,ModifierText,DeclText,LeftBraceLine,LeftBraceOffset,DeclLine,DeclOffset):
+ FuncDef = CodeFragment.FunctionDefinition(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset), (LeftBraceLine, LeftBraceOffset), (DeclLine, DeclOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList.append(FuncDef)
+ def StoreVariableDeclaration(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,ModifierText,DeclText):
+ VarDecl = CodeFragment.VariableDeclaration(ModifierText, DeclText, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList.append(VarDecl)
+ def StoreFunctionCalling(self,StartLine,StartOffset,EndLine,EndOffset,FuncName,ParamList):
+ FuncCall = CodeFragment.FunctionCalling(FuncName, ParamList, (StartLine, StartOffset), (EndLine, EndOffset))
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList.append(FuncCall)
+ class Translation_unitContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def external_declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.External_declarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.External_declarationContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_translation_unit
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterTranslation_unit" ):
+ listener.enterTranslation_unit(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitTranslation_unit" ):
+ listener.exitTranslation_unit(self)
+ def translation_unit(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Translation_unitContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 0, self.RULE_translation_unit)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 145
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36) | (1 << CParser.T__37) | (1 << CParser.T__41))) != 0) or _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER:
+ self.state = 142
+ self.external_declaration()
+ self.state = 147
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class External_declarationContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ def declaration_specifiers(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.DeclarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclarationContext,i)
+ def function_definition(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Function_definitionContext,0)
+ def macro_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Macro_statementContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_external_declaration
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterExternal_declaration" ):
+ listener.enterExternal_declaration(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitExternal_declaration" ):
+ listener.exitExternal_declaration(self)
+ def external_declaration(self):
+ localctx = CParser.External_declarationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 2, self.RULE_external_declaration)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 166
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,4,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 149
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,1,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 148
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.state = 151
+ self.declarator()
+ self.state = 155
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36))) != 0) or _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER:
+ self.state = 152
+ self.declaration()
+ self.state = 157
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 158
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 160
+ self.function_definition()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 161
+ self.declaration()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 162
+ self.macro_statement()
+ self.state = 164
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__1:
+ self.state = 163
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Function_definitionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.ModifierText = ''
+ self.DeclText = ''
+ self.LBLine = 0
+ self.LBOffset = 0
+ self.DeclLine = 0
+ self.DeclOffset = 0
+ self.d = None # Declaration_specifiersContext
+ self._declaration_specifiers = None # Declaration_specifiersContext
+ self._declarator = None # DeclaratorContext
+ self.a = None # Compound_statementContext
+ self.b = None # Compound_statementContext
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ def compound_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Compound_statementContext,0)
+ def declaration_specifiers(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.DeclarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclarationContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_function_definition
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterFunction_definition" ):
+ listener.enterFunction_definition(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitFunction_definition" ):
+ listener.exitFunction_definition(self)
+ def function_definition(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Function_definitionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 4, self.RULE_function_definition)
+ ModifierText = '';
+ DeclText = '';
+ LBLine = 0;
+ LBOffset = 0;
+ DeclLine = 0;
+ DeclOffset = 0;
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 169
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,5,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 168
+ localctx.d = localctx._declaration_specifiers = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.state = 171
+ localctx._declarator = self.declarator()
+ self.state = 180
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__2, CParser.T__5, CParser.T__6, CParser.T__7, CParser.T__8, CParser.T__9, CParser.T__10, CParser.T__11, CParser.T__12, CParser.T__13, CParser.T__14, CParser.T__15, CParser.T__16, CParser.T__17, CParser.T__18, CParser.T__20, CParser.T__21, CParser.T__23, CParser.T__24, CParser.T__25, CParser.T__26, CParser.T__27, CParser.T__28, CParser.T__29, CParser.T__30, CParser.T__31, CParser.T__32, CParser.T__33, CParser.T__34, CParser.T__35, CParser.T__36, CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.state = 173
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while True:
+ self.state = 172
+ self.declaration()
+ self.state = 175
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36))) != 0) or _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER):
+ break
+ self.state = 177
+ localctx.a = self.compound_statement()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__0]:
+ self.state = 179
+ localctx.b = self.compound_statement()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ if localctx.d != None:
+ ModifierText = (None if localctx._declaration_specifiers is None else self._input.getText((localctx._declaration_specifiers.start,localctx._declaration_specifiers.stop)))
+ else:
+ ModifierText = ''
+ DeclText = (None if localctx._declarator is None else self._input.getText((localctx._declarator.start,localctx._declarator.stop)))
+ DeclLine = (None if localctx._declarator is None else localctx._declarator.start).line
+ DeclOffset = (None if localctx._declarator is None else localctx._declarator.start).column
+ if localctx.a != None:
+ LBLine = (None if localctx.a is None else localctx.a.start).line
+ LBOffset = (None if localctx.a is None else localctx.a.start).column
+ else:
+ LBLine = (None if localctx.b is None else localctx.b.start).line
+ LBOffset = (None if localctx.b is None else localctx.b.start).column
+ self._ctx.stop = self._input.LT(-1)
+ self.StoreFunctionDefinition(localctx.start.line, localctx.start.column, localctx.stop.line, localctx.stop.column, ModifierText, DeclText, LBLine, LBOffset, DeclLine, DeclOffset)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Declaration_specifiersContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def storage_class_specifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Storage_class_specifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Storage_class_specifierContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_specifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_specifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_specifierContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_qualifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_qualifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_qualifierContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_declaration_specifiers
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDeclaration_specifiers" ):
+ listener.enterDeclaration_specifiers(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDeclaration_specifiers" ):
+ listener.exitDeclaration_specifiers(self)
+ def declaration_specifiers(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 6, self.RULE_declaration_specifiers)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 187
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 187
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__5, CParser.T__6, CParser.T__7, CParser.T__8, CParser.T__9]:
+ self.state = 184
+ self.storage_class_specifier()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__10, CParser.T__11, CParser.T__12, CParser.T__13, CParser.T__14, CParser.T__15, CParser.T__16, CParser.T__17, CParser.T__18, CParser.T__20, CParser.T__21, CParser.T__23, CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.state = 185
+ self.type_specifier()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__24, CParser.T__25, CParser.T__26, CParser.T__27, CParser.T__28, CParser.T__29, CParser.T__30, CParser.T__31, CParser.T__32, CParser.T__33, CParser.T__34, CParser.T__35, CParser.T__36]:
+ self.state = 186
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 189
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,9,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class DeclarationContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.a = None # Token
+ self.b = None # Declaration_specifiersContext
+ self.c = None # Init_declarator_listContext
+ self.d = None # Token
+ self.s = None # Declaration_specifiersContext
+ self.t = None # Init_declarator_listContext
+ self.e = None # Token
+ def init_declarator_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Init_declarator_listContext,0)
+ def declaration_specifiers(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_declaration
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDeclaration" ):
+ listener.enterDeclaration(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDeclaration" ):
+ listener.exitDeclaration(self)
+ def declaration(self):
+ localctx = CParser.DeclarationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 8, self.RULE_declaration)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 206
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__2]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 191
+ localctx.a = self.match(CParser.T__2)
+ self.state = 193
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,10,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 192
+ localctx.b = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.state = 195
+ localctx.c = self.init_declarator_list()
+ self.state = 196
+ localctx.d = self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ if localctx.b is not None:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(localctx.a.line, localctx.a.column, (0 if localctx.d is None else localctx.d.line), localctx.d.column, (None if localctx.b is None else self._input.getText((localctx.b.start,localctx.b.stop))), (None if localctx.c is None else self._input.getText((localctx.c.start,localctx.c.stop))))
+ else:
+ self.StoreTypedefDefinition(localctx.a.line, localctx.a.column, (0 if localctx.d is None else localctx.d.line), localctx.d.column, '', (None if localctx.c is None else self._input.getText((localctx.c.start,localctx.c.stop))))
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__5, CParser.T__6, CParser.T__7, CParser.T__8, CParser.T__9, CParser.T__10, CParser.T__11, CParser.T__12, CParser.T__13, CParser.T__14, CParser.T__15, CParser.T__16, CParser.T__17, CParser.T__18, CParser.T__20, CParser.T__21, CParser.T__23, CParser.T__24, CParser.T__25, CParser.T__26, CParser.T__27, CParser.T__28, CParser.T__29, CParser.T__30, CParser.T__31, CParser.T__32, CParser.T__33, CParser.T__34, CParser.T__35, CParser.T__36, CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 199
+ localctx.s = self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.state = 201
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if ((((_la - 34)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 34)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__33 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__34 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__35 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__37 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__41 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 34)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 200
+ localctx.t = self.init_declarator_list()
+ self.state = 203
+ localctx.e = self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ if localctx.t is not None:
+ self.StoreVariableDeclaration((None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.start).line, (None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.start).column, (None if localctx.t is None else localctx.t.start).line, (None if localctx.t is None else localctx.t.start).column, (None if localctx.s is None else self._input.getText((localctx.s.start,localctx.s.stop))), (None if localctx.t is None else self._input.getText((localctx.t.start,localctx.t.stop))))
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Init_declarator_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def init_declarator(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Init_declaratorContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Init_declaratorContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_init_declarator_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterInit_declarator_list" ):
+ listener.enterInit_declarator_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitInit_declarator_list" ):
+ listener.exitInit_declarator_list(self)
+ def init_declarator_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Init_declarator_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 10, self.RULE_init_declarator_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 208
+ self.init_declarator()
+ self.state = 213
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 209
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 210
+ self.init_declarator()
+ self.state = 215
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Init_declaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ def initializer(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.InitializerContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_init_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterInit_declarator" ):
+ listener.enterInit_declarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitInit_declarator" ):
+ listener.exitInit_declarator(self)
+ def init_declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Init_declaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 12, self.RULE_init_declarator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 216
+ self.declarator()
+ self.state = 219
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__4:
+ self.state = 217
+ self.match(CParser.T__4)
+ self.state = 218
+ self.initializer()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Storage_class_specifierContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_storage_class_specifier
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStorage_class_specifier" ):
+ listener.enterStorage_class_specifier(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStorage_class_specifier" ):
+ listener.exitStorage_class_specifier(self)
+ def storage_class_specifier(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Storage_class_specifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 14, self.RULE_storage_class_specifier)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 221
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9))) != 0)):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Type_specifierContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.s = None # Struct_or_union_specifierContext
+ self.e = None # Enum_specifierContext
+ def struct_or_union_specifier(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_or_union_specifierContext,0)
+ def enum_specifier(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Enum_specifierContext,0)
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_qualifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_qualifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_qualifierContext,i)
+ def type_id(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_idContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_type_specifier
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterType_specifier" ):
+ listener.enterType_specifier(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitType_specifier" ):
+ listener.exitType_specifier(self)
+ def type_specifier(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Type_specifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 16, self.RULE_type_specifier)
+ try:
+ self.state = 247
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,16,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 223
+ self.match(CParser.T__10)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 224
+ self.match(CParser.T__11)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 225
+ self.match(CParser.T__12)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 226
+ self.match(CParser.T__13)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 227
+ self.match(CParser.T__14)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 6:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6)
+ self.state = 228
+ self.match(CParser.T__15)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 7:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7)
+ self.state = 229
+ self.match(CParser.T__16)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 8:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8)
+ self.state = 230
+ self.match(CParser.T__17)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 9:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9)
+ self.state = 231
+ self.match(CParser.T__18)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 10:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10)
+ self.state = 232
+ localctx.s = self.struct_or_union_specifier()
+ if localctx.s.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreStructUnionDefinition((None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.start).line, (None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.start).column, (None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.stop).line, (None if localctx.s is None else localctx.s.stop).column, (None if localctx.s is None else self._input.getText((localctx.s.start,localctx.s.stop))))
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 11:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11)
+ self.state = 235
+ localctx.e = self.enum_specifier()
+ if localctx.e.stop is not None:
+ self.StoreEnumerationDefinition((None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).column, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).column, (None if localctx.e is None else self._input.getText((localctx.e.start,localctx.e.stop))))
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 12:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 12)
+ self.state = 238
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 242
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,15,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 239
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ self.state = 244
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,15,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 245
+ self.declarator()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 13:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 13)
+ self.state = 246
+ self.type_id()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Type_idContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_type_id
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterType_id" ):
+ listener.enterType_id(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitType_id" ):
+ listener.exitType_id(self)
+ def type_id(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Type_idContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 18, self.RULE_type_id)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 249
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_or_union_specifierContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def struct_or_union(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_or_unionContext,0)
+ def struct_declaration_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_declaration_listContext,0)
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_or_union_specifier
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_or_union_specifier" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_or_union_specifier(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_or_union_specifier" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_or_union_specifier(self)
+ def struct_or_union_specifier(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_or_union_specifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 20, self.RULE_struct_or_union_specifier)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 262
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,18,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 251
+ self.struct_or_union()
+ self.state = 253
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER:
+ self.state = 252
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 255
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 256
+ self.struct_declaration_list()
+ self.state = 257
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 259
+ self.struct_or_union()
+ self.state = 260
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_or_unionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_or_union
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_or_union" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_or_union(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_or_union" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_or_union(self)
+ def struct_or_union(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_or_unionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 22, self.RULE_struct_or_union)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 264
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not(_la==CParser.T__20 or _la==CParser.T__21):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_declaration_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def struct_declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Struct_declarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_declarationContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_declaration_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_declaration_list" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_declaration_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_declaration_list" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_declaration_list(self)
+ def struct_declaration_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_declaration_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 24, self.RULE_struct_declaration_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 267
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while True:
+ self.state = 266
+ self.struct_declaration()
+ self.state = 269
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36))) != 0) or _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER):
+ break
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_declarationContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def specifier_qualifier_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Specifier_qualifier_listContext,0)
+ def struct_declarator_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_declarator_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_declaration
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_declaration" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_declaration(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_declaration" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_declaration(self)
+ def struct_declaration(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_declarationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 26, self.RULE_struct_declaration)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 271
+ self.specifier_qualifier_list()
+ self.state = 272
+ self.struct_declarator_list()
+ self.state = 273
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Specifier_qualifier_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_qualifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_qualifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_qualifierContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_specifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_specifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_specifierContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_specifier_qualifier_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterSpecifier_qualifier_list" ):
+ listener.enterSpecifier_qualifier_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitSpecifier_qualifier_list" ):
+ listener.exitSpecifier_qualifier_list(self)
+ def specifier_qualifier_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Specifier_qualifier_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 28, self.RULE_specifier_qualifier_list)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 277
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 277
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__24, CParser.T__25, CParser.T__26, CParser.T__27, CParser.T__28, CParser.T__29, CParser.T__30, CParser.T__31, CParser.T__32, CParser.T__33, CParser.T__34, CParser.T__35, CParser.T__36]:
+ self.state = 275
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__10, CParser.T__11, CParser.T__12, CParser.T__13, CParser.T__14, CParser.T__15, CParser.T__16, CParser.T__17, CParser.T__18, CParser.T__20, CParser.T__21, CParser.T__23, CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.state = 276
+ self.type_specifier()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 279
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,21,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_declarator_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def struct_declarator(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Struct_declaratorContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Struct_declaratorContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_declarator_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_declarator_list" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_declarator_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_declarator_list" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_declarator_list(self)
+ def struct_declarator_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_declarator_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 30, self.RULE_struct_declarator_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 281
+ self.struct_declarator()
+ self.state = 286
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 282
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 283
+ self.struct_declarator()
+ self.state = 288
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Struct_declaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Constant_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_struct_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStruct_declarator" ):
+ listener.enterStruct_declarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStruct_declarator" ):
+ listener.exitStruct_declarator(self)
+ def struct_declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Struct_declaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 32, self.RULE_struct_declarator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 296
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__33, CParser.T__34, CParser.T__35, CParser.T__37, CParser.T__41, CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 289
+ self.declarator()
+ self.state = 292
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__22:
+ self.state = 290
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 291
+ self.constant_expression()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__22]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 294
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 295
+ self.constant_expression()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Enum_specifierContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def enumerator_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Enumerator_listContext,0)
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_enum_specifier
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterEnum_specifier" ):
+ listener.enterEnum_specifier(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitEnum_specifier" ):
+ listener.exitEnum_specifier(self)
+ def enum_specifier(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Enum_specifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 34, self.RULE_enum_specifier)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 317
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,27,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 298
+ self.match(CParser.T__23)
+ self.state = 299
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 300
+ self.enumerator_list()
+ self.state = 302
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 301
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 304
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 306
+ self.match(CParser.T__23)
+ self.state = 307
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 308
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 309
+ self.enumerator_list()
+ self.state = 311
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 310
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 313
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 315
+ self.match(CParser.T__23)
+ self.state = 316
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Enumerator_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def enumerator(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.EnumeratorContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.EnumeratorContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_enumerator_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterEnumerator_list" ):
+ listener.enterEnumerator_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitEnumerator_list" ):
+ listener.exitEnumerator_list(self)
+ def enumerator_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Enumerator_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 36, self.RULE_enumerator_list)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 319
+ self.enumerator()
+ self.state = 324
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,28,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 320
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 321
+ self.enumerator()
+ self.state = 326
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,28,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class EnumeratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Constant_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_enumerator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterEnumerator" ):
+ listener.enterEnumerator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitEnumerator" ):
+ listener.exitEnumerator(self)
+ def enumerator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.EnumeratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 38, self.RULE_enumerator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 327
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 330
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__4:
+ self.state = 328
+ self.match(CParser.T__4)
+ self.state = 329
+ self.constant_expression()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Type_qualifierContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_type_qualifier
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterType_qualifier" ):
+ listener.enterType_qualifier(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitType_qualifier" ):
+ listener.exitType_qualifier(self)
+ def type_qualifier(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Type_qualifierContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 40, self.RULE_type_qualifier)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 332
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36))) != 0)):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class DeclaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def direct_declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Direct_declaratorContext,0)
+ def pointer(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.PointerContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDeclarator" ):
+ listener.enterDeclarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDeclarator" ):
+ listener.exitDeclarator(self)
+ def declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.DeclaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 42, self.RULE_declarator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 348
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,34,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 335
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__41:
+ self.state = 334
+ self.pointer()
+ self.state = 338
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__33:
+ self.state = 337
+ self.match(CParser.T__33)
+ self.state = 341
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__34:
+ self.state = 340
+ self.match(CParser.T__34)
+ self.state = 344
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__35:
+ self.state = 343
+ self.match(CParser.T__35)
+ self.state = 346
+ self.direct_declarator()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 347
+ self.pointer()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Direct_declaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declarator_suffix(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Declarator_suffixContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Declarator_suffixContext,i)
+ def declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_direct_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDirect_declarator" ):
+ listener.enterDirect_declarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDirect_declarator" ):
+ listener.exitDirect_declarator(self)
+ def direct_declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Direct_declaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 44, self.RULE_direct_declarator)
+ try:
+ self.state = 368
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 350
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 354
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,35,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 351
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ self.state = 356
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,35,self._ctx)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__37]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 357
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 359
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,36,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 358
+ self.match(CParser.T__33)
+ self.state = 361
+ self.declarator()
+ self.state = 362
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 364
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 363
+ self.declarator_suffix()
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 366
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,37,self._ctx)
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Declarator_suffixContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Constant_expressionContext,0)
+ def parameter_type_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Parameter_type_listContext,0)
+ def identifier_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Identifier_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_declarator_suffix
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDeclarator_suffix" ):
+ listener.enterDeclarator_suffix(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDeclarator_suffix" ):
+ listener.exitDeclarator_suffix(self)
+ def declarator_suffix(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Declarator_suffixContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 46, self.RULE_declarator_suffix)
+ try:
+ self.state = 386
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,39,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 370
+ self.match(CParser.T__39)
+ self.state = 371
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.state = 372
+ self.match(CParser.T__40)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 374
+ self.match(CParser.T__39)
+ self.state = 375
+ self.match(CParser.T__40)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 376
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 377
+ self.parameter_type_list()
+ self.state = 378
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 380
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 381
+ self.identifier_list()
+ self.state = 382
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 384
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 385
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class PointerContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def type_qualifier(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Type_qualifierContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_qualifierContext,i)
+ def pointer(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.PointerContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_pointer
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterPointer" ):
+ listener.enterPointer(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitPointer" ):
+ listener.exitPointer(self)
+ def pointer(self):
+ localctx = CParser.PointerContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 48, self.RULE_pointer)
+ try:
+ self.state = 400
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,42,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 388
+ self.match(CParser.T__41)
+ self.state = 390
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 389
+ self.type_qualifier()
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 392
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,40,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 395
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,41,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 394
+ self.pointer()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 397
+ self.match(CParser.T__41)
+ self.state = 398
+ self.pointer()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 399
+ self.match(CParser.T__41)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Parameter_type_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def parameter_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Parameter_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_parameter_type_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterParameter_type_list" ):
+ listener.enterParameter_type_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitParameter_type_list" ):
+ listener.exitParameter_type_list(self)
+ def parameter_type_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Parameter_type_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 50, self.RULE_parameter_type_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 402
+ self.parameter_list()
+ self.state = 408
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 403
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 405
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__28:
+ self.state = 404
+ self.match(CParser.T__28)
+ self.state = 407
+ self.match(CParser.T__42)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Parameter_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def parameter_declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Parameter_declarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Parameter_declarationContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_parameter_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterParameter_list" ):
+ listener.enterParameter_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitParameter_list" ):
+ listener.exitParameter_list(self)
+ def parameter_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Parameter_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 52, self.RULE_parameter_list)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 410
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.state = 418
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,46,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 411
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 413
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,45,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 412
+ self.match(CParser.T__28)
+ self.state = 415
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.state = 420
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,46,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Parameter_declarationContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def declaration_specifiers(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Declaration_specifiersContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declarator(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.DeclaratorContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclaratorContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def abstract_declarator(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext,i)
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def pointer(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.PointerContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.PointerContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_parameter_declaration
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterParameter_declaration" ):
+ listener.enterParameter_declaration(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitParameter_declaration" ):
+ listener.exitParameter_declaration(self)
+ def parameter_declaration(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Parameter_declarationContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 54, self.RULE_parameter_declaration)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 439
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,51,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 421
+ self.declaration_specifiers()
+ self.state = 426
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while ((((_la - 34)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 34)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__33 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__34 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__35 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__37 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__39 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.T__41 - 34)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 34)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 424
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,47,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 422
+ self.declarator()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.state = 423
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ pass
+ self.state = 428
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 430
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__28:
+ self.state = 429
+ self.match(CParser.T__28)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 435
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__41:
+ self.state = 432
+ self.pointer()
+ self.state = 437
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 438
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Identifier_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def IDENTIFIER(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTokens(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ else:
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_identifier_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterIdentifier_list" ):
+ listener.enterIdentifier_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitIdentifier_list" ):
+ listener.exitIdentifier_list(self)
+ def identifier_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Identifier_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 56, self.RULE_identifier_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 441
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 446
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 442
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 443
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 448
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Type_nameContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def specifier_qualifier_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Specifier_qualifier_listContext,0)
+ def abstract_declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext,0)
+ def type_id(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_idContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_type_name
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterType_name" ):
+ listener.enterType_name(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitType_name" ):
+ listener.exitType_name(self)
+ def type_name(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Type_nameContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 58, self.RULE_type_name)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 454
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,54,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 449
+ self.specifier_qualifier_list()
+ self.state = 451
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__37) | (1 << CParser.T__39) | (1 << CParser.T__41))) != 0):
+ self.state = 450
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 453
+ self.type_id()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Abstract_declaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def pointer(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.PointerContext,0)
+ def direct_abstract_declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Direct_abstract_declaratorContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_abstract_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAbstract_declarator" ):
+ listener.enterAbstract_declarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAbstract_declarator" ):
+ listener.exitAbstract_declarator(self)
+ def abstract_declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 60, self.RULE_abstract_declarator)
+ try:
+ self.state = 461
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__41]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 456
+ self.pointer()
+ self.state = 458
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,55,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 457
+ self.direct_abstract_declarator()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__37, CParser.T__39]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 460
+ self.direct_abstract_declarator()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Direct_abstract_declaratorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def abstract_declarator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Abstract_declaratorContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def abstract_declarator_suffix(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Abstract_declarator_suffixContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Abstract_declarator_suffixContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_direct_abstract_declarator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterDirect_abstract_declarator" ):
+ listener.enterDirect_abstract_declarator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitDirect_abstract_declarator" ):
+ listener.exitDirect_abstract_declarator(self)
+ def direct_abstract_declarator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Direct_abstract_declaratorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 62, self.RULE_direct_abstract_declarator)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 468
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,57,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 463
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 464
+ self.abstract_declarator()
+ self.state = 465
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.state = 467
+ self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
+ pass
+ self.state = 473
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,58,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 470
+ self.abstract_declarator_suffix()
+ self.state = 475
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,58,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Abstract_declarator_suffixContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Constant_expressionContext,0)
+ def parameter_type_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Parameter_type_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_abstract_declarator_suffix
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAbstract_declarator_suffix" ):
+ listener.enterAbstract_declarator_suffix(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAbstract_declarator_suffix" ):
+ listener.exitAbstract_declarator_suffix(self)
+ def abstract_declarator_suffix(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Abstract_declarator_suffixContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 64, self.RULE_abstract_declarator_suffix)
+ try:
+ self.state = 488
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,59,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 476
+ self.match(CParser.T__39)
+ self.state = 477
+ self.match(CParser.T__40)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 478
+ self.match(CParser.T__39)
+ self.state = 479
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.state = 480
+ self.match(CParser.T__40)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 482
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 483
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 484
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 485
+ self.parameter_type_list()
+ self.state = 486
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class InitializerContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def assignment_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext,0)
+ def initializer_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Initializer_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_initializer
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterInitializer" ):
+ listener.enterInitializer(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitInitializer" ):
+ listener.exitInitializer(self)
+ def initializer(self):
+ localctx = CParser.InitializerContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 66, self.RULE_initializer)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 498
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__37, CParser.T__41, CParser.T__43, CParser.T__44, CParser.T__47, CParser.T__48, CParser.T__49, CParser.T__52, CParser.T__53, CParser.T__54, CParser.IDENTIFIER, CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL, CParser.STRING_LITERAL, CParser.HEX_LITERAL, CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL, CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL, CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 490
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__0]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 491
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 492
+ self.initializer_list()
+ self.state = 494
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 493
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 496
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Initializer_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def initializer(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.InitializerContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.InitializerContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_initializer_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterInitializer_list" ):
+ listener.enterInitializer_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitInitializer_list" ):
+ listener.exitInitializer_list(self)
+ def initializer_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Initializer_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 68, self.RULE_initializer_list)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 500
+ self.initializer()
+ self.state = 505
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,62,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 501
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 502
+ self.initializer()
+ self.state = 507
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,62,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Argument_expression_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def assignment_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_argument_expression_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterArgument_expression_list" ):
+ listener.enterArgument_expression_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitArgument_expression_list" ):
+ listener.exitArgument_expression_list(self)
+ def argument_expression_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Argument_expression_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 70, self.RULE_argument_expression_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 508
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.state = 510
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__28:
+ self.state = 509
+ self.match(CParser.T__28)
+ self.state = 519
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 512
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 513
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.state = 515
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__28:
+ self.state = 514
+ self.match(CParser.T__28)
+ self.state = 521
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Additive_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def multiplicative_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Multiplicative_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Multiplicative_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_additive_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAdditive_expression" ):
+ listener.enterAdditive_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAdditive_expression" ):
+ listener.exitAdditive_expression(self)
+ def additive_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Additive_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 72, self.RULE_additive_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 522
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ self.state = 529
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__43 or _la==CParser.T__44:
+ self.state = 527
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__43]:
+ self.state = 523
+ self.match(CParser.T__43)
+ self.state = 524
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__44]:
+ self.state = 525
+ self.match(CParser.T__44)
+ self.state = 526
+ self.multiplicative_expression()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 531
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Multiplicative_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def cast_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Cast_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Cast_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_multiplicative_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterMultiplicative_expression" ):
+ listener.enterMultiplicative_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitMultiplicative_expression" ):
+ listener.exitMultiplicative_expression(self)
+ def multiplicative_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Multiplicative_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 74, self.RULE_multiplicative_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 532
+ self.cast_expression()
+ self.state = 541
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__41) | (1 << CParser.T__45) | (1 << CParser.T__46))) != 0):
+ self.state = 539
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__41]:
+ self.state = 533
+ self.match(CParser.T__41)
+ self.state = 534
+ self.cast_expression()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__45]:
+ self.state = 535
+ self.match(CParser.T__45)
+ self.state = 536
+ self.cast_expression()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__46]:
+ self.state = 537
+ self.match(CParser.T__46)
+ self.state = 538
+ self.cast_expression()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 543
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Cast_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def type_name(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_nameContext,0)
+ def cast_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Cast_expressionContext,0)
+ def unary_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Unary_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_cast_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterCast_expression" ):
+ listener.enterCast_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitCast_expression" ):
+ listener.exitCast_expression(self)
+ def cast_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Cast_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 76, self.RULE_cast_expression)
+ try:
+ self.state = 550
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,70,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 544
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 545
+ self.type_name()
+ self.state = 546
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 547
+ self.cast_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 549
+ self.unary_expression()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Unary_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def postfix_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Postfix_expressionContext,0)
+ def unary_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Unary_expressionContext,0)
+ def unary_operator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Unary_operatorContext,0)
+ def cast_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Cast_expressionContext,0)
+ def type_name(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Type_nameContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_unary_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterUnary_expression" ):
+ listener.enterUnary_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitUnary_expression" ):
+ listener.exitUnary_expression(self)
+ def unary_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Unary_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 78, self.RULE_unary_expression)
+ try:
+ self.state = 567
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,71,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 552
+ self.postfix_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 553
+ self.match(CParser.T__47)
+ self.state = 554
+ self.unary_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 555
+ self.match(CParser.T__48)
+ self.state = 556
+ self.unary_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 557
+ self.unary_operator()
+ self.state = 558
+ self.cast_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 560
+ self.match(CParser.T__49)
+ self.state = 561
+ self.unary_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 6:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6)
+ self.state = 562
+ self.match(CParser.T__49)
+ self.state = 563
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 564
+ self.type_name()
+ self.state = 565
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Postfix_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.FuncCallText = ''
+ self.p = None # Primary_expressionContext
+ self.a = None # Token
+ self.c = None # Argument_expression_listContext
+ self.b = None # Token
+ self.x = None # Token
+ self.y = None # Token
+ self.z = None # Token
+ def primary_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Primary_expressionContext,0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.ExpressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def macro_parameter_list(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Macro_parameter_listContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Macro_parameter_listContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def argument_expression_list(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Argument_expression_listContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Argument_expression_listContext,i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def IDENTIFIER(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTokens(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ else:
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_postfix_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterPostfix_expression" ):
+ listener.enterPostfix_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitPostfix_expression" ):
+ listener.exitPostfix_expression(self)
+ def postfix_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Postfix_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 80, self.RULE_postfix_expression)
+ self.FuncCallText=''
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 569
+ localctx.p = self.primary_expression()
+ self.FuncCallText += (None if localctx.p is None else self._input.getText((localctx.p.start,localctx.p.stop)))
+ self.state = 600
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,73,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 598
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,72,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 571
+ self.match(CParser.T__39)
+ self.state = 572
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 573
+ self.match(CParser.T__40)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.state = 575
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 576
+ localctx.a = self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.StoreFunctionCalling((None if localctx.p is None else localctx.p.start).line, (None if localctx.p is None else localctx.p.start).column, (0 if localctx.a is None else localctx.a.line), localctx.a.column, self.FuncCallText, '')
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.state = 578
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 579
+ localctx.c = self.argument_expression_list()
+ self.state = 580
+ localctx.b = self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.StoreFunctionCalling((None if localctx.p is None else localctx.p.start).line, (None if localctx.p is None else localctx.p.start).column, (0 if localctx.b is None else localctx.b.line), localctx.b.column, self.FuncCallText, (None if localctx.c is None else self._input.getText((localctx.c.start,localctx.c.stop))))
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.state = 583
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 584
+ self.macro_parameter_list()
+ self.state = 585
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.state = 587
+ self.match(CParser.T__50)
+ self.state = 588
+ localctx.x = self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.FuncCallText += '.' + (None if localctx.x is None else localctx.x.text)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 6:
+ self.state = 590
+ self.match(CParser.T__41)
+ self.state = 591
+ localctx.y = self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.FuncCallText = (None if localctx.y is None else localctx.y.text)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 7:
+ self.state = 593
+ self.match(CParser.T__51)
+ self.state = 594
+ localctx.z = self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.FuncCallText += '->' + (None if localctx.z is None else localctx.z.text)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 8:
+ self.state = 596
+ self.match(CParser.T__47)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 9:
+ self.state = 597
+ self.match(CParser.T__48)
+ pass
+ self.state = 602
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,73,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Macro_parameter_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def parameter_declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Parameter_declarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Parameter_declarationContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_macro_parameter_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterMacro_parameter_list" ):
+ listener.enterMacro_parameter_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitMacro_parameter_list" ):
+ listener.exitMacro_parameter_list(self)
+ def macro_parameter_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Macro_parameter_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 82, self.RULE_macro_parameter_list)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 603
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.state = 608
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 604
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 605
+ self.parameter_declaration()
+ self.state = 610
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Unary_operatorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_unary_operator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterUnary_operator" ):
+ listener.enterUnary_operator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitUnary_operator" ):
+ listener.exitUnary_operator(self)
+ def unary_operator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Unary_operatorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 84, self.RULE_unary_operator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 611
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__41) | (1 << CParser.T__43) | (1 << CParser.T__44) | (1 << CParser.T__52) | (1 << CParser.T__53) | (1 << CParser.T__54))) != 0)):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Primary_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def constant(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ConstantContext,0)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_primary_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterPrimary_expression" ):
+ listener.enterPrimary_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitPrimary_expression" ):
+ listener.exitPrimary_expression(self)
+ def primary_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Primary_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 86, self.RULE_primary_expression)
+ try:
+ self.state = 619
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,75,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 613
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 614
+ self.constant()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 615
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 616
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 617
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class ConstantContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def HEX_LITERAL(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.HEX_LITERAL, 0)
+ def OCTAL_LITERAL(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL, 0)
+ def DECIMAL_LITERAL(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL, 0)
+ return self.getToken(CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL, 0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def IDENTIFIER(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTokens(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ else:
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, i)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def STRING_LITERAL(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTokens(CParser.STRING_LITERAL)
+ else:
+ return self.getToken(CParser.STRING_LITERAL, i)
+ return self.getToken(CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_constant
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterConstant" ):
+ listener.enterConstant(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitConstant" ):
+ listener.exitConstant(self)
+ def constant(self):
+ localctx = CParser.ConstantContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 88, self.RULE_constant)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.state = 647
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.HEX_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 621
+ self.match(CParser.HEX_LITERAL)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 622
+ self.match(CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 623
+ self.match(CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 624
+ self.match(CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.IDENTIFIER, CParser.STRING_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 636
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 628
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER:
+ self.state = 625
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 630
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 632
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 631
+ self.match(CParser.STRING_LITERAL)
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 634
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,77,self._ctx)
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 638
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,78,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 643
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.IDENTIFIER:
+ self.state = 640
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 645
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6)
+ self.state = 646
+ self.match(CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL)
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class ExpressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def assignment_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterExpression" ):
+ listener.enterExpression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitExpression" ):
+ listener.exitExpression(self)
+ def expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.ExpressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 90, self.RULE_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 649
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.state = 654
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__3:
+ self.state = 650
+ self.match(CParser.T__3)
+ self.state = 651
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ self.state = 656
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Constant_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def conditional_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Conditional_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_constant_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterConstant_expression" ):
+ listener.enterConstant_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitConstant_expression" ):
+ listener.exitConstant_expression(self)
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Constant_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 92, self.RULE_constant_expression)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 657
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Assignment_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def lvalue(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.LvalueContext,0)
+ def assignment_operator(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Assignment_operatorContext,0)
+ def assignment_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Assignment_expressionContext,0)
+ def conditional_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Conditional_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_assignment_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAssignment_expression" ):
+ listener.enterAssignment_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAssignment_expression" ):
+ listener.exitAssignment_expression(self)
+ def assignment_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Assignment_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 94, self.RULE_assignment_expression)
+ try:
+ self.state = 664
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,82,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 659
+ self.lvalue()
+ self.state = 660
+ self.assignment_operator()
+ self.state = 661
+ self.assignment_expression()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 663
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class LvalueContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def unary_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Unary_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_lvalue
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterLvalue" ):
+ listener.enterLvalue(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitLvalue" ):
+ listener.exitLvalue(self)
+ def lvalue(self):
+ localctx = CParser.LvalueContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 96, self.RULE_lvalue)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 666
+ self.unary_expression()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Assignment_operatorContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_assignment_operator
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAssignment_operator" ):
+ listener.enterAssignment_operator(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAssignment_operator" ):
+ listener.exitAssignment_operator(self)
+ def assignment_operator(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Assignment_operatorContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 98, self.RULE_assignment_operator)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 668
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not(((((_la - 5)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 5)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__4 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__55 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__56 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__57 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__58 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__59 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__60 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__61 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__62 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__63 - 5)) | (1 << (CParser.T__64 - 5)))) != 0)):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Conditional_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.e = None # Logical_or_expressionContext
+ def logical_or_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Logical_or_expressionContext,0)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def conditional_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Conditional_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_conditional_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterConditional_expression" ):
+ listener.enterConditional_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitConditional_expression" ):
+ listener.exitConditional_expression(self)
+ def conditional_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Conditional_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 100, self.RULE_conditional_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 670
+ localctx.e = self.logical_or_expression()
+ self.state = 677
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__65:
+ self.state = 671
+ self.match(CParser.T__65)
+ self.state = 672
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 673
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 674
+ self.conditional_expression()
+ self.StorePredicateExpression((None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).column, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).column, (None if localctx.e is None else self._input.getText((localctx.e.start,localctx.e.stop))))
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Logical_or_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def logical_and_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Logical_and_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Logical_and_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_logical_or_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterLogical_or_expression" ):
+ listener.enterLogical_or_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitLogical_or_expression" ):
+ listener.exitLogical_or_expression(self)
+ def logical_or_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Logical_or_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 102, self.RULE_logical_or_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 679
+ self.logical_and_expression()
+ self.state = 684
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__66:
+ self.state = 680
+ self.match(CParser.T__66)
+ self.state = 681
+ self.logical_and_expression()
+ self.state = 686
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Logical_and_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def inclusive_or_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Inclusive_or_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Inclusive_or_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_logical_and_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterLogical_and_expression" ):
+ listener.enterLogical_and_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitLogical_and_expression" ):
+ listener.exitLogical_and_expression(self)
+ def logical_and_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Logical_and_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 104, self.RULE_logical_and_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 687
+ self.inclusive_or_expression()
+ self.state = 692
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__67:
+ self.state = 688
+ self.match(CParser.T__67)
+ self.state = 689
+ self.inclusive_or_expression()
+ self.state = 694
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Inclusive_or_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def exclusive_or_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Exclusive_or_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Exclusive_or_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_inclusive_or_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterInclusive_or_expression" ):
+ listener.enterInclusive_or_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitInclusive_or_expression" ):
+ listener.exitInclusive_or_expression(self)
+ def inclusive_or_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Inclusive_or_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 106, self.RULE_inclusive_or_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 695
+ self.exclusive_or_expression()
+ self.state = 700
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__68:
+ self.state = 696
+ self.match(CParser.T__68)
+ self.state = 697
+ self.exclusive_or_expression()
+ self.state = 702
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Exclusive_or_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def and_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.And_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.And_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_exclusive_or_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterExclusive_or_expression" ):
+ listener.enterExclusive_or_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitExclusive_or_expression" ):
+ listener.exitExclusive_or_expression(self)
+ def exclusive_or_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Exclusive_or_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 108, self.RULE_exclusive_or_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 703
+ self.and_expression()
+ self.state = 708
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__69:
+ self.state = 704
+ self.match(CParser.T__69)
+ self.state = 705
+ self.and_expression()
+ self.state = 710
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class And_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def equality_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Equality_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Equality_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_and_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAnd_expression" ):
+ listener.enterAnd_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAnd_expression" ):
+ listener.exitAnd_expression(self)
+ def and_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.And_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 110, self.RULE_and_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 711
+ self.equality_expression()
+ self.state = 716
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__52:
+ self.state = 712
+ self.match(CParser.T__52)
+ self.state = 713
+ self.equality_expression()
+ self.state = 718
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Equality_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def relational_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Relational_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Relational_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_equality_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterEquality_expression" ):
+ listener.enterEquality_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitEquality_expression" ):
+ listener.exitEquality_expression(self)
+ def equality_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Equality_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 112, self.RULE_equality_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 719
+ self.relational_expression()
+ self.state = 724
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__70 or _la==CParser.T__71:
+ self.state = 720
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not(_la==CParser.T__70 or _la==CParser.T__71):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 721
+ self.relational_expression()
+ self.state = 726
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Relational_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def shift_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Shift_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Shift_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_relational_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterRelational_expression" ):
+ listener.enterRelational_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitRelational_expression" ):
+ listener.exitRelational_expression(self)
+ def relational_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Relational_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 114, self.RULE_relational_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 727
+ self.shift_expression()
+ self.state = 732
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while ((((_la - 73)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 73)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__72 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__73 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__74 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__75 - 73)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 728
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not(((((_la - 73)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 73)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__72 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__73 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__74 - 73)) | (1 << (CParser.T__75 - 73)))) != 0)):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 729
+ self.shift_expression()
+ self.state = 734
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Shift_expressionContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def additive_expression(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.Additive_expressionContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Additive_expressionContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_shift_expression
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterShift_expression" ):
+ listener.enterShift_expression(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitShift_expression" ):
+ listener.exitShift_expression(self)
+ def shift_expression(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Shift_expressionContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 116, self.RULE_shift_expression)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 735
+ self.additive_expression()
+ self.state = 740
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while _la==CParser.T__76 or _la==CParser.T__77:
+ self.state = 736
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if not(_la==CParser.T__76 or _la==CParser.T__77):
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 737
+ self.additive_expression()
+ self.state = 742
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class StatementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def labeled_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Labeled_statementContext,0)
+ def compound_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Compound_statementContext,0)
+ def expression_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Expression_statementContext,0)
+ def selection_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Selection_statementContext,0)
+ def iteration_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Iteration_statementContext,0)
+ def jump_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Jump_statementContext,0)
+ def macro_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Macro_statementContext,0)
+ def asm2_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Asm2_statementContext,0)
+ def asm1_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Asm1_statementContext,0)
+ def asm_statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Asm_statementContext,0)
+ def declaration(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclarationContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStatement" ):
+ listener.enterStatement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStatement" ):
+ listener.exitStatement(self)
+ def statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.StatementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 118, self.RULE_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 754
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,92,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 743
+ self.labeled_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 744
+ self.compound_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 745
+ self.expression_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 746
+ self.selection_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 747
+ self.iteration_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 6:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 6)
+ self.state = 748
+ self.jump_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 7:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 7)
+ self.state = 749
+ self.macro_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 8:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 8)
+ self.state = 750
+ self.asm2_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 9:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 9)
+ self.state = 751
+ self.asm1_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 10:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 10)
+ self.state = 752
+ self.asm_statement()
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 11:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 11)
+ self.state = 753
+ self.declaration()
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Asm2_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_asm2_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAsm2_statement" ):
+ listener.enterAsm2_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAsm2_statement" ):
+ listener.exitAsm2_statement(self)
+ def asm2_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Asm2_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 120, self.RULE_asm2_statement)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 757
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la==CParser.T__78:
+ self.state = 756
+ self.match(CParser.T__78)
+ self.state = 759
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 760
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 764
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,94,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 761
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la <= 0 or _la==CParser.T__1:
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 766
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,94,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 767
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 768
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Asm1_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_asm1_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAsm1_statement" ):
+ listener.enterAsm1_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAsm1_statement" ):
+ listener.exitAsm1_statement(self)
+ def asm1_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Asm1_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 122, self.RULE_asm1_statement)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 770
+ self.match(CParser.T__79)
+ self.state = 771
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 775
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__0) | (1 << CParser.T__1) | (1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__3) | (1 << CParser.T__4) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__22) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36) | (1 << CParser.T__37) | (1 << CParser.T__38) | (1 << CParser.T__39) | (1 << CParser.T__40) | (1 << CParser.T__41) | (1 << CParser.T__42) | (1 << CParser.T__43) | (1 << CParser.T__44) | (1 << CParser.T__45) | (1 << CParser.T__46) | (1 << CParser.T__47) | (1 << CParser.T__48) | (1 << CParser.T__49) | (1 << CParser.T__50) | (1 << CParser.T__51) | (1 << CParser.T__52) | (1 << CParser.T__53) | (1 << CParser.T__54) | (1 << CParser.T__55) | (1 << CParser.T__56) | (1 << CParser.T__57) | (1 << CParser.T__58) | (1 << CParser.T__59) | (1 << CParser.T__60) | (1 << CParser.T__61) | (1 << CParser.T__62))) != 0) or ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 64)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__63 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__64 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__65 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__66 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__67 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__68 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__69 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__70 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__71 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__72 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__73 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__74 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__75 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__76 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__77 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__78 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__79 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__80 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__81 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__82 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__83 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__84 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__85 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__86 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__87 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__88 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__89 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__90 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__91 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.STRING_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.HEX_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.WS - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.BS - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.UnicodeVocabulary - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.COMMENT - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.LINE_COMMENT - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.LINE_COMMAND - 64)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 772
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la <= 0 or _la==CParser.T__19:
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 777
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 778
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Asm_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_asm_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterAsm_statement" ):
+ listener.enterAsm_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitAsm_statement" ):
+ listener.exitAsm_statement(self)
+ def asm_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Asm_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 124, self.RULE_asm_statement)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 780
+ self.match(CParser.T__80)
+ self.state = 781
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 785
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ while (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__0) | (1 << CParser.T__1) | (1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__3) | (1 << CParser.T__4) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__22) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36) | (1 << CParser.T__37) | (1 << CParser.T__38) | (1 << CParser.T__39) | (1 << CParser.T__40) | (1 << CParser.T__41) | (1 << CParser.T__42) | (1 << CParser.T__43) | (1 << CParser.T__44) | (1 << CParser.T__45) | (1 << CParser.T__46) | (1 << CParser.T__47) | (1 << CParser.T__48) | (1 << CParser.T__49) | (1 << CParser.T__50) | (1 << CParser.T__51) | (1 << CParser.T__52) | (1 << CParser.T__53) | (1 << CParser.T__54) | (1 << CParser.T__55) | (1 << CParser.T__56) | (1 << CParser.T__57) | (1 << CParser.T__58) | (1 << CParser.T__59) | (1 << CParser.T__60) | (1 << CParser.T__61) | (1 << CParser.T__62))) != 0) or ((((_la - 64)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 64)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__63 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__64 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__65 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__66 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__67 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__68 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__69 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__70 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__71 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__72 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__73 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__74 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__75 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__76 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__77 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__78 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__79 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__80 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__81 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__82 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__83 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__84 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__85 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__86 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__87 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__88 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__89 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__90 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.T__91 - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.STRING_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.HEX_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.WS - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.BS - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.UnicodeVocabulary - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.COMMENT - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.LINE_COMMENT - 64)) | (1 << (CParser.LINE_COMMAND - 64)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 782
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if _la <= 0 or _la==CParser.T__19:
+ self._errHandler.recoverInline(self)
+ else:
+ self._errHandler.reportMatch(self)
+ self.consume()
+ self.state = 787
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ self.state = 788
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Macro_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.DeclarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclarationContext,i)
+ def statement_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Statement_listContext,0)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_macro_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterMacro_statement" ):
+ listener.enterMacro_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitMacro_statement" ):
+ listener.exitMacro_statement(self)
+ def macro_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Macro_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 126, self.RULE_macro_statement)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 790
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 791
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 795
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,97,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 792
+ self.declaration()
+ self.state = 797
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,97,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 799
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,98,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 798
+ self.statement_list()
+ self.state = 802
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if ((((_la - 38)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 38)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__37 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__41 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__43 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__44 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__47 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__48 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__49 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__52 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__53 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.T__54 - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.STRING_LITERAL - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.HEX_LITERAL - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL - 38)) | (1 << (CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - 38)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 801
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 804
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Labeled_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.StatementContext,0)
+ def constant_expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Constant_expressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_labeled_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterLabeled_statement" ):
+ listener.enterLabeled_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitLabeled_statement" ):
+ listener.exitLabeled_statement(self)
+ def labeled_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Labeled_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 128, self.RULE_labeled_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 817
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.IDENTIFIER]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 806
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 807
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 808
+ self.statement()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__81]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 809
+ self.match(CParser.T__81)
+ self.state = 810
+ self.constant_expression()
+ self.state = 811
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 812
+ self.statement()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__82]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 814
+ self.match(CParser.T__82)
+ self.state = 815
+ self.match(CParser.T__22)
+ self.state = 816
+ self.statement()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Compound_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def declaration(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.DeclarationContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.DeclarationContext,i)
+ def statement_list(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.Statement_listContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_compound_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterCompound_statement" ):
+ listener.enterCompound_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitCompound_statement" ):
+ listener.exitCompound_statement(self)
+ def compound_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Compound_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 130, self.RULE_compound_statement)
+ self._la = 0 # Token type
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 819
+ self.match(CParser.T__0)
+ self.state = 823
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,101,self._ctx)
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt==1:
+ self.state = 820
+ self.declaration()
+ self.state = 825
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,101,self._ctx)
+ self.state = 827
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _la = self._input.LA(1)
+ if (((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << _la) & ((1 << CParser.T__0) | (1 << CParser.T__1) | (1 << CParser.T__2) | (1 << CParser.T__5) | (1 << CParser.T__6) | (1 << CParser.T__7) | (1 << CParser.T__8) | (1 << CParser.T__9) | (1 << CParser.T__10) | (1 << CParser.T__11) | (1 << CParser.T__12) | (1 << CParser.T__13) | (1 << CParser.T__14) | (1 << CParser.T__15) | (1 << CParser.T__16) | (1 << CParser.T__17) | (1 << CParser.T__18) | (1 << CParser.T__20) | (1 << CParser.T__21) | (1 << CParser.T__23) | (1 << CParser.T__24) | (1 << CParser.T__25) | (1 << CParser.T__26) | (1 << CParser.T__27) | (1 << CParser.T__28) | (1 << CParser.T__29) | (1 << CParser.T__30) | (1 << CParser.T__31) | (1 << CParser.T__32) | (1 << CParser.T__33) | (1 << CParser.T__34) | (1 << CParser.T__35) | (1 << CParser.T__36) | (1 << CParser.T__37) | (1 << CParser.T__41) | (1 << CParser.T__43) | (1 << CParser.T__44) | (1 << CParser.T__47) | (1 << CParser.T__48) | (1 << CParser.T__49) | (1 << CParser.T__52) | (1 << CParser.T__53) | (1 << CParser.T__54))) != 0) or ((((_la - 79)) & ~0x3f) == 0 and ((1 << (_la - 79)) & ((1 << (CParser.T__78 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__79 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__80 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__81 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__82 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__83 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__85 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__86 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__87 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__88 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__89 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__90 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.T__91 - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.IDENTIFIER - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.STRING_LITERAL - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.HEX_LITERAL - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL - 79)) | (1 << (CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL - 79)))) != 0):
+ self.state = 826
+ self.statement_list()
+ self.state = 829
+ self.match(CParser.T__19)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Statement_listContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def statement(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.StatementContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.StatementContext,i)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_statement_list
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterStatement_list" ):
+ listener.enterStatement_list(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitStatement_list" ):
+ listener.exitStatement_list(self)
+ def statement_list(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Statement_listContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 132, self.RULE_statement_list)
+ try:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 832
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = 1
+ while _alt!=2 and _alt!=ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER:
+ if _alt == 1:
+ self.state = 831
+ self.statement()
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ self.state = 834
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ _alt = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,103,self._ctx)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Expression_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_expression_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterExpression_statement" ):
+ listener.enterExpression_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitExpression_statement" ):
+ listener.exitExpression_statement(self)
+ def expression_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Expression_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 134, self.RULE_expression_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 840
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__1]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 836
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__37, CParser.T__41, CParser.T__43, CParser.T__44, CParser.T__47, CParser.T__48, CParser.T__49, CParser.T__52, CParser.T__53, CParser.T__54, CParser.IDENTIFIER, CParser.CHARACTER_LITERAL, CParser.STRING_LITERAL, CParser.HEX_LITERAL, CParser.DECIMAL_LITERAL, CParser.OCTAL_LITERAL, CParser.FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 837
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 838
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Selection_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.e = None # ExpressionContext
+ # @param i=None Type: int
+ def statement(self,i=None):
+ if i is None:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContexts(CParser.StatementContext)
+ else:
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.StatementContext,i)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_selection_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterSelection_statement" ):
+ listener.enterSelection_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitSelection_statement" ):
+ listener.exitSelection_statement(self)
+ def selection_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Selection_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 136, self.RULE_selection_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 858
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__83]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 842
+ self.match(CParser.T__83)
+ self.state = 843
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 844
+ localctx.e = self.expression()
+ self.state = 845
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.StorePredicateExpression((None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).column, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).column, (None if localctx.e is None else self._input.getText((localctx.e.start,localctx.e.stop))))
+ self.state = 847
+ self.statement()
+ self.state = 850
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,105,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.state = 848
+ self.match(CParser.T__84)
+ self.state = 849
+ self.statement()
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__85]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 852
+ self.match(CParser.T__85)
+ self.state = 853
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 854
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 855
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 856
+ self.statement()
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Iteration_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.e = None # ExpressionContext
+ def statement(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.StatementContext,0)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_iteration_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterIteration_statement" ):
+ listener.enterIteration_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitIteration_statement" ):
+ listener.exitIteration_statement(self)
+ def iteration_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Iteration_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 138, self.RULE_iteration_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 876
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ token = self._input.LA(1)
+ if token in [CParser.T__86]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 860
+ self.match(CParser.T__86)
+ self.state = 861
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 862
+ localctx.e = self.expression()
+ self.state = 863
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 864
+ self.statement()
+ self.StorePredicateExpression((None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).column, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).column, (None if localctx.e is None else self._input.getText((localctx.e.start,localctx.e.stop))))
+ pass
+ elif token in [CParser.T__87]:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 867
+ self.match(CParser.T__87)
+ self.state = 868
+ self.statement()
+ self.state = 869
+ self.match(CParser.T__86)
+ self.state = 870
+ self.match(CParser.T__37)
+ self.state = 871
+ localctx.e = self.expression()
+ self.state = 872
+ self.match(CParser.T__38)
+ self.state = 873
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ self.StorePredicateExpression((None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.start).column, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).line, (None if localctx.e is None else localctx.e.stop).column, (None if localctx.e is None else self._input.getText((localctx.e.start,localctx.e.stop))))
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise NoViableAltException(self)
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
+ class Jump_statementContext(ParserRuleContext):
+ # @param parent=None Type: ParserRuleContext
+ # @param invokingState=-1 Type: int
+ def __init__(self,parser,parent=None,invokingState=-1):
+ super().__init__(parent, invokingState)
+ self.parser = parser
+ def IDENTIFIER(self):
+ return self.getToken(CParser.IDENTIFIER, 0)
+ def expression(self):
+ return self.getTypedRuleContext(CParser.ExpressionContext,0)
+ def getRuleIndex(self):
+ return CParser.RULE_jump_statement
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def enterRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "enterJump_statement" ):
+ listener.enterJump_statement(self)
+ # @param listener Type: ParseTreeListener
+ def exitRule(self,listener):
+ if hasattr( listener, "exitJump_statement" ):
+ listener.exitJump_statement(self)
+ def jump_statement(self):
+ localctx = CParser.Jump_statementContext(self, self._ctx, self.state)
+ self.enterRule(localctx, 140, self.RULE_jump_statement)
+ try:
+ self.state = 891
+ self._errHandler.sync(self)
+ la_ = self._interp.adaptivePredict(self._input,108,self._ctx)
+ if la_ == 1:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 1)
+ self.state = 878
+ self.match(CParser.T__88)
+ self.state = 879
+ self.match(CParser.IDENTIFIER)
+ self.state = 880
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 2:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 2)
+ self.state = 881
+ self.match(CParser.T__89)
+ self.state = 882
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 3:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 3)
+ self.state = 883
+ self.match(CParser.T__90)
+ self.state = 884
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 4:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 4)
+ self.state = 885
+ self.match(CParser.T__91)
+ self.state = 886
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ elif la_ == 5:
+ self.enterOuterAlt(localctx, 5)
+ self.state = 887
+ self.match(CParser.T__91)
+ self.state = 888
+ self.expression()
+ self.state = 889
+ self.match(CParser.T__1)
+ pass
+ except RecognitionException as re:
+ localctx.exception = re
+ self._errHandler.reportError(self, re)
+ self._errHandler.recover(self, re)
+ finally:
+ self.exitRule()
+ return localctx
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CParser4/__init__.py diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Check.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Check.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6087abfa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Check.py @@ -0,0 +1,1532 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define checkpoints used by ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import re
+from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
+import Common.DataType as DT
+from Ecc.EccToolError import *
+from Ecc.MetaDataParser import ParseHeaderCommentSection
+from Ecc import EccGlobalData
+from Ecc import c
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+## Check
+# This class is to define checkpoints used by ECC tool
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+class Check(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ # Check all required checkpoints
+ def Check(self):
+ self.GeneralCheck()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheck()
+ self.DoxygenCheck()
+ self.IncludeFileCheck()
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheck()
+ self.DeclAndDataTypeCheck()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheck()
+ self.NamingConventionCheck()
+ self.SmmCommParaCheck()
+ def SmmCommParaCheck(self):
+ self.SmmCommParaCheckBufferType()
+ # Check if SMM communication function has correct parameter type
+ # 1. Get function calling with instance./->Communicate() interface
+ # and make sure the protocol instance is of type EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL.
+ # 2. Find the origin of the 2nd parameter of Communicate() interface, if -
+ # a. it is a local buffer on stack
+ # report error.
+ # b. it is a global buffer, check the driver that holds the global buffer is of type DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER
+ # report success.
+ # c. it is a buffer by AllocatePage/AllocatePool (may be wrapped by nested function calls),
+ # check the EFI_MEMORY_TYPE to be EfiRuntimeServicesCode,EfiRuntimeServicesData,
+ # EfiACPIMemoryNVS or EfiReservedMemoryType
+ # report success.
+ # d. it is a buffer located via EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE.ConfigurationTable (may be wrapped by nested function calls)
+ # report warning to indicate human code review.
+ # e. it is a buffer from other kind of pointers (may need to trace into nested function calls to locate),
+ # repeat checks in a.b.c and d.
+ def SmmCommParaCheckBufferType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.SmmCommParaCheckBufferType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.SmmCommParaCheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking SMM communication parameter type ...")
+ CommApiList = []
+ for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, BelongsToFile from %s
+ where Modifier = 'EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL*' """ % (IdentifierTable)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ if RecordSet:
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[1] not in CommApiList:
+ CommApiList.append(Record[1])
+ # For each interface, check the second parameter
+ for CommApi in CommApiList:
+ for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, Value, BelongsToFile, StartLine from %s
+ where Name = '%s->Communicate' and Model = %s""" \
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ if RecordSet:
+ # print IdentifierTable
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ # Get the second parameter for Communicate function
+ SecondPara = Record[2].split(',')[1].strip()
+ SecondParaIndex = None
+ if SecondPara.startswith('&'):
+ SecondPara = SecondPara[1:]
+ if SecondPara.endswith(']'):
+ SecondParaIndex = SecondPara[SecondPara.find('[') + 1:-1]
+ SecondPara = SecondPara[:SecondPara.find('[')]
+ # Get the ID
+ Id = Record[0]
+ # Get the BelongsToFile
+ BelongsToFile = Record[3]
+ # Get the source file path
+ SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = %s""" % BelongsToFile
+ NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ FullPath = NewRecordSet[0][0]
+ # Get the line no of function calling
+ StartLine = Record[4]
+ # Get the module type
+ SqlCommand = """select Value3 from INF where BelongsToFile = (select ID from File
+ where Path = (select Path from File where ID = %s) and Model = 1011)
+ and Value2 = 'MODULE_TYPE'""" % BelongsToFile
+ NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ ModuleType = NewRecordSet[0][0] if NewRecordSet else None
+ # print BelongsToFile, FullPath, StartLine, ModuleType, SecondPara
+ Value = FindPara(FullPath, SecondPara, StartLine)
+ # Find the value of the parameter
+ if Value:
+ if 'AllocatePage' in Value \
+ or 'AllocatePool' in Value \
+ or 'AllocateRuntimePool' in Value \
+ or 'AllocateZeroPool' in Value:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if '->' in Value:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(
+ OtherMsg="Please review the buffer type"
+ + "is correct or not. If it is correct" +
+ " please add [%s] to exception list"
+ % Value,
+ BelongsToTable=IdentifierTable,
+ BelongsToItem=Id)
+ else:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(
+ OtherMsg="Please review the buffer type"
+ + "is correct or not. If it is correct" +
+ " please add [%s] to exception list"
+ % Value,
+ BelongsToTable=IdentifierTable,
+ BelongsToItem=Id)
+ # Not find the value of the parameter
+ else:
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Modifier, Name, Value, Model, BelongsToFunction from %s
+ where Name = '%s' and StartLine < %s order by StartLine DESC""" \
+ % (IdentifierTable, SecondPara, StartLine)
+ NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ if NewRecordSet:
+ Value = NewRecordSet[0][1]
+ if 'AllocatePage' in Value \
+ or 'AllocatePool' in Value \
+ or 'AllocateRuntimePool' in Value \
+ or 'AllocateZeroPool' in Value:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(
+ OtherMsg="Please review the buffer type"
+ + "is correct or not. If it is correct" +
+ " please add [%s] to exception list"
+ % Value,
+ BelongsToTable=IdentifierTable,
+ BelongsToItem=Id)
+ else:
+ pass
+ # Check UNI files
+ def UniCheck(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckUni == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking whether UNI file is UTF-16 ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File where ExtName like 'uni'"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ File = Record[1]
+ FileIn = open(File, 'rb').read(2)
+ if FileIn != '\xff\xfe':
+ OtherMsg = "File %s is not a valid UTF-16 UNI file" % Record[1]
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_UNI, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # General Checking
+ def GeneralCheck(self):
+ self.GeneralCheckNonAcsii()
+ self.UniCheck()
+ self.GeneralCheckNoTab()
+ self.GeneralCheckLineEnding()
+ self.GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine()
+ # Check whether NO Tab is used, replaced with spaces
+ def GeneralCheckNoTab(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckNoTab == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking No TAB used in file ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File where ExtName in ('.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', 'c', 'h')"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[2].upper() not in EccGlobalData.gConfig.BinaryExtList:
+ op = open(Record[1]).readlines()
+ IndexOfLine = 0
+ for Line in op:
+ IndexOfLine += 1
+ IndexOfChar = 0
+ for Char in Line:
+ IndexOfChar += 1
+ if Char == '\t':
+ OtherMsg = "File %s has TAB char at line %s column %s" % (Record[1], IndexOfLine, IndexOfChar)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_TAB, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check Only use CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) line endings.
+ def GeneralCheckLineEnding(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckLineEnding == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking line ending in file ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File where ExtName in ('.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', 'c', 'h')"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[2].upper() not in EccGlobalData.gConfig.BinaryExtList:
+ op = open(Record[1], 'rb').readlines()
+ IndexOfLine = 0
+ for Line in op:
+ IndexOfLine += 1
+ if not bytes.decode(Line).endswith('\r\n'):
+ OtherMsg = "File %s has invalid line ending at line %s" % (Record[1], IndexOfLine)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_INVALID_LINE_ENDING, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check if there is no trailing white space in one line.
+ def GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking trailing white space line in file ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File where ExtName in ('.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', 'c', 'h')"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[2].upper() not in EccGlobalData.gConfig.BinaryExtList:
+ op = open(Record[1], 'r').readlines()
+ IndexOfLine = 0
+ for Line in op:
+ IndexOfLine += 1
+ if Line.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').endswith(' '):
+ OtherMsg = "File %s has trailing white spaces at line %s" % (Record[1], IndexOfLine)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_TRAILING_WHITE_SPACE_LINE, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether file has non ACSII char
+ def GeneralCheckNonAcsii(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckNonAcsii == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.GeneralCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Non-ACSII char in file ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath, ExtName from File where ExtName in ('.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', 'c', 'h')"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[2].upper() not in EccGlobalData.gConfig.BinaryExtList:
+ op = open(Record[1]).readlines()
+ IndexOfLine = 0
+ for Line in op:
+ IndexOfLine += 1
+ IndexOfChar = 0
+ for Char in Line:
+ IndexOfChar += 1
+ if ord(Char) > 126:
+ OtherMsg = "File %s has Non-ASCII char at line %s column %s" % (Record[1], IndexOfLine, IndexOfChar)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NON_ACSII, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # C Function Layout Checking
+ def FunctionLayoutCheck(self):
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckReturnType()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckModifier()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckName()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckPrototype()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckBody()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckLocalVariable()
+ self.FunctionLayoutCheckDeprecated()
+ # To check if the deprecated functions are used
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckDeprecated(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoDeprecated == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function no deprecated one being used ...")
+ DeprecatedFunctionSet = ('UnicodeValueToString',
+ 'AsciiValueToString',
+ 'StrCpy',
+ 'StrnCpy',
+ 'StrCat',
+ 'StrnCat',
+ 'UnicodeStrToAsciiStr',
+ 'AsciiStrCpy',
+ 'AsciiStrnCpy',
+ 'AsciiStrCat',
+ 'AsciiStrnCat',
+ 'AsciiStrToUnicodeStr',
+ 'PcdSet8',
+ 'PcdSet16',
+ 'PcdSet32',
+ 'PcdSet64',
+ 'PcdSetPtr',
+ 'PcdSetBool',
+ 'PcdSetEx8',
+ 'PcdSetEx16',
+ 'PcdSetEx32',
+ 'PcdSetEx64',
+ 'PcdSetExPtr',
+ 'PcdSetExBool',
+ 'LibPcdSet8',
+ 'LibPcdSet16',
+ 'LibPcdSet32',
+ 'LibPcdSet64',
+ 'LibPcdSetPtr',
+ 'LibPcdSetBool',
+ 'LibPcdSetEx8',
+ 'LibPcdSetEx16',
+ 'LibPcdSetEx32',
+ 'LibPcdSetEx64',
+ 'LibPcdSetExPtr',
+ 'LibPcdSetExBool',
+ 'GetVariable',
+ 'GetEfiGlobalVariable',
+ )
+ for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, BelongsToFile from %s
+ where Model = %s """ % (IdentifierTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ for Key in DeprecatedFunctionSet:
+ if Key == Record[1]:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_DEPRECATE, Key):
+ OtherMsg = 'The function [%s] is deprecated which should NOT be used' % Key
+ OtherMsg=OtherMsg,
+ BelongsToTable=IdentifierTable,
+ BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ def WalkTree(self):
+ IgnoredPattern = c.GetIgnoredDirListPattern()
+ for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in os.walk(EccGlobalData.gTarget):
+ for Dir in Dirnames:
+ Dirname = os.path.join(Dirpath, Dir)
+ if os.path.islink(Dirname):
+ Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
+ if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
+ # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
+ Dirnames.remove(Dir)
+ Dirnames.append(Dirname)
+ if IgnoredPattern.match(Dirpath.upper()):
+ continue
+ for f in Filenames[:]:
+ if f.lower() in EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipFileList:
+ Filenames.remove(f)
+ yield (Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames)
+ # Check whether return type exists and in the first line
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckReturnType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout return type ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullName)
+ # Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckModifier(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout modifier ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullName)
+ # Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
+ # Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckName(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function name ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c', '.h'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutName(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutName(FullName)
+ # Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckPrototype(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function prototype ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[PROTOTYPE]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[PROTOTYPE]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullName)
+ # Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckBody(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout function body ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullName)
+ # Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
+ # self.CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
+ # Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
+ def FunctionLayoutCheckLocalVariable(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking function layout local variables ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ c.CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullName)
+ # Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
+ # self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
+ # Declarations and Data Types Checking
+ def DeclAndDataTypeCheck(self):
+ self.DeclCheckNoUseCType()
+ self.DeclCheckInOutModifier()
+ self.DeclCheckEFIAPIModifier()
+ self.DeclCheckEnumeratedType()
+ self.DeclCheckStructureDeclaration()
+ self.DeclCheckSameStructure()
+ self.DeclCheckUnionType()
+ # Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
+ def DeclCheckNoUseCType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration No use C type ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ c.CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullName)
+ # Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
+ def DeclCheckInOutModifier(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration argument modifier ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# c.CheckDeclArgModifier(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ c.CheckDeclArgModifier(FullName)
+ # Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
+ def DeclCheckEFIAPIModifier(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ pass
+ # Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ def DeclCheckEnumeratedType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration enum typedef ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[ENUM]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[ENUM]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullName)
+ # Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ def DeclCheckStructureDeclaration(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration struct typedef ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[STRUCT]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[STRUCT]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullName)
+ # Check whether having same Structure
+ def DeclCheckSameStructure(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking same struct ...")
+ AllStructure = {}
+ for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, BelongsToFile from %s where Model = %s""" % (IdentifierTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_STRUCTURE)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[1] != '':
+ if Record[1] not in AllStructure.keys():
+ AllStructure[Record[1]] = Record[2]
+ else:
+ ID = AllStructure[Record[1]]
+ SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = %s """ % ID
+ NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ OtherMsg = "The structure name '%s' is duplicate" % Record[1]
+ if NewRecordSet != []:
+ OtherMsg = "The structure name [%s] is duplicate with the one defined in %s, maybe struct NOT typedefed or the typedef new type NOT used to qualify variables" % (Record[1], NewRecordSet[0][0])
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE, OtherMsg=OtherMsg, BelongsToTable=IdentifierTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ def DeclCheckUnionType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Declaration union typedef ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[UNION]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[UNION]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullName)
+ # Predicate Expression Checking
+ def PredicateExpressionCheck(self):
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue()
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator()
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType()
+ # Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
+ def PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression Boolean value ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
+ # Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
+ def PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression Non-Boolean variable...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[NON-BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[NON-BOOLEAN]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullName)
+ # Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
+ def PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.PredicateExpressionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking predicate expression NULL pointer ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# EdkLogger.quiet("[POINTER]" + FullName)
+# c.CheckPointerNullComparison(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[POINTER]" + FullName)
+ c.CheckPointerNullComparison(FullName)
+ # Include file checking
+ def IncludeFileCheck(self):
+ self.IncludeFileCheckIfndef()
+ self.IncludeFileCheckData()
+ self.IncludeFileCheckSameName()
+ # Check whether having include files with same name
+ def IncludeFileCheckSameName(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckSameName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking same header file name ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, FullPath from File
+ where Model = 1002 order by Name """
+ RecordDict = {}
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ List = Record[1].replace('/', '\\').split('\\')
+ if len(List) >= 2:
+ Key = List[-2] + '\\' + List[-1]
+ else:
+ Key = List[0]
+ if Key not in RecordDict:
+ RecordDict[Key] = [Record]
+ else:
+ RecordDict[Key].append(Record)
+ for Key in RecordDict:
+ if len(RecordDict[Key]) > 1:
+ for Item in RecordDict[Key]:
+ Path = mws.relpath(Item[1], EccGlobalData.gWorkspace)
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME, Path):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME, OtherMsg="The file name for [%s] is duplicate" % Path, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Item[0])
+ # Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
+ def IncludeFileCheckIfndef(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking header file ifndef ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullName)
+ # Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
+ def IncludeFileCheckData(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckData == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.IncludeFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking header file data ...")
+ # Get all typedef functions
+ gAllTypedefFun = []
+ for IdentifierTable in EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList:
+ SqlCommand = """select Name from %s
+ where Model = %s """ % (IdentifierTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[0].startswith('('):
+ gAllTypedefFun.append(Record[0])
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileData(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ MsgList = c.CheckHeaderFileData(FullName, gAllTypedefFun)
+ # Doxygen document checking
+ def DoxygenCheck(self):
+ self.DoxygenCheckFileHeader()
+ self.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader()
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription()
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat()
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommand()
+ # Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+ def DoxygenCheckFileHeader(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckFileHeader == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen file header ...")
+ for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+ for F in Filenames:
+ Ext = os.path.splitext(F)[1]
+ if Ext in ('.h', '.c'):
+ FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+ MsgList = c.CheckFileHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
+ elif Ext in ('.inf', '.dec', '.dsc', '.fdf'):
+ FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+ op = open(FullName).readlines()
+ FileLinesList = op
+ LineNo = 0
+ CurrentSection = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ HeaderSectionLines = []
+ HeaderCommentStart = False
+ HeaderCommentEnd = False
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ LineNo = LineNo + 1
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ if (LineNo < len(FileLinesList) - 1):
+ NextLine = FileLinesList[LineNo].strip()
+ #
+ # blank line
+ #
+ if (Line == '' or not Line) and LineNo == len(FileLinesList):
+ LastSectionFalg = True
+ #
+ # check whether file header comment section started
+ #
+ if Line.startswith('#') and \
+ (Line.find('@file') > -1) and \
+ not HeaderCommentStart:
+ if CurrentSection != MODEL_UNKNOWN:
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FullName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'INF/DEC/DSC/FDF file header comment should begin with ""## @file"" or ""# @file""at the very top file'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ else:
+ #
+ # Append the first line to section lines.
+ #
+ HeaderSectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
+ HeaderCommentStart = True
+ continue
+ #
+ # Collect Header content.
+ #
+ if (Line.startswith('#') and CurrentSection == MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FILE_HEADER) and\
+ HeaderCommentStart and not Line.startswith('##') and not\
+ HeaderCommentEnd and NextLine != '':
+ HeaderSectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
+ continue
+ #
+ # Header content end
+ #
+ if (Line.startswith('##') or not Line.strip().startswith("#")) and HeaderCommentStart \
+ and not HeaderCommentEnd:
+ if Line.startswith('##'):
+ HeaderCommentEnd = True
+ HeaderSectionLines.append((Line, LineNo))
+ ParseHeaderCommentSection(HeaderSectionLines, FullName)
+ break
+ if HeaderCommentStart == False:
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FullName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'INF/DEC/DSC/FDF file header comment should begin with ""## @file"" or ""# @file"" at the very top file'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ if HeaderCommentEnd == False:
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FullName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'INF/DEC/DSC/FDF file header comment should end with ""##"" at the end of file header comment block'
+ # Check whether File header Comment End with '##'
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckFileCommentEnd == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ # Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+ def DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen function header ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# MsgList = c.CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ MsgList = c.CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullName)
+ # Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
+ # The brief description must end with a period.
+ def DoxygenCheckCommentDescription(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ pass
+ # Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
+ def DoxygenCheckCommentFormat(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen comment ///< ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullName)
+ # Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
+ def DoxygenCheckCommand(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckCommand == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.DoxygenCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking Doxygen command ...")
+# for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+# for F in Filenames:
+# if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+# FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+# MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenCommand(FullName)
+ for FullName in EccGlobalData.gCFileList + EccGlobalData.gHFileList:
+ MsgList = c.CheckDoxygenCommand(FullName)
+ # Meta-Data File Processing Checking
+ def MetaDataFileCheck(self):
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPathName()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat()
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat()
+ # Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
+ def MetaDataFileCheckPathName(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPathName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ # This item is covered when parsing Inf/Dec/Dsc files
+ pass
+ # Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
+ def MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ # This item is covered when parsing Inf/Dec/Dsc files
+ pass
+ # Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
+ # Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its Inf file,
+ # and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
+ def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance type issue ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value3, B.Value3 from Inf as A left join Inf as B
+ where A.Value2 = 'LIBRARY_CLASS' and A.Model = %s
+ and B.Value2 = 'MODULE_TYPE' and B.Model = %s and A.BelongsToFile = B.BelongsToFile
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ LibraryClasses = {}
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ List = Record[1].split('|', 1)
+ SupModType = []
+ if len(List) == 1:
+ elif len(List) == 2:
+ SupModType = List[1].split()
+ if List[0] not in LibraryClasses:
+ LibraryClasses[List[0]] = SupModType
+ else:
+ for Item in SupModType:
+ if Item not in LibraryClasses[List[0]]:
+ LibraryClasses[List[0]].append(Item)
+ if Record[2] != DT.SUP_MODULE_BASE and Record[2] not in SupModType:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_2, OtherMsg="The Library Class '%s' does not specify its supported module types" % (List[0]), BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value1, B.Value3 from Inf as A left join Inf as B
+ where A.Model = %s and B.Value2 = '%s' and B.Model = %s
+ and B.BelongsToFile = A.BelongsToFile""" \
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ # Merge all LibraryClasses' supmodlist
+ RecordDict = {}
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[1] not in RecordDict:
+ RecordDict[Record[1]] = [str(Record[2])]
+ else:
+ if Record[2] not in RecordDict[Record[1]]:
+ RecordDict[Record[1]].append(Record[2])
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[1] in LibraryClasses:
+ if Record[2] not in LibraryClasses[Record[1]] and DT.SUP_MODULE_BASE not in RecordDict[Record[1]]:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, OtherMsg="The type of Library Class [%s] defined in Inf file does not match the type of the module" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1, OtherMsg="The type of Library Class [%s] defined in Inf file does not match the type of the module" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
+ def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance dependent issue ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Value1, Value2 from Dsc where Model = %s""" % MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS
+ LibraryClasses = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for LibraryClass in LibraryClasses:
+ if LibraryClass[1].upper() == 'NULL' or LibraryClass[1].startswith('!ifdef') or LibraryClass[1].startswith('!ifndef') or LibraryClass[1].endswith('!endif'):
+ continue
+ else:
+ LibraryIns = os.path.normpath(mws.join(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, LibraryClass[2]))
+ SkipDirString = '|'.join(EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList)
+ p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s^\S)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)
+ if p.match(os.path.split(LibraryIns)[0].upper()):
+ continue
+ SqlCommand = """select Value3 from Inf where BelongsToFile =
+ (select ID from File where lower(FullPath) = lower('%s'))
+ and Value2 = '%s'""" % (LibraryIns, DT.PLATFORM_COMPONENT_TYPE_LIBRARY_CLASS)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ IsFound = False
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ LibName = Record[0].split('|', 1)[0]
+ if LibraryClass[1] == LibName:
+ IsFound = True
+ if not IsFound:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT, LibraryClass[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT, OtherMsg="The Library Class [%s] is not specified in '%s'" % (LibraryClass[1], LibraryClass[2]), BelongsToTable='Dsc', BelongsToItem=LibraryClass[0])
+ # Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
+ def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ # This checkpoint is not necessary for Ecc check
+ pass
+ # Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the Inf file
+ # Check whether the unnecessary duplication of library classe names in the DSC file
+ def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance not used ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Value1 from Inf as A where A.Model = %s and A.Value1 not in (select B.Value1 from Dsc as B where Model = %s)""" % (MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE, OtherMsg="The Library Class [%s] is not used in any platform" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value1, A.BelongsToFile, A.StartLine, B.StartLine from Dsc as A left join Dsc as B
+ where A.Model = %s and B.Model = %s and A.Scope1 = B.Scope1 and A.Scope2 = B.Scope2 and A.ID != B.ID
+ and A.Value1 = B.Value1 and A.Value2 != B.Value2 and A.BelongsToItem = -1 and B.BelongsToItem = -1 and A.StartLine != B.StartLine and B.BelongsToFile = A.BelongsToFile""" \
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if Record[3] and Record[4] and Record[3] != Record[4] and Record[1] != 'NULL':
+ SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where ID = %s""" % (Record[2])
+ FilePathList = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for FilePath in FilePathList:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NAME_DUPLICATE, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NAME_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg="The Library Class [%s] is duplicated in '%s' line %s and line %s." % (Record[1], FilePath, Record[3], Record[4]), BelongsToTable='Dsc', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check the header file in Include\Library directory whether be defined in the package DEC file.
+ def MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for library instance whether be defined in the package dec file ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.Value1, A.StartLine, A.ID, B.Value1 from Inf as A left join Dec as B
+ on A.Model = B.Model and A.Value1 = B.Value1 where A.Model=%s
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ LibraryInInf, Line, ID, LibraryDec = Record
+ if not LibraryDec:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NOT_DEFINED, LibraryInInf):
+ OtherMsg="The Library Class [%s] in %s line is not defined in the associated package file." % (LibraryInInf, Line),
+ BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=ID)
+ # Check whether an Inf file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the Dsc file, then the Inf file must be for a Binary module only
+ def MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for non-binary modules defined in FDF files ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select A.ID, A.Value1 from Fdf as A
+ where A.Model = %s
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and A.Value1 not in
+ (select B.Value1 from Dsc as B
+ where B.Model = %s
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFdf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ FdfID = Record[0]
+ FilePath = Record[1]
+ FilePath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, FilePath))
+ SqlCommand = """select ID from Inf where Model = %s and BelongsToFile = (select ID from File where FullPath like '%s')
+ """ % (MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, FilePath)
+ NewRecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ if NewRecordSet != []:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF, FilePath):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF, OtherMsg="File [%s] defined in FDF file and not in DSC file must be a binary module" % (FilePath), BelongsToTable='Fdf', BelongsToItem=FdfID)
+ # Check whether a PCD is set in a Dsc file or the FDF file, but not in both.
+ def MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate PCDs defined in both DSC and FDF files ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value1, A.Value2, A.BelongsToFile, B.ID, B.Value1, B.Value2, B.BelongsToFile from Dsc as A, Fdf as B
+ where A.Model >= %s and A.Model < %s
+ and B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
+ and A.Value1 = B.Value1
+ and A.Value2 = B.Value2
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and B.Enabled > -1
+ group by A.ID
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ SqlCommand1 = """select Name from File where ID = %s""" % Record[3]
+ SqlCommand2 = """select Name from File where ID = %s""" % Record[7]
+ DscFileName = os.path.splitext(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand1)[0][0])[0]
+ FdfFileName = os.path.splitext(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Exec(SqlCommand2)[0][0])[0]
+ if DscFileName != FdfFileName:
+ continue
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg="The PCD [%s] is defined in both FDF file and DSC file" % (Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]), BelongsToTable='Dsc', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, Record[5] + '.' + Record[6]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg="The PCD [%s] is defined in both FDF file and DSC file" % (Record[5] + '.' + Record[6]), BelongsToTable='Fdf', BelongsToItem=Record[4])
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate PCDs defined in DEC files ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value1, A.Value2, A.Model, B.Model from Dec as A left join Dec as B
+ where A.Model >= %s and A.Model < %s
+ and B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
+ and A.Value1 = B.Value1
+ and A.Value2 = B.Value2
+ and A.Scope1 = B.Scope1
+ and A.ID != B.ID
+ and A.Model = B.Model
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and B.Enabled > -1
+ and A.BelongsToFile = B.BelongsToFile
+ group by A.ID
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ RecordCat = Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, RecordCat):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_DUPLICATE, OtherMsg="The PCD [%s] is defined duplicated in DEC file" % RecordCat, BelongsToTable='Dec', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
+ def MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking only Flash related PCDs are used in FDF ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Value1, Value2, BelongsToFile from Fdf as A
+ where A.Model >= %s and Model < %s
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and A.Value2 not like '%%Flash%%'
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFdf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH, Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH, OtherMsg="The PCD [%s] defined in FDF file is not related to Flash" % (Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]), BelongsToTable='Fdf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether PCDs used in Inf files but not specified in Dsc or FDF files
+ def MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for non-specified PCDs ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Value1, Value2, BelongsToFile from Inf as A
+ where A.Model >= %s and Model < %s
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and (A.Value1, A.Value2) not in
+ (select Value1, Value2 from Dsc as B
+ where B.Model >= %s and B.Model < %s
+ and B.Enabled > -1)
+ and (A.Value1, A.Value2) not in
+ (select Value1, Value2 from Fdf as C
+ where C.Model >= %s and C.Model < %s
+ and C.Enabled > -1)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE, Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE, OtherMsg="The PCD [%s] defined in INF file is not specified in either DSC or FDF files" % (Record[1] + '.' + Record[2]), BelongsToTable='Inf', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
+ def MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for duplicate GUID/PPI/PROTOCOL ...")
+ # Check Guid
+ # Check protocol
+ # Check ppi
+ self.CheckGuidProtocolPpi(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_DUPLICATE_PPI, MODEL_EFI_PPI, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec)
+ self.CheckGuidProtocolPpi(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_DUPLICATE_PPI, MODEL_EFI_PPI, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc)
+ # Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for no used module files ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select upper(Path) from File where ID in (select BelongsToFile from Inf where BelongsToFile != -1)
+ """
+ InfPathSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ InfPathList = []
+ for Item in InfPathSet:
+ if Item[0] not in InfPathList:
+ InfPathList.append(Item[0])
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Path, FullPath from File where upper(FullPath) not in
+ (select upper(A.Path) || '%s' || upper(B.Value1) from File as A, INF as B
+ where A.ID in (select BelongsToFile from INF where Model = %s group by BelongsToFile) and
+ B.BelongsToFile = A.ID and B.Model = %s)
+ and (Model = %s or Model = %s)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Path = Record[1]
+ Path = Path.upper().replace('\X64', '').replace('\IA32', '').replace('\EBC', '').replace('\IPF', '').replace('\ARM', '')
+ if Path in InfPathList:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE, Record[2]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE, OtherMsg="The source file [%s] is existing in module directory but it is not described in INF file." % (Record[2]), BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
+ def MetaDataFileCheckPcdType(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for pcd type in c code function usage ...")
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Model, Value1, Value2, BelongsToFile from INF where Model > %s and Model < %s
+ PcdSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Pcd in PcdSet:
+ Model = Pcd[1]
+ PcdName = Pcd[2]
+ if Pcd[3]:
+ PcdName = Pcd[3]
+ BelongsToFile = Pcd[4]
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID from File where FullPath in
+ (select B.Path || '%s' || A.Value1 from INF as A, File as B where A.Model = %s and A.BelongsToFile = %s
+ and B.ID = %s and (B.Model = %s or B.Model = %s))
+ """ % (os.sep, MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, BelongsToFile, BelongsToFile, MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H)
+ TableSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Tbl in TableSet:
+ TblName = 'Identifier' + str(Tbl[0])
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select Name, ID from %s where value like '%s' and Model = %s
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ TblNumber = TblName.replace('Identifier', '')
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ FunName = Record[0]
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, FunName):
+ if Model in [MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD] and not FunName.startswith('FixedPcdGet'):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg="The pcd '%s' is defined as a FixPcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable=TblName, BelongsToItem=Record[1])
+ if Model in [MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG] and (not FunName.startswith('FeaturePcdGet') and not FunName.startswith('FeaturePcdSet')):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg="The pcd '%s' is defined as a FeaturePcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable=TblName, BelongsToItem=Record[1])
+ if Model in [MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE] and (not FunName.startswith('PatchablePcdGet') and not FunName.startswith('PatchablePcdSet')):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE, OtherMsg="The pcd '%s' is defined as a PatchablePcd but now it is called by c function [%s]" % (PcdName, FunName), BelongsToTable=TblName, BelongsToItem=Record[1])
+ pass
+ # Internal worker function to get the INF workspace relative path from FileID
+ def GetInfFilePathFromID(self, FileID):
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
+ SqlCommand = """select A.FullPath from %s as A where A.ID = %s""" % (Table.Table, FileID)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ Path = ""
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Path = mws.relpath(Record[0], EccGlobalData.gWorkspace)
+ return Path
+ # Check whether two module INFs under one workspace has the same FILE_GUID value
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking for pcd type in c code function usage ...")
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value3, A.BelongsToFile, B.BelongsToFile from %s as A, %s as B
+ where A.Value2 = 'FILE_GUID' and B.Value2 = 'FILE_GUID' and
+ A.Value3 = B.Value3 and A.ID != B.ID group by A.ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ InfPath1 = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[2])
+ InfPath2 = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[3])
+ if InfPath1 and InfPath2:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION, InfPath1):
+ Msg = "The FILE_GUID of INF file [%s] is duplicated with that of %s" % (InfPath1, InfPath2)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check Guid Format in module INF
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Check Guid Format in module INF ...")
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Value1, Usage, BelongsToFile from %s where Model = %s group by ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, MODEL_EFI_GUID)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Value1 = Record[1]
+ Value2 = Record[2]
+ GuidCommentList = []
+ InfPath = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[3])
+ Msg = "The GUID format of %s in INF file [%s] does not follow rules" % (Value1, InfPath)
+ if Value2.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
+ GuidCommentList = Value2[2:].split(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT)
+ if GuidCommentList[0].strip().startswith(DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_UNDEFINED):
+ continue
+ elif len(GuidCommentList) > 1:
+ if not GuidCommentList[0].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_PRO,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_GUID, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ if not (GuidCommentList[1].strip()).startswith(DT.TAB_INF_GUIDTYPE_VAR) and \
+ not GuidCommentList[1].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_GUIDTYPE_EVENT,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_GUID, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_GUID, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_GUID, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check Protocol Format in module INF
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Check Protocol Format in module INF ...")
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Value1, Usage, BelongsToFile from %s where Model = %s group by ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Value1 = Record[1]
+ Value2 = Record[2]
+ GuidCommentList = []
+ InfPath = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[3])
+ Msg = "The Protocol format of %s in INF file [%s] does not follow rules" % (Value1, InfPath)
+ if Value2.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
+ GuidCommentList = Value2[2:].split(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT)
+ if len(GuidCommentList) >= 1:
+ if not GuidCommentList[0].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_PRO,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PROTOCOL, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PROTOCOL, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check Ppi Format in module INF
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Check Ppi Format in module INF ...")
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Value1, Usage, BelongsToFile from %s where Model = %s group by ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, MODEL_EFI_PPI)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Value1 = Record[1]
+ Value2 = Record[2]
+ GuidCommentList = []
+ InfPath = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[3])
+ Msg = "The Ppi format of %s in INF file [%s] does not follow rules" % (Value1, InfPath)
+ if Value2.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
+ GuidCommentList = Value2[2:].split(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT)
+ if len(GuidCommentList) >= 1:
+ if not GuidCommentList[0].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_PRO,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PPI, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PPI, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check Pcd Format in module INF
+ def MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Check Pcd Format in module INF ...")
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select ID, Model, Value1, Value2, Usage, BelongsToFile from %s where Model >= %s and Model < %s group by ID
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Model = Record[1]
+ PcdName = Record[2] + '.' + Record[3]
+ Usage = Record[4]
+ PcdCommentList = []
+ InfPath = self.GetInfFilePathFromID(Record[5])
+ Msg = "The Pcd format of %s in INF file [%s] does not follow rules" % (PcdName, InfPath)
+ if Usage.startswith(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
+ PcdCommentList = Usage[2:].split(DT.TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT)
+ if len(PcdCommentList) >= 1:
+ and not PcdCommentList[0].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_SOME_PRO,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PCD, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ and not PcdCommentList[0].strip().startswith((DT.TAB_INF_USAGE_PRO,
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PCD, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PCD, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether these is duplicate Guid/Ppi/Protocol name
+ def CheckGuidProtocolPpi(self, ErrorID, Model, Table):
+ Name = ''
+ if Model == MODEL_EFI_GUID:
+ Name = 'guid'
+ Name = 'protocol'
+ if Model == MODEL_EFI_PPI:
+ Name = 'ppi'
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value1 from %s as A, %s as B
+ where A.Model = %s and B.Model = %s
+ and A.Value1 like B.Value1 and A.ID != B.ID
+ and A.Scope1 = B.Scope1
+ and A.Enabled > -1
+ and B.Enabled > -1
+ group by A.ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table, Model, Model)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ErrorID, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ErrorID, OtherMsg="The %s name [%s] is defined more than one time" % (Name.upper(), Record[1]), BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether these is duplicate Guid/Ppi/Protocol value
+ def CheckGuidProtocolPpiValue(self, ErrorID, Model):
+ Name = ''
+ Table = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec
+ if Model == MODEL_EFI_GUID:
+ Name = 'guid'
+ Name = 'protocol'
+ if Model == MODEL_EFI_PPI:
+ Name = 'ppi'
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select A.ID, A.Value1, A.Value2 from %s as A, %s as B
+ where A.Model = %s and B.Model = %s
+ and A.Value2 like B.Value2 and A.ID != B.ID
+ and A.Scope1 = B.Scope1 and A.Value1 != B.Value1
+ group by A.ID
+ """ % (Table.Table, Table.Table, Model, Model)
+ RecordSet = Table.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ErrorID, Record[2]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ErrorID, OtherMsg="The %s value [%s] is used more than one time" % (Name.upper(), Record[2]), BelongsToTable=Table.Table, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Naming Convention Check
+ def NamingConventionCheck(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement == '1' \
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement == '1' \
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement == '1' \
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckVariableName == '1' \
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable == '1' \
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1'\
+ or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ for Dirpath, Dirnames, Filenames in self.WalkTree():
+ for F in Filenames:
+ if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+ FullName = os.path.join(Dirpath, F)
+ Id = c.GetTableID(FullName)
+ if Id < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(Id)
+ self.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement(FileTable)
+ self.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement(FileTable)
+ self.NamingConventionCheckVariableName(FileTable)
+ self.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable(FileTable)
+ if os.path.splitext(F)[1] in ('.h'):
+ self.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement(FileTable)
+ self.NamingConventionCheckPathName()
+ self.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName()
+ # Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
+ def NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement(self, FileTable):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of #define statement ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Value from %s where Model = %s""" % (FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_DEFINE)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Name = Record[1].strip().split()[1]
+ if Name.find('(') != -1:
+ Name = Name[0:Name.find('(')]
+ if Name.upper() != Name:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT, Name):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT, OtherMsg="The #define name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable=FileTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
+ def NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement(self, FileTable):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of #typedef statement ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from %s where Model = %s""" % (FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Name = Record[1].strip()
+ if Name != '' and Name is not None:
+ if Name[0] == '(':
+ Name = Name[1:Name.find(')')]
+ if Name.find('(') > -1:
+ Name = Name[Name.find('(') + 1 : Name.find(')')]
+ Name = Name.replace('WINAPI', '')
+ Name = Name.replace('*', '').strip()
+ if Name.upper() != Name:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT, Name):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT, OtherMsg="The #typedef name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable=FileTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
+ def NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement(self, FileTable):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of #ifndef statement ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Value from %s where Model = %s""" % (FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_IFNDEF)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Name = Record[1].replace('#ifndef', '').strip()
+ if Name[-1] != '_':
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT, Name):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT, OtherMsg="The #ifndef name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Name), BelongsToTable=FileTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
+ # 1. First character should be upper case
+ # 2. Existing lower case in a word
+ # 3. No space existence
+ # Check whether the path name followed the rule
+ def NamingConventionCheckPathName(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckPathName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of file path name ...")
+ Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from File"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not Pattern.match(Record[1]):
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME, OtherMsg="The file path [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
+ # 1. First character should be upper case
+ # 2. Existing lower case in a word
+ # 3. No space existence
+ # 4. Global variable name must start with a 'g'
+ # Check whether the variable name followed the rule
+ def NamingConventionCheckVariableName(self, FileTable):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckVariableName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of variable name ...")
+ Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Zgm]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name, Modifier from %s where Model = %s""" % (FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Var = Record[1]
+ Modifier = Record[2]
+ if Var.startswith('CONST'):
+ Var = Var[5:].lstrip()
+ if not Pattern.match(Var) and not (Modifier.endswith('*') and Var.startswith('p')):
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, OtherMsg="The variable name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable=FileTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
+ # 1. First character should be upper case
+ # 2. Existing lower case in a word
+ # 3. No space existence
+ # Check whether the function name followed the rule
+ def NamingConventionCheckFunctionName(self):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of function name ...")
+ Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from Function"""
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ if not Pattern.match(Record[1]):
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, OtherMsg="The function name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable='Function', BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+ # Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
+ def NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable(self, FileTable):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.NamingConventionCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking naming convention of single character variable name ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, Name from %s where Model = %s""" % (FileTable, MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
+ RecordSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ Variable = Record[1].replace('*', '')
+ if len(Variable) == 1:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE, Record[1]):
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE, OtherMsg="The variable name [%s] does not follow the rules" % (Record[1]), BelongsToTable=FileTable, BelongsToItem=Record[0])
+def FindPara(FilePath, Para, CallingLine):
+ Lines = open(FilePath).readlines()
+ Line = ''
+ for Index in range(CallingLine - 1, 0, -1):
+ # Find the nearest statement for Para
+ Line = Lines[Index].strip()
+ if Line.startswith('%s = ' % Para):
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ return Line
+ break
+ return ''
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ Check = Check()
+ Check.Check()
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragment.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragment.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ced51f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragment.py @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +## @file
+# fragments of source file
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+## The description of comment contents and start & end position
+class Comment :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ # @param CommentType The type of comment (T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH or T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR).
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End, CommentType):
+ self.Content = Str
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+ self.Type = CommentType
+## The description of preprocess directives and start & end position
+class PP_Directive :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
+ self.Content = Str
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+## The description of predicate expression and start & end position
+class PredicateExpression :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
+ self.Content = Str
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+## The description of function definition and start & end position
+class FunctionDefinition :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ # @param LBPos The left brace position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, ModifierStr, DeclStr, Begin, End, LBPos, NamePos):
+ self.Modifier = ModifierStr
+ self.Declarator = DeclStr
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+ self.LeftBracePos = LBPos
+ self.NamePos = NamePos
+## The description of variable declaration and start & end position
+class VariableDeclaration :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param NamePos The name position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, ModifierStr, DeclStr, Begin, NamePos):
+ self.Modifier = ModifierStr
+ self.Declarator = DeclStr
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.NameStartPos = NamePos
+## The description of enum definition and start & end position
+class EnumerationDefinition :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
+ self.Content = Str
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+## The description of struct/union definition and start & end position
+class StructUnionDefinition :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, Begin, End):
+ self.Content = Str
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+## The description of 'Typedef' definition and start & end position
+class TypedefDefinition :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FromStr, ToStr, Begin, End):
+ self.FromType = FromStr
+ self.ToType = ToStr
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
+class FunctionCalling:
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param Begin The start position tuple.
+ # @param End The end position tuple.
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Name, Param, Begin, End):
+ self.FuncName = Name
+ self.ParamList = Param
+ self.StartPos = Begin
+ self.EndPos = End
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragmentCollector.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragmentCollector.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8d6aff08 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/CodeFragmentCollector.py @@ -0,0 +1,595 @@ +## @file
+# preprocess source file
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import sys
+if sys.version_info.major == 3:
+ import antlr4 as antlr
+ from Ecc.CParser4.CLexer import CLexer
+ from Ecc.CParser4.CParser import CParser
+ import antlr3 as antlr
+ antlr.InputStream = antlr.StringStream
+ from Ecc.CParser3.CLexer import CLexer
+ from Ecc.CParser3.CParser import CParser
+from Ecc import FileProfile
+from Ecc.CodeFragment import Comment
+from Ecc.CodeFragment import PP_Directive
+from Ecc.ParserWarning import Warning
+##define T_CHAR_SPACE ' '
+##define T_CHAR_NULL '\0'
+##define T_CHAR_CR '\r'
+##define T_CHAR_TAB '\t'
+##define T_CHAR_LF '\n'
+##define T_CHAR_SLASH '/'
+##define T_CHAR_BACKSLASH '\\'
+##define T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE '\"'
+##define T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE '\''
+##define T_CHAR_STAR '*'
+##define T_CHAR_HASH '#'
+(' ', '\0', '\r', '\t', '\n', '/', '\\', '\"', '\'', '*', '#')
+SEPERATOR_TUPLE = ('=', '|', ',', '{', '}')
+## The collector for source code fragments.
+# PreprocessFile method should be called prior to ParseFile
+# GetNext*** procedures mean these procedures will get next token first, then make judgement.
+# Get*** procedures mean these procedures will make judgement on current token only.
+class CodeFragmentCollector:
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param FileName The file that to be parsed
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FileName):
+ self.Profile = FileProfile.FileProfile(FileName)
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList.append(T_CHAR_LF)
+ self.FileName = FileName
+ self.CurrentLineNumber = 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
+ self.TokenReleaceList = []
+ self.__Token = ""
+ self.__SkippedChars = ""
+ ## __EndOfFile() method
+ #
+ # Judge current buffer pos is at file end
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval True Current File buffer position is at file end
+ # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at file end
+ #
+ def __EndOfFile(self):
+ NumberOfLines = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList)
+ SizeOfLastLine = NumberOfLines
+ if NumberOfLines > 0:
+ SizeOfLastLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[-1])
+ if self.CurrentLineNumber == NumberOfLines and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfLastLine - 1:
+ return True
+ elif self.CurrentLineNumber > NumberOfLines:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ ## __EndOfLine() method
+ #
+ # Judge current buffer pos is at line end
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval True Current File buffer position is at line end
+ # @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at line end
+ #
+ def __EndOfLine(self):
+ SizeOfCurrentLine = len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1])
+ if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine >= SizeOfCurrentLine - 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ ## Rewind() method
+ #
+ # Reset file data buffer to the initial state
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def Rewind(self):
+ self.CurrentLineNumber = 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
+ ## __UndoOneChar() method
+ #
+ # Go back one char in the file buffer
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval True Successfully go back one char
+ # @retval False Not able to go back one char as file beginning reached
+ #
+ def __UndoOneChar(self):
+ if self.CurrentLineNumber == 1 and self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
+ return False
+ elif self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0:
+ self.CurrentLineNumber -= 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = len(self.__CurrentLine()) - 1
+ else:
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine -= 1
+ return True
+ ## __GetOneChar() method
+ #
+ # Move forward one char in the file buffer
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def __GetOneChar(self):
+ if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
+ self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
+ else:
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine += 1
+ ## __CurrentChar() method
+ #
+ # Get the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval Char Current char
+ #
+ def __CurrentChar(self):
+ CurrentChar = self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine]
+# if CurrentChar > 255:
+# raise Warning("Non-Ascii char found At Line %d, offset %d" % (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), self.FileName, self.CurrentLineNumber)
+ return CurrentChar
+ ## __NextChar() method
+ #
+ # Get the one char pass the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval Char Next char
+ #
+ def __NextChar(self):
+ if self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len(self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]) - 1:
+ return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber][0]
+ else:
+ return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1]
+ ## __SetCurrentCharValue() method
+ #
+ # Modify the value of current char
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Value The new value of current char
+ #
+ def __SetCurrentCharValue(self, Value):
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine] = Value
+ ## __SetCharValue() method
+ #
+ # Modify the value of current char
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Value The new value of current char
+ #
+ def __SetCharValue(self, Line, Offset, Value):
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][Offset] = Value
+ ## __CurrentLine() method
+ #
+ # Get the list that contains current line contents
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval List current line contents
+ #
+ def __CurrentLine(self):
+ return self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1]
+ ## __InsertComma() method
+ #
+ # Insert ',' to replace PP
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @retval List current line contents
+ #
+ def __InsertComma(self, Line):
+ if self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1][0] != T_CHAR_HASH:
+ BeforeHashPart = str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1]).split(T_CHAR_HASH)[0]
+ if BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(T_CHAR_COMMA) or BeforeHashPart.rstrip().endswith(';'):
+ return
+ if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(','):
+ return
+ if Line - 2 >= 0 and str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 2]).rstrip().endswith(';'):
+ return
+ if str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(',') or str(self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line]).lstrip().startswith(';'):
+ return
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList[Line - 1].insert(self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine, ',')
+ ## PreprocessFile() method
+ #
+ # Preprocess file contents, replace comments with spaces.
+ # In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
+ # BUGBUG: No !include statement processing contained in this procedure
+ # !include statement should be expanded at the same FileLinesList[CurrentLineNumber - 1]
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def PreprocessFile(self):
+ self.Rewind()
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPExtend = False
+ CommentObj = None
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
+ InString = False
+ InCharLiteral = False
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]
+ while not self.__EndOfFile():
+ if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:
+ InString = not InString
+ if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:
+ InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral
+ # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
+ if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:
+ if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj is not None:
+ if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ PPExtend = True
+ else:
+ PPExtend = False
+ EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ CommentObj = None
+ if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
+ InComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ if InString or InCharLiteral:
+ CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())
+ if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
+ SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)
+ self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:
+ CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
+ # check for */ comment end
+ elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ CommentObj = None
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ InComment = False
+ # set comments to spaces
+ elif InComment:
+ if HashComment:
+ # // follows hash PP directive
+ if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ InComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ if PPExtend:
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ else:
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ # check for // comment
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ InComment = True
+ DoubleSlashComment = True
+ CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)
+ # check for '#' comment
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:
+ InComment = True
+ HashComment = True
+ PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)
+ # check for /* comment start
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:
+ CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ InComment = True
+ else:
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
+ CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ self.Rewind()
+ def PreprocessFileWithClear(self):
+ self.Rewind()
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPExtend = False
+ CommentObj = None
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ # HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
+ InString = False
+ InCharLiteral = False
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList = [list(s) for s in self.Profile.FileLinesListFromFile]
+ while not self.__EndOfFile():
+ if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE:
+ InString = not InString
+ if not InComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE:
+ InCharLiteral = not InCharLiteral
+ # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
+ if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_LF:
+ if HashComment and PPDirectiveObj is not None:
+ if PPDirectiveObj.Content.rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ PPExtend = True
+ else:
+ PPExtend = False
+ EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ CommentObj = None
+ if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
+ InComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ if InString or InCharLiteral:
+ CurrentLine = "".join(self.__CurrentLine())
+ if CurrentLine.rstrip(T_CHAR_LF).rstrip(T_CHAR_CR).endswith(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH):
+ SlashIndex = CurrentLine.rindex(T_CHAR_BACKSLASH)
+ self.__SetCharValue(self.CurrentLineNumber, SlashIndex, T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ if InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment:
+ CommentObj.Content += T_CHAR_LF
+ self.CurrentLineNumber += 1
+ self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
+ # check for */ comment end
+ elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_STAR and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ CommentObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ CommentObj = None
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ InComment = False
+ # set comments to spaces
+ elif InComment:
+ if HashComment:
+ # // follows hash PP directive
+ if self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ InComment = False
+ HashComment = False
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1)
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ PPDirectiveObj = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ PPDirectiveObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+# if PPExtend:
+# self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ else:
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue(T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ # check for // comment
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH:
+ InComment = True
+ DoubleSlashComment = True
+ CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_TWO_SLASH)
+ # check for '#' comment
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_HASH and not InString and not InCharLiteral:
+ InComment = True
+ HashComment = True
+ PPDirectiveObj = PP_Directive('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None)
+ # check for /* comment start
+ elif self.__CurrentChar() == T_CHAR_SLASH and self.__NextChar() == T_CHAR_STAR:
+ CommentObj = Comment('', (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine), None, T_COMMENT_SLASH_STAR)
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ CommentObj.Content += self.__CurrentChar()
+ self.__SetCurrentCharValue( T_CHAR_SPACE)
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ InComment = True
+ else:
+ self.__GetOneChar()
+ EndLinePos = (self.CurrentLineNumber, self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
+ if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
+ CommentObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.CommentList.append(CommentObj)
+ if InComment and HashComment and not PPExtend:
+ PPDirectiveObj.EndPos = EndLinePos
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList.append(PPDirectiveObj)
+ self.Rewind()
+ ## ParseFile() method
+ #
+ # Parse the file profile buffer to extract fd, fv ... information
+ # Exception will be raised if syntax error found
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def ParseFile(self):
+ self.PreprocessFile()
+ # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
+ FileStringContents = ''
+ for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:
+ FileStringContents += fileLine
+ for Token in self.TokenReleaceList:
+ if Token in FileStringContents:
+ FileStringContents = FileStringContents.replace(Token, 'TOKENSTRING')
+ cStream = antlr.InputStream(FileStringContents)
+ lexer = CLexer(cStream)
+ tStream = antlr.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
+ parser = CParser(tStream)
+ parser.translation_unit()
+ def ParseFileWithClearedPPDirective(self):
+ self.PreprocessFileWithClear()
+ # restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
+ self.Profile.FileLinesList = ["".join(list) for list in self.Profile.FileLinesList]
+ FileStringContents = ''
+ for fileLine in self.Profile.FileLinesList:
+ FileStringContents += fileLine
+ cStream = antlr.InputStream(FileStringContents)
+ lexer = CLexer(cStream)
+ tStream = antlr.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
+ parser = CParser(tStream)
+ parser.translation_unit()
+ def CleanFileProfileBuffer(self):
+ FileProfile.CommentList = []
+ FileProfile.PPDirectiveList = []
+ FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList = []
+ FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList = []
+ FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList = []
+ FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList = []
+ FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList = []
+ FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList = []
+ FileProfile.FunctionCallingList = []
+ def PrintFragments(self):
+ print('################# ' + self.FileName + '#####################')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/*************** COMMENTS ***************/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for comment in FileProfile.CommentList:
+ print(str(comment.StartPos) + comment.Content)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/********* PREPROCESS DIRECTIVES ********/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for pp in FileProfile.PPDirectiveList:
+ print(str(pp.StartPos) + pp.Content)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/********* VARIABLE DECLARATIONS ********/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for var in FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList:
+ print(str(var.StartPos) + var.Modifier + ' '+ var.Declarator)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/********* FUNCTION DEFINITIONS *********/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for func in FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList:
+ print(str(func.StartPos) + func.Modifier + ' '+ func.Declarator + ' ' + str(func.NamePos))
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/************ ENUMERATIONS **************/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for enum in FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList:
+ print(str(enum.StartPos) + enum.Content)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/*********** STRUCTS/UNIONS *************/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for su in FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList:
+ print(str(su.StartPos) + su.Content)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/********* PREDICATE EXPRESSIONS ********/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for predexp in FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList:
+ print(str(predexp.StartPos) + predexp.Content)
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ print('/************** TYPEDEFS ****************/')
+ print('/****************************************/')
+ for typedef in FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList:
+ print(str(typedef.StartPos) + typedef.ToType)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ collector = CodeFragmentCollector(sys.argv[1])
+ collector.PreprocessFile()
+ print("For Test.")
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Configuration.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Configuration.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d9feaca5 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Configuration.py @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define class Configuration
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+from Common.DataType import *
+from Common.StringUtils import *
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+_ConfigFileToInternalTranslation = {
+ # not same
+ "ModifierList":"ModifierSet",
+ # same
+ # please keep this in correct alphabetical order.
+ "AutoCorrect":"AutoCorrect",
+ "BinaryExtList":"BinaryExtList",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckAll":"CFunctionLayoutCheckAll",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration":"CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody":"CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName":"CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype":"CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable":"CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic":"CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier":"CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier",
+ "CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType":"CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType",
+ "CheckAll":"CheckAll",
+ "Copyright":"Copyright",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration",
+ "DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType":"DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType",
+ "DoxygenCheckAll":"DoxygenCheckAll",
+ "DoxygenCheckCommand":"DoxygenCheckCommand",
+ "DoxygenCheckCommentDescription":"DoxygenCheckCommentDescription",
+ "DoxygenCheckCommentFormat":"DoxygenCheckCommentFormat",
+ "DoxygenCheckFileHeader":"DoxygenCheckFileHeader",
+ "DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader":"DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader",
+ "GeneralCheckAll":"GeneralCheckAll",
+ "GeneralCheckCarriageReturn":"GeneralCheckCarriageReturn",
+ "GeneralCheckFileExistence":"GeneralCheckFileExistence",
+ "GeneralCheckIndentation":"GeneralCheckIndentation",
+ "GeneralCheckIndentationWidth":"GeneralCheckIndentationWidth",
+ "GeneralCheckLine":"GeneralCheckLine",
+ "GeneralCheckLineEnding":"GeneralCheckLineEnding",
+ "GeneralCheckLineWidth":"GeneralCheckLineWidth",
+ "GeneralCheckNoProgma":"GeneralCheckNoProgma",
+ "GeneralCheckNoTab":"GeneralCheckNoTab",
+ "GeneralCheckNo_Asm":"GeneralCheckNo_Asm",
+ "GeneralCheckNonAcsii":"GeneralCheckNonAcsii",
+ "GeneralCheckTabWidth":"GeneralCheckTabWidth",
+ "GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine":"GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine",
+ "GeneralCheckUni":"GeneralCheckUni",
+ "HeaderCheckAll":"HeaderCheckAll",
+ "HeaderCheckCFileCommentLicenseFormat":"HeaderCheckCFileCommentLicenseFormat",
+ "HeaderCheckCFileCommentReferenceFormat":"HeaderCheckCFileCommentReferenceFormat",
+ "HeaderCheckCFileCommentStartSpacesNum":"HeaderCheckCFileCommentStartSpacesNum",
+ "HeaderCheckFile":"HeaderCheckFile",
+ "HeaderCheckFileCommentEnd":"HeaderCheckFileCommentEnd",
+ "HeaderCheckFunction":"HeaderCheckFunction",
+ "IncludeFileCheckAll":"IncludeFileCheckAll",
+ "IncludeFileCheckData":"IncludeFileCheckData",
+ "IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement":"IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement",
+ "IncludeFileCheckSameName":"IncludeFileCheckSameName",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckAll":"MetaDataFileCheckAll",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf":"MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList":"MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate":"MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec":"MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance":"MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent":"MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder":"MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse":"MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat":"MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPathName":"MetaDataFileCheckPathName",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList":"MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate":"MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash":"MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse":"MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse",
+ "MetaDataFileCheckPcdType":"MetaDataFileCheckPcdType",
+ "NamingConventionCheckAll":"NamingConventionCheckAll",
+ "NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement":"NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement",
+ "NamingConventionCheckFunctionName":"NamingConventionCheckFunctionName",
+ "NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement":"NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement",
+ "NamingConventionCheckPathName":"NamingConventionCheckPathName",
+ "NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable":"NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable",
+ "NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement":"NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement",
+ "NamingConventionCheckVariableName":"NamingConventionCheckVariableName",
+ "PredicateExpressionCheckAll":"PredicateExpressionCheckAll",
+ "PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue":"PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue",
+ "PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType":"PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType",
+ "PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator":"PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator",
+ "ScanOnlyDirList":"ScanOnlyDirList",
+ "SkipDirList":"SkipDirList",
+ "SkipFileList":"SkipFileList",
+ "SmmCommParaCheckAll":"SmmCommParaCheckAll",
+ "SmmCommParaCheckBufferType":"SmmCommParaCheckBufferType",
+ "SpaceCheckAll":"SpaceCheckAll",
+ "SpellingCheckAll":"SpellingCheckAll",
+ "TokenReleaceList":"TokenReleaceList",
+ "UniCheckAll":"UniCheckAll",
+ "UniCheckHelpInfo":"UniCheckHelpInfo",
+ "UniCheckPCDInfo":"UniCheckPCDInfo",
+ "Version":"Version"
+ }
+## Configuration
+# This class is used to define all items in configuration file
+# @param Filename: The name of configuration file, the default is config.ini
+class Configuration(object):
+ def __init__(self, Filename):
+ self.Filename = Filename
+ self.Version = 0.1
+ ## Identify to if check all items
+ # 1 - Check all items and ignore all other detailed items
+ # 0 - Not check all items, the tool will go through all other detailed items to decide to check or not
+ #
+ self.CheckAll = 0
+ ## Identify to if automatically correct mistakes
+ # 1 - Automatically correct
+ # 0 - Not automatically correct
+ # Only the following check points can be automatically corrected, others not listed below are not supported even it is 1
+ #
+ # GeneralCheckTab
+ # GeneralCheckIndentation
+ # GeneralCheckLine
+ # GeneralCheckCarriageReturn
+ # SpaceCheckAll
+ #
+ self.AutoCorrect = 0
+ # List customized Modifer here, split with ','
+ # Defaultly use the definition in class DataType
+ self.ModifierSet = MODIFIER_SET
+ ## General Checking
+ self.GeneralCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether NO Tab is used, replaced with spaces
+ self.GeneralCheckNoTab = 1
+ # The width of Tab
+ self.GeneralCheckTabWidth = 2
+ # Check whether the indentation is followed coding style
+ self.GeneralCheckIndentation = 1
+ # The width of indentation
+ self.GeneralCheckIndentationWidth = 2
+ # Check whether no line is exceeding defined widty
+ self.GeneralCheckLine = 1
+ # The width of a line
+ self.GeneralCheckLineWidth = 120
+ # Check whether no use of _asm in the source file
+ self.GeneralCheckNo_Asm = 1
+ # Check whether no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)".
+ self.GeneralCheckNoProgma = 1
+ # Check whether there is a carriage return at the end of the file
+ self.GeneralCheckCarriageReturn = 1
+ # Check whether the file exists
+ self.GeneralCheckFileExistence = 1
+ # Check whether file has non ACSII char
+ self.GeneralCheckNonAcsii = 1
+ # Check whether UNI file is valid
+ self.GeneralCheckUni = 1
+ # Check Only use CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) line endings.
+ self.GeneralCheckLineEnding = 1
+ # Check if there is no trailing white space in one line.
+ self.GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine = 1
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoDeprecated = 1
+ ## Space Checking
+ self.SpaceCheckAll = 1
+ ## Predicate Expression Checking
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue = 1
+ # Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator = 1
+ # Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
+ self.PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType = 1
+ ## Headers Checking
+ self.HeaderCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether File header exists
+ self.HeaderCheckFile = 1
+ # Check whether Function header exists
+ self.HeaderCheckFunction = 1
+ # Check whether Meta data File header Comment End with '##'
+ self.HeaderCheckFileCommentEnd = 1
+ # Check whether C File header Comment content start with two spaces
+ self.HeaderCheckCFileCommentStartSpacesNum = 1
+ # Check whether C File header Comment's each reference at list should begin with a bullet character '-'
+ self.HeaderCheckCFileCommentReferenceFormat = 1
+ # Check whether C File header Comment have the License immediately after the ""Copyright"" line
+ self.HeaderCheckCFileCommentLicenseFormat = 1
+ ## C Function Layout Checking
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether return type exists and in the first line
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType = 1
+ # Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier = 1
+ # Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
+ # Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName = 1
+ # Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype = 1
+ # Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody = 1
+ # Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
+ # Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable = 1
+ # Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
+ self.CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
+ ## Include Files Checking
+ self.IncludeFileCheckAll = 0
+ #Check whether having include files with same name
+ self.IncludeFileCheckSameName = 1
+ # Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
+ # the #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment
+ # the #endif must appear on the last line in the file
+ self.IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement = 1
+ # Check whether include files contain only public or only private data
+ # Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
+ self.IncludeFileCheckData = 1
+ ## Declarations and Data Types Checking
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType = 1
+ # Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier = 1
+ # Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier = 1
+ # Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType = 1
+ # Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration = 1
+ # Check whether having same Structure
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure = 1
+ # Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+ self.DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType = 1
+ ## Naming Conventions Checking
+ self.NamingConventionCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
+ self.NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement = 1
+ # Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
+ self.NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement = 1
+ # Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
+ self.NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement = 1
+ # Rule for path name, variable name and function name
+ # 1. First character should be upper case
+ # 2. Existing lower case in a word
+ # 3. No space existence
+ # Check whether the path name followed the rule
+ self.NamingConventionCheckPathName = 1
+ # Check whether the variable name followed the rule
+ self.NamingConventionCheckVariableName = 1
+ # Check whether the function name followed the rule
+ self.NamingConventionCheckFunctionName = 1
+ # Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
+ self.NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable = 1
+ ## Doxygen Checking
+ self.DoxygenCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+ self.DoxygenCheckFileHeader = 1
+ # Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+ self.DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader = 1
+ # Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
+ # The brief description must end with a period.
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommentDescription = 1
+ # Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommentFormat = 1
+ # Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
+ self.DoxygenCheckCommand = 1
+ ## Meta-Data File Processing Checking
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckAll = 0
+ # Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPathName = 1
+ # Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList = 1
+ # The path of log file
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList = 'File.log'
+ # Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
+ # Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file,
+ # and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance = 1
+ # Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent = 1
+ # Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder = 1
+ # Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse = 1
+ # Check the header file in Include\Library directory whether be defined in the package DEC file.
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec = 1
+ # Check whether an INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, then the INF file must be for a Binary module only
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf = 1
+ # Not to report error and warning related OS include file such as "windows.h" and "stdio.h"
+ # Check whether a PCD is set in a DSC file or the FDF file, but not in both.
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate = 1
+ # Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash = 1
+ # Check whether PCDs used in INF files but not specified in DSC or FDF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse = 1
+ # Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate = 1
+ # Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse = 1
+ # Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckPcdType = 1
+ # Check whether there are FILE_GUID duplication among different INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication = 1
+ # Check Guid Format in INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidFormat = 1
+ # Check Protocol Format in INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileProtocolFormat = 1
+ # Check Ppi Format in INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePpiFormat = 1
+ # Check Pcd Format in INF files
+ self.MetaDataFileCheckModuleFilePcdFormat = 1
+ # Check UNI file
+ self.UniCheckAll = 0
+ # Check INF or DEC file whether defined the localized information in the associated UNI file.
+ self.UniCheckHelpInfo = 1
+ # Check PCD whether defined the prompt, help in the DEC file and localized information in the associated UNI file.
+ self.UniCheckPCDInfo = 1
+ # Check SMM communication function parameter
+ self.SmmCommParaCheckAll = 0
+ # Check if the EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL parameter buffer type is Reserved / ACPI NVS or UEFI RT code/data
+ self.SmmCommParaCheckBufferType = -1
+ #
+ # The check points in this section are reserved
+ #
+ # GotoStatementCheckAll = 0
+ #
+ self.SpellingCheckAll = 0
+ # The directory listed here will not be parsed, split with ','
+ self.SkipDirList = []
+ # The file listed here will not be parsed, split with ','
+ self.SkipFileList = []
+ # A list for binary file ext name
+ self.BinaryExtList = []
+ # A list for only scanned folders
+ self.ScanOnlyDirList = []
+ # A list for Copyright format
+ self.Copyright = []
+ self.TokenReleaceList = []
+ self.ParseConfig()
+ def ParseConfig(self):
+ Filepath = os.path.normpath(self.Filename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(Filepath):
+ ErrorMsg = "Can't find configuration file '%s'" % Filepath
+ EdkLogger.error("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File = Filepath)
+ LineNo = 0
+ for Line in open(Filepath, 'r'):
+ LineNo = LineNo + 1
+ Line = CleanString(Line)
+ if Line != '':
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Line, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] not in _ConfigFileToInternalTranslation:
+ ErrorMsg = "Invalid configuration option '%s' was found" % List[0]
+ EdkLogger.error("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File = Filepath, Line = LineNo)
+ assert _ConfigFileToInternalTranslation[List[0]] in self.__dict__
+ if List[0] == 'ModifierList':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] == 'MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList' and List[1] == "":
+ continue
+ if List[0] == 'SkipDirList':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] == 'SkipFileList':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] == 'BinaryExtList':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] == 'Copyright':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ if List[0] == 'TokenReleaceList':
+ List[1] = GetSplitValueList(List[1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT)
+ self.__dict__[_ConfigFileToInternalTranslation[List[0]]] = List[1]
+ def ShowMe(self):
+ print(self.Filename)
+ for Key in self.__dict__.keys():
+ print(Key, '=', self.__dict__[Key])
+# test that our dict and out class still match in contents.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ myconfig = Configuration("BaseTools\Source\Python\Ecc\config.ini")
+ for each in myconfig.__dict__:
+ if each == "Filename":
+ continue
+ assert each in _ConfigFileToInternalTranslation.values()
+ for each in _ConfigFileToInternalTranslation.values():
+ assert each in myconfig.__dict__
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Database.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Database.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5b70c520 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Database.py @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to create a database used by ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sqlite3
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os, time
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+import CommonDataClass.DataClass as DataClass
+from Table.TableDataModel import TableDataModel
+from Table.TableFile import TableFile
+from Table.TableFunction import TableFunction
+from Table.TablePcd import TablePcd
+from Table.TableIdentifier import TableIdentifier
+from Table.TableReport import TableReport
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import ModuleTable
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import PackageTable
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import PlatformTable
+from Table.TableFdf import TableFdf
+# Static definitions
+## Database
+# This class defined the ECC database
+# During the phase of initialization, the database will create all tables and
+# insert all records of table DataModel
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+# @param DbPath: A string for the path of the ECC database
+# @var Conn: Connection of the ECC database
+# @var Cur: Cursor of the connection
+# @var TblDataModel: Local instance for TableDataModel
+class Database(object):
+ def __init__(self, DbPath):
+ self.DbPath = DbPath
+ self.Conn = None
+ self.Cur = None
+ self.TblDataModel = None
+ self.TblFile = None
+ self.TblFunction = None
+ self.TblIdentifier = None
+ self.TblPcd = None
+ self.TblReport = None
+ self.TblInf = None
+ self.TblDec = None
+ self.TblDsc = None
+ self.TblFdf = None
+ ## Initialize ECC database
+ #
+ # 1. Delete all old existing tables
+ # 2. Create new tables
+ # 3. Initialize table DataModel
+ #
+ def InitDatabase(self, NewDatabase = True):
+ EdkLogger.verbose("\nInitialize ECC database started ...")
+ #
+ # Drop all old existing tables
+ #
+ if NewDatabase:
+ if os.path.exists(self.DbPath):
+ os.remove(self.DbPath)
+ self.Conn = sqlite3.connect(self.DbPath, isolation_level = 'DEFERRED')
+ self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA page_size=4096")
+ self.Conn.execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF")
+ # to avoid non-ascii character conversion error
+ self.Conn.text_factory = str
+ self.Cur = self.Conn.cursor()
+ self.TblDataModel = TableDataModel(self.Cur)
+ self.TblFile = TableFile(self.Cur)
+ self.TblFunction = TableFunction(self.Cur)
+ self.TblIdentifier = TableIdentifier(self.Cur)
+ self.TblPcd = TablePcd(self.Cur)
+ self.TblReport = TableReport(self.Cur)
+ self.TblInf = ModuleTable(self.Cur)
+ self.TblDec = PackageTable(self.Cur)
+ self.TblDsc = PlatformTable(self.Cur)
+ self.TblFdf = TableFdf(self.Cur)
+ #
+ # Create new tables
+ #
+ if NewDatabase:
+ self.TblDataModel.Create()
+ self.TblFile.Create()
+ self.TblFunction.Create()
+ self.TblPcd.Create()
+ self.TblReport.Create()
+ self.TblInf.Create()
+ self.TblDec.Create()
+ self.TblDsc.Create()
+ self.TblFdf.Create()
+ #
+ # Init each table's ID
+ #
+ self.TblDataModel.InitID()
+ self.TblFile.InitID()
+ self.TblFunction.InitID()
+ self.TblPcd.InitID()
+ self.TblReport.InitID()
+ self.TblInf.InitID()
+ self.TblDec.InitID()
+ self.TblDsc.InitID()
+ self.TblFdf.InitID()
+ #
+ # Initialize table DataModel
+ #
+ if NewDatabase:
+ self.TblDataModel.InitTable()
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Initialize ECC database ... DONE!")
+ ## Query a table
+ #
+ # @param Table: The instance of the table to be queried
+ #
+ def QueryTable(self, Table):
+ Table.Query()
+ ## Close entire database
+ #
+ # Commit all first
+ # Close the connection and cursor
+ #
+ def Close(self):
+ #
+ # Commit to file
+ #
+ self.Conn.commit()
+ #
+ # Close connection and cursor
+ #
+ self.Cur.close()
+ self.Conn.close()
+ ## Insert one file information
+ #
+ # Insert one file's information to the database
+ # 1. Create a record in TableFile
+ # 2. Create functions one by one
+ # 2.1 Create variables of function one by one
+ # 2.2 Create pcds of function one by one
+ # 3. Create variables one by one
+ # 4. Create pcds one by one
+ #
+ def InsertOneFile(self, File):
+ #
+ # Insert a record for file
+ #
+ FileID = self.TblFile.Insert(File.Name, File.ExtName, File.Path, File.FullPath, Model = File.Model, TimeStamp = File.TimeStamp)
+ if File.Model == DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C or File.Model == DataClass.MODEL_FILE_H:
+ IdTable = TableIdentifier(self.Cur)
+ IdTable.Table = "Identifier%s" % FileID
+ IdTable.Create()
+ #
+ # Insert function of file
+ #
+ for Function in File.FunctionList:
+ FunctionID = self.TblFunction.Insert(Function.Header, Function.Modifier, Function.Name, Function.ReturnStatement, \
+ Function.StartLine, Function.StartColumn, Function.EndLine, Function.EndColumn, \
+ Function.BodyStartLine, Function.BodyStartColumn, FileID, \
+ Function.FunNameStartLine, Function.FunNameStartColumn)
+ #
+ # Insert Identifier of function
+ #
+ for Identifier in Function.IdentifierList:
+ IdentifierID = IdTable.Insert(Identifier.Modifier, Identifier.Type, Identifier.Name, Identifier.Value, Identifier.Model, \
+ FileID, FunctionID, Identifier.StartLine, Identifier.StartColumn, Identifier.EndLine, Identifier.EndColumn)
+ #
+ # Insert Pcd of function
+ #
+ for Pcd in Function.PcdList:
+ PcdID = self.TblPcd.Insert(Pcd.CName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Token, Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.Model, \
+ FileID, FunctionID, Pcd.StartLine, Pcd.StartColumn, Pcd.EndLine, Pcd.EndColumn)
+ #
+ # Insert Identifier of file
+ #
+ for Identifier in File.IdentifierList:
+ IdentifierID = IdTable.Insert(Identifier.Modifier, Identifier.Type, Identifier.Name, Identifier.Value, Identifier.Model, \
+ FileID, -1, Identifier.StartLine, Identifier.StartColumn, Identifier.EndLine, Identifier.EndColumn)
+ #
+ # Insert Pcd of file
+ #
+ for Pcd in File.PcdList:
+ PcdID = self.TblPcd.Insert(Pcd.CName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Pcd.Token, Pcd.DatumType, Pcd.Model, \
+ FileID, -1, Pcd.StartLine, Pcd.StartColumn, Pcd.EndLine, Pcd.EndColumn)
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Insert information from file %s ... DONE!" % File.FullPath)
+ ## UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction
+ #
+ # Update the field "BelongsToFunction" for each Identifier
+ #
+ #
+ def UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction_disabled(self):
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers started ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine, Model from Identifier"""
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ Records = self.Cur.fetchall()
+ for Record in Records:
+ IdentifierID = Record[0]
+ BelongsToFile = Record[1]
+ StartLine = Record[2]
+ EndLine = Record[3]
+ Model = Record[4]
+ #
+ # Check whether an identifier belongs to a function
+ #
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "For common identifiers ... ")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID from Function
+ where StartLine < %s and EndLine > %s
+ and BelongsToFile = %s""" % (StartLine, EndLine, BelongsToFile)
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ IDs = self.Cur.fetchall()
+ for ID in IDs:
+ SqlCommand = """Update Identifier set BelongsToFunction = %s where ID = %s""" % (ID[0], IdentifierID)
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ #
+ # Check whether the identifier is a function header
+ #
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "For function headers ... ")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID from Function
+ where StartLine = %s + 1
+ and BelongsToFile = %s""" % (EndLine, BelongsToFile)
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ IDs = self.Cur.fetchall()
+ for ID in IDs:
+ SqlCommand = """Update Identifier set BelongsToFunction = %s, Model = %s where ID = %s""" % (ID[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, IdentifierID)
+ EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers ... DONE")
+ ## UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction
+ #
+ # Update the field "BelongsToFunction" for each Identifier
+ #
+ #
+ def UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction(self):
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers started ...")
+ SqlCommand = """select ID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine from Function"""
+ Records = self.TblFunction.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ Data1 = []
+ Data2 = []
+ for Record in Records:
+ FunctionID = Record[0]
+ BelongsToFile = Record[1]
+ StartLine = Record[2]
+ EndLine = Record[3]
+ #Data1.append(("'file%s'" % BelongsToFile, FunctionID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine))
+ #Data2.append(("'file%s'" % BelongsToFile, FunctionID, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, BelongsToFile, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, StartLine - 1))
+ SqlCommand = """Update Identifier%s set BelongsToFunction = %s where BelongsToFile = %s and StartLine > %s and EndLine < %s""" % \
+ (BelongsToFile, FunctionID, BelongsToFile, StartLine, EndLine)
+ self.TblIdentifier.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ SqlCommand = """Update Identifier%s set BelongsToFunction = %s, Model = %s where BelongsToFile = %s and Model = %s and EndLine = %s""" % \
+ (BelongsToFile, FunctionID, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_HEADER, BelongsToFile, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, StartLine - 1)
+ self.TblIdentifier.Exec(SqlCommand)
+# #
+# # Check whether an identifier belongs to a function
+# #
+# print Data1
+# SqlCommand = """Update ? set BelongsToFunction = ? where BelongsToFile = ? and StartLine > ? and EndLine < ?"""
+# print SqlCommand
+# EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+# self.Cur.executemany(SqlCommand, Data1)
+# #
+# # Check whether the identifier is a function header
+# #
+# EdkLogger.debug(4, "For function headers ... ")
+# SqlCommand = """Update ? set BelongsToFunction = ?, Model = ? where BelongsToFile = ? and Model = ? and EndLine = ?"""
+# EdkLogger.debug(4, "SqlCommand: %s" %SqlCommand)
+# self.Cur.executemany(SqlCommand, Data2)
+# EdkLogger.verbose("Update 'BelongsToFunction' for Identifiers ... DONE")
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ EdkLogger.Initialize()
+ #EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.DEBUG_0)
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Start at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
+ Db = Database(DATABASE_PATH)
+ Db.InitDatabase()
+ Db.QueryTable(Db.TblDataModel)
+ identifier1 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', "i''1", 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 32, 43, 54, 43)
+ identifier2 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', 'i1', 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 15, 43, 20, 43)
+ identifier3 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', 'i1', 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 55, 43, 58, 43)
+ identifier4 = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', "i1'", 'aaa', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, 1, -1, 77, 43, 88, 43)
+ fun1 = DataClass.FunctionClass(-1, '', '', 'fun1', '', 21, 2, 60, 45, 1, 23, 0, [], [])
+ file = DataClass.FileClass(-1, 'F1', 'c', 'C:\\', 'C:\\F1.exe', DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C, '2007-12-28', [fun1], [identifier1, identifier2, identifier3, identifier4], [])
+ Db.InsertOneFile(file)
+ Db.UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction()
+ Db.QueryTable(Db.TblFile)
+ Db.QueryTable(Db.TblFunction)
+ Db.QueryTable(Db.TblPcd)
+ Db.QueryTable(Db.TblIdentifier)
+ Db.Close()
+ EdkLogger.verbose("End at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccGlobalData.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccGlobalData.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89036dba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccGlobalData.py @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to save global datas used by ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+gWorkspace = ''
+gTarget = ''
+gConfig = None
+gDb = None
+gIdentifierTableList = []
+gCFileList = []
+gHFileList = []
+gUFileList = []
+gException = None
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccMain.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccMain.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72edbea3b --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccMain.py @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to be the main entrance of ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os, time, glob, sys
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+from Ecc import Database
+from Ecc import EccGlobalData
+from Ecc.MetaDataParser import *
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from Ecc.Configuration import Configuration
+from Ecc.Check import Check
+import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
+from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
+from Common.BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
+from Common import BuildToolError
+from Common.Misc import PathClass
+from Common.Misc import DirCache
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import DscParser
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import DecParser
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import InfParser
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileParser import Fdf
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import MetaFileStorage
+from Ecc import c
+import re, string
+from Ecc.Exception import *
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+## Ecc
+# This class is used to define Ecc main entrance
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+class Ecc(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Version and Copyright
+ self.VersionNumber = ("1.0" + " Build " + gBUILD_VERSION)
+ self.Version = "%prog Version " + self.VersionNumber
+ self.Copyright = "Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation All rights reserved."
+ self.InitDefaultConfigIni()
+ self.OutputFile = 'output.txt'
+ self.ReportFile = 'Report.csv'
+ self.ExceptionFile = 'exception.xml'
+ self.IsInit = True
+ self.ScanSourceCode = True
+ self.ScanMetaData = True
+ self.MetaFile = ''
+ self.OnlyScan = None
+ # Parse the options and args
+ self.ParseOption()
+ EdkLogger.info(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y ", time.localtime()) + "[00:00]" + "\n")
+ WorkspaceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
+ os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
+ # set multiple workspace
+ PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
+ GlobalData.gWorkspace = WorkspaceDir
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
+ EdkLogger.info("Loading ECC configuration ... done")
+ # Generate checkpoints list
+ EccGlobalData.gConfig = Configuration(self.ConfigFile)
+ # Generate exception list
+ EccGlobalData.gException = ExceptionCheck(self.ExceptionFile)
+ # Init Ecc database
+ EccGlobalData.gDb = Database.Database(Database.DATABASE_PATH)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.InitDatabase(self.IsInit)
+ #
+ # Get files real name in workspace dir
+ #
+ GlobalData.gAllFiles = DirCache(GlobalData.gWorkspace)
+ # Build ECC database
+# self.BuildDatabase()
+ self.DetectOnlyScanDirs()
+ # Start to check
+ self.Check()
+ # Show report
+ self.GenReport()
+ # Close Database
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.Close()
+ def InitDefaultConfigIni(self):
+ paths = map(lambda p: os.path.join(p, 'Ecc', 'config.ini'), sys.path)
+ paths = (os.path.realpath('config.ini'),) + tuple(paths)
+ for path in paths:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ self.ConfigFile = path
+ return
+ self.ConfigFile = 'config.ini'
+ ## DetectOnlyScan
+ #
+ # Detect whether only scanned folders have been enabled
+ #
+ def DetectOnlyScanDirs(self):
+ if self.OnlyScan == True:
+ OnlyScanDirs = []
+ # Use regex here if multiple spaces or TAB exists in ScanOnlyDirList in config.ini file
+ for folder in re.finditer(r'\S+', EccGlobalData.gConfig.ScanOnlyDirList):
+ OnlyScanDirs.append(folder.group())
+ if len(OnlyScanDirs) != 0:
+ self.BuildDatabase(OnlyScanDirs)
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Use -f option need to fill specific folders in config.ini file")
+ else:
+ self.BuildDatabase()
+ ## BuildDatabase
+ #
+ # Build the database for target
+ #
+ def BuildDatabase(self, SpeciDirs = None):
+ # Clean report table
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Drop()
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Create()
+ # Build database
+ if self.IsInit:
+ if self.ScanMetaData:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for Meta Data File ...")
+ self.BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(SpeciDirs)
+ if self.ScanSourceCode:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for Meta Data File Done!")
+ if SpeciDirs is None:
+ c.CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(EccGlobalData.gTarget)
+ else:
+ for specificDir in SpeciDirs:
+ c.CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gTarget, specificDir))
+ EccGlobalData.gIdentifierTableList = GetTableList((MODEL_FILE_C, MODEL_FILE_H), 'Identifier', EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ EccGlobalData.gCFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_C, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ EccGlobalData.gHFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_H, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ EccGlobalData.gUFileList = GetFileList(MODEL_FILE_UNI, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ ## BuildMetaDataFileDatabase
+ #
+ # Build the database for meta data files
+ #
+ def BuildMetaDataFileDatabase(self, SpecificDirs = None):
+ ScanFolders = []
+ if SpecificDirs is None:
+ ScanFolders.append(EccGlobalData.gTarget)
+ else:
+ for specificDir in SpecificDirs:
+ ScanFolders.append(os.path.join(EccGlobalData.gTarget, specificDir))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files ...")
+ Op = open(EccGlobalData.gConfig.MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList, 'w+')
+ #SkipDirs = Read from config file
+ SkipDirs = EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList
+ SkipDirString = '|'.join(SkipDirs)
+# p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)
+ p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s^\S)[\\/]?.*' % SkipDirString)
+ for scanFolder in ScanFolders:
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(scanFolder):
+ if p.match(Root.upper()):
+ continue
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ Dirname = os.path.join(Root, Dir)
+ if os.path.islink(Dirname):
+ Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
+ if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
+ # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ Dirs.append(Dirname)
+ for File in Files:
+ if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DEC":
+ Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
+ Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
+ #Dec(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ self.MetaFile = DecParser(Filename, MODEL_FILE_DEC, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDec)
+ self.MetaFile.Start()
+ continue
+ if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".DSC":
+ Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
+ Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
+ #Dsc(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ self.MetaFile = DscParser(PathClass(Filename, Root), MODEL_FILE_DSC, MetaFileStorage(EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Cur, Filename, MODEL_FILE_DSC, True))
+ # always do post-process, in case of macros change
+ self.MetaFile.DoPostProcess()
+ self.MetaFile.Start()
+ self.MetaFile._PostProcess()
+ continue
+ if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".INF":
+ Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
+ Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
+ #Inf(Filename, True, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ self.MetaFile = InfParser(Filename, MODEL_FILE_INF, EccGlobalData.gDb.TblInf)
+ self.MetaFile.Start()
+ continue
+ if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".FDF":
+ Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
+ Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
+ Fdf(Filename, True, EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, EccGlobalData.gDb)
+ continue
+ if len(File) > 4 and File[-4:].upper() == ".UNI":
+ Filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Parsing %s" % Filename)
+ Op.write("%s\r" % Filename)
+ FileID = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_UNI)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.UpdateBelongsToItemByFile(FileID, File)
+ continue
+ Op.close()
+ # Commit to database
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.Conn.commit()
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building database for meta data files done!")
+ ##
+ #
+ # Check each checkpoint
+ #
+ def Check(self):
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking ...")
+ EccCheck = Check()
+ EccCheck.Check()
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Checking done!")
+ ##
+ #
+ # Generate the scan report
+ #
+ def GenReport(self):
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report ...")
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.ToCSV(self.ReportFile)
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Generating report done!")
+ def GetRealPathCase(self, path):
+ TmpPath = path.rstrip(os.sep)
+ PathParts = TmpPath.split(os.sep)
+ if len(PathParts) == 0:
+ return path
+ if len(PathParts) == 1:
+ if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
+ return PathParts[0].upper()
+ # Relative dir, list . current dir
+ Dirs = os.listdir('.')
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.upper() == PathParts[0].upper():
+ return Dir
+ if PathParts[0].strip().endswith(':'):
+ PathParts[0] = PathParts[0].upper()
+ ParentDir = PathParts[0]
+ RealPath = ParentDir
+ if PathParts[0] == '':
+ RealPath = os.sep
+ ParentDir = os.sep
+ PathParts.remove(PathParts[0]) # need to remove the parent
+ for Part in PathParts:
+ Dirs = os.listdir(ParentDir + os.sep)
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.upper() == Part.upper():
+ RealPath += os.sep
+ RealPath += Dir
+ break
+ ParentDir += os.sep
+ ParentDir += Dir
+ return RealPath
+ ## ParseOption
+ #
+ # Parse options
+ #
+ def ParseOption(self):
+ (Options, Target) = self.EccOptionParser()
+ if Options.Workspace:
+ os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = Options.Workspace
+ # Check workspace environment
+ if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
+ ExtraData="WORKSPACE")
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gWorkspace = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
+ if not os.path.exists(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace):
+ EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="WORKSPACE = %s" % EccGlobalData.gWorkspace)
+ os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = EccGlobalData.gWorkspace
+ # Set log level
+ self.SetLogLevel(Options)
+ # Set other options
+ if Options.ConfigFile is not None:
+ self.ConfigFile = Options.ConfigFile
+ if Options.OutputFile is not None:
+ self.OutputFile = Options.OutputFile
+ if Options.ReportFile is not None:
+ self.ReportFile = Options.ReportFile
+ if Options.ExceptionFile is not None:
+ self.ExceptionFile = Options.ExceptionFile
+ if Options.Target is not None:
+ if not os.path.isdir(Options.Target):
+ EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Target [%s] does NOT exist" % Options.Target)
+ else:
+ EccGlobalData.gTarget = self.GetRealPathCase(os.path.normpath(Options.Target))
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.warn("Ecc", EdkLogger.ECC_ERROR, "The target source tree was not specified, using current WORKSPACE instead!")
+ EccGlobalData.gTarget = os.path.normpath(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"))
+ if Options.keepdatabase is not None:
+ self.IsInit = False
+ if Options.metadata is not None and Options.sourcecode is not None:
+ EdkLogger.error("ECC", BuildToolError.OPTION_CONFLICT, ExtraData="-m and -s can't be specified at one time")
+ if Options.metadata is not None:
+ self.ScanSourceCode = False
+ if Options.sourcecode is not None:
+ self.ScanMetaData = False
+ if Options.folders is not None:
+ self.OnlyScan = True
+ ## SetLogLevel
+ #
+ # Set current log level of the tool based on args
+ #
+ # @param Option: The option list including log level setting
+ #
+ def SetLogLevel(self, Option):
+ if Option.verbose is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
+ elif Option.quiet is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
+ elif Option.debug is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.INFO)
+ ## Parse command line options
+ #
+ # Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.
+ #
+ # @retval Opt A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
+ # @retval Args Target of build command
+ #
+ def EccOptionParser(self):
+ Parser = OptionParser(description = self.Copyright, version = self.Version, prog = "Ecc.exe", usage = "%prog [options]")
+ Parser.add_option("-t", "--target sourcepath", action="store", type="string", dest='Target',
+ help="Check all files under the target workspace.")
+ Parser.add_option("-c", "--config filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ConfigFile",
+ help="Specify a configuration file. Defaultly use config.ini under ECC tool directory.")
+ Parser.add_option("-o", "--outfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="OutputFile",
+ help="Specify the name of an output file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-r", "--reportfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ReportFile",
+ help="Specify the name of an report file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-e", "--exceptionfile filename", action="store", type="string", dest="ExceptionFile",
+ help="Specify the name of an exception file, if and only if one filename was specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-m", "--metadata", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan meta-data files information if this option is specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-s", "--sourcecode", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scan source code files information if this option is specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-k", "--keepdatabase", action="store_true", type=None, help="The existing Ecc database will not be cleaned except report information if this option is specified.")
+ Parser.add_option("-l", "--log filename", action="store", dest="LogFile", help="""If specified, the tool should emit the changes that
+ were made by the tool after printing the result message.
+ If filename, the emit to the file, otherwise emit to
+ standard output. If no modifications were made, then do not
+ create a log file, or output a log message.""")
+ Parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", type=None, help="Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.")
+ Parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", type=None, help="Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed, "\
+ "including library instances selected, final dependency expression, "\
+ "and warning messages, etc.")
+ Parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store", type="int", help="Enable debug messages at specified level.")
+ Parser.add_option("-w", "--workspace", action="store", type="string", dest='Workspace', help="Specify workspace.")
+ Parser.add_option("-f", "--folders", action="store_true", type=None, help="Only scanning specified folders which are recorded in config.ini file.")
+ (Opt, Args)=Parser.parse_args()
+ return (Opt, Args)
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Initialize log system
+ EdkLogger.Initialize()
+ EdkLogger.IsRaiseError = False
+ StartTime = time.perf_counter()
+ Ecc = Ecc()
+ FinishTime = time.perf_counter()
+ BuildDuration = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime))))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("\n%s [%s]" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()), BuildDuration))
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccToolError.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccToolError.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ff3b4267 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/EccToolError.py @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +## @file
+# Standardized Error Handling infrastructures.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+gEccErrorMessage = {
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_TAB : "'TAB' character is not allowed in source code, please replace each 'TAB' with two spaces.",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_INDENTATION : "Indentation does not follow coding style",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_LINE : "The width of each line does not follow coding style",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_ASM : "There should be no use of _asm in the source file",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NO_PROGMA : """There should be no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)\"""",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_CARRIAGE_RETURN : "There should be a carriage return at the end of the file",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_NON_ACSII : "File has invalid Non-ACSII char",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_UNI : "File is not a valid UTF-16 UNI file",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_UNI_HELP_INFO : "UNI file that is associated by INF or DEC file need define the prompt and help information.",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_INVALID_LINE_ENDING : "Only CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) is allowed to line ending.",
+ ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_TRAILING_WHITE_SPACE_LINE : "There should be no trailing white space in one line.",
+ ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE : "Boolean values and variable type BOOLEAN should not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE",
+ ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR : "Non-Boolean comparisons should use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=)",
+ ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE : "A comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type",
+ ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE : "File header doesn't exist",
+ ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION : "Function header doesn't exist",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE : "Return type of a function should exist and in the first line",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_OPTIONAL_FUNCTIONAL_MODIFIER : "Any optional functional modifiers should exist and next to the return type",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME : """Function name should be left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list, with the closing parenthesis on its own line, indented two spaces""",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE : "Function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2 : "Function prototypes in include files have different parameter number with function definitions",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3 : "Function prototypes in include files have different parameter modifier with function definitions",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY : "The body of a function should be contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_DATA_DECLARATION : "The data declarations should be the first code in a module",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_INIT_OF_VARIABLE : "There should be no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration",
+ ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_STATIC : "There should be no use of STATIC for functions",
+ ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_1 : "All include file contents should be guarded by a #ifndef statement.",
+ ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_2 : "The #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment",
+ ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT_3 : "The #endif must appear on the last line in the file",
+ ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA : "Include files should contain only public or only private data and cannot contain code or define data variables",
+ ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_NAME : "No permission for the include file with same names",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE : "There should be no use of int, unsigned, char, void, long in any .c, .h or .asl files",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER : """The modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED should be used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration""",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_EFI_API_MODIFIER : "The EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_ENUMERATED_TYPE : "Enumerated Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_STRUCTURE_DECLARATION : "Structure Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_SAME_STRUCTURE : "No permission for the structure with same names",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_UNION_TYPE : "Union Type should have a 'typedef' and the name must be in capital letters",
+ ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE : "Complex types should be typedef-ed",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_DEFINE_STATEMENT : "Only capital letters are allowed to be used for #define declarations",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_TYPEDEF_STATEMENT : "Only capital letters are allowed to be used for typedef declarations",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_IFNDEF_STATEMENT : "The #ifndef at the start of an include file should use both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_PATH_NAME : """Path name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters""",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME : """Variable name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters 4. Global variable name must start with a 'g'""",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME : """Function name does not follow the rules: 1. First character should be upper case 2. Must contain lower case characters 3. No white space characters""",
+ ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_SINGLE_CHARACTER_VARIABLE : "There should be no use of short (single character) variable names",
+ ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER : "The file headers should follow Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5",
+ ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER : "The function headers should follow Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5",
+ ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION : """The first line of text in a comment block should be a brief description of the element being documented and the brief description must end with a period.""",
+ ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_FORMAT : "For comment line with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section",
+ ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND : "Only Doxygen commands '@bug', '@todo', '@example', '@file', '@attention', '@param', '@post', '@pre', '@retval', '@return', '@sa', '@since', '@test', '@note', '@par', '@endcode', '@code', '@{', '@}' are allowed to mark the code",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PATH_NAME : "The file defined in meta-data does not exist",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_1 : "A library instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) doesn't match the module's type.",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_2 : "A library instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_DEPENDENT : "A library instance must be defined for all dependent library classes",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_INSTANCE_ORDER : "The library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections should be listed in order of dependencies",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NO_USE : "There should be no unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_BINARY_INF_IN_FDF : "An INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, therefore the INF file must be for a Binary module only",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_FLASH : "PCD settings in the FDF file should only be related to flash",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_NO_USE : "There should be no PCDs declared in INF files that are not specified in in either a DSC or FDF file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_NO_USE : "No used module files found",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_PCD_TYPE : "Wrong C code function used for this kind of PCD",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_MODULE_FILE_GUID_DUPLICATION : "Module file has FILE_GUID collision with other module file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_GUID : "Wrong GUID Format used in Module file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PROTOCOL : "Wrong Protocol Format used in Module file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PPI : "Wrong Ppi Format used in Module file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_FORMAT_PCD : "Wrong Pcd Format used in Module file",
+ ERROR_META_DATA_FILE_CHECK_LIBRARY_NOT_DEFINED : "Not defined LibraryClass used in the Module file.",
+ ERROR_SMM_COMM_PARA_CHECK_BUFFER_TYPE : "SMM communication function may use wrong parameter type",
+ }
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Exception.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Exception.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9251b8d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Exception.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to parse exception items found by ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from Ecc.Xml.XmlRoutines import *
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+# ExceptionXml to parse Exception Node of XML file
+class ExceptionXml(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.KeyWord = ''
+ self.ErrorID = ''
+ self.FilePath = ''
+ def FromXml(self, Item, Key):
+ self.KeyWord = XmlElement(Item, '%s/KeyWord' % Key)
+ self.ErrorID = XmlElement(Item, '%s/ErrorID' % Key)
+ self.FilePath = os.path.normpath(XmlElement(Item, '%s/FilePath' % Key))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'ErrorID = %s KeyWord = %s FilePath = %s' %(self.ErrorID, self.KeyWord, self.FilePath)
+# ExceptionListXml to parse Exception Node List of XML file
+class ExceptionListXml(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.List = []
+ def FromXmlFile(self, FilePath):
+ XmlContent = XmlParseFile(FilePath)
+ for Item in XmlList(XmlContent, '/ExceptionList/Exception'):
+ Exp = ExceptionXml()
+ Exp.FromXml(Item, 'Exception')
+ self.List.append(Exp)
+ def ToList(self):
+ RtnList = []
+ for Item in self.List:
+ #RtnList.append((Item.ErrorID, Item.KeyWord, Item.FilePath))
+ RtnList.append((Item.ErrorID, Item.KeyWord))
+ return RtnList
+ def __str__(self):
+ RtnStr = ''
+ if self.List:
+ for Item in self.List:
+ RtnStr = RtnStr + str(Item) + '\n'
+ return RtnStr
+# A class to check exception
+class ExceptionCheck(object):
+ def __init__(self, FilePath = None):
+ self.ExceptionList = []
+ self.ExceptionListXml = ExceptionListXml()
+ self.LoadExceptionListXml(FilePath)
+ def LoadExceptionListXml(self, FilePath):
+ if FilePath and os.path.isfile(FilePath):
+ self.ExceptionListXml.FromXmlFile(FilePath)
+ self.ExceptionList = self.ExceptionListXml.ToList()
+ def IsException(self, ErrorID, KeyWord, FileID=-1):
+ if (str(ErrorID), KeyWord.replace('\r\n', '\n')) in self.ExceptionList:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ El = ExceptionCheck('C:\\Hess\\Project\\BuildTool\\src\\Ecc\\exception.xml')
+ print(El.ExceptionList)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/FileProfile.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/FileProfile.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eedf263b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/FileProfile.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +## @file
+# fragments of source file
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+from Ecc.ParserWarning import Warning
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+CommentList = []
+PPDirectiveList = []
+PredicateExpressionList = []
+FunctionDefinitionList = []
+VariableDeclarationList = []
+EnumerationDefinitionList = []
+StructUnionDefinitionList = []
+TypedefDefinitionList = []
+FunctionCallingList = []
+## record file data when parsing source
+# May raise Exception when opening file.
+class FileProfile :
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param FileName The file that to be parsed
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FileName):
+ self.FileLinesList = []
+ self.FileLinesListFromFile = []
+ try:
+ fsock = open(FileName, "r")
+ try:
+ self.FileLinesListFromFile = fsock.readlines()
+ finally:
+ fsock.close()
+ except IOError:
+ raise Warning("Error when opening file %s" % FileName)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaDataParser.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaDataParser.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0fd9b6c4e --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaDataParser.py @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define common parser functions for meta-data
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
+from Ecc.EccToolError import *
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+from Ecc import EccGlobalData
+import re
+## Get the include path list for a source file
+# 1. Find the source file belongs to which inf file
+# 2. Find the inf's package
+# 3. Return the include path list of the package
+def GetIncludeListOfFile(WorkSpace, Filepath, Db):
+ IncludeList = []
+ Filepath = os.path.normpath(Filepath)
+ SqlCommand = """
+ select Value1, FullPath from Inf, File where Inf.Model = %s and Inf.BelongsToFile in(
+ select distinct B.BelongsToFile from File as A left join Inf as B
+ where A.ID = B.BelongsToFile and B.Model = %s and (A.Path || '%s' || B.Value1) = '%s')
+ and Inf.BelongsToFile = File.ID""" \
+ RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ DecFullPath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(WorkSpace, Record[0]))
+ InfFullPath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(WorkSpace, Record[1]))
+ (DecPath, DecName) = os.path.split(DecFullPath)
+ (InfPath, InfName) = os.path.split(InfFullPath)
+ SqlCommand = """select Value1 from Dec where BelongsToFile =
+ (select ID from File where FullPath = '%s') and Model = %s""" \
+ % (DecFullPath, MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE)
+ NewRecordSet = Db.TblDec.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ if InfPath not in IncludeList:
+ IncludeList.append(InfPath)
+ for NewRecord in NewRecordSet:
+ IncludePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(DecPath, NewRecord[0]))
+ if IncludePath not in IncludeList:
+ IncludeList.append(IncludePath)
+ return IncludeList
+## Get the file list
+# Search table file and find all specific type files
+def GetFileList(FileModel, Db):
+ FileList = []
+ SqlCommand = """select FullPath from File where Model = %s""" % str(FileModel)
+ RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ FileList.append(Record[0])
+ return FileList
+## Get the table list
+# Search table file and find all small tables
+def GetTableList(FileModelList, Table, Db):
+ TableList = []
+ SqlCommand = """select ID from File where Model in %s""" % str(FileModelList)
+ RecordSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlCommand)
+ for Record in RecordSet:
+ TableName = Table + str(Record[0])
+ TableList.append(TableName)
+ return TableList
+## ParseHeaderCommentSection
+# Parse Header comment section lines, extract Abstract, Description, Copyright
+# , License lines
+# @param CommentList: List of (Comment, LineNumber)
+# @param FileName: FileName of the comment
+def ParseHeaderCommentSection(CommentList, FileName = None):
+ Abstract = ''
+ Description = ''
+ Copyright = ''
+ License = ''
+ EndOfLine = "\n"
+ #
+ # used to indicate the state of processing header comment section of dec,
+ # inf files
+ #
+ #
+ # first find the last copyright line
+ #
+ Last = 0
+ for Index in range(len(CommentList) - 1, 0, -1):
+ Line = CommentList[Index][0]
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Line):
+ Last = Index
+ break
+ for Item in CommentList:
+ Line = Item[0]
+ LineNo = Item[1]
+ if not Line.startswith('#') and Line:
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FileName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'Comment must start with #'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ Comment = CleanString2(Line)[1]
+ Comment = Comment.strip()
+ #
+ # if there are blank lines between License or Description, keep them as they would be
+ # indication of different block; or in the position that Abstract should be, also keep it
+ # as it indicates that no abstract
+ #
+ if not Comment and HeaderCommentStage not in [HEADER_COMMENT_LICENSE, \
+ continue
+ if HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_NOT_STARTED:
+ if Comment.startswith(STR_HEADER_COMMENT_START):
+ else:
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ if HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_ABSTRACT:
+ #
+ # in case there is no abstract and description
+ #
+ if not Comment:
+ Abstract = ''
+ elif _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ Abstract += Comment + EndOfLine
+ elif HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION:
+ #
+ # in case there is no description
+ #
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ Description += Comment + EndOfLine
+ elif HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT:
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ #
+ # Contents after copyright line are license, those non-copyright lines in between
+ # copyright line will be discarded
+ #
+ if LineNo > Last:
+ if License:
+ License += EndOfLine
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ if not Comment and not License:
+ continue
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ if not Copyright.strip():
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FileName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'Header comment section must have copyright information'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ if not License.strip():
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FileName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'Header comment section must have license information'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ if not Abstract.strip() or Abstract.find('Component description file') > -1:
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID from File where FullPath like '%s'""" % FileName
+ ResultSet = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Msg = 'Header comment section must have Abstract information.'
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, Msg, "File", Result[0])
+ return Abstract.strip(), Description.strip(), Copyright.strip(), License.strip()
+## _IsCopyrightLine
+# check whether current line is copyright line, the criteria is whether there is case insensitive keyword "Copyright"
+# followed by zero or more white space characters followed by a "(" character
+# @param LineContent: the line need to be checked
+# @return: True if current line is copyright line, False else
+def _IsCopyrightLine (LineContent):
+ LineContent = LineContent.upper()
+ Result = False
+ ReIsCopyrightRe = re.compile(r"""(^|\s)COPYRIGHT *\(""", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsCopyrightRe.search(LineContent):
+ Result = True
+ return Result
+## CleanString2
+# Split comments in a string
+# Remove spaces
+# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
+# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+def CleanString2(Line, CommentCharacter='#', AllowCppStyleComment=False):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Replace EDK1's comment character
+ #
+ if AllowCppStyleComment:
+ Line = Line.replace('//', CommentCharacter)
+ #
+ # separate comments and statements
+ #
+ LineParts = Line.split(CommentCharacter, 1)
+ #
+ # remove whitespace again
+ #
+ Line = LineParts[0].strip()
+ if len(LineParts) > 1:
+ Comment = LineParts[1].strip()
+ #
+ # Remove prefixed and trailing comment characters
+ #
+ Start = 0
+ End = len(Comment)
+ while Start < End and Comment.startswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
+ Start += 1
+ while End >= 0 and Comment.endswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
+ End -= 1
+ Comment = Comment[Start:End]
+ Comment = Comment.strip()
+ else:
+ Comment = ''
+ return Line, Comment
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaDataTable.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaDataTable.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d7f6eb10 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaDataTable.py @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to create/update/query/erase table for files
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+from CommonDataClass import DataClass
+from CommonDataClass.DataClass import FileClass
+## Convert to SQL required string format
+def ConvertToSqlString(StringList):
+ return map(lambda s: "'" + s.replace("'", "''") + "'", StringList)
+## TableFile
+# This class defined a common table
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+# @param Cursor: Cursor of the database
+# @param TableName: Name of the table
+class Table(object):
+ _COLUMN_ = ''
+ _ID_STEP_ = 1
+ _ID_MAX_ = 0x80000000
+ _DUMMY_ = 0
+ def __init__(self, Cursor, Name='', IdBase=0, Temporary=False):
+ self.Cur = Cursor
+ self.Table = Name
+ self.IdBase = int(IdBase)
+ self.ID = int(IdBase)
+ self.Temporary = Temporary
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.Table
+ ## Create table
+ #
+ # Create a table
+ #
+ def Create(self, NewTable=True):
+ if NewTable:
+ self.Drop()
+ if self.Temporary:
+ SqlCommand = """create temp table IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)""" % (self.Table, self._COLUMN_)
+ else:
+ SqlCommand = """create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (%s)""" % (self.Table, self._COLUMN_)
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ self.ID = self.GetId()
+ ## Insert table
+ #
+ # Insert a record into a table
+ #
+ def Insert(self, *Args):
+ self.ID = self.ID + self._ID_STEP_
+ if self.ID >= (self.IdBase + self._ID_MAX_):
+ self.ID = self.IdBase + self._ID_STEP_
+ Values = ", ".join(str(Arg) for Arg in Args)
+ SqlCommand = "insert into %s values(%s, %s)" % (self.Table, self.ID, Values)
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ return self.ID
+ ## Query table
+ #
+ # Query all records of the table
+ #
+ def Query(self):
+ SqlCommand = """select * from %s""" % self.Table
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for Rs in self.Cur:
+ EdkLogger.verbose(str(Rs))
+ TotalCount = self.GetId()
+ ## Drop a table
+ #
+ # Drop the table
+ #
+ def Drop(self):
+ SqlCommand = """drop table IF EXISTS %s""" % self.Table
+ try:
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("An error occurred when Drop a table:", e.args[0])
+ ## Get count
+ #
+ # Get a count of all records of the table
+ #
+ # @retval Count: Total count of all records
+ #
+ def GetCount(self):
+ SqlCommand = """select count(ID) from %s""" % self.Table
+ Record = self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand).fetchall()
+ return Record[0][0]
+ def GetId(self):
+ SqlCommand = """select max(ID) from %s""" % self.Table
+ Record = self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand).fetchall()
+ Id = Record[0][0]
+ if Id is None:
+ Id = self.IdBase
+ return Id
+ ## Init the ID of the table
+ #
+ # Init the ID of the table
+ #
+ def InitID(self):
+ self.ID = self.GetId()
+ ## Exec
+ #
+ # Exec Sql Command, return result
+ #
+ # @param SqlCommand: The SqlCommand to be executed
+ #
+ # @retval RecordSet: The result after executed
+ #
+ def Exec(self, SqlCommand):
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, SqlCommand)
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ RecordSet = self.Cur.fetchall()
+ return RecordSet
+ def SetEndFlag(self):
+ pass
+ def IsIntegral(self):
+ Result = self.Exec("select min(ID) from %s" % (self.Table))
+ if Result[0][0] != -1:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def GetAll(self):
+ return self.Exec("select * from %s where ID > 0 order by ID" % (self.Table))
+## TableDataModel
+# This class defined a table used for data model
+# @param object: Inherited from object class
+class TableDataModel(Table):
+ _COLUMN_ = """
+ Description VARCHAR
+ """
+ def __init__(self, Cursor):
+ Table.__init__(self, Cursor, 'DataModel')
+ ## Insert table
+ #
+ # Insert a record into table DataModel
+ #
+ # @param ID: ID of a ModelType
+ # @param CrossIndex: CrossIndex of a ModelType
+ # @param Name: Name of a ModelType
+ # @param Description: Description of a ModelType
+ #
+ def Insert(self, CrossIndex, Name, Description):
+ (Name, Description) = ConvertToSqlString((Name, Description))
+ return Table.Insert(self, CrossIndex, Name, Description)
+ ## Init table
+ #
+ # Create all default records of table DataModel
+ #
+ def InitTable(self):
+ EdkLogger.verbose("\nInitialize table DataModel started ...")
+ Count = self.GetCount()
+ if Count is not None and Count != 0:
+ return
+ for Item in DataClass.MODEL_LIST:
+ CrossIndex = Item[1]
+ Name = Item[0]
+ Description = Item[0]
+ self.Insert(CrossIndex, Name, Description)
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Initialize table DataModel ... DONE!")
+ ## Get CrossIndex
+ #
+ # Get a model's cross index from its name
+ #
+ # @param ModelName: Name of the model
+ # @retval CrossIndex: CrossIndex of the model
+ #
+ def GetCrossIndex(self, ModelName):
+ CrossIndex = -1
+ SqlCommand = """select CrossIndex from DataModel where name = '""" + ModelName + """'"""
+ self.Cur.execute(SqlCommand)
+ for Item in self.Cur:
+ CrossIndex = Item[0]
+ return CrossIndex
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileParser.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileParser.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c27c8e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileParser.py @@ -0,0 +1,2089 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to parse meta files
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import re
+import time
+import copy
+from hashlib import md5
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
+import Ecc.EccGlobalData as EccGlobalData
+import Ecc.EccToolError as EccToolError
+from CommonDataClass.DataClass import *
+from Common.DataType import *
+from Common.StringUtils import *
+from Common.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString, CheckPcdDatum, PathClass, AnalyzePcdData
+from Common.Expression import *
+from CommonDataClass.Exceptions import *
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaFileTable import MetaFileStorage
+from GenFds.FdfParser import FdfParser
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import CodecOpenLongFilePath
+## A decorator used to parse macro definition
+def ParseMacro(Parser):
+ def MacroParser(self):
+ Match = GlobalData.gMacroDefPattern.match(self._CurrentLine)
+ if not Match:
+ # Not 'DEFINE/EDK_GLOBAL' statement, call decorated method
+ Parser(self)
+ return
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[Match.end(1):], TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ # Syntax check
+ if not TokenList[0]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No macro name given",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if len(TokenList) < 2:
+ TokenList.append('')
+ Type = Match.group(1)
+ Name, Value = TokenList
+ # Global macros can be only defined via environment variable
+ if Name in GlobalData.gGlobalDefines:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "%s can only be defined via environment variable" % Name,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # Only upper case letters, digit and '_' are allowed
+ if not GlobalData.gMacroNamePattern.match(Name):
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "The macro name must be in the pattern [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros)
+ # DEFINE defined macros
+ if isinstance(self, DecParser):
+ if MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER in self._SectionType:
+ self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ else:
+ for Scope in self._Scope:
+ self._SectionsMacroDict.setdefault((Scope[2], Scope[0], Scope[1]), {})[Name] = Value
+ elif self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER:
+ self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ else:
+ SectionDictKey = self._SectionType, self._Scope[0][0], self._Scope[0][1]
+ if SectionDictKey not in self._SectionsMacroDict:
+ self._SectionsMacroDict[SectionDictKey] = {}
+ SectionLocalMacros = self._SectionsMacroDict[SectionDictKey]
+ SectionLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ # EDK_GLOBAL defined macros
+ elif not isinstance(self, DscParser):
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL can only be used in .dsc file",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ elif self._SectionType != MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL can only be used under [Defines] section",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ elif (Name in self._FileLocalMacros) and (self._FileLocalMacros[Name] != Value):
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "EDK_GLOBAL defined a macro with the same name and different value as one defined by 'DEFINE'",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList = [Type, Name, Value]
+ return MacroParser
+## Base class of parser
+# This class is used for derivation purpose. The specific parser for one kind
+# type file must derive this class and implement some public interfaces.
+# @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+# @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+# @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+# @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+# @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing)
+# @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive)
+class MetaFileParser(object):
+ # data type (file content) for specific file type
+ DataType = {}
+ # Parser objects used to implement singleton
+ MetaFiles = {}
+ ## Factory method
+ #
+ # One file, one parser object. This factory method makes sure that there's
+ # only one object constructed for one meta file.
+ #
+ # @param Class class object of real AutoGen class
+ # (InfParser, DecParser or DscParser)
+ # @param FilePath The path of meta file
+ # @param *args The specific class related parameters
+ # @param **kwargs The specific class related dict parameters
+ #
+ def __new__(Class, FilePath, *args, **kwargs):
+ if FilePath in Class.MetaFiles:
+ return Class.MetaFiles[FilePath]
+ else:
+ ParserObject = super(MetaFileParser, Class).__new__(Class)
+ Class.MetaFiles[FilePath] = ParserObject
+ return ParserObject
+ ## Constructor of MetaFileParser
+ #
+ # Initialize object of MetaFileParser
+ #
+ # @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+ # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+ # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+ # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+ # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing)
+ # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive)
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Owner=-1, From=-1):
+ self._Table = Table
+ self._RawTable = Table
+ self._FileType = FileType
+ self.MetaFile = FilePath
+ self._Defines = {}
+ self._FileLocalMacros = {}
+ self._SectionsMacroDict = {}
+ # for recursive parsing
+ self._Owner = [Owner]
+ self._From = From
+ # parsr status for parsing
+ self._ValueList = ['', '', '', '', '']
+ self._Scope = []
+ self._LineIndex = 0
+ self._CurrentLine = ''
+ self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ self._SectionName = ''
+ self._InSubsection = False
+ self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ self._SubsectionName = ''
+ self._ItemType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ self._LastItem = -1
+ self._Enabled = 0
+ self._Finished = False
+ self._PostProcessed = False
+ # Different version of meta-file has different way to parse.
+ self._Version = 0
+ # UNI object and extra UNI object
+ self._UniObj = None
+ self._UniExtraObj = None
+ ## Store the parsed data in table
+ def _Store(self, *Args):
+ return self._Table.Insert(*Args)
+ ## Virtual method for starting parse
+ def Start(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ ## Notify a post-process is needed
+ def DoPostProcess(self):
+ self._PostProcessed = False
+ ## Set parsing complete flag in both class and table
+ def _Done(self):
+ self._Finished = True
+ ## Do not set end flag when processing included files
+ if self._From == -1:
+ self._Table.SetEndFlag()
+ def _PostProcess(self):
+ self._PostProcessed = True
+ ## Get the parse complete flag
+ def _GetFinished(self):
+ return self._Finished
+ ## Set the complete flag
+ def _SetFinished(self, Value):
+ self._Finished = Value
+ ## Use [] style to query data in table, just for readability
+ #
+ # DataInfo = [data_type, scope1(arch), scope2(platform/moduletype)]
+ #
+ def __getitem__(self, DataInfo):
+ if not isinstance(DataInfo, type(())):
+ DataInfo = (DataInfo,)
+ # Parse the file first, if necessary
+ if not self._Finished:
+ if self._RawTable.IsIntegrity():
+ self._Finished = True
+ else:
+ self._Table = self._RawTable
+ self._PostProcessed = False
+ self.Start()
+ # No specific ARCH or Platform given, use raw data
+ if self._RawTable and (len(DataInfo) == 1 or DataInfo[1] is None):
+ return self._RawTable.Query(*DataInfo)
+ # Do post-process if necessary
+ if not self._PostProcessed:
+ self._PostProcess()
+ return self._Table.Query(*DataInfo)
+ ## Data parser for the common format in different type of file
+ #
+ # The common format in the meatfile is like
+ #
+ # xxx1 | xxx2 | xxx3
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _CommonParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ ## Data parser for the format in which there's path
+ #
+ # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use.
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _PathParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ # Don't do macro replacement for dsc file at this point
+ if not isinstance(self, DscParser):
+ Macros = self._Macros
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros) for Value in self._ValueList]
+ ## Skip unsupported data
+ def _Skip(self):
+ if self._SectionName == TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() and self._CurrentLine.upper().endswith('.UNI'):
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.UniCheckHelpInfo == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.UniCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ ExtraUni = self._CurrentLine.strip()
+ ExtraUniFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.MetaFile), ExtraUni)
+ IsModuleUni = self.MetaFile.upper().endswith('.INF')
+ self._UniExtraObj = UniParser(ExtraUniFile, IsExtraUni=True, IsModuleUni=IsModuleUni)
+ self._UniExtraObj.Start()
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized content", File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex + 1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine);
+ self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine]
+ ## Section header parser
+ #
+ # The section header is always in following format:
+ #
+ # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>]
+ #
+ def _SectionHeaderParser(self):
+ self._Scope = []
+ self._SectionName = ''
+ ArchList = set()
+ for Item in GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[1:-1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT):
+ if Item == '':
+ continue
+ ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT)
+ # different section should not mix in one section
+ if self._SectionName != '' and self._SectionName != ItemList[0].upper():
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Different section names in the same section",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper()
+ if self._SectionName in self.DataType:
+ self._SectionType = self.DataType[self._SectionName]
+ else:
+ self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized section", File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ # S1 is always Arch
+ if len(ItemList) > 1:
+ S1 = ItemList[1].upper()
+ else:
+ S1 = 'COMMON'
+ ArchList.add(S1)
+ # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType
+ if len(ItemList) > 2:
+ S2 = ItemList[2].upper()
+ else:
+ S2 = 'COMMON'
+ self._Scope.append([S1, S2])
+ # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section
+ if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ # If the section information is needed later, it should be stored in database
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._SectionName
+ ## [defines] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _DefineParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ self._ValueList[1:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ if not self._ValueList[1]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if not self._ValueList[2]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros) for Value in self._ValueList]
+ Name, Value = self._ValueList[1], self._ValueList[2]
+ # Sometimes, we need to make differences between EDK and EDK2 modules
+ if Name == 'INF_VERSION':
+ try:
+ self._Version = int(Value, 0)
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid version number",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ elif Name == 'MODULE_UNI_FILE':
+ UniFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.MetaFile), Value)
+ if os.path.exists(UniFile):
+ self._UniObj = UniParser(UniFile, IsExtraUni=False, IsModuleUni=True)
+ self._UniObj.Start()
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Module UNI file %s is missing." % Value,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1,
+ RaiseError=False)
+ elif Name == 'PACKAGE_UNI_FILE':
+ UniFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.MetaFile), Value)
+ if os.path.exists(UniFile):
+ self._UniObj = UniParser(UniFile, IsExtraUni=False, IsModuleUni=False)
+ if isinstance(self, InfParser) and self._Version < 0x00010005:
+ # EDK module allows using defines as macros
+ self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ self._Defines[Name] = Value
+ ## [BuildOptions] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _BuildOptionParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ TokenList2 = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], ':', 1)
+ if len(TokenList2) == 2:
+ self._ValueList[0] = TokenList2[0] # toolchain family
+ self._ValueList[1] = TokenList2[1] # keys
+ else:
+ self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[0]
+ if len(TokenList) == 2 and not isinstance(self, DscParser): # value
+ self._ValueList[2] = ReplaceMacro(TokenList[1], self._Macros)
+ if self._ValueList[1].count('_') != 4:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'Parser',
+ "'%s' must be in format of <TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>_<ARCH>_<TOOL>_FLAGS" % self._ValueList[1],
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine,
+ File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1
+ )
+ def _GetMacros(self):
+ Macros = {}
+ Macros.update(self._FileLocalMacros)
+ Macros.update(self._GetApplicableSectionMacro())
+ return Macros
+ ## Get section Macros that are applicable to current line, which may come from other sections
+ ## that share the same name while scope is wider
+ def _GetApplicableSectionMacro(self):
+ Macros = {}
+ for Scope1, Scope2 in [("COMMON", "COMMON"), ("COMMON", self._Scope[0][1]),
+ (self._Scope[0][0], "COMMON"), (self._Scope[0][0], self._Scope[0][1])]:
+ if (self._SectionType, Scope1, Scope2) in self._SectionsMacroDict:
+ Macros.update(self._SectionsMacroDict[(self._SectionType, Scope1, Scope2)])
+ return Macros
+ _SectionParser = {}
+ Finished = property(_GetFinished, _SetFinished)
+ _Macros = property(_GetMacros)
+## INF file parser class
+# @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+# @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+# @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+# @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+class InfParser(MetaFileParser):
+ # INF file supported data types (one type per section)
+ DataType = {
+ }
+ ## Constructor of InfParser
+ #
+ # Initialize object of InfParser
+ #
+ # @param FilePath The path of module description file
+ # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+ # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+ # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table):
+ # prevent re-initialization
+ if hasattr(self, "_Table"):
+ return
+ MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table)
+ self.TblFile = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
+ self.FileID = -1
+ ## Parser starter
+ def Start(self):
+ NmakeLine = ''
+ Content = ''
+ Usage = ''
+ try:
+ Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile)
+ #
+ # Insert a record for file
+ #
+ Filename = NormPath(self.MetaFile)
+ FileID = self.TblFile.GetFileId(Filename)
+ if FileID:
+ self.FileID = FileID
+ else:
+ self.FileID = self.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_INF)
+ # parse the file line by line
+ IsFindBlockComment = False
+ for Index in range(0, len(Content)):
+ if self._SectionType in [MODEL_EFI_GUID,
+ Line = Content[Index].strip()
+ if Line.startswith(TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):
+ Usage += ' ' + Line[Line.find(TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT):]
+ continue
+ elif Line.startswith(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):
+ continue
+ elif Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) > 0:
+ Usage += ' ' + Line[Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT):]
+ Line = Line[:Line.find(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)]
+ else:
+ # skip empty, commented, block commented lines
+ Line = CleanString(Content[Index], AllowCppStyleComment=True)
+ Usage = ''
+ NextLine = ''
+ if Index + 1 < len(Content):
+ NextLine = CleanString(Content[Index + 1])
+ if Line == '':
+ continue
+ if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK_START) > -1:
+ IsFindBlockComment = True
+ continue
+ if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK_END) > -1:
+ IsFindBlockComment = False
+ continue
+ if IsFindBlockComment:
+ continue
+ self._LineIndex = Index
+ self._CurrentLine = Line
+ # section header
+ if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END:
+ self._SectionHeaderParser()
+ # Check invalid sections
+ if self._Version < 0x00010005:
+ if self._SectionType in [MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION,
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID,
+ "Section [%s] is not allowed in inf file without version" % (self._SectionName),
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ elif self._SectionType in [MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE,
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID,
+ "Section [%s] is not allowed in inf file with version 0x%08x" % (self._SectionName, self._Version),
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ continue
+ # merge two lines specified by '\' in section NMAKE
+ elif self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE:
+ if Line[-1] == '\\':
+ if NextLine == '':
+ self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1]
+ NmakeLine = ''
+ else:
+ if NextLine[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and NextLine[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END:
+ self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line[0:-1]
+ NmakeLine = ''
+ else:
+ NmakeLine = NmakeLine + ' ' + Line[0:-1]
+ continue
+ else:
+ self._CurrentLine = NmakeLine + Line
+ NmakeLine = ''
+ # section content
+ self._ValueList = ['', '', '']
+ # parse current line, result will be put in self._ValueList
+ self._SectionParser[self._SectionType](self)
+ if self._ValueList is None or self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE:
+ self._ItemType = -1
+ continue
+ #
+ # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, Platform, BelongsToItem=-1,
+ # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1
+ #
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._ValueList[0].replace('/', '\\')
+ Usage = Usage.strip()
+ for Arch, Platform in self._Scope:
+ self._Store(self._SectionType,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ self._ValueList[2],
+ Arch,
+ Platform,
+ self._Owner[-1],
+ self.FileID,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ 0,
+ Usage
+ )
+ Usage = ''
+ if IsFindBlockComment:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Open block comments (starting with /*) are expected to end with */",
+ File=self.MetaFile)
+ self._Done()
+ ## Data parser for the format in which there's path
+ #
+ # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use.
+ #
+ def _IncludeParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ Macros = self._Macros
+ if Macros:
+ for Index in range(0, len(self._ValueList)):
+ Value = self._ValueList[Index]
+ if not Value:
+ continue
+ self._ValueList[Index] = ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros)
+ ## Parse [Sources] section
+ #
+ # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use.
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _SourceFileParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ Macros = self._Macros
+ # For Acpi tables, remove macro like ' TABLE_NAME=Sata1'
+ if 'COMPONENT_TYPE' in Macros:
+ if self._Defines['COMPONENT_TYPE'].upper() == 'ACPITABLE':
+ self._ValueList[0] = GetSplitValueList(self._ValueList[0], ' ', 1)[0]
+ if self._Defines['BASE_NAME'] == 'Microcode':
+ pass
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, Macros) for Value in self._ValueList]
+ ## Parse [Binaries] section
+ #
+ # Only path can have macro used. So we need to replace them before use.
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _BinaryFileParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 2)
+ if len(TokenList) < 2:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type or path specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if not TokenList[0]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file type specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if not TokenList[1]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No file path specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<FileType> | <FilePath> [| <Target>])",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros)
+ ## [nmake] section parser (Edk.x style only)
+ def _NmakeParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ # remove macros
+ self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros)
+ # remove self-reference in macro setting
+ #self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], {self._ValueList[0]:''})
+ ## [FixedPcd], [FeaturePcd], [PatchPcd], [Pcd] and [PcdEx] sections parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _PcdParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ ValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT)
+ if len(ValueList) != 2:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Illegal token space GUID and PCD name format",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0:1] = ValueList
+ if len(TokenList) > 1:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1]
+ if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # if value are 'True', 'true', 'TRUE' or 'False', 'false', 'FALSE', replace with integer 1 or 0.
+ if self._ValueList[2] != '':
+ InfPcdValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ if InfPcdValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(InfPcdValueList[0], '1', 1);
+ elif InfPcdValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(InfPcdValueList[0], '0', 1);
+ ## [depex] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _DepexParser(self):
+ self._ValueList[0:1] = [self._CurrentLine]
+ _SectionParser = {
+ MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : MetaFileParser._DefineParser,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : MetaFileParser._BuildOptionParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : _IncludeParser, # for Edk.x modules
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : MetaFileParser._CommonParser, # for Edk.x modules
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE : MetaFileParser._PathParser,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE : _NmakeParser, # for Edk.x modules
+ MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE : _SourceFileParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_GUID : MetaFileParser._CommonParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL : MetaFileParser._CommonParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_PPI : MetaFileParser._CommonParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_DEPEX : _DepexParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE : _BinaryFileParser,
+ }
+## DSC file parser class
+# @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+# @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+# @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+# @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+# @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing)
+# @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive)
+class DscParser(MetaFileParser):
+ # DSC file supported data types (one type per section)
+ DataType = {
+ }
+ # Valid names in define section
+ DefineKeywords = [
+ ]
+ SubSectionDefineKeywords = [
+ ]
+ SymbolPattern = ValueExpression.SymbolPattern
+ ## Constructor of DscParser
+ #
+ # Initialize object of DscParser
+ #
+ # @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+ # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+ # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+ # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+ # @param Owner Owner ID (for sub-section parsing)
+ # @param From ID from which the data comes (for !INCLUDE directive)
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Owner=-1, From=-1):
+ # prevent re-initialization
+ if hasattr(self, "_Table"):
+ return
+ MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table, Owner, From)
+ self._Version = 0x00010005 # Only EDK2 dsc file is supported
+ # to store conditional directive evaluation result
+ self._DirectiveStack = []
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack = []
+ self._Enabled = 1
+ # Final valid replacable symbols
+ self._Symbols = {}
+ #
+ # Map the ID between the original table and new table to track
+ # the owner item
+ #
+ self._IdMapping = {-1:-1}
+ self.TblFile = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
+ self.FileID = -1
+ ## Parser starter
+ def Start(self):
+ Content = ''
+ try:
+ Content = open(str(self.MetaFile.Path), 'r').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile)
+ #
+ # Insert a record for file
+ #
+ Filename = NormPath(self.MetaFile.Path)
+ FileID = self.TblFile.GetFileId(Filename)
+ if FileID:
+ self.FileID = FileID
+ else:
+ self.FileID = self.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_DSC)
+ for Index in range(0, len(Content)):
+ Line = CleanString(Content[Index])
+ # skip empty line
+ if Line == '':
+ continue
+ self._CurrentLine = Line
+ self._LineIndex = Index
+ if self._InSubsection and self._Owner[-1] == -1:
+ self._Owner.append(self._LastItem)
+ # section header
+ if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END:
+ # subsection ending
+ elif Line[0] == '}' and self._InSubsection:
+ self._InSubsection = False
+ self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ self._SubsectionName = ''
+ self._Owner[-1] = -1
+ continue
+ # subsection header
+ elif Line[0] == TAB_OPTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_OPTION_END:
+ # directive line
+ elif Line[0] == '!':
+ self._DirectiveParser()
+ continue
+ if self._InSubsection:
+ SectionType = self._SubsectionType
+ else:
+ SectionType = self._SectionType
+ self._ItemType = SectionType
+ self._ValueList = ['', '', '']
+ self._SectionParser[SectionType](self)
+ if self._ValueList is None:
+ continue
+ #
+ # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, ModuleType, BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile=-1,
+ # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1
+ #
+ for Arch, ModuleType in self._Scope:
+ self._LastItem = self._Store(
+ self._ItemType,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ self._ValueList[2],
+ Arch,
+ ModuleType,
+ self._Owner[-1],
+ self.FileID,
+ self._From,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._Enabled
+ )
+ if self._DirectiveStack:
+ Type, Line, Text = self._DirectiveStack[-1]
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No matching '!endif' found",
+ ExtraData=Text, File=self.MetaFile, Line=Line)
+ self._Done()
+ ## <subsection_header> parser
+ def _SubsectionHeaderParser(self):
+ self._SubsectionName = self._CurrentLine[1:-1].upper()
+ if self._SubsectionName in self.DataType:
+ self._SubsectionType = self.DataType[self._SubsectionName]
+ else:
+ self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized sub-section", File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._SubsectionName
+ ## Directive statement parser
+ def _DirectiveParser(self):
+ self._ValueList = ['', '', '']
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, ' ', 1)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ # Syntax check
+ DirectiveName = self._ValueList[0].upper()
+ if DirectiveName not in self.DataType:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Unknown directive [%s]" % DirectiveName,
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if DirectiveName in ['!IF', '!IFDEF', '!INCLUDE', '!IFNDEF', '!ELSEIF'] and self._ValueList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing expression",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ ItemType = self.DataType[DirectiveName]
+ # Remove all directives between !if and !endif, including themselves
+ while self._DirectiveStack:
+ # Remove any !else or !elseif
+ DirectiveInfo = self._DirectiveStack.pop()
+ break
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "Redundant '!endif'",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ # Break if there's a !else is followed by a !elseif
+ self._DirectiveStack and \
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, "'!elseif' after '!else'",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ self._DirectiveStack.append((ItemType, self._LineIndex+1, self._CurrentLine))
+ elif self._From > 0:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID,
+ "No '!include' allowed in included file",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ #
+ # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, ModuleType, BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile=-1,
+ # LineBegin=-1, ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, Enabled=-1
+ #
+ self._LastItem = self._Store(
+ ItemType,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ self._ValueList[2],
+ self._Owner[-1],
+ self.FileID,
+ self._From,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ )
+ ## [defines] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _DefineParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ self._ValueList[1:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ # Syntax check
+ if not self._ValueList[1]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if not self._ValueList[2]:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No value specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if (not self._ValueList[1] in self.DefineKeywords and
+ (self._InSubsection and self._ValueList[1] not in self.SubSectionDefineKeywords)):
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID,
+ "Unknown keyword found: %s. "
+ "If this is a macro you must "
+ "add it as a DEFINE in the DSC" % self._ValueList[1],
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._Defines[self._ValueList[1]] = self._ValueList[2]
+ self._ItemType = self.DataType[TAB_DSC_DEFINES.upper()]
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _SkuIdParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenList) != 2:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Correct format is '<Integer>|<UiName>'",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine, File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ ## Parse Edk style of library modules
+ def _LibraryInstanceParser(self):
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine
+ ## PCD sections parser
+ #
+ # [PcdsFixedAtBuild]
+ # [PcdsPatchableInModule]
+ # [PcdsFeatureFlag]
+ # [PcdsDynamicEx
+ # [PcdsDynamicExDefault]
+ # [PcdsDynamicExVpd]
+ # [PcdsDynamicExHii]
+ # [PcdsDynamic]
+ # [PcdsDynamicDefault]
+ # [PcdsDynamicVpd]
+ # [PcdsDynamicHii]
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _PcdParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenList) == 2:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1]
+ if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<PcdValue>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if self._ValueList[2] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD value given",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<PcdValue>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # if value are 'True', 'true', 'TRUE' or 'False', 'false', 'FALSE', replace with integer 1 or 0.
+ DscPcdValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1], TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ if DscPcdValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(DscPcdValueList[0], '1', 1);
+ elif DscPcdValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']:
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1].replace(DscPcdValueList[0], '0', 1);
+ ## [components] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _ComponentParser(self):
+ if self._CurrentLine[-1] == '{':
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine[0:-1].strip()
+ self._InSubsection = True
+ else:
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentLine
+ ## [LibraryClasses] section
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _LibraryClassParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenList) < 2:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class or instance specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if TokenList[0] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library class specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if TokenList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No library instance specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<LibraryClassName>|<LibraryInstancePath>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0:len(TokenList)] = TokenList
+ ## [BuildOptions] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _BuildOptionParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ TokenList2 = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], ':', 1)
+ if len(TokenList2) == 2:
+ self._ValueList[0] = TokenList2[0] # toolchain family
+ self._ValueList[1] = TokenList2[1] # keys
+ else:
+ self._ValueList[1] = TokenList[0]
+ if len(TokenList) == 2: # value
+ self._ValueList[2] = TokenList[1]
+ if self._ValueList[1].count('_') != 4:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'Parser',
+ "'%s' must be in format of <TARGET>_<TOOLCHAIN>_<ARCH>_<TOOL>_FLAGS" % self._ValueList[1],
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine,
+ File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1
+ )
+ ## Override parent's method since we'll do all macro replacements in parser
+ def _GetMacros(self):
+ Macros = dict( [('ARCH', 'IA32'), ('FAMILY', TAB_COMPILER_MSFT), ('TOOL_CHAIN_TAG', 'VS2008x86'), ('TARGET', 'DEBUG')])
+ Macros.update(self._FileLocalMacros)
+ Macros.update(self._GetApplicableSectionMacro())
+ Macros.update(GlobalData.gEdkGlobal)
+ Macros.update(GlobalData.gPlatformDefines)
+ Macros.update(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
+ # PCD cannot be referenced in macro definition
+ Macros.update(self._Symbols)
+ return Macros
+ def _PostProcess(self):
+ Processer = {
+ MODEL_META_DATA_SECTION_HEADER : self.__ProcessSectionHeader,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_SUBSECTION_HEADER : self.__ProcessSubsectionHeader,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : self.__ProcessDefine,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE : self.__ProcessDefine,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE : self.__ProcessDefine,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE : self.__ProcessDirective,
+ MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID : self.__ProcessSkuId,
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : self.__ProcessLibraryInstance,
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : self.__ProcessLibraryClass,
+ MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_HII : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_VPD : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_HII : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_VPD : self.__ProcessPcd,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_COMPONENT : self.__ProcessComponent,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION : self.__ProcessBuildOption,
+ MODEL_UNKNOWN : self._Skip,
+ }
+ self._RawTable = self._Table
+ self._Table = MetaFileStorage(self._RawTable.Cur, self.MetaFile, MODEL_FILE_DSC, True)
+ self._DirectiveStack = []
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack = []
+ self._FileWithError = self.MetaFile
+ self._FileLocalMacros = {}
+ self._SectionsMacroDict = {}
+ GlobalData.gPlatformDefines = {}
+ # Get all macro and PCD which has straitforward value
+ self.__RetrievePcdValue()
+ self._Content = self._RawTable.GetAll()
+ self._ContentIndex = 0
+ while self._ContentIndex < len(self._Content) :
+ Id, self._ItemType, V1, V2, V3, S1, S2, Owner, BelongsToFile, self._From, \
+ LineStart, ColStart, LineEnd, ColEnd, Enabled = self._Content[self._ContentIndex]
+ if self._From < 0:
+ self._FileWithError = self.MetaFile
+ self._ContentIndex += 1
+ self._Scope = [[S1, S2]]
+ self._LineIndex = LineStart - 1
+ self._ValueList = [V1, V2, V3]
+ try:
+ Processer[self._ItemType]()
+ except EvaluationException as Excpt:
+ #
+ # Only catch expression evaluation error here. We need to report
+ # the precise number of line on which the error occurred
+ #
+ pass
+# EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid expression: %s" % str(Excpt),
+# File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList),
+# Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ except MacroException as Excpt:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, str(Excpt),
+ File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList),
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if self._ValueList is None:
+ continue
+ NewOwner = self._IdMapping.get(Owner, -1)
+ self._Enabled = int((not self._DirectiveEvalStack) or (False not in self._DirectiveEvalStack))
+ self._LastItem = self._Store(
+ self._ItemType,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ self._ValueList[2],
+ S1,
+ S2,
+ NewOwner,
+ BelongsToFile,
+ self._From,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._Enabled
+ )
+ self._IdMapping[Id] = self._LastItem
+ RecordList = self._Table.GetAll()
+ self._RawTable.Drop()
+ self._Table.Drop()
+ for Record in RecordList:
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblDsc.Insert(Record[1], Record[2], Record[3], Record[4], Record[5], Record[6], Record[7], Record[8], Record[9], Record[10], Record[11], Record[12], Record[13], Record[14])
+ GlobalData.gPlatformDefines.update(self._FileLocalMacros)
+ self._PostProcessed = True
+ self._Content = None
+ def __ProcessSectionHeader(self):
+ self._SectionName = self._ValueList[0]
+ if self._SectionName in self.DataType:
+ self._SectionType = self.DataType[self._SectionName]
+ else:
+ self._SectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ def __ProcessSubsectionHeader(self):
+ self._SubsectionName = self._ValueList[0]
+ if self._SubsectionName in self.DataType:
+ self._SubsectionType = self.DataType[self._SubsectionName]
+ else:
+ self._SubsectionType = MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ def __RetrievePcdValue(self):
+ Records = self._RawTable.Query(MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, BelongsToItem=-1.0)
+ for TokenSpaceGuid, PcdName, Value, Dummy2, Dummy3, ID, Line in Records:
+ Value, DatumType, MaxDatumSize = AnalyzePcdData(Value)
+ # Only use PCD whose value is straitforward (no macro and PCD)
+ if self.SymbolPattern.findall(Value):
+ continue
+ Name = TokenSpaceGuid + '.' + PcdName
+ # Don't use PCD with different values.
+ if Name in self._Symbols and self._Symbols[Name] != Value:
+ self._Symbols.pop(Name)
+ continue
+ self._Symbols[Name] = Value
+ Records = self._RawTable.Query(MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, BelongsToItem=-1.0)
+ for TokenSpaceGuid, PcdName, Value, Dummy2, Dummy3, ID, Line in Records:
+ Value, DatumType, MaxDatumSize = AnalyzePcdData(Value)
+ # Only use PCD whose value is straitforward (no macro and PCD)
+ if self.SymbolPattern.findall(Value):
+ continue
+ Name = TokenSpaceGuid+'.'+PcdName
+ # Don't use PCD with different values.
+ if Name in self._Symbols and self._Symbols[Name] != Value:
+ self._Symbols.pop(Name)
+ continue
+ self._Symbols[Name] = Value
+ def __ProcessDefine(self):
+ if not self._Enabled:
+ return
+ Type, Name, Value = self._ValueList
+ Value = ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, False)
+ if self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE:
+ if self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER:
+ self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ else:
+ SectionDictKey = self._SectionType, self._Scope[0][0], self._Scope[0][1]
+ if SectionDictKey not in self._SectionsMacroDict:
+ self._SectionsMacroDict[SectionDictKey] = {}
+ SectionLocalMacros = self._SectionsMacroDict[SectionDictKey]
+ SectionLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_GLOBAL_DEFINE:
+ GlobalData.gEdkGlobal[Name] = Value
+ #
+ # Keyword in [Defines] section can be used as Macros
+ #
+ if (self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER) and (self._SectionType == MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER):
+ self._FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ self._ValueList = [Type, Name, Value]
+ def __ProcessDirective(self):
+ Result = None
+ Macros = self._Macros
+ Macros.update(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines)
+ try:
+ Result = ValueExpression(self._ValueList[1], Macros)()
+ except SymbolNotFound as Exc:
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, str(Exc), self._ValueList[1])
+ Result = False
+ except WrnExpression as Excpt:
+ #
+ # Catch expression evaluation warning here. We need to report
+ # the precise number of line and return the evaluation result
+ #
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', "Suspicious expression: %s" % str(Excpt),
+ File=self._FileWithError, ExtraData=' '.join(self._ValueList),
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ Result = Excpt.result
+ except BadExpression as Exc:
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_5, str(Exc), self._ValueList[1])
+ Result = False
+ self._DirectiveStack.append(self._ItemType)
+ Result = bool(Result)
+ else:
+ Macro = self._ValueList[1]
+ Macro = Macro[2:-1] if (Macro.startswith("$(") and Macro.endswith(")")) else Macro
+ Result = Macro in self._Macros
+ Result = not Result
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack.append(Result)
+ self._DirectiveStack.append(self._ItemType)
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] = not self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1]
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack.append(bool(Result))
+ self._DirectiveStack[-1] = self._ItemType
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1] = not self._DirectiveEvalStack[-1]
+ # Back to the nearest !if/!ifdef/!ifndef
+ while self._DirectiveStack:
+ self._DirectiveEvalStack.pop()
+ Directive = self._DirectiveStack.pop()
+ break
+ elif self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_INCLUDE:
+ # The included file must be relative to workspace or same directory as DSC file
+ __IncludeMacros = {}
+ #
+ # Allow using system environment variables in path after !include
+ #
+ __IncludeMacros['WORKSPACE'] = GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['WORKSPACE']
+ #
+ # Allow using MACROs comes from [Defines] section to keep compatible.
+ #
+ __IncludeMacros.update(self._Macros)
+ IncludedFile = NormPath(ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], __IncludeMacros, RaiseError=True))
+ #
+ # First search the include file under the same directory as DSC file
+ #
+ IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, self.MetaFile.Dir)
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo1 = IncludedFile1.Validate()
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ #
+ # Also search file under the WORKSPACE directory
+ #
+ IncludedFile1 = PathClass(IncludedFile, GlobalData.gWorkspace)
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo2 = IncludedFile1.Validate()
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error('parser', ErrorCode, File=self._FileWithError,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=ErrorInfo1 + "\n"+ ErrorInfo2)
+ self._FileWithError = IncludedFile1
+ IncludedFileTable = MetaFileStorage(self._Table.Cur, IncludedFile1, MODEL_FILE_DSC, True)
+ Owner = self._Content[self._ContentIndex-1][0]
+ Parser = DscParser(IncludedFile1, self._FileType, IncludedFileTable,
+ Owner=Owner, From=Owner)
+ # set the parser status with current status
+ Parser._SectionName = self._SectionName
+ Parser._SectionType = self._SectionType
+ Parser._Scope = self._Scope
+ Parser._Enabled = self._Enabled
+ # Parse the included file
+ Parser.Start()
+ # update current status with sub-parser's status
+ self._SectionName = Parser._SectionName
+ self._SectionType = Parser._SectionType
+ self._Scope = Parser._Scope
+ self._Enabled = Parser._Enabled
+ # Insert all records in the table for the included file into dsc file table
+ Records = IncludedFileTable.GetAll()
+ if Records:
+ self._Content[self._ContentIndex:self._ContentIndex] = Records
+ self._Content.pop(self._ContentIndex-1)
+ self._ValueList = None
+ self._ContentIndex -= 1
+ def __ProcessSkuId(self):
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, RaiseError=True)
+ for Value in self._ValueList]
+ def __ProcessLibraryInstance(self):
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros) for Value in self._ValueList]
+ def __ProcessLibraryClass(self):
+ self._ValueList[1] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[1], self._Macros, RaiseError=True)
+ def __ProcessPcd(self):
+ ValueList = GetSplitValueList(self._ValueList[2])
+ #
+ # PCD value can be an expression
+ #
+ if len(ValueList) > 1 and ValueList[1] == TAB_VOID:
+ PcdValue = ValueList[0]
+ try:
+ ValueList[0] = ValueExpression(PcdValue, self._Macros)(True)
+ except WrnExpression as Value:
+ ValueList[0] = Value.result
+ else:
+ PcdValue = ValueList[-1]
+ try:
+ ValueList[-1] = ValueExpression(PcdValue, self._Macros)(True)
+ except WrnExpression as Value:
+ ValueList[-1] = Value.result
+ if ValueList[-1] == 'True':
+ ValueList[-1] = '1'
+ if ValueList[-1] == 'False':
+ ValueList[-1] = '0'
+ self._ValueList[2] = '|'.join(ValueList)
+ def __ProcessComponent(self):
+ self._ValueList[0] = ReplaceMacro(self._ValueList[0], self._Macros)
+ def __ProcessBuildOption(self):
+ self._ValueList = [ReplaceMacro(Value, self._Macros, RaiseError=False)
+ for Value in self._ValueList]
+ _SectionParser = {
+ MODEL_EFI_SKU_ID : _SkuIdParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_INSTANCE : _LibraryInstanceParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : _LibraryClassParser,
+ MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip,
+ MODEL_META_DATA_SECTION_HEADER : MetaFileParser._SectionHeaderParser,
+ }
+ _Macros = property(_GetMacros)
+## DEC file parser class
+# @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+# @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+# @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+# @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+class DecParser(MetaFileParser):
+ # DEC file supported data types (one type per section)
+ DataType = {
+ }
+ ## Constructor of DecParser
+ #
+ # Initialize object of DecParser
+ #
+ # @param FilePath The path of platform description file
+ # @param FileType The raw data of DSC file
+ # @param Table Database used to retrieve module/package information
+ # @param Macros Macros used for replacement in file
+ #
+ def __init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table):
+ # prevent re-initialization
+ if hasattr(self, "_Table"):
+ return
+ MetaFileParser.__init__(self, FilePath, FileType, Table)
+ self._Comments = []
+ self._Version = 0x00010005 # Only EDK2 dec file is supported
+ self.TblFile = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
+ self.FileID = -1
+ self._CurrentStructurePcdName = ""
+ self._include_flag = False
+ self._package_flag = False
+ ## Parser starter
+ def Start(self):
+ Content = ''
+ try:
+ Content = open(str(self.MetaFile), 'r').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.error("Parser", FILE_READ_FAILURE, ExtraData=self.MetaFile)
+ #
+ # Insert a record for file
+ #
+ Filename = NormPath(self.MetaFile)
+ FileID = self.TblFile.GetFileId(Filename)
+ if FileID:
+ self.FileID = FileID
+ else:
+ self.FileID = self.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_DEC)
+ for Index in range(0, len(Content)):
+ Line, Comment = CleanString2(Content[Index])
+ self._CurrentLine = Line
+ self._LineIndex = Index
+ # save comment for later use
+ if Comment:
+ self._Comments.append((Comment, self._LineIndex+1))
+ # skip empty line
+ if Line == '':
+ continue
+ # section header
+ if Line[0] == TAB_SECTION_START and Line[-1] == TAB_SECTION_END:
+ self._SectionHeaderParser()
+ self._Comments = []
+ continue
+ elif len(self._SectionType) == 0:
+ self._Comments = []
+ continue
+ # section content
+ self._ValueList = ['', '', '']
+ self._SectionParser[self._SectionType[0]](self)
+ if self._ValueList is None or self._ItemType == MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE:
+ self._ItemType = -1
+ self._Comments = []
+ continue
+ #
+ # Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Arch, BelongsToItem=-1, LineBegin=-1,
+ # ColumnBegin=-1, LineEnd=-1, ColumnEnd=-1, FeatureFlag='', Enabled=-1
+ #
+ for Arch, ModuleType, Type in self._Scope:
+ self._LastItem = self._Store(
+ Type,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ self._ValueList[2],
+ Arch,
+ ModuleType,
+ self._Owner[-1],
+ self.FileID,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ self._LineIndex+1,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ )
+ for Comment, LineNo in self._Comments:
+ self._Store(
+ Comment,
+ self._ValueList[0],
+ self._ValueList[1],
+ Arch,
+ ModuleType,
+ self._LastItem,
+ self.FileID,
+ LineNo,
+ -1,
+ LineNo,
+ -1,
+ 0
+ )
+ self._Comments = []
+ self._Done()
+ def _GetApplicableSectionMacro(self):
+ Macros = {}
+ for S1, S2, SectionType in self._Scope:
+ for Scope1, Scope2 in [("COMMON", "COMMON"), ("COMMON", S2), (S1, "COMMON"), (S1, S2)]:
+ if (SectionType, Scope1, Scope2) in self._SectionsMacroDict:
+ Macros.update(self._SectionsMacroDict[(SectionType, Scope1, Scope2)])
+ return Macros
+ ## Section header parser
+ #
+ # The section header is always in following format:
+ #
+ # [section_name.arch<.platform|module_type>]
+ #
+ def _SectionHeaderParser(self):
+ self._Scope = []
+ self._SectionName = ''
+ self._SectionType = []
+ ArchList = set()
+ for Item in GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine[1:-1], TAB_COMMA_SPLIT):
+ if Item == '':
+ continue
+ ItemList = GetSplitValueList(Item, TAB_SPLIT)
+ # different types of PCD are permissible in one section
+ self._SectionName = ItemList[0].upper()
+ if self._SectionName in self.DataType:
+ if self.DataType[self._SectionName] not in self._SectionType:
+ self._SectionType.append(self.DataType[self._SectionName])
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.warn("Parser", "Unrecognized section", File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ continue
+ if MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG in self._SectionType and len(self._SectionType) > 1:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'Parser',
+ "%s must not be in the same section of other types of PCD" % TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL,
+ File=self.MetaFile,
+ Line=self._LineIndex+1,
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine
+ )
+ # S1 is always Arch
+ if len(ItemList) > 1:
+ S1 = ItemList[1].upper()
+ else:
+ S1 = 'COMMON'
+ ArchList.add(S1)
+ # S2 may be Platform or ModuleType
+ if len(ItemList) > 2:
+ S2 = ItemList[2].upper()
+ else:
+ S2 = 'COMMON'
+ if [S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]] not in self._Scope:
+ self._Scope.append([S1, S2, self.DataType[self._SectionName]])
+ # 'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs at the same section
+ if 'COMMON' in ArchList and len(ArchList) > 1:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "'common' ARCH must not be used with specific ARCHs",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine)
+ ## [guids], [ppis] and [protocols] section parser
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _GuidParser(self):
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ if len(TokenList) < 2:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name or value specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if TokenList[0] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if TokenList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No GUID value specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if TokenList[1][0] != '{' or TokenList[1][-1] != '}' or GuidStructureStringToGuidString(TokenList[1]) == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value format",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat:{8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0] = TokenList[0]
+ #Parse the Guid value format
+ GuidValueList = TokenList[1].strip(' {}').split(',')
+ Index = 0
+ HexList = []
+ if len(GuidValueList) == 11:
+ for GuidValue in GuidValueList:
+ GuidValue = GuidValue.strip()
+ if GuidValue.startswith('0x') or GuidValue.startswith('0X'):
+ HexList.append('0x' + str(GuidValue[2:]))
+ Index += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ if GuidValue.startswith('{'):
+ GuidValue = GuidValue.lstrip(' {')
+ HexList.append('0x' + str(GuidValue[2:]))
+ Index += 1
+ self._ValueList[1] = "{ %s, %s, %s, { %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s }}" % (HexList[0], HexList[1], HexList[2], HexList[3], HexList[4], HexList[5], HexList[6], HexList[7], HexList[8], HexList[9], HexList[10])
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid GUID value format",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat:{8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ self._ValueList[0] = ''
+ def ParsePcdName(self,namelist):
+ if "[" in namelist[1]:
+ pcdname = namelist[1][:namelist[1].index("[")]
+ arrayindex = namelist[1][namelist[1].index("["):]
+ namelist[1] = pcdname
+ if len(namelist) == 2:
+ namelist.append(arrayindex)
+ else:
+ namelist[2] = ".".join((arrayindex,namelist[2]))
+ return namelist
+ def StructPcdParser(self):
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentStructurePcdName
+ if "|" not in self._CurrentLine:
+ if "<HeaderFiles>" == self._CurrentLine:
+ self._include_flag = True
+ self._package_flag = False
+ self._ValueList = None
+ return
+ if "<Packages>" == self._CurrentLine:
+ self._package_flag = True
+ self._ValueList = None
+ self._include_flag = False
+ return
+ if self._include_flag:
+ self._ValueList[1] = "<HeaderFiles>_" + md5(self._CurrentLine.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ self._ValueList[2] = self._CurrentLine
+ if self._package_flag and "}" != self._CurrentLine:
+ self._ValueList[1] = "<Packages>_" + md5(self._CurrentLine.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
+ self._ValueList[2] = self._CurrentLine
+ if self._CurrentLine == "}":
+ self._package_flag = False
+ self._include_flag = False
+ self._ValueList = None
+ else:
+ PcdTockens = self._CurrentLine.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ PcdNames = self.ParsePcdName(PcdTockens[0].split(TAB_SPLIT))
+ if len(PcdNames) == 2:
+ if PcdNames[1].strip().endswith("]"):
+ PcdName = PcdNames[1][:PcdNames[1].index('[')]
+ Index = PcdNames[1][PcdNames[1].index('['):]
+ self._ValueList[0] = TAB_SPLIT.join((PcdNames[0], PcdName))
+ self._ValueList[1] = Index
+ self._ValueList[2] = PcdTockens[1]
+ else:
+ self._CurrentStructurePcdName = ""
+ else:
+ if self._CurrentStructurePcdName != TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[:2]):
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Pcd Name does not match: %s and %s " % (
+ self._CurrentStructurePcdName, TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[:2])),
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex + 1)
+ self._ValueList[1] = TAB_SPLIT.join(PcdNames[2:])
+ self._ValueList[2] = PcdTockens[1]
+ ## PCD sections parser
+ #
+ # [PcdsFixedAtBuild]
+ # [PcdsPatchableInModule]
+ # [PcdsFeatureFlag]
+ # [PcdsDynamicEx
+ # [PcdsDynamic]
+ #
+ @ParseMacro
+ def _PcdParser(self):
+ if self._CurrentStructurePcdName:
+ self.StructPcdParser()
+ return
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(self._CurrentLine, TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ self._ValueList[0:1] = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[0], TAB_SPLIT)
+ # check PCD information
+ if self._ValueList[0] == '' or self._ValueList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No token space GUID or PCD name specified",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # check PCD datum information
+ if len(TokenList) < 2 or TokenList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "No PCD Datum information given",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ ValueRe = re.compile(r'^\s*L?\".*\|.*\"')
+ PtrValue = ValueRe.findall(TokenList[1])
+ # Has VOID* type string, may contain "|" character in the string.
+ if len(PtrValue) != 0:
+ ptrValueList = re.sub(ValueRe, '', TokenList[1])
+ ValueList = GetSplitValueList(ptrValueList)
+ ValueList[0] = PtrValue[0]
+ else:
+ ValueList = GetSplitValueList(TokenList[1])
+ # check if there's enough datum information given
+ if len(ValueList) != 3:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Invalid PCD Datum information given",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # check default value
+ if ValueList[0] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DefaultValue in PCD Datum information",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # check datum type
+ if ValueList[1] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing DatumType in PCD Datum information",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # check token of the PCD
+ if ValueList[2] == '':
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, "Missing Token in PCD Datum information",
+ ExtraData=self._CurrentLine + \
+ " (<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<DefaultValue>|<DatumType>|<Token>)",
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ # check format of default value against the datum type
+ IsValid, Cause = CheckPcdDatum(ValueList[1], ValueList[0])
+ if not IsValid:
+ EdkLogger.error('Parser', FORMAT_INVALID, Cause, ExtraData=self._CurrentLine,
+ File=self.MetaFile, Line=self._LineIndex+1)
+ if Cause == "StructurePcd":
+ self._CurrentStructurePcdName = TAB_SPLIT.join(self._ValueList[0:2])
+ self._ValueList[0] = self._CurrentStructurePcdName
+ self._ValueList[1] = ValueList[1].strip()
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.UniCheckPCDInfo == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.UniCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ # check Description, Prompt information
+ PatternDesc = re.compile('##\s*([\x21-\x7E\s]*)', re.S)
+ PatternPrompt = re.compile('#\s+@Prompt\s+([\x21-\x7E\s]*)', re.S)
+ Description = None
+ Prompt = None
+ # check @ValidRange, @ValidList and @Expression format valid
+ ErrorCodeValid = '0x0 <= %s <= 0xFFFFFFFF'
+ PatternValidRangeIn = '(NOT)?\s*(\d+\s*-\s*\d+|0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+\s*-\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|LT\s*\d+|LT\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|GT\s*\d+|GT\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|LE\s*\d+|LE\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|GE\s*\d+|GE\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|XOR\s*\d+|XOR\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|EQ\s*\d+|EQ\s*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+)'
+ PatternValidRng = re.compile('^' + '(NOT)?\s*' + PatternValidRangeIn + '$')
+ for Comment in self._Comments:
+ Comm = Comment[0].strip()
+ if not Comm:
+ continue
+ if not Description:
+ Description = PatternDesc.findall(Comm)
+ if not Prompt:
+ Prompt = PatternPrompt.findall(Comm)
+ if Comm[0] == '#':
+ ValidFormt = Comm.lstrip('#')
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt.lstrip()
+ if ValidFormt[0:11] == '@ValidRange':
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt[11:]
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt.lstrip()
+ try:
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ValidFormt.split('|', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ ErrorCode = '0x0'
+ Expression = ValidFormt
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ErrorCode.strip(), Expression.strip()
+ try:
+ if not eval(ErrorCodeValid % ErrorCode):
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidRange ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidRange ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ if not PatternValidRng.search(Expression):
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidRange Expression(%s) of PCD %s is incorrect format.' % (Expression, TokenList[0]))
+ if ValidFormt[0:10] == '@ValidList':
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt[10:]
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt.lstrip()
+ try:
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ValidFormt.split('|', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ ErrorCode = '0x0'
+ Expression = ValidFormt
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ErrorCode.strip(), Expression.strip()
+ try:
+ if not eval(ErrorCodeValid % ErrorCode):
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidList ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidList ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ Values = Expression.split(',')
+ for Value in Values:
+ Value = Value.strip()
+ try:
+ eval(Value)
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@ValidList Expression of PCD %s include a invalid value(%s).' % (TokenList[0], Value))
+ break
+ if ValidFormt[0:11] == '@Expression':
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt[11:]
+ ValidFormt = ValidFormt.lstrip()
+ try:
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ValidFormt.split('|', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ ErrorCode = '0x0'
+ Expression = ValidFormt
+ ErrorCode, Expression = ErrorCode.strip(), Expression.strip()
+ try:
+ if not eval(ErrorCodeValid % ErrorCode):
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@Expression ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@Expression ErrorCode(%s) of PCD %s is not valid UINT32 value.' % (ErrorCode, TokenList[0]))
+ if not Expression:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', '@Expression Expression of PCD %s is incorrect format.' % TokenList[0])
+ if not Description:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', 'PCD %s Description information is not provided.' % TokenList[0])
+ if not Prompt:
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', 'PCD %s Prompt information is not provided.' % TokenList[0])
+ # check Description, Prompt localization information
+ if self._UniObj:
+ self._UniObj.CheckPcdInfo(TokenList[0])
+ if ValueList[0] in ['True', 'true', 'TRUE']:
+ ValueList[0] = '1'
+ elif ValueList[0] in ['False', 'false', 'FALSE']:
+ ValueList[0] = '0'
+ self._ValueList[2] = ValueList[0].strip() + '|' + ValueList[1].strip() + '|' + ValueList[2].strip()
+ _SectionParser = {
+ MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER : MetaFileParser._DefineParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_INCLUDE : MetaFileParser._PathParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS : MetaFileParser._PathParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_GUID : _GuidParser,
+ MODEL_EFI_PPI : _GuidParser,
+ MODEL_UNKNOWN : MetaFileParser._Skip,
+ }
+## Fdf
+# This class defined the structure used in Fdf object
+# @param Filename: Input value for Ffilename of Fdf file, default is None
+# @param WorkspaceDir: Input value for current workspace directory, default is None
+class Fdf(object):
+ def __init__(self, Filename = None, IsToDatabase = False, WorkspaceDir = None, Database = None):
+ self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir
+ self.IsToDatabase = IsToDatabase
+ self.Cur = Database.Cur
+ self.TblFile = Database.TblFile
+ self.TblFdf = Database.TblFdf
+ self.FileID = -1
+ self.FileList = {}
+ #
+ # Load Fdf file if filename is not None
+ #
+ if Filename is not None:
+ try:
+ self.LoadFdfFile(Filename)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ #
+ # Insert a FDF file record into database
+ #
+ def InsertFile(self, Filename):
+ FileID = -1
+ Filename = NormPath(Filename)
+ if Filename not in self.FileList:
+ FileID = self.TblFile.InsertFile(Filename, MODEL_FILE_FDF)
+ self.FileList[Filename] = FileID
+ return self.FileList[Filename]
+ ## Load Fdf file
+ #
+ # Load the file if it exists
+ #
+ # @param Filename: Input value for filename of Fdf file
+ #
+ def LoadFdfFile(self, Filename):
+ FileList = []
+ #
+ # Parse Fdf file
+ #
+ Filename = NormPath(Filename)
+ Fdf = FdfParser(Filename)
+ Fdf.ParseFile()
+ #
+ # Insert inf file and pcd information
+ #
+ if self.IsToDatabase:
+ (Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2, BelongsToItem, BelongsToFile, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn, Enabled) = \
+ (0, '', '', '', 'COMMON', 'COMMON', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0)
+ for Index in range(0, len(Fdf.Profile.PcdDict)):
+ pass
+ for Key in Fdf.Profile.PcdDict.keys():
+ Model = MODEL_PCD
+ Value1 = Key[1]
+ Value2 = Key[0]
+ FileName = Fdf.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[Key][0]
+ StartLine = Fdf.Profile.PcdFileLineDict[Key][1]
+ BelongsToFile = self.InsertFile(FileName)
+ self.TblFdf.Insert(Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2, BelongsToItem, BelongsToFile, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn, Enabled)
+ for Index in range(0, len(Fdf.Profile.InfList)):
+ Value1 = Fdf.Profile.InfList[Index]
+ Value2 = ''
+ FileName = Fdf.Profile.InfFileLineList[Index][0]
+ StartLine = Fdf.Profile.InfFileLineList[Index][1]
+ BelongsToFile = self.InsertFile(FileName)
+ self.TblFdf.Insert(Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2, BelongsToItem, BelongsToFile, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn, Enabled)
+class UniParser(object):
+ # IsExtraUni defined the UNI file is Module UNI or extra Module UNI
+ # IsModuleUni defined the UNI file is Module UNI or Package UNI
+ def __init__(self, FilePath, IsExtraUni=False, IsModuleUni=True):
+ self.FilePath = FilePath
+ self.FileName = os.path.basename(FilePath)
+ self.IsExtraUni = IsExtraUni
+ self.IsModuleUni = IsModuleUni
+ self.FileIn = None
+ self.Missing = []
+ self.__read()
+ def __read(self):
+ try:
+ self.FileIn = CodecOpenLongFilePath(self.FilePath, Mode='rb', Encoding='utf_8').read()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ self.FileIn = CodecOpenLongFilePath(self.FilePath, Mode='rb', Encoding='utf_16').read()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ self.FileIn = CodecOpenLongFilePath(self.FilePath, Mode='rb', Encoding='utf_16_le').read()
+ except IOError:
+ self.FileIn = ""
+ def Start(self):
+ if self.IsModuleUni:
+ if self.IsExtraUni:
+ ModuleName = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_PROPERTIES_MODULE_NAME')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_PROPERTIES_MODULE_NAME', ModuleName)
+ else:
+ ModuleAbstract = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_MODULE_ABSTRACT', ModuleAbstract)
+ ModuleDescription = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_MODULE_DESCRIPTION')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_MODULE_DESCRIPTION', ModuleDescription)
+ else:
+ if self.IsExtraUni:
+ PackageName = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_PROPERTIES_PACKAGE_NAME')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_PROPERTIES_PACKAGE_NAME', PackageName)
+ else:
+ PackageAbstract = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_PACKAGE_ABSTRACT', PackageAbstract)
+ PackageDescription = self.CheckKeyValid('STR_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION')
+ self.PrintLog('STR_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION', PackageDescription)
+ def CheckKeyValid(self, Key, Contents=None):
+ if not Contents:
+ Contents = self.FileIn
+ KeyPattern = re.compile('#string\s+%s\s+.*?#language.*?".*?"' % Key, re.S)
+ if KeyPattern.search(Contents):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def CheckPcdInfo(self, PcdCName):
+ PromptKey = 'STR_%s_PROMPT' % PcdCName.replace('.', '_')
+ PcdPrompt = self.CheckKeyValid(PromptKey)
+ self.PrintLog(PromptKey, PcdPrompt)
+ HelpKey = 'STR_%s_HELP' % PcdCName.replace('.', '_')
+ PcdHelp = self.CheckKeyValid(HelpKey)
+ self.PrintLog(HelpKey, PcdHelp)
+ def PrintLog(self, Key, Value):
+ if not Value and Key not in self.Missing:
+ Msg = '%s is missing in the %s file.' % (Key, self.FileName)
+ EdkLogger.warn('Parser', Msg)
+ EccGlobalData.gDb.TblReport.Insert(EccToolError.ERROR_GENERAL_CHECK_UNI_HELP_INFO, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable='File', BelongsToItem=-2)
+ self.Missing.append(Key)
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another
+# script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ pass
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileTable.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileTable.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0914aec46 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/MetaFileTable.py @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to create/update/query/erase a meta file table
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import uuid
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+import Ecc.EccGlobalData as EccGlobalData
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaDataTable import Table
+from Ecc.MetaFileWorkspace.MetaDataTable import ConvertToSqlString
+from CommonDataClass.DataClass import MODEL_FILE_DSC, MODEL_FILE_DEC, MODEL_FILE_INF, \
+class MetaFileTable(Table):
+ ## Constructor
+ def __init__(self, Cursor, MetaFile, FileType, TableName, Temporary = False):
+ self.MetaFile = MetaFile
+ self.TblFile = EccGlobalData.gDb.TblFile
+ if (FileType == MODEL_FILE_INF):
+ TableName = "Inf"
+ if (FileType == MODEL_FILE_DSC):
+ if Temporary:
+ TableName = "_%s_%s" % ("Dsc", uuid.uuid4().hex)
+ else:
+ TableName = "Dsc"
+ if (FileType == MODEL_FILE_DEC):
+ TableName = "Dec"
+ Table.__init__(self, Cursor, TableName, 0, Temporary)
+ self.Create(False)
+## Python class representation of table storing module data
+class ModuleTable(MetaFileTable):
+ _COLUMN_ = '''
+ Value2 TEXT,
+ Value3 TEXT,
+ Usage TEXT,
+ Scope1 TEXT,
+ Scope2 TEXT,
+ BelongsToItem REAL NOT NULL,
+ BelongsToFile SINGLE NOT NULL,
+ '''
+ # used as table end flag, in case the changes to database is not committed to db file
+ _DUMMY_ = "-1, -1, '====', '====', '====', '====', '====', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1"
+ ## Constructor
+ def __init__(self, Cursor):
+ MetaFileTable.__init__(self, Cursor, '', MODEL_FILE_INF, "Inf", False)
+ ## Insert a record into table Inf
+ #
+ # @param Model: Model of a Inf item
+ # @param Value1: Value1 of a Inf item
+ # @param Value2: Value2 of a Inf item
+ # @param Value3: Value3 of a Inf item
+ # @param Scope1: Arch of a Inf item
+ # @param Scope2 Platform os a Inf item
+ # @param BelongsToItem: The item belongs to which another item
+ # @param StartLine: StartLine of a Inf item
+ # @param StartColumn: StartColumn of a Inf item
+ # @param EndLine: EndLine of a Inf item
+ # @param EndColumn: EndColumn of a Inf item
+ # @param Enabled: If this item enabled
+ #
+ def Insert(self, Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1='COMMON', Scope2='COMMON',
+ BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile = -1, StartLine=-1, StartColumn=-1, EndLine=-1, EndColumn=-1, Enabled=0, Usage=''):
+ (Value1, Value2, Value3, Usage, Scope1, Scope2) = ConvertToSqlString((Value1, Value2, Value3, Usage, Scope1, Scope2))
+ return Table.Insert(
+ self,
+ Model,
+ Value1,
+ Value2,
+ Value3,
+ Usage,
+ Scope1,
+ Scope2,
+ BelongsToItem,
+ BelongsToFile,
+ StartLine,
+ StartColumn,
+ EndLine,
+ EndColumn,
+ Enabled
+ )
+ ## Query table
+ #
+ # @param Model: The Model of Record
+ # @param Arch: The Arch attribute of Record
+ # @param Platform The Platform attribute of Record
+ #
+ # @retval: A recordSet of all found records
+ #
+ def Query(self, Model, Arch=None, Platform=None):
+ ConditionString = "Model=%s AND Enabled>=0" % Model
+ ValueString = "Value1,Value2,Value3,Usage,Scope1,Scope2,ID,StartLine"
+ if Arch is not None and Arch != 'COMMON':
+ ConditionString += " AND (Scope1='%s' OR Scope1='COMMON')" % Arch
+ if Platform is not None and Platform != 'COMMON':
+ ConditionString += " AND (Scope2='%s' OR Scope2='COMMON' OR Scope2='DEFAULT')" % Platform
+ SqlCommand = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (ValueString, self.Table, ConditionString)
+ return self.Exec(SqlCommand)
+## Python class representation of table storing package data
+class PackageTable(MetaFileTable):
+ _COLUMN_ = '''
+ Value2 TEXT,
+ Value3 TEXT,
+ Scope1 TEXT,
+ Scope2 TEXT,
+ BelongsToItem REAL NOT NULL,
+ BelongsToFile SINGLE NOT NULL,
+ '''
+ # used as table end flag, in case the changes to database is not committed to db file
+ _DUMMY_ = "-1, -1, '====', '====', '====', '====', '====', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1"
+ ## Constructor
+ def __init__(self, Cursor):
+ MetaFileTable.__init__(self, Cursor, '', MODEL_FILE_DEC, "Dec", False)
+ ## Insert table
+ #
+ # Insert a record into table Dec
+ #
+ # @param Model: Model of a Dec item
+ # @param Value1: Value1 of a Dec item
+ # @param Value2: Value2 of a Dec item
+ # @param Value3: Value3 of a Dec item
+ # @param Scope1: Arch of a Dec item
+ # @param Scope2: Module type of a Dec item
+ # @param BelongsToItem: The item belongs to which another item
+ # @param StartLine: StartLine of a Dec item
+ # @param StartColumn: StartColumn of a Dec item
+ # @param EndLine: EndLine of a Dec item
+ # @param EndColumn: EndColumn of a Dec item
+ # @param Enabled: If this item enabled
+ #
+ def Insert(self, Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1='COMMON', Scope2='COMMON',
+ BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile = -1, StartLine=-1, StartColumn=-1, EndLine=-1, EndColumn=-1, Enabled=0):
+ (Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2) = ConvertToSqlString((Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2))
+ return Table.Insert(
+ self,
+ Model,
+ Value1,
+ Value2,
+ Value3,
+ Scope1,
+ Scope2,
+ BelongsToItem,
+ BelongsToFile,
+ StartLine,
+ StartColumn,
+ EndLine,
+ EndColumn,
+ Enabled
+ )
+ ## Query table
+ #
+ # @param Model: The Model of Record
+ # @param Arch: The Arch attribute of Record
+ #
+ # @retval: A recordSet of all found records
+ #
+ def Query(self, Model, Arch=None):
+ ConditionString = "Model=%s AND Enabled>=0" % Model
+ ValueString = "Value1,Value2,Value3,Scope1,ID,StartLine"
+ if Arch is not None and Arch != 'COMMON':
+ ConditionString += " AND (Scope1='%s' OR Scope1='COMMON')" % Arch
+ SqlCommand = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (ValueString, self.Table, ConditionString)
+ return self.Exec(SqlCommand)
+## Python class representation of table storing platform data
+class PlatformTable(MetaFileTable):
+ _COLUMN_ = '''
+ Value2 TEXT,
+ Value3 TEXT,
+ Scope1 TEXT,
+ Scope2 TEXT,
+ BelongsToItem REAL NOT NULL,
+ BelongsToFile SINGLE NOT NULL,
+ '''
+ # used as table end flag, in case the changes to database is not committed to db file
+ _DUMMY_ = "-1, -1, '====', '====', '====', '====', '====', -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1"
+ ## Constructor
+ def __init__(self, Cursor, MetaFile = '', FileType = MODEL_FILE_DSC, Temporary = False):
+ MetaFileTable.__init__(self, Cursor, MetaFile, FileType, "Dsc", Temporary)
+ ## Insert table
+ #
+ # Insert a record into table Dsc
+ #
+ # @param Model: Model of a Dsc item
+ # @param Value1: Value1 of a Dsc item
+ # @param Value2: Value2 of a Dsc item
+ # @param Value3: Value3 of a Dsc item
+ # @param Scope1: Arch of a Dsc item
+ # @param Scope2: Module type of a Dsc item
+ # @param BelongsToItem: The item belongs to which another item
+ # @param FromItem: The item belongs to which dsc file
+ # @param StartLine: StartLine of a Dsc item
+ # @param StartColumn: StartColumn of a Dsc item
+ # @param EndLine: EndLine of a Dsc item
+ # @param EndColumn: EndColumn of a Dsc item
+ # @param Enabled: If this item enabled
+ #
+ def Insert(self, Model, Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1='COMMON', Scope2='COMMON', BelongsToItem=-1, BelongsToFile = -1,
+ FromItem=-1, StartLine=-1, StartColumn=-1, EndLine=-1, EndColumn=-1, Enabled=1):
+ (Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2) = ConvertToSqlString((Value1, Value2, Value3, Scope1, Scope2))
+ return Table.Insert(
+ self,
+ Model,
+ Value1,
+ Value2,
+ Value3,
+ Scope1,
+ Scope2,
+ BelongsToItem,
+ BelongsToFile,
+ FromItem,
+ StartLine,
+ StartColumn,
+ EndLine,
+ EndColumn,
+ Enabled
+ )
+ ## Query table
+ #
+ # @param Model: The Model of Record
+ # @param Scope1: Arch of a Dsc item
+ # @param Scope2: Module type of a Dsc item
+ # @param BelongsToItem: The item belongs to which another item
+ # @param FromItem: The item belongs to which dsc file
+ #
+ # @retval: A recordSet of all found records
+ #
+ def Query(self, Model, Scope1=None, Scope2=None, BelongsToItem=None, FromItem=None):
+ ConditionString = "Model=%s AND Enabled>0" % Model
+ ValueString = "Value1,Value2,Value3,Scope1,Scope2,ID,StartLine"
+ if Scope1 is not None and Scope1 != 'COMMON':
+ ConditionString += " AND (Scope1='%s' OR Scope1='COMMON')" % Scope1
+ if Scope2 is not None and Scope2 != 'COMMON':
+ ConditionString += " AND (Scope2='%s' OR Scope2='COMMON' OR Scope2='DEFAULT')" % Scope2
+ if BelongsToItem is not None:
+ ConditionString += " AND BelongsToItem=%s" % BelongsToItem
+ else:
+ ConditionString += " AND BelongsToItem<0"
+ if FromItem is not None:
+ ConditionString += " AND FromItem=%s" % FromItem
+ SqlCommand = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (ValueString, self.Table, ConditionString)
+ return self.Exec(SqlCommand)
+## Factory class to produce different storage for different type of meta-file
+class MetaFileStorage(object):
+ _FILE_TABLE_ = {
+ MODEL_FILE_INF : ModuleTable,
+ MODEL_FILE_DEC : PackageTable,
+ MODEL_FILE_DSC : PlatformTable,
+ MODEL_FILE_OTHERS : MetaFileTable,
+ }
+ _FILE_TYPE_ = {
+ ".inf" : MODEL_FILE_INF,
+ ".dec" : MODEL_FILE_DEC,
+ ".dsc" : MODEL_FILE_DSC,
+ }
+ ## Constructor
+ def __new__(Class, Cursor, MetaFile, FileType=None, Temporary=False):
+ # no type given, try to find one
+ if not FileType:
+ if MetaFile.Type in self._FILE_TYPE_:
+ FileType = Class._FILE_TYPE_[MetaFile.Type]
+ else:
+ # don't pass the type around if it's well known
+ if FileType == MODEL_FILE_OTHERS:
+ Args = (Cursor, MetaFile, FileType, Temporary)
+ else:
+ Args = (Cursor, MetaFile, FileType, Temporary)
+ # create the storage object and return it to caller
+ return Class._FILE_TABLE_[FileType](*Args)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85ae9937c --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/MetaFileWorkspace/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +## @file
+# Python 'Workspace' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ParserWarning.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ParserWarning.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ae66d484 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/ParserWarning.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to be the warning class of ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+## The exception class that used to report error messages when preprocessing
+# Currently the "ToolName" is set to be "ECC PP".
+class Warning (Exception):
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Str The message to record
+ # @param File The FDF name
+ # @param Line The Line number that error occurs
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Str, File = None, Line = None):
+ self.message = Str
+ self.FileName = File
+ self.LineNumber = Line
+ self.ToolName = 'ECC PP'
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b02f663b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +## @file
+# This is an XML API that uses a syntax similar to XPath, but it is written in
+# standard python so that no extra python packages are required to use it.
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import codecs
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+## Create a element of XML
+# @param Name
+# @param String
+# @param NodeList
+# @param AttributeList
+# @revel Element
+def CreateXmlElement(Name, String, NodeList, AttributeList):
+ Doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ Element = Doc.createElement(Name)
+ if String != '' and String is not None:
+ Element.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(String))
+ for Item in NodeList:
+ if isinstance(Item, type([])):
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Node = Doc.createElement(Key)
+ Node.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(Value))
+ Element.appendChild(Node)
+ else:
+ Element.appendChild(Item)
+ for Item in AttributeList:
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Element.setAttribute(Key, Value)
+ return Element
+## Get a list of XML nodes using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML DOM nodes from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Nodes A list of XML nodes matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlList(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return []
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Nodes = [Dom]
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ while Index <= End:
+ ChildNodes = []
+ for Node in Nodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and Node.tagName == TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes.extend(Node.childNodes)
+ else:
+ ChildNodes.append(Node)
+ Nodes = ChildNodes
+ ChildNodes = []
+ Index += 1
+ return Nodes
+## Get a single XML node using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML DOM node from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Node A single XML node matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlNode(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return ""
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ ChildNodes = [Dom]
+ while Index <= End:
+ for Node in ChildNodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and Node.tagName == TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes = Node.childNodes
+ else:
+ return Node
+ break
+ Index += 1
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML element from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Strin A XPath style path.
+# @revel Element An XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlElement(Dom, String):
+ try:
+ return XmlNode(Dom, String).firstChild.data.strip()
+ except:
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element of the current node.
+# Return a single XML element specified by the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @revel Element An XML element in current root Dom.
+def XmlElementData(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.firstChild.data.strip()
+ except:
+ return ""
+## Get a list of XML elements using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML elements from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Elements A list of XML elements matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlElementList(Dom, String):
+ return map(XmlElementData, XmlList(Dom, String))
+## Get the XML attribute of the current node.
+# Return a single XML attribute named Attribute from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom or Attribute is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Attribute The name of Attribute.
+# @revel Element A single XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlAttribute(Dom, Attribute):
+ try:
+ return Dom.getAttribute(Attribute).strip()
+ except:
+ return ''
+## Get the XML node name of the current node.
+# Return a single XML node name from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @revel Element A single XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlNodeName(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.nodeName.strip()
+ except:
+ return ''
+## Parse an XML file.
+# Parse the input XML file named FileName and return a XML DOM it stands for.
+# If the input File is not a valid XML file, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param FileName The XML file name.
+# @revel Dom The Dom object achieved from the XML file.
+def XmlParseFile(FileName):
+ try:
+ XmlFile = codecs.open(FileName,encoding='utf_8_sig')
+ Dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(XmlFile)
+ XmlFile.close()
+ return Dom
+ except Exception as X:
+ print(X)
+ return ""
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed
+# into another script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Nothing to do here. Could do some unit tests.
+ A = CreateXmlElement('AAA', 'CCC', [['AAA', '111'], ['BBB', '222']], [['A', '1'], ['B', '2']])
+ B = CreateXmlElement('ZZZ', 'CCC', [['XXX', '111'], ['YYY', '222']], [['A', '1'], ['B', '2']])
+ C = CreateXmlList('DDD', 'EEE', [A, B], ['FFF', 'GGG'])
+ print(C.toprettyxml(indent = " "))
+ pass
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..172e49845 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## @file
+# Python 'Library' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1cac674d --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +## @file
+# Python 'Ecc' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/c.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/c.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a30122a45 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/c.py @@ -0,0 +1,2651 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to be the c coding style checking of ECC tool
+# Copyright (c) 2009 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys
+import Common.LongFilePathOs as os
+import re
+import string
+from Ecc import CodeFragmentCollector
+from Ecc import FileProfile
+from CommonDataClass import DataClass
+from Ecc import Database
+from Common import EdkLogger
+from Ecc.EccToolError import *
+from Ecc import EccGlobalData
+from Ecc import MetaDataParser
+IncludeFileListDict = {}
+AllIncludeFileListDict = {}
+IncludePathListDict = {}
+ComplexTypeDict = {}
+SUDict = {}
+IgnoredKeywordList = ['EFI_ERROR']
+def GetIgnoredDirListPattern():
+ skipList = list(EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipDirList) + ['.svn']
+ DirString = '|'.join(skipList)
+ p = re.compile(r'.*[\\/](?:%s)[\\/]?.*' % DirString)
+ return p
+def GetFuncDeclPattern():
+ p = re.compile(r'(?:EFIAPI|EFI_BOOT_SERVICE|EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICE)?\s*[_\w]+\s*\(.*\)$', re.DOTALL)
+ return p
+def GetArrayPattern():
+ p = re.compile(r'[_\w]*\s*[\[.*\]]+')
+ return p
+def GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern():
+ p = re.compile('[_\w\s]*\([\w\s]*\*+\s*[_\w]+\s*\)\s*\(.*\)', re.DOTALL)
+ return p
+def GetDB():
+ return EccGlobalData.gDb
+def GetConfig():
+ return EccGlobalData.gConfig
+def PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, Msg, TableName, ItemId):
+ Msg = Msg.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
+ MsgPartList = Msg.split()
+ Msg = ''
+ for Part in MsgPartList:
+ Msg += Part
+ Msg += ' '
+ GetDB().TblReport.Insert(ErrorType, OtherMsg=Msg, BelongsToTable=TableName, BelongsToItem=ItemId)
+def GetIdType(Str):
+ Type = DataClass.MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ Str = Str.replace('#', '# ')
+ List = Str.split()
+ if List[1] == 'include':
+ elif List[1] == 'define':
+ elif List[1] == 'ifdef':
+ elif List[1] == 'ifndef':
+ elif List[1] == 'endif':
+ elif List[1] == 'pragma':
+ else:
+ Type = DataClass.MODEL_UNKNOWN
+ return Type
+def SuOccurInTypedef (Su, TdList):
+ for Td in TdList:
+ if Su.StartPos[0] == Td.StartPos[0] and Su.EndPos[0] == Td.EndPos[0]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def GetIdentifierList():
+ IdList = []
+ for comment in FileProfile.CommentList:
+ IdComment = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', comment.Content, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT, -1, -1, comment.StartPos[0], comment.StartPos[1], comment.EndPos[0], comment.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdComment)
+ for pp in FileProfile.PPDirectiveList:
+ Type = GetIdType(pp.Content)
+ IdPP = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', pp.Content, Type, -1, -1, pp.StartPos[0], pp.StartPos[1], pp.EndPos[0], pp.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdPP)
+ for pe in FileProfile.PredicateExpressionList:
+ IdPE = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', '', pe.Content, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION, -1, -1, pe.StartPos[0], pe.StartPos[1], pe.EndPos[0], pe.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdPE)
+ FuncDeclPattern = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ ArrayPattern = GetArrayPattern()
+ for var in FileProfile.VariableDeclarationList:
+ DeclText = var.Declarator.lstrip()
+ FuncPointerPattern = GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern()
+ if FuncPointerPattern.match(DeclText):
+ continue
+ VarNameStartLine = var.NameStartPos[0]
+ VarNameStartColumn = var.NameStartPos[1]
+ FirstChar = DeclText[0]
+ while not FirstChar.isalpha() and FirstChar != '_':
+ if FirstChar == '*':
+ var.Modifier += '*'
+ VarNameStartColumn += 1
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*')
+ elif FirstChar == '\r':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\r\n').lstrip('\r')
+ VarNameStartLine += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\n')
+ VarNameStartLine += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip(' ')
+ VarNameStartColumn += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\t')
+ VarNameStartColumn += 8
+ else:
+ DeclText = DeclText[1:]
+ VarNameStartColumn += 1
+ FirstChar = DeclText[0]
+ var.Declarator = DeclText
+ if FuncDeclPattern.match(var.Declarator):
+ DeclSplitList = var.Declarator.split('(')
+ FuncName = DeclSplitList[0].strip()
+ FuncNamePartList = FuncName.split()
+ if len(FuncNamePartList) > 1:
+ FuncName = FuncNamePartList[-1].strip()
+ NameStart = DeclSplitList[0].rfind(FuncName)
+ var.Declarator = var.Declarator[NameStart:]
+ if NameStart > 0:
+ var.Modifier += ' ' + DeclSplitList[0][0:NameStart]
+ Index = 0
+ PreChar = ''
+ while Index < NameStart:
+ FirstChar = DeclSplitList[0][Index]
+ if DeclSplitList[0][Index:].startswith('EFIAPI'):
+ Index += 6
+ VarNameStartColumn += 6
+ PreChar = ''
+ continue
+ elif FirstChar == '\r':
+ Index += 1
+ VarNameStartLine += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ Index += 1
+ if PreChar != '\r':
+ VarNameStartLine += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ Index += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ Index += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn += 8
+ else:
+ Index += 1
+ VarNameStartColumn += 1
+ PreChar = FirstChar
+ IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', var.Declarator, FuncName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0], var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
+ IdList.append(IdVar)
+ continue
+ if var.Declarator.find('{') == -1:
+ for decl in var.Declarator.split(','):
+ DeclList = decl.split('=')
+ Name = DeclList[0].strip()
+ if ArrayPattern.match(Name):
+ LSBPos = var.Declarator.find('[')
+ var.Modifier += ' ' + Name[LSBPos:]
+ Name = Name[0:LSBPos]
+ IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', Name, (len(DeclList) > 1 and [DeclList[1]]or [''])[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0], var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
+ IdList.append(IdVar)
+ else:
+ DeclList = var.Declarator.split('=')
+ Name = DeclList[0].strip()
+ if ArrayPattern.match(Name):
+ LSBPos = var.Declarator.find('[')
+ var.Modifier += ' ' + Name[LSBPos:]
+ Name = Name[0:LSBPos]
+ IdVar = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, var.Modifier, '', Name, (len(DeclList) > 1 and [DeclList[1]]or [''])[0], DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, -1, -1, var.StartPos[0], var.StartPos[1], VarNameStartLine, VarNameStartColumn)
+ IdList.append(IdVar)
+ for enum in FileProfile.EnumerationDefinitionList:
+ LBPos = enum.Content.find('{')
+ RBPos = enum.Content.find('}')
+ Name = enum.Content[4:LBPos].strip()
+ Value = enum.Content[LBPos + 1:RBPos]
+ IdEnum = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', Name, Value, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ENUMERATE, -1, -1, enum.StartPos[0], enum.StartPos[1], enum.EndPos[0], enum.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdEnum)
+ for su in FileProfile.StructUnionDefinitionList:
+ if SuOccurInTypedef(su, FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList):
+ continue
+ SkipLen = 6
+ if su.Content.startswith('union'):
+ SkipLen = 5
+ LBPos = su.Content.find('{')
+ RBPos = su.Content.find('}')
+ if LBPos == -1 or RBPos == -1:
+ Name = su.Content[SkipLen:].strip()
+ Value = ''
+ else:
+ Name = su.Content[SkipLen:LBPos].strip()
+ Value = su.Content[LBPos:RBPos + 1]
+ IdPE = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', Name, Value, Type, -1, -1, su.StartPos[0], su.StartPos[1], su.EndPos[0], su.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdPE)
+ TdFuncPointerPattern = GetTypedefFuncPointerPattern()
+ for td in FileProfile.TypedefDefinitionList:
+ Modifier = ''
+ Name = td.ToType
+ Value = td.FromType
+ if TdFuncPointerPattern.match(td.ToType):
+ Modifier = td.FromType
+ LBPos = td.ToType.find('(')
+ TmpStr = td.ToType[LBPos + 1:].strip()
+ StarPos = TmpStr.find('*')
+ if StarPos != -1:
+ Modifier += ' ' + TmpStr[0:StarPos]
+ while TmpStr[StarPos] == '*':
+# Modifier += ' ' + '*'
+ StarPos += 1
+ TmpStr = TmpStr[StarPos:].strip()
+ RBPos = TmpStr.find(')')
+ Name = TmpStr[0:RBPos]
+ Value = 'FP' + TmpStr[RBPos + 1:]
+ else:
+ while Name.startswith('*'):
+ Value += ' ' + '*'
+ Name = Name.lstrip('*').strip()
+ if Name.find('[') != -1:
+ LBPos = Name.find('[')
+ RBPos = Name.rfind(']')
+ Value += Name[LBPos : RBPos + 1]
+ Name = Name[0 : LBPos]
+ IdTd = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, Modifier, '', Name, Value, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF, -1, -1, td.StartPos[0], td.StartPos[1], td.EndPos[0], td.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdTd)
+ for funcCall in FileProfile.FunctionCallingList:
+ IdFC = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, '', '', funcCall.FuncName, funcCall.ParamList, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_FUNCTION_CALLING, -1, -1, funcCall.StartPos[0], funcCall.StartPos[1], funcCall.EndPos[0], funcCall.EndPos[1])
+ IdList.append(IdFC)
+ return IdList
+def StripNonAlnumChars(Str):
+ StrippedStr = ''
+ for Char in Str:
+ if Char.isalnum() or Char == '_':
+ StrippedStr += Char
+ return StrippedStr
+def GetParamList(FuncDeclarator, FuncNameLine=0, FuncNameOffset=0):
+ FuncDeclarator = StripComments(FuncDeclarator)
+ ParamIdList = []
+ #DeclSplitList = FuncDeclarator.split('(')
+ LBPos = FuncDeclarator.find('(')
+ #if len(DeclSplitList) < 2:
+ if LBPos == -1:
+ return ParamIdList
+ #FuncName = DeclSplitList[0]
+ FuncName = FuncDeclarator[0:LBPos]
+ #ParamStr = DeclSplitList[1].rstrip(')')
+ ParamStr = FuncDeclarator[LBPos + 1:].rstrip(')')
+ LineSkipped = 0
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ TailChar = FuncName[-1]
+ while not TailChar.isalpha() and TailChar != '_':
+ if TailChar == '\n':
+ FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\r\n').rstrip('\n')
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif TailChar == '\r':
+ FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\r')
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif TailChar == ' ':
+ FuncName = FuncName.rstrip(' ')
+ OffsetSkipped += 1
+ elif TailChar == '\t':
+ FuncName = FuncName.rstrip('\t')
+ OffsetSkipped += 8
+ else:
+ FuncName = FuncName[:-1]
+ TailChar = FuncName[-1]
+ OffsetSkipped += 1 #skip '('
+ for p in ParamStr.split(','):
+ ListP = p.split()
+ if len(ListP) == 0:
+ continue
+ ParamName = ListP[-1]
+ DeclText = ParamName.strip()
+ RightSpacePos = p.rfind(ParamName)
+ ParamModifier = p[0:RightSpacePos]
+ if ParamName == 'OPTIONAL':
+ if ParamModifier == '':
+ ParamModifier += ' ' + 'OPTIONAL'
+ DeclText = ''
+ else:
+ ParamName = ListP[-2]
+ DeclText = ParamName.strip()
+ RightSpacePos = p.rfind(ParamName)
+ ParamModifier = p[0:RightSpacePos]
+ ParamModifier += 'OPTIONAL'
+ while DeclText.startswith('*'):
+ ParamModifier += ' ' + '*'
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*').strip()
+ ParamName = DeclText
+ # ignore array length if exists.
+ LBIndex = ParamName.find('[')
+ if LBIndex != -1:
+ ParamName = ParamName[0:LBIndex]
+ Start = RightSpacePos
+ Index = 0
+ PreChar = ''
+ while Index < Start:
+ FirstChar = p[Index]
+ if FirstChar == '\r':
+ Index += 1
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ Index += 1
+ if PreChar != '\r':
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 8
+ else:
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 1
+ PreChar = FirstChar
+ ParamBeginLine = FuncNameLine + LineSkipped
+ ParamBeginOffset = FuncNameOffset + OffsetSkipped
+ Index = Start + len(ParamName)
+ PreChar = ''
+ while Index < len(p):
+ FirstChar = p[Index]
+ if FirstChar == '\r':
+ Index += 1
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ Index += 1
+ if PreChar != '\r':
+ LineSkipped += 1
+ OffsetSkipped = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 8
+ else:
+ Index += 1
+ OffsetSkipped += 1
+ PreChar = FirstChar
+ ParamEndLine = FuncNameLine + LineSkipped
+ ParamEndOffset = FuncNameOffset + OffsetSkipped
+ if ParamName != '...':
+ ParamName = StripNonAlnumChars(ParamName)
+ IdParam = DataClass.IdentifierClass(-1, ParamModifier, '', ParamName, '', DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_PARAMETER, -1, -1, ParamBeginLine, ParamBeginOffset, ParamEndLine, ParamEndOffset)
+ ParamIdList.append(IdParam)
+ OffsetSkipped += 1 #skip ','
+ return ParamIdList
+def GetFunctionList():
+ FuncObjList = []
+ for FuncDef in FileProfile.FunctionDefinitionList:
+ ParamIdList = []
+ DeclText = FuncDef.Declarator.lstrip()
+ FuncNameStartLine = FuncDef.NamePos[0]
+ FuncNameStartColumn = FuncDef.NamePos[1]
+ FirstChar = DeclText[0]
+ while not FirstChar.isalpha() and FirstChar != '_':
+ if FirstChar == '*':
+ FuncDef.Modifier += '*'
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 1
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('*')
+ elif FirstChar == '\r':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\r\n').lstrip('\r')
+ FuncNameStartLine += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\n')
+ FuncNameStartLine += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip(' ')
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ DeclText = DeclText.lstrip('\t')
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 8
+ else:
+ DeclText = DeclText[1:]
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 1
+ FirstChar = DeclText[0]
+ FuncDef.Declarator = DeclText
+ DeclSplitList = FuncDef.Declarator.split('(')
+ if len(DeclSplitList) < 2:
+ continue
+ FuncName = DeclSplitList[0]
+ FuncNamePartList = FuncName.split()
+ if len(FuncNamePartList) > 1:
+ FuncName = FuncNamePartList[-1]
+ NameStart = DeclSplitList[0].rfind(FuncName)
+ if NameStart > 0:
+ FuncDef.Modifier += ' ' + DeclSplitList[0][0:NameStart]
+ Index = 0
+ PreChar = ''
+ while Index < NameStart:
+ FirstChar = DeclSplitList[0][Index]
+ if DeclSplitList[0][Index:].startswith('EFIAPI'):
+ Index += 6
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 6
+ PreChar = ''
+ continue
+ elif FirstChar == '\r':
+ Index += 1
+ FuncNameStartLine += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == '\n':
+ Index += 1
+ if PreChar != '\r':
+ FuncNameStartLine += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn = 0
+ elif FirstChar == ' ':
+ Index += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 1
+ elif FirstChar == '\t':
+ Index += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 8
+ else:
+ Index += 1
+ FuncNameStartColumn += 1
+ PreChar = FirstChar
+ FuncObj = DataClass.FunctionClass(-1, FuncDef.Declarator, FuncDef.Modifier, FuncName.strip(), '', FuncDef.StartPos[0], FuncDef.StartPos[1], FuncDef.EndPos[0], FuncDef.EndPos[1], FuncDef.LeftBracePos[0], FuncDef.LeftBracePos[1], -1, ParamIdList, [], FuncNameStartLine, FuncNameStartColumn)
+ FuncObjList.append(FuncObj)
+ return FuncObjList
+def GetFileModificationTimeFromDB(FullFileName):
+ TimeValue = 0.0
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select TimeStamp
+ from File
+ where FullPath = \'%s\'
+ """ % (FullFileName)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ TimeValue = Result[0]
+ return TimeValue
+def CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(RootDir):
+ FileObjList = []
+ tuple = os.walk(RootDir)
+ IgnoredPattern = GetIgnoredDirListPattern()
+ ParseErrorFileList = []
+ TokenReleaceList = EccGlobalData.gConfig.TokenReleaceList
+ TokenReleaceList.extend(['L",\\\""'])
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in tuple:
+ if IgnoredPattern.match(dirpath.upper()):
+ continue
+ for Dir in dirnames:
+ Dirname = os.path.join(dirpath, Dir)
+ if os.path.islink(Dirname):
+ Dirname = os.path.realpath(Dirname)
+ if os.path.isdir(Dirname):
+ # symlinks to directories are treated as directories
+ dirnames.remove(Dir)
+ dirnames.append(Dirname)
+ for f in filenames:
+ if f.lower() in EccGlobalData.gConfig.SkipFileList:
+ continue
+ collector = None
+ FullName = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirpath, f))
+ model = DataClass.MODEL_FILE_OTHERS
+ if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in ('.h', '.c'):
+ EdkLogger.info("Parsing " + FullName)
+ model = f.endswith('c') and DataClass.MODEL_FILE_C or DataClass.MODEL_FILE_H
+ collector = CodeFragmentCollector.CodeFragmentCollector(FullName)
+ collector.TokenReleaceList = TokenReleaceList
+ try:
+ collector.ParseFile()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ ParseErrorFileList.append(FullName)
+ collector.CleanFileProfileBuffer()
+ collector.ParseFileWithClearedPPDirective()
+# collector.PrintFragments()
+ BaseName = os.path.basename(f)
+ DirName = os.path.dirname(FullName)
+ Ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1].lstrip('.')
+ ModifiedTime = os.path.getmtime(FullName)
+ FileObj = DataClass.FileClass(-1, BaseName, Ext, DirName, FullName, model, ModifiedTime, GetFunctionList(), GetIdentifierList(), [])
+ FileObjList.append(FileObj)
+ if collector:
+ collector.CleanFileProfileBuffer()
+ if len(ParseErrorFileList) > 0:
+ EdkLogger.info("Found unrecoverable error during parsing:\n\t%s\n" % "\n\t".join(ParseErrorFileList))
+ Db = GetDB()
+ for file in FileObjList:
+ if file.ExtName.upper() not in ['INF', 'DEC', 'DSC', 'FDF']:
+ Db.InsertOneFile(file)
+ Db.UpdateIdentifierBelongsToFunction()
+def GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList=None):
+ if ErrorMsgList is None:
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID
+ from File
+ where FullPath like '%s'
+ """ % FullFileName
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ FileID = -1
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if FileID != -1:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Duplicate file ID found in DB for file %s' % FullFileName)
+ return - 2
+ FileID = Result[0]
+ if FileID == -1:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('NO file ID found in DB for file %s' % FullFileName)
+ return - 1
+ return FileID
+def GetIncludeFileList(FullFileName):
+ if os.path.splitext(FullFileName)[1].upper() not in ('.H'):
+ return []
+ IFList = IncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName)
+ if IFList is not None:
+ return IFList
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return []
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_INCLUDE)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ IncludeFileListDict[FullFileName] = ResultSet
+ return ResultSet
+def GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(Str, IncludePathList):
+ for IncludePath in IncludePathList:
+ FullPath = os.path.join(IncludePath, Str)
+ FullPath = os.path.normpath(FullPath)
+ if os.path.exists(FullPath):
+ return FullPath
+ return None
+def GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName):
+ if AllIncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName) is not None:
+ return AllIncludeFileListDict.get(FullFileName)
+ FileDirName = os.path.dirname(FullFileName)
+ IncludePathList = IncludePathListDict.get(FileDirName)
+ if IncludePathList is None:
+ IncludePathList = MetaDataParser.GetIncludeListOfFile(EccGlobalData.gWorkspace, FullFileName, GetDB())
+ if FileDirName not in IncludePathList:
+ IncludePathList.insert(0, FileDirName)
+ IncludePathListDict[FileDirName] = IncludePathList
+ IncludeFileQueue = []
+ for IncludeFile in GetIncludeFileList(FullFileName):
+ FileName = IncludeFile[0].lstrip('#').strip()
+ FileName = FileName.lstrip('include').strip()
+ FileName = FileName.strip('\"')
+ FileName = FileName.lstrip('<').rstrip('>').strip()
+ FullPath = GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(FileName, IncludePathList)
+ if FullPath is not None:
+ IncludeFileQueue.append(FullPath)
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(IncludeFileQueue):
+ for IncludeFile in GetIncludeFileList(IncludeFileQueue[i]):
+ FileName = IncludeFile[0].lstrip('#').strip()
+ FileName = FileName.lstrip('include').strip()
+ FileName = FileName.strip('\"')
+ FileName = FileName.lstrip('<').rstrip('>').strip()
+ FullPath = GetFullPathOfIncludeFile(FileName, IncludePathList)
+ if FullPath is not None and FullPath not in IncludeFileQueue:
+ IncludeFileQueue.insert(i + 1, FullPath)
+ i += 1
+ AllIncludeFileListDict[FullFileName] = IncludeFileQueue
+ return IncludeFileQueue
+def GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(PES):
+ PredicateList = []
+ i = 0
+ PredicateBegin = 0
+ #PredicateEnd = 0
+ LogicOpPos = -1
+ p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ while i < len(PES) - 1:
+ if (PES[i].isalnum() or PES[i] == '_' or PES[i] == '*') and LogicOpPos > PredicateBegin:
+ PredicateBegin = i
+ if (PES[i] == '&' and PES[i + 1] == '&') or (PES[i] == '|' and PES[i + 1] == '|'):
+ LogicOpPos = i
+ Exp = PES[PredicateBegin:i].strip()
+ # Exp may contain '.' or '->'
+ TmpExp = Exp.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpExp):
+ PredicateList.append(Exp)
+ else:
+ PredicateList.append(Exp.rstrip(';').rstrip(')').strip())
+ i += 1
+ if PredicateBegin > LogicOpPos:
+ while PredicateBegin < len(PES):
+ if PES[PredicateBegin].isalnum() or PES[PredicateBegin] == '_' or PES[PredicateBegin] == '*':
+ break
+ PredicateBegin += 1
+ Exp = PES[PredicateBegin:len(PES)].strip()
+ # Exp may contain '.' or '->'
+ TmpExp = Exp.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpExp):
+ PredicateList.append(Exp)
+ else:
+ PredicateList.append(Exp.rstrip(';').rstrip(')').strip())
+ return PredicateList
+def GetCNameList(Lvalue, StarList=[]):
+ Lvalue += ' '
+ i = 0
+ SearchBegin = 0
+ VarStart = -1
+ VarEnd = -1
+ VarList = []
+ while SearchBegin < len(Lvalue):
+ while i < len(Lvalue):
+ if Lvalue[i].isalnum() or Lvalue[i] == '_':
+ if VarStart == -1:
+ VarStart = i
+ VarEnd = i
+ i += 1
+ elif VarEnd != -1:
+ VarList.append(Lvalue[VarStart:VarEnd + 1])
+ i += 1
+ break
+ else:
+ if VarStart == -1 and Lvalue[i] == '*':
+ StarList.append('*')
+ i += 1
+ if VarEnd == -1:
+ break
+ DotIndex = Lvalue[VarEnd:].find('.')
+ ArrowIndex = Lvalue[VarEnd:].find('->')
+ if DotIndex == -1 and ArrowIndex == -1:
+ break
+ elif DotIndex == -1 and ArrowIndex != -1:
+ SearchBegin = VarEnd + ArrowIndex
+ elif ArrowIndex == -1 and DotIndex != -1:
+ SearchBegin = VarEnd + DotIndex
+ else:
+ SearchBegin = VarEnd + ((DotIndex < ArrowIndex) and DotIndex or ArrowIndex)
+ i = SearchBegin
+ VarStart = -1
+ VarEnd = -1
+ return VarList
+def SplitPredicateByOp(Str, Op, IsFuncCalling=False):
+ Name = Str.strip()
+ Value = None
+ if IsFuncCalling:
+ Index = 0
+ LBFound = False
+ UnmatchedLBCount = 0
+ while Index < len(Str):
+ while not LBFound and Str[Index] != '_' and not Str[Index].isalnum():
+ Index += 1
+ while not LBFound and (Str[Index].isalnum() or Str[Index] == '_'):
+ Index += 1
+ # maybe type-cast at the beginning, skip it.
+ RemainingStr = Str[Index:].lstrip()
+ if RemainingStr.startswith(')') and not LBFound:
+ Index += 1
+ continue
+ if RemainingStr.startswith('(') and not LBFound:
+ LBFound = True
+ if Str[Index] == '(':
+ UnmatchedLBCount += 1
+ Index += 1
+ continue
+ if Str[Index] == ')':
+ UnmatchedLBCount -= 1
+ Index += 1
+ if UnmatchedLBCount == 0:
+ break
+ continue
+ Index += 1
+ if UnmatchedLBCount > 0:
+ return [Name]
+ IndexInRemainingStr = Str[Index:].find(Op)
+ if IndexInRemainingStr == -1:
+ return [Name]
+ Name = Str[0:Index + IndexInRemainingStr].strip()
+ Value = Str[Index + IndexInRemainingStr + len(Op):].strip().strip(')')
+ return [Name, Value]
+ TmpStr = Str.rstrip(';').rstrip(')')
+ while True:
+ Index = TmpStr.rfind(Op)
+ if Index == -1:
+ return [Name]
+ if Str[Index - 1].isalnum() or Str[Index - 1].isspace() or Str[Index - 1] == ')' or Str[Index - 1] == ']':
+ Name = Str[0:Index].strip()
+ Value = Str[Index + len(Op):].strip()
+ return [Name, Value]
+ TmpStr = Str[0:Index - 1]
+def SplitPredicateStr(Str):
+ Str = Str.lstrip('(')
+ IsFuncCalling = False
+ p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ TmpStr = Str.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpStr):
+ IsFuncCalling = True
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '==', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '==']
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '!=', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '!=']
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '>=', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '>=']
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '<=', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '<=']
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '>', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '>']
+ PredPartList = SplitPredicateByOp(Str, '<', IsFuncCalling)
+ if len(PredPartList) > 1:
+ return [PredPartList, '<']
+ return [[Str, None], None]
+def GetFuncContainsPE(ExpLine, ResultSet):
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if Result[0] < ExpLine and Result[1] > ExpLine:
+ return Result
+ return None
+def PatternInModifier(Modifier, SubStr):
+ PartList = Modifier.split()
+ for Part in PartList:
+ if Part == SubStr:
+ return True
+ return False
+def GetDataTypeFromModifier(ModifierStr):
+ MList = ModifierStr.split()
+ ReturnType = ''
+ for M in MList:
+ if M in EccGlobalData.gConfig.ModifierSet:
+ continue
+ # remove array suffix
+ if M.startswith('[') or M.endswith(']'):
+ continue
+ ReturnType += M + ' '
+ ReturnType = ReturnType.strip()
+ if len(ReturnType) == 0:
+ ReturnType = 'VOID'
+ return ReturnType
+def DiffModifier(Str1, Str2):
+ PartList1 = Str1.split()
+ PartList2 = Str2.split()
+ if PartList1 == PartList2:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def GetTypedefDict(FullFileName):
+ Dict = ComplexTypeDict.get(FullFileName)
+ if Dict is not None:
+ return Dict
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ Dict = {}
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(Result[0]) == 0:
+ Dict[Result[1]] = Result[2]
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if not Result[2].startswith('FP ('):
+ Dict[Result[1]] = Result[2]
+ else:
+ if len(Result[0]) == 0:
+ Dict[Result[1]] = 'VOID'
+ else:
+ Dict[Result[1]] = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
+ ComplexTypeDict[FullFileName] = Dict
+ return Dict
+def GetSUDict(FullFileName):
+ Dict = SUDict.get(FullFileName)
+ if Dict is not None:
+ return Dict
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d or Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ Dict = {}
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(Result[1]) > 0:
+ Dict[Result[0]] = Result[1]
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d or Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(Result[1]) > 0:
+ Dict[Result[0]] = Result[1]
+ SUDict[FullFileName] = Dict
+ return Dict
+def StripComments(Str):
+ Str += ' '
+ ListFromStr = list(Str)
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ Index = 0
+ while Index < len(ListFromStr):
+ # meet new line, then no longer in a comment for //
+ if ListFromStr[Index] == '\n':
+ if InComment and DoubleSlashComment:
+ InComment = False
+ DoubleSlashComment = False
+ Index += 1
+ # check for */ comment end
+ elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and ListFromStr[Index] == '*' and ListFromStr[Index + 1] == '/':
+ ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
+ Index += 1
+ ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
+ Index += 1
+ InComment = False
+ # set comments to spaces
+ elif InComment:
+ ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
+ Index += 1
+ # check for // comment
+ elif ListFromStr[Index] == '/' and ListFromStr[Index + 1] == '/':
+ InComment = True
+ DoubleSlashComment = True
+ # check for /* comment start
+ elif ListFromStr[Index] == '/' and ListFromStr[Index + 1] == '*':
+ ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
+ Index += 1
+ ListFromStr[Index] = ' '
+ Index += 1
+ InComment = True
+ else:
+ Index += 1
+ # restore from List to String
+ Str = "".join(ListFromStr)
+ Str = Str.rstrip(' ')
+ return Str
+def GetFinalTypeValue(Type, FieldName, TypedefDict, SUDict):
+ Value = TypedefDict.get(Type)
+ if Value is None:
+ Value = SUDict.get(Type)
+ if Value is None:
+ return None
+ LBPos = Value.find('{')
+ while LBPos == -1:
+ FTList = Value.split()
+ for FT in FTList:
+ if FT not in ('struct', 'union'):
+ Value = TypedefDict.get(FT)
+ if Value is None:
+ Value = SUDict.get(FT)
+ break
+ if Value is None:
+ return None
+ LBPos = Value.find('{')
+# RBPos = Value.find('}')
+ Fields = Value[LBPos + 1:]
+ Fields = StripComments(Fields)
+ FieldsList = Fields.split(';')
+ for Field in FieldsList:
+ Field = Field.strip()
+ Index = Field.rfind(FieldName)
+ if Index < 1:
+ continue
+ if not Field[Index - 1].isalnum():
+ if Index + len(FieldName) == len(Field):
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Field[0:Index])
+ return Type.strip()
+ else:
+ # For the condition that the field in struct is an array with [] suffixes...
+ if not Field[Index + len(FieldName)].isalnum():
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Field[0:Index])
+ return Type.strip()
+ return None
+def GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType=None):
+ if TargetType is not None and Type == TargetType:
+ return Type
+ while TypedefDict.get(Type):
+ Type = TypedefDict.get(Type)
+ if TargetType is not None and Type == TargetType:
+ return Type
+ return Type
+def GetTypeInfo(RefList, Modifier, FullFileName, TargetType=None):
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ SUDict = GetSUDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Modifier).replace('*', '').strip()
+ Type = Type.split()[-1]
+ Index = 0
+ while Index < len(RefList):
+ FieldName = RefList[Index]
+ FromType = GetFinalTypeValue(Type, FieldName, TypedefDict, SUDict)
+ if FromType is None:
+ return None
+ # we want to determine the exact type.
+ if TargetType is not None:
+ Type = FromType.split()[0]
+ # we only want to check if it is a pointer
+ else:
+ Type = FromType
+ if Type.find('*') != -1 and Index == len(RefList) - 1:
+ return Type
+ Type = FromType.split()[0]
+ Index += 1
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+def GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall=False, TargetType=None, StarList=None):
+ PredVar = PredVarList[0]
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ # search variable in include files
+ # it is a function call, search function declarations and definitions
+ if IsFuncCall:
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and Value = \'%s\'
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and Value = \'%s\'
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d and Name = \'%s\'
+ """ % (FileID, PredVar)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d and Name = \'%s\'
+ """ % (FileID, PredVar)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ return None
+ # really variable, search local variable first
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and Name = \'%s\' and StartLine >= %d and StartLine <= %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar, FuncRecord[0], FuncRecord[1])
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ VarFound = False
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(PredVarList) > 1:
+ Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ else:
+# Type = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()[-1]
+ TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
+ Type = TypeList[-1]
+ if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList is not None:
+ for Star in StarList:
+ Type = Type.strip()
+ Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
+ # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
+ if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
+ Type = TypeList[-2]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ # search function parameters second
+ ParamList = GetParamList(FuncRecord[2])
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if Param.Name.strip() == PredVar:
+ if len(PredVarList) > 1:
+ Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Param.Modifier, FullFileName, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ else:
+ TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Param.Modifier).split()
+ Type = TypeList[-1]
+ if Type == '*' and len(TypeList) >= 2:
+ Type = TypeList[-2]
+ if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList is not None:
+ for Star in StarList:
+ Type = Type.strip()
+ Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
+ # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
+ if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
+ Type = TypeList[-2]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ # search global variable next
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and Name = \'%s\' and BelongsToFunction = -1
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(PredVarList) > 1:
+ Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ else:
+ TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
+ Type = TypeList[-1]
+ if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList is not None:
+ for Star in StarList:
+ Type = Type.strip()
+ Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
+ # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
+ if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
+ Type = TypeList[-2]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and BelongsToFunction = -1 and Name = \'%s\'
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, PredVar)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(PredVarList) > 1:
+ Type = GetTypeInfo(PredVarList[1:], Result[0], FullFileName, TargetType)
+ return Type
+ else:
+ TypeList = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0]).split()
+ Type = TypeList[-1]
+ if len(TypeList) > 1 and StarList is not None:
+ for Star in StarList:
+ Type = Type.strip()
+ Type = Type.rstrip(Star)
+ # Get real type after de-reference pointers.
+ if len(Type.strip()) == 0:
+ Type = TypeList[-2]
+ TypedefDict = GetTypedefDict(FullFileName)
+ Type = GetRealType(Type, TypedefDict, TargetType)
+ return Type
+def GetTypeFromArray(Type, Var):
+ Count = Var.count('[')
+ while Count > 0:
+ Type = Type.strip()
+ Type = Type.rstrip('*')
+ Count = Count - 1
+ return Type
+def CheckFuncLayoutReturnType(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
+ TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
+ FuncName = Result[5]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, FuncName):
+ continue
+ Result0 = Result[0]
+ if Result0.upper().startswith('STATIC'):
+ Result0 = Result0[6:].strip()
+ Index = Result0.find(TypeStart)
+ if Index != 0 or Result[3] != 0:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear at the start of line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
+ if Result[2] == Result[4]:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear on its own line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, FunNameStartLine, Name
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
+ TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
+ FuncName = Result[5]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, FuncName):
+ continue
+ Result0 = Result[0]
+ if Result0.upper().startswith('STATIC'):
+ Result0 = Result0[6:].strip()
+ Index = Result0.find(TypeStart)
+ if Index != 0 or Result[3] != 0:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_RETURN_TYPE, '[%s] Return Type should appear at the start of line' % FuncName, 'Function', Result[1])
+def CheckFuncLayoutModifier(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
+ TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
+ Result0 = Result[0]
+ if Result0.upper().startswith('STATIC'):
+ Result0 = Result0[6:].strip()
+ Index = Result0.find(TypeStart)
+ if Index != 0:
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ReturnType = GetDataTypeFromModifier(Result[0])
+ TypeStart = ReturnType.split()[0]
+ Result0 = Result[0]
+ if Result0.upper().startswith('STATIC'):
+ Result0 = Result0[6:].strip()
+ Index = Result0.find(TypeStart)
+ if Index != 0:
+def CheckFuncLayoutName(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ # Parameter variable format pattern.
+ Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
+ ParamIgnoreList = ('VOID', '...')
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Name, ID, EndColumn, Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncName = Result[3]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, FuncName):
+ continue
+ if Result[2] != 0:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Function name [%s] should appear at the start of a line' % FuncName, FileTable, Result[1])
+ ParamList = GetParamList(Result[0])
+ if len(ParamList) == 0:
+ continue
+ StartLine = 0
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if Param.StartLine <= StartLine:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Parameter %s should be in its own line.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
+ if Param.StartLine - StartLine > 1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Empty line appears before Parameter %s.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
+ if not Pattern.match(Param.Name) and not Param.Name in ParamIgnoreList and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Param.Name):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Parameter [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
+ StartLine = Param.StartLine
+ if not Result[0].endswith('\n )') and not Result[0].endswith('\r )'):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, '\')\' should be on a new line and indented two spaces', FileTable, Result[1])
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, ID, FunNameStartColumn, Name
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncName = Result[3]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, FuncName):
+ continue
+ if Result[2] != 0:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Function name [%s] should appear at the start of a line' % FuncName, 'Function', Result[1])
+ ParamList = GetParamList(Result[0])
+ if len(ParamList) == 0:
+ continue
+ StartLine = 0
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if Param.StartLine <= StartLine:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Parameter %s should be in its own line.' % Param.Name, 'Function', Result[1])
+ if Param.StartLine - StartLine > 1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, 'Empty line appears before Parameter %s.' % Param.Name, 'Function', Result[1])
+ if not Pattern.match(Param.Name) and not Param.Name in ParamIgnoreList and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Param.Name):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Parameter [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[1])
+ StartLine = Param.StartLine
+ if not Result[0].endswith('\n )') and not Result[0].endswith('\r )'):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_NAME, '\')\' should be on a new line and indented two spaces', 'Function', Result[1])
+def CheckFuncLayoutPrototype(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, Name, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ FuncDefList = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncDefList.append(Result)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ FuncDeclList = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncDeclList.append(Result)
+ UndeclFuncList = []
+ for FuncDef in FuncDefList:
+ FuncName = FuncDef[2].strip()
+ FuncModifier = FuncDef[0]
+ FuncDefHeader = FuncDef[1]
+ for FuncDecl in FuncDeclList:
+ LBPos = FuncDecl[1].find('(')
+ DeclName = FuncDecl[1][0:LBPos].strip()
+ DeclModifier = FuncDecl[0]
+ if DeclName == FuncName:
+ if DiffModifier(FuncModifier, DeclModifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, 'Function [%s] modifier different with prototype.' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ ParamListOfDef = GetParamList(FuncDefHeader)
+ ParamListOfDecl = GetParamList(FuncDecl[1])
+ if len(ParamListOfDef) != len(ParamListOfDecl) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, 'Parameter number different in function [%s].' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ break
+ Index = 0
+ while Index < len(ParamListOfDef):
+ if DiffModifier(ParamListOfDef[Index].Modifier, ParamListOfDecl[Index].Modifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, 'Parameter %s has different modifier with prototype in function [%s].' % (ParamListOfDef[Index].Name, FuncName), 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ Index += 1
+ break
+ else:
+ UndeclFuncList.append(FuncDef)
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ FuncDeclList = []
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncDeclList.append(Result)
+ for FuncDef in UndeclFuncList:
+ FuncName = FuncDef[2].strip()
+ FuncModifier = FuncDef[0]
+ FuncDefHeader = FuncDef[1]
+ for FuncDecl in FuncDeclList:
+ LBPos = FuncDecl[1].find('(')
+ DeclName = FuncDecl[1][0:LBPos].strip()
+ DeclModifier = FuncDecl[0]
+ if DeclName == FuncName:
+ if DiffModifier(FuncModifier, DeclModifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE, 'Function [%s] modifier different with prototype.' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ ParamListOfDef = GetParamList(FuncDefHeader)
+ ParamListOfDecl = GetParamList(FuncDecl[1])
+ if len(ParamListOfDef) != len(ParamListOfDecl) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_2, 'Parameter number different in function [%s].' % FuncName, 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ break
+ Index = 0
+ while Index < len(ParamListOfDef):
+ if DiffModifier(ParamListOfDef[Index].Modifier, ParamListOfDecl[Index].Modifier) and not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, FuncName):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_PROTO_TYPE_3, 'Parameter %s has different modifier with prototype in function [%s].' % (ParamListOfDef[Index].Name, FuncName), 'Function', FuncDef[3])
+ Index += 1
+ break
+def CheckFuncLayoutBody(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartColumn, EndColumn, ID, Name
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if Result[0] != 0:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY, Result[3]):
+ 'The open brace should be at the very beginning of a line for the function [%s].' % Result[3],
+ 'Function', Result[2])
+ if Result[1] != 0:
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_FUNCTION_BODY, Result[3]):
+ 'The close brace should be at the very beginning of a line for the function [%s].' % Result[3],
+ 'Function', Result[2])
+def CheckFuncLayoutLocalVariable(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ FL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FL.append(Result)
+ for F in FL:
+ SqlStatement = """ select Name, Value, ID, Modifier
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and BelongsToFunction = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE, F[0])
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ continue
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if len(Result[1]) > 0 and 'CONST' not in Result[3]:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_C_FUNCTION_LAYOUT_CHECK_NO_INIT_OF_VARIABLE, 'Variable Name: %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
+def CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, TdId, ModelId):
+ ErrMsgList = []
+ # Member variable format pattern.
+ Pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]+\S*[a-z]\S*$')
+ LBPos = Value.find('{')
+ RBPos = Value.rfind('}')
+ if LBPos == -1 or RBPos == -1:
+ return ErrMsgList
+ Fields = Value[LBPos + 1 : RBPos]
+ Fields = StripComments(Fields).strip()
+ NestPos = Fields.find ('struct')
+ if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('struct') < len(Fields)) and ModelId != DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_UNION:
+ if not Fields[NestPos + len('struct') + 1].isalnum():
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested struct in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
+ return ErrMsgList
+ NestPos = Fields.find ('union')
+ if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('union') < len(Fields)):
+ if not Fields[NestPos + len('union') + 1].isalnum():
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested union in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
+ return ErrMsgList
+ NestPos = Fields.find ('enum')
+ if NestPos != -1 and (NestPos + len('enum') < len(Fields)):
+ if not Fields[NestPos + len('enum') + 1].isalnum():
+ if not EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, Name):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NESTED_STRUCTURE, 'Nested enum in [%s].' % (Name), FileTable, TdId)
+ return ErrMsgList
+ FieldsList = Fields.split(',')
+ # deal with enum is pre-assigned a value by function call ( , , , ...)
+ QuoteCount = 0
+ Index = 0
+ RemoveCurrentElement = False
+ while Index < len(FieldsList):
+ Field = FieldsList[Index]
+ if Field.find('(') != -1:
+ QuoteCount += 1
+ RemoveCurrentElement = True
+ Index += 1
+ continue
+ if Field.find(')') != -1 and QuoteCount > 0:
+ QuoteCount -= 1
+ if RemoveCurrentElement:
+ FieldsList.remove(Field)
+ if QuoteCount == 0:
+ RemoveCurrentElement = False
+ continue
+ if QuoteCount == 0:
+ RemoveCurrentElement = False
+ Index += 1
+ else:
+ FieldsList = Fields.split(';')
+ for Field in FieldsList:
+ Field = Field.strip()
+ if Field == '':
+ continue
+ # For the condition that the field in struct is an array with [] suffixes...
+ if Field[-1] == ']':
+ LBPos = Field.find('[')
+ Field = Field[0:LBPos]
+ # For the condition that bit field ": Number"
+ if Field.find(':') != -1:
+ ColonPos = Field.find(':')
+ Field = Field[0:ColonPos]
+ Field = Field.strip()
+ if Field == '':
+ continue
+ if Field.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ # Enum could directly assign value to variable
+ Field = Field.split('=')[0].strip()
+ TokenList = Field.split()
+ # Remove pointers before variable
+ Token = TokenList[-1]
+ if Token in ['OPTIONAL']:
+ Token = TokenList[-2]
+ if not Pattern.match(Token.lstrip('*')):
+ ErrMsgList.append(Token.lstrip('*'))
+ return ErrMsgList
+def CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, ModelId):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Name, StartLine, EndLine, ID, Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, ModelId)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ ResultList = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ResultList.append(Result)
+ elif ModelId == DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_UNION:
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ TdSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ TdList = []
+ for Td in TdSet:
+ TdList.append(Td)
+ # Check member variable name format that from typedefs of ONLY this file.
+ for Td in TdList:
+ Name = Td[1].strip()
+ Value = Td[2].strip()
+ if Value.startswith('enum'):
+ elif Value.startswith('struct'):
+ elif Value.startswith('union'):
+ else:
+ continue
+ if ValueModelId != ModelId:
+ continue
+ # Check member variable format.
+ ErrMsgList = CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, Td[5], ModelId)
+ for ErrMsg in ErrMsgList:
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Name + '.' + ErrMsg):
+ continue
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Member variable [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % (Name + '.' + ErrMsg), FileTable, Td[5])
+ # First check in current file to see whether struct/union/enum is typedef-ed.
+ UntypedefedList = []
+ for Result in ResultList:
+ # Check member variable format.
+ Name = Result[0].strip()
+ Value = Result[4].strip()
+ if Value.startswith('enum'):
+ elif Value.startswith('struct'):
+ elif Value.startswith('union'):
+ else:
+ continue
+ if ValueModelId != ModelId:
+ continue
+ ErrMsgList = CheckMemberVariableFormat(Name, Value, FileTable, Result[3], ModelId)
+ for ErrMsg in ErrMsgList:
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, Result[0] + '.' + ErrMsg):
+ continue
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_NAMING_CONVENTION_CHECK_VARIABLE_NAME, 'Member variable [%s] NOT follow naming convention.' % (Result[0] + '.' + ErrMsg), FileTable, Result[3])
+ # Check whether it is typedefed.
+ Found = False
+ for Td in TdList:
+ # skip function pointer
+ if len(Td[0]) > 0:
+ continue
+ if Result[1] >= Td[3] and Td[4] >= Result[2]:
+ Found = True
+ if not Td[1].isupper():
+ PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
+ if Result[0] in Td[2].split():
+ Found = True
+ if not Td[1].isupper():
+ PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
+ if Found:
+ break
+ if not Found:
+ UntypedefedList.append(Result)
+ continue
+ if len(UntypedefedList) == 0:
+ return
+ IncludeFileList = GetAllIncludeFiles(FullFileName)
+ TdList = []
+ for F in IncludeFileList:
+ FileID = GetTableID(F, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ continue
+ IncludeFileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (IncludeFileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_TYPEDEF)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ TdList.extend(ResultSet)
+ for Result in UntypedefedList:
+ # Check whether it is typedefed.
+ Found = False
+ for Td in TdList:
+ if len(Td[0]) > 0:
+ continue
+ if Result[1] >= Td[3] and Td[4] >= Result[2]:
+ Found = True
+ if not Td[1].isupper():
+ PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
+ if Result[0] in Td[2].split():
+ Found = True
+ if not Td[1].isupper():
+ PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'Typedef should be UPPER case', FileTable, Td[5])
+ if Found:
+ break
+ if not Found:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ErrorType, 'No Typedef for %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[3])
+ continue
+def CheckDeclStructTypedef(FullFileName):
+ CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_STRUCTURE)
+def CheckDeclEnumTypedef(FullFileName):
+ CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_ENUMERATE)
+def CheckDeclUnionTypedef(FullFileName):
+ CheckDeclTypedefFormat(FullFileName, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_UNION)
+def CheckDeclArgModifier(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ ModifierTuple = ('IN', 'OUT', 'OPTIONAL', 'UNALIGNED')
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier) and len(Result[0]) < MAX_MODIFIER_LENGTH:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Variable Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
+ break
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Return Type Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
+ break
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ for Modifier in ModifierTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Modifier):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_IN_OUT_MODIFIER, 'Return Type Modifier %s' % Result[0], FileTable, Result[2])
+ break
+def CheckDeclNoUseCType(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ CTypeTuple = ('int', 'unsigned', 'char', 'void', 'long')
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ for Type in CTypeTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE,
+ Result[0] + ' ' + Result[1]):
+ continue
+ 'Invalid variable type (%s) in definition [%s]' % (Type, Result[0] + ' ' + Result[1]),
+ FileTable,
+ Result[2])
+ break
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, ID, Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ParamList = GetParamList(Result[1])
+ FuncName = Result[3]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, FuncName):
+ continue
+ for Type in CTypeTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, '%s Return type %s' % (FuncName, Result[0]), FileTable, Result[2])
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if PatternInModifier(Param.Modifier, Type):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, 'Parameter %s' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[2])
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, ID, Name
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ ParamList = GetParamList(Result[1])
+ FuncName = Result[3]
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, FuncName):
+ continue
+ for Type in CTypeTuple:
+ if PatternInModifier(Result[0], Type):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, '[%s] Return type %s' % (FuncName, Result[0]), FileTable, Result[2])
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if PatternInModifier(Param.Modifier, Type):
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DECLARATION_DATA_TYPE_CHECK_NO_USE_C_TYPE, 'Parameter %s' % Param.Name, FileTable, Result[2])
+def CheckPointerNullComparison(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
+ FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return
+ PSL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
+ SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ FL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
+ p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ for Str in PSL:
+ FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
+ if FuncRecord is None:
+ continue
+ for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
+ PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
+ if PredInfo[1] is None:
+ PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
+ IsFuncCall = False
+ SearchInCache = False
+ # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
+ TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpStr):
+ PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
+ SearchInCache = True
+ # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
+ if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
+ IsFuncCall = True
+ if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
+ continue
+ StarList = []
+ PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
+ # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
+ if len(PredVarList) == 0:
+ continue
+ if SearchInCache:
+ Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
+ if Type is not None:
+ if Type.find('*') != -1 and Type != 'BOOLEAN*':
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+ continue
+ if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
+ continue
+ Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, None, StarList)
+ if SearchInCache:
+ FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
+ if Type is None:
+ continue
+ Type = GetTypeFromArray(Type, PredVarStr)
+ if Type.find('*') != -1 and Type != 'BOOLEAN*':
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_COMPARISON_NULL_TYPE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+def CheckNonBooleanValueComparison(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
+ FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return
+ PSL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
+ SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ FL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
+ p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ for Str in PSL:
+ FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
+ if FuncRecord is None:
+ continue
+ for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
+ PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
+ if PredInfo[1] is None:
+ PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
+ IsFuncCall = False
+ SearchInCache = False
+ # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
+ TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpStr):
+ PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
+ SearchInCache = True
+ # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
+ if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
+ IsFuncCall = True
+ if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
+ continue
+ StarList = []
+ PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
+ # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
+ if len(PredVarList) == 0:
+ continue
+ if SearchInCache:
+ Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
+ if Type is not None:
+ if Type.find('BOOLEAN') == -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+ continue
+ if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
+ continue
+ Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, 'BOOLEAN', StarList)
+ if SearchInCache:
+ FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
+ if Type is None:
+ continue
+ if Type.find('BOOLEAN') == -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_NO_BOOLEAN_OPERATOR, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+def CheckBooleanValueComparison(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ # cache the found function return type to accelerate later checking in this file.
+ FuncReturnTypeDict = {}
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return
+ PSL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ PSL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2]])
+ SqlStatement = """ select BodyStartLine, EndLine, Header, Modifier, ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ FL = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FL.append([Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], Result[3], Result[4]])
+ p = GetFuncDeclPattern()
+ for Str in PSL:
+ FuncRecord = GetFuncContainsPE(Str[1], FL)
+ if FuncRecord is None:
+ continue
+ for Exp in GetPredicateListFromPredicateExpStr(Str[0]):
+ PredInfo = SplitPredicateStr(Exp)
+ if PredInfo[1] in ('==', '!=') and PredInfo[0][1] in ('TRUE', 'FALSE'):
+ PredVarStr = PredInfo[0][0].strip()
+ IsFuncCall = False
+ SearchInCache = False
+ # PredVarStr may contain '.' or '->'
+ TmpStr = PredVarStr.replace('.', '').replace('->', '')
+ if p.match(TmpStr):
+ PredVarStr = PredVarStr[0:PredVarStr.find('(')]
+ SearchInCache = True
+ # Only direct function call using IsFuncCall branch. Multi-level ref. function call is considered a variable.
+ if TmpStr.startswith(PredVarStr):
+ IsFuncCall = True
+ if PredVarStr.strip() in IgnoredKeywordList:
+ continue
+ StarList = []
+ PredVarList = GetCNameList(PredVarStr, StarList)
+ # No variable found, maybe value first? like (0 == VarName)
+ if len(PredVarList) == 0:
+ continue
+ if SearchInCache:
+ Type = FuncReturnTypeDict.get(PredVarStr)
+ if Type is not None:
+ if Type.find('BOOLEAN') != -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+ continue
+ if PredVarStr in FuncReturnTypeDict:
+ continue
+ Type = GetVarInfo(PredVarList, FuncRecord, FullFileName, IsFuncCall, 'BOOLEAN', StarList)
+ if SearchInCache:
+ FuncReturnTypeDict[PredVarStr] = Type
+ if Type is None:
+ continue
+ if Type.find('BOOLEAN') != -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_PREDICATE_EXPRESSION_CHECK_BOOLEAN_VALUE, 'Predicate Expression: %s' % Exp, FileTable, Str[2])
+def CheckHeaderFileData(FullFileName, AllTypedefFun=[]):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID, Modifier
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_VARIABLE)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if not Result[1].startswith('extern'):
+ for Item in AllTypedefFun:
+ if '(%s)' % Result[1] in Item:
+ break
+ else:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA, 'Variable definition appears in header file', FileTable, Result[0])
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % FileID
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_INCLUDE_FILE_CHECK_DATA, 'Function definition appears in header file', 'Function', Result[0])
+ return ErrorMsgList
+def CheckHeaderFileIfndef(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d order by StartLine
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_IFNDEF)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, EndLine
+ from %s
+ where EndLine < %d
+ """ % (FileTable, Result[1])
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if not Result[0].startswith('/*') and not Result[0].startswith('//'):
+ break
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value
+ from %s
+ where StartLine > (select max(EndLine) from %s where Model = %d)
+ """ % (FileTable, FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_MACRO_ENDIF)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ if not Result[0].startswith('/*') and not Result[0].startswith('//'):
+ return ErrorMsgList
+def CheckDoxygenCommand(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d or Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ DoxygenCommandList = ['bug', 'todo', 'example', 'file', 'attention', 'param', 'post', 'pre', 'retval',
+ 'return', 'sa', 'since', 'test', 'note', 'par', 'endcode', 'code']
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ CommentStr = Result[0]
+ CommentPartList = CommentStr.split()
+ for Part in CommentPartList:
+ if Part.upper() == 'BUGBUG':
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Bug should be marked with doxygen tag @bug', FileTable, Result[1])
+ if Part.upper() == 'TODO':
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'ToDo should be marked with doxygen tag @todo', FileTable, Result[1])
+ if Part.startswith('@'):
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, Part):
+ continue
+ if not Part.replace('@', '').strip():
+ continue
+ if Part.lstrip('@') in ['{', '}']:
+ continue
+ if Part.lstrip('@').isalpha():
+ if Part.lstrip('@') not in DoxygenCommandList:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
+ else:
+ Index = Part.find('[')
+ if Index == -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
+ RealCmd = Part[1:Index]
+ if RealCmd not in DoxygenCommandList:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMAND, 'Unknown doxygen command %s' % Part, FileTable, Result[1])
+def CheckDoxygenTripleForwardSlash(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ SqlStatement = """ select ID, BodyStartLine, BodyStartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ return
+ FuncDefSet = []
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncDefSet.append(Result)
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID, StartLine, StartColumn, EndLine, EndColumn
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ CommentSet = []
+ try:
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ CommentSet.append(Result)
+ except:
+ print('Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName)
+ for Result in CommentSet:
+ CommentStr = Result[0]
+ StartLine = Result[2]
+ StartColumn = Result[3]
+ EndLine = Result[4]
+ EndColumn = Result[5]
+ if not CommentStr.startswith('///<'):
+ continue
+ Found = False
+ for FuncDef in FuncDefSet:
+ if StartLine == FuncDef[1] and StartColumn > FuncDef[2] and EndLine == FuncDef[3] and EndColumn < FuncDef[4]:
+ Found = True
+ break
+ if StartLine > FuncDef[1] and EndLine < FuncDef[3]:
+ Found = True
+ break
+ if StartLine == FuncDef[1] and StartColumn > FuncDef[2] and EndLine < FuncDef[3]:
+ Found = True
+ break
+ if StartLine > FuncDef[1] and EndLine == FuncDef[3] and EndColumn < FuncDef[4]:
+ Found = True
+ break
+ if Found:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_FORMAT, '', FileTable, Result[1])
+def CheckFileHeaderDoxygenComments(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d and (StartLine = 1 or StartLine = 7 or StartLine = 8) and StartColumn = 0
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ if len(ResultSet) == 0:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'No File License header appear at the very beginning of file.', 'File', FileID)
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ NoHeaderCommentStartFlag = True
+ NoHeaderCommentEndFlag = True
+ NoHeaderCommentPeriodFlag = True
+ NoCopyrightFlag = True
+ NoLicenseFlag = True
+ NoRevReferFlag = True
+ NextLineIndex = 0
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FileStartFlag = False
+ CommentStrList = []
+ CommentStr = Result[0].strip()
+ CommentStrListTemp = CommentStr.split('\n')
+ if (len(CommentStrListTemp) <= 1):
+ # For Mac
+ CommentStrListTemp = CommentStr.split('\r')
+ # Skip the content before the file header
+ for CommentLine in CommentStrListTemp:
+ if CommentLine.strip().startswith('/** @file'):
+ FileStartFlag = True
+ if FileStartFlag == True:
+ CommentStrList.append(CommentLine)
+ ID = Result[1]
+ Index = 0
+ if CommentStrList and CommentStrList[0].strip().startswith('/** @file'):
+ NoHeaderCommentStartFlag = False
+ else:
+ continue
+ if CommentStrList and CommentStrList[-1].strip().endswith('**/'):
+ NoHeaderCommentEndFlag = False
+ else:
+ continue
+ for CommentLine in CommentStrList:
+ Index = Index + 1
+ NextLineIndex = Index
+ if CommentLine.startswith('/** @file'):
+ continue
+ if CommentLine.startswith('**/'):
+ break
+ # Check whether C File header Comment content start with two spaces.
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckCFileCommentStartSpacesNum == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ if CommentLine.startswith('/** @file') == False and CommentLine.startswith('**/') == False and CommentLine.strip() and CommentLine.startswith(' ') == False:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'File header comment content should start with two spaces at each line', FileTable, ID)
+ CommentLine = CommentLine.strip()
+ if CommentLine.startswith('Copyright') or ('Copyright' in CommentLine and CommentLine.lower().startswith('(c)')):
+ NoCopyrightFlag = False
+ if CommentLine.find('All rights reserved') == -1:
+ for Copyright in EccGlobalData.gConfig.Copyright:
+ if CommentLine.find(Copyright) > -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, '""All rights reserved"" announcement should be following the ""Copyright"" at the same line', FileTable, ID)
+ break
+ if CommentLine.endswith('<BR>') == -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'The ""<BR>"" at the end of the Copyright line is required', FileTable, ID)
+ if NextLineIndex < len(CommentStrList) and CommentStrList[NextLineIndex].strip().startswith('Copyright') == False and CommentStrList[NextLineIndex].strip():
+ NoLicenseFlag = False
+ if CommentLine.startswith('@par Revision Reference:'):
+ NoRevReferFlag = False
+ RefListFlag = False
+ for RefLine in CommentStrList[NextLineIndex:]:
+ if RefLine.strip() and (NextLineIndex + 1) < len(CommentStrList) and CommentStrList[NextLineIndex+1].strip() and CommentStrList[NextLineIndex+1].strip().startswith('**/') == False:
+ RefListFlag = True
+ if RefLine.strip() == False or RefLine.strip().startswith('**/'):
+ RefListFlag = False
+ break
+ # Check whether C File header Comment's each reference at list should begin with a bullet character.
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckCFileCommentReferenceFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ if RefListFlag == True:
+ if RefLine.strip() and RefLine.strip().startswith('**/') == False and RefLine.startswith(' -') == False:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'Each reference on a separate line should begin with a bullet character ""-"" ', FileTable, ID)
+ if NoHeaderCommentStartFlag:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FILE_HEADER, 'File header comment should begin with ""/** @file""', FileTable, ID)
+ return
+ if NoHeaderCommentEndFlag:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'File header comment should end with ""**/""', FileTable, ID)
+ return
+ if NoCopyrightFlag:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'File header comment missing the ""Copyright""', FileTable, ID)
+ #Check whether C File header Comment have the License immediately after the ""Copyright"" line.
+ if EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckCFileCommentLicenseFormat == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.HeaderCheckAll == '1' or EccGlobalData.gConfig.CheckAll == '1':
+ if NoLicenseFlag:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FILE, 'File header comment should have the License immediately after the ""Copyright"" line', FileTable, ID)
+def CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(FullFileName):
+ ErrorMsgList = []
+ FileID = GetTableID(FullFileName, ErrorMsgList)
+ if FileID < 0:
+ return ErrorMsgList
+ Db = GetDB()
+ FileTable = 'Identifier' + str(FileID)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ """ % (FileTable, DataClass.MODEL_IDENTIFIER_COMMENT)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ CommentSet = []
+ try:
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ CommentSet.append(Result)
+ except:
+ print('Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName)
+ # Func Decl check
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Name, StartLine, ID, Value
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncName = Result[4]
+ FunctionHeaderComment = CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(Result[1], Result[2], CommentSet)
+ if FunctionHeaderComment:
+ CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], FunctionHeaderComment[0], FunctionHeaderComment[1], ErrorMsgList, FunctionHeaderComment[3], FileTable)
+ else:
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, FuncName):
+ continue
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d :Function %s has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (Result[2], Result[1]))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (FuncName), FileTable, Result[3])
+ # Func Def check
+ SqlStatement = """ select Value, StartLine, EndLine, ID
+ from %s
+ where Model = %d
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ CommentSet = []
+ try:
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ CommentSet.append(Result)
+ except:
+ print('Unrecognized chars in comment of file %s', FullFileName)
+ SqlStatement = """ select Modifier, Header, StartLine, ID, Name
+ from Function
+ where BelongsToFile = %d
+ """ % (FileID)
+ ResultSet = Db.TblFile.Exec(SqlStatement)
+ for Result in ResultSet:
+ FuncName = Result[4]
+ FunctionHeaderComment = CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(Result[1], Result[2], CommentSet)
+ if FunctionHeaderComment:
+ CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(Result[0], Result[1], Result[2], FunctionHeaderComment[0], FunctionHeaderComment[1], ErrorMsgList, FunctionHeaderComment[3], FileTable)
+ else:
+ if EccGlobalData.gException.IsException(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, FuncName):
+ continue
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d :Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (Result[2], Result[1]))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'Function [%s] has NO comment immediately preceding it.' % (FuncName), 'Function', Result[3])
+ return ErrorMsgList
+def CheckCommentImmediatelyPrecedeFunctionHeader(FuncName, FuncStartLine, CommentSet):
+ for Comment in CommentSet:
+ if Comment[2] == FuncStartLine - 1:
+ return Comment
+ return None
+def GetDoxygenStrFromComment(Str):
+ DoxygenStrList = []
+ ParamTagList = Str.split('@param')
+ if len(ParamTagList) > 1:
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(ParamTagList):
+ DoxygenStrList.append('@param' + ParamTagList[i])
+ i += 1
+ Str = ParamTagList[0]
+ RetvalTagList = ParamTagList[-1].split('@retval')
+ if len(RetvalTagList) > 1:
+ if len(ParamTagList) > 1:
+ DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@param' + RetvalTagList[0]
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(RetvalTagList):
+ DoxygenStrList.append('@retval' + RetvalTagList[i])
+ i += 1
+ ReturnTagList = RetvalTagList[-1].split('@return')
+ if len(ReturnTagList) > 1:
+ if len(RetvalTagList) > 1:
+ DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@retval' + ReturnTagList[0]
+ elif len(ParamTagList) > 1:
+ DoxygenStrList[-1] = '@param' + ReturnTagList[0]
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(ReturnTagList):
+ DoxygenStrList.append('@return' + ReturnTagList[i])
+ i += 1
+ if len(DoxygenStrList) > 0:
+ DoxygenStrList[-1] = DoxygenStrList[-1].rstrip('--*/')
+ return DoxygenStrList
+def CheckGeneralDoxygenCommentLayout(Str, StartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId= -1, TableName=''):
+ #/** --*/ @retval after @param
+ if not Str.startswith('/**'):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Comment does NOT have prefix /** ' % StartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Comment does NOT have prefix /** ', TableName, CommentId)
+ if not Str.endswith('**/'):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Comment does NOT have tail **/ ' % StartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Comment does NOT have tail **/ ', TableName, CommentId)
+ FirstRetvalIndex = Str.find('@retval')
+ LastParamIndex = Str.rfind('@param')
+ if (FirstRetvalIndex > 0) and (LastParamIndex > 0) and (FirstRetvalIndex < LastParamIndex):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : @retval appear before @param ' % StartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, @retval appear before @param ', TableName, CommentId)
+def CheckFunctionHeaderConsistentWithDoxygenComment(FuncModifier, FuncHeader, FuncStartLine, CommentStr, CommentStartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId= -1, TableName=''):
+ ParamList = GetParamList(FuncHeader)
+ CheckGeneralDoxygenCommentLayout(CommentStr, CommentStartLine, ErrorMsgList, CommentId, TableName)
+ DescriptionStr = CommentStr
+ DoxygenStrList = GetDoxygenStrFromComment(DescriptionStr)
+ if DescriptionStr.find('.') == -1:
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION, 'Comment description should end with period \'.\'', TableName, CommentId)
+ DoxygenTagNumber = len(DoxygenStrList)
+ ParamNumber = len(ParamList)
+ for Param in ParamList:
+ if Param.Name.upper() == 'VOID' and ParamNumber == 1:
+ ParamNumber -= 1
+ Index = 0
+ if ParamNumber > 0 and DoxygenTagNumber > 0:
+ while Index < ParamNumber and Index < DoxygenTagNumber:
+ ParamModifier = ParamList[Index].Modifier
+ ParamName = ParamList[Index].Name.strip()
+ Tag = DoxygenStrList[Index].strip(' ')
+ if (not Tag[-1] == ('\n')) and (not Tag[-1] == ('\r')):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, <%s> does NOT end with new line ' % (CommentStartLine, Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_HEADER_CHECK_FUNCTION, 'in Comment, <%s> does NOT end with new line ' % (Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')), TableName, CommentId)
+ TagPartList = Tag.split()
+ if len(TagPartList) < 2:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, <%s> does NOT contain doxygen contents ' % (CommentStartLine, Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, <%s> does NOT contain doxygen contents ' % (Tag.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')), TableName, CommentId)
+ Index += 1
+ continue
+ LBPos = Tag.find('[')
+ RBPos = Tag.find(']')
+ ParamToLBContent = Tag[len('@param'):LBPos].strip()
+ if LBPos > 0 and len(ParamToLBContent) == 0 and RBPos > LBPos:
+ InOutStr = ''
+ ModifierPartList = ParamModifier.split()
+ for Part in ModifierPartList:
+ if Part.strip() == 'IN':
+ InOutStr += 'in'
+ if Part.strip() == 'OUT':
+ if InOutStr != '':
+ InOutStr += ', out'
+ else:
+ InOutStr = 'out'
+ if InOutStr != '':
+ if Tag.find('[' + InOutStr + ']') == -1:
+ if InOutStr != 'in, out':
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, <%s> does NOT have %s ' % (CommentStartLine, (TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '[' + InOutStr + ']'))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, <%s> does NOT have %s ' % ((TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '[' + InOutStr + ']'), TableName, CommentId)
+ else:
+ if Tag.find('[in,out]') == -1:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, <%s> does NOT have %s ' % (CommentStartLine, (TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '[' + InOutStr + ']'))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, <%s> does NOT have %s ' % ((TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), '[' + InOutStr + ']'), TableName, CommentId)
+ if Tag.find(ParamName) == -1 and ParamName != 'VOID' and ParamName != 'void':
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : in Comment, <%s> does NOT consistent with parameter name %s ' % (CommentStartLine, (TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), ParamName))
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'in Comment, <%s> does NOT consistent with parameter name %s ' % ((TagPartList[0] + ' ' + TagPartList[1]).replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), ParamName), TableName, CommentId)
+ Index += 1
+ if Index < ParamNumber:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Number of doxygen tags in comment less than number of function parameters' % CommentStartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Number of doxygen tags in comment less than number of function parameters ', TableName, CommentId)
+ # VOID return type, NOT VOID*. VOID* should be matched with a doxygen tag.
+ if (FuncModifier.find('VOID') != -1 or FuncModifier.find('void') != -1) and FuncModifier.find('*') == -1:
+ # assume we allow a return description tag for void func. return. that's why 'DoxygenTagNumber - 1' is used instead of 'DoxygenTagNumber'
+ if Index < DoxygenTagNumber - 1 or (Index < DoxygenTagNumber and DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@retval')):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'VOID return type need no doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
+ else:
+ if Index < DoxygenTagNumber and not DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@retval') and not DoxygenStrList[Index].startswith('@return'):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : Number of @param doxygen tags in comment does NOT match number of function parameters' % CommentStartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'Number of @param doxygen tags in comment does NOT match number of function parameters ', TableName, CommentId)
+ else:
+ if ParamNumber == 0 and DoxygenTagNumber != 0 and ((FuncModifier.find('VOID') != -1 or FuncModifier.find('void') != -1) and FuncModifier.find('*') == -1):
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'VOID return type need NO doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
+ if ParamNumber != 0 and DoxygenTagNumber == 0:
+ ErrorMsgList.append('Line %d : No doxygen tags in comment' % CommentStartLine)
+ PrintErrorMsg(ERROR_DOXYGEN_CHECK_FUNCTION_HEADER, 'No doxygen tags in comment ', TableName, CommentId)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+# EdkLogger.Initialize()
+# EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
+# CollectSourceCodeDataIntoDB(sys.argv[1])
+ try:
+ test_file = sys.argv[1]
+ except IndexError as v:
+ print("Usage: %s filename" % sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
+ MsgList = CheckFuncHeaderDoxygenComments(test_file)
+ for Msg in MsgList:
+ print(Msg)
+ print('Done!')
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5529d0f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/config.ini @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to set configuration of ECC tool
+# For the items listed below, 1 means valid, 0 means invalid
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Identify the version of current configuration
+Version = 0.1
+# Identify to if check all items
+# 1 - Check all items and ignore all other detailed items
+# 0 - Not check all items, the tool will go through all other detailed items to decide to check or not
+CheckAll = 0
+# Identify to if automatically correct mistakes
+# 1 - Automatically correct
+# 0 - Not automatically correct
+# Only the following check points can be automatically corrected, others not listed below are not supported even it is 1
+# GeneralCheckTab
+# GeneralCheckIndentation
+# GeneralCheckLine
+# GeneralCheckCarriageReturn
+# SpaceCheckAll
+AutoCorrect = 1
+# List customized Modifer here, split with ','
+# General Checking
+GeneralCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether NO Tab is used, replaced with spaces
+GeneralCheckNoTab = 1
+# The width of Tab
+GeneralCheckTabWidth = 2
+# Check whether the indentation is followed coding style
+GeneralCheckIndentation = 1
+# The width of indentation
+GeneralCheckIndentationWidth = 2
+# Check whether no line is exceeding defined widty
+GeneralCheckLine = 1
+# The width of a line
+GeneralCheckLineWidth = 120
+# Check whether no use of _asm in the source file
+GeneralCheckNo_Asm = 1
+# Check whether no use of "#progma" in source file except "#pragma pack(#)".
+GeneralCheckNoProgma = 1
+# Check whether there is a carriage return at the end of the file
+GeneralCheckCarriageReturn = 1
+# Check whether the file exists
+GeneralCheckFileExistence = 1
+# Check whether file has non ACSII char
+GeneralCheckNonAcsii = 1
+# Check whether UNI file is valid
+GeneralCheckUni = 1
+# Check Only use CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed) line endings.
+GeneralCheckLineEnding = 1
+# Check if there is no trailing white space in one line.
+GeneralCheckTrailingWhiteSpaceLine = 1
+# Space Checking
+SpaceCheckAll = 1
+# Predicate Expression Checking
+PredicateExpressionCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether Boolean values, variable type BOOLEAN not use explicit comparisons to TRUE or FALSE
+PredicateExpressionCheckBooleanValue = 1
+# Check whether Non-Boolean comparisons use a compare operator (==, !=, >, < >=, <=).
+PredicateExpressionCheckNonBooleanOperator = 1
+# Check whether a comparison of any pointer to zero must be done via the NULL type
+PredicateExpressionCheckComparisonNullType = 1
+# Headers Checking
+HeaderCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether File header exists
+HeaderCheckFile = 1
+# Check whether Function header exists
+HeaderCheckFunction = 1
+# Check whether Meta data File header Comment End with '##'
+HeaderCheckFileCommentEnd = 0
+# Check whether C File header Comment content start with two spaces
+HeaderCheckCFileCommentStartSpacesNum = 0
+# Check whether C File header Comment's each reference at list should begin with a bullet character '-'
+HeaderCheckCFileCommentReferenceFormat = 0
+# Check whether C File header Comment have the License immediately after the ""Copyright"" line
+HeaderCheckCFileCommentLicenseFormat = 0
+# C Function Layout Checking
+CFunctionLayoutCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether return type exists and in the first line
+CFunctionLayoutCheckReturnType = 1
+# Check whether any optional functional modifiers exist and next to the return type
+CFunctionLayoutCheckOptionalFunctionalModifier = 1
+# Check whether the next line contains the function name, left justified, followed by the beginning of the parameter list
+# Check whether the closing parenthesis is on its own line and also indented two spaces
+CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionName = 1
+# Check whether the function prototypes in include files have the same form as function definitions
+CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionPrototype = 1
+# Check whether the body of a function is contained by open and close braces that must be in the first column
+CFunctionLayoutCheckFunctionBody = 1
+# Check whether the data declarations is the first code in a module.
+CFunctionLayoutCheckDataDeclaration = 1
+# Check whether no initialization of a variable as part of its declaration
+CFunctionLayoutCheckNoInitOfVariable = 1
+# Check whether no use of STATIC for functions
+CFunctionLayoutCheckNoStatic = 1
+# Include Files Checking
+IncludeFileCheckAll = 0
+#Check whether having include files with same name
+IncludeFileCheckSameName = 1
+# Check whether all include file contents is guarded by a #ifndef statement.
+# the #ifndef must be the first line of code following the file header comment
+# the #endif must appear on the last line in the file
+IncludeFileCheckIfndefStatement = 1
+# Check whether include files contain only public or only private data
+# Check whether include files NOT contain code or define data variables
+IncludeFileCheckData = 1
+# Declarations and Data Types Checking
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether no use of int, unsigned, char, void, static, long in any .c, .h or .asl files.
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckNoUseCType = 1
+# Check whether the modifiers IN, OUT, OPTIONAL, and UNALIGNED are used only to qualify arguments to a function and should not appear in a data type declaration
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckInOutModifier = 1
+# Check whether the EFIAPI modifier should be used at the entry of drivers, events, and member functions of protocols
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckEFIAPIModifier = 1
+# Check whether Enumerated Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckEnumeratedType = 1
+# Check whether Structure Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckStructureDeclaration = 1
+# Check whether having same Structure
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckSameStructure = 1
+# Check whether Union Type has a 'typedef' and the name is capital
+DeclarationDataTypeCheckUnionType = 1
+# Naming Conventions Checking
+NamingConventionCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether only capital letters are used for #define declarations
+NamingConventionCheckDefineStatement = 1
+# Check whether only capital letters are used for typedef declarations
+NamingConventionCheckTypedefStatement = 1
+# Check whether the #ifndef at the start of an include file uses both prefix and postfix underscore characters, '_'.
+NamingConventionCheckIfndefStatement = 1
+# Rule for path name, variable name and function name
+# 1. First character should be upper case
+# 2. Existing lower case in a word
+# 3. No space existence
+# 4. Global variable name must start by a 'g'
+# Check whether the path name followed the rule
+NamingConventionCheckPathName = 1
+# Check whether the variable name followed the rule
+NamingConventionCheckVariableName = 1
+# Check whether the function name followed the rule
+NamingConventionCheckFunctionName = 1
+# Check whether NO use short variable name with single character
+NamingConventionCheckSingleCharacterVariable = 1
+# Doxygen Checking
+DoxygenCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether the file headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+DoxygenCheckFileHeader = 1
+# Check whether the function headers are followed Doxygen special documentation blocks in section 2.3.5
+DoxygenCheckFunctionHeader = 1
+# Check whether the first line of text in a comment block is a brief description of the element being documented.
+# The brief description must end with a period.
+DoxygenCheckCommentDescription = 1
+# Check whether comment lines with '///< ... text ...' format, if it is used, it should be after the code section.
+DoxygenCheckCommentFormat = 1
+# Check whether only Doxygen commands allowed to mark the code are @bug and @todo.
+DoxygenCheckCommand = 1
+# Meta-Data File Processing Checking
+MetaDataFileCheckAll = 0
+# Check whether each file defined in meta-data exists
+MetaDataFileCheckPathName = 1
+# Generate a list for all files defined in meta-data files
+MetaDataFileCheckGenerateFileList = 1
+# The path of log file
+MetaDataFileCheckPathOfGenerateFileList = File.log
+# Check whether all Library Instances defined for a given module (or dependent library instance) match the module's type.
+# Each Library Instance must specify the Supported Module Types in its INF file,
+# and any module specifying the library instance must be one of the supported types.
+MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstance = 1
+# Check whether a Library Instance has been defined for all dependent library classes
+MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceDependent = 1
+# Check whether the Library Instances specified by the LibraryClasses sections are listed in order of dependencies
+MetaDataFileCheckLibraryInstanceOrder = 1
+# Check whether the unnecessary inclusion of library classes in the INF file
+MetaDataFileCheckLibraryNoUse = 1
+# Check the header file in Include\Library directory whether be defined in the package DEC file.
+MetaDataFileCheckLibraryDefinedInDec = 1
+# Check whether an INF file is specified in the FDF file, but not in the DSC file, then the INF file must be for a Binary module only
+MetaDataFileCheckBinaryInfInFdf = 1
+# Not to report error and warning related OS include file such as "windows.h" and "stdio.h".
+# Check whether a PCD is set in a DSC file or the FDF file, but not in both.
+MetaDataFileCheckPcdDuplicate = 1
+# Check whether PCD settings in the FDF file can only be related to flash.
+MetaDataFileCheckPcdFlash = 1
+# Check whether PCDs used in INF files but not specified in DSC or FDF files
+MetaDataFileCheckPcdNoUse = 0
+# Check whether having duplicate guids defined for Guid/Protocol/Ppi
+MetaDataFileCheckGuidDuplicate = 1
+# Check whether all files under module directory are described in INF files
+MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileNoUse = 1
+# Check whether the PCD is correctly used in C function via its type
+MetaDataFileCheckPcdType = 1
+# Check whether there are FILE_GUID duplication among different INF files
+MetaDataFileCheckModuleFileGuidDuplication = 1
+# Uni File Processing Checking
+UniCheckAll = 0
+# Check INF or DEC file whether defined the localized information in the associated UNI file.
+UniCheckHelpInfo = 1
+# Check PCD whether defined the prompt, help in the DEC file and localized information in the associated UNI file.
+UniCheckPCDInfo = 1
+# Uncheck whether UNI file is in UTF-16 format
+GeneralCheckUni = -1
+# SMM Communicate Function Parameter Checking
+SmmCommParaCheckAll = 0
+# Check if the EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL parameter buffer type is Reserved / ACPI NVS or UEFI RT code/data
+SmmCommParaCheckBufferType = 1
+# The check points in this section are reserved
+# GotoStatementCheckAll = 0
+# SpellingCheckAll = 0
+# A list for binary file ext name
+# A list for only scanning dirs, the dirs should be the top folder(s) under workspace
+ScanOnlyDirList = ScanFolder1 ScanFolder2
+# A list for Used to circumvent special strings
+TokenReleaceList = L'', L'\"', L"\"", L''', L""", L"\"\"", L"\"^", L" \"", L"\" \""
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8133904fb --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/exception.xml @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ExceptionList xmlns="http://www.uefi.org/2008/2.1" xmlns:xsi="http:/www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+ <Copyright>Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.</Copyright>
+ <License>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ </License>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_break</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>InternalX86DisablePaging32</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>InternalX86EnablePaging32</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>InternalLongJump</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>SetJump</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>4002</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoRead8</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoWrite8</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoRead16</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoWrite16</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoRead32</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>IoWrite32</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>5003</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__debugbreak</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__readmsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>__writemsr</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedCompareExchange64</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedDecrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_InterlockedIncrement</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_inpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outp</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpw</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_outpd</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_ReadWriteBarrier</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>7001</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>@</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>@R1</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>@R2</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>@Rx</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>@R2.</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>9005</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>_DriverUnloadHandler</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>8006</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <KeyWord>ASSERT</KeyWord>
+ <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
+ <Exception>
+ <ErrorID>10015</ErrorID>
+ </Exception>
\ No newline at end of file |