path: root/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm')
227 files changed, 23557 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi.h
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index 000000000..4475d046e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ACPI_H__
+#define __ASM_ACPI_H__
+struct acpi_fadt;
+ * acpi_find_fadt() - find ACPI FADT table in the system memory
+ *
+ * This routine parses the ACPI table to locate the ACPI FADT table.
+ *
+ * @return: a pointer to the ACPI FADT table in the system memory
+ */
+struct acpi_fadt *acpi_find_fadt(void);
+ * acpi_find_wakeup_vector() - find OS installed wake up vector address
+ *
+ * This routine parses the ACPI table to locate the wake up vector installed
+ * by the OS previously.
+ *
+ * @fadt: a pointer to the ACPI FADT table in the system memory
+ * @return: wake up vector address installed by the OS
+ */
+void *acpi_find_wakeup_vector(struct acpi_fadt *fadt);
+ * enter_acpi_mode() - enter into ACPI mode
+ *
+ * This programs the ACPI-defined PM1_CNT register to enable SCI interrupt
+ * so that the whole system swiches to ACPI mode.
+ *
+ * @pm1_cnt: PM1_CNT register I/O address
+ */
+void enter_acpi_mode(int pm1_cnt);
+#endif /* __ASM_ACPI_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/chromeos.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/chromeos.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a0fd3326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/chromeos.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/vbnv_layout.h>
+/* GPIO package generated at run time. */
+External (OIPG)
+Device (CRHW)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("GGL0001"))
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (0xb)
+ }
+ Method(CHSW, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (WSHC, Package() { VBT3 })
+ Return (WSHC)
+ }
+ Method(FWID, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (DIW1, "")
+ ToString(VBT5, 63, DIW1)
+ Name (DIWF, Package() { DIW1 })
+ Return(DIWF)
+ }
+ Method(FRID, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (DIR1, "")
+ ToString(VBT6, 63, DIR1)
+ Name (DIRF, Package() { DIR1 })
+ Return (DIRF)
+ }
+ Method(HWID, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (DIW0, "")
+ ToString(VBT4, 255, DIW0)
+ Name (DIWH, Package() { DIW0 })
+ Return (DIWH)
+ }
+ Method(BINF, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (FNIB, Package() { VBT0, VBT1, VBT2, VBT7, VBT8 })
+ Return (FNIB)
+ }
+ Method(GPIO, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (OIPG)
+ }
+ Method(VBNV, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(VNBV, Package() {
+ // See src/vendorcode/google/chromeos/Kconfig
+ // for the definition of these:
+ })
+ Return(VNBV)
+ }
+ Method(VDAT, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(TAD0,"")
+ ToBuffer(CHVD, TAD0)
+ Name (TADV, Package() { TAD0 })
+ Return (TADV)
+ }
+ Method(FMAP, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(PAMF, Package() { VBT9 })
+ Return(PAMF)
+ }
+ Method(MECK, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(HASH, Package() { MEHH })
+ Return(HASH)
+ }
+ Method(MLST, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(TSLM, Package() { "CHSW", "FWID", "HWID", "FRID", "BINF",
+ "GPIO", "VBNV", "VDAT", "FMAP", "MECK"
+ })
+ Return (TSLM)
+ }
+#include "ramoops.asl"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cpu.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cpu.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b20b3572f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cpu.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+/* These come from the dynamically created CPU SSDT */
+External (\_PR.CNOT, MethodObj)
+/* Notify OS to re-read CPU tables */
+Method (PNOT)
+ \_PR.CNOT (0x81)
+/* Notify OS to re-read CPU _PPC limit */
+Method (PPCN)
+ \_PR.CNOT (0x80)
+/* Notify OS to re-read Throttle Limit tables */
+Method (TNOT)
+ \_PR.CNOT (0x82)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e0ebd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ac.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+// Scope (EC0)
+Device (AC)
+ Name (_HID, "ACPI0003")
+ Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+ Method (_PSR)
+ {
+ Return (ACEX)
+ }
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ Return (0x0F)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3d40f889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/als.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (ALS)
+ Name (_HID, "ACPI0008")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (0xF)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Returns the current ambient light illuminance reading in lux
+ *
+ * 0: Reading is below the range of sensitivity of the sensor
+ * -1: Reading is above the range or sensitivity of the sensor
+ */
+ Method (_ALI, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (^^ALS0)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Returns a recommended polling frequency in tenths of seconds
+ *
+ * 0: No need to poll, async notifications will indicate changes
+ */
+ Name (_ALP, 10)
+ /*
+ * Returns a package of packages where each tuple consists of a pair
+ * of integers mapping ambient light illuminance to display brightness.
+ *
+ * {<display luminance adjustment>, <ambient light illuminance>}
+ *
+ * Ambient light illuminance values are specified in lux.
+ *
+ * Display luminance adjustment values are relative percentages where
+ * 100 is no (0%) display brightness adjustment. Values <100 indicate
+ * negative adjustment (dimming) and values >100 indicate positive
+ * adjustment (brightening).
+ *
+ * This is currently unused by the Linux kernel ACPI ALS driver but
+ * is required by the ACPI specification so just define a basic two
+ * point response curve.
+ */
+ Name (_ALR, Package ()
+ {
+ Package () { 70, 30 }, // Min { -30% adjust at 30 lux }
+ Package () { 150, 1000 } // Max { +50% adjust at 1000 lux }
+ })
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f10608823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/battery.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+/*/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+// Scope (EC0)
+/* Mutex for EC battery index interface */
+Mutex (BATM, 0)
+// Wait for desired battery index to be presented in shared memory
+// Arg0 = battery index
+// Returns Zero on success, One on error.
+Method (BTSW, 1)
+ If (LEqual (BTIX, Arg0)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ If (LGreaterEqual (Arg0, BTCN)) {
+ Return (One)
+ }
+ Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.BTID)
+ Store (5, Local0) // Timeout 5 msec
+ While (LNotEqual (BTIX, Arg0))
+ {
+ Sleep (1)
+ Decrement (Local0)
+ If (LEqual (Local0, Zero))
+ {
+ Return (One)
+ }
+ }
+ If (LNotEqual (0, Arg0)) {
+ Return (One)
+ }
+ Return (Zero)
+// _STA implementation.
+// Arg0 = battery index
+Method (BSTA, 1, Serialized)
+ If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ If (And(Not(BTSW (Arg0)), BTEX)) {
+ Store (0x1F, Local0)
+ } Else {
+ Store (0x0F, Local0)
+ }
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Local0)
+// _BIF implementation.
+// Arg0 = battery index
+// Arg1 = PBIF
+Method (BBIF, 2, Serialized)
+ If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ // Last Full Charge Capacity
+ Store (BTDF, Index (Arg1, 2))
+ // Design Voltage
+ Store (BTDV, Index (Arg1, 4))
+ // Design Capacity
+ Store (BTDA, Local0)
+ Store (Local0, Index (Arg1, 1))
+ // Design Capacity of Warning
+ Divide (Multiply (Local0, DWRN), 100, , Local2)
+ Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 5))
+ // Design Capacity of Low
+ Divide (Multiply (Local0, DLOW), 100, , Local2)
+ Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 6))
+ // Get battery info from mainboard
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMOD, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 9))
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BSER, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 10))
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMFG, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 12))
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+// _BIX implementation.
+// Arg0 = battery index
+// Arg1 = PBIX
+Method (BBIX, 2, Serialized)
+ If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ // Last Full Charge Capacity
+ Store (BTDF, Index (Arg1, 3))
+ // Design Voltage
+ Store (BTDV, Index (Arg1, 5))
+ // Design Capacity
+ Store (BTDA, Local0)
+ Store (Local0, Index (Arg1, 2))
+ // Design Capacity of Warning
+ Divide (Multiply (Local0, DWRN), 100, , Local2)
+ Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 6))
+ // Design Capacity of Low
+ Divide (Multiply (Local0, DLOW), 100, , Local2)
+ Store (Local2, Index (Arg1, 7))
+ // Cycle Count
+ Store (BTCC, Index (Arg1, 8))
+ // Get battery info from mainboard
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMOD, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 16))
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BSER, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 17))
+ Store (ToString(Concatenate(BMFG, 0x00)), Index (Arg1, 19))
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+// _BST implementation.
+// Arg0 = battery index
+// Arg1 = PBST
+// Arg2 = BSTP
+// Arg3 = BFWK
+Method (BBST, 4, Serialized)
+ If (Acquire (^BATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ If (BTSW (Arg0)) {
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ // bit 0 = discharging
+ // bit 1 = charging
+ // bit 2 = critical level
+ //
+ Store (Zero, Local1)
+ // Check if AC is present
+ If (ACEX) {
+ If (BFCG) {
+ Store (0x02, Local1)
+ } ElseIf (BFDC) {
+ Store (0x01, Local1)
+ }
+ } Else {
+ // Always discharging when on battery power
+ Store (0x01, Local1)
+ }
+ // Check for critical battery level
+ If (BFCR) {
+ Or (Local1, 0x04, Local1)
+ }
+ Store (Local1, Index (Arg1, 0))
+ // Notify if battery state has changed since last time
+ If (LNotEqual (Local1, DeRefOf (Arg2))) {
+ Store (Local1, Arg2)
+ If (LEqual(Arg0, 0)) {
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+ }
+ Else {
+ Notify (BAT1, 0x80)
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ //
+ Store (BTPR, Index (Arg1, 1))
+ //
+ //
+ Store (BTRA, Local1)
+ If (LAnd (Arg3, LAnd (ACEX, LNot (LAnd (BFDC, BFCG))))) {
+ // On AC power and battery is neither charging
+ // nor discharging. Linux expects a full battery
+ // to report same capacity as last full charge.
+ // https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12632
+ Store (BTDF, Local2)
+ // See if within ~6% of full
+ ShiftRight (Local2, 4, Local3)
+ If (LAnd (LGreater (Local1, Subtract (Local2, Local3)),
+ LLess (Local1, Add (Local2, Local3))))
+ {
+ Store (Local2, Local1)
+ }
+ }
+ Store (Local1, Index (Arg1, 2))
+ //
+ //
+ Store (BTVO, Index (Arg1, 3))
+ Release (^BATM)
+ Return (Arg1)
+Device (BAT0)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C0A"))
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+ Name (PBIF, Package () {
+ 0x00000001, // 0x00: Power Unit: mAh
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x01: Design Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Last Full Charge Capacity
+ 0x00000001, // 0x03: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x04: Design Voltage
+ 0x00000003, // 0x05: Design Capacity of Warning
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x06: Design Capacity of Low
+ 0x00000001, // 0x07: Capacity Granularity 1
+ 0x00000001, // 0x08: Capacity Granularity 2
+ "", // 0x09: Model Number
+ "", // 0x0a: Serial Number
+ "LION", // 0x0b: Battery Type
+ "" // 0x0c: OEM Information
+ })
+ Name (PBIX, Package () {
+ 0x00000000, // 0x00: Revision
+ 0x00000001, // 0x01: Power Unit: mAh
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Design Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x03: Last Full Charge Capacity
+ 0x00000001, // 0x04: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x05: Design Voltage
+ 0x00000003, // 0x06: Design Capacity of Warning
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x07: Design Capacity of Low
+ 0x00000000, // 0x08: Cycle Count
+ 0x00018000, // 0x09: Measurement Accuracy (98.3%?)
+ 0x000001F4, // 0x0a: Max Sampling Time (500ms)
+ 0x0000000a, // 0x0b: Min Sampling Time (10ms)
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x0c: Max Averaging Interval
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x0d: Min Averaging Interval
+ 0x00000001, // 0x0e: Capacity Granularity 1
+ 0x00000001, // 0x0f: Capacity Granularity 2
+ "", // 0x10 Model Number
+ "", // 0x11: Serial Number
+ "LION", // 0x12: Battery Type
+ "" // 0x13: OEM Information
+ })
+ Name (PBST, Package () {
+ 0x00000000, // 0x00: Battery State
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x01: Battery Present Rate
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Battery Remaining Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x03: Battery Present Voltage
+ })
+ Name (BSTP, Zero)
+ // Workaround for full battery status, disabled by default
+ Name (BFWK, Zero)
+ // Method to enable full battery workaround
+ Method (BFWE)
+ {
+ Store (One, BFWK)
+ }
+ // Method to disable full battery workaround
+ Method (BFWD)
+ {
+ Store (Zero, BFWK)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BSTA (0))
+ }
+ Method (_BIF, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBIF (0, PBIF))
+ }
+ Method (_BIX, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBIX (0, PBIX))
+ }
+ Method (_BST, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBST (0, PBST, RefOf (BSTP), BFWK))
+ }
+Device (BAT1)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C0A"))
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_PCL, Package () { \_SB })
+ Name (PBIF, Package () {
+ 0x00000001, // 0x00: Power Unit: mAh
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x01: Design Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Last Full Charge Capacity
+ 0x00000001, // 0x03: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x04: Design Voltage
+ 0x00000003, // 0x05: Design Capacity of Warning
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x06: Design Capacity of Low
+ 0x00000001, // 0x07: Capacity Granularity 1
+ 0x00000001, // 0x08: Capacity Granularity 2
+ "", // 0x09: Model Number
+ "", // 0x0a: Serial Number
+ "LION", // 0x0b: Battery Type
+ "" // 0x0c: OEM Information
+ })
+ Name (PBIX, Package () {
+ 0x00000000, // 0x00: Revision
+ 0x00000001, // 0x01: Power Unit: mAh
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Design Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x03: Last Full Charge Capacity
+ 0x00000001, // 0x04: Battery Technology: Rechargeable
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x05: Design Voltage
+ 0x00000003, // 0x06: Design Capacity of Warning
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x07: Design Capacity of Low
+ 0x00000000, // 0x08: Cycle Count
+ 0x00018000, // 0x09: Measurement Accuracy (98.3%?)
+ 0x000001F4, // 0x0a: Max Sampling Time (500ms)
+ 0x0000000a, // 0x0b: Min Sampling Time (10ms)
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x0c: Max Averaging Interval
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x0d: Min Averaging Interval
+ 0x00000001, // 0x0e: Capacity Granularity 1
+ 0x00000001, // 0x0f: Capacity Granularity 2
+ "", // 0x10 Model Number
+ "", // 0x11: Serial Number
+ "LION", // 0x12: Battery Type
+ "" // 0x13: OEM Information
+ })
+ Name (PBST, Package () {
+ 0x00000000, // 0x00: Battery State
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x01: Battery Present Rate
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x02: Battery Remaining Capacity
+ 0xFFFFFFFF, // 0x03: Battery Present Voltage
+ })
+ Name (BSTP, Zero)
+ // Workaround for full battery status, disabled by default
+ Name (BFWK, Zero)
+ // Method to enable full battery workaround
+ Method (BFWE)
+ {
+ Store (One, BFWK)
+ }
+ // Method to disable full battery workaround
+ Method (BFWD)
+ {
+ Store (Zero, BFWK)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BSTA (1))
+ }
+ Method (_BIF, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBIF (1, PBIF))
+ }
+ Method (_BIX, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBIX (1, PBIX))
+ }
+ Method (_BST, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (BBST (1, PBST, RefOf (BSTP), BFWK))
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f50185b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/cros_ec.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (CREC)
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG0004")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_DDN, "EC Command Device")
+ Name (_PRW, Package () { EC_ENABLE_WAKE_PIN, 0x5 })
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Exclusive)
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ GpioInt (Level, ActiveLow, Exclusive, PullDefault, 0x0000,
+ "\\_SB.GPIO", 0x00, ResourceConsumer, ,)
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Device (CKSC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG0007")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_DDN, "EC MKBP Device")
+ }
+ Device (CBAS)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG000B")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_DDN, "EC Base Switch Device")
+ }
+ Method(_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xB)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03f57f25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/ec.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * The mainboard must define a PNOT method to handle power
+ * state notifications and Notify CPU device objects to
+ * re-evaluate their _PPC and _CST tables.
+ */
+// Mainboard specific throttle handler
+External (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, DeviceObj)
+Device (EC0)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C09"))
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_GPE, EC_SCI_GPI)
+ Name (DWRN, 15) // Battery capacity warning at 15%
+ Name (DLOW, 10) // Battery capacity low at 10%
+ OperationRegion (ERAM, EmbeddedControl, 0x00, EC_ACPI_MEM_MAPPED_BEGIN)
+ Field (ERAM, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve)
+ {
+ Offset (0x00),
+ RAMV, 8, // EC RAM Version
+ TSTB, 8, // Test Byte
+ TSTC, 8, // Complement of Test Byte
+ KBLV, 8, // Keyboard Backlight value
+ FAND, 8, // Set Fan Duty Cycle
+ PATI, 8, // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Sensor ID
+ PATT, 8, // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Threshold
+ PATC, 8, // Programmable Auxiliary Trip Commit
+ CHGL, 8, // Charger Current Limit
+ TBMD, 1, // Tablet mode
+ DDPN, 3, // Device DPTF Profile Number
+ // DFUD must be 0 for the other 31 values to be valid
+ Offset (0x0a),
+ DFUD, 1, // Device Features Undefined
+ FLSH, 1, // Flash commands present
+ PFAN, 1, // PWM Fan control present
+ KBLE, 1, // Keyboard Backlight present
+ LTBR, 1, // Lightbar present
+ LEDC, 1, // LED control
+ MTNS, 1, // Motion sensors present
+ KEYB, 1, // EC is keyboard controller
+ PSTR, 1, // Persistent storage
+ P80P, 1, // EC serves I/O Port 80h
+ THRM, 1, // EC supports thermal management
+ SBKL, 1, // Screen backlight switch present
+ WIFI, 1, // WIFI switch present
+ HOST, 1, // EC monitors host events (eg SCI, SMI)
+ GPIO, 1, // EC provides GPIO commands
+ I2CB, 1, // EC provides I2C controller access
+ CHRG, 1, // EC provides commands for charger control
+ BATT, 1, // Simply Battery support
+ SBAT, 1, // Smart Battery support
+ HANG, 1, // EC can detect host hang
+ PMUI, 1, // Power Information
+ DSEC, 1, // another EC exists downstream
+ UPDC, 1, // supports USB Power Delivery
+ UMUX, 1, // supports USB Mux
+ MSFF, 1, // Motion Sense has FIFO
+ TVST, 1, // supports temporary secure vstore
+ TCMV, 1, // USB Type C Muxing is virtual (host assisted)
+ RTCD, 1, // EC provides an RTC device
+ FPRD, 1, // EC provides a fingerprint reader device
+ TPAD, 1, // EC provides a touchpad device
+ RWSG, 1, // EC has RWSIG task enabled
+ DEVE, 1, // EC supports device events
+ // make sure we're within our space envelope
+ Offset (0x0e),
+ Offset (0x12),
+ BTID, 8, // Battery index that host wants to read
+ USPP, 8, // USB Port Power
+ OperationRegion (EMEM, EmbeddedControl,
+ Field (EMEM, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve)
+ Field (EMEM, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ #include "emem.asl"
+ }
+ /* LID Switch */
+ Device (LID0)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0D"))
+ Method (_LID, 0)
+ {
+ Return (^^LIDS)
+ }
+ Name (_PRW, Package () { EC_ENABLE_WAKE_PIN, 0x5 })
+ }
+ Method (TINS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ Switch (ToInteger (Arg0))
+ {
+ Case (0) { Return (TIN0) }
+ Case (1) { Return (TIN1) }
+ Case (2) { Return (TIN2) }
+ Case (3) { Return (TIN3) }
+ Case (4) { Return (TIN4) }
+ Case (5) { Return (TIN5) }
+ Case (6) { Return (TIN6) }
+ Case (7) { Return (TIN7) }
+ Case (8) { Return (TIN8) }
+ Case (9) { Return (TIN9) }
+ Default { Return (TIN0) }
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name (ECMD, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16,
+ 0, 1)
+ IO (Decode16,
+ 0, 1)
+ })
+ Return (ECMD)
+ }
+ Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ // Initialize AC power state
+ Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+ // Initialize LID switch state
+ Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+ }
+ /* Read requested temperature and check against EC error values */
+ Method (TSRD, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TINS (Arg0), Local0)
+ /* Check for sensor not calibrated */
+ If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNCA)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ /* Check for sensor not present */
+ If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNPR)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ /* Check for sensor not powered */
+ If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TNOP)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ /* Check for sensor bad reading */
+ If (LEqual (Local0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TBAD)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ /* Adjust by offset to get Kelvin */
+ Add (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TOFS, Local0, Local0)
+ /* Convert to 1/10 Kelvin */
+ Multiply (Local0, 10, Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ }
+ // Lid Closed Event
+ Method (_Q01, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: LID CLOSE", Debug)
+ Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+ Notify (LID0, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Lid Open Event
+ Method (_Q02, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: LID OPEN", Debug)
+ Store (LIDS, \LIDS)
+ Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+ Notify (LID0, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Power Button
+ Method (_Q03, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: POWER BUTTON", Debug)
+ }
+ // AC Connected
+ Method (_Q04, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: AC CONNECTED", Debug)
+ Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+ Notify (AC, 0x80)
+ If (CondRefOf (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG)) {
+ Notify (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, 0x80)
+ }
+ \PNOT ()
+ }
+ // AC Disconnected
+ Method (_Q05, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: AC DISCONNECTED", Debug)
+ Store (ACEX, \PWRS)
+ Notify (AC, 0x80)
+ If (CondRefOf (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG)) {
+ Notify (\_SB.DPTF.TCHG, 0x80)
+ }
+ \PNOT ()
+ }
+ // Battery Low Event
+ Method (_Q06, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: BATTERY LOW", Debug)
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Battery Critical Event
+ Method (_Q07, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: BATTERY CRITICAL", Debug)
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Battery Info Event
+ Method (_Q08, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: BATTERY INFO", Debug)
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x81)
+ If (CondRefOf (BAT1)) {
+ Notify (BAT1, 0x81)
+ }
+ }
+ // Thermal Overload Event
+ Method (_Q0A, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: THERMAL OVERLOAD", Debug)
+ Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Thermal Event
+ Method (_Q0B, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: THERMAL", Debug)
+ Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+ }
+ // USB Charger
+ Method (_Q0C, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: USB CHARGER", Debug)
+ }
+ // Key Pressed
+ Method (_Q0D, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: KEY PRESSED", Debug)
+ Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+ }
+ // Thermal Shutdown Imminent
+ Method (_Q10, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: THERMAL SHUTDOWN", Debug)
+ Notify (\_TZ, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Battery Shutdown Imminent
+ Method (_Q11, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: BATTERY SHUTDOWN", Debug)
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Throttle Start
+ Method (_Q12, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: THROTTLE START", Debug)
+ \_TZ.THRT (1)
+ }
+ // Throttle Stop
+ Method (_Q13, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: THROTTLE STOP", Debug)
+ \_TZ.THRT (0)
+ }
+ // PD event
+ Method (_Q16, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: GOT PD EVENT", Debug)
+ Notify (ECPD, 0x80)
+ }
+ // Battery Status
+ Method (_Q17, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: BATTERY STATUS", Debug)
+ Notify (BAT0, 0x80)
+ If (CondRefOf (BAT1)) {
+ Notify (BAT1, 0x80)
+ }
+ }
+ // MKBP interrupt.
+ Method (_Q1B, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: MKBP", Debug)
+ Notify (CREC, 0x80)
+ }
+ // TABLET mode switch Event
+ Method (_Q1D, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store ("EC: TABLET mode switch Event", Debug)
+ Notify (CREC, 0x2)
+ Notify (TBMC, 0x80)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Dynamic Platform Thermal Framework support
+ */
+ /* Mutex for EC PAT interface */
+ Mutex (PATM, 1)
+ /*
+ * Set Aux Trip Point 0
+ * Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+ * Arg1 = Value to set
+ */
+ Method (PAT0, 2, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ /* Set sensor ID */
+ Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+ /* Temperature is passed in 1/10 Kelvin */
+ Divide (ToInteger (Arg1), 10, , Local1)
+ /* Adjust by EC temperature offset */
+ Subtract (Local1, ^TOFS, ^PATT)
+ /* Set commit value with SELECT=0 and ENABLE=1 */
+ Store (0x02, ^PATC)
+ Release (^PATM)
+ Return (1)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set Aux Trip Point 1
+ * Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+ * Arg1 = Value to set
+ */
+ Method (PAT1, 2, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ /* Set sensor ID */
+ Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+ /* Temperature is passed in 1/10 Kelvin */
+ Divide (ToInteger (Arg1), 10, , Local1)
+ /* Adjust by EC temperature offset */
+ Subtract (Local1, ^TOFS, ^PATT)
+ /* Set commit value with SELECT=1 and ENABLE=1 */
+ Store (0x03, ^PATC)
+ Release (^PATM)
+ Return (1)
+ }
+ /* Disable Aux Trip Points
+ * Arg0 = Temp Sensor ID
+ */
+ Method (PATD, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (Acquire (^PATM, 1000)) {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^PATI)
+ Store (0x00, ^PATT)
+ /* Disable PAT0 */
+ Store (0x00, ^PATC)
+ /* Disable PAT1 */
+ Store (0x01, ^PATC)
+ Release (^PATM)
+ Return (1)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Thermal Threshold Event
+ */
+ Method (_Q09, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If (LNot(Acquire (^PATM, 1000))) {
+ /* Read sensor ID for event */
+ Store (^PATI, Local0)
+ /* When sensor ID returns 0xFF then no more events */
+ While (LNotEqual (Local0, EC_TEMP_SENSOR_NOT_PRESENT))
+ {
+ \_SB.DPTF.TEVT (Local0)
+ /* Keep reaading sensor ID for event */
+ Store (^PATI, Local0)
+ }
+ Release (^PATM)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set Charger Current Limit
+ * Arg0 = Current Limit in 64mA steps
+ */
+ Method (CHGS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store (ToInteger (Arg0), ^CHGL)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Disable Charger Current Limit
+ */
+ Method (CHGD, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store (0xFF, ^CHGL)
+ }
+ /* Read current Tablet mode */
+ Method (RCTM, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (^TBMD)
+ }
+ /* Read current Device DPTF Profile Number */
+ Method (RCDP, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /*
+ * DDPN = 0 is reserved for backwards compatibility.
+ * If DDPN == 0 use TBMD to load appropriate DPTF table.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (^DDPN, 0)) {
+ Return (^TBMD)
+ } Else {
+ Subtract (^DDPN, 1, Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Enable USB Port Power
+ * Arg0 = USB port ID
+ */
+ Method (UPPS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ Or (USPP, ShiftLeft (1, Arg0), USPP)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Disable USB Port Power
+ * Arg0 = USB port ID
+ */
+ Method (UPPC, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ And (USPP, Not (ShiftLeft (1, Arg0)), USPP)
+ }
+ #include "ac.asl"
+ #include "battery.asl"
+ #include "cros_ec.asl"
+ #include "als.asl"
+ #include "keyboard_backlight.asl"
+ #include "pd.asl"
+ #include "tbmc.asl"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..681ca1c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/emem.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * EMEM data may be accessed through port 62/66 or through LPC at 900h.
+ */
+Offset (0x00),
+TIN0, 8, // Temperature 0
+TIN1, 8, // Temperature 1
+TIN2, 8, // Temperature 2
+TIN3, 8, // Temperature 3
+TIN4, 8, // Temperature 4
+TIN5, 8, // Temperature 5
+TIN6, 8, // Temperature 6
+TIN7, 8, // Temperature 7
+TIN8, 8, // Temperature 8
+TIN9, 8, // Temperature 9
+Offset (0x10),
+FAN0, 16, // Fan Speed 0
+Offset (0x24),
+BTVR, 8, // Battery structure version
+Offset (0x30),
+LIDS, 1, // Lid Switch State
+PBTN, 1, // Power Button Pressed
+WPDI, 1, // Write Protect Disabled
+RECK, 1, // Keyboard Initiated Recovery
+RECD, 1, // Dedicated Recovery Mode
+Offset (0x40),
+BTVO, 32, // Battery Present Voltage
+BTPR, 32, // Battery Present Rate
+BTRA, 32, // Battery Remaining Capacity
+ACEX, 1, // AC Present
+BTEX, 1, // Battery Present
+BFDC, 1, // Battery Discharging
+BFCG, 1, // Battery Charging
+BFCR, 1, // Battery Level Critical
+Offset (0x4d),
+BTCN, 8, // Battery Count
+BTIX, 8, // Battery index
+Offset (0x50),
+BTDA, 32, // Battery Design Capacity
+BTDV, 32, // Battery Design Voltage
+BTDF, 32, // Battery Last Full Charge Capacity
+BTCC, 32, // Battery Cycle Count
+BMFG, 64, // Battery Manufacturer String
+BMOD, 64, // Battery Model String
+BSER, 64, // Battery Serial String
+BTYP, 64, // Battery Type String
+Offset (0x80),
+ALS0, 16, // ALS reading 0 in lux
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6edd9680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/keyboard_backlight.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
+ */
+Scope (\_SB)
+ /*
+ * Chrome EC Keyboard Backlight interface
+ */
+ Device (KBLT)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG0002")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ /* Ask EC if we even have a backlight
+ * Return 0xf (present, enabled, show in UI, functioning) or 0
+ *
+ * With older EC codebases that don't support the Device
+ * Features bitfield, this reports the keyboard backlight as
+ * enabled since reads to undefined addresses in EC address
+ * space return 0xff and so KBLE will be 1.
+ */
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /* If query is unsupported, but this code is compiled
+ * in, assume the backlight exists physically.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (1, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.DFUD)) {
+ Return (0xf)
+ }
+ /* If EC reports that backlight exists, trust it */
+ If (LEqual (1, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLE)) {
+ Return (0xf)
+ }
+ /* Otherwise: no device -> disable */
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ /* Read current backlight value */
+ Method (KBQC, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLV)
+ }
+ /* Write new backlight value */
+ Method (KBCM, 1, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.KBLV)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e55fde347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/pd.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (ECPD)
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG0003")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_DDN, "EC PD Device")
+ Method(_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xB)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ddab1e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/superio.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+ * Chrome OS Embedded Controller interface
+ *
+ * Constants that should be defined:
+ *
+ * SIO_EC_MEMMAP_ENABLE : Enable EC LPC memory map resources
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_MEMMAP : Base address of memory map range
+ * EC_MEMMAP_SIZE : Size of memory map range
+ *
+ * SIO_EC_HOST_ENABLE : Enable EC host command interface resources
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA : EC host command interface data port
+ * EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD : EC host command interface command port
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION0 : EC host command buffer
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION1 : EC host command buffer
+ * EC_HOST_CMD_REGION_SIZE : EC host command buffer size
+ */
+// Scope is \_SB.PCI0.LPCB
+Device (SIO) {
+ Name (_UID, 0)
+ Name (_ADR, 0)
+ Device (ECMM) {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+ Name (_UID, 4)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+ Return (0x0F)
+ }
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ })
+ Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ })
+ }
+ Device (ECUI) {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+ Name (_UID, 3)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+ Return (0x0F)
+ }
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16,
+ 0x01, 0x01)
+ IO (Decode16,
+ 0x01, 0x01)
+ IO (Decode16,
+ IO (Decode16,
+ })
+ Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+ EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_DATA, 0x01, 0x01)
+ EC_LPC_ADDR_HOST_CMD, 0x01, 0x01)
+ IO (Decode16,
+ IO (Decode16,
+ }
+ EndDependentFn ()
+ })
+ }
+ Device (COM1) {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0501"))
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+ Return (0x0F)
+ }
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x03F8, 0x3F8, 0x08, 0x08)
+ IRQNoFlags () {4}
+ })
+ Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x03F8, 0x3F8, 0x08, 0x08)
+ IRQNoFlags () {4}
+ }
+ EndDependentFn ()
+ })
+ }
+Device (PS2K) // Keyboard
+ Name (_UID, 0)
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG000A")
+ Name (_CID, Package() { EISAID("PNP0303"), EISAID("PNP030B") } )
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) {
+ Return (0x0F)
+ }
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x60, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x64, 0x64, 0x01, 0x01)
+#ifdef SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+ IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Exclusive) {1}
+ })
+ Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ StartDependentFn (0, 0) {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x60, 0x60, 0x01, 0x01)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x64, 0x64, 0x01, 0x01)
+#ifdef SIO_EC_PS2K_IRQ
+ IRQ (Edge, ActiveHigh, Exclusive) {1}
+ }
+ EndDependentFn ()
+ })
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfe38d668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_ec/tbmc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
+ */
+Device (TBMC)
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG0006")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (_DDN, "Tablet Motion Control")
+ Method (TBMC)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (^^RCTM, One)) {
+ Return (0x1)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method(_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xB)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_gnvs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_gnvs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c20b64565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/cros_gnvs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+/* This is the ChromeOS specific ACPI information needed by
+ * the mainboard's chromeos.asl
+ */
+VBT0, 32, // 0x000 - Boot Reason
+VBT1, 32, // 0x004 - Active Main Firmware
+VBT2, 32, // 0x008 - Active EC Firmware
+VBT3, 16, // 0x00c - CHSW
+VBT4, 2048, // 0x00e - HWID
+VBT5, 512, // 0x10e - FWID
+VBT6, 512, // 0x14e - FRID
+VBT7, 32, // 0x18e - active main firmware type
+VBT8, 32, // 0x192 - Recovery Reason
+VBT9, 32, // 0x196 - FMAP base address
+CHVD, 24576, // 0x19a - VDAT space filled by verified boot
+VBTA, 32, // 0xd9a - pointer to smbios FWID
+MEHH, 256, // 0xd9e - Management Engine Hash
+RMOB, 32, // 0xdbe - RAM oops base address
+RMOL, 32, // 0xdc2 - RAM oops length
+ROVP, 32, // 0xdc6 - pointer to RO_VPD
+ROVL, 32, // 0xdca - size of RO_VPD
+RWVP, 32, // 0xdce - pointer to RW_VPD
+RWVL, 32, // 0xdd2 - size of RW_VPD
+ // 0xdd6
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/debug.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/debug.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6025507e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/debug.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/arch/x86/acpi/debug.asl
+ */
+/* POST register region */
+OperationRegion(X80, SystemIO, 0x80, 1)
+Field(X80, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ P80, 8
+/* Legacy serial port register region */
+OperationRegion(CREG, SystemIO, 0x3F8, 8)
+Field(CREG, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ CDAT, 8,
+ CDLM, 8,
+ , 8,
+ CLCR, 8,
+ CMCR, 8,
+ CLSR, 8
+/* DINI - Initialize the serial port to 115200 8-N-1 */
+ Store(0x83, CLCR)
+ Store(0x01, CDAT) /* 115200 baud (low) */
+ Store(0x00, CDLM) /* 115200 baud (high) */
+ Store(0x03, CLCR) /* word=8 stop=1 parity=none */
+ Store(0x03, CMCR) /* DTR=1 RTS=1 out1/2=Off loop=Off */
+ Store(0x00, CDLM) /* turn off interrupts */
+/* THRE - Wait for serial port transmitter holding register to go empty */
+ And(CLSR, 0x20, Local0)
+ While (LEqual(Local0, Zero)) {
+ And(CLSR, 0x20, Local0)
+ }
+/* OUTX - Send a single raw character */
+Method(OUTX, 1)
+ THRE()
+ Store(Arg0, CDAT)
+/* OUTC - Send a single character, expanding LF into CR/LF */
+Method(OUTC, 1)
+ If (LEqual(Arg0, 0x0a)) {
+ OUTX(0x0d)
+ }
+ OUTX(Arg0)
+/* DBGN - Send a single hex nibble */
+Method(DBGN, 1)
+ And(Arg0, 0x0f, Local0)
+ If (LLess(Local0, 10)) {
+ Add(Local0, 0x30, Local0)
+ } Else {
+ Add(Local0, 0x37, Local0)
+ }
+ OUTC(Local0)
+/* DBGB - Send a hex byte */
+Method(DBGB, 1)
+ ShiftRight(Arg0, 4, Local0)
+ DBGN(Local0)
+ DBGN(Arg0)
+/* DBGW - Send a hex word */
+Method(DBGW, 1)
+ ShiftRight(Arg0, 8, Local0)
+ DBGB(Local0)
+ DBGB(Arg0)
+/* DBGD - Send a hex dword */
+Method(DBGD, 1)
+ ShiftRight(Arg0, 16, Local0)
+ DBGW(Local0)
+ DBGW(Arg0)
+/* Get a char from a string */
+Method(GETC, 2)
+ CreateByteField(Arg0, Arg1, DBGC)
+ Return (DBGC)
+/* DBGO - Send either a string or an integer */
+Method(DBGO, 1, Serialized)
+ If (LEqual(ObjectType(Arg0), 1)) {
+ If (LGreater(Arg0, 0xffff)) {
+ DBGD(Arg0)
+ } Else {
+ If (LGreater(Arg0, 0xff)) {
+ DBGW(Arg0)
+ } Else {
+ DBGB(Arg0)
+ }
+ }
+ } Else {
+ Name(BDBG, Buffer(80) {})
+ Store(Arg0, BDBG)
+ Store(0, Local1)
+ While (One) {
+ Store(GETC(BDBG, Local1), Local0)
+ If (LEqual(Local0, 0)) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ OUTC(Local0)
+ Increment(Local1)
+ }
+ }
+ Return (Zero)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/charger.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/charger.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f4a7ecd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/charger.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+Device (TCHG)
+ Name (_HID, "INT3403")
+ Name (_UID, 0)
+ Name (PTYP, 0x0B)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode("Battery Charger"))
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return charger performance states defined by mainboard */
+ Method (PPSS)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.CHPS)
+ }
+ /* Return maximum charger current limit */
+ Method (PPPC)
+ {
+ /* Convert size of PPSS table to index */
+ Store (SizeOf (\_SB.CHPS), Local0)
+ Decrement (Local0)
+ /* Check if charging is disabled (AC removed) */
+ If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ACEX, Zero)) {
+ /* Return last power state */
+ Return (Local0)
+ } Else {
+ /* Return highest power state */
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ /* Set charger current limit */
+ Method (SPPC, 1)
+ {
+ /* Retrieve Control (index 4) for specified PPSS level */
+ Store (DeRefOf (Index (DeRefOf (Index
+ (\_SB.CHPS, ToInteger (Arg0))), 4)), Local0)
+ /* Pass Control value to EC to limit charging */
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.CHGS (Local0)
+ }
+ /* Initialize charger participant */
+ Method (INIT)
+ {
+ /* Disable charge limit */
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/cpu.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/cpu.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f77d35383
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/cpu.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+External (\_PR.CP00._PSS, PkgObj)
+External (\_PR.CP00._TSS, PkgObj)
+External (\_PR.CP00._TPC, MethodObj)
+External (\_PR.CP00._PTC, PkgObj)
+External (\_PR.CP00._TSD, PkgObj)
+External (\_SB.MPDL, IntObj)
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Processor Throttling Controls
+ */
+ Method (_TSS)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._TSS)) {
+ Return (\_PR.CP00._TSS)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Package ()
+ {
+ Package () { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TPC)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._TPC)) {
+ Return (\_PR.CP00._TPC)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_PTC)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._PTC)) {
+ Return (\_PR.CP00._PTC)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Package ()
+ {
+ Buffer () { 0 },
+ Buffer () { 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TSD)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._TSD)) {
+ Return (\_PR.CP00._TSD)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Package ()
+ {
+ Package () { 5, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TDL)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._TSS)) {
+ Store (SizeOf (\_PR.CP00._TSS), Local0)
+ Decrement (Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Processor Performance Control
+ */
+ Method (_PPC)
+ {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ Method (SPPC, 1)
+ {
+ Store (Arg0, \PPCM)
+ /* Notify OS to re-read _PPC limit on each CPU */
+ \PPCN ()
+ }
+ Method (_PSS)
+ {
+ If (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._PSS)) {
+ Return (\_PR.CP00._PSS)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Package ()
+ {
+ Package () { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_PDL)
+ {
+ /* Check for mainboard specific _PDL override */
+ If (CondRefOf (\_SB.MPDL)) {
+ Return (\_SB.MPDL)
+ } ElseIf (CondRefOf (\_PR.CP00._PSS)) {
+ Store (SizeOf (\_PR.CP00._PSS), Local0)
+ Decrement (Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return PPCC table defined by mainboard */
+ Method (PPCC)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.MPPC)
+ }
+ Method (_CRT)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_PSV)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC0)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC1)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC2)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC3)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC4)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/dptf.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/dptf.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f958d200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/dptf.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+Device (DPTF)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT3400"))
+ Name (_UID, 0)
+ Name (IDSP, Package()
+ {
+ /* DPPM Passive Policy 1.0 */
+ ToUUID ("42A441D6-AE6A-462B-A84B-4A8CE79027D3"),
+ /* DPPM Critical Policy */
+ ToUUID ("97C68AE7-15FA-499c-B8C9-5DA81D606E0A"),
+ /* DPPM Cooling Policy */
+ ToUUID ("16CAF1B7-DD38-40ED-B1C1-1B8A1913D531"),
+ /* DPPM Active Policy */
+ ToUUID ("3A95C389-E4B8-4629-A526-C52C88626BAE"),
+ })
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Arg0: Buffer containing UUID
+ * Arg1: Integer containing Revision ID of buffer format
+ * Arg2: Integer containing count of entries in Arg3
+ * Arg3: Buffer containing list of DWORD capabilities
+ * Return: Buffer containing list of DWORD capabilities
+ */
+ Method (_OSC, 4, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Check for Passive Policy UUID */
+ If (LEqual (DeRefOf (Index (IDSP, 0)), Arg0)) {
+ /* Initialize Thermal Devices */
+ ^TINI ()
+ /* Initialize Charger Device */
+ }
+ Return (Arg3)
+ }
+ /* Priority based _TRT */
+ Name (TRTR, 1)
+ Method (_TRT)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.DTRT)
+ }
+ /* _ART : Active Cooling Relationship Table */
+ Method (_ART)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.DART)
+ }
+ /* Convert from Degrees C to 1/10 Kelvin for ACPI */
+ Method (CTOK, 1) {
+ /* 10th of Degrees C */
+ Multiply (Arg0, 10, Local0)
+ /* Convert to Kelvin */
+ Add (Local0, 2732, Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ }
+ /* Convert from 1/10 Kelvin to Degrees C for ACPI */
+ Method (KTOC, 1) {
+ If (LLessEqual (Arg0, 2732)) {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ /* Convert to Celsius */
+ Subtract (Arg0, 2732, Local0)
+ /* Convert from 10th of degrees */
+ Divide (Local0, 10,, Local0)
+ Return (Local0)
+ }
+ /* Include Thermal Participants */
+ #include "thermal.asl"
+ /* Include Charger Participant */
+ #include "charger.asl"
+ /* Include Fan Participant */
+ #include "fan.asl"
+Scope (\_SB.PCI0)
+ #include "cpu.asl"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/fan.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/fan.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa4aa1291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/fan.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+Device (TFN1)
+ Name (_HID, "INT3404")
+ Name (_UID, 0)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode("Fan Control"))
+ /* _FIF: Fan Information */
+ Name (_FIF, Package ()
+ {
+ 0, // Revision
+ 1, // Fine Grained Control
+ 2, // Step Size
+ 0 // No Low Speed Notification
+ })
+ /* Return Fan Performance States defined by mainboard */
+ Method (_FPS)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.DFPS)
+ }
+ Name (TFST, Package ()
+ {
+ 0, // Revision
+ 0x00, // Control
+ 0x00 // Speed
+ })
+ /* _FST: Fan current Status */
+ Method (_FST, 0, Serialized,,PkgObj)
+ {
+ /* Fill in TFST with current control. */
+ Store (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.FAND, Index (TFST, 1))
+ Return (TFST)
+ }
+ /* _FSL: Fan Speed Level */
+ Method (_FSL, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store (Arg0, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.FAND)
+ }
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One))
+ {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/thermal.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/thermal.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c3c8db8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/dptf/thermal.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+/* Thermal Threshold Event Handler */
+Method (TEVT, 1, NotSerialized)
+ Store (ToInteger (Arg0), Local0)
+ If (LEqual (Local0, DPTF_TSR0_SENSOR_ID)) {
+ Notify (^TSR0, 0x90)
+ }
+ If (LEqual (Local0, DPTF_TSR1_SENSOR_ID)) {
+ Notify (^TSR1, 0x90)
+ }
+ If (LEqual (Local0, DPTF_TSR2_SENSOR_ID)) {
+ Notify (^TSR2, 0x90)
+ }
+ If (LEqual (Local0, DPTF_TSR3_SENSOR_ID)) {
+ Notify (^TSR3, 0x90)
+ }
+/* Thermal device initialization - Disable Aux Trip Points */
+Method (TINI)
+ ^TSR0.PATD ()
+ ^TSR1.PATD ()
+ ^TSR2.PATD ()
+ ^TSR3.PATD ()
+/* Thermal Trip Points Change Event Handler */
+Method (TPET)
+ Notify (^TSR0, 0x81)
+ Notify (^TSR1, 0x81)
+ Notify (^TSR2, 0x81)
+ Notify (^TSR3, 0x81)
+ * Method to return trip temperature value depending upon the device mode.
+ * Arg0 --> Value to return when device is in tablet mode
+ * Arg1 --> Value to return when device is not in tablet mode.
+ */
+Method (DTRP, 2, Serialized)
+ If (LEqual (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.RCDP, One)) {
+ Return (CTOK (Arg0))
+ } Else {
+ Return (CTOK (Arg1))
+ }
+Device (TSR0)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT3403"))
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (PTYP, 0x03)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode (DPTF_TSR0_SENSOR_NAME))
+ Name (GTSH, 20) /* 2 degree hysteresis */
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TMP, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TSRD (TMPI))
+ }
+ Method (_PSV)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_CRT)
+ {
+ }
+ Name (PATC, 2)
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT0, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT0 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT1, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT1 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Disable Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PATD, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC0)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC1)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC2)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC3)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC4)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC5)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC6)
+ {
+ }
+Device (TSR1)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT3403"))
+ Name (_UID, 2)
+ Name (PTYP, 0x03)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode (DPTF_TSR1_SENSOR_NAME))
+ Name (GTSH, 20) /* 2 degree hysteresis */
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TMP, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TSRD (TMPI))
+ }
+ Method (_PSV)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_CRT)
+ {
+ }
+ Name (PATC, 2)
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT0, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT0 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT1, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT1 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Disable Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PATD, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC0)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC1)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC2)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC3)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC4)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC5)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC6)
+ {
+ }
+Device (TSR2)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT3403"))
+ Name (_UID, 3)
+ Name (PTYP, 0x03)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode (DPTF_TSR2_SENSOR_NAME))
+ Name (GTSH, 20) /* 2 degree hysteresis */
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TMP, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TSRD (TMPI))
+ }
+ Method (_PSV)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_CRT)
+ {
+ }
+ Name (PATC, 2)
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT0, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT0 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT1, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT1 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Disable Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PATD, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC0)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC1)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC2)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC3)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC4)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC5)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC6)
+ {
+ }
+Device (TSR3)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT3403"))
+ Name (_UID, 4)
+ Name (PTYP, 0x03)
+ Name (_STR, Unicode (DPTF_TSR3_SENSOR_NAME))
+ Name (GTSH, 20) /* 2 degree hysteresis */
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (\DPTE, One)) {
+ Return (0xF)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0x0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_TMP, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TSRD (TMPI))
+ }
+ Method (_PSV)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_CRT)
+ {
+ }
+ Name (PATC, 2)
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT0, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT0 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Set Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PAT1, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.PAT1 (TMPI, Arg0)
+ }
+ /* Disable Aux Trip Point */
+ Method (PATD, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC0)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC1)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC2)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC3)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC4)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC5)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_AC6)
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/global_nvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/global_nvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46383629c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/global_nvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ACPI_GNVS_H_
+#define _ACPI_GNVS_H_
+ * This file provides two ACPI global NVS macros: ACPI_GNVS_ADDR and
+ * ACPI_GNVS_SIZE. They are to be used in platform's global_nvs.asl file
+ * to declare the GNVS OperationRegion, as well as write_acpi_tables()
+ * for the GNVS address runtime fix up.
+ *
+ * If using CONFIG_ACPI_GNVS_EXTERNAL, we don't need to locate the GNVS in
+ * DSDT, since it is created by code, so ACPI_GNVS_ADDR is unused.
+ */
+#define ACPI_GNVS_ADDR 0xdeadbeef
+#define ACPI_GNVS_SIZE 0x1000
+#endif /* _ACPI_GNVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/globutil.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/globutil.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d50ef367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/globutil.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/arch/x86/acpi/globutil.asl
+ */
+Method(MIN, 2)
+ If (LLess(Arg0, Arg1)) {
+ Return (Arg0)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Arg1)
+ }
+Method(SLEN, 1)
+ Store(Arg0, Local0)
+ Return (Sizeof(Local0))
+Method(S2BF, 1, Serialized)
+ Add(SLEN(Arg0), One, Local0)
+ Name(BUFF, Buffer(Local0) {})
+ Store(Arg0, BUFF)
+ Return (BUFF)
+ * SCMP - Strong string compare
+ *
+ * Checks both length and content
+ */
+Method(SCMP, 2)
+ Store(S2BF(Arg0), Local0)
+ Store(S2BF(Arg1), Local1)
+ Store(Zero, Local4)
+ Store(SLEN(Arg0), Local5)
+ Store(SLEN(Arg1), Local6)
+ Store(MIN(Local5, Local6), Local7)
+ While (LLess(Local4, Local7)) {
+ Store(Derefof(Index(Local0, Local4)), Local2)
+ Store(Derefof(Index(Local1, Local4)), Local3)
+ If (LGreater(Local2, Local3)) {
+ Return (One)
+ } Else {
+ If (LLess(Local2, Local3)) {
+ Return (Ones)
+ }
+ }
+ Increment(Local4)
+ }
+ If (LLess(Local4, Local5)) {
+ Return (One)
+ } Else {
+ If (LLess(Local4, Local6)) {
+ Return (Ones)
+ } Else {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ }
+ * WCMP - Weak string compare
+ *
+ * Checks to find Arg1 at beginning of Arg0.
+ * Fails if length(Arg0) < length(Arg1).
+ * Returns 0 on fail, 1 on pass.
+ */
+Method(WCMP, 2)
+ Store(S2BF(Arg0), Local0)
+ Store(S2BF(Arg1), Local1)
+ If (LLess(SLEN(Arg0), SLEN(Arg1))) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ Store(Zero, Local2)
+ Store(SLEN(Arg1), Local3)
+ While (LLess(Local2, Local3)) {
+ If (LNotEqual(Derefof(Index(Local0, Local2)),
+ Derefof(Index(Local1, Local2)))) {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ Increment(Local2)
+ }
+ Return (One)
+ * I2BM - Returns Bit Map
+ *
+ * Arg0 = IRQ Number (0-15)
+ */
+Method(I2BM, 1)
+ Store(0, Local0)
+ If (LNotEqual(Arg0, 0)) {
+ Store(1, Local1)
+ ShiftLeft(Local1, Arg0, Local0)
+ }
+ Return (Local0)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irq_helper.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irq_helper.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e404f48b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irq_helper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Sage Electronics Engineering, LLC.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/include/soc/irq_helper.h
+ */
+ * This file intentionally gets included multiple times, to set pic and apic
+ * modes, so should not have guard statements added.
+ */
+ * This file will use irqroute.asl and irqroute.h to generate the ACPI IRQ
+ * routing for the platform being compiled.
+ *
+ * This method uses #defines in irqroute.h along with the macros contained
+ * in this file to generate an IRQ routing for each PCI device in the system.
+ */
+#undef ACPI_DEV_IRQ
+#undef RP_METHOD
+#if defined(PIC_MODE)
+#define ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, pin_, pin_name_) \
+ Package() { ## dev_ ## ffff, pin_, \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.LNK ## pin_name_, 0 }
+#define RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, func_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+Name(prefix_ ## func_ ## P, Package() \
+{ \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 0, a_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 1, b_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 2, c_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 3, d_), \
+/* define as blank so ROOTPORT_METHODS only gets inserted once */
+#define ROOTPORT_METHODS(prefix_, dev_)
+#else /* defined(PIC_MODE) */
+#define ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, pin_, pin_name_) \
+ Package() { ## dev_ ## ffff, pin_, 0, PIRQ ## pin_name_ ## _APIC_IRQ }
+#define RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, func_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+Name(prefix_ ## func_ ## A, Package() \
+{ \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 0, a_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 1, b_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 2, c_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(0x0000, 3, d_), \
+#define ROOTPORT_METHODS(prefix_, dev_) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 0) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 1) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 2) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 3) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 4) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 5) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 6) \
+ RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, 7)
+#endif /* defined(PIC_MODE) */
+#define PCI_DEV_PIRQ_ROUTE(dev_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, 0, a_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, 1, b_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, 2, c_), \
+ ACPI_DEV_IRQ(dev_, 3, d_)
+#define PCIE_BRIDGE_DEV(prefix_, dev_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ ROOTPORT_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ ROOTPORT_METHODS(prefix_, dev_)
+#define ROOTPORT_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 0, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 1, b_, c_, d_, a_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 2, c_, d_, a_, b_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 3, d_, a_, b_, c_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 4, a_, b_, c_, d_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 5, b_, c_, d_, a_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 6, c_, d_, a_, b_) \
+ RP_IRQ_ROUTES(prefix_, 7, d_, a_, b_, c_)
+#define RP_METHOD(prefix_, dev_, func_)\
+Device (prefix_ ## 0 ## func_) \
+{ \
+ Name(_ADR, dev_ ## 000 ## func_) \
+ Name(_PRW, Package() { 0, 0 }) \
+ Method(_PRT) { \
+ If (PICM) { \
+ Return (prefix_ ## func_ ## A) \
+ } Else { \
+ Return (prefix_ ## func_ ## P) \
+ } \
+ } \
+/* SoC specific PIRQ route configuration */
+#include <asm/arch/acpi/irqroute.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqlinks.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqlinks.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fc83a511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqlinks.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/irqlinks.asl
+ */
+ * Intel chipset PIRQ routing control ASL description
+ *
+ * The programming interface is common to most Intel chipsets. But the PRTx
+ * registers may be mapped to different blocks. Some chipsets map them to LPC
+ * device (00:1f:00) PCI configuration space (like TunnelCreek, Quark), while
+ * some newer Atom SoCs (like BayTrail, Braswell) map them to Intel Legacy
+ * Block (ILB) memory space.
+ *
+ * This file defines 8 PCI IRQ link devices which corresponds to 8 PIRQ lines
+ * PIRQ A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H. To incorperate this file, the PRTx registers must be
+ * defined somewhere else in the platform's ASL files.
+ */
+Device (LNKA)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 1)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTA)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLA, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLA, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTA */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTA, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLA)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTA)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTA, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKB)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 2)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTB)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLB, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLB, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTB */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTB, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLB)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTB)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTB, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKC)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 3)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTC)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLC, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLC, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTC */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTC, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLC)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTC)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTC, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKD)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 4)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTD)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLD, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLD, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTD */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTD, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLD)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTD)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTD, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKE)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 5)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTE)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLE, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLE, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTE */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTE, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLE)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTE)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTE, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKF)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 6)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTF)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLF, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTF */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTF, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLF)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTF)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTF, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKG)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 7)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTG)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLG, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLG, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTG */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTG, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLG)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTG)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTG, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
+Device (LNKH)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C0F"))
+ Name(_UID, 8)
+ /* Disable method */
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0x80, PRTH)
+ }
+ /* Possible Resource Settings for this Link */
+ Name(_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) { 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 }
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings for this link */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Name(RTLH, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IRQ(Level, ActiveLow, Shared) {}
+ })
+ CreateWordField(RTLH, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Clear the WordField */
+ Store(Zero, IRQ0)
+ /* Set the bit from PRTH */
+ ShiftLeft(1, And(PRTH, 0x0f), IRQ0)
+ Return (RTLH)
+ }
+ /* Set Resource Setting for this IRQ link */
+ Method(_SRS, 1, Serialized)
+ {
+ CreateWordField(Arg0, 1, IRQ0)
+ /* Which bit is set? */
+ FindSetRightBit(IRQ0, Local0)
+ Decrement(Local0)
+ Store(Local0, PRTH)
+ }
+ /* Status */
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (And(PRTH, 0x80)) {
+ } Else {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqroute.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqroute.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ed7efd85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/irqroute.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/irqroute.asl
+ */
+Name(\PICM, 0)
+ * The _PIC method is called by the OS to choose between interrupt
+ * routing via the i8259 interrupt controller or the APIC.
+ *
+ * _PIC is called with a parameter of 0 for i8259 configuration and
+ * with a parameter of 1 for Local APIC/IOAPIC configuration.
+ */
+Method(\_PIC, 1)
+ /* Remember the OS' IRQ routing choice */
+ Store(Arg0, PICM)
+/* PCI interrupt routing */
+Method(_PRT) {
+ If (PICM) {
+ Return (Package() {
+ #undef PIC_MODE
+ #include "irq_helper.h"
+ })
+ } Else {
+ Return (Package() {
+ #define PIC_MODE
+ #include "irq_helper.h"
+ })
+ }
+/* PCIe downstream ports interrupt routing */
+#undef PIC_MODE
+#include "irq_helper.h"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/lpc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/lpc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18cc78b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/lpc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+/* Intel LPC/eSPI Bus Device - 0:1f.0 */
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+Device (LPCB)
+ Name (_ADR, 0x001f0000)
+ Name (_DDN, "LPC Bus Device")
+ /* DMA Controller */
+ Device (DMAC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID("PNP0200"))
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x20)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x81, 0x81, 0x01, 0x11)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x93, 0x93, 0x01, 0x0d)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0x01, 0x20)
+ DMA (Compatibility, NotBusMaster, Transfer8_16) { 4 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* Firmware Hub */
+ Device (FWH)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("INT0800"))
+ Name (_DDN, "Firmware Hub")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadOnly, 0xff000000, 0x01000000)
+ })
+ }
+ /* High Precision Event Timer */
+ Device (HPET)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0103"))
+ Name (_CID, 0x010CD041)
+ Name (_DDN, "High Precision Event Timer")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, HPET_BASE_ADDRESS, 0x400)
+ })
+ Method (_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xF)
+ }
+ }
+ /* FPU */
+ Device(MATH)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID("PNP0C04"))
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0x01, 0x01)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 13 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* AT Interrupt Controller */
+ Device (PIC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0000"))
+ Name (_DDN, "8259 Interrupt Controller")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x20, 0x20, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x24, 0x24, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x28, 0x28, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x2c, 0x2c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x30, 0x30, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x34, 0x34, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x38, 0x38, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xa4, 0xa4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xac, 0xac, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x4d0, 0x4d0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IRQNoFlags () { 2 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* LPC device: Resource consumption */
+ Device (LDRC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0C02"))
+ Name (_UID, 2)
+ Name (_DDN, "Legacy Device Resources")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x1, 0x02) // First SuperIO
+ IO (Decode16, 0x4e, 0x4e, 0x1, 0x02) // Second SuperIO
+ IO (Decode16, 0x61, 0x61, 0x1, 0x01) // NMI Status
+ IO (Decode16, 0x63, 0x63, 0x1, 0x01) // CPU Reserved
+ IO (Decode16, 0x65, 0x65, 0x1, 0x01) // CPU Reserved
+ IO (Decode16, 0x67, 0x67, 0x1, 0x01) // CPU Reserved
+ IO (Decode16, 0x80, 0x80, 0x1, 0x01) // Port 80 Post
+ IO (Decode16, 0x92, 0x92, 0x1, 0x01) // CPU Reserved
+ IO (Decode16, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0x1, 0x02) // SWSMI
+ 0x1, 0xff)
+ })
+ }
+ /* Real Time Clock Device */
+ Device (RTC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0B00"))
+ Name (_DDN, "Real Time Clock")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x70, 0x70, 1, 8)
+ })
+ }
+ /* Timer */
+ Device (TIMR)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID ("PNP0100"))
+ Name (_DDN, "8254 Timer")
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ IO (Decode16, 0x40, 0x40, 0x01, 0x04)
+ IO (Decode16, 0x50, 0x50, 0x10, 0x04)
+ IRQNoFlags () {0}
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pci_osc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pci_osc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..864556fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pci_osc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ */
+#define PCI_OSC_UUID "33DB4D5B-1FF7-401C-9657-7441C03DD766"
+Scope (\_SB.PCI0) {
+ Method (_OSC, 4) {
+ /* Check for proper GUID */
+ If (LEqual (Arg0, ToUUID (PCI_OSC_UUID))) {
+ /* Let OS control everything */
+ Return (Arg3)
+ } Else {
+ /* Unrecognized UUID */
+ CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0, CDW1)
+ Or (CDW1, 4, CDW1)
+ Return (Arg3)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pcr.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pcr.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f66737b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/pcr.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+#include <intelblocks/pcr.h>
+ * Calculate PCR register base at specified PID
+ * Arg0 - PCR Port ID
+ */
+Method (PCRB, 1, NotSerialized)
+ Return (Add (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR,
+ ShiftLeft (Arg0, PCR_PORTID_SHIFT)))
+ * Read a PCR register at specified PID and offset
+ * Arg0 - PCR Port ID
+ * Arg1 - Register Offset
+ */
+Method (PCRR, 2, Serialized)
+ OperationRegion (PCRD, SystemMemory, Add (PCRB (Arg0), Arg1), 4)
+ Field (PCRD, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ DATA, 32
+ }
+ Return (DATA)
+ * AND a value with PCR register at specified PID and offset
+ * Arg0 - PCR Port ID
+ * Arg1 - Register Offset
+ * Arg2 - Value to AND
+ */
+Method (PCRA, 3, Serialized)
+ OperationRegion (PCRD, SystemMemory, Add (PCRB (Arg0), Arg1), 4)
+ Field (PCRD, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ DATA, 32
+ }
+ And (DATA, Arg2, DATA)
+ /*
+ * After every write one needs to read an innocuous register
+ * to ensure the writes are completed for certain ports. This is done
+ * for all ports so that the callers don't need the per-port knowledge
+ * for each transaction.
+ */
+ PCRR (Arg0, Arg1)
+ * OR a value with PCR register at specified PID and offset
+ * Arg0 - PCR Port ID
+ * Arg1 - Register Offset
+ * Arg2 - Value to OR
+ */
+Method (PCRO, 3, Serialized)
+ OperationRegion (PCRD, SystemMemory, Add (PCRB (Arg0), Arg1), 4)
+ Field (PCRD, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ DATA, 32
+ }
+ Or (DATA, Arg2, DATA)
+ /*
+ * After every write one needs to read an innocuous register
+ * to ensure the writes are completed for certain ports. This is done
+ * for all ports so that the callers don't need the per-port knowledge
+ * for each transaction.
+ */
+ PCRR (Arg0, Arg1)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/ramoops.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/ramoops.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55939e1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/ramoops.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+Scope (\_SB)
+ Device(RMOP)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "GOOG9999")
+ Name (_CID, "GOOG9999")
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0, 0, MRES)
+ })
+ Method (_CRS)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^MRES._BAS, RBAS)
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^MRES._LEN, RLEN)
+ Store (\RMOB, RBAS)
+ Store (\RMOL, RLEN)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method(_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xB)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/sleepstates.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/sleepstates.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31aa69a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/sleepstates.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/sleepstates.asl
+ */
+Name(\_S0, Package(){0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0})
+Name(\_S1, Package(){0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0})
+Name(\_S3, Package(){0x5,0x0,0x0,0x0})
+Name(\_S4, Package(){0x6,0x0,0x0,0x0})
+Name(\_S5, Package(){0x7,0x0,0x0,0x0})
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/statdef.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/statdef.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6697bc455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/statdef.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/arch/x86/acpi/statdef.asl
+ */
+/* Status and notification definitions */
+#define STA_MISSING 0x00
+#define STA_PRESENT 0x01
+#define STA_ENABLED 0x03
+#define STA_DISABLED 0x09
+#define STA_INVISIBLE 0x0b
+#define STA_UNAVAILABLE 0x0d
+#define STA_VISIBLE 0x0f
+/* SMBus status codes */
+#define SMB_OK 0x00
+#define SMB_UNKNOWN_FAIL 0x07
+#define SMB_DEV_ADDR_NAK 0x10
+#define SMB_DEVICE_ERROR 0x11
+#define SMB_DEV_CMD_DENIED 0x12
+#define SMB_UNKNOWN_ERR 0x13
+#define SMB_DEV_ACC_DENIED 0x17
+#define SMB_TIMEOUT 0x18
+#define SMB_BUSY 0x1a
+#define SMB_PKT_CHK_ERROR 0x1f
+/* Device Object Notification Values */
+#define NOTIFY_BUS_CHECK 0x00
+#define NOTIFY_DEVICE_WAKE 0x02
+#define NOTIFY_BUS_MODE 0x06
+#define NOTIFY_POWER_FAULT 0x07
+#define NOTIFY_PLD_CHECK 0x09
+#define NOTIFY_SLIT_UPDATE 0x0b
+#define NOTIFY_SRA_UPDATE 0x0d
+/* Battery Device Notification Values */
+#define NOTIFY_BAT_INFOCHG 0x81
+/* Power Source Object Notification Values */
+#define NOTIFY_PWR_INFOCHG 0x81
+/* Thermal Zone Object Notification Values */
+/* Power Button Notification Values */
+/* Sleep Button Notification Values */
+/* Lid Notification Values */
+/* Processor Device Notification Values */
+#define NOTIFY_CPU_PPCCHG 0x80
+/* User Presence Device Notification Values */
+/* Ambient Light Sensor Notification Values */
+#define NOTIFY_ALS_RESPCHG 0x82
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/vbnv_layout.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/vbnv_layout.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89065524d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi/vbnv_layout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+#define VBOOT_VBNV_BLOCK_SIZE 16 /* Size of NV storage block in bytes */
+/* Constants for NV storage, for use with ACPI */
+#define HEADER_OFFSET 0
+#define HEADER_MASK 0xc0
+#define HEADER_SIGNATURE 0x40
+#define BOOT_OFFSET 1
+#define BOOT_TRY_B_COUNT_MASK 0x0f
+#define DEV_BOOT_USB_MASK 0x01
+#define DEV_ENABLE_UDC 0x40
+#define CRC_OFFSET 15
+#endif /* __ASM_ACPI_VBNV_LAYOUT_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_nhlt.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_nhlt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c4419631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_nhlt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot nhlt.h
+ */
+#ifndef _NHLT_H_
+#define _NHLT_H_
+struct acpi_ctx;
+struct nhlt;
+struct nhlt_endpoint;
+struct nhlt_format;
+struct nhlt_format_config;
+ * Non HD Audio ACPI support. This table is typically used for Intel Smart
+ * Sound Technology DSP. It provides a way to encode opaque settings in
+ * the ACPI tables.
+ *
+ * While the structure fields of the NHLT structs are exposed below
+ * the SoC/chipset code should be the only other user manipulating the
+ * fields directly aside from the library itself.
+ *
+ * The NHLT table consists of endpoints which in turn contain different
+ * supporting stream formats. Each endpoint may contain a device specific
+ * configuration payload as well as each stream format.
+ *
+ * Most code should use the SoC variants of the functions because
+ * there is required logic needed to be performed by the SoC. The SoC
+ * code should be abstracting the inner details of these functions that
+ * specically apply to NHLT objects for that SoC.
+ *
+ * An example sequence:
+ *
+ * nhlt = nhlt_init()
+ * ep = nhlt_add_endpoint()
+ * nhlt_endpoint_append_config(ep)
+ * nhlt_endpoint_add_formats(ep)
+ * nhlt_soc_serialise()
+ */
+/* Obtain an nhlt object for adding endpoints. Returns NULL on error. */
+struct nhlt *nhlt_init(void);
+/* Return the size of the NHLT table including ACPI header. */
+size_t nhlt_current_size(struct nhlt *nhlt);
+ * Helper functions for adding NHLT devices utilizing an nhlt_endp_descriptor
+ * to drive the logic.
+ */
+struct nhlt_endp_descriptor {
+ /* NHLT endpoint types. */
+ int link;
+ int device;
+ int direction;
+ u16 vid;
+ u16 did;
+ /* Optional endpoint specific configuration data. */
+ const void *cfg;
+ size_t cfg_size;
+ /* Formats supported for endpoint. */
+ const struct nhlt_format_config *formats;
+ size_t num_formats;
+ * Add the number of endpoints described by each descriptor. The virtual bus
+ * id for each descriptor is the default value of 0.
+ * Returns < 0 on error, 0 on success.
+ */
+int nhlt_add_endpoints(struct nhlt *nhlt,
+ const struct nhlt_endp_descriptor *epds,
+ size_t num_epds);
+ * Add the number of endpoints associated with a single NHLT SSP instance id.
+ * Each endpoint described in the endpoint descriptor array uses the provided
+ * virtual bus id. Returns < 0 on error, 0 on success.
+ */
+int nhlt_add_ssp_endpoints(struct nhlt *nhlt, int virtual_bus_id,
+ const struct nhlt_endp_descriptor *epds,
+ size_t num_epds);
+ * Add endpoint to NHLT object. Returns NULL on error.
+ *
+ * generic nhlt_add_endpoint() is called by the SoC code to provide
+ * the specific assumptions/uses for NHLT for that platform. All fields
+ * are the NHLT enumerations found within this header file.
+ */
+struct nhlt_endpoint *nhlt_add_endpoint(struct nhlt *nhlt, int link_type,
+ int device_type, int dir,
+ u16 vid, u16 did);
+ * Append blob of configuration to the endpoint proper. Returns 0 on
+ * success, < 0 on error. A copy of the configuration is made so any
+ * resources pointed to by config can be freed after the call.
+ */
+int nhlt_endpoint_append_config(struct nhlt_endpoint *endpoint,
+ const void *config, size_t config_sz);
+/* Add a format type to the provided endpoint. Returns NULL on error. */
+struct nhlt_format *nhlt_add_format(struct nhlt_endpoint *endpoint,
+ int num_channels, int sample_freq_khz,
+ int container_bits_per_sample,
+ int valid_bits_per_sample,
+ u32 speaker_mask);
+ * Append blob of configuration to the format proper. Returns 0 on
+ * success, < 0 on error. A copy of the configuration is made so any
+ * resources pointed to by config can be freed after the call.
+ */
+int nhlt_format_append_config(struct nhlt_format *format, const void *config,
+ size_t config_sz);
+ * Add num_formats described by formats to the endpoint. This function
+ * effectively wraps nhlt_add_format() and nhlt_format_config() using the
+ * data found in each nhlt_format_config object. Returns 0 on success, < 0
+ * on error.
+ */
+int nhlt_endpoint_add_formats(struct nhlt_endpoint *endpoint,
+ const struct nhlt_format_config *formats,
+ size_t num_formats);
+ * Increment the instance id for a given link type. This function is
+ * used for marking a device being completely added to the NHLT object.
+ * Subsequent endpoints added to the nhlt object with the same link type
+ * will use incremented instance id.
+ */
+void nhlt_next_instance(struct nhlt *nhlt, int link_type);
+ * Serialize NHLT object to ACPI table. Take in the beginning address of where
+ * the table will reside oem_id and oem_table_id and return the address of the
+ * next ACPI table. On error 0 will be returned. The NHLT object is no longer
+ * valid after this function is called.
+ */
+int nhlt_serialise_oem_overrides(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, struct nhlt *nhlt,
+ const char *oem_id, const char *oem_table_id,
+ u32 oem_revision);
+int nhlt_setup(struct nhlt *nhlt, ofnode node);
+/* Link and device types. */
+enum {
+enum {
+ NHLT_SSP_DEV_BT, /* Bluetooth */
+enum {
+/* Endpoint direction. */
+enum {
+ * Channel mask for an endpoint. While they are prefixed with 'SPEAKER' the
+ * channel masks are also used for capture devices
+ */
+enum {
+ * Supporting structures. Only SoC/chipset and the library code directly should
+ * be manipulating these structures
+ */
+struct sub_format {
+ u32 data1;
+ u16 data2;
+ u16 data3;
+ u8 data4[8];
+struct nhlt_specific_config {
+ u32 size;
+ void *capabilities;
+struct nhlt_waveform {
+ u16 tag;
+ u16 num_channels;
+ u32 samples_per_second;
+ u32 bytes_per_second;
+ u16 block_align;
+ u16 bits_per_sample;
+ u16 extra_size;
+ u16 valid_bits_per_sample;
+ u32 channel_mask;
+ struct sub_format sub_format;
+struct nhlt_format {
+ struct nhlt_waveform waveform;
+ struct nhlt_specific_config config;
+ * This struct is used by nhlt_endpoint_add_formats() for easily adding
+ * waveform formats with associated settings file.
+ */
+struct nhlt_format_config {
+ int num_channels;
+ int sample_freq_khz;
+ int container_bits_per_sample;
+ int valid_bits_per_sample;
+ u32 speaker_mask;
+ const char *settings_file;
+/* Arbitrary max number of formats per endpoint. */
+#define MAX_FORMATS 2
+struct nhlt_endpoint {
+ u32 length;
+ u8 link_type;
+ u8 instance_id;
+ u16 vendor_id;
+ u16 device_id;
+ u16 revision_id;
+ u32 subsystem_id;
+ u8 device_type;
+ u8 direction;
+ u8 virtual_bus_id;
+ struct nhlt_specific_config config;
+ u8 num_formats;
+ struct nhlt_format formats[MAX_FORMATS];
+#define MAX_ENDPOINTS 8
+struct nhlt {
+ u32 subsystem_id;
+ u8 num_endpoints;
+ struct nhlt_endpoint endpoints[MAX_ENDPOINTS];
+ u8 current_instance_id[NHLT_MAX_LINK_TYPES];
+struct nhlt_tdm_config {
+ u8 virtual_slot;
+ u8 config_type;
+enum {
+struct nhlt_dmic_array_config {
+ struct nhlt_tdm_config tdm_config;
+ u8 array_type;
+ * Microphone array definitions may be found here:
+ * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/dn613960%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
+ */
+enum {
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_table.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_table.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5c8805df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpi_table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Based on acpi.c from coreboot
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Saket Sinha <saket.sinha89@gmail.com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ACPI_TABLE_H__
+#define __ASM_ACPI_TABLE_H__
+#ifndef __ACPI__
+#include <pci.h>
+struct acpi_facs;
+struct acpi_fadt;
+struct acpi_global_nvs;
+struct acpi_madt_ioapic;
+struct acpi_madt_irqoverride;
+struct acpi_madt_lapic_nmi;
+struct acpi_mcfg_mmconfig;
+struct acpi_table_header;
+/* These can be used by the target port */
+void acpi_fill_header(struct acpi_table_header *header, char *signature);
+void acpi_create_fadt(struct acpi_fadt *fadt, struct acpi_facs *facs,
+ void *dsdt);
+int acpi_create_madt_lapics(u32 current);
+int acpi_create_madt_ioapic(struct acpi_madt_ioapic *ioapic, u8 id,
+ u32 addr, u32 gsi_base);
+int acpi_create_madt_irqoverride(struct acpi_madt_irqoverride *irqoverride,
+ u8 bus, u8 source, u32 gsirq, u16 flags);
+int acpi_create_madt_lapic_nmi(struct acpi_madt_lapic_nmi *lapic_nmi,
+ u8 cpu, u16 flags, u8 lint);
+u32 acpi_fill_madt(u32 current);
+int acpi_create_mcfg_mmconfig(struct acpi_mcfg_mmconfig *mmconfig, u32 base,
+ u16 seg_nr, u8 start, u8 end);
+u32 acpi_fill_mcfg(u32 current);
+u32 acpi_fill_csrt(u32 current);
+ * acpi_write_hpet() - Write out a HPET table
+ *
+ * Write out the table for High-Precision Event Timers
+ *
+ * @ctx: Current ACPI context
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int acpi_write_hpet(struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+ * acpi_write_dbg2_pci_uart() - Write out a DBG2 table
+ *
+ * @ctx: Current ACPI context
+ * @dev: Debug UART device to describe
+ * @access_size: Access size for UART (e.g. ACPI_ACCESS_SIZE_DWORD_ACCESS)
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int acpi_write_dbg2_pci_uart(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, struct udevice *dev,
+ uint access_size);
+ * acpi_create_gnvs() - Create a GNVS (Global Non Volatile Storage) table
+ *
+ * @gnvs: Table to fill in
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int acpi_create_gnvs(struct acpi_global_nvs *gnvs);
+ulong write_acpi_tables(ulong start);
+ * acpi_get_rsdp_addr() - get ACPI RSDP table address
+ *
+ * This routine returns the ACPI RSDP table address in the system memory.
+ *
+ * @return: ACPI RSDP table address
+ */
+ulong acpi_get_rsdp_addr(void);
+ * arch_read_sci_irq_select() - Read the system-control interrupt number
+ *
+ * @returns value of IRQ register in the PMC
+ */
+int arch_read_sci_irq_select(void);
+ * arch_write_sci_irq_select() - Set the system-control interrupt number
+ *
+ * @scis: New value for IRQ register in the PMC
+ */
+int arch_write_sci_irq_select(uint scis);
+ * arch_madt_sci_irq_polarity() - Return the priority to use for the MADT
+ *
+ * @sci: System-control interrupt number
+ * @return priority to use (MP_IRQ_POLARITY_...)
+ */
+int arch_madt_sci_irq_polarity(int sci);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_drhd() - Create a table for DMA remapping with the IOMMU
+ *
+ * See here for the specification
+ * https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/c5/15/vt-directed-io-spec.pdf
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @flags: (DRHD_INCLUDE_...)
+ * @segment: PCI segment asscociated with this unit
+ * @bar: Base address of remapping hardware register-set for this unit
+ */
+void acpi_create_dmar_drhd(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, uint flags, uint segment,
+ u64 bar);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_rmrr() - Set up an RMRR
+ *
+ * This sets up a Reserved-Memory Region Reporting structure, used to allow
+ * DMA to regions used by devices that the BIOS controls.
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @segment: PCI segment asscociated with this unit
+ * @bar: Base address of mapping
+ * @limit: End address of mapping
+ */
+void acpi_create_dmar_rmrr(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, uint segment, u64 bar,
+ u64 limit);
+ * acpi_dmar_drhd_fixup() - Set the length of an DRHD
+ *
+ * This sets the DRHD length field based on the current ctx->current
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @base: Address of the start of the DRHD
+ */
+void acpi_dmar_drhd_fixup(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, void *base);
+ * acpi_dmar_rmrr_fixup() - Set the length of an RMRR
+ *
+ * This sets the RMRR length field based on the current ctx->current
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @base: Address of the start of the RMRR
+ */
+void acpi_dmar_rmrr_fixup(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, void *base);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_ds_pci() - Set up a DMAR scope for a PCI device
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @bdf: PCI device to add
+ * @return length of mapping in bytes
+ */
+int acpi_create_dmar_ds_pci(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, pci_dev_t bdf);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_ds_pci_br() - Set up a DMAR scope for a PCI bridge
+ *
+ * This is used to provide a mapping for a PCI bridge
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @bdf: PCI device to add
+ * @return length of mapping in bytes
+ */
+int acpi_create_dmar_ds_pci_br(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, pci_dev_t bdf);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_ds_ioapic() - Set up a DMAR scope for an IOAPIC device
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @enumeration_id: Enumeration ID (typically 2)
+ * @bdf: PCI device to add
+ * @return length of mapping in bytes
+ */
+int acpi_create_dmar_ds_ioapic(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, uint enumeration_id,
+ pci_dev_t bdf);
+ * acpi_create_dmar_ds_msi_hpet() - Set up a DMAR scope for an HPET
+ *
+ * Sets up a scope for a High-Precision Event Timer that supports
+ * Message-Signalled Interrupts
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @enumeration_id: Enumeration ID (typically 0)
+ * @bdf: PCI device to add
+ * @return length of mapping in bytes
+ */
+int acpi_create_dmar_ds_msi_hpet(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, uint enumeration_id,
+ pci_dev_t bdf);
+ * acpi_fadt_common() - Handle common parts of filling out an FADT
+ *
+ * This sets up the Fixed ACPI Description Table
+ *
+ * @fadt: Pointer to place to put FADT
+ * @facs: Pointer to the FACS
+ * @dsdt: Pointer to the DSDT
+ */
+void acpi_fadt_common(struct acpi_fadt *fadt, struct acpi_facs *facs,
+ void *dsdt);
+ * intel_acpi_fill_fadt() - Set up the contents of the FADT
+ *
+ * This sets up parts of the Fixed ACPI Description Table that are common to
+ * Intel chips
+ *
+ * @fadt: Pointer to place to put FADT
+ */
+void intel_acpi_fill_fadt(struct acpi_fadt *fadt);
+#endif /* !__ACPI__ */
+#endif /* __ASM_ACPI_TABLE_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpigen.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpigen.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c531dd61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/acpigen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Generation of x86-specific ACPI tables
+ *
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ACPIGEN_H__
+#define __ASM_ACPIGEN_H__
+struct acpi_ctx;
+ * acpigen_write_empty_pct() - Write an empty PCT
+ *
+ * See ACPI v6.3 section _PCT (Performance Control)
+ *
+ * This writes an empty table so that CPU performance works as expected
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ */
+void acpigen_write_empty_pct(struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+ * acpigen_write_empty_ptc() - Write an empty PTC
+ *
+ * See ACPI v6.3 section _PTC (Processor Throttling Control)
+ *
+ * This writes an empty table so that CPU performance works as expected
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ */
+void acpigen_write_empty_ptc(struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+#endif /* __ASM_ACPI_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed852feee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_ACPI_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_ACPI_H
+struct acpi_ctx;
+ * apl_acpi_fill_dmar() - Set up the DMAR for APL
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ */
+int apl_acpi_fill_dmar(struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_CPU_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/dptf.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/dptf.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c50bb45c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/dptf.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+#define DPTF_CPU_ADDR 0x00000001
+#define DPTF_CPU_PASSIVE 80
+#define DPTF_CPU_ACTIVE_AC0 90
+#define DPTF_CPU_ACTIVE_AC1 80
+#define DPTF_CPU_ACTIVE_AC2 70
+#define DPTF_CPU_ACTIVE_AC3 60
+#define DPTF_CPU_ACTIVE_AC4 50
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/globalnvs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/globalnvs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7854f7e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/globalnvs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Alexandru Gagniuc <alexandrux.gagniuc@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+ * NOTE: The layout of the GNVS structure below must match the layout in
+ * soc/intel/apollolake/include/soc/nvs.h !!!
+ *
+ */
+External (NVSA)
+OperationRegion (GNVS, SystemMemory, NVSA, ACPI_GNVS_SIZE)
+Field (GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ /* Miscellaneous */
+ Offset (0x00),
+ PCNT, 8, // 0x00 - Processor Count
+ PPCM, 8, // 0x01 - Max PPC State
+ LIDS, 8, // 0x02 - LID State
+ PWRS, 8, // 0x03 - AC Power State
+ DPTE, 8, // 0x04 - Enable DPTF
+ CBMC, 32, // 0x05 - 0x08 - coreboot Memory Console
+ PM1I, 64, // 0x09 - 0x10 - System Wake Source - PM1 Index
+ GPEI, 64, // 0x11 - 0x18 - GPE Wake Source
+ NHLA, 64, // 0x19 - 0x20 - NHLT Address
+ NHLL, 32, // 0x21 - 0x24 - NHLT Length
+ PRT0, 32, // 0x25 - 0x28 - PERST_0 Address
+ SCDP, 8, // 0x29 - SD_CD GPIO portid
+ SCDO, 8, // 0x2A - GPIO pad offset relative to the community
+ UIOR, 8, // 0x2B - UART debug controller init on S3 resume
+ EPCS, 8, // 0x2C - SGX Enabled status
+ EMNA, 64, // 0x2D - 0x34 EPC base address
+ ELNG, 64, // 0x35 - 0x3C EPC Length
+ /* ChromeOS stuff (0x100 -> 0xfff, size 0xeff) */
+ Offset (0x100),
+ #include <asm/acpi/cros_gnvs.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpio.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpio.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0f892166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpio.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+#include <asm/arch/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/intel_pinctrl_defs.h>
+// #include <intelblocks/pcr.h>
+// #include <soc/pcr_ids.h>
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+#include <p2sb.h>
+#include "gpiolib.asl"
+scope (\_SB) {
+ Device (GPO0)
+ {
+ Name (_UID, 1)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0, 0x4000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , )
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Or (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, Local0, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return(0xf)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (GPO1)
+ {
+ Name (_UID, 2)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0, 0x4000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , )
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Or (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, Local0, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return(0xf)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (GPO2)
+ {
+ Name (_UID, 3)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0, 0x4000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , )
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Or (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, Local0, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return(0xf)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (GPO3)
+ {
+ Name (_UID, 4)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0, 0x4000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , , )
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Or (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, Local0, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return(0xf)
+ }
+ }
+ Scope(\_SB.PCI0) {
+ /* PERST Assertion
+ * Note: PERST is Active High
+ */
+ Method (PRAS, 0x1, Serialized)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Assert PERST
+ * local1 - to toggle Tx pin of Dw0
+ * local2 - Address of PERST
+ */
+ Store (Arg0, Local2)
+ Store (\_SB.GPC0 (Local2), Local1)
+ Or (Local1, PAD_CFG0_TX_STATE, Local1)
+ \_SB.SPC0 (Local2, Local1)
+ }
+ /* PERST DE-Assertion */
+ Method (PRDA, 0x1, Serialized)
+ {
+ /*
+ * De-assert PERST
+ * local1 - to toggle Tx pin of Dw0
+ * local2 - Address of PERST
+ */
+ Store (Arg0, Local2)
+ Store (\_SB.GPC0 (Local2), Local1)
+ And (Local1, Not (PAD_CFG0_TX_STATE), Local1)
+ \_SB.SPC0 (Local2, Local1)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Sleep button device ASL code. We are using this device to
+ * add the _PRW method for a dummy wake event to kernel so that
+ * before going to sleep kernel does not clear bit 15 in ACPI
+ * gpe0a enable register which is actually the GPIO_TIER1_SCI_EN bit.
+ */
+ Device (SLP)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C0E"))
+ Name (_PRW, Package() { GPE0A_GPIO_TIER1_SCI_STS, 0x3 })
+ }
+ /*
+ * Dummy method for the Tier 1 GPIO SCI enable bit. When kernel reads
+ * _L0F in scope GPE it sets bit for gpio_tier1_sci_en in ACPI enable
+ * register at 0x430. For APL ACPI enable register DW0 i.e., ACPI
+ * GPE0a_EN at 0x430 is reserved.
+ */
+ Method(_L0F, 0) {}
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpiolib.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpiolib.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0eb808dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/gpiolib.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+Scope (\_SB)
+ /* Get Pad Configuration DW0 register value */
+ Method (GPC0, 0x1, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO DW0 address */
+ Store (Arg0, Local0)
+ OperationRegion (PDW0, SystemMemory, Local0, 4)
+ Field (PDW0, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP, 32
+ }
+ Return (TEMP)
+ }
+ /* Set Pad Configuration DW0 register value */
+ Method (SPC0, 0x2, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO DW0 address */
+ /* Arg1 - Value for DW0 register */
+ Store (Arg0, Local0)
+ OperationRegion (PDW0, SystemMemory, Local0, 4)
+ Field (PDW0, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP,32
+ }
+ Store (Arg1, TEMP)
+ }
+ /* Get Pad Configuration DW1 register value */
+ Method (GPC1, 0x1, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO DW0 address */
+ Store (Add (Arg0, 0x4), Local0)
+ OperationRegion (PDW1, SystemMemory, Local0, 4)
+ Field (PDW1, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP, 32
+ }
+ Return (TEMP)
+ }
+ /* Set Pad Configuration DW1 register value */
+ Method (SPC1, 0x2, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO DW0 address */
+ /* Arg1 - Value for DW1 register */
+ Store (Add (Arg0, 0x4), Local0)
+ OperationRegion (PDW1, SystemMemory, Local0, 4)
+ Field(PDW1, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP,32
+ }
+ Store (Arg1, TEMP)
+ }
+ /* Get DW0 address of a given pad */
+ Method (GDW0, 0x2, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO portid */
+ /* Arg1 - GPIO pad offset relative to the community */
+ Store (0, Local1)
+ Or( Or (ShiftLeft (Arg0, 16), IOMAP_P2SB_BAR),
+ Local1, Local1)
+ Or( Add (PAD_CFG_BASE, Multiply (Arg1, Multiply (
+ GPIO_NUM_PAD_CFG_REGS, 4))), Local1, Local1)
+ Return (Local1)
+ }
+ /* Calculate HOSTSW_REG address */
+ Method (CHSA, 0x1, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO pad offset relative to the community */
+ Add (HOSTSW_OWN_REG_0, Multiply (Divide (Arg0, 32), 4), Local1)
+ Return (Local1)
+ }
+ /* Get Host ownership register of GPIO Community */
+ Method (GHO, 0x2, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO portid */
+ /* Arg1 - GPIO pad offset relative to the community */
+ Store (CHSA (Arg1), Local1)
+ OperationRegion (SHO0, SystemMemory, Or ( Or
+ (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, ShiftLeft (Arg0, 16)), Local1), 4)
+ Field (SHO0, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP, 32
+ }
+ Return (TEMP)
+ }
+ /* Set Host ownership register of GPIO Community */
+ Method (SHO, 0x3, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Arg0 - GPIO portid */
+ /* Arg1 - GPIO pad offset relative to the community */
+ /* Arg2 - Value for Host own register */
+ Store (CHSA (Arg1), Local1)
+ OperationRegion (SHO0, SystemMemory, Or ( Or
+ (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR, ShiftLeft (Arg0, 16)), Local1), 4)
+ Field (SHO0, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ TEMP, 32
+ }
+ Store (Arg2, TEMP)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/lpss.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/lpss.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc3eabba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/lpss.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+scope (\_SB.PCI0) {
+ /* LPIO1 PWM */
+ Device(PWM) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x001A0000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) PWM Controller")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 HS-UART #1 */
+ Device(URT1) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00180000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) HS-UART Controller #1")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 HS-UART #2 */
+ Device(URT2) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00180001)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) HS-UART Controller #2")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 HS-UART #3 */
+ Device(URT3) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00180002)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) HS-UART Controller #3")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 HS-UART #4 */
+ Device(URT4) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00180003)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) HS-UART Controller #4")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 SPI */
+ Device(SPI1) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00190000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) SPI Controller #1")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 SPI #2 */
+ Device(SPI2) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00190001)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) SPI Controller #2")
+ }
+ /* LPIO1 SPI #3 */
+ Device(SPI3) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00190002)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) SPI Controller #3")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #0 */
+ Device(I2C0) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00160000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #0")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #1 */
+ Device(I2C1) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00160001)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #1")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #2 */
+ Device(I2C2) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00160002)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #2")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #3 */
+ Device(I2C3) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00160003)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #3")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #4 */
+ Device(I2C4) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00170000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #4")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #5 */
+ Device(I2C5) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00170001)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #5")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #6 */
+ Device(I2C6) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00170002)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #6")
+ }
+ /* LPIO2 I2C #7 */
+ Device(I2C7) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00170003)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) I2C Controller #7")
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/northbridge.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/northbridge.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff5657abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/northbridge.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0A08")) /* PCIe */
+ Name(_CID, EISAID("PNP0A03")) /* PCI */
+ Name(_BBN, 0)
+Device (MCHC)
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00000000) /*Dev0 Func0 */
+ OperationRegion (MCHP, PCI_Config, 0x00, 0x100)
+ Field (MCHP, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ Offset(0x60),
+ MCNF, 32, /* PCI MMCONF base */
+ Offset (0xA8),
+ TUUD, 64, /* Top of Upper Used Memory */
+ Offset(0xB4),
+ BGSM, 32, /* Base of Graphics Stolen Memory */
+ Offset(0xBC),
+ TLUD, 32, /* Top of Low Useable DRAM */
+ }
+Name (MCRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ /* Bus Numbers */
+ WordBusNumber (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0100,,,)
+ /* IO Region 0 */
+ DWordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0cf7, 0x0000, 0x0cf8,,,)
+ /* PCI Config Space */
+ Io (Decode16, 0x0cf8, 0x0cf8, 0x0001, 0x0008)
+ /* IO Region 1 */
+ DWordIO (ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x01000, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xf000,,,)
+ /* VGA memory (0xa0000-0xbffff) */
+ DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000a0000, 0x000bffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00020000,,,)
+ /* Data and GFX stolen memory */
+ DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x3be00000, 0x3fffffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x04200000,,, STOM)
+ /*
+ * PCI MMIO Region (TOLUD - PCI extended base MMCONF)
+ * This assumes that MMCONF is placed after PCI config space,
+ * and that no resources are allocated after the MMCONF region.
+ * This works, sicne MMCONF is hardcoded to 0xe00000000.
+ */
+ DWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000,,, PM01)
+ /* PCI Memory Region (TOUUD - (TOUUD + ABOVE_4G_MMIO_SIZE)) */
+ QWordMemory (ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ NonCacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x10000, 0x1ffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x10000,,, PM02)
+/* Current Resource Settings */
+Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ /* Find PCI resource area in MCRS */
+ CreateDwordField (MCRS, ^PM01._MIN, PMIN)
+ CreateDwordField (MCRS, ^PM01._MAX, PMAX)
+ CreateDwordField (MCRS, ^PM01._LEN, PLEN)
+ /* Read C-Unit PCI CFG Reg. 0xBC for TOLUD (shadow from B-Unit) */
+ And(^MCHC.TLUD, 0xFFF00000, PMIN)
+ /* Read MMCONF base */
+ And(^MCHC.MCNF, 0xF0000000, PMAX)
+ /* Calculate PCI MMIO Length */
+ Add(Subtract(PMAX, PMIN), 1, PLEN)
+ /* Find GFX resource area in GCRS */
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^STOM._MIN, GMIN)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^STOM._MAX, GMAX)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^STOM._LEN, GLEN)
+ /* Read BGSM */
+ And(^MCHC.BGSM, 0xFFF00000, GMIN)
+ /* Read TOLUD */
+ And(^MCHC.TLUD, 0xFFF00000, GMAX)
+ Decrement(GMAX)
+ Add(Subtract(GMAX, GMIN), 1, GLEN)
+ /* Patch PM02 range based on Memory Size */
+ CreateQwordField (MCRS, ^PM02._MIN, MMIN)
+ CreateQwordField (MCRS, ^PM02._MAX, MMAX)
+ CreateQwordField (MCRS, ^PM02._LEN, MLEN)
+ Store (^MCHC.TUUD, Local0)
+ If (LLessEqual (Local0, 0x1000000000))
+ {
+ Store (0, MMIN)
+ Store (0, MLEN)
+ }
+ Subtract (Add (MMIN, MLEN), 1, MMAX)
+ Return (MCRS)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pch_hda.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pch_hda.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc3b7a769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pch_hda.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
+ *
+ */
+/* Audio Controller - Device 14, Function 0 */
+Device (HDAS)
+ Name (_ADR, 0x000E0000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Audio Controller")
+ Name (UUID, ToUUID("A69F886E-6CEB-4594-A41F-7B5DCE24C553"))
+ /* Device is D3 wake capable */
+ Name (_S0W, 3)
+ /* NHLT Table Address populated from GNVS values */
+ Name (NBUF, ResourceTemplate() {
+ QWordMemory (ResourceConsumer, PosDecode, MinFixed,
+ MaxFixed, Cacheable, ReadOnly,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,,, NHLT, AddressRangeACPI)
+ }
+ )
+ /* can wake up from S3 state */
+ Name (_PRW, Package() { GPE0A_AVS_PME_STS, 3 })
+ /*
+ * Device Specific Method
+ * Arg0 - UUID
+ * Arg1 - Revision
+ * Arg2 - Function Index
+ */
+ Method (_DSM, 4) {
+ If (LEqual (Arg0, ^UUID)) {
+ /*
+ * Function 0: Function Support Query
+ * Returns a bitmask of functions supported.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) {
+ /*
+ * NHLT Query only supported for revision 1 and
+ * if NHLT address and length are set in NVS.
+ */
+ If (LAnd (LEqual (Arg1, One),
+ LAnd (LNotEqual (NHLA, Zero),
+ LNotEqual (NHLL, Zero)))) {
+ Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 })
+ }
+ Else {
+ Return (Buffer (One) { 0x01 })
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function 1: Query NHLT memory address used by
+ * Intel Offload Engine Driver to discover any non-HDA
+ * devices that are supported by the DSP.
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to NHLT table in memory.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (Arg2, One)) {
+ CreateQWordField (NBUF, ^NHLT._MIN, NBAS)
+ CreateQWordField (NBUF, ^NHLT._MAX, NMAS)
+ CreateQWordField (NBUF, ^NHLT._LEN, NLEN)
+ Store (NHLA, NBAS)
+ Store (NHLA, NMAS)
+ Store (NHLL, NLEN)
+ Return (NBUF)
+ }
+ }
+ Return (Buffer (One) { 0x00 })
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pci_irqs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pci_irqs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21a1ca9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pci_irqs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+#include "soc_int.asl"
+ Return(Package() {
+ Package(){0x0000FFFF, 0, 0, NPK_INT},
+ Package(){0x0000FFFF, 1, 0, PUNIT_INT},
+ Package(){0x0002FFFF, 0, 0, GEN_INT},
+ Package(){0x0003FFFF, 0, 0, IUNIT_INT},
+ Package(){0x000DFFFF, 1, 0, PMC_INT},
+ Package(){0x000EFFFF, 0, 0, AUDIO_INT},
+ Package(){0x000FFFFF, 0, 0, CSE_INT},
+ Package(){0x0011FFFF, 0, 0, ISH_INT},
+ Package(){0x0012FFFF, 0, 0, SATA_INT},
+ Package(){0x0013FFFF, 0, 0, PIRQA_INT},
+ Package(){0x0013FFFF, 1, 0, PIRQB_INT},
+ Package(){0x0013FFFF, 2, 0, PIRQC_INT},
+ Package(){0x0013FFFF, 3, 0, PIRQD_INT},
+ Package(){0x0014FFFF, 0, 0, PIRQB_INT},
+ Package(){0x0014FFFF, 1, 0, PIRQC_INT},
+ Package(){0x0014FFFF, 2, 0, PIRQD_INT},
+ Package(){0x0014FFFF, 3, 0, PIRQA_INT},
+ Package(){0x0015FFFF, 0, 0, XHCI_INT},
+ Package(){0x0015FFFF, 1, 0, XDCI_INT},
+ Package(){0x0016FFFF, 0, 0, I2C0_INT},
+ Package(){0x0016FFFF, 1, 0, I2C1_INT},
+ Package(){0x0016FFFF, 2, 0, I2C2_INT},
+ Package(){0x0016FFFF, 3, 0, I2C3_INT},
+ Package(){0x0017FFFF, 0, 0, I2C4_INT},
+ Package(){0x0017FFFF, 1, 0, I2C5_INT},
+ Package(){0x0017FFFF, 2, 0, I2C6_INT},
+ Package(){0x0017FFFF, 3, 0, I2C7_INT},
+ Package(){0x0018FFFF, 0, 0, UART0_INT},
+ Package(){0x0018FFFF, 1, 0, UART1_INT},
+ Package(){0x0018FFFF, 2, 0, UART2_INT},
+ Package(){0x0018FFFF, 3, 0, UART3_INT},
+ Package(){0x0019FFFF, 0, 0, SPI0_INT},
+ Package(){0x0019FFFF, 1, 0, SPI1_INT},
+ Package(){0x0019FFFF, 2, 0, SPI2_INT},
+ Package(){0x001BFFFF, 0, 0, SDCARD_INT},
+ Package(){0x001CFFFF, 0, 0, EMMC_INT},
+ Package(){0x001EFFFF, 0, 0, SDIO_INT},
+ Package(){0x001FFFFF, 1, 0, SMBUS_INT},
+ })
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecff59ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
+ */
+/* PCIe Ports */
+Device (RP01)
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00140000)
+ Name (_DDN, "PCIe-B 0")
+ #include "pcie_port.asl"
+Device (RP03)
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00130000)
+ Name (_DDN, "PCIe-A 0")
+ #include "pcie_port.asl"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie_port.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie_port.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12a08b4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pcie_port.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation
+ */
+/* Include in each PCIe Root Port device */
+/* lowest D-state supported by
+ * PCIe root port during S0 state
+ */
+Name (_S0W, 4)
+Name (PDST, 0) /* present Detect status */
+/* Dynamic Opregion needed to access registers
+ * when the controller is in D3 cold
+ */
+OperationRegion (PX01, PCI_Config, 0x00, 0xFF)
+Field (PX01, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ Offset(0x5A),
+ , 6,
+ PDS, 1, /* 6, Presence detect Change */
+ Offset(0xE2), /* RPPGEN - Root Port Power Gating Enable */
+ , 2,
+ L23E, 1, /* 2, L23_Rdy Entry Request (L23ER) */
+ L23R, 1, /* 3, L23_Rdy to Detect Transition (L23R2DT) */
+ Offset(0xF4), /* BLKPLLEN */
+ , 10,
+ BPLL, 1,
+OperationRegion (PX02, PCI_Config, 0x338, 0x4)
+Field (PX02, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ , 26,
+ BDQA, 1 /* BLKDQDA */
+PowerResource (PXP, 0, 0)
+ /* Define the PowerResource for PCIe slot */
+ Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store (PDS, PDST)
+ If (LEqual (PDS, 1)) {
+ Return (0xf)
+ } Else {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_ON, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (LAnd (LEqual (PDST, 1), LNotEqual (\PRT0, 0))) {
+ /* Enter this condition if device
+ * is connected
+ */
+ /* De-assert PERST */
+ \_SB.PCI0.PRDA (\PRT0)
+ Store (0, BDQA) /* Set BLKDQDA to 0 */
+ Store (0, BPLL) /* Set BLKPLLEN to 0 */
+ /* Set L23_Rdy to Detect Transition
+ * (L23R2DT)
+ */
+ Store (1, L23R)
+ Sleep (16)
+ Store (0, Local0)
+ /* Delay for transition Detect
+ * and link to train
+ */
+ While (L23R) {
+ If (Lgreater (Local0, 4)) {
+ Break
+ }
+ Sleep (16)
+ Increment (Local0)
+ }
+ } /* End PDS condition check */
+ }
+ Method (_OFF, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Set L23_Rdy Entry Request (L23ER) */
+ If (LAnd (LEqual (PDST, 1), LNotEqual (\PRT0, 0))) {
+ /* enter this condition if device
+ * is connected
+ */
+ Store (1, L23E)
+ Sleep (16)
+ Store (0, Local0)
+ While (L23E) {
+ If (Lgreater (Local0, 4)) {
+ Break
+ }
+ Sleep (16)
+ Increment (Local0)
+ }
+ Store (1, BDQA) /* Set BLKDQDA to 1 */
+ Store (1, BPLL) /* Set BLKPLLEN to 1 */
+ /* Assert PERST */
+ \_SB.PCI0.PRAS (\PRT0)
+ } /* End PDS condition check */
+ } /* End of Method_OFF */
+} /* End PXP */
+Name(_PR0, Package() { PXP })
+Name(_PR3, Package() { PXP })
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/platform.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/platform.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b631a9fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/platform.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp
+ */
+/* Enable ACPI _SWS methods */
+#include <soc/intel/common/acpi/acpi_wake_source.asl>
+#include <soc/intel/common/acpi/platform.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pmc_ipc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pmc_ipc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a592833c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/pmc_ipc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ */
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+#define MAILBOX_DATA 0x7080
+#define MAILBOX_INTF 0x7084
+#define PMIO_LENGTH 0x80
+#define PMIO_LIMIT 0x480
+scope (\_SB) {
+ Device (IPC1)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "INT34D2")
+ Name (_CID, "INT34D2")
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) IPC1 Controller")
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x0, 0x2000, IBAR)
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x0, 0x4, MDAT)
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x0, 0x4, MINF)
+ 0x04, PMIO_LENGTH)
+ Memory32Fixed (ReadWrite, 0x0, 0x2000, SBAR)
+ Interrupt (ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Exclusive, , , )
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0x0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^IBAR._BAS, IBAS)
+ Store (PMC_BAR0, IBAS)
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^MDAT._BAS, MDBA)
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^MINF._BAS, MIBA)
+ CreateDwordField (^RBUF, ^SBAR._BAS, SBAS)
+ Store (SRAM_BASE_0, SBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/scs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/scs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d61861ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/scs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+Scope (\_SB.PCI0) {
+ /* 0xD6- is the port address */
+ /* 0x600- is the dynamic clock gating control register offset (GENR) */
+ OperationRegion (SBMM, SystemMemory,
+ Or ( Or (IOMAP_P2SB_BAR,
+ ShiftLeft(0xD6, PCR_PORTID_SHIFT)), 0x0600), 0x18)
+ Field (SBMM, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ GENR, 32,
+ Offset (0x08),
+ , 5, /* bit[5] represents Force Card Detect SD Card */
+ GRR3, 1, /* GPPRVRW3 for SD Card detect Bypass. It's active high */
+ }
+ /* SCC power gate control method, this method must be serialized as
+ * multiple device will control the GENR register
+ *
+ * Arguments: (2)
+ * Arg0: 0-AND 1-OR
+ * Arg1: Value
+ */
+ Method (SCPG, 2, Serialized)
+ {
+ if (LEqual(Arg0, 0x1)) {
+ Or (^GENR, Arg1, ^GENR)
+ } ElseIf (LEqual(Arg0, 0x0)){
+ And (^GENR, Arg1, ^GENR)
+ }
+ }
+ /* eMMC */
+ Device (SDHA) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x001C0000)
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel(R) eMMC Controller - 80865ACC")
+ Name (UUID, ToUUID ("E5C937D0-3553-4D7A-9117-EA4D19C3434D"))
+ /*
+ * Device Specific Method
+ * Arg0 - UUID
+ * Arg1 - Revision
+ * Arg2 - Function Index
+ */
+ Method (_DSM, 4)
+ {
+ If (LEqual (Arg0, ^UUID)) {
+ /*
+ * Function 9: Device Readiness Durations
+ * Returns a package of five integers covering
+ * various device related delays in PCIe Base Spec.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (Arg2, 9)) {
+ /*
+ * Function 9 support for revision 3.
+ * ECN link for function definitions
+ * [https://pcisig.com/sites/default/files/
+ * specification_documents/
+ * ECN_fw_latency_optimization_final.pdf]
+ */
+ If (LEqual (Arg1, 3)) {
+ /*
+ * Integer 0: FW reset time.
+ * Integer 1: FW data link up time.
+ * Integer 2: FW functional level reset
+ * time.
+ * Integer 3: FW D3 hot to D0 time.
+ * Integer 4: FW VF enable time.
+ * set ACPI constant Ones for elements
+ * where overriding the default value
+ * is not desired.
+ */
+ Return (Package (5) {0, Ones, Ones,
+ Ones, Ones})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Return (Buffer() { 0x00 })
+ }
+ Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /* Clear clock gate
+ * Clear bit 6 and 0
+ */
+ /* Sleep 2 ms */
+ Sleep (2)
+ }
+ Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /* Enable power gate
+ * Restore clock gate
+ * Restore bit 6 and 0
+ */
+ ^^SCPG(1,0x00000041)
+ }
+ Device (CARD)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00000008)
+ Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (0)
+ }
+ }
+ } /* Device (SDHA) */
+ /* SD CARD */
+ Device (SDCD)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x001B0000)
+ Name (_S0W, 4) /* _S0W: S0 Device Wake State */
+ Name (SCD0, 0) /* Store SD_CD DW0 address */
+ /* Set the host ownership of sdcard cd during kernel boot */
+ Method (_INI, 0)
+ {
+ /* Check SDCard CD port is valid */
+ If (LAnd (LNotEqual (\SCDP, 0), LNotEqual (\SCDO, 0) ))
+ {
+ /* Store DW0 address of SD_CD */
+ Store (GDW0 (\SCDP, \SCDO), SCD0)
+ /* Get the current SD_CD ownership */
+ Store (\_SB.GHO (\SCDP, \SCDO), Local0)
+ /* Set host ownership as GPIO in HOSTSW_OWN reg */
+ Or (Local0, ShiftLeft (1, Mod (\SCDO, 32)), Local0)
+ \_SB.SHO (\SCDP, \SCDO, Local0)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /* Check SDCard CD port is valid */
+ If (LAnd (LNotEqual (\SCDP, 0), LNotEqual (\SCDO, 0) ))
+ {
+ /* Store DW0 into local0 to get rxstate of GPIO */
+ Store (\_SB.GPC0 (SCD0), Local0)
+ /* Extract rxstate [bit 1] of sdcard card detect pin */
+ And (Local0, PAD_CFG0_RX_STATE, Local0)
+ /* If the sdcard is present, rxstate is low.
+ * If sdcard is not present, rxstate is High.
+ * Write the inverted value of rxstate to GRR3.
+ */
+ If (LEqual (Local0, 0)) {
+ Store (1, ^^GRR3)
+ } Else {
+ Store (0, ^^GRR3)
+ }
+ Sleep (2)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ /* Clear GRR3 to Power Gate SD Controller */
+ Store (0, ^^GRR3)
+ }
+ Device (CARD)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00000008)
+ Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (1)
+ }
+ }
+ } /* Device (SDCD) */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/soc_int.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/soc_int.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df2fafb7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/soc_int.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+#define SDCARD_INT 3 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define UART0_INT 4 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define UART1_INT 5 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define UART2_INT 6 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define UART3_INT 7 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define XDCI_INT 13 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define GPIO_BANK_INT 14
+#define NPK_INT 16
+#define PIRQA_INT 16
+#define PIRQB_INT 17
+#define PIRQC_INT 18
+#define SATA_INT 19
+#define GEN_INT 19
+#define PIRQD_INT 19
+#define XHCI_INT 17 /* Need to be shared by PMC and SCC only*/
+#define SMBUS_INT 20 /* PIRQE */
+#define CSE_INT 20 /* PIRQE */
+#define IUNIT_INT 21 /* PIRQF */
+#define PIRQF_INT 21
+#define PIRQG_INT 22
+#define PUNIT_INT 24
+#define AUDIO_INT 25
+#define ISH_INT 26
+#define I2C0_INT 27
+#define I2C1_INT 28
+#define I2C2_INT 29
+#define I2C3_INT 30
+#define I2C4_INT 31
+#define I2C5_INT 32
+#define I2C6_INT 33
+#define I2C7_INT 34
+#define SPI0_INT 35
+#define SPI1_INT 36
+#define SPI2_INT 37
+#define UFS_INT 38
+#define EMMC_INT 39
+#define PMC_INT 40
+#define SDIO_INT 42
+#define CNVI_INT 44
+#endif /* _SOC_INT_DEFINE_ASL_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/southbridge.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/southbridge.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08290194f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/southbridge.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ */
+#include <p2sb.h>
+#include <asm/arch/gpe.h>
+/* PCIE device */
+#include "pcie.asl"
+/* LPSS device */
+#include "lpss.asl"
+/* PCI IRQ assignment */
+#include "pci_irqs.asl"
+/* GPIO controller */
+#include "gpio.asl"
+#include "xhci.asl"
+/* LPC */
+#include <asm/acpi/lpc.asl>
+/* eMMC */
+#include "scs.asl"
+/* PMC IPC controller */
+#include "pmc_ipc.asl"
+/* PCI _OSC */
+#include <asm/acpi/pci_osc.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6333126c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+/* XHCI Controller 0:15.0 */
+Device (XHCI) {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00150000) /* Device 21, Function 0 */
+ Name (_S3D, 3) /* D3 supported in S3 */
+ Name (_S0W, 3) /* D3 can wake device in S0 */
+ Name (_S3W, 3) /* D3 can wake system from S3 */
+ /* Declare XHCI GPE status and enable bits are bit 13 */
+ Name (_PRW, Package() { GPE0A_XHCI_PME_STS, 3 })
+ Method (_STA, 0)
+ {
+ Return (0xF)
+ }
+ Device (RHUB)
+ {
+ /* Root Hub */
+ Name (_ADR, Zero)
+#include "xhci_glk_ports.asl"
+#include "xhci_apl_ports.asl"
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_apl_ports.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_apl_ports.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ab7d18fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_apl_ports.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+ * Copyright 2019 Intel Corp.
+ */
+/* USB2 */
+Device (HS01) { Name (_ADR, 1) }
+Device (HS02) { Name (_ADR, 2) }
+Device (HS03) { Name (_ADR, 3) }
+Device (HS04) { Name (_ADR, 4) }
+Device (HS05) { Name (_ADR, 5) }
+Device (HS06) { Name (_ADR, 6) }
+Device (HS07) { Name (_ADR, 7) }
+Device (HS08) { Name (_ADR, 8) }
+/* USB3 */
+Device (SS01) { Name (_ADR, 9) }
+Device (SS02) { Name (_ADR, 10) }
+Device (SS03) { Name (_ADR, 11) }
+Device (SS04) { Name (_ADR, 12) }
+Device (SS05) { Name (_ADR, 13) }
+Device (SS06) { Name (_ADR, 14) }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_glk_ports.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_glk_ports.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..192267221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/acpi/xhci_glk_ports.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+ * Copyright 2019 Intel Corp.
+ */
+/* USB2 */
+Device (HS01) { Name (_ADR, 1) }
+Device (HS02) { Name (_ADR, 2) }
+Device (HS03) { Name (_ADR, 3) }
+Device (HS04) { Name (_ADR, 4) }
+Device (HS05) { Name (_ADR, 5) }
+Device (HS06) { Name (_ADR, 6) }
+Device (HS07) { Name (_ADR, 7) }
+Device (HS08) { Name (_ADR, 8) }
+Device (HS09) { Name (_ADR, 9) }
+/* USB3 */
+Device (SS01) { Name (_ADR, 10) }
+Device (SS02) { Name (_ADR, 11) }
+Device (SS03) { Name (_ADR, 12) }
+Device (SS04) { Name (_ADR, 13) }
+Device (SS05) { Name (_ADR, 14) }
+Device (SS06) { Name (_ADR, 15) }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/cpu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67d48c610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_CPU_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_CPU_H
+/* Common Timer Copy (CTC) frequency - 19.2MHz */
+#define CTC_FREQ 19200000
+#define MAX_PCIE_PORTS 6
+#define CLKREQ_DISABLED 0xf
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* Flush L1D to L2 */
+void cpu_flush_l1d_to_l2(void);
+ * Enable emulation of the PM timer
+ *
+ * Some legacy OSes cannot tolerate the ACPI timer stoping during idle states,
+ * and this results in higher power consumption. ACPI timer emulation allows
+ * disabling of the ACPI Timer (PM1_TMR) to have no impact on the system, with
+ * the exception that TMR_STS will not be set on an overflow condition. All
+ * aligned 32-bit reads from the ACPI Timer port are valid and will behave as if
+ * the ACPI timer remains enabled.
+ *
+ * @pmc: PMC device
+ */
+void enable_pm_timer_emulation(const struct udevice *pmc);
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_CPU_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_configs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_configs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9185d94b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_configs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define FSPT_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x545F4450554C5041 /* 'APLUPD_T' */
+#define FSPM_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x4D5F4450554C5041 /* 'APLUPD_M' */
+#define FSPS_UPD_SIGNATURE 0x535F4450554C5041 /* 'APLUPD_S' */
+#define VBT_SIGNATURE 0x54425624
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_m_upd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_m_upd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78c338e9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_m_upd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_FSP_M_UDP_H
+#define __ASM_ARCH_FSP_M_UDP_H
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <asm/fsp2/fsp_api.h>
+struct __packed fspm_arch_upd {
+ u8 revision;
+ u8 reserved[3];
+ void *nvs_buffer_ptr;
+ void *stack_base;
+ u32 stack_size;
+ u32 boot_loader_tolum_size;
+ u32 boot_mode;
+ u8 reserved1[8];
+struct __packed fsp_ram_channel {
+ u8 rank_enable;
+ u8 device_width;
+ u8 dram_density;
+ u8 option;
+ u8 odt_config;
+ u8 tristate_clk1;
+ u8 mode2_n;
+ u8 odt_levels;
+ * struct fsp_m_config - FSP-M configuration
+ *
+ * Note that headers precede this and are 64 bytes long. The hex offsets
+ * mentioned in this file are relative to the start of the header, the same
+ * convention used in Intel's APL FSP header file.
+ */
+struct __packed fsp_m_config {
+ /* 0x40 */
+ u32 serial_debug_port_address;
+ u8 serial_debug_port_type;
+ u8 serial_debug_port_device;
+ u8 serial_debug_port_stride_size;
+ u8 mrc_fast_boot;
+ u8 igd;
+ u8 igd_dvmt50_pre_alloc;
+ u8 igd_aperture_size;
+ u8 gtt_size;
+ u8 primary_video_adaptor;
+ u8 package;
+ u8 profile;
+ u8 memory_down;
+ /* 0x50 */
+ u8 ddr3_l_page_size;
+ u8 ddr3_lasr;
+ u8 scrambler_support;
+ u8 interleaved_mode;
+ u16 channel_hash_mask;
+ u16 slice_hash_mask;
+ u8 channels_slices_enable;
+ u8 min_ref_rate2x_enable;
+ u8 dual_rank_support_enable;
+ u8 rmt_mode;
+ u16 memory_size_limit;
+ u16 low_memory_max_value;
+ /* 0x60 */
+ u16 high_memory_max_value;
+ u8 disable_fast_boot;
+ u8 dimm0_spd_address;
+ u8 dimm1_spd_address;
+ struct fsp_ram_channel chan[FSP_DRAM_CHANNELS];
+ u8 rmt_check_run;
+ u16 rmt_margin_check_scale_high_threshold;
+ u8 ch_bit_swizzling[FSP_DRAM_CHANNELS][32];
+ u32 msg_level_mask;
+ u8 unused_upd_space0[4];
+ /* 0x110 */
+ u8 pre_mem_gpio_table_pin_num[4];
+ u32 pre_mem_gpio_table_ptr;
+ u8 pre_mem_gpio_table_entry_num;
+ u8 enhance_port8xh_decoding;
+ u8 spd_write_enable;
+ u8 mrc_data_saving;
+ u32 oem_loading_base;
+ /* 0x120 */
+ u8 oem_file_name[16];
+ /* 0x130 */
+ void *mrc_boot_data_ptr;
+ u8 e_mmc_trace_len;
+ u8 skip_cse_rbp;
+ u8 npk_en;
+ u8 fw_trace_en;
+ u8 fw_trace_destination;
+ u8 recover_dump;
+ u8 msc0_wrap;
+ u8 msc1_wrap;
+ u32 msc0_size;
+ /* 0x140 */
+ u32 msc1_size;
+ u8 pti_mode;
+ u8 pti_training;
+ u8 pti_speed;
+ u8 punit_mlvl;
+ u8 pmc_mlvl;
+ u8 sw_trace_en;
+ u8 periodic_retraining_disable;
+ u8 enable_reset_system;
+ u8 enable_s3_heci2;
+ u8 unused_upd_space1[3];
+ /* 0x150 */
+ void *variable_nvs_buffer_ptr;
+ u64 start_timer_ticker_of_pfet_assert;
+ u8 rt_en;
+ u8 skip_pcie_power_sequence;
+ u8 reserved_fspm_upd[2];
+/** FSP-M UPD Configuration */
+struct __packed fspm_upd {
+ struct fsp_upd_header header;
+ struct fspm_arch_upd arch;
+ struct fsp_m_config config;
+ u8 unused_upd_space2[158];
+ u16 upd_terminator;
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_64M 0x02
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_96M 0x03
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_128M 0x04
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_160M 0x05
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_192M 0x06
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_224M 0x07
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_256M 0x08
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_288M 0x09
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_320M 0x0a
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_352M 0x0b
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_384M 0x0c
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_416M 0x0d
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_448M 0x0e
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_480M 0x0f
+#define IGD_DVMT_50_PRE_ALLOC_512M 0x10
+#define IGD_APERTURE_SIZE_128M 0x1
+#define IGD_APERTURE_SIZE_256M 0x2
+#define IGD_APERTURE_SIZE_512M 0x3
+#define GTT_SIZE_2M 1
+#define GTT_SIZE_4M 2
+#define GTT_SIZE_8M 3
+#define PACKAGE_BGA 1
+#define PROFILE_WIO2_800_7_8_8 0x1
+#define PROFILE_WIO2_1066_9_10_10 0x2
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR3_1066_8_10_10 0x3
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR3_1333_10_12_12 0x4
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR3_1600_12_15_15 0x5
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR3_1866_14_17_17 0x6
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR3_2133_16_20_20 0x7
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_1066_10_10_10 0x8
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_1600_14_15_15 0x9
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_2133_20_20_20 0xa
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_2400_24_22_22 0xb
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_2666_24_24_24 0xc
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_2933_28_27_27 0xd
+#define PROFILE_LPDDR4_3200_28_29_29 0xe
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1066_6_6_6 0xf
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1066_7_7_7 0x10
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1066_8_8_8 0x11
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1333_7_7_7 0x12
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1333_8_8_8 0x13
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1333_9_9_9 0x14
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1333_10_10_10 0x15
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1600_8_8_8 0x16
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1600_9_9_9 0x17
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1600_10_10_10 0x18
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1600_11_11_11 0x19
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1866_10_10_10 0x1a
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1866_11_11_11 0x1b
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1866_12_12_12 0x1c
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_1866_13_13_13 0x1d
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_2133_11_11_11 0x1e
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_2133_12_12_12 0x1f
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_2133_13_13_13 0x20
+#define PROFILE_DDR3_2133_14_14_14 0x21
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1333_10_10_10 0x22
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1600_10_10_10 0x23
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1600_11_11_11 0x24
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1600_12_12_12 0x25
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1866_12_12_12 0x26
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1866_13_13_13 0x27
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_1866_14_14_14 0x28
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2133_14_14_14 0x29
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2133_15_15_15 0x2a
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2133_16_16_16 0x2b
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2400_15_15_15 0x2c
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2400_16_16_16 0x2d
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2400_17_17_17 0x2e
+#define PROFILE_DDR4_2400_18_18_18 0x2f
+#define MEMORY_DOWN_NO 0
+#define MEMORY_DOWN_YES 1
+#define DDR3L_PAGE_SIZE_1KB 1
+#define DDR3L_PAGE_SIZE_2KB 2
+#define RMT_MODE_ENABLE 3
+#define CHX_DEVICE_WIDTH_X8 0
+#define CHX_DEVICE_WIDTH_X16 1
+#define CHX_DEVICE_WIDTH_X32 2
+#define CHX_DEVICE_WIDTH_X64 3
+#define CHX_MODE2N_AUTO 0
+#define CHX_MODE2N_FORCE 1
+#define NPK_EN_DISABLE 0
+#define NPK_EN_ENABLE 1
+#define NPK_EN_DEBUGGER 2
+#define NPK_EN_AUTO 3
+#define MSC_X_WRAP_0 0
+#define MSC_X_WRAP_1 1
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_0M 0
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_1M 1
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_8M 2
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_64M 3
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_128M 4
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_256M 5
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_512M 6
+#define MSC_X_SIZE_1GB 7
+#define PTI_MODE_0 0
+#define PTI_MODE_x4 1
+#define PTI_MODE_x8 2
+#define PTI_MODE_x12 3
+#define PTI_MODE_x16 4
+#define PTI_SPEED_FULL 0
+#define PTI_SPEED_HALF 1
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_s_upd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_s_upd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be80f5db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_s_upd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_FSP_S_UDP_H
+#define __ASM_ARCH_FSP_S_UDP_H
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <asm/fsp2/fsp_api.h>
+ * struct fsp_s_config - FSP-S configuration
+ *
+ * Note that struct fsp_upd_header preceeds this and is 32 bytes long. The
+ * hex offsets mentioned in this file are relative to the start of the header,
+ * the same convention used in Intel's APL FSP header file.
+ */
+struct __packed fsp_s_config {
+ /* 0x20 */
+ u8 active_processor_cores;
+ u8 disable_core1;
+ u8 disable_core2;
+ u8 disable_core3;
+ u8 vmx_enable;
+ u8 proc_trace_mem_size;
+ u8 proc_trace_enable;
+ u8 eist;
+ u8 boot_p_state;
+ u8 enable_cx;
+ u8 c1e;
+ u8 bi_proc_hot;
+ u8 pkg_c_state_limit;
+ u8 c_state_auto_demotion;
+ u8 c_state_un_demotion;
+ u8 max_core_c_state;
+ /* 0x30 */
+ u8 pkg_c_state_demotion;
+ u8 pkg_c_state_un_demotion;
+ u8 turbo_mode;
+ u8 hda_verb_table_entry_num;
+ u32 hda_verb_table_ptr;
+ u8 p2sb_unhide;
+ u8 ipu_en;
+ u8 ipu_acpi_mode;
+ u8 force_wake;
+ u32 gtt_mm_adr;
+ /* 0x40 */
+ u32 gm_adr;
+ u8 pavp_lock;
+ u8 graphics_freq_modify;
+ u8 graphics_freq_req;
+ u8 graphics_video_freq;
+ u8 pm_lock;
+ u8 dop_clock_gating;
+ u8 unsolicited_attack_override;
+ u8 wopcm_support;
+ u8 wopcm_size;
+ u8 power_gating;
+ u8 unit_level_clock_gating;
+ u8 fast_boot;
+ /* 0x50 */
+ u8 dyn_sr;
+ u8 sa_ipu_enable;
+ u8 pm_support;
+ u8 enable_render_standby;
+ u32 logo_size;
+ u32 logo_ptr;
+ u32 graphics_config_ptr;
+ /* 0x60 */
+ u8 pavp_enable;
+ u8 pavp_pr3;
+ u8 cd_clock;
+ u8 pei_graphics_peim_init;
+ u8 write_protection_enable[5];
+ u8 read_protection_enable[5];
+ u16 protected_range_limit[5];
+ u16 protected_range_base[5];
+ u8 gmm;
+ u8 clk_gating_pgcb_clk_trunk;
+ u8 clk_gating_sb;
+ u8 clk_gating_sb_clk_trunk;
+ u8 clk_gating_sb_clk_partition;
+ u8 clk_gating_core;
+ u8 clk_gating_dma;
+ u8 clk_gating_reg_access;
+ u8 clk_gating_host;
+ u8 clk_gating_partition;
+ u8 clk_gating_trunk;
+ u8 hda_enable;
+ u8 dsp_enable;
+ u8 pme;
+ /* 0x90 */
+ u8 hd_audio_io_buffer_ownership;
+ u8 hd_audio_io_buffer_voltage;
+ u8 hd_audio_vc_type;
+ u8 hd_audio_link_frequency;
+ u8 hd_audio_i_disp_link_frequency;
+ u8 hd_audio_i_disp_link_tmode;
+ u8 dsp_endpoint_dmic;
+ u8 dsp_endpoint_bluetooth;
+ u8 dsp_endpoint_i2s_skp;
+ u8 dsp_endpoint_i2s_hp;
+ u8 audio_ctl_pwr_gate;
+ u8 audio_dsp_pwr_gate;
+ u8 mmt;
+ u8 hmt;
+ u8 hd_audio_pwr_gate;
+ u8 hd_audio_clk_gate;
+ /* 0xa0 */
+ u32 dsp_feature_mask;
+ u32 dsp_pp_module_mask;
+ u8 bios_cfg_lock_down;
+ u8 hpet;
+ u8 hpet_bdf_valid;
+ u8 hpet_bus_number;
+ u8 hpet_device_number;
+ u8 hpet_function_number;
+ u8 io_apic_bdf_valid;
+ u8 io_apic_bus_number;
+ /* 0xb0 */
+ u8 io_apic_device_number;
+ u8 io_apic_function_number;
+ u8 io_apic_entry24_119;
+ u8 io_apic_id;
+ u8 io_apic_range_select;
+ u8 ish_enable;
+ u8 bios_interface;
+ u8 bios_lock;
+ u8 spi_eiss;
+ u8 bios_lock_sw_smi_number;
+ u8 lpss_s0ix_enable;
+ u8 unused_upd_space0[1];
+ u8 i2c_clk_gate_cfg[8];
+ u8 hsuart_clk_gate_cfg[4];
+ u8 spi_clk_gate_cfg[3];
+ u8 i2c0_enable;
+ u8 i2c1_enable;
+ u8 i2c2_enable;
+ u8 i2c3_enable;
+ u8 i2c4_enable;
+ /* 0xd0 */
+ u8 i2c5_enable;
+ u8 i2c6_enable;
+ u8 i2c7_enable;
+ u8 hsuart0_enable;
+ u8 hsuart1_enable;
+ u8 hsuart2_enable;
+ u8 hsuart3_enable;
+ u8 spi0_enable;
+ u8 spi1_enable;
+ u8 spi2_enable;
+ u8 os_dbg_enable;
+ u8 dci_en;
+ u32 uart2_kernel_debug_base_address;
+ /* 0xe0 */
+ u8 pcie_clock_gating_disabled;
+ u8 pcie_root_port8xh_decode;
+ u8 pcie8xh_decode_port_index;
+ u8 pcie_root_port_peer_memory_write_enable;
+ u8 pcie_aspm_sw_smi_number;
+ u8 unused_upd_space1[1];
+ u8 pcie_root_port_en[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_hide[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_slot_implemented[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_hot_plug[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_pm_sci[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_ext_sync[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_transmitter_half_swing[6];
+ /* 0x110 */
+ u8 pcie_rp_acs_enabled[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_clk_req_supported[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_clk_req_number[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_clk_req_detect[6];
+ u8 advanced_error_reporting[6];
+ u8 pme_interrupt[6];
+ u8 unsupported_request_report[6];
+ u8 fatal_error_report[6];
+ /* 0x140 */
+ u8 no_fatal_error_report[6];
+ u8 correctable_error_report[6];
+ u8 system_error_on_fatal_error[6];
+ u8 system_error_on_non_fatal_error[6];
+ u8 system_error_on_correctable_error[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_speed[6];
+ u8 physical_slot_number[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_completion_timeout[6];
+ /* 0x170 */
+ u8 ptm_enable[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_aspm[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_l1_substates[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_ltr_enable[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_ltr_config_lock[6];
+ u8 pme_b0_s5_dis;
+ u8 pci_clock_run;
+ /* 0x190 */
+ u8 timer8254_clk_setting;
+ u8 enable_sata;
+ u8 sata_mode;
+ u8 sata_salp_support;
+ u8 sata_pwr_opt_enable;
+ u8 e_sata_speed_limit;
+ u8 speed_limit;
+ u8 unused_upd_space2[1];
+ u8 sata_ports_enable[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_dev_slp[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_hot_plug[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_interlock_sw[2];
+ /* 0x1a0 */
+ u8 sata_ports_external[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_spin_up[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_solid_state_drive[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_enable_dito_config[2];
+ u8 sata_ports_dm_val[2];
+ u8 unused_upd_space3[2];
+ u16 sata_ports_dito_val[2];
+ /* 0x1b0 */
+ u16 sub_system_vendor_id;
+ u16 sub_system_id;
+ u8 crid_settings;
+ u8 reset_select;
+ u8 sdcard_enabled;
+ u8 e_mmc_enabled;
+ u8 e_mmc_host_max_speed;
+ u8 ufs_enabled;
+ u8 sdio_enabled;
+ u8 gpp_lock;
+ u8 sirq_enable;
+ u8 sirq_mode;
+ u8 start_frame_pulse;
+ u8 smbus_enable;
+ /* 0x1c0 */
+ u8 arp_enable;
+ u8 unused_upd_space4;
+ u16 num_rsvd_smbus_addresses;
+ u8 rsvd_smbus_address_table[128];
+ u8 disable_compliance_mode;
+ u8 usb_per_port_ctl;
+ u8 usb30_mode;
+ u8 unused_upd_space5[1];
+ u8 port_usb20_enable[8];
+ /* 0x250 */
+ u8 port_us20b_over_current_pin[8];
+ u8 usb_otg;
+ u8 hsic_support_enable;
+ u8 port_usb30_enable[6];
+ /* 0x260 */
+ u8 port_us30b_over_current_pin[6];
+ u8 ssic_port_enable[2];
+ u16 dlane_pwr_gating;
+ u8 vtd_enable;
+ u8 lock_down_global_smi;
+ u16 reset_wait_timer;
+ u8 rtc_lock;
+ u8 sata_test_mode;
+ /* 0x270 */
+ u8 ssic_rate[2];
+ u16 dynamic_power_gating;
+ u16 pcie_rp_ltr_max_snoop_latency[6];
+ /* 0x280 */
+ u8 pcie_rp_snoop_latency_override_mode[6];
+ u8 unused_upd_space6[2];
+ u16 pcie_rp_snoop_latency_override_value[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_snoop_latency_override_multiplier[6];
+ u8 skip_mp_init;
+ u8 dci_auto_detect;
+ u16 pcie_rp_ltr_max_non_snoop_latency[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_non_snoop_latency_override_mode[6];
+ u8 tco_timer_halt_lock;
+ u8 pwr_btn_override_period;
+ /* 0x2b0 */
+ u16 pcie_rp_non_snoop_latency_override_value[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_non_snoop_latency_override_multiplier[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_slot_power_limit_scale[6];
+ u8 pcie_rp_slot_power_limit_value[6];
+ u8 disable_native_power_button;
+ u8 power_butter_debounce_mode;
+ /* 0x2d0 */
+ u32 sdio_tx_cmd_cntl;
+ u32 sdio_tx_data_cntl1;
+ u32 sdio_tx_data_cntl2;
+ u32 sdio_rx_cmd_data_cntl1;
+ /* 0x2e0 */
+ u32 sdio_rx_cmd_data_cntl2;
+ u32 sdcard_tx_cmd_cntl;
+ u32 sdcard_tx_data_cntl1;
+ u32 sdcard_tx_data_cntl2;
+ /* 0x2f0 */
+ u32 sdcard_rx_cmd_data_cntl1;
+ u32 sdcard_rx_strobe_cntl;
+ u32 sdcard_rx_cmd_data_cntl2;
+ u32 emmc_tx_cmd_cntl;
+ /* 0x300 */
+ u32 emmc_tx_data_cntl1;
+ u32 emmc_tx_data_cntl2;
+ u32 emmc_rx_cmd_data_cntl1;
+ u32 emmc_rx_strobe_cntl;
+ /* 0x310 */
+ u32 emmc_rx_cmd_data_cntl2;
+ u32 emmc_master_sw_cntl;
+ u8 pcie_rp_selectable_deemphasis[6];
+ u8 monitor_mwait_enable;
+ u8 hd_audio_dsp_uaa_compliance;
+ /* 0x320 */
+ u32 ipc[4];
+ /* 0x330 */
+ u8 sata_ports_disable_dynamic_pg[2];
+ u8 init_s3_cpu;
+ u8 skip_punit_init;
+ u8 unused_upd_space7[4];
+ u8 port_usb20_per_port_tx_pe_half[8];
+ /* 0x340 */
+ u8 port_usb20_per_port_pe_txi_set[8];
+ u8 port_usb20_per_port_txi_set[8];
+ /* 0x350 */
+ u8 port_usb20_hs_skew_sel[8];
+ u8 port_usb20_i_usb_tx_emphasis_en[8];
+ /* 0x360 */
+ u8 port_usb20_per_port_rxi_set[8];
+ u8 port_usb20_hs_npre_drv_sel[8];
+ /* 0x370 */
+ u8 os_selection;
+ u8 dptf_enabled;
+ u8 pwm_enabled;
+ u8 reserved_fsps_upd[13];
+/** struct fsps_upd - FSP-S Configuration */
+struct __packed fsps_upd {
+ struct fsp_upd_header header;
+ struct fsp_s_config config;
+ u8 unused_upd_space2[46];
+ u16 upd_terminator;
+#define BOOT_P_STATE_HFM 0
+#define BOOT_P_STATE_LFM 1
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C0_C1 0
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C2 1
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C3 2
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C6 3
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C7 4
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C7S 5
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C8 6
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C9 7
+#define PKG_C_STATE_LIMIT_C10 8
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C1 1
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C3 2
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C6 3
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C7 4
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C8 5
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C9 6
+#define MAX_CORE_C_STATE_C10 7
+#define CD_CLOCK_FREQ_144MHZ 0
+#define CD_CLOCK_FREQ_288MHZ 1
+#define CD_CLOCK_FREQ_384MHZ 2
+#define CD_CLOCK_FREQ_576MHZ 3
+#define CD_CLOCK_FREQ_624MHZ 4
+#define HDA_VC_TYPE_VC0 0
+#define HDA_VC_TYPE_VC1 1
+#define HDA_LINK_FREQ_6MHZ 0
+#define HDA_LINK_FREQ_12MHZ 1
+#define HDA_LINK_FREQ_24MHZ 2
+#define HDA_LINK_FREQ_48MHZ 3
+#define HDA_LINK_FREQ_96MHZ 4
+#define HDA_I_DISP_LINK_T_MODE_2T 0
+#define HDA_I_DISP_LINK_T_MODE_1T 1
+#define PCIE_RP_SPEED_GEN1 1
+#define PCIE_RP_SPEED_GEN2 2
+#define PCIE_RP_SPEED_GEN3 3
+#define PCIE_RP_ASPM_L0S 1
+#define PCIE_RP_ASPM_L1 2
+#define PCIE_RP_ASPM_L0S_L1 3
+#define PCIE_RP_ASPM_AUTO 4
+#define PCIE_RP_L1_SUBSTATES_L1_1 1
+#define PCIE_RP_L1_SUBSTATES_L1_2 2
+#define PCIE_RP_L1_SUBSTATES_L1_1_L1_2 3
+#define SATA_MODE_AHCI 0
+#define SATA_MODE_RAID 1
+#define SATA_SPEED_LIMIT_1_5GBS 1
+#define CRID_SETTING_CRID_1 1
+#define CRID_SETTING_CRID_2 2
+#define CRID_SETTING_CRID_3 3
+#define EMMC_HOST_SPEED_MAX_HS400 0
+#define EMMC_HOST_SPEED_MAX_HS200 1
+#define USB30_MODE_DISABLE 0
+#define USB30_MODE_ENABLE 1
+#define USB30_MODE_AUTO 2
+#define USB_OTG_DISABLE 0
+#define USB_OTG_PCI_MODE 1
+#define USB_OTG_ACPI_MODE 2
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_vpd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b14f28b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_VPD_H
+#define __FSP_VPD_H
+/* Nothing to declare here for FSP2 */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp_bindings.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp_bindings.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a80e66bbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/fsp_bindings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * Copyright 2020 B&R Industrial Automation GmbH - http://www.br-automation.com
+ */
+#include <asm/arch/fsp/fsp_m_upd.h>
+#include <asm/arch/fsp/fsp_s_upd.h>
+#define ARRAY_SIZE_OF_MEMBER(s, m) (ARRAY_SIZE((((s *)0)->m)))
+#define SIZE_OF_MEMBER(s, m) (sizeof((((s *)0)->m)))
+enum conf_type {
+ * struct fsp_binding - Binding describing devicetree/FSP relationships
+ * @offset: Offset within the FSP config structure
+ * @propname: Name of property to read
+ * @type: Type of the property to read
+ * @count: If the property is expected to be an array, this is the
+ * number of expected elements
+ * Set to 0 if the property is expected to be a scalar
+ *
+ * The struct fsp_binding is used to describe the relationship between
+ * values stored in devicetree and where they are placed in the FSP
+ * configuration structure.
+ */
+struct fsp_binding {
+ size_t offset;
+ char *propname;
+ enum conf_type type;
+ size_t count;
+ * LPDDR4 helper routines for configuring the memory UPD for LPDDR4 operation.
+ * There are four physical LPDDR4 channels, each 32-bits wide. There are two
+ * logical channels using two physical channels together to form a 64-bit
+ * interface to memory for each logical channel.
+ */
+enum {
+ * The DQs within a physical channel can be bit-swizzled within each byte.
+ * Within a channel the bytes can be swapped, but the DQs need to be routed
+ * with the corresponding DQS (strobe).
+ */
+enum {
+ LP4_DQS0,
+ LP4_DQS1,
+ LP4_DQS2,
+ LP4_DQS3,
+/* Provide bit swizzling per DQS and byte swapping within a channel */
+struct lpddr4_chan_swizzle_cfg {
+struct lpddr4_swizzle_cfg {
+ struct lpddr4_chan_swizzle_cfg phys[LP4_NUM_PHYS_CHANNELS];
+ * fsp_m_update_config_from_dtb() - Read FSP-M config from devicetree node
+ * @node: Valid node reference to read property from
+ * @cfg: Pointer to FSP-M config structure
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ *
+ * This function reads the configuration for FSP-M from the provided
+ * devicetree node and saves it in the FSP-M configuration structure.
+ * Configuration options that are not present in the devicetree are
+ * left at their current value.
+ */
+int fsp_m_update_config_from_dtb(ofnode node, struct fsp_m_config *cfg);
+ * fsp_s_update_config_from_dtb() - Read FSP-S config from devicetree node
+ * @node: Valid node reference to read property from
+ * @cfg: Pointer to FSP-S config structure
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ *
+ * This function reads the configuration for FSP-S from the provided
+ * devicetree node and saves it in the FSP-S configuration structure.
+ * Configuration options that are not present in the devicetree are
+ * left at their current value.
+ */
+int fsp_s_update_config_from_dtb(ofnode node, struct fsp_s_config *cfg);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/global_nvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/global_nvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ef8eb228d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/global_nvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ * Copyright Google LLC 2019
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot apollolake/include/soc/nvs.h
+ */
+#ifndef _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+#define _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+#include <asm/intel_gnvs.h>
+#endif /* _GLOBAL_NVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpe.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpe.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5792960b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Taken from coreboot apl gpe.h
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_GPE_H_
+#define _ASM_ARCH_GPE_H_
+/* bit position in GPE0a_STS register */
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_SCI_STS 0
+#define GPE0A_SWGPE_STS 2
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_WAKE0_STS 3
+#define GPE0A_PUNIT_SCI_STS 4
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_WAKE1_STS 6
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_WAKE2_STS 7
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_WAKE3_STS 8
+#define GPE0A_PCIE_GPE_STS 9
+#define GPE0A_BATLOW_STS 10
+#define GPE0A_CSE_PME_STS 11
+#define GPE0A_XDCI_PME_STS 12
+#define GPE0A_XHCI_PME_STS 13
+#define GPE0A_AVS_PME_STS 14
+#define GPE0A_GPIO_TIER1_SCI_STS 15
+#define GPE0A_SMB_WAK_STS 16
+#define GPE0A_SATA_PME_STS 17
+#define GPE0A_CNVI_PME_STS 18
+/* Group DW0 is reserved in Apollolake */
+/* GPE_63_32 */
+#define GPE0_DW1_00 32
+#define GPE0_DW1_01 33
+#define GPE0_DW1_02 34
+#define GPE0_DW1_03 36
+#define GPE0_DW1_04 36
+#define GPE0_DW1_05 37
+#define GPE0_DW1_06 38
+#define GPE0_DW1_07 39
+#define GPE0_DW1_08 40
+#define GPE0_DW1_09 41
+#define GPE0_DW1_10 42
+#define GPE0_DW1_11 43
+#define GPE0_DW1_12 44
+#define GPE0_DW1_13 45
+#define GPE0_DW1_14 46
+#define GPE0_DW1_15 47
+#define GPE0_DW1_16 48
+#define GPE0_DW1_17 49
+#define GPE0_DW1_18 50
+#define GPE0_DW1_19 51
+#define GPE0_DW1_20 52
+#define GPE0_DW1_21 53
+#define GPE0_DW1_22 54
+#define GPE0_DW1_23 55
+#define GPE0_DW1_24 56
+#define GPE0_DW1_25 57
+#define GPE0_DW1_26 58
+#define GPE0_DW1_27 59
+#define GPE0_DW1_28 60
+#define GPE0_DW1_29 61
+#define GPE0_DW1_30 62
+#define GPE0_DW1_31 63
+/* GPE_95_64 */
+#define GPE0_DW2_00 64
+#define GPE0_DW2_01 65
+#define GPE0_DW2_02 66
+#define GPE0_DW2_03 67
+#define GPE0_DW2_04 68
+#define GPE0_DW2_05 69
+#define GPE0_DW2_06 70
+#define GPE0_DW2_07 71
+#define GPE0_DW2_08 72
+#define GPE0_DW2_09 73
+#define GPE0_DW2_10 74
+#define GPE0_DW2_11 75
+#define GPE0_DW2_12 76
+#define GPE0_DW2_13 77
+#define GPE0_DW2_14 78
+#define GPE0_DW2_15 79
+#define GPE0_DW2_16 80
+#define GPE0_DW2_17 81
+#define GPE0_DW2_18 82
+#define GPE0_DW2_19 83
+#define GPE0_DW2_20 84
+#define GPE0_DW2_21 85
+#define GPE0_DW2_22 86
+#define GPE0_DW2_23 87
+#define GPE0_DW2_24 88
+#define GPE0_DW2_25 89
+#define GPE0_DW2_26 90
+#define GPE0_DW2_27 91
+#define GPE0_DW2_28 92
+#define GPE0_DW2_29 93
+#define GPE0_DW2_30 94
+#define GPE0_DW2_31 95
+/* GPE_127_96 */
+#define GPE0_DW3_00 96
+#define GPE0_DW3_01 97
+#define GPE0_DW3_02 98
+#define GPE0_DW3_03 99
+#define GPE0_DW3_04 100
+#define GPE0_DW3_05 101
+#define GPE0_DW3_06 102
+#define GPE0_DW3_07 103
+#define GPE0_DW3_08 104
+#define GPE0_DW3_09 105
+#define GPE0_DW3_10 106
+#define GPE0_DW3_11 107
+#define GPE0_DW3_12 108
+#define GPE0_DW3_13 109
+#define GPE0_DW3_14 110
+#define GPE0_DW3_15 111
+#define GPE0_DW3_16 112
+#define GPE0_DW3_17 113
+#define GPE0_DW3_18 114
+#define GPE0_DW3_19 115
+#define GPE0_DW3_20 116
+#define GPE0_DW3_21 117
+#define GPE0_DW3_22 118
+#define GPE0_DW3_23 119
+#define GPE0_DW3_24 120
+#define GPE0_DW3_25 121
+#define GPE0_DW3_26 122
+#define GPE0_DW3_27 123
+#define GPE0_DW3_28 124
+#define GPE0_DW3_29 125
+#define GPE0_DW3_30 126
+#define GPE0_DW3_31 127
+#define GPE_MAX GPE0_DW3_31
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpio.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..762160da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Definitions for the GPIO subsystem on Apollolake
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2017 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Alexandru Gagniuc <alexandrux.gagniuc@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ *
+ * Placed in a separate file since some of these definitions can be used from
+ * assembly code
+ *
+ * Taken from gpio_apl.h in coreboot
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H_
+#define _ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H_
+/* Port ids */
+#define PID_GPIO_SW 0xC0
+#define PID_GPIO_S 0xC2
+#define PID_GPIO_W 0xC7
+#define PID_GPIO_NW 0xC4
+#define PID_GPIO_N 0xC5
+#define PID_ITSS 0xD0
+#define PID_RTC 0xD1
+ * Miscellaneous Configuration register(MISCCFG). These are community-specific
+ * registers and are meant to house miscellaneous configuration fields per
+ * community. There are 8 GPIO groups: GPP_0 -> GPP_8 (Group 3 is absent)
+ */
+#define GPIO_MISCCFG 0x10 /* Miscellaneous Configuration offset */
+#define GPIO_GPE_SW_31_0 0 /* SOUTHWEST GPIO# 0 ~ 31 belong to GROUP0 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_SW_63_32 1 /* SOUTHWEST GPIO# 32 ~ 42 belong to GROUP1 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_W_31_0 2 /* WEST GPIO# 0 ~ 25 belong to GROUP2 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_NW_31_0 4 /* NORTHWEST GPIO# 0 ~ 17 belong to GROUP4 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_NW_63_32 5 /* NORTHWEST GPIO# 32 ~ 63 belong to GROUP5 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_NW_95_64 6 /* NORTHWEST GPIO# 64 ~ 76 belong to GROUP6 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_N_31_0 7 /* NORTH GPIO# 0 ~ 31 belong to GROUP7 */
+#define GPIO_GPE_N_63_32 8 /* NORTH GPIO# 32 ~ 61 belong to GROUP8 */
+ * Host Software Pad Ownership Register.
+ * The pins in the community are divided into 3 groups:
+ * GPIO 0 ~ 31, GPIO 32 ~ 63, GPIO 64 ~ 95
+ */
+#define HOSTSW_OWN_REG_0 0x80
+#define PAD_CFG_BASE 0x500
+#define GPI_INT_STS_0 0x100
+#define GPI_INT_EN_0 0x110
+#define GPI_SMI_STS_0 0x140
+#define GPI_SMI_EN_0 0x150
+#define NUM_N_PADS (PAD_N(SVID0_CLK) + 1)
+#define NUM_NW_PADS (PAD_NW(GPIO_123) + 1)
+#define NUM_N_GPI_REGS \
+#define NUM_NW_GPI_REGS \
+#define NUM_W_GPI_REGS \
+#define NUM_SW_GPI_REGS \
+ * Total number of GPI status registers across all GPIO communities in the SOC
+ */
+/* North community pads */
+#define GPIO_0 0
+#define GPIO_1 1
+#define GPIO_2 2
+#define GPIO_3 3
+#define GPIO_4 4
+#define GPIO_5 5
+#define GPIO_6 6
+#define GPIO_7 7
+#define GPIO_8 8
+#define GPIO_9 9
+#define GPIO_10 10
+#define GPIO_11 11
+#define GPIO_12 12
+#define GPIO_13 13
+#define GPIO_14 14
+#define GPIO_15 15
+#define GPIO_16 16
+#define GPIO_17 17
+#define GPIO_18 18
+#define GPIO_19 19
+#define GPIO_20 20
+#define GPIO_21 21
+#define GPIO_22 22
+#define GPIO_23 23
+#define GPIO_24 24
+#define GPIO_25 25
+#define GPIO_26 26
+#define GPIO_27 27
+#define GPIO_28 28
+#define GPIO_29 29
+#define GPIO_30 30
+#define GPIO_31 31
+#define GPIO_32 32
+#define GPIO_33 33
+#define GPIO_34 34
+#define GPIO_35 35
+#define GPIO_36 36
+#define GPIO_37 37
+#define GPIO_38 38
+#define GPIO_39 39
+#define GPIO_40 40
+#define GPIO_41 41
+#define GPIO_42 42
+#define GPIO_43 43
+#define GPIO_44 44
+#define GPIO_45 45
+#define GPIO_46 46
+#define GPIO_47 47
+#define GPIO_48 48
+#define GPIO_49 49
+#define GPIO_62 50
+#define GPIO_63 51
+#define GPIO_64 52
+#define GPIO_65 53
+#define GPIO_66 54
+#define GPIO_67 55
+#define GPIO_68 56
+#define GPIO_69 57
+#define GPIO_70 58
+#define GPIO_71 59
+#define GPIO_72 60
+#define GPIO_73 61
+#define JTAG_TCK 62
+#define JTAG_TRST_B 63
+#define JTAG_TMS 64
+#define JTAG_TDI 65
+#define JTAG_CX_PMODE 66
+#define JTAG_CX_PREQ_B 67
+#define JTAGX 68
+#define JTAG_CX_PRDY_B 69
+#define JTAG_TDO 70
+#define CNV_BRI_DT 71
+#define CNV_BRI_RSP 72
+#define CNV_RGI_DT 73
+#define CNV_RGI_RSP 74
+#define SVID0_ALERT_B 75
+#define SVID0_DATA 76
+#define SVID0_CLK 77
+/* Northwest community pads */
+#define GPIO_187 78
+#define GPIO_188 79
+#define GPIO_189 80
+#define GPIO_190 81
+#define GPIO_191 82
+#define GPIO_192 83
+#define GPIO_193 84
+#define GPIO_194 85
+#define GPIO_195 86
+#define GPIO_196 87
+#define GPIO_197 88
+#define GPIO_198 89
+#define GPIO_199 90
+#define GPIO_200 91
+#define GPIO_201 92
+#define GPIO_202 93
+#define GPIO_203 94
+#define GPIO_204 95
+#define PMC_SPI_FS0 96
+#define PMC_SPI_FS1 97
+#define PMC_SPI_FS2 98
+#define PMC_SPI_RXD 99
+#define PMC_SPI_TXD 100
+#define PMC_SPI_CLK 101
+#define PMIC_PWRGOOD 102
+#define PMIC_RESET_B 103
+#define GPIO_213 104
+#define GPIO_214 105
+#define GPIO_215 106
+#define PMIC_THERMTRIP_B 107
+#define PMIC_STDBY 108
+#define PROCHOT_B 109
+#define PMIC_I2C_SCL 110
+#define PMIC_I2C_SDA 111
+#define GPIO_74 112
+#define GPIO_75 113
+#define GPIO_76 114
+#define GPIO_77 115
+#define GPIO_78 116
+#define GPIO_79 117
+#define GPIO_80 118
+#define GPIO_81 119
+#define GPIO_82 120
+#define GPIO_83 121
+#define GPIO_84 122
+#define GPIO_85 123
+#define GPIO_86 124
+#define GPIO_87 125
+#define GPIO_88 126
+#define GPIO_89 127
+#define GPIO_90 128
+#define GPIO_91 129
+#define GPIO_92 130
+#define GPIO_97 131
+#define GPIO_98 132
+#define GPIO_99 133
+#define GPIO_100 134
+#define GPIO_101 135
+#define GPIO_102 136
+#define GPIO_103 137
+#define FST_SPI_CLK_FB 138
+#define GPIO_104 139
+#define GPIO_105 140
+#define GPIO_106 141
+#define GPIO_109 142
+#define GPIO_110 143
+#define GPIO_111 144
+#define GPIO_112 145
+#define GPIO_113 146
+#define GPIO_116 147
+#define GPIO_117 148
+#define GPIO_118 149
+#define GPIO_119 150
+#define GPIO_120 151
+#define GPIO_121 152
+#define GPIO_122 153
+#define GPIO_123 154
+/* West community pads */
+#define GPIO_124 155
+#define GPIO_125 156
+#define GPIO_126 157
+#define GPIO_127 158
+#define GPIO_128 159
+#define GPIO_129 160
+#define GPIO_130 161
+#define GPIO_131 162
+#define GPIO_132 163
+#define GPIO_133 164
+#define GPIO_134 165
+#define GPIO_135 166
+#define GPIO_136 167
+#define GPIO_137 168
+#define GPIO_138 169
+#define GPIO_139 170
+#define GPIO_146 171
+#define GPIO_147 172
+#define GPIO_148 173
+#define GPIO_149 174
+#define GPIO_150 175
+#define GPIO_151 176
+#define GPIO_152 177
+#define GPIO_153 178
+#define GPIO_154 179
+#define GPIO_155 180
+#define GPIO_209 181
+#define GPIO_210 182
+#define GPIO_211 183
+#define GPIO_212 184
+#define OSC_CLK_OUT_0 185
+#define OSC_CLK_OUT_1 186
+#define OSC_CLK_OUT_2 187
+#define OSC_CLK_OUT_3 188
+#define OSC_CLK_OUT_4 189
+#define PMU_AC_PRESENT 190
+#define PMU_BATLOW_B 191
+#define PMU_PLTRST_B 192
+#define PMU_PWRBTN_B 193
+#define PMU_RESETBUTTON_B 194
+#define PMU_SLP_S0_B 195
+#define PMU_SLP_S3_B 196
+#define PMU_SLP_S4_B 197
+#define PMU_SUSCLK 198
+#define PMU_WAKE_B 199
+#define SUS_STAT_B 200
+#define SUSPWRDNACK 201
+/* Southwest community pads */
+#define GPIO_205 202
+#define GPIO_206 203
+#define GPIO_207 204
+#define GPIO_208 205
+#define GPIO_156 206
+#define GPIO_157 207
+#define GPIO_158 208
+#define GPIO_159 209
+#define GPIO_160 210
+#define GPIO_161 211
+#define GPIO_162 212
+#define GPIO_163 213
+#define GPIO_164 214
+#define GPIO_165 215
+#define GPIO_166 216
+#define GPIO_167 217
+#define GPIO_168 218
+#define GPIO_169 219
+#define GPIO_170 220
+#define GPIO_171 221
+#define GPIO_172 222
+#define GPIO_179 223
+#define GPIO_173 224
+#define GPIO_174 225
+#define GPIO_175 226
+#define GPIO_176 227
+#define GPIO_177 228
+#define GPIO_178 229
+#define GPIO_186 230
+#define GPIO_182 231
+#define GPIO_183 232
+#define SMB_ALERTB 233
+#define SMB_CLK 234
+#define SMB_DATA 235
+#define LPC_ILB_SERIRQ 236
+#define LPC_CLKOUT0 237
+#define LPC_CLKOUT1 238
+#define LPC_AD0 239
+#define LPC_AD1 240
+#define LPC_AD2 241
+#define LPC_AD3 242
+#define LPC_CLKRUNB 243
+#define LPC_FRAMEB 244
+/* PERST_0 not defined */
+#define GPIO_PRT0_UDEF 0xFF
+#define TOTAL_PADS 245
+#define N_OFFSET GPIO_0
+#define NW_OFFSET GPIO_187
+#define W_OFFSET GPIO_124
+#define SW_OFFSET GPIO_205
+/* Macros for translating a global pad offset to a local offset */
+#define PAD_N(pad) (pad - N_OFFSET)
+#define PAD_NW(pad) (pad - NW_OFFSET)
+#define PAD_W(pad) (pad - W_OFFSET)
+#define PAD_SW(pad) (pad - SW_OFFSET)
+/* Linux names of the GPIO devices */
+#define GPIO_COMM_N_NAME "INT3452:00"
+#define GPIO_COMM_NW_NAME "INT3452:01"
+#define GPIO_COMM_W_NAME "INT3452:02"
+#define GPIO_COMM_SW_NAME "INT3452:03"
+/* Following is used in gpio asl */
+#define GPIO_COMM_NAME "INT3452"
+#define GPIO_COMM_0_DESC \
+ "General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Controller - North"
+#define GPIO_COMM_1_DESC \
+ "General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Controller - Northwest"
+#define GPIO_COMM_2_DESC \
+ "General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Controller - West"
+#define GPIO_COMM_3_DESC \
+ "General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) Controller - Southwest"
+ * IOxAPIC IRQs for the GPIOs, overlap is expected as we encourage to use
+ * shared IRQ instead of direct IRQ, in case of overlapping, we can easily
+ * program one of the overlap to shared IRQ to avoid the conflict.
+ */
+/* NorthWest community pads */
+#define PMIC_I2C_SDA_IRQ 0x32
+#define GPIO_74_IRQ 0x33
+#define GPIO_75_IRQ 0x34
+#define GPIO_76_IRQ 0x35
+#define GPIO_77_IRQ 0x36
+#define GPIO_78_IRQ 0x37
+#define GPIO_79_IRQ 0x38
+#define GPIO_80_IRQ 0x39
+#define GPIO_81_IRQ 0x3A
+#define GPIO_82_IRQ 0x3B
+#define GPIO_83_IRQ 0x3C
+#define GPIO_84_IRQ 0x3D
+#define GPIO_85_IRQ 0x3E
+#define GPIO_86_IRQ 0x3F
+#define GPIO_87_IRQ 0x40
+#define GPIO_88_IRQ 0x41
+#define GPIO_89_IRQ 0x42
+#define GPIO_90_IRQ 0x43
+#define GPIO_91_IRQ 0x44
+#define GPIO_97_IRQ 0x49
+#define GPIO_98_IRQ 0x4A
+#define GPIO_99_IRQ 0x4B
+#define GPIO_100_IRQ 0x4C
+#define GPIO_101_IRQ 0x4D
+#define GPIO_102_IRQ 0x4E
+#define GPIO_103_IRQ 0x4F
+#define GPIO_104_IRQ 0x50
+#define GPIO_105_IRQ 0x51
+#define GPIO_106_IRQ 0x52
+#define GPIO_109_IRQ 0x54
+#define GPIO_110_IRQ 0x55
+#define GPIO_111_IRQ 0x56
+#define GPIO_112_IRQ 0x57
+#define GPIO_113_IRQ 0x58
+#define GPIO_116_IRQ 0x5B
+#define GPIO_117_IRQ 0x5C
+#define GPIO_118_IRQ 0x5D
+#define GPIO_119_IRQ 0x5E
+#define GPIO_120_IRQ 0x5F
+#define GPIO_121_IRQ 0x60
+#define GPIO_122_IRQ 0x61
+#define GPIO_123_IRQ 0x62
+/* North community pads */
+#define GPIO_0_IRQ 0x63
+#define GPIO_1_IRQ 0x64
+#define GPIO_2_IRQ 0x65
+#define GPIO_3_IRQ 0x66
+#define GPIO_4_IRQ 0x67
+#define GPIO_5_IRQ 0x68
+#define GPIO_6_IRQ 0x69
+#define GPIO_7_IRQ 0x6A
+#define GPIO_8_IRQ 0x6B
+#define GPIO_9_IRQ 0x6C
+#define GPIO_10_IRQ 0x6D
+#define GPIO_11_IRQ 0x6E
+#define GPIO_12_IRQ 0x6F
+#define GPIO_13_IRQ 0x70
+#define GPIO_14_IRQ 0x71
+#define GPIO_15_IRQ 0x72
+#define GPIO_16_IRQ 0x73
+#define GPIO_17_IRQ 0x74
+#define GPIO_18_IRQ 0x75
+#define GPIO_19_IRQ 0x76
+#define GPIO_20_IRQ 0x77
+#define GPIO_21_IRQ 0x32
+#define GPIO_22_IRQ 0x33
+#define GPIO_23_IRQ 0x34
+#define GPIO_24_IRQ 0x35
+#define GPIO_25_IRQ 0x36
+#define GPIO_26_IRQ 0x37
+#define GPIO_27_IRQ 0x38
+#define GPIO_28_IRQ 0x39
+#define GPIO_29_IRQ 0x3A
+#define GPIO_30_IRQ 0x3B
+#define GPIO_31_IRQ 0x3C
+#define GPIO_32_IRQ 0x3D
+#define GPIO_33_IRQ 0x3E
+#define GPIO_34_IRQ 0x3F
+#define GPIO_35_IRQ 0x40
+#define GPIO_36_IRQ 0x41
+#define GPIO_37_IRQ 0x42
+#define GPIO_38_IRQ 0x43
+#define GPIO_39_IRQ 0x44
+#define GPIO_40_IRQ 0x45
+#define GPIO_41_IRQ 0x46
+#define GPIO_42_IRQ 0x47
+#define GPIO_43_IRQ 0x48
+#define GPIO_44_IRQ 0x49
+#define GPIO_45_IRQ 0x4A
+#define GPIO_46_IRQ 0x4B
+#define GPIO_47_IRQ 0x4C
+#define GPIO_48_IRQ 0x4D
+#define GPIO_49_IRQ 0x4E
+#define GPIO_62_IRQ 0x5B
+#define GPIO_63_IRQ 0x5C
+#define GPIO_64_IRQ 0x5D
+#define GPIO_65_IRQ 0x5E
+#define GPIO_66_IRQ 0x5F
+#define GPIO_67_IRQ 0x60
+#define GPIO_68_IRQ 0x61
+#define GPIO_69_IRQ 0x62
+#define GPIO_70_IRQ 0x63
+#define GPIO_71_IRQ 0x64
+#define GPIO_72_IRQ 0x65
+#define GPIO_73_IRQ 0x66
+/* This is needed by ACPI */
+#define GPIO_NUM_PAD_CFG_REGS 2 /* DW0, DW1 */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <dt-structs.h>
+ * struct apl_gpio_plat - platform data for each device
+ *
+ * @dtplat: of-platdata data from C struct
+ */
+struct apl_gpio_plat {
+ /* Put this first since driver model will copy the data here */
+ struct dtd_intel_apl_pinctrl dtplat;
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_GPIO_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/hostbridge.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/hostbridge.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4dce0d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/hostbridge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+ * struct apl_hostbridge_plat - platform data for hostbridge
+ *
+ * @dtplat: Platform data for of-platdata
+ * @early_pads: Early pad data to set up, each (pad, cfg0, cfg1)
+ * @early_pads_count: Number of pads to process
+ * @pciex_region_size: BAR length in bytes
+ * @bdf: Bus/device/function of hostbridge
+ */
+struct apl_hostbridge_plat {
+ struct dtd_intel_apl_hostbridge dtplat;
+ u32 *early_pads;
+ int early_pads_count;
+ uint pciex_region_size;
+ pci_dev_t bdf;
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_HOSTBRIDGE_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4ea15070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ * Take from coreboot project file of the same name
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_IOMAP_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_IOMAP_H
+#define R_ACPI_PM1_TMR 0x8
+/* Put p2sb at 0xd0000000 in TPL */
+#define IOMAP_P2SB_BAR 0xd0000000
+#define IOMAP_P2SB_SIZE 0x10000000
+#define IOMAP_SPI_BASE 0xfe010000
+#define IOMAP_ACPI_BASE 0x400
+#define IOMAP_ACPI_SIZE 0x100
+#define PMC_BAR0 0xfe042000
+#define MCH_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed10000
+#define MCH_SIZE 0x8000
+#ifdef __ACPI__
+#define HPET_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed00000
+#define SRAM_BASE_0 0xfe900000
+#define SRAM_SIZE_0 (8 * KiB)
+#define SRAM_BASE_2 0xfe902000
+#define SRAM_SIZE_2 (4 * KiB)
+/* Early address for I2C port 2 */
+#define IOMAP_I2C2_BASE (0xfe020000 + 2 * 0x1000)
+ * Use UART2. To use UART1 you need to set '2' to '1', change device tree serial
+ * node name and 'reg' property, and update CONFIG_DEBUG_UART_BASE.
+ */
+#define PCH_DEV_UART PCI_BDF(0, 0x18, 2)
+#define PCH_DEV_LPC PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 0)
+#define PCH_DEV_SPI PCI_BDF(0, 0x0d, 2)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/lpc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/lpc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..977b7eccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/lpc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ * Take from coreboot project file of the same name
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_LPC_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_LPC_H
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#define LPC_SERIRQ_CTL 0x64
+#define LPC_SCNT_EN BIT(7)
+#define LPC_SCNT_MODE BIT(6)
+#define LPC_IO_DECODE 0x80
+#define LPC_IOD_COMA_RANGE (0 << 0) /* 0x3F8 - 0x3FF COMA*/
+#define LPC_IOD_COMB_RANGE (1 << 4) /* 0x2F8 - 0x2FF COMB*/
+ * Use IO_<peripheral>_<IO port> style macros defined in lpc_lib.h
+ * to enable decoding of I/O locations for a peripheral
+ */
+#define LPC_IO_ENABLES 0x82
+#define LPC_GENERIC_IO_RANGE(n) ((((n) & 0x3) * 4) + 0x84)
+#define LPC_LGIR_AMASK_MASK (0xfc << 16)
+#define LPC_LGIR_ADDR_MASK 0xfffc
+#define LPC_LGIR_EN BIT(0)
+#define LPC_LGMR_ADDR_MASK 0xffff0000
+#define LPC_LGMR_EN BIT(0)
+#define LPC_LGMR_WINDOW_SIZE (64 * KiB)
+#define LPC_BIOS_CNTL 0xdc
+#define LPC_BC_BILD BIT(7)
+#define LPC_BC_LE BIT(1)
+#define LPC_BC_EISS BIT(5)
+#define LPC_PCCTL 0xE0 /* PCI Clock Control */
+ * IO decode enable macros are in the format IO_<peripheral>_<IO port>.
+ * For example, to open ports 0x60, 0x64 for the keyboard controller,
+ * use IOE_KBC_60_64 macro. For IOE_ macros that do not specify a port range,
+ * the port range is selectable via the IO decodes register.
+ */
+#define LPC_IOE_EC_4E_4F BIT(13)
+#define LPC_IOE_SUPERIO_2E_2F BIT(12)
+#define LPC_IOE_EC_62_66 BIT(11)
+#define LPC_IOE_KBC_60_64 BIT(10)
+#define LPC_IOE_HGE_208 BIT(9)
+#define LPC_IOE_LGE_200 BIT(8)
+#define LPC_IOE_FDD_EN BIT(3)
+#define LPC_IOE_LPT_EN BIT(2)
+#define LPC_IOE_COMB_EN BIT(1)
+#define LPC_IOE_COMA_EN BIT(0)
+#define LPC_IO_ENABLES 0x82
+ * lpc_enable_fixed_io_ranges() - enable the fixed I/O ranges
+ *
+ * @io_enables: Mask of things to enable (LPC_IOE_.)
+ */
+void lpc_enable_fixed_io_ranges(uint io_enables);
+ * lpc_open_pmio_window() - Open an IO port range
+ *
+ * @base: Base I/O address (e.g. 0x800)
+ * @size: Size of window (e.g. 0x100)
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOSPC if there are no more windows available, -EALREADY
+ * if already set up
+ */
+int lpc_open_pmio_window(uint base, uint size);
+ * lpc_io_setup_comm_a_b() - Set up basic serial UARTs
+ *
+ * Set up the LPC to handle I/O to the COMA/COMB serial UART addresses
+ * 2f8-2ff and 3f8-3ff.
+ */
+void lpc_io_setup_comm_a_b(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pch.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pch.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf3e1670d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_PCH_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pm.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a8d971e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Lance Zhao <lijian.zhao@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_PM_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_PM_H
+#include <power/acpi_pmc.h>
+#define PMC_GPE_SW_31_0 0
+#define PMC_GPE_SW_63_32 1
+#define PMC_GPE_NW_31_0 3
+#define PMC_GPE_NW_63_32 4
+#define PMC_GPE_NW_95_64 5
+#define PMC_GPE_N_31_0 6
+#define PMC_GPE_N_63_32 7
+#define PMC_GPE_W_31_0 9
+#define IRQ_REG 0x106c
+#define SCI_IRQ_SHIFT 24
+#define SCI_IRQ_MASK (0xff << SCI_IRQ_SHIFT)
+#define SCIS_IRQ9 9
+#define SCIS_IRQ10 10
+#define SCIS_IRQ11 11
+#define SCIS_IRQ20 20
+#define SCIS_IRQ21 21
+#define SCIS_IRQ22 22
+#define SCIS_IRQ23 23
+/* P-state configuration */
+#define PSS_MAX_ENTRIES 8
+#define PSS_RATIO_STEP 2
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* Track power state from reset to log events */
+struct __packed chipset_power_state {
+ u16 pm1_sts;
+ u16 pm1_en;
+ u32 pm1_cnt;
+ u32 gpe0_sts[GPE0_REG_MAX];
+ u32 gpe0_en[GPE0_REG_MAX];
+ u16 tco1_sts;
+ u16 tco2_sts;
+ u32 prsts;
+ u32 gen_pmcon1;
+ u32 gen_pmcon2;
+ u32 gen_pmcon3;
+ u32 prev_sleep_state;
+#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pmc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pmc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23ac8fe7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/pmc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef ASM_ARCH_PMC_H
+#define ASM_ARCH_PMC_H
+struct apl_pmc_plat {
+ struct dtd_intel_apl_pmc dtplat;
+ pci_dev_t bdf;
+#endif /* ASM_ARCH_PMC_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/systemagent.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/systemagent.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48e76c2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/systemagent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ * Take from coreboot project file of the same name
+ */
+/* Device 0:0.0 PCI configuration space */
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+struct udevice;
+#define MCHBAR 0x48
+/* RAPL Package Power Limit register under MCHBAR */
+#define BIOS_RESET_CPL 0x7078
+#define MCHBAR_RAPL_PPL 0x70A8
+#define CORE_DISABLE_MASK 0x7168
+#define CAPID0_A 0xE4
+#define VTD_DISABLE BIT(23)
+#define DEFVTBAR 0x6c80
+#define GFXVTBAR 0x6c88
+#define VTBAR_ENABLED 0x01
+#define VTBAR_MASK GENMASK_ULL(39, 12)
+#define VTBAR_SIZE 0x1000
+ * enable_bios_reset_cpl() - Tell the system agent that memory/power are ready
+ *
+ * This should be called when U-Boot has set up the memory and power
+ * management.
+ */
+void enable_bios_reset_cpl(void);
+ * sa_get_tolud_base() - Get the TOLUD base address
+ *
+ * This returns the Top Of Low Useable DRAM, marking the top of usable DRAM
+ * below 4GB
+ *
+ * @dev: hostbridge device
+ * @return TOLUD address
+ */
+ulong sa_get_tolud_base(struct udevice *dev);
+ * sa_get_gsm_base() - Get the GSM base address
+ *
+ * This returns the base of GTT Stolen Memory, marking the start of memory used
+ * for Graphics Translation Tables.
+ *
+ * @dev: hostbridge device
+ * @return GSM address
+ */
+ulong sa_get_gsm_base(struct udevice *dev);
+ * sa_get_tseg_base() - Get the TSEG base address
+ *
+ * This returns the top address of DRAM available below 4GB
+ *
+ * @return TSEG base
+ */
+ulong sa_get_tseg_base(struct udevice *dev);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/uart.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/uart.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3ca171b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-apollolake/uart.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_UART_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_UART_H
+#include <dt-structs.h>
+#include <ns16550.h>
+ * struct apl_ns16550_plat - platform data for the APL UART
+ *
+ * Note that when of-platdata is in use, apl_ns16550_of_to_plat() actually
+ * copies the ns16550_plat contents to the start of this struct, meaning that
+ * dtplat is no-longer valid. This is done so that the ns16550 driver can use
+ * dev_get_plat() without any offsets or adjustments.
+ */
+struct apl_ns16550_plat {
+ struct dtd_intel_apl_ns16550 dtplat;
+ struct ns16550_plat ns16550;
+ * apl_uart_init() - Set up the APL UART device and clock
+ *
+ * This enables the PCI device, sets up the MMIO region and turns on the clock
+ * using LPSS.
+ *
+ * The UART won't actually work unless the GPIO settings are correct and the
+ * signals actually exit the SoC. See board_debug_uart_init() for that.
+ */
+void apl_uart_init(pci_dev_t bdf, ulong base);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/global_nvs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/global_nvs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aaf87f473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/global_nvs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/global_nvs.h>
+OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, ACPI_GNVS_ADDR, ACPI_GNVS_SIZE)
+Field(GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ PCNT, 8, /* processor count */
+ IURE, 8, /* internal UART enabled */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/gpio.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/gpio.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abe37566c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/gpio.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/gpio.asl
+ */
+/* SouthCluster GPIO */
+Device (GPSC)
+ Name(_HID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_CID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_UID, 1)
+ Name(RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0, 0x1000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , ,)
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method(_CRS)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField(^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method(_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+/* NorthCluster GPIO */
+Device (GPNC)
+ Name(_HID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_CID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_UID, 2)
+ Name(RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0, 0x1000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , ,)
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method(_CRS)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField(^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method(_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+/* SUS GPIO */
+Device (GPSS)
+ Name(_HID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_CID, "INT33FC")
+ Name(_UID, 3)
+ Name(RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0, 0x1000, RMEM)
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveLow, Shared, , ,)
+ {
+ }
+ })
+ Method(_CRS)
+ {
+ CreateDwordField(^RBUF, ^RMEM._BAS, RBAS)
+ Return (^RBUF)
+ }
+ Method(_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/irqroute.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/irqroute.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57921f283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/irqroute.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/arch/device.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/lpc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/lpc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69455d90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/lpc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/lpc.asl
+ */
+/* Intel LPC Bus Device - 0:1f.0 */
+Scope (\)
+ /* Intel Legacy Block */
+ OperationRegion(ILBS, SystemMemory, ILB_BASE_ADDRESS, ILB_BASE_SIZE)
+ Field(ILBS, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ Offset (0x8),
+ PRTA, 8,
+ PRTB, 8,
+ PRTC, 8,
+ PRTD, 8,
+ PRTE, 8,
+ PRTF, 8,
+ PRTG, 8,
+ PRTH, 8,
+ Offset (0x88),
+ , 3,
+ UI3E, 1,
+ UI4E, 1
+ }
+Device (LPCB)
+ Name(_ADR, 0x001f0000)
+ OperationRegion(LPC0, PCI_Config, 0x00, 0x100)
+ Field(LPC0, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ Offset(0x08),
+ SRID, 8,
+ Offset(0x80),
+ C1EN, 1,
+ Offset(0x84)
+ }
+ #include <asm/acpi/irqlinks.asl>
+ /* Firmware Hub */
+ Device (FWH)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("INT0800"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadOnly, 0xff000000, 0x01000000)
+ })
+ }
+ /* 8259 Interrupt Controller */
+ Device (PIC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0000"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x20, 0x20, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x24, 0x24, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x28, 0x28, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x2c, 0x2c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x30, 0x30, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x34, 0x34, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x38, 0x38, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa4, 0xa4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xac, 0xac, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x4d0, 0x4d0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IRQNoFlags () { 2 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* 8254 timer */
+ Device (TIMR)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0100"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x40, 0x40, 0x01, 0x04)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x50, 0x50, 0x10, 0x04)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* HPET */
+ Device (HPET)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0103"))
+ Name(_CID, 0x010CD041)
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ })
+ Method(_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Internal UART */
+ Device (IURT)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0501"))
+ Name(_UID, 1)
+ Method(_STA, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (LEqual(IURE, 1)) {
+ Store(1, UI3E)
+ Store(1, UI4E)
+ Store(1, C1EN)
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ } Else {
+ Return (STA_MISSING)
+ }
+ }
+ Method(_DIS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Store(0, UI3E)
+ Store(0, UI4E)
+ Store(0, C1EN)
+ }
+ Name(BUF0, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x03f8, 0x03f8, 0x01, 0x08)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 3 }
+ })
+ Name(BUF1, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x03f8, 0x03f8, 0x01, 0x08)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 4 }
+ })
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ If (LLessEqual(SRID, 0x04)) {
+ Return (BUF0)
+ } Else {
+ Return (BUF1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Real Time Clock */
+ Device (RTC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0B00"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x70, 0x70, 1, 8)
+ /*
+ * Disable as Windows doesn't like it, and systems
+ * don't seem to use it
+ */
+ /* IRQNoFlags() { 8 } */
+ })
+ }
+ /* LPC device: Resource consumption */
+ Device (LDRC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C02"))
+ Name(_UID, 2)
+ Name(RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x61, 0x61, 0x1, 0x01) /* NMI Status */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x63, 0x63, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x65, 0x65, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x67, 0x67, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x80, 0x80, 0x1, 0x01) /* Port 80 Post */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x92, 0x92, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0x1, 0x02) /* SWSMI */
+ })
+ Method(_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/platform.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/platform.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5186fe0ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/platform.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/statdef.asl>
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+#include <asm/arch/irq.h>
+ * The _PTS method (Prepare To Sleep) is called before the OS is
+ * entering a sleep state. The sleep state number is passed in Arg0.
+ */
+Method(_PTS, 1)
+/* The _WAK method is called on system wakeup */
+Method(_WAK, 1)
+ Return (Package() {0, 0})
+/* ACPI global NVS */
+#include "global_nvs.asl"
+/* TODO: add CPU ASL support */
+Scope (\_SB)
+ #include "southcluster.asl"
+ /* ACPI devices */
+ #include "gpio.asl"
+/* Chipset specific sleep states */
+#include <asm/acpi/sleepstates.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/southcluster.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/southcluster.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b220c7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/southcluster.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/southcluster.asl
+ */
+Device (PCI0)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0A08")) /* PCIe */
+ Name(_CID, EISAID("PNP0A03")) /* PCI */
+ Name(_UID, 0)
+ Name(_BBN, 0)
+ Name(MCRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ /* Bus Numbers */
+ WordBusNumber(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0100, , , PB00)
+ /* IO Region 0 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0cf7, 0x0000, 0x0cf8, , , PI00)
+ /* PCI Config Space */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x0cf8, 0x0cf8, 0x0001, 0x0008)
+ /* IO Region 1 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xf300, , , PI01)
+ /* VGA memory (0xa0000-0xbffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000a0000, 0x000bffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00020000, , , ASEG)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc0000-0xc3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c0000, 0x000c3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR0)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc4000-0xc7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c4000, 0x000c7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR1)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc8000-0xcbfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c8000, 0x000cbfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR2)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xcc000-0xcffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000cc000, 0x000cffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR3)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd0000-0xd3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d0000, 0x000d3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR4)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd4000-0xd7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d4000, 0x000d7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR5)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd8000-0xdbfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d8000, 0x000dbfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR6)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xdc000-0xdffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000dc000, 0x000dffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR7)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe0000-0xe3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e0000, 0x000e3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG0)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe4000-0xe7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e4000, 0x000e7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG1)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe8000-0xebfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e8000, 0x000ebfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG2)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xec000-0xeffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000ec000, 0x000effff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG3)
+ /* System BIOS (0xf0000-0xfffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000f0000, 0x000fffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00010000, , , FSEG)
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, , , PMEM)
+ /* High PCI Memory Region */
+ QwordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, , , UMEM)
+ })
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Update PCI resource area */
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._MIN, PMIN)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._MAX, PMAX)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._LEN, PLEN)
+ /*
+ * Hardcode TOLM to 2GB for now as BayTrail FSP uses this value.
+ *
+ * TODO: for generic usage, read TOLM value from register, or
+ * from global NVS (not implemented by U-Boot yet).
+ */
+ Store(0x80000000, PMIN)
+ Store(Subtract(MCFG_BASE_ADDRESS, 1), PMAX)
+ Add(Subtract(PMAX, PMIN), 1, PLEN)
+ /* Update High PCI resource area */
+ CreateQwordField(MCRS, ^UMEM._MIN, UMIN)
+ CreateQwordField(MCRS, ^UMEM._MAX, UMAX)
+ CreateQwordField(MCRS, ^UMEM._LEN, ULEN)
+ /* Set base address to 16GB and allocate 48GB for PCI space */
+ Store(0x400000000, UMIN)
+ Store(0xc00000000, ULEN)
+ Add(UMIN, Subtract(ULEN, 1), UMAX)
+ Return (MCRS)
+ }
+ /* Device Resource Consumption */
+ Device (PDRC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C02"))
+ Name(_UID, 1)
+ Name(PDRS, ResourceTemplate() {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, SPI_BASE_ADDRESS, SPI_BASE_SIZE)
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, PMC_BASE_ADDRESS, PMC_BASE_SIZE)
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, ILB_BASE_ADDRESS, ILB_BASE_SIZE)
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (PDRS)
+ }
+ }
+ Method(_OSC, 4)
+ {
+ /* Check for proper GUID */
+ If (LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID("33DB4D5B-1FF7-401C-9657-7441C03DD766"))) {
+ /* Let OS control everything */
+ Return (Arg3)
+ } Else {
+ /* Unrecognized UUID */
+ CreateDWordField(Arg3, 0, CDW1)
+ Or(CDW1, 4, CDW1)
+ Return (Arg3)
+ }
+ }
+ /* LPC Bridge 0:1f.0 */
+ #include "lpc.asl"
+ /* USB EHCI 0:1d.0 */
+ #include "usb.asl"
+ /* USB XHCI 0:14.0 */
+ #include "xhci.asl"
+ /* IRQ routing for each PCI device */
+ #include <asm/acpi/irqroute.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/usb.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/usb.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78a7952cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/usb.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/usb.asl
+ */
+/* EHCI Controller 0:1d.0 */
+Device (EHC1)
+ Name(_ADR, 0x001d0000)
+ /* Power Resources for Wake */
+ Name(_PRW, Package() { 13, 4 })
+ /* Highest D state in S3 state */
+ Name(_S3D, 2)
+ /* Highest D state in S4 state */
+ Name(_S4D, 2)
+ Device (HUB7)
+ {
+ Name(_ADR, 0x00000000)
+ Device(PRT1) { Name(_ADR, 1) } /* USB Port 0 */
+ Device(PRT2) { Name(_ADR, 2) } /* USB Port 1 */
+ Device(PRT3) { Name(_ADR, 3) } /* USB Port 2 */
+ Device(PRT4) { Name(_ADR, 4) } /* USB Port 3 */
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/xhci.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/xhci.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13cb429b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/acpi/xhci.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/acpi/xhci.asl
+ */
+/* XHCI Controller 0:14.0 */
+Device (XHCI)
+ Name(_ADR, 0x00140000)
+ /* Power Resources for Wake */
+ Name(_PRW, Package() { 13, 3 })
+ /* Highest D state in S3 state */
+ Name(_S3D, 3)
+ Device (RHUB)
+ {
+ Name(_ADR, 0x00000000)
+ Device (PRT1) { Name(_ADR, 1) } /* USB Port 0 */
+ Device (PRT2) { Name(_ADR, 2) } /* USB Port 1 */
+ Device (PRT3) { Name(_ADR, 3) } /* USB Port 2 */
+ Device (PRT4) { Name(_ADR, 4) } /* USB Port 3 */
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/device.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3872cf06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/include/soc/pci_devs.h
+ */
+#ifndef _DEVICE_H_
+#define _DEVICE_H_
+ * Internal PCI device numbers within the SoC.
+ *
+ * Note it must start with 0x_ prefix, as the device number macro will be
+ * included in the ACPI ASL files (see irq_helper.h and irq_route.h).
+ */
+/* SoC transaction router */
+#define SOC_DEV 0x00
+/* Graphics and Display */
+#define GFX_DEV 0x02
+/* MIPI */
+#define MIPI_DEV 0x03
+/* EMMC Port */
+#define EMMC_DEV 0x10
+/* SDIO Port */
+#define SDIO_DEV 0x11
+/* SD Port */
+#define SD_DEV 0x12
+/* SATA */
+#define SATA_DEV 0x13
+/* xHCI */
+#define XHCI_DEV 0x14
+/* LPE Audio */
+#define LPE_DEV 0x15
+/* OTG */
+#define OTG_DEV 0x16
+/* MMC45 Port */
+#define MMC45_DEV 0x17
+/* Serial IO 1 */
+#define SIO1_DEV 0x18
+/* Trusted Execution Engine */
+#define TXE_DEV 0x1a
+/* HD Audio */
+#define HDA_DEV 0x1b
+/* PCIe Ports */
+#define PCIE_DEV 0x1c
+/* EHCI */
+#define EHCI_DEV 0x1d
+/* Serial IO 2 */
+#define SIO2_DEV 0x1e
+/* Platform Controller Unit */
+#define PCU_DEV 0x1f
+#endif /* _DEVICE_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_configs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_configs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd48705ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_configs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+struct fsp_config_data {
+ struct fsp_cfg_common common;
+ struct upd_region fsp_upd;
+struct fspinit_rtbuf {
+ struct common_buf common; /* FSP common runtime data structure */
+/* FSP user configuration settings */
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_1024MB 0x400
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_1536MB 0x600
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_2048MB 0x800
+#define EMMC_BOOT_MODE_EMMC41 2
+#define EMMC_BOOT_MODE_EMCC45 3
+#define SATA_MODE_IDE 0
+#define SATA_MODE_AHCI 1
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_32MB 0x01
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_64MB 0x02
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_96MB 0x03
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_128MB 0x04
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_160MB 0x05
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_192MB 0x06
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_224MB 0x07
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_256MB 0x08
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_288MB 0x09
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_320MB 0x0a
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_352MB 0x0b
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_384MB 0x0c
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_416MB 0x0d
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_448MB 0x0e
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_480MB 0x0f
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_512MB 0x10
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_128MB 1
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_256MB 2
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_512MB 3
+#define GTT_SIZE_1MB 1
+#define GTT_SIZE_2MB 2
+#define DRAM_SPEED_800MTS 0
+#define DRAM_SPEED_1066MTS 1
+#define DRAM_SPEED_1333MTS 2
+#define DRAM_SPEED_1600MTS 3
+#define DRAM_TYPE_DDR3 0
+#define DRAM_TYPE_DDR3L 1
+#define DRAM_TYPE_DDR3ECC 2
+#define DRAM_TYPE_LPDDR2 4
+#define DRAM_TYPE_LPDDR3 5
+#define DRAM_TYPE_DDR4 6
+#define DIMM_WIDTH_X8 0
+#define DIMM_WIDTH_X16 1
+#define DIMM_WIDTH_X32 2
+#define DIMM_BUS_WIDTH_16BITS 1
+#define DIMM_BUS_WIDTH_32BITS 2
+#define DIMM_BUS_WIDTH_64BITS 3
+#define DIMM_SIDES_1RANKS 0
+#define DIMM_SIDES_2RANKS 1
+#define LPE_MODE_PCI 1
+#define LPE_MODE_ACPI 2
+#define LPSS_SIO_MODE_PCI 1
+#define SCC_MODE_ACPI 0
+#define SCC_MODE_PCI 1
+#endif /* __FSP_CONFIGS_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_vpd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6544ea40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_VPD_H
+#define __FSP_VPD_H
+struct memory_down_data {
+ uint8_t enable_memory_down;
+ uint8_t dram_speed;
+ uint8_t dram_type;
+ uint8_t dimm_0_enable;
+ uint8_t dimm_1_enable;
+ uint8_t dimm_width;
+ uint8_t dimm_density;
+ uint8_t dimm_bus_width;
+ uint8_t dimm_sides; /* Ranks Per dimm_ */
+ uint8_t dimm_tcl; /* tCL */
+ /* tRP and tRCD in DRAM clk - 5:12.5ns, 6:15ns, etc. */
+ uint8_t dimm_trpt_rcd;
+ uint8_t dimm_twr; /* tWR in DRAM clk */
+ uint8_t dimm_twtr; /* tWTR in DRAM clk */
+ uint8_t dimm_trrd; /* tRRD in DRAM clk */
+ uint8_t dimm_trtp; /* tRTP in DRAM clk */
+ uint8_t dimm_tfaw; /* tFAW in DRAM clk */
+struct __packed upd_region {
+ uint64_t signature; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ uint8_t reserved0[24]; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ uint16_t mrc_init_tseg_size; /* Offset 0x0020 */
+ uint16_t mrc_init_mmio_size; /* Offset 0x0022 */
+ uint8_t mrc_init_spd_addr1; /* Offset 0x0024 */
+ uint8_t mrc_init_spd_addr2; /* Offset 0x0025 */
+ uint8_t emmc_boot_mode; /* Offset 0x0026 */
+ uint8_t enable_sdio; /* Offset 0x0027 */
+ uint8_t enable_sdcard; /* Offset 0x0028 */
+ uint8_t enable_hsuart0; /* Offset 0x0029 */
+ uint8_t enable_hsuart1; /* Offset 0x002a */
+ uint8_t enable_spi; /* Offset 0x002b */
+ uint8_t reserved1; /* Offset 0x002c */
+ uint8_t enable_sata; /* Offset 0x002d */
+ uint8_t sata_mode; /* Offset 0x002e */
+ uint8_t enable_azalia; /* Offset 0x002f */
+ struct azalia_config *azalia_cfg_ptr; /* Offset 0x0030 */
+ uint8_t enable_xhci; /* Offset 0x0034 */
+ uint8_t lpe_mode; /* Offset 0x0035 */
+ uint8_t lpss_sio_mode; /* Offset 0x0036 */
+ uint8_t enable_dma0; /* Offset 0x0037 */
+ uint8_t enable_dma1; /* Offset 0x0038 */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c0; /* Offset 0x0039 */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c1; /* Offset 0x003a */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c2; /* Offset 0x003b */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c3; /* Offset 0x003c */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c4; /* Offset 0x003d */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c5; /* Offset 0x003e */
+ uint8_t enable_i2_c6; /* Offset 0x003f */
+ uint8_t enable_pwm0; /* Offset 0x0040 */
+ uint8_t enable_pwm1; /* Offset 0x0041 */
+ uint8_t enable_hsi; /* Offset 0x0042 */
+ uint8_t igd_dvmt50_pre_alloc; /* Offset 0x0043 */
+ uint8_t aperture_size; /* Offset 0x0044 */
+ uint8_t gtt_size; /* Offset 0x0045 */
+ uint8_t reserved2[5]; /* Offset 0x0046 */
+ uint8_t mrc_debug_msg; /* Offset 0x004b */
+ uint8_t isp_enable; /* Offset 0x004c */
+ uint8_t scc_mode; /* Offset 0x004d */
+ uint8_t igd_render_standby; /* Offset 0x004e */
+ uint8_t txe_uma_enable; /* Offset 0x004f */
+ uint8_t os_selection; /* Offset 0x0050 */
+ uint8_t emmc45_ddr50_enabled; /* Offset 0x0051 */
+ uint8_t emmc45_hs200_enabled; /* Offset 0x0052 */
+ uint8_t emmc45_retune_timer_value; /* Offset 0x0053 */
+ uint8_t enable_igd; /* Offset 0x0054 */
+ uint8_t unused_upd_space1[155]; /* Offset 0x0055 */
+ struct memory_down_data memory_params; /* Offset 0x00f0 */
+ uint16_t terminator; /* Offset 0x0100 */
+#define VPD_IMAGE_ID 0x3157454956594C56 /* 'VLYVIEW1' */
+struct __packed vpd_region {
+ uint64_t sign; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ uint32_t img_rev; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ uint32_t upd_offset; /* Offset 0x000c */
+ uint8_t unused[16]; /* Offset 0x0010 */
+ uint32_t fsp_res_memlen; /* Offset 0x0020 */
+ uint8_t platform_type; /* Offset 0x0024 */
+ uint8_t enable_secure_boot; /* Offset 0x0025 */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/global_nvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/global_nvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1072e3ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/global_nvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+#define _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+struct __packed acpi_global_nvs {
+ u8 pcnt; /* processor count */
+ u8 iuart_en; /* internal UART enabled */
+ /*
+ * Add padding so sizeof(struct acpi_global_nvs) == 0x100.
+ * This must match the size defined in the global_nvs.asl.
+ */
+ u8 rsvd[254];
+#endif /* _GLOBAL_NVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..752dae0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/include/soc/iomap.h
+ */
+/* Memory Mapped IO bases */
+/* PCI Configuration Space */
+#define MCFG_BASE_SIZE 0x10000000
+/* Temporary Base Address */
+#define TEMP_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfd000000
+/* Transactions in this range will abort */
+#define ABORT_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfeb00000
+#define ABORT_BASE_SIZE 0x00100000
+/* High Performance Event Timer */
+#define HPET_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed00000
+#define HPET_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* SPI Bus */
+#define SPI_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed01000
+#define SPI_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* Power Management Controller */
+#define PMC_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed03000
+#define PMC_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+#define GEN_PMCON1 0x20
+#define UART_EN (1 << 24)
+#define DISB (1 << 23)
+#define MEM_SR (1 << 21)
+#define SRS (1 << 20)
+#define CTS (1 << 19)
+#define MS4V (1 << 18)
+#define PWR_FLR (1 << 16)
+#define PME_B0_S5_DIS (1 << 15)
+#define SUS_PWR_FLR (1 << 14)
+#define WOL_EN_OVRD (1 << 13)
+#define DIS_SLP_X_STRCH_SUS_UP (1 << 12)
+#define GEN_RST_STS (1 << 9)
+#define RPS (1 << 2)
+#define AFTERG3_EN (1 << 0)
+#define GEN_PMCON2 0x24
+#define SLPSX_STR_POL_LOCK (1 << 18)
+#define BIOS_PCI_EXP_EN (1 << 10)
+#define PWRBTN_LVL (1 << 9)
+#define SMI_LOCK (1 << 4)
+/* Power Management Unit */
+#define PUNIT_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed05000
+#define PUNIT_BASE_SIZE 0x800
+/* Intel Legacy Block */
+#define ILB_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed08000
+#define ILB_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* IO Memory */
+#define IO_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed0c000
+#define IO_BASE_OFFSET_GPSCORE 0x0000
+#define IO_BASE_OFFSET_GPNCORE 0x1000
+#define IO_BASE_OFFSET_GPSSUS 0x2000
+#define IO_BASE_SIZE 0x4000
+/* Root Complex Base Address */
+#define RCBA_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed1c000
+#define RCBA_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* MODPHY */
+#define MPHY_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfef00000
+#define MPHY_BASE_SIZE 0x100000
+/* IO Port bases */
+#define ACPI_BASE_ADDRESS 0x0400
+#define ACPI_BASE_SIZE 0x80
+#define PM1_STS 0x00
+#define PM1_CNT 0x04
+#define GPIO_BASE_ADDRESS 0x0500
+#define GPIO_BASE_SIZE 0x100
+#define SMBUS_BASE_ADDRESS 0xefa0
+#endif /* _BAYTRAIL_IOMAP_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/irq.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/irq.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fda3f590f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-baytrail/irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/baytrail/include/soc/irq.h
+ */
+#ifndef _BAYTRAIL_IRQ_H_
+#define _BAYTRAIL_IRQ_H_
+#define PIRQA_APIC_IRQ 16
+#define PIRQB_APIC_IRQ 17
+#define PIRQC_APIC_IRQ 18
+#define PIRQD_APIC_IRQ 19
+#define PIRQE_APIC_IRQ 20
+#define PIRQF_APIC_IRQ 21
+#define PIRQG_APIC_IRQ 22
+#define PIRQH_APIC_IRQ 23
+/* The below IRQs are for when devices are in ACPI mode */
+#define LPE_DMA0_IRQ 24
+#define LPE_DMA1_IRQ 25
+#define LPE_SSP0_IRQ 26
+#define LPE_SSP1_IRQ 27
+#define LPE_SSP2_IRQ 28
+#define LPE_IPC2HOST_IRQ 29
+#define LPSS_I2C1_IRQ 32
+#define LPSS_I2C2_IRQ 33
+#define LPSS_I2C3_IRQ 34
+#define LPSS_I2C4_IRQ 35
+#define LPSS_I2C5_IRQ 36
+#define LPSS_I2C6_IRQ 37
+#define LPSS_I2C7_IRQ 38
+#define LPSS_HSUART1_IRQ 39
+#define LPSS_HSUART2_IRQ 40
+#define LPSS_SPI_IRQ 41
+#define LPSS_DMA1_IRQ 42
+#define LPSS_DMA2_IRQ 43
+#define SCC_EMMC_IRQ 44
+#define SCC_SDIO_IRQ 46
+#define SCC_SD_IRQ 47
+#define GPIO_NC_IRQ 48
+#define GPIO_SC_IRQ 49
+#define GPIO_SUS_IRQ 50
+/* GPIO direct / dedicated IRQs */
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_0 51
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_1 52
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_2 53
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_3 54
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_4 55
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_5 56
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_6 57
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_7 58
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_8 59
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_9 60
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_10 61
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_11 62
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_12 63
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_13 64
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_14 65
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_15 66
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_0 67
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_1 68
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_2 69
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_3 70
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_4 71
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_5 72
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_6 73
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_7 74
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_8 75
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_9 76
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_10 77
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_11 78
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_12 79
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_13 80
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_14 81
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_15 82
+/* DIRQs - Two levels of expansion to evaluate to numeric constants for ASL */
+#define _GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ(slot) GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ_##slot
+#define _GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ(slot) GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ_##slot
+#define GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ(slot) _GPIO_S0_DED_IRQ(slot)
+#define GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ(slot) _GPIO_S5_DED_IRQ(slot)
+#endif /* _BAYTRAIL_IRQ_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_configs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_configs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4425dcb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_configs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+struct fsp_config_data {
+ struct fsp_cfg_common common;
+ struct upd_region fsp_upd;
+struct fspinit_rtbuf {
+ struct common_buf common; /* FSP common runtime data structure */
+/* FSP user configuration settings */
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_1024MB 0x400
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_1536MB 0x600
+#define MRC_INIT_MMIO_SIZE_2048MB 0x800
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_32MB 0x01
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_64MB 0x02
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_96MB 0x03
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_128MB 0x04
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_160MB 0x05
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_192MB 0x06
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_224MB 0x07
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_256MB 0x08
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_288MB 0x09
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_320MB 0x0a
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_352MB 0x0b
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_384MB 0x0c
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_416MB 0x0d
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_448MB 0x0e
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_480MB 0x0f
+#define IGD_DVMT50_PRE_ALLOC_512MB 0x10
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_128MB 1
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_256MB 2
+#define APERTURE_SIZE_512MB 3
+#define GTT_SIZE_1MB 1
+#define GTT_SIZE_2MB 2
+#define DRAM_TYPE_DDR3 0
+#define DRAM_TYPE_LPDDR3 1
+#define SDCARD_MODE_PCI 1
+#define LPE_MODE_PCI 1
+#define LPE_MODE_ACPI 2
+#define CHV_SVID_CONFIG_0 0
+#define CHV_SVID_CONFIG_1 1
+#define CHV_SVID_CONFIG_2 2
+#define CHV_SVID_CONFIG_3 3
+#define EMMC_MODE_PCI 1
+#define EMMC_MODE_ACPI 2
+#define SATA_SPEED_GEN1 1
+#define SATA_SPEED_GEN2 2
+#define SATA_SPEED_GEN3 3
+#define ISP_PCI_DEV_CONFIG_1 1
+#define ISP_PCI_DEV_CONFIG_2 2
+#define ISP_PCI_DEV_CONFIG_3 3
+#endif /* __FSP_CONFIGS_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_vpd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2260ae90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_VPD_H__
+#define __FSP_VPD_H__
+#include <stddef.h>
+struct __packed memory_upd {
+ u64 signature; /* Offset 0x0020 */
+ u8 revision; /* Offset 0x0028 */
+ u8 unused2[7]; /* Offset 0x0029 */
+ u16 mrc_init_tseg_size; /* Offset 0x0030 */
+ u16 mrc_init_mmio_size; /* Offset 0x0032 */
+ u8 mrc_init_spd_addr1; /* Offset 0x0034 */
+ u8 mrc_init_spd_addr2; /* Offset 0x0035 */
+ u8 mem_ch0_config; /* Offset 0x0036 */
+ u8 mem_ch1_config; /* Offset 0x0037 */
+ u32 memory_spd_ptr; /* Offset 0x0038 */
+ u8 igd_dvmt50_pre_alloc; /* Offset 0x003c */
+ u8 aperture_size; /* Offset 0x003d */
+ u8 gtt_size; /* Offset 0x003e */
+ u8 legacy_seg_decode; /* Offset 0x003f */
+ u8 enable_dvfs; /* Offset 0x0040 */
+ u8 memory_type; /* Offset 0x0041 */
+ u8 enable_ca_mirror; /* Offset 0x0042 */
+ u8 reserved[189]; /* Offset 0x0043 */
+struct gpio_family {
+ u32 confg;
+ u32 confg_changes;
+ u32 misc;
+ u32 mmio_addr;
+ wchar_t *name;
+struct gpio_pad {
+ u32 confg0;
+ u32 confg0_changes;
+ u32 confg1;
+ u32 confg1_changes;
+ u32 community;
+ u32 mmio_addr;
+ wchar_t *name;
+ u32 misc;
+struct __packed silicon_upd {
+ u64 signature; /* Offset 0x0100 */
+ u8 revision; /* Offset 0x0108 */
+ u8 unused3[7]; /* Offset 0x0109 */
+ u8 sdcard_mode; /* Offset 0x0110 */
+ u8 enable_hsuart0; /* Offset 0x0111 */
+ u8 enable_hsuart1; /* Offset 0x0112 */
+ u8 enable_azalia; /* Offset 0x0113 */
+ struct azalia_config *azalia_cfg_ptr; /* Offset 0x0114 */
+ u8 enable_sata; /* Offset 0x0118 */
+ u8 enable_xhci; /* Offset 0x0119 */
+ u8 lpe_mode; /* Offset 0x011a */
+ u8 enable_dma0; /* Offset 0x011b */
+ u8 enable_dma1; /* Offset 0x011c */
+ u8 enable_i2c0; /* Offset 0x011d */
+ u8 enable_i2c1; /* Offset 0x011e */
+ u8 enable_i2c2; /* Offset 0x011f */
+ u8 enable_i2c3; /* Offset 0x0120 */
+ u8 enable_i2c4; /* Offset 0x0121 */
+ u8 enable_i2c5; /* Offset 0x0122 */
+ u8 enable_i2c6; /* Offset 0x0123 */
+ u32 graphics_config_ptr; /* Offset 0x0124 */
+ struct gpio_family *gpio_familiy_ptr; /* Offset 0x0128 */
+ struct gpio_pad *gpio_pad_ptr; /* Offset 0x012c */
+ u8 disable_punit_pwr_config; /* Offset 0x0130 */
+ u8 chv_svid_config; /* Offset 0x0131 */
+ u8 disable_dptf; /* Offset 0x0132 */
+ u8 emmc_mode; /* Offset 0x0133 */
+ u8 usb3_clk_ssc; /* Offset 0x0134 */
+ u8 disp_clk_ssc; /* Offset 0x0135 */
+ u8 sata_clk_ssc; /* Offset 0x0136 */
+ u8 usb2_port0_pe_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0137 */
+ u8 usb2_port0_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0138 */
+ u8 usb2_port0_tx_emphasis_en; /* Offset 0x0139 */
+ u8 usb2_port0_tx_pe_half; /* Offset 0x013a */
+ u8 usb2_port1_pe_txi_set; /* Offset 0x013b */
+ u8 usb2_port1_txi_set; /* Offset 0x013c */
+ u8 usb2_port1_tx_emphasis_en; /* Offset 0x013d */
+ u8 usb2_port1_tx_pe_half; /* Offset 0x013e */
+ u8 usb2_port2_pe_txi_set; /* Offset 0x013f */
+ u8 usb2_port2_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0140 */
+ u8 usb2_port2_tx_emphasis_en; /* Offset 0x0141 */
+ u8 usb2_port2_tx_pe_half; /* Offset 0x0142 */
+ u8 usb2_port3_pe_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0143 */
+ u8 usb2_port3_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0144 */
+ u8 usb2_port3_tx_emphasis_en; /* Offset 0x0145 */
+ u8 usb2_port3_tx_pe_half; /* Offset 0x0146 */
+ u8 usb2_port4_pe_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0147 */
+ u8 usb2_port4_txi_set; /* Offset 0x0148 */
+ u8 usb2_port4_tx_emphasis_en; /* Offset 0x0149 */
+ u8 usb2_port4_tx_pe_half; /* Offset 0x014a */
+ u8 usb3_lane0_ow2tap_gen2_deemph3p5; /* Offset 0x014b */
+ u8 usb3_lane1_ow2tap_gen2_deemph3p5; /* Offset 0x014c */
+ u8 usb3_lane2_ow2tap_gen2_deemph3p5; /* Offset 0x014d */
+ u8 usb3_lane3_ow2tap_gen2_deemph3p5; /* Offset 0x014e */
+ u8 sata_speed; /* Offset 0x014f */
+ u8 usb_ssic_port; /* Offset 0x0150 */
+ u8 usb_hsic_port; /* Offset 0x0151 */
+ u8 pcie_rootport_speed; /* Offset 0x0152 */
+ u8 enable_ssic; /* Offset 0x0153 */
+ u32 logo_ptr; /* Offset 0x0154 */
+ u32 logo_size; /* Offset 0x0158 */
+ u8 rtc_lock; /* Offset 0x015c */
+ u8 pmic_i2c_bus; /* Offset 0x015d */
+ u8 enable_isp; /* Offset 0x015e */
+ u8 isp_pci_dev_config; /* Offset 0x015f */
+ u8 turbo_mode; /* Offset 0x0160 */
+ u8 pnp_settings; /* Offset 0x0161 */
+ u8 sd_detect_chk; /* Offset 0x0162 */
+ u8 reserved[411]; /* Offset 0x0163 */
+#define MEMORY_UPD_ID 0x244450554d454d24 /* '$MEMUPD$' */
+#define SILICON_UPD_ID 0x244450555f495324 /* '$SI_UPD$' */
+struct __packed upd_region {
+ u64 signature; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ u8 revision; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ u8 unused0[7]; /* Offset 0x0009 */
+ u32 memory_upd_offset; /* Offset 0x0010 */
+ u32 silicon_upd_offset; /* Offset 0x0014 */
+ u64 unused1; /* Offset 0x0018 */
+ struct memory_upd memory_upd; /* Offset 0x0020 */
+ struct silicon_upd silicon_upd; /* Offset 0x0100 */
+ u16 terminator; /* Offset 0x02fe */
+#define VPD_IMAGE_ID 0x2450534657534224 /* '$BSWFSP$' */
+struct __packed vpd_region {
+ u64 sign; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ u32 img_rev; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ u32 upd_offset; /* Offset 0x000c */
+#endif /* __FSP_VPD_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/gpio.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8389e556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * From coreboot src/soc/intel/braswell/include/soc/gpio.h
+ */
+#ifndef _BRASWELL_GPIO_H_
+#define _BRASWELL_GPIO_H_
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+enum mode_list {
+ M0,
+ M1,
+ M2,
+ M3,
+ M4,
+ M5,
+ M6,
+ M7,
+ M8,
+ M9,
+ M10,
+ M11,
+ M12,
+ M13,
+enum int_select {
+ L0,
+ L1,
+ L2,
+ L3,
+ L4,
+ L5,
+ L6,
+ L7,
+ L8,
+ L9,
+ L10,
+ L11,
+ L12,
+ L13,
+ L14,
+ L15,
+enum gpio_en {
+ NATIVE = 0xff,
+ GPIO = 0, /* Native, no need to set PAD_VALUE */
+ GPO = 1, /* GPO, output only in PAD_VALUE */
+ GPI = 2, /* GPI, input only in PAD_VALUE */
+ HI_Z = 3,
+ NA_GPO = 0,
+enum gpio_state {
+ LOW,
+enum en_dis {
+ DISABLE, /* Disable */
+ ENABLE, /* Enable */
+enum int_type {
+enum mask {
+enum glitch_cfg {
+enum inv_rx_tx {
+ INV_RX_DATA = 4,
+ INV_TX_DATA = 8,
+enum voltage {
+ VOLT_3_3, /* Working on 3.3 Volts */
+ VOLT_1_8, /* Working on 1.8 Volts */
+enum hs_mode {
+ DISABLE_HS, /* Disable high speed mode */
+ ENABLE_HS, /* Enable high speed mode */
+enum odt_up_dn {
+ PULL_UP, /* On Die Termination Up */
+ PULL_DOWN, /* On Die Termination Down */
+enum odt_en {
+ DISABLE_OD, /* On Die Termination Disable */
+ ENABLE_OD, /* On Die Termination Enable */
+enum pull_type {
+ P_NONE = 0, /* Pull None */
+ P_20K_L = 1, /* Pull Down 20K */
+ P_5K_L = 2, /* Pull Down 5K */
+ P_1K_L = 4, /* Pull Down 1K */
+ P_20K_H = 9, /* Pull Up 20K */
+ P_5K_H = 10, /* Pull Up 5K */
+ P_1K_H = 12 /* Pull Up 1K */
+enum bit {
+ ONE_BIT = 1,
+ TWO_BIT = 3,
+ THREE_BIT = 7,
+ FOUR_BIT = 15,
+ FIVE_BIT = 31,
+ SIX_BIT = 63,
+ SEVEN_BIT = 127,
+ EIGHT_BIT = 255
+enum gpe_config {
+ GPE,
+ SMI,
+ SCI,
+enum community {
+ SOUTHWEST = 0x0000,
+ NORTH = 0x8000,
+ EAST = 0x10000,
+ SOUTHEAST = 0x18000,
+ VIRTUAL = 0x20000,
+#define NA 0xff
+#define TERMINATOR 0xffffffff
+#define GPIO_FAMILY_CONF(family_name, park_mode, hysctl, vp18_mode, hs_mode, \
+ odt_up_dn, odt_en, curr_src_str, rcomp, family_no, community_offset) { \
+ .confg = ((((park_mode) != NA) ? park_mode << 26 : 0) | \
+ (((hysctl) != NA) ? hysctl << 24 : 0) | \
+ (((vp18_mode) != NA) ? vp18_mode << 21 : 0) | \
+ (((hs_mode) != NA) ? hs_mode << 19 : 0) | \
+ (((odt_up_dn) != NA) ? odt_up_dn << 18 : 0) | \
+ (((odt_en) != NA) ? odt_en << 17 : 0) | \
+ (curr_src_str)), \
+ .confg_changes = ((((park_mode) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 26 : 0) | \
+ (((hysctl) != NA) ? TWO_BIT << 24 : 0) | \
+ (((vp18_mode) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 21 : 0) | \
+ (((hs_mode) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 19 : 0) | \
+ (((odt_up_dn) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 18 : 0) | \
+ (((odt_en) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 17 : 0) | \
+ (THREE_BIT)), \
+ .misc = ((rcomp == ENABLE) ? 1 : 0) , \
+ .mmio_addr = (community_offset == TERMINATOR) ? TERMINATOR : \
+ ((family_no != NA) ? (IO_BASE_ADDRESS + community_offset +\
+ (0x80 * family_no) + 0x1080) : 0) , \
+ .name = 0 \
+#define GPIO_PAD_CONF(pad_name, mode_select, mode, gpio_config, gpio_state, \
+ gpio_light_mode, int_type, int_sel, term, open_drain, current_source,\
+ int_mask, glitch, inv_rx_tx, wake_mask, wake_mask_bit, gpe, \
+ mmio_offset, community_offset) { \
+ .confg0 = ((((int_sel) != NA) ? (int_sel << 28) : 0) | \
+ (((glitch) != NA) ? (glitch << 26) : 0) | \
+ (((term) != NA) ? (term << 20) : 0) | \
+ (((mode_select) == GPIO) ? ((mode << 16) | (1 << 15)) : \
+ ((mode << 16))) | \
+ (((gpio_config) != NA) ? (gpio_config << 8) : 0) | \
+ (((gpio_light_mode) != NA) ? (gpio_light_mode << 7) : 0) | \
+ (((gpio_state) == HIGH) ? 2 : 0)), \
+ .confg0_changes = ((((int_sel) != NA) ? (FOUR_BIT << 28) : 0) | \
+ (((glitch) != NA) ? (TWO_BIT << 26) : 0) | \
+ (((term) != NA) ? (FOUR_BIT << 20) : 0) | \
+ (FIVE_BIT << 15) | \
+ (((gpio_config) != NA) ? (THREE_BIT << 8) : 0) | \
+ (((gpio_light_mode) != NA) ? (ONE_BIT << 7) : 0) | \
+ (((gpio_state) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 1 : 0)), \
+ .confg1 = ((((current_source) != NA) ? (current_source << 27) : 0) | \
+ (((inv_rx_tx) != NA) ? inv_rx_tx << 4 : 0) | \
+ (((open_drain) != NA) ? open_drain << 3 : 0) | \
+ (((int_type) != NA) ? int_type : 0)), \
+ .confg1_changes = ((((current_source) != NA) ? (ONE_BIT << 27) : 0) | \
+ (((inv_rx_tx) != NA) ? FOUR_BIT << 4 : 0) | \
+ (((open_drain) != NA) ? ONE_BIT << 3 : 0) | \
+ (((int_type) != NA) ? THREE_BIT : 0)), \
+ .community = community_offset, \
+ .mmio_addr = (community_offset == TERMINATOR) ? TERMINATOR : \
+ ((mmio_offset != NA) ? (IO_BASE_ADDRESS + \
+ community_offset + mmio_offset) : 0), \
+ .name = 0, \
+ .misc = ((((gpe) != NA) ? (gpe << 0) : 0) | \
+ (((wake_mask) != NA) ? (wake_mask << 2) : 0) | \
+ (((int_mask) != NA) ? (int_mask << 3) : 0)) | \
+ (((wake_mask_bit) != NA) ? (wake_mask_bit << 4) : (NA << 4)) \
+#endif /* _BRASWELL_GPIO_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..873d331f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-braswell/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+/* Memory Mapped IO bases */
+/* Power Management Controller */
+#define PMC_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed03000
+#define PMC_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* Power Management Unit */
+#define PUNIT_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed05000
+#define PUNIT_BASE_SIZE 0x800
+/* Intel Legacy Block */
+#define ILB_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed08000
+#define ILB_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* SPI Bus */
+#define SPI_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed01000
+#define SPI_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* Root Complex Base Address */
+#define RCBA_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed1c000
+#define RCBA_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* IO Memory */
+#define IO_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed80000
+#define IO_BASE_SIZE 0x4000
+/* MODPHY */
+#define MPHY_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfef00000
+#define MPHY_BASE_SIZE 0x100000
+/* IO Port bases */
+#define ACPI_BASE_ADDRESS 0x400
+#define ACPI_BASE_SIZE 0x80
+#define GPIO_BASE_ADDRESS 0x500
+#define GPIO_BASE_SIZE 0x100
+#define SMBUS_BASE_ADDRESS 0xefa0
+#endif /* _BRASWELL_IOMAP_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/adsp.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/adsp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5a1f73bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/adsp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Support for Intel Application Digital Signal Processor
+ *
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot file of the same name
+ */
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#define ADSP_PCI_IRQ 23
+#define ADSP_ACPI_IRQ 3
+#define ADSP_SHIM_BASE_LPT 0xe7000
+#define ADSP_SHIM_BASE_WPT 0xfb000
+#define ADSP_SHIM_LTRC 0xe0
+#define ADSP_SHIM_LTRC_VALUE 0x3003
+#define ADSP_SHIM_IMC 0x28
+#define ADSP_SHIM_IPCD 0x40
+#define ADSP_PCI_VDRTCTL0 0xa0
+#define ADSP_PCI_VDRTCTL1 0xa4
+#define ADSP_PCI_VDRTCTL2 0xa8
+#define ADSP_VDRTCTL2_VALUE 0x00000fff
+#define ADSP_IOBP_VDLDAT1 0xd7000624
+#define ADSP_VDLDAT1_VALUE 0x00040100
+#define ADSP_IOBP_VDLDAT2 0xd7000628
+#define ADSP_IOBP_ACPI_IRQ3 0xd9d8
+#define ADSP_IOBP_ACPI_IRQ3I 0xd8d9
+#define ADSP_IOBP_ACPI_IRQ4 0xdbda
+#define ADSP_IOBP_PMCTL 0xd70001e0
+#define ADSP_PMCTL_VALUE 0x3f
+#define ADSP_IOBP_PCICFGCTL 0xd7000500
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/cpu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b39a76fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __asm_arch_cpu_h
+#define __asm_arch_cpu_h
+/* CPU types */
+#define HASWELL_FAMILY_ULT 0x40650
+#define BROADWELL_FAMILY_ULT 0x306d0
+/* Supported CPUIDs */
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_A0 0x306c1
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_B0 0x306c2
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_C0 0x306c3
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_ULT_B0 0x40650
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_ULT 0x40651
+#define CPUID_HASWELL_HALO 0x40661
+#define CPUID_BROADWELL_C0 0x306d2
+#define CPUID_BROADWELL_D0 0x306d3
+#define CPUID_BROADWELL_E0 0x306d4
+#define BROADWELL_FAMILY_ULT 0x306d0
+#define MSR_VR_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x601
+#define MSR_VR_MISC_CONFIG 0x603
+#define MSR_DDR_RAPL_LIMIT 0x618
+#define MSR_VR_MISC_CONFIG2 0x636
+/* Latency times in units of 1024ns. */
+void cpu_set_power_limits(int power_limit_1_time);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/gpio.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..393230e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * From Coreboot src/soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/gpio.h
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_GPIO
+#define __ASM_ARCH_GPIO
+#define GPIO_PER_BANK 32
+#define GPIO_BANKS 3
+struct broadwell_bank_plat {
+ uint16_t base_addr;
+ const char *bank_name;
+ int bank;
+/* PCH-LP GPIOBASE Registers */
+struct pch_lp_gpio_regs {
+ u32 own[GPIO_BANKS];
+ u32 reserved0;
+ u16 pirq_to_ioxapic;
+ u16 reserved1[3];
+ u32 blink;
+ u32 ser_blink;
+ u32 ser_blink_cmdsts;
+ u32 ser_blink_data;
+ u16 gpi_nmi_en;
+ u16 gpi_nmi_sts;
+ u32 reserved2;
+ u32 gpi_route[GPIO_BANKS];
+ u32 reserved3;
+ u32 reserved4[4];
+ u32 alt_gpi_smi_sts;
+ u32 alt_gpi_smi_en;
+ u32 reserved5[2];
+ u32 rst_sel[GPIO_BANKS];
+ u32 reserved6;
+ u32 reserved9[3];
+ u32 gpio_gc;
+ u32 gpi_is[GPIO_BANKS];
+ u32 reserved10;
+ u32 gpi_ie[GPIO_BANKS];
+ u32 reserved11;
+ u32 reserved12[24];
+ struct {
+ u32 conf_a;
+ u32 conf_b;
+check_member(pch_lp_gpio_regs, gpi_ie[0], 0x90);
+check_member(pch_lp_gpio_regs, config[0], 0x100);
+enum {
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de7f6e588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
+ * From Coreboot soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/iomap.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef __asm_arch_iomap_h
+#define __asm_arch_iomap_h
+#define MCFG_BASE_ADDRESS 0xf0000000
+#define MCFG_BASE_SIZE 0x4000000
+#define HPET_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed00000
+#define MCH_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed10000
+#define MCH_BASE_SIZE 0x8000
+#define DMI_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed18000
+#define DMI_BASE_SIZE 0x1000
+#define EP_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed19000
+#define EP_BASE_SIZE 0x1000
+#define EDRAM_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed80000
+#define EDRAM_BASE_SIZE 0x4000
+#define GDXC_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed84000
+#define GDXC_BASE_SIZE 0x1000
+#define RCBA_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed1c000
+#define RCBA_BASE_SIZE 0x4000
+#define HPET_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed00000
+#define ACPI_BASE_ADDRESS 0x1000
+#define ACPI_BASE_SIZE 0x100
+#define GPIO_BASE_ADDRESS 0x1400
+#define GPIO_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+#define SMBUS_BASE_ADDRESS 0x0400
+#define SMBUS_BASE_SIZE 0x10
+/* Temporary addresses used before relocation */
+#define EARLY_GTT_BAR 0xe0000000
+#define EARLY_XHCI_BAR 0xd7000000
+#define EARLY_EHCI_BAR 0xd8000000
+#define EARLY_UART_BAR 0x3f8
+#define EARLY_TEMP_MMIO 0xfed08000
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/lpc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/lpc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98f928a81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/lpc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/lpc.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_LPC_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_LPC_H
+#define GEN_PMCON_1 0xa0
+#define SMI_LOCK (1 << 4)
+#define GEN_PMCON_2 0xa2
+#define SYSTEM_RESET_STS (1 << 4)
+#define THERMTRIP_STS (1 << 3)
+#define SYSPWR_FLR (1 << 1)
+#define PWROK_FLR (1 << 0)
+#define GEN_PMCON_3 0xa4
+#define SUS_PWR_FLR (1 << 14)
+#define GEN_RST_STS (1 << 9)
+#define RTC_BATTERY_DEAD (1 << 2)
+#define PWR_FLR (1 << 1)
+#define SLEEP_AFTER_POWER_FAIL (1 << 0)
+#define GEN_PMCON_LOCK 0xa6
+#define SLP_STR_POL_LOCK (1 << 2)
+#define ACPI_BASE_LOCK (1 << 1)
+#define PMIR 0xac
+#define PMIR_CF9LOCK (1 << 31)
+#define PMIR_CF9GR (1 << 20)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/me.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/me.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58f16ba54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/me.h
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/me.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef _asm_arch_me_h
+#define _asm_arch_me_h
+#include <asm/me_common.h>
+#define ME_HSIO_MESSAGE (7 << 28)
+#define ME_HSIO_CMD_CLOSE 0
+ * Apparently the GMES register is renamed to HFS2 (or HFSTS2 according
+ * to ME9 BWG). Sadly the PCH EDS and the ME BWG do not match on nomenclature.
+ */
+#define PCI_ME_HFS2 0x48
+/* Infrastructure Progress Values */
+#define ME_HFS2_PHASE_ROM 0
+#define ME_HFS2_PHASE_BUP 1
+/* Current State - Based on Infra Progress values. */
+/* ROM State */
+/* BUP State */
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M3 0x11
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M0 0x12
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M3_CLK_ERR 0x15
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M3_KERN_LOAD 0x18
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_T32_MISSING 0x1c
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_WAIT_DID 0x1f
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M0_CLK 0x26
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M0_CLK_ERR 0x27
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_TEMP_DIS 0x28
+#define ME_HFS2_STATE_BUP_M0_KERN_LOAD 0x32
+/* Policy Module State */
+/* Current PM Event Values */
+#define ME_HFS2_PMEVENT_S0MO_SXM3 7
+#define ME_HFS2_PMEVENT_SXM3_S0M0 8
+struct me_hfs2 {
+ u32 bist_in_progress:1;
+ u32 reserved1:2;
+ u32 invoke_mebx:1;
+ u32 cpu_replaced_sts:1;
+ u32 mbp_rdy:1;
+ u32 mfs_failure:1;
+ u32 warm_reset_request:1;
+ u32 cpu_replaced_valid:1;
+ u32 reserved2:4;
+ u32 mbp_cleared:1;
+ u32 reserved3:2;
+ u32 current_state:8;
+ u32 current_pmevent:4;
+ u32 progress_code:4;
+} __packed;
+#define PCI_ME_HFS5 0x68
+#define PCI_ME_H_GS2 0x70
+#define PCI_ME_MBP_GIVE_UP 0x01
+/* ICC Messages */
+#define ICC_API_VERSION_LYNXPOINT 0x00030000
+struct icc_header {
+ u32 api_version;
+ u32 icc_command;
+ u32 icc_status;
+ u32 length;
+ u32 reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct icc_clock_enables_msg {
+ u32 clock_enables;
+ u32 clock_mask;
+ u32 no_response:1;
+ u32 reserved:31;
+} __packed;
+ * ME to BIOS Payload Datastructures and definitions. The ordering of the
+ * structures follows the ordering in the ME9 BWG.
+ */
+#define MBP_APPID_HWA 4
+#define MBP_APPID_ICC 5
+#define MBP_APPID_NFC 6
+/* Kernel items: */
+/* Intel AT items: */
+/* ICC Items: */
+/* HWA Items: */
+/* NFC Items: */
+#define MBP_MAKE_IDENT(appid, item) ((appid << 8) | item)
+#define MBP_IDENT(appid, item) \
+ MBP_MAKE_IDENT(MBP_APPID_##appid, MBP_##appid##_##item##_ITEM)
+struct mbp_fw_version_name {
+ u32 major_version:16;
+ u32 minor_version:16;
+ u32 hotfix_version:16;
+ u32 build_version:16;
+} __packed;
+struct icc_address_mask {
+ u16 icc_start_address;
+ u16 mask;
+} __packed;
+struct mbp_icc_profile {
+ u8 num_icc_profiles;
+ u8 icc_profile_soft_strap;
+ u8 icc_profile_index;
+ u8 reserved;
+ u32 icc_reg_bundles;
+ struct icc_address_mask icc_address_mask[0];
+} __packed;
+struct me_bios_payload {
+ struct mbp_fw_version_name *fw_version_name;
+ struct mbp_mefwcaps *fw_capabilities;
+ struct mbp_rom_bist_data *rom_bist_data;
+ struct mbp_platform_key *platform_key;
+ struct mbp_plat_type *fw_plat_type;
+ struct mbp_icc_profile *icc_profile;
+ struct mbp_at_state *at_state;
+ u32 *mfsintegrity;
+ struct mbp_plat_time *plat_time;
+ struct mbp_nfc_data *nfc_data;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pch.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pch.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecdf6d16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#define __ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#define PMBASE 0x40
+#define ACPI_CNTL 0x44
+#define ACPI_EN (1 << 7)
+#define GPIO_BASE 0x48 /* LPC GPIO Base Address Register */
+#define GPIO_CNTL 0x4C /* LPC GPIO Control Register */
+#define GPIO_EN (1 << 4)
+#define PCIEXBAR 0x60
+#define PCH_DEV_LPC PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 0)
+/* RCB registers */
+#define OIC 0x31fe /* 16bit */
+#define HPTC 0x3404 /* 32bit */
+#define FD 0x3418 /* 32bit */
+/* Function Disable 1 RCBA 0x3418 */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_ALWAYS (1 << 0)
+/* PM registers */
+#define TCO1_CNT 0x60
+#define TCO_TMR_HLT (1 << 11)
+/* Device 0:0.0 PCI configuration space */
+#define EPBAR 0x40
+#define MCHBAR 0x48
+#define PCIEXBAR 0x60
+#define DMIBAR 0x68
+#define GGC 0x50 /* GMCH Graphics Control */
+#define DEVEN 0x54 /* Device Enable */
+#define DEVEN_D7EN (1 << 14)
+#define DEVEN_D4EN (1 << 7)
+#define DEVEN_D3EN (1 << 5)
+#define DEVEN_D2EN (1 << 4)
+#define DEVEN_D1F0EN (1 << 3)
+#define DEVEN_D1F1EN (1 << 2)
+#define DEVEN_D1F2EN (1 << 1)
+#define DEVEN_D0EN (1 << 0)
+#define DPR 0x5c
+#define DPR_EPM (1 << 2)
+#define DPR_PRS (1 << 1)
+#define DPR_SIZE_MASK 0xff0
+#define MCHBAR_PEI_VERSION 0x5034
+#define BIOS_RESET_CPL 0x5da8
+#define EDRAMBAR 0x5408
+#define MCH_PAIR 0x5418
+#define GDXCBAR 0x5420
+#define PAM0 0x80
+#define PAM1 0x81
+#define PAM2 0x82
+#define PAM3 0x83
+#define PAM4 0x84
+#define PAM5 0x85
+#define PAM6 0x86
+/* PCODE MMIO communications live in the MCHBAR. */
+#define MAILBOX_RUN_BUSY (1 << 31)
+/* Errors are returned back in bits 7:0. */
+/* Data is passed through bits 31:0 of the data register. */
+#define BIOS_MAILBOX_DATA 0x5da0
+/* SATA IOBP Registers */
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP0_SECRT88 0xea002688
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP1_SECRT88 0xea002488
+#define SATA_SECRT88_VADJ_MASK 0xff
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP0DTLE_DATA 0xea002550
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP0DTLE_EDGE 0xea002554
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP1DTLE_DATA 0xea002750
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP1DTLE_EDGE 0xea002754
+#define SATA_DTLE_MASK 0xF
+/* Power Management */
+#define PCH_PCS 0x84
+#define PCH_PCS_PS_D3HOT 3
+#define GEN_PMCON_1 0xa0
+#define SMI_LOCK (1 << 4)
+#define GEN_PMCON_2 0xa2
+#define SYSTEM_RESET_STS (1 << 4)
+#define THERMTRIP_STS (1 << 3)
+#define SYSPWR_FLR (1 << 1)
+#define PWROK_FLR (1 << 0)
+#define GEN_PMCON_3 0xa4
+#define SUS_PWR_FLR (1 << 14)
+#define GEN_RST_STS (1 << 9)
+#define RTC_BATTERY_DEAD (1 << 2)
+#define PWR_FLR (1 << 1)
+#define SLEEP_AFTER_POWER_FAIL (1 << 0)
+#define GEN_PMCON_LOCK 0xa6
+#define SLP_STR_POL_LOCK (1 << 2)
+#define ACPI_BASE_LOCK (1 << 1)
+#define PMIR 0xac
+#define PMIR_CF9LOCK (1 << 31)
+#define PMIR_CF9GR (1 << 20)
+/* Broadwell PCH (Wildcat Point) */
+#define PCH_WPT_HSW_U_SAMPLE 0x9cc1
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_U_SAMPLE 0x9cc2
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_U_PREMIUM 0x9cc3
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_U_BASE 0x9cc5
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_Y_SAMPLE 0x9cc6
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_Y_PREMIUM 0x9cc7
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_Y_BASE 0x9cc9
+#define PCH_WPT_BDW_H 0x9ccb
+#define SA_IGD_OPROM_VENDEV 0x80860406
+/* Dynamically determine if the part is ULT */
+bool cpu_is_ult(void);
+u32 pch_iobp_read(u32 address);
+int pch_iobp_write(u32 address, u32 data);
+int pch_iobp_update(u32 address, u32 andvalue, u32 orvalue);
+int pch_iobp_exec(u32 addr, u16 op_dcode, u8 route_id, u32 *data, u8 *resp);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pei_data.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pei_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4442beac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pei_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
+ * From Coreboot soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/pei_data.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ */
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#define PEI_VERSION 22
+typedef void asmlinkage (*tx_byte_func)(unsigned char byte);
+enum board_type {
+ BOARD_TYPE_CRB_MOBILE = 0, /* CRB Mobile */
+ BOARD_TYPE_USER1, /* SV mobile */
+ BOARD_TYPE_USER2, /* SV desktop */
+ BOARD_TYPE_USER3, /* SV server */
+#define MAX_USB2_PORTS 14
+#define MAX_USB3_PORTS 6
+#define USB_OC_PIN_SKIP 8
+enum usb2_port_location {
+struct usb2_port_setting {
+ /*
+ * Usb Port Length:
+ * [16:4] = length in inches in octal format
+ * [3:0] = decimal point
+ */
+ uint16_t length;
+ uint8_t enable;
+ uint8_t oc_pin;
+ uint8_t location;
+} __packed;
+struct usb3_port_setting {
+ uint8_t enable;
+ uint8_t oc_pin;
+ /*
+ * Set to 0 if trace length is > 5 inches
+ * Set to 1 if trace length is <= 5 inches
+ */
+ uint8_t fixed_eq;
+} __packed;
+struct pei_data {
+ uint32_t pei_version;
+ enum board_type board_type;
+ int boot_mode;
+ int ec_present;
+ int usbdebug;
+ /* Base addresses */
+ uint32_t pciexbar;
+ uint16_t smbusbar;
+ uint32_t xhcibar;
+ uint32_t ehcibar;
+ uint32_t gttbar;
+ uint32_t rcba;
+ uint32_t pmbase;
+ uint32_t gpiobase;
+ uint32_t temp_mmio_base;
+ uint32_t tseg_size;
+ /*
+ * 0 = leave channel enabled
+ * 1 = disable dimm 0 on channel
+ * 2 = disable dimm 1 on channel
+ * 3 = disable dimm 0+1 on channel
+ */
+ int dimm_channel0_disabled;
+ int dimm_channel1_disabled;
+ /* Set to 0 for memory down */
+ uint8_t spd_addresses[4];
+ /* Enable 2x Refresh Mode */
+ int ddr_refresh_2x;
+ /* DQ pins are interleaved on board */
+ int dq_pins_interleaved;
+ /* Limit DDR3 frequency */
+ int max_ddr3_freq;
+ /* Disable self refresh */
+ int disable_self_refresh;
+ /* Disable cmd power/CKEPD */
+ int disable_cmd_pwr;
+ /* USB port configuration */
+ struct usb2_port_setting usb2_ports[MAX_USB2_PORTS];
+ struct usb3_port_setting usb3_ports[MAX_USB3_PORTS];
+ /*
+ * USB3 board specific PHY tuning
+ */
+ /* Valid range: 0x69 - 0x80 */
+ uint8_t usb3_txout_volt_dn_amp_adj[MAX_USB3_PORTS];
+ /* Valid range: 0x80 - 0x9c */
+ uint8_t usb3_txout_imp_sc_volt_amp_adj[MAX_USB3_PORTS];
+ /* Valid range: 0x39 - 0x80 */
+ uint8_t usb3_txout_de_emp_adj[MAX_USB3_PORTS];
+ /* Valid range: 0x3d - 0x4a */
+ uint8_t usb3_txout_imp_adj_volt_amp[MAX_USB3_PORTS];
+ /* Console output function */
+ tx_byte_func tx_byte;
+ /*
+ * DIMM SPD data for memory down configurations
+ */
+ uint8_t spd_data[2][2][512];
+ /*
+ * LPDDR3 DQ byte map
+ *
+ * Maps which PI clocks are used by what LPDDR DQ Bytes (from CPU side)
+ * DQByteMap[0] - ClkDQByteMap:
+ * - If clock is per rank, program to [0xFF, 0xFF]
+ * - If clock is shared by 2 ranks, program to [0xFF, 0] or [0, 0xFF]
+ * - If clock is shared by 2 ranks but does not go to all bytes,
+ * Entry[i] defines which DQ bytes Group i services
+ * DQByteMap[1] - CmdNDQByteMap: [0] is CmdN/CAA and [1] is CmdN/CAB
+ * DQByteMap[2] - CmdSDQByteMap: [0] is CmdS/CAA and [1] is CmdS/CAB
+ * DQByteMap[3] - CkeDQByteMap : [0] is CKE /CAA and [1] is CKE /CAB
+ * For DDR, DQByteMap[3:1] = [0xFF, 0]
+ * DQByteMap[4] - CtlDQByteMap : Always program to [0xFF, 0]
+ * since we have 1 CTL / rank
+ * DQByteMap[5] - CmdVDQByteMap: Always program to [0xFF, 0]
+ * since we have 1 CA Vref
+ */
+ uint8_t dq_map[2][6][2];
+ /*
+ * LPDDR3 Map from CPU DQS pins to SDRAM DQS pins
+ */
+ uint8_t dqs_map[2][8];
+ /* Data read from flash and passed into MRC */
+ const void *saved_data;
+ int saved_data_size;
+ /* Disable use of saved data (can be set by mainboard) */
+ int disable_saved_data;
+ /* Data from MRC that should be saved to flash */
+ void *data_to_save;
+ int data_to_save_size;
+ struct pei_memory_info meminfo;
+} __packed;
+void mainboard_fill_pei_data(struct pei_data *pei_data);
+void broadwell_fill_pei_data(struct pei_data *pei_data);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pm.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df3508083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/pm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot src/soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/pm.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_PM_H
+#define __ASM_ARCH_PM_H
+#define PM1_STS 0x00
+#define WAK_STS (1 << 15)
+#define PCIEXPWAK_STS (1 << 14)
+#define PRBTNOR_STS (1 << 11)
+#define RTC_STS (1 << 10)
+#define PWRBTN_STS (1 << 8)
+#define GBL_STS (1 << 5)
+#define BM_STS (1 << 4)
+#define TMROF_STS (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_EN 0x02
+#define PCIEXPWAK_DIS (1 << 14)
+#define RTC_EN (1 << 10)
+#define PWRBTN_EN (1 << 8)
+#define GBL_EN (1 << 5)
+#define TMROF_EN (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_CNT 0x04
+#define SLP_EN (1 << 13)
+#define SLP_TYP (7 << 10)
+#define SLP_TYP_SHIFT 10
+#define SLP_TYP_S0 0
+#define SLP_TYP_S1 1
+#define SLP_TYP_S3 5
+#define SLP_TYP_S4 6
+#define SLP_TYP_S5 7
+#define GBL_RLS (1 << 2)
+#define BM_RLD (1 << 1)
+#define SCI_EN (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_TMR 0x08
+#define SMI_EN 0x30
+#define XHCI_SMI_EN (1 << 31)
+#define ME_SMI_EN (1 << 30)
+#define GPIO_UNLOCK_SMI_EN (1 << 27)
+#define INTEL_USB2_EN (1 << 18)
+#define LEGACY_USB2_EN (1 << 17)
+#define PERIODIC_EN (1 << 14)
+#define TCO_EN (1 << 13)
+#define MCSMI_EN (1 << 11)
+#define BIOS_RLS (1 << 7)
+#define SWSMI_TMR_EN (1 << 6)
+#define APMC_EN (1 << 5)
+#define SLP_SMI_EN (1 << 4)
+#define LEGACY_USB_EN (1 << 3)
+#define BIOS_EN (1 << 2)
+#define EOS (1 << 1)
+#define GBL_SMI_EN (1 << 0)
+#define SMI_STS 0x34
+#define UPWRC 0x3c
+#define UPWRC_WS (1 << 8)
+#define UPWRC_WE (1 << 1)
+#define UPWRC_SMI (1 << 0)
+#define GPE_CNTL 0x42
+#define SWGPE_CTRL (1 << 1)
+#define DEVACT_STS 0x44
+#define PM2_CNT 0x50
+#define TCO1_CNT 0x60
+#define TCO_TMR_HLT (1 << 11)
+#define TCO1_STS 0x64
+#define DMISCI_STS (1 << 9)
+#define TCO2_STS 0x66
+#define TCO2_STS_SECOND_TO (1 << 1)
+#define GPE0_REG_MAX 4
+#define GPE0_REG_SIZE 32
+#define GPE0_STS(x) (0x80 + (x * 4))
+#define GPE_31_0 0 /* 0x80/0x90 = GPE[31:0] */
+#define GPE_63_32 1 /* 0x84/0x94 = GPE[63:32] */
+#define GPE_94_64 2 /* 0x88/0x98 = GPE[94:64] */
+#define GPE_STD 3 /* 0x8c/0x9c = Standard GPE */
+#define WADT_STS (1 << 18)
+#define GP27_STS (1 << 16)
+#define PME_B0_STS (1 << 13)
+#define ME_SCI_STS (1 << 12)
+#define PME_STS (1 << 11)
+#define BATLOW_STS (1 << 10)
+#define PCI_EXP_STS (1 << 9)
+#define SMB_WAK_STS (1 << 7)
+#define TCOSCI_STS (1 << 6)
+#define SWGPE_STS (1 << 2)
+#define HOT_PLUG_STS (1 << 1)
+#define GPE0_EN(x) (0x90 + (x * 4))
+#define WADT_en (1 << 18)
+#define GP27_EN (1 << 16)
+#define PME_B0_EN (1 << 13)
+#define ME_SCI_EN (1 << 12)
+#define PME_EN (1 << 11)
+#define BATLOW_EN (1 << 10)
+#define PCI_EXP_EN (1 << 9)
+#define TCOSCI_EN (1 << 6)
+#define SWGPE_EN (1 << 2)
+#define HOT_PLUG_EN (1 << 1)
+#define SLEEP_STATE_S0 0
+#define SLEEP_STATE_S3 3
+#define SLEEP_STATE_S5 5
+struct chipset_power_state {
+ uint16_t pm1_sts;
+ uint16_t pm1_en;
+ uint32_t pm1_cnt;
+ uint16_t tco1_sts;
+ uint16_t tco2_sts;
+ uint32_t gpe0_sts[4];
+ uint32_t gpe0_en[4];
+ uint16_t gen_pmcon1;
+ uint16_t gen_pmcon2;
+ uint16_t gen_pmcon3;
+ int prev_sleep_state;
+ uint16_t hsio_version;
+ uint16_t hsio_checksum;
+void power_state_get(struct udevice *pch_dev, struct chipset_power_state *ps);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/rcb.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/rcb.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7ce8746c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/rcb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __asm_arch_rcba_h
+#define __asm_arch_rcba_h
+#define ACPIIRQEN 0x31e0 /* 32bit */
+#define PMSYNC_CONFIG 0x33c4 /* 32bit */
+#define PMSYNC_CONFIG2 0x33cc /* 32bit */
+#define DEEP_S3_POL 0x3328 /* 32bit */
+#define DEEP_S3_EN_AC (1 << 0)
+#define DEEP_S3_EN_DC (1 << 1)
+#define DEEP_S5_POL 0x3330 /* 32bit */
+#define DEEP_S5_EN_AC (1 << 14)
+#define DEEP_S5_EN_DC (1 << 15)
+#define DEEP_SX_CONFIG 0x3334 /* 32bit */
+#define DEEP_SX_WAKE_PIN_EN (1 << 2)
+#define DEEP_SX_ACPRESENT_PD (1 << 1)
+#define DEEP_SX_GP27_PIN_EN (1 << 0)
+#define PMSYNC_CONFIG 0x33c4 /* 32bit */
+#define PMSYNC_CONFIG2 0x33cc /* 32bit */
+#define RC 0x3400 /* 32bit */
+#define HPTC 0x3404 /* 32bit */
+#define GCS 0x3410 /* 32bit */
+#define BUC 0x3414 /* 32bit */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_GBE (1 << 5)
+#define FD 0x3418 /* 32bit */
+#define FDSW 0x3420 /* 8bit */
+#define DISPBDF 0x3424 /* 16bit */
+#define FD2 0x3428 /* 32bit */
+#define CG 0x341c /* 32bit */
+/* Function Disable 1 RCBA 0x3418 */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_ALWAYS (1 << 0)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_ADSPD (1 << 1)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SATA1 (1 << 2)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SMBUS (1 << 3)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_HD_AUDIO (1 << 4)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_EHCI2 (1 << 13)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_LPC (1 << 14)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_EHCI1 (1 << 15)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_PCIE(x) (1 << (16 + x))
+#define PCH_DISABLE_THERMAL (1 << 24)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SATA2 (1 << 25)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_XHCI (1 << 27)
+/* Function Disable 2 RCBA 0x3428 */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_KT (1 << 4)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_IDER (1 << 3)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_MEI2 (1 << 2)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_MEI1 (1 << 1)
+#define PCH_ENABLE_DBDF (1 << 0)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/serialio.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/serialio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff09278b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/serialio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Serial IO defintiions (taken from coreboot file of same name)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+/* Serial IO IOBP Registers */
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL0 0xcb000000 /* SDIO D23:F0 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL1 0xcb000014 /* SDIO D23:F0 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL1_SNOOP_SELECT(x) (((x) & 3) << 13)
+#define SIO_IOBP_GPIODF 0xcb000154
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL2 0xcb000240 /* DMA D21:F0 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL3 0xcb000248 /* I2C0 D21:F1 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL4 0xcb000250 /* I2C1 D21:F2 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL5 0xcb000258 /* SPI0 D21:F3 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL6 0xcb000260 /* SPI1 D21:F4 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL7 0xcb000268 /* UART0 D21:F5 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL8 0xcb000270 /* UART1 D21:F6 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRLX(x) (0xcb000240 + ((x) * 8))
+/* PORTCTRL 2-8 have the same layout */
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL_SNOOP_SELECT(x) (((x) & 3) << 18)
+#define SIO_IOBP_PORTCTRL_INT_PIN(x) (((x) & 0xf) << 2)
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS0 0xce00aa07 /* DMA D21:F0 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS1 0xce00aa47 /* I2C0 D21:F1 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS2 0xce00aa87 /* I2C1 D21:F2 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS3 0xce00aac7 /* SPI0 D21:F3 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS4 0xce00ab07 /* SPI1 D21:F4 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS5 0xce00ab47 /* UART0 D21:F5 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS6 0xce00ab87 /* UART1 D21:F6 */
+#define SIO_IOBP_FUNCDIS7 0xce00ae07 /* SDIO D23:F0 */
+/* Serial IO Devices */
+#define SIO_ID_SDMA 0 /* D21:F0 */
+#define SIO_ID_I2C0 1 /* D21:F1 */
+#define SIO_ID_I2C1 2 /* D21:F2 */
+#define SIO_ID_SPI0 3 /* D21:F3 */
+#define SIO_ID_SPI1 4 /* D21:F4 */
+#define SIO_ID_UART0 5 /* D21:F5 */
+#define SIO_ID_UART1 6 /* D21:F6 */
+#define SIO_ID_SDIO 7 /* D23:F0 */
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_CLOCK 0x800
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_CLOCK_M_DIV 0x25a
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_CLOCK_N_DIV 0x7fff
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_RST 0x804
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_GEN 0x808
+#define SIO_REG_PPR_GEN_VOLTAGE(x) ((x & 1) << 3)
+#define SIO_REG_AUTO_LTR 0x814
+#define SIO_REG_SDIO_PPR_GEN 0x1008
+#define SIO_REG_SDIO_PPR_SW_LTR 0x1010
+#define SIO_REG_SDIO_PPR_CMD12 0x3c
+#define SIO_REG_SDIO_PPR_CMD12_B30 BIT(30)
+#define SIO_PIN_INTA 1 /* IRQ5 in ACPI mode */
+#define SIO_PIN_INTB 2 /* IRQ6 in ACPI mode */
+#define SIO_PIN_INTC 3 /* IRQ7 in ACPI mode */
+#define SIO_PIN_INTD 4 /* IRQ13 in ACPI mode */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/spi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/spi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..782099869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-broadwell/spi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * This file is from coreboot soc/intel/broadwell/include/soc/spi.h
+ */
+#ifndef _BROADWELL_SPI_H_
+#define _BROADWELL_SPI_H_
+ * SPI Opcode Menu setup for SPIBAR lockdown
+ * should support most common flash chips.
+ */
+#define SPIBAR_OFFSET 0x3800
+#define SPI_REG(x) (RCB_REG(SPIBAR_OFFSET + (x)))
+/* Reigsters within the SPIBAR */
+#define SPIBAR_SSFC 0x91
+#define SPIBAR_FDOC 0xb0
+#define SPIBAR_FDOD 0xb4
+#define SPIBAR_PREOP 0x94
+#define SPIBAR_OPTYPE 0x96
+#define SPI_OPMENU_0 0x01 /* WRSR: Write Status Register */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_0 0x01 /* Write, no address */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_1 0x02 /* BYPR: Byte Program */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_1 0x03 /* Write, address required */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_2 0x03 /* READ: Read Data */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_2 0x02 /* Read, address required */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_3 0x05 /* RDSR: Read Status Register */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_3 0x00 /* Read, no address */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_4 0x20 /* SE20: Sector Erase 0x20 */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_4 0x03 /* Write, address required */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_5 0x9f /* RDID: Read ID */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_5 0x00 /* Read, no address */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_6 0xd8 /* BED8: Block Erase 0xd8 */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_6 0x03 /* Write, address required */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_7 0x0b /* FAST: Fast Read */
+#define SPI_OPTYPE_7 0x02 /* Read, address required */
+#define SPI_OPMENU_UPPER ((SPI_OPMENU_7 << 24) | (SPI_OPMENU_6 << 16) | \
+ (SPI_OPMENU_5 << 8) | SPI_OPMENU_4)
+#define SPI_OPMENU_LOWER ((SPI_OPMENU_3 << 24) | (SPI_OPMENU_2 << 16) | \
+ (SPI_OPMENU_1 << 8) | SPI_OPMENU_0)
+#define SPI_OPTYPE ((SPI_OPTYPE_7 << 14) | (SPI_OPTYPE_6 << 12) | \
+ (SPI_OPTYPE_5 << 10) | (SPI_OPTYPE_4 << 8) | \
+ (SPI_OPTYPE_3 << 6) | (SPI_OPTYPE_2 << 4) | \
+ (SPI_OPTYPE_1 << 2) | (SPI_OPTYPE_0))
+#define SPI_OPPREFIX ((0x50 << 8) | 0x06) /* EWSR and WREN */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS 0x04 /* SPI hardware sequence status */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS_FLOCKDN (1 << 15)/* Flash Configuration Lock-Down */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS_SCIP (1 << 5) /* SPI Cycle In Progress */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS_AEL (1 << 2) /* SPI Access Error Log */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS_FCERR (1 << 1) /* SPI Flash Cycle Error */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFS_FDONE (1 << 0) /* SPI Flash Cycle Done */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC 0x06 /* SPI hardware sequence control */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC_BYTE_COUNT(c) (((c - 1) & 0x3f) << 8)
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC_CYCLE_READ (0 << 1) /* Read cycle */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC_CYCLE_WRITE (2 << 1) /* Write cycle */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC_CYCLE_ERASE (3 << 1) /* Erase cycle */
+#define SPIBAR_HSFC_GO (1 << 0) /* GO: start SPI transaction */
+#define SPIBAR_FADDR 0x08 /* SPI flash address */
+#define SPIBAR_FDATA(n) (0x10 + (4 * n)) /* SPI flash data */
+#define SPIBAR_SSFS 0x90
+#define SPIBAR_SSFS_ERROR (1 << 3)
+#define SPIBAR_SSFS_DONE (1 << 2)
+#define SPIBAR_SSFC 0x91
+#define SPIBAR_SSFC_DATA (1 << 14)
+#define SPIBAR_SSFC_GO (1 << 1)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-coreboot/timestamp.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-coreboot/timestamp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..531526b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-coreboot/timestamp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Taken from the coreboot version
+ */
+#include <asm/cb_sysinfo.h>
+void timestamp_init(void);
+void timestamp_add(enum timestamp_id id, uint64_t ts_time);
+void timestamp_add_now(enum timestamp_id id);
+ * timestamp_add_to_bootstage - Add important coreboot timestamps to bootstage
+ *
+ * @return 0 if ok, -1 if no timestamps were found
+ */
+int timestamp_add_to_bootstage(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_configs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_configs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae9105b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_configs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+struct platform_config {
+ u8 enable_ht;
+ u8 enable_turbo;
+ u8 enable_memory_down;
+ u8 enable_fast_boot;
+ * Dummy structure for now as currently only SPD is verified in U-Boot.
+ *
+ * We can add the missing parameters when adding support on a board with
+ * memory down configuration.
+ */
+struct memory_config {
+ u8 dummy;
+struct fsp_config_data {
+ struct fsp_cfg_common common;
+ struct platform_config plat_config;
+ struct memory_config mem_config;
+struct fspinit_rtbuf {
+ u32 stack_top;
+ u32 boot_mode;
+ struct platform_config *plat_config;
+ struct memory_config *mem_config;
+#endif /* __FSP_CONFIGS_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_vpd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b0f23a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_VPD_H__
+#define __FSP_VPD_H__
+/* IvyBridge FSP does not support VPD/UPD */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/me.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/me.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..518c308d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/me.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From Coreboot src/southbridge/intel/bd82x6x/me.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_INTEL_ME_H
+#define _ASM_INTEL_ME_H
+#include <asm/me_common.h>
+struct __packed mbp_fw_version_name {
+ u32 major_version:16;
+ u32 minor_version:16;
+ u32 hotfix_version:16;
+ u32 build_version:16;
+struct __packed mbp_icc_profile {
+ u8 num_icc_profiles;
+ u8 icc_profile_soft_strap;
+ u8 icc_profile_index;
+ u8 reserved;
+ u32 register_lock_mask[3];
+struct __packed platform_type_rule_data {
+ u32 platform_target_usage_type:4;
+ u32 platform_target_market_type:2;
+ u32 super_sku:1;
+ u32 reserved:1;
+ u32 intel_me_fw_image_type:4;
+ u32 platform_brand:4;
+ u32 reserved_1:16;
+struct __packed mbp_fw_caps {
+ struct mefwcaps_sku fw_capabilities;
+ u8 available;
+struct __packed mbp_plat_type {
+ struct platform_type_rule_data rule_data;
+ u8 available;
+struct __packed me_bios_payload {
+ struct mbp_fw_version_name fw_version_name;
+ struct mbp_fw_caps fw_caps_sku;
+ struct mbp_rom_bist_data rom_bist_data;
+ struct mbp_platform_key platform_key;
+ struct mbp_plat_type fw_plat_type;
+ struct mbp_icc_profile icc_profile;
+ struct tdt_state_info at_state;
+ u32 mfsintegrity;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/model_206ax.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/model_206ax.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c066294b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/model_206ax.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From Coreboot file of the same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_MODEL_206AX_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_MODEL_206AX_H
+#define CPUID_VMX (1 << 5)
+#define CPUID_SMX (1 << 6)
+#define MSR_FEATURE_CONFIG 0x13c
+#define IA32_PLATFORM_DCA_CAP 0x1f8
+#define IA32_MISC_ENABLE 0x1a0
+#define IA32_THERM_INTERRUPT 0x19b
+#define MSR_LT_LOCK_MEMORY 0x2e7
+#define IA32_MC0_STATUS 0x401
+#define MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT 0x1aa
+#define MISC_PWR_MGMT_EIST_HW_DIS (1 << 0)
+#define MSR_PKGC3_IRTL 0x60a
+#define MSR_PKGC6_IRTL 0x60b
+#define MSR_PKGC7_IRTL 0x60c
+#define IRTL_VALID (1 << 15)
+#define IRTL_1_NS (0 << 10)
+#define IRTL_32_NS (1 << 10)
+#define IRTL_1024_NS (2 << 10)
+#define IRTL_32768_NS (3 << 10)
+#define IRTL_1048576_NS (4 << 10)
+#define IRTL_33554432_NS (5 << 10)
+#define IRTL_RESPONSE_MASK (0x3ff)
+#define MSR_PP0_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x601
+#define PP0_CURRENT_LIMIT (112 << 3) /* 112 A */
+#define MSR_PP1_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x602
+#define PP1_CURRENT_LIMIT_SNB (35 << 3) /* 35 A */
+#define PP1_CURRENT_LIMIT_IVB (50 << 3) /* 50 A */
+#define IVB_CONFIG_TDP_MIN_CPUID 0x306a2
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_LEVEL1 0x649
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_LEVEL2 0x64a
+/* P-state configuration */
+#define PSS_MAX_ENTRIES 8
+#define PSS_RATIO_STEP 2
+/* Configure power limits for turbo mode */
+void set_power_limits(u8 power_limit_1_time);
+bool cpu_ivybridge_config_tdp_levels(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pch.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pch.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8018bc097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * From Coreboot src/southbridge/intel/bd82x6x/pch.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_PCH_H
+#include <pci.h>
+/* PCH types */
+#define PCH_TYPE_CPT 0x1c /* CougarPoint */
+#define PCH_TYPE_PPT 0x1e /* IvyBridge */
+/* PCH stepping values for LPC device */
+#define PCH_STEP_A0 0
+#define PCH_STEP_A1 1
+#define PCH_STEP_B0 2
+#define PCH_STEP_B1 3
+#define PCH_STEP_B2 4
+#define PCH_STEP_B3 5
+#define DEFAULT_GPIOBASE 0x0480
+#define DEFAULT_PMBASE 0x0500
+#define SMBUS_IO_BASE 0x0400
+/* PCI Configuration Space (D30:F0): PCI2PCI */
+#define PSTS 0x06
+#define SMLT 0x1b
+#define SECSTS 0x1e
+#define INTR 0x3c
+#define BCTRL 0x3e
+#define SBR (1 << 6)
+#define SEE (1 << 1)
+#define PERE (1 << 0)
+#define PCH_EHCI1_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1d, 0)
+#define PCH_EHCI2_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1a, 0)
+#define PCH_XHCI_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x14, 0)
+#define PCH_ME_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x16, 0)
+#define PCH_PCIE_DEV_SLOT 28
+#define PCH_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0, 0)
+#define PCH_VIDEO_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 2, 0)
+/* PCI Configuration Space (D31:F0): LPC */
+#define PCH_LPC_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 0)
+#define SERIRQ_CNTL 0x64
+#define GEN_PMCON_1 0xa0
+#define GEN_PMCON_2 0xa2
+#define GEN_PMCON_3 0xa4
+#define ETR3 0xac
+#define ETR3_CWORWRE (1 << 18)
+#define ETR3_CF9GR (1 << 20)
+/* GEN_PMCON_3 bits */
+#define RTC_BATTERY_DEAD (1 << 2)
+#define RTC_POWER_FAILED (1 << 1)
+#define SLEEP_AFTER_POWER_FAIL (1 << 0)
+#define BIOS_CNTL 0xDC
+#define GPIO_BASE 0x48 /* LPC GPIO Base Address Register */
+#define GPIO_CNTL 0x4C /* LPC GPIO Control Register */
+#define GPIO_ROUT 0xb8
+#define PIRQA_ROUT 0x60
+#define PIRQB_ROUT 0x61
+#define PIRQC_ROUT 0x62
+#define PIRQD_ROUT 0x63
+#define PIRQE_ROUT 0x68
+#define PIRQF_ROUT 0x69
+#define PIRQG_ROUT 0x6A
+#define PIRQH_ROUT 0x6B
+#define GEN_PMCON_1 0xa0
+#define GEN_PMCON_2 0xa2
+#define GEN_PMCON_3 0xa4
+#define ETR3 0xac
+#define ETR3_CWORWRE (1 << 18)
+#define ETR3_CF9GR (1 << 20)
+#define PMBASE 0x40
+#define ACPI_CNTL 0x44
+#define BIOS_CNTL 0xDC
+#define GPIO_BASE 0x48 /* LPC GPIO Base Address Register */
+#define GPIO_CNTL 0x4C /* LPC GPIO Control Register */
+#define GPIO_ROUT 0xb8
+/* PCI Configuration Space (D31:F1): IDE */
+#define PCH_IDE_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 1)
+#define PCH_SATA_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 2)
+#define PCH_SATA2_DEV PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 5)
+#define IDE_SDMA_CNT 0x48 /* Synchronous DMA control */
+#define IDE_SSDE1 (1 << 3)
+#define IDE_SSDE0 (1 << 2)
+#define IDE_PSDE1 (1 << 1)
+#define IDE_PSDE0 (1 << 0)
+#define IDE_SDMA_TIM 0x4a
+#define IDE_CONFIG 0x54 /* IDE I/O Configuration Register */
+#define SIG_MODE_SEC_NORMAL (0 << 18)
+#define SIG_MODE_SEC_TRISTATE (1 << 18)
+#define SIG_MODE_SEC_DRIVELOW (2 << 18)
+#define SIG_MODE_PRI_NORMAL (0 << 16)
+#define SIG_MODE_PRI_TRISTATE (1 << 16)
+#define SIG_MODE_PRI_DRIVELOW (2 << 16)
+#define FAST_SCB1 (1 << 15)
+#define FAST_SCB0 (1 << 14)
+#define FAST_PCB1 (1 << 13)
+#define FAST_PCB0 (1 << 12)
+#define SCB1 (1 << 3)
+#define SCB0 (1 << 2)
+#define PCB1 (1 << 1)
+#define PCB0 (1 << 0)
+#define SATA_SIRI 0xa0 /* SATA Indexed Register Index */
+#define SATA_SIRD 0xa4 /* SATA Indexed Register Data */
+#define SATA_SP 0xd0 /* Scratchpad */
+/* SATA IOBP Registers */
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP0G3IR 0xea000151
+#define SATA_IOBP_SP1G3IR 0xea000051
+#define VCH 0x0000 /* 32bit */
+#define VCAP1 0x0004 /* 32bit */
+#define VCAP2 0x0008 /* 32bit */
+#define PVC 0x000c /* 16bit */
+#define PVS 0x000e /* 16bit */
+#define V0CAP 0x0010 /* 32bit */
+#define V0CTL 0x0014 /* 32bit */
+#define V0STS 0x001a /* 16bit */
+#define V1CAP 0x001c /* 32bit */
+#define V1CTL 0x0020 /* 32bit */
+#define V1STS 0x0026 /* 16bit */
+#define RCTCL 0x0100 /* 32bit */
+#define ESD 0x0104 /* 32bit */
+#define ULD 0x0110 /* 32bit */
+#define ULBA 0x0118 /* 64bit */
+#define RP1D 0x0120 /* 32bit */
+#define RP1BA 0x0128 /* 64bit */
+#define RP2D 0x0130 /* 32bit */
+#define RP2BA 0x0138 /* 64bit */
+#define RP3D 0x0140 /* 32bit */
+#define RP3BA 0x0148 /* 64bit */
+#define RP4D 0x0150 /* 32bit */
+#define RP4BA 0x0158 /* 64bit */
+#define HDD 0x0160 /* 32bit */
+#define HDBA 0x0168 /* 64bit */
+#define RP5D 0x0170 /* 32bit */
+#define RP5BA 0x0178 /* 64bit */
+#define RP6D 0x0180 /* 32bit */
+#define RP6BA 0x0188 /* 64bit */
+#define RPC 0x0400 /* 32bit */
+#define RPFN 0x0404 /* 32bit */
+#define TRSR 0x1e00 /* 8bit */
+#define TRCR 0x1e10 /* 64bit */
+#define TWDR 0x1e18 /* 64bit */
+#define IOTR0 0x1e80 /* 64bit */
+#define IOTR1 0x1e88 /* 64bit */
+#define IOTR2 0x1e90 /* 64bit */
+#define IOTR3 0x1e98 /* 64bit */
+#define TCTL 0x3000 /* 8bit */
+#define NOINT 0
+#define INTA 1
+#define INTB 2
+#define INTC 3
+#define INTD 4
+#define DIR_IDR 12 /* Interrupt D Pin Offset */
+#define DIR_ICR 8 /* Interrupt C Pin Offset */
+#define DIR_IBR 4 /* Interrupt B Pin Offset */
+#define DIR_IAR 0 /* Interrupt A Pin Offset */
+#define PIRQA 0
+#define PIRQB 1
+#define PIRQC 2
+#define PIRQD 3
+#define PIRQE 4
+#define PIRQF 5
+#define PIRQG 6
+#define PIRQH 7
+/* IO Buffer Programming */
+#define IOBPIRI 0x2330
+#define IOBPD 0x2334
+#define IOBPS 0x2338
+#define IOBPS_RW_BX ((1 << 9)|(1 << 10))
+#define IOBPS_WRITE_AX ((1 << 9)|(1 << 10))
+#define IOBPS_READ_AX ((1 << 8)|(1 << 9)|(1 << 10))
+#define D31IP 0x3100 /* 32bit */
+#define D31IP_TTIP 24 /* Thermal Throttle Pin */
+#define D31IP_SIP2 20 /* SATA Pin 2 */
+#define D31IP_SMIP 12 /* SMBUS Pin */
+#define D31IP_SIP 8 /* SATA Pin */
+#define D30IP 0x3104 /* 32bit */
+#define D30IP_PIP 0 /* PCI Bridge Pin */
+#define D29IP 0x3108 /* 32bit */
+#define D29IP_E1P 0 /* EHCI #1 Pin */
+#define D28IP 0x310c /* 32bit */
+#define D28IP_P8IP 28 /* PCI Express Port 8 */
+#define D28IP_P7IP 24 /* PCI Express Port 7 */
+#define D28IP_P6IP 20 /* PCI Express Port 6 */
+#define D28IP_P5IP 16 /* PCI Express Port 5 */
+#define D28IP_P4IP 12 /* PCI Express Port 4 */
+#define D28IP_P3IP 8 /* PCI Express Port 3 */
+#define D28IP_P2IP 4 /* PCI Express Port 2 */
+#define D28IP_P1IP 0 /* PCI Express Port 1 */
+#define D27IP 0x3110 /* 32bit */
+#define D27IP_ZIP 0 /* HD Audio Pin */
+#define D26IP 0x3114 /* 32bit */
+#define D26IP_E2P 0 /* EHCI #2 Pin */
+#define D25IP 0x3118 /* 32bit */
+#define D25IP_LIP 0 /* GbE LAN Pin */
+#define D22IP 0x3124 /* 32bit */
+#define D22IP_KTIP 12 /* KT Pin */
+#define D22IP_IDERIP 8 /* IDE-R Pin */
+#define D22IP_MEI2IP 4 /* MEI #2 Pin */
+#define D22IP_MEI1IP 0 /* MEI #1 Pin */
+#define D20IP 0x3128 /* 32bit */
+#define D20IP_XHCIIP 0
+#define D31IR 0x3140 /* 16bit */
+#define D30IR 0x3142 /* 16bit */
+#define D29IR 0x3144 /* 16bit */
+#define D28IR 0x3146 /* 16bit */
+#define D27IR 0x3148 /* 16bit */
+#define D26IR 0x314c /* 16bit */
+#define D25IR 0x3150 /* 16bit */
+#define D22IR 0x315c /* 16bit */
+#define D20IR 0x3160 /* 16bit */
+#define OIC 0x31fe /* 16bit */
+#define SPI_FREQ_SWSEQ 0x3893
+#define SPI_DESC_COMP0 0x38b0
+#define SPI_FREQ_WR_ERA 0x38b4
+#define DIR_ROUTE(a, b, c, d) \
+ (((d) << DIR_IDR) | ((c) << DIR_ICR) | \
+ ((b) << DIR_IBR) | ((a) << DIR_IAR))
+#define HPTC 0x3404 /* 32bit */
+#define BUC 0x3414 /* 32bit */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_GBE (1 << 5)
+#define FD 0x3418 /* 32bit */
+#define DISPBDF 0x3424 /* 16bit */
+#define FD2 0x3428 /* 32bit */
+#define CG 0x341c /* 32bit */
+/* Function Disable 1 RCBA 0x3418 */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_ALWAYS ((1 << 0)|(1 << 26))
+#define PCH_DISABLE_P2P (1 << 1)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SATA1 (1 << 2)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SMBUS (1 << 3)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_HD_AUDIO (1 << 4)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_EHCI2 (1 << 13)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_LPC (1 << 14)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_EHCI1 (1 << 15)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_PCIE(x) (1 << (16 + x))
+#define PCH_DISABLE_THERMAL (1 << 24)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_SATA2 (1 << 25)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_XHCI (1 << 27)
+/* Function Disable 2 RCBA 0x3428 */
+#define PCH_DISABLE_KT (1 << 4)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_IDER (1 << 3)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_MEI2 (1 << 2)
+#define PCH_DISABLE_MEI1 (1 << 1)
+#define PCH_ENABLE_DBDF (1 << 0)
+#define GPIO_USE_SEL 0x00
+#define GP_IO_SEL 0x04
+#define GP_LVL 0x0c
+#define GPO_BLINK 0x18
+#define GPI_INV 0x2c
+#define GPIO_USE_SEL2 0x30
+#define GP_IO_SEL2 0x34
+#define GP_LVL2 0x38
+#define GPIO_USE_SEL3 0x40
+#define GP_IO_SEL3 0x44
+#define GP_LVL3 0x48
+#define GP_RST_SEL1 0x60
+#define GP_RST_SEL2 0x64
+#define GP_RST_SEL3 0x68
+/* ICH7 PMBASE */
+#define PM1_STS 0x00
+#define WAK_STS (1 << 15)
+#define PCIEXPWAK_STS (1 << 14)
+#define PRBTNOR_STS (1 << 11)
+#define RTC_STS (1 << 10)
+#define PWRBTN_STS (1 << 8)
+#define GBL_STS (1 << 5)
+#define BM_STS (1 << 4)
+#define TMROF_STS (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_EN 0x02
+#define PCIEXPWAK_DIS (1 << 14)
+#define RTC_EN (1 << 10)
+#define PWRBTN_EN (1 << 8)
+#define GBL_EN (1 << 5)
+#define TMROF_EN (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_CNT 0x04
+#define SLP_EN (1 << 13)
+#define SLP_TYP (7 << 10)
+#define SLP_TYP_S0 0
+#define SLP_TYP_S1 1
+#define SLP_TYP_S3 5
+#define SLP_TYP_S4 6
+#define SLP_TYP_S5 7
+#define GBL_RLS (1 << 2)
+#define BM_RLD (1 << 1)
+#define SCI_EN (1 << 0)
+#define PM1_TMR 0x08
+#define PROC_CNT 0x10
+#define LV2 0x14
+#define LV3 0x15
+#define LV4 0x16
+#define PM2_CNT 0x50 /* mobile only */
+#define GPE0_STS 0x20
+#define PME_B0_STS (1 << 13)
+#define PME_STS (1 << 11)
+#define BATLOW_STS (1 << 10)
+#define PCI_EXP_STS (1 << 9)
+#define RI_STS (1 << 8)
+#define SMB_WAK_STS (1 << 7)
+#define TCOSCI_STS (1 << 6)
+#define SWGPE_STS (1 << 2)
+#define HOT_PLUG_STS (1 << 1)
+#define GPE0_EN 0x28
+#define PME_B0_EN (1 << 13)
+#define PME_EN (1 << 11)
+#define TCOSCI_EN (1 << 6)
+#define SMI_EN 0x30
+#define INTEL_USB2_EN (1 << 18) /* Intel-Specific USB2 SMI logic */
+#define LEGACY_USB2_EN (1 << 17) /* Legacy USB2 SMI logic */
+#define PERIODIC_EN (1 << 14) /* SMI on PERIODIC_STS in SMI_STS */
+#define TCO_EN (1 << 13) /* Enable TCO Logic (BIOSWE et al) */
+#define MCSMI_EN (1 << 11) /* Trap microcontroller range access */
+#define BIOS_RLS (1 << 7) /* asserts SCI on bit set */
+#define SWSMI_TMR_EN (1 << 6) /* start software smi timer on bit set */
+#define APMC_EN (1 << 5) /* Writes to APM_CNT cause SMI# */
+#define SLP_SMI_EN (1 << 4) /* Write SLP_EN in PM1_CNT asserts SMI# */
+#define LEGACY_USB_EN (1 << 3) /* Legacy USB circuit SMI logic */
+#define BIOS_EN (1 << 2) /* Assert SMI# on setting GBL_RLS bit */
+#define EOS (1 << 1) /* End of SMI (deassert SMI#) */
+#define GBL_SMI_EN (1 << 0) /* SMI# generation at all? */
+#define SMI_STS 0x34
+#define ALT_GP_SMI_EN 0x38
+#define ALT_GP_SMI_STS 0x3a
+#define GPE_CNTL 0x42
+#define DEVACT_STS 0x44
+#define SS_CNT 0x50
+#define C3_RES 0x54
+#define TCO1_STS 0x64
+#define DMISCI_STS (1 << 9)
+#define TCO2_STS 0x66
+ * pch_silicon_revision() - Read silicon device ID from the PCH
+ *
+ * @dev: PCH device
+ * @return silicon device ID
+ */
+int pch_silicon_type(struct udevice *dev);
+ * pch_pch_iobp_update() - Update a pch register
+ *
+ * @dev: PCH device
+ * @address: Address to update
+ * @andvalue: Value to AND with existing value
+ * @orvalue: Value to OR with existing value
+ */
+void pch_iobp_update(struct udevice *dev, u32 address, u32 andvalue,
+ u32 orvalue);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pei_data.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pei_data.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8da21bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/pei_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2011, Google Inc.
+ */
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+struct pch_usb3_controller_settings {
+ /* 0: Disable, 1: Enable, 2: Auto, 3: Smart Auto */
+ uint16_t mode;
+ /* 4 bit mask, 1: switchable, 0: not switchable */
+ uint16_t hs_port_switch_mask;
+ /* 0: No xHCI preOS driver, 1: xHCI preOS driver */
+ uint16_t preboot_support;
+ /* 0: Disable, 1: Enable */
+ uint16_t xhci_streams;
+typedef asmlinkage void (*tx_byte_func)(unsigned char byte);
+#define PEI_VERSION 6
+struct __packed pei_data {
+ uint32_t pei_version;
+ uint32_t mchbar;
+ uint32_t dmibar;
+ uint32_t epbar;
+ uint32_t pciexbar;
+ uint16_t smbusbar;
+ uint32_t wdbbar;
+ uint32_t wdbsize;
+ uint32_t hpet_address;
+ uint32_t rcba;
+ uint32_t pmbase;
+ uint32_t gpiobase;
+ uint32_t thermalbase;
+ uint32_t system_type; /* 0 Mobile, 1 Desktop/Server */
+ uint32_t tseg_size;
+ uint8_t spd_addresses[4];
+ uint8_t ts_addresses[4];
+ int boot_mode;
+ int ec_present;
+ int gbe_enable;
+ /*
+ * 0 = leave channel enabled
+ * 1 = disable dimm 0 on channel
+ * 2 = disable dimm 1 on channel
+ * 3 = disable dimm 0+1 on channel
+ */
+ int dimm_channel0_disabled;
+ int dimm_channel1_disabled;
+ /* Seed values saved in CMOS */
+ uint32_t scrambler_seed;
+ uint32_t scrambler_seed_s3;
+ /* Data read from flash and passed into MRC */
+ unsigned char *mrc_input;
+ unsigned int mrc_input_len;
+ /* Data from MRC that should be saved to flash */
+ unsigned char *mrc_output;
+ unsigned int mrc_output_len;
+ /*
+ * Max frequency DDR3 could be ran at. Could be one of four values:
+ * 800, 1067, 1333, 1600
+ */
+ uint32_t max_ddr3_freq;
+ /*
+ * USB Port Configuration:
+ * [0] = enable
+ * [1] = overcurrent pin
+ * [2] = length
+ *
+ * Ports 0-7 can be mapped to OC0-OC3
+ * Ports 8-13 can be mapped to OC4-OC7
+ *
+ * Port Length
+ * < 0x050 = Setting 1 (back panel, 1-5in, lowest tx amplitude)
+ * < 0x140 = Setting 2 (back panel, 5-14in, highest tx amplitude)
+ * < 0x080 = Setting 1 (front/back panel, <8in, lowest tx amplitude)
+ * < 0x130 = Setting 2 (back panel, 8-13in, higher tx amplitude)
+ * < 0x150 = Setting 3 (back panel, 13-15in, higest tx amplitude)
+ */
+ uint16_t usb_port_config[16][3];
+ /* See the usb3 struct above for details */
+ struct pch_usb3_controller_settings usb3;
+ /*
+ * SPD data array for onboard RAM. Specify address 0xf0,
+ * 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3 to index one of the 4 slots in
+ * spd_address for a given "DIMM".
+ */
+ uint8_t spd_data[4][256];
+ tx_byte_func tx_byte;
+ int ddr3lv_support;
+ /*
+ * pcie_init needs to be set to 1 to have the system agent initialise
+ * PCIe. Note: This should only be required if your system has Gen3
+ * devices and it will increase your boot time by at least 100ms.
+ */
+ int pcie_init;
+ /*
+ * N mode functionality. Leave this setting at 0.
+ * 0 Auto
+ * 1 1N
+ * 2 2N
+ */
+ int nmode;
+ /*
+ * DDR refresh rate config. JEDEC Standard No.21-C Annex K allows
+ * for DIMM SPD data to specify whether double-rate is required for
+ * extended operating temperature range.
+ * 0 Enable double rate based upon temperature thresholds
+ * 1 Normal rate
+ * 2 Always enable double rate
+ */
+ int ddr_refresh_rate_config;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/sandybridge.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/sandybridge.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a3a507f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-ivybridge/sandybridge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * From Coreboot file of the same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
+ */
+/* Chipset types */
+/* Device ID for SandyBridge and IvyBridge */
+#define BASE_REV_SNB 0x00
+#define BASE_REV_IVB 0x50
+#define BASE_REV_MASK 0x50
+/* SandyBridge CPU stepping */
+#define SNB_STEP_D0 (BASE_REV_SNB + 5) /* Also J0 */
+#define SNB_STEP_D1 (BASE_REV_SNB + 6)
+#define SNB_STEP_D2 (BASE_REV_SNB + 7) /* Also J1/Q0 */
+/* IvyBridge CPU stepping */
+#define IVB_STEP_A0 (BASE_REV_IVB + 0)
+#define IVB_STEP_B0 (BASE_REV_IVB + 2)
+#define IVB_STEP_C0 (BASE_REV_IVB + 4)
+#define IVB_STEP_K0 (BASE_REV_IVB + 5)
+#define IVB_STEP_D0 (BASE_REV_IVB + 6)
+/* Intel Enhanced Debug region must be 4MB */
+#define IED_SIZE 0x400000
+/* Northbridge BARs */
+#define DEFAULT_DMIBAR 0xfed18000 /* 4 KB */
+#define DEFAULT_EPBAR 0xfed19000 /* 4 KB */
+#define DEFAULT_RCBABASE 0xfed1c000
+/* 4 KB per PCIe device */
+#define IOMMU_BASE1 0xfed90000ULL
+#define IOMMU_BASE2 0xfed91000ULL
+/* Device 0:0.0 PCI configuration space (Host Bridge) */
+#define EPBAR 0x40
+#define MCHBAR 0x48
+#define PCIEXBAR 0x60
+#define DMIBAR 0x68
+#define X60BAR 0x60
+#define GGC 0x50 /* GMCH Graphics Control */
+#define DEVEN 0x54 /* Device Enable */
+#define DEVEN_PEG60 (1 << 13)
+#define DEVEN_IGD (1 << 4)
+#define DEVEN_PEG10 (1 << 3)
+#define DEVEN_PEG11 (1 << 2)
+#define DEVEN_PEG12 (1 << 1)
+#define DEVEN_HOST (1 << 0)
+#define PAM0 0x80
+#define PAM1 0x81
+#define PAM2 0x82
+#define PAM3 0x83
+#define PAM4 0x84
+#define PAM5 0x85
+#define PAM6 0x86
+#define LAC 0x87 /* Legacy Access Control */
+#define SMRAM 0x88 /* System Management RAM Control */
+#define D_OPEN (1 << 6)
+#define D_CLS (1 << 5)
+#define D_LCK (1 << 4)
+#define G_SMRAME (1 << 3)
+#define C_BASE_SEG ((0 << 2) | (1 << 1) | (0 << 0))
+#define TOM 0xa0
+#define TOUUD 0xa8 /* Top of Upper Usable DRAM */
+#define TSEG 0xb8 /* TSEG base */
+#define TOLUD 0xbc /* Top of Low Used Memory */
+#define SKPAD 0xdc /* Scratchpad Data */
+/* Device 0:1.0 PCI configuration space (PCI Express) */
+#define BCTRL1 0x3e /* 16bit */
+/* Device 0:2.0 PCI configuration space (Graphics Device) */
+#define MSAC 0x62 /* Multi Size Aperture Control */
+#define SWSCI 0xe8 /* SWSCI enable */
+#define ASLS 0xfc /* OpRegion Base */
+ */
+#define SSKPD 0x5d14 /* 16bit (scratchpad) */
+#define BIOS_RESET_CPL 0x5da8 /* 8bit */
+ */
+ * bridge_silicon_revision() - Get the Northbridge revision
+ *
+ * @dev: Northbridge device
+ * @return revision ID (bits 3:0) and bridge ID (bits 7:4)
+ */
+int bridge_silicon_revision(struct udevice *dev);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/device.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daafd5d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QEMU_DEVICE_H_
+#define _QEMU_DEVICE_H_
+#include <pci.h>
+#define QEMU_I440FX PCI_BDF(0, 0, 0)
+#define PIIX_ISA PCI_BDF(0, 1, 0)
+#define PIIX_IDE PCI_BDF(0, 1, 1)
+#define PIIX_USB PCI_BDF(0, 1, 2)
+#define PIIX_PM PCI_BDF(0, 1, 3)
+#define ICH9_PM PCI_BDF(0, 0x1f, 0)
+#define I440FX_VGA PCI_BDF(0, 2, 0)
+#define QEMU_Q35 PCI_BDF(0, 0, 0)
+#define Q35_VGA PCI_BDF(0, 1, 0)
+#endif /* _QEMU_DEVICE_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/qemu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/qemu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..061735b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-qemu/qemu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ARCH_QEMU_H_
+#define _ARCH_QEMU_H_
+/* Programmable Attribute Map (PAM) Registers */
+#define I440FX_PAM 0x59
+#define Q35_PAM 0x90
+#define PAM_NUM 7
+#define PAM_RW 0x33
+/* X-Bus Chip Select Register */
+#define XBCS 0x4e
+#define APIC_EN (1 << 8)
+/* IDE Timing Register */
+#define IDE0_TIM 0x40
+#define IDE1_TIM 0x42
+#define IDE_DECODE_EN (1 << 15)
+/* PCIe ECAM Base Address Register */
+#define PCIEX_BAR 0x60
+#define BAR_EN (1 << 0)
+/* I/O Ports */
+#define CMOS_ADDR_PORT 0x70
+#define CMOS_DATA_PORT 0x71
+#define LOW_RAM_ADDR 0x34
+#define HIGH_RAM_ADDR 0x35
+#define LOW_HIGHRAM_ADDR 0x5b
+#define MID_HIGHRAM_ADDR 0x5c
+#define HIGH_HIGHRAM_ADDR 0x5d
+/* PM registers */
+#define PMBA 0x40
+#define PMREGMISC 0x80
+#define PMIOSE (1 << 0)
+ * qemu_get_low_memory_size() - Get low memory size
+ *
+ * @return: size of memory below 4GiB
+ */
+u32 qemu_get_low_memory_size(void);
+ * qemu_get_high_memory_size() - Get high memory size
+ *
+ * @return: size of memory above 4GiB
+ */
+u64 qemu_get_high_memory_size(void);
+#endif /* _ARCH_QEMU_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/global_nvs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/global_nvs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61602173f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/global_nvs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/global_nvs.h>
+OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, ACPI_GNVS_ADDR, ACPI_GNVS_SIZE)
+Field(GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ PCNT, 8, /* processor count */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/irqroute.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/irqroute.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..879b67d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/irqroute.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/arch/device.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/lpc.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/lpc.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc30e0ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/lpc.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+/* Intel LPC Bus Device - 0:1f.0 */
+Device (LPCB)
+ Name(_ADR, 0x001f0000)
+ OperationRegion(PRTX, PCI_Config, 0x60, 8)
+ Field(PRTX, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
+ PRTA, 8,
+ PRTB, 8,
+ PRTC, 8,
+ PRTD, 8,
+ PRTE, 8,
+ PRTF, 8,
+ PRTG, 8,
+ PRTH, 8,
+ }
+ #include <asm/acpi/irqlinks.asl>
+ /* Firmware Hub */
+ Device (FWH)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("INT0800"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadOnly, 0xff000000, 0x01000000)
+ })
+ }
+ /* 8259 Interrupt Controller */
+ Device (PIC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0000"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x20, 0x20, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x24, 0x24, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x28, 0x28, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x2c, 0x2c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x30, 0x30, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x34, 0x34, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x38, 0x38, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa0, 0xa0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa4, 0xa4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xa8, 0xa8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xac, 0xac, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb0, 0xb0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb4, 0xb4, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0xbc, 0xbc, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x4d0, 0x4d0, 0x01, 0x02)
+ IRQNoFlags () { 2 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* 8254 timer */
+ Device (TIMR)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0100"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x40, 0x40, 0x01, 0x04)
+ IO(Decode16, 0x50, 0x50, 0x10, 0x04)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 0 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* HPET */
+ Device (HPET)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0103"))
+ Name(_CID, 0x010CD041)
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ })
+ Method(_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Real Time Clock */
+ Device (RTC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0B00"))
+ Name(_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x70, 0x70, 1, 8)
+ IRQNoFlags() { 8 }
+ })
+ }
+ /* LPC device: Resource consumption */
+ Device (LDRC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C02"))
+ Name(_UID, 2)
+ Name(RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x61, 0x61, 0x1, 0x01) /* NMI Status */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x63, 0x63, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x65, 0x65, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x67, 0x67, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x80, 0x80, 0x1, 0x01) /* Port 80 Post */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x92, 0x92, 0x1, 0x01) /* CPU Reserved */
+ IO(Decode16, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0x1, 0x02) /* SWSMI */
+ })
+ Method(_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/platform.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/platform.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b3e4a533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/platform.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/statdef.asl>
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+#include <asm/arch/irq.h>
+ * The _PTS method (Prepare To Sleep) is called before the OS is
+ * entering a sleep state. The sleep state number is passed in Arg0.
+ */
+Method(_PTS, 1)
+/* The _WAK method is called on system wakeup */
+Method(_WAK, 1)
+ Return (Package() {0, 0})
+/* ACPI global NVS */
+#include "global_nvs.asl"
+/* TODO: add CPU ASL support */
+Scope (\_SB)
+ #include "southcluster.asl"
+/* Chipset specific sleep states */
+#include <asm/acpi/sleepstates.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/southcluster.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/southcluster.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..384dab25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/acpi/southcluster.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+Device (PCI0)
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0A08")) /* PCIe */
+ Name(_CID, EISAID("PNP0A03")) /* PCI */
+ Name(_UID, 0)
+ Name(_BBN, 0)
+ Name(MCRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ /* Bus Numbers */
+ WordBusNumber(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0100, , , PB00)
+ /* IO Region 0 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0cf7, 0x0000, 0x0cf8, , , PI00)
+ /* PCI Config Space */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x0cf8, 0x0cf8, 0x0001, 0x0008)
+ /* IO Region 1 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xf300, , , PI01)
+ /* VGA memory (0xa0000-0xbffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000a0000, 0x000bffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00020000, , , ASEG)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc0000-0xc3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c0000, 0x000c3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR0)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc4000-0xc7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c4000, 0x000c7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR1)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xc8000-0xcbfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000c8000, 0x000cbfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR2)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xcc000-0xcffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000cc000, 0x000cffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR3)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd0000-0xd3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d0000, 0x000d3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR4)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd4000-0xd7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d4000, 0x000d7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR5)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xd8000-0xdbfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000d8000, 0x000dbfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR6)
+ /* OPROM reserved (0xdc000-0xdffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000dc000, 0x000dffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , OPR7)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe0000-0xe3fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e0000, 0x000e3fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG0)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe4000-0xe7fff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e4000, 0x000e7fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG1)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xe8000-0xebfff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000e8000, 0x000ebfff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG2)
+ /* BIOS Extension (0xec000-0xeffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000ec000, 0x000effff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00004000, , , ESG3)
+ /* System BIOS (0xf0000-0xfffff) */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000f0000, 0x000fffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00010000, , , FSEG)
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000000, , , PMEM)
+ })
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ /* Update PCI resource area */
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._MIN, PMIN)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._MAX, PMAX)
+ CreateDwordField(MCRS, ^PMEM._LEN, PLEN)
+ /*
+ * Hardcode TOLM to 2GB for now (see DRAM_MAX_SIZE in quark.h)
+ *
+ * TODO: for generic usage, read TOLM value from register, or
+ * from global NVS (not implemented by U-Boot yet).
+ */
+ Store(0x80000000, PMIN)
+ Store(Subtract(MCFG_BASE_ADDRESS, 1), PMAX)
+ Add(Subtract(PMAX, PMIN), 1, PLEN)
+ Return (MCRS)
+ }
+ /* Device Resource Consumption */
+ Device (PDRC)
+ {
+ Name(_HID, EISAID("PNP0C02"))
+ Name(_UID, 1)
+ Name(PDRS, ResourceTemplate() {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, CONFIG_ESRAM_BASE, 0x80000)
+ })
+ /* Current Resource Settings */
+ Method(_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (PDRS)
+ }
+ }
+ Method(_OSC, 4)
+ {
+ /* Check for proper GUID */
+ If (LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID("33DB4D5B-1FF7-401C-9657-7441C03DD766"))) {
+ /* Let OS control everything */
+ Return (Arg3)
+ } Else {
+ /* Unrecognized UUID */
+ CreateDWordField(Arg3, 0, CDW1)
+ Or(CDW1, 4, CDW1)
+ Return (Arg3)
+ }
+ }
+ /* LPC Bridge 0:1f.0 */
+ #include "lpc.asl"
+ /* IRQ routing for each PCI device */
+ #include <asm/acpi/irqroute.asl>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/device.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4391628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QUARK_DEVICE_H_
+#define _QUARK_DEVICE_H_
+ * Internal PCI device numbers within the SoC.
+ *
+ * Note it must start with 0x_ prefix, as the device number macro will be
+ * included in the ACPI ASL files (see irq_helper.h and irq_route.h).
+ */
+#define QUARK_DEV_20 0x14
+#define QUARK_UART0_FUNC 1
+#define QUARK_UART1_FUNC 5
+#define QUARK_EMAC0_FUNC 6
+#define QUARK_EMAC1_FUNC 7
+#define QUARK_DEV_21 0x15
+#define QUARK_SPI0_FUNC 0
+#define QUARK_SPI1_FUNC 1
+#define QUARK_I2C_GPIO_FUNC 2
+#define QUARK_DEV_23 0x17
+#define QUARK_PCIE0_FUNC 0
+#define QUARK_PCIE1_FUNC 1
+#define QUARK_LGC_BRIDGE_DEV 0x1f
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <pci.h>
+#define QUARK_MMC_SDIO \
+#define QUARK_UART0 \
+#define QUARK_USB_EHCI \
+#define QUARK_USB_OHCI \
+#define QUARK_UART1 \
+#define QUARK_EMAC0 \
+#define QUARK_EMAC1 \
+#define QUARK_SPI0 \
+#define QUARK_SPI1 \
+#define QUARK_I2C_GPIO \
+#define QUARK_PCIE0 \
+#define QUARK_PCIE1 \
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _QUARK_DEVICE_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/global_nvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/global_nvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e99e6737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/global_nvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+#define _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+struct __packed acpi_global_nvs {
+ u8 pcnt; /* processor count */
+ /*
+ * Add padding so sizeof(struct acpi_global_nvs) == 0x100.
+ * This must match the size defined in the global_nvs.asl.
+ */
+ u8 rsvd[255];
+#endif /* _GLOBAL_NVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e233252dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QUARK_IOMAP_H_
+#define _QUARK_IOMAP_H_
+/* Memory Mapped IO bases */
+/* ESRAM */
+/* PCI Configuration Space */
+#define MCFG_BASE_SIZE 0x10000000
+/* High Performance Event Timer */
+#define HPET_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed00000
+#define HPET_BASE_SIZE 0x400
+/* Root Complex Base Address */
+#define RCBA_BASE_SIZE 0x4000
+/* IO Port bases */
+#define ACPI_PM1_BASE_SIZE 0x10
+#define ACPI_PBLK_BASE_SIZE 0x10
+#define SPI_DMA_BASE_SIZE 0x10
+#define GPIO_BASE_SIZE 0x80
+#define ACPI_GPE0_BASE_SIZE 0x40
+#define WDT_BASE_SIZE 0x40
+#endif /* _QUARK_IOMAP_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/irq.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/irq.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aaa728e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QUARK_IRQ_H_
+#define _QUARK_IRQ_H_
+#define PIRQA_APIC_IRQ 16
+#define PIRQB_APIC_IRQ 17
+#define PIRQC_APIC_IRQ 18
+#define PIRQD_APIC_IRQ 19
+#define PIRQE_APIC_IRQ 20
+#define PIRQF_APIC_IRQ 21
+#define PIRQG_APIC_IRQ 22
+#define PIRQH_APIC_IRQ 23
+#endif /* _QUARK_IRQ_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/mrc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/mrc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2353426cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/mrc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Ported from Intel released Quark UEFI BIOS
+ * QuarkSocPkg/QuarkNorthCluster/MemoryInit/Pei
+ */
+#ifndef _MRC_H_
+#define _MRC_H_
+#define MRC_VERSION 0x0111
+/* architectural definitions */
+#define NUM_CHANNELS 1 /* number of channels */
+#define NUM_RANKS 2 /* number of ranks per channel */
+#define NUM_BYTE_LANES 4 /* number of byte lanes per channel */
+/* software limitations */
+#define MAX_CHANNELS 1
+#define MAX_RANKS 2
+#define MAX_BYTE_LANES 4
+#define MAX_SOCKETS 1
+#define MAX_SIDES 1
+/* Specify DRAM and channel width */
+enum {
+ X8, /* DRAM width */
+ X16, /* DRAM width & Channel Width */
+ X32 /* Channel Width */
+/* Specify DRAM speed */
+enum {
+ DDRFREQ_800,
+ DDRFREQ_1066
+/* Specify DRAM type */
+enum {
+ DDR3,
+ * density: 0=512Mb, 1=Gb, 2=2Gb, 3=4Gb
+ * cl: DRAM CAS Latency in clocks
+ * ras: ACT to PRE command period
+ * wtr: Delay from start of internal write transaction to internal read command
+ * rrd: ACT to ACT command period (JESD79 specific to page size 1K/2K)
+ * faw: Four activate window (JESD79 specific to page size 1K/2K)
+ *
+ * ras/wtr/rrd/faw timings are in picoseconds
+ *
+ * Refer to JEDEC spec (or DRAM datasheet) when changing these values.
+ */
+struct dram_params {
+ uint8_t density;
+ uint8_t cl;
+ uint32_t ras;
+ uint32_t wtr;
+ uint32_t rrd;
+ uint32_t faw;
+ * Delay configuration for individual signals
+ * Vref setting
+ * Scrambler seed
+ */
+struct mrc_timings {
+ uint32_t vref[NUM_CHANNELS][NUM_BYTE_LANES];
+ uint32_t wctl[NUM_CHANNELS][NUM_RANKS];
+ uint32_t wcmd[NUM_CHANNELS];
+ uint32_t scrambler_seed;
+ /* need to save for the case of frequency change */
+ uint8_t ddr_speed;
+/* Boot mode defined as bit mask (1<<n) */
+enum {
+ BM_COLD = 1, /* full training */
+ BM_FAST = 2, /* restore timing parameters */
+ BM_S3 = 4, /* resume from S3 */
+ BM_WARM = 8
+/* MRC execution status */
+#define MRC_SUCCESS 0 /* initialization ok */
+#define MRC_E_MEMTEST 1 /* memtest failed */
+ * Memory Reference Code parameters
+ *
+ * It includes 3 parts:
+ * - input parameters like boot mode and DRAM parameters
+ * - context parameters for MRC internal state
+ * - output parameters like initialization result and memory size
+ */
+struct mrc_params {
+ /* Input parameters */
+ uint32_t boot_mode; /* BM_COLD, BM_FAST, BM_WARM, BM_S3 */
+ /* DRAM parameters */
+ uint8_t dram_width; /* x8, x16 */
+ uint8_t ddr_speed; /* DDRFREQ_800, DDRFREQ_1066 */
+ uint8_t ddr_type; /* DDR3, DDR3L */
+ uint8_t ecc_enables; /* 0, 1 (memory size reduced to 7/8) */
+ uint8_t scrambling_enables; /* 0, 1 */
+ /* 1, 3 (1'st rank has to be populated if 2'nd rank present) */
+ uint32_t rank_enables;
+ uint32_t channel_enables; /* 1 only */
+ uint32_t channel_width; /* x16 only */
+ /* 0, 1, 2 (mode 2 forced if ecc enabled) */
+ uint32_t address_mode;
+ /* REFRESH_RATE: 1=1.95us, 2=3.9us, 3=7.8us, others=RESERVED */
+ uint8_t refresh_rate;
+ /* SR_TEMP_RANGE: 0=normal, 1=extended, others=RESERVED */
+ uint8_t sr_temp_range;
+ /*
+ * RON_VALUE: 0=34ohm, 1=40ohm, others=RESERVED
+ * (select MRS1.DIC driver impedance control)
+ */
+ uint8_t ron_value;
+ /* RTT_NOM_VALUE: 0=40ohm, 1=60ohm, 2=120ohm, others=RESERVED */
+ uint8_t rtt_nom_value;
+ /* RD_ODT_VALUE: 0=off, 1=60ohm, 2=120ohm, 3=180ohm, others=RESERVED */
+ uint8_t rd_odt_value;
+ struct dram_params params;
+ /* Internally used context parameters */
+ uint32_t board_id; /* board layout (use x8 or x16 memory) */
+ uint32_t hte_setup; /* when set hte reconfiguration requested */
+ uint32_t menu_after_mrc;
+ uint32_t power_down_disable;
+ uint32_t tune_rcvn;
+ uint32_t channel_size[NUM_CHANNELS];
+ uint32_t column_bits[NUM_CHANNELS];
+ uint32_t row_bits[NUM_CHANNELS];
+ uint32_t mrs1; /* register content saved during training */
+ uint8_t first_run;
+ /* Output parameters */
+ /* initialization result (non zero specifies error code) */
+ uint32_t status;
+ /* total memory size in bytes (excludes ECC banks) */
+ uint32_t mem_size;
+ /* training results (also used on input) */
+ struct mrc_timings timings;
+ * MRC memory initialization structure
+ *
+ * post_code: a 16-bit post code of a specific initialization routine
+ * boot_path: bitwise or of BM_COLD, BM_FAST, BM_WARM and BM_S3
+ * init_fn: real memory initialization routine
+ */
+struct mem_init {
+ uint16_t post_code;
+ uint16_t boot_path;
+ void (*init_fn)(struct mrc_params *mrc_params);
+/* MRC platform data flags */
+#define MRC_FLAG_ECC_EN 0x00000001
+#define MRC_FLAG_SCRAMBLE_EN 0x00000002
+#define MRC_FLAG_MEMTEST_EN 0x00000004
+/* 0b DDR "fly-by" topology else 1b DDR "tree" topology */
+#define MRC_FLAG_TOP_TREE_EN 0x00000008
+/* If set ODR signal is asserted to DRAM devices on writes */
+#define MRC_FLAG_WR_ODT_EN 0x00000010
+ * mrc_init - Memory Reference Code initialization entry routine
+ *
+ * @mrc_params: parameters for MRC
+ */
+void mrc_init(struct mrc_params *mrc_params);
+#endif /* _MRC_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/msg_port.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/msg_port.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9527fdad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/msg_port.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QUARK_MSG_PORT_H_
+#define _QUARK_MSG_PORT_H_
+ * In the Quark SoC, some chipset commands are accomplished by utilizing
+ * the internal message network within the host bridge (D0:F0). Accesses
+ * to this network are accomplished by populating the message control
+ * register (MCR), Message Control Register eXtension (MCRX) and the
+ * message data register (MDR).
+ */
+#define MSG_CTRL_REG 0xd0 /* Message Control Register */
+#define MSG_DATA_REG 0xd4 /* Message Data Register */
+#define MSG_CTRL_EXT_REG 0xd8 /* Message Control Register EXT */
+/* Normal Read/Write OpCodes */
+#define MSG_OP_READ 0x10
+#define MSG_OP_WRITE 0x11
+/* Alternative Read/Write OpCodes */
+#define MSG_OP_ALT_READ 0x06
+#define MSG_OP_ALT_WRITE 0x07
+/* IO Read/Write OpCodes */
+#define MSG_OP_IO_READ 0x02
+#define MSG_OP_IO_WRITE 0x03
+/* All byte enables */
+#define MSG_BYTE_ENABLE 0xf0
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+ * msg_port_setup - set up the message port control register
+ *
+ * @op: message bus access opcode
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ */
+void msg_port_setup(int op, int port, int reg);
+ * msg_port_read - read a message port register using normal opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ *
+ * @return: message port register value
+ */
+u32 msg_port_read(u8 port, u32 reg);
+ * msg_port_write - write a message port register using normal opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ * @value: register value to write
+ */
+void msg_port_write(u8 port, u32 reg, u32 value);
+ * msg_port_alt_read - read a message port register using alternative opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ *
+ * @return: message port register value
+ */
+u32 msg_port_alt_read(u8 port, u32 reg);
+ * msg_port_alt_write - write a message port register using alternative opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ * @value: register value to write
+ */
+void msg_port_alt_write(u8 port, u32 reg, u32 value);
+ * msg_port_io_read - read a message port register using I/O opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ *
+ * @return: message port register value
+ */
+u32 msg_port_io_read(u8 port, u32 reg);
+ * msg_port_io_write - write a message port register using I/O opcode
+ *
+ * @port: port number on the message bus
+ * @reg: register number within a port
+ * @value: register value to write
+ */
+void msg_port_io_write(u8 port, u32 reg, u32 value);
+/* clrbits, setbits, clrsetbits macros for message port access */
+#define msg_port_normal_read msg_port_read
+#define msg_port_normal_write msg_port_write
+#define msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(type, port, reg, clr, set) \
+ msg_port_##type##_write(port, reg, \
+ (msg_port_##type##_read(port, reg) \
+ & ~(clr)) | (set))
+#define msg_port_clrbits(port, reg, clr) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(normal, port, reg, clr, 0)
+#define msg_port_setbits(port, reg, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(normal, port, reg, 0, set)
+#define msg_port_clrsetbits(port, reg, clr, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(normal, port, reg, clr, set)
+#define msg_port_alt_clrbits(port, reg, clr) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(alt, port, reg, clr, 0)
+#define msg_port_alt_setbits(port, reg, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(alt, port, reg, 0, set)
+#define msg_port_alt_clrsetbits(port, reg, clr, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(alt, port, reg, clr, set)
+#define msg_port_io_clrbits(port, reg, clr) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(io, port, reg, clr, 0)
+#define msg_port_io_setbits(port, reg, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(io, port, reg, 0, set)
+#define msg_port_io_clrsetbits(port, reg, clr, set) \
+ msg_port_generic_clrsetbits(io, port, reg, clr, set)
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _QUARK_MSG_PORT_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/quark.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/quark.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..feca1983b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-quark/quark.h
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _QUARK_H_
+#define _QUARK_H_
+/* Message Bus Ports */
+#define MSG_PORT_MEM_ARBITER 0x00
+#define MSG_PORT_HOST_BRIDGE 0x03
+#define MSG_PORT_RMU 0x04
+#define MSG_PORT_MEM_MGR 0x05
+#define MSG_PORT_USB_AFE 0x14
+#define MSG_PORT_PCIE_AFE 0x16
+#define MSG_PORT_SOC_UNIT 0x31
+/* Port 0x00: Memory Arbiter Message Port Registers */
+/* Enhanced Configuration Space */
+#define AEC_CTRL 0x00
+/* Port 0x03: Host Bridge Message Port Registers */
+/* Host Miscellaneous Controls 2 */
+#define HMISC2 0x03
+#define HMISC2_SEGE 0x00000002
+#define HMISC2_SEGF 0x00000004
+#define HMISC2_SEGAB 0x00000010
+/* Host Memory I/O Boundary */
+#define HM_BOUND 0x08
+#define HM_BOUND_LOCK 0x00000001
+/* Extended Configuration Space */
+#define HEC_REG 0x09
+/* MTRR Registers */
+#define MTRR_CAP 0x40
+#define MTRR_DEF_TYPE 0x41
+#define MTRR_FIX_64K_00000 0x42
+#define MTRR_FIX_64K_40000 0x43
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_80000 0x44
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_90000 0x45
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_A0000 0x46
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_B0000 0x47
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_C0000 0x48
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_C4000 0x49
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_C8000 0x4a
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_CC000 0x4b
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_D0000 0x4c
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_D4000 0x4d
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_D8000 0x4e
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_DC000 0x4f
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_E0000 0x50
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_E4000 0x51
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_E8000 0x52
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_EC000 0x53
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_F0000 0x54
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_F4000 0x55
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_F8000 0x56
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_FC000 0x57
+#define MTRR_SMRR_PHYBASE 0x58
+#define MTRR_SMRR_PHYMASK 0x59
+#define MTRR_VAR_PHYBASE(n) (0x5a + 2 * (n))
+#define MTRR_VAR_PHYMASK(n) (0x5b + 2 * (n))
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* variable range MTRR usage */
+enum {
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+/* Port 0x04: Remote Management Unit Message Port Registers */
+/* ACPI PBLK Base Address Register */
+#define PBLK_BA 0x70
+/* Control Register */
+#define RMU_CTRL 0x71
+/* SPI DMA Base Address Register */
+#define SPI_DMA_BA 0x7a
+/* Thermal Sensor Register */
+#define TS_MODE 0xb0
+#define TS_TEMP 0xb1
+#define TS_TRIP 0xb2
+/* Port 0x05: Memory Manager Message Port Registers */
+/* eSRAM Block Page Control */
+#define ESRAM_BLK_CTRL 0x82
+#define ESRAM_BLOCK_MODE 0x10000000
+/* Port 0x14: USB2 AFE Unit Port Registers */
+#define USB2_GLOBAL_PORT 0x4001
+#define USB2_PLL1 0x7f02
+#define USB2_PLL2 0x7f03
+#define USB2_COMPBG 0x7f04
+/* Port 0x16: PCIe AFE Unit Port Registers */
+#define PCIE_RXPICTRL0_L0 0x2080
+#define PCIE_RXPICTRL0_L1 0x2180
+/* Port 0x31: SoC Unit Port Registers */
+/* Thermal Sensor Config */
+#define TS_CFG1 0x31
+#define TS_CFG2 0x32
+#define TS_CFG3 0x33
+#define TS_CFG4 0x34
+/* PCIe Controller Config */
+#define PCIE_CFG 0x36
+#define PCIE_CTLR_PRI_RST 0x00010000
+#define PCIE_PHY_SB_RST 0x00020000
+#define PCIE_CTLR_SB_RST 0x00040000
+#define PCIE_PHY_LANE_RST 0x00090000
+#define PCIE_CTLR_MAIN_RST 0x00100000
+/* DRAM */
+#define DRAM_BASE 0x00000000
+#define DRAM_MAX_SIZE 0x80000000
+/* eSRAM */
+#define ESRAM_SIZE 0x80000
+/* Memory BAR Enable */
+#define MEM_BAR_EN 0x00000001
+/* I/O BAR Enable */
+#define IO_BAR_EN 0x80000000
+/* 64KiB of RMU binary in flash */
+#define RMU_BINARY_SIZE 0x10000
+/* PCIe Root Port Configuration Registers */
+#define PCIE_RP_CCFG 0xd0
+#define CCFG_UPRS (1 << 14)
+#define CCFG_UNRS (1 << 15)
+#define CCFG_UNSD (1 << 23)
+#define CCFG_UPSD (1 << 24)
+#define PCIE_RP_MPC2 0xd4
+#define MPC2_IPF (1 << 11)
+#define PCIE_RP_MBC 0xf4
+#define MBC_SBIC (3 << 16)
+/* Legacy Bridge PCI Configuration Registers */
+#define LB_GBA 0x44
+#define LB_PM1BLK 0x48
+#define LB_GPE0BLK 0x4c
+#define LB_ACTL 0x58
+#define LB_PABCDRC 0x60
+#define LB_PEFGHRC 0x64
+#define LB_WDTBA 0x84
+#define LB_BCE 0xd4
+#define LB_BC 0xd8
+#define LB_RCBA 0xf0
+/* USB EHCI memory-mapped registers */
+#define EHCI_INSNREG01 0x94
+/* USB device memory-mapped registers */
+#define USBD_INT_MASK 0x410
+#define USBD_EP_INT_STS 0x414
+#define USBD_EP_INT_MASK 0x418
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* Root Complex Register Block */
+struct quark_rcba {
+ u32 rctl;
+ u32 esd;
+ u32 rsvd1[3150];
+ u16 rmu_ir;
+ u16 d23_ir;
+ u16 core_ir;
+ u16 d20d21_ir;
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/pci.h>
+ * qrk_pci_read_config_dword() - Read a configuration value
+ *
+ * @dev: PCI device address: bus, device and function
+ * @offset: Dword offset within the device's configuration space
+ * @valuep: Place to put the returned value
+ *
+ * Note: This routine is inlined to provide better performance on Quark
+ */
+static inline void qrk_pci_read_config_dword(pci_dev_t dev, int offset,
+ u32 *valuep)
+ outl(dev | offset | PCI_CFG_EN, PCI_REG_ADDR);
+ *valuep = inl(PCI_REG_DATA);
+ * qrk_pci_write_config_dword() - Write a PCI configuration value
+ *
+ * @dev: PCI device address: bus, device and function
+ * @offset: Dword offset within the device's configuration space
+ * @value: Value to write
+ *
+ * Note: This routine is inlined to provide better performance on Quark
+ */
+static inline void qrk_pci_write_config_dword(pci_dev_t dev, int offset,
+ u32 value)
+ outl(dev | offset | PCI_CFG_EN, PCI_REG_ADDR);
+ outl(value, PCI_REG_DATA);
+ * board_assert_perst() - Assert the PERST# pin
+ *
+ * The CPU interface to the PERST# signal on Quark is platform dependent.
+ * Board-specific codes need supply this routine to assert PCIe slot reset.
+ *
+ * The tricky part in this routine is that any APIs that may trigger PCI
+ * enumeration process are strictly forbidden, as any access to PCIe root
+ * port's configuration registers will cause system hang while it is held
+ * in reset.
+ */
+void board_assert_perst(void);
+ * board_deassert_perst() - De-assert the PERST# pin
+ *
+ * The CPU interface to the PERST# signal on Quark is platform dependent.
+ * Board-specific codes need supply this routine to de-assert PCIe slot reset.
+ *
+ * The tricky part in this routine is that any APIs that may trigger PCI
+ * enumeration process are strictly forbidden, as any access to PCIe root
+ * port's configuration registers will cause system hang while it is held
+ * in reset.
+ */
+void board_deassert_perst(void);
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _QUARK_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/device.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15857bfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#include <pci.h>
+/* TunnelCreek PCI Devices */
+#define TNC_IGD_DEV 2
+#define TNC_IGD_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_SDVO_DEV 3
+#define TNC_SDVO_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_PCIE0_DEV 23
+#define TNC_PCIE0_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_PCIE1_DEV 24
+#define TNC_PCIE1_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_PCIE2_DEV 25
+#define TNC_PCIE2_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_PCIE3_DEV 26
+#define TNC_PCIE3_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_HDA_DEV 27
+#define TNC_HDA_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_LPC_DEV 31
+#define TNC_LPC_FUNC 0
+#define TNC_HOST_BRIDGE \
+#define TNC_IGD \
+#define TNC_SDVO \
+#define TNC_PCIE0 \
+#define TNC_PCIE1 \
+#define TNC_PCIE2 \
+#define TNC_PCIE3 \
+#define TNC_HDA \
+#define TNC_LPC \
+/* Topcliff IOH PCI Devices */
+#define TCF_PCIE_PORT_DEV 0
+#define TCF_DEV_0 0
+#define TCF_PKT_HUB_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_GBE_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_GPIO_FUNC 2
+#define TCF_DEV_2 2
+#define TCF_USB1_OHCI0_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_USB1_OHCI1_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_USB1_OHCI2_FUNC 2
+#define TCF_USB1_EHCI_FUNC 3
+#define TCF_DEV_4 4
+#define TCF_SDIO0_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_SDIO1_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_DEV_6 6
+#define TCF_SATA_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_DEV_8 8
+#define TCF_USB2_OHCI0_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_USB2_OHCI1_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_USB2_OHCI2_FUNC 2
+#define TCF_USB2_EHCI_FUNC 3
+#define TCF_DEV_10 10
+#define TCF_DMA1_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_UART0_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_UART1_FUNC 2
+#define TCF_UART2_FUNC 3
+#define TCF_UART3_FUNC 4
+#define TCF_DEV_12 12
+#define TCF_DMA2_FUNC 0
+#define TCF_SPI_FUNC 1
+#define TCF_I2C_FUNC 2
+#define TCF_CAN_FUNC 3
+#define TCF_1588_FUNC 4
+#endif /* _QUEENSBAY_DEVICE_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_configs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_configs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..979121cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_configs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+#define __FSP_CONFIGS_H__
+struct fsp_config_data {
+ struct fsp_cfg_common common;
+ struct upd_region fsp_upd;
+struct fspinit_rtbuf {
+ struct common_buf common; /* FSP common runtime data structure */
+#endif /* __FSP_CONFIGS_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_vpd.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7572fc7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/fsp/fsp_vpd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
+ */
+#ifndef __VPDHEADER_H__
+#define __VPDHEADER_H__
+struct __packed upd_region {
+ u64 sign; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ u64 reserved; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ u8 dummy[240]; /* Offset 0x0010 */
+ u8 hda_verb_header[12]; /* Offset 0x0100 */
+ u32 hda_verb_length; /* Offset 0x010C */
+ u8 hda_verb_data0[16]; /* Offset 0x0110 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data1[16]; /* Offset 0x0120 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data2[16]; /* Offset 0x0130 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data3[16]; /* Offset 0x0140 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data4[16]; /* Offset 0x0150 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data5[16]; /* Offset 0x0160 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data6[16]; /* Offset 0x0170 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data7[16]; /* Offset 0x0180 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data8[16]; /* Offset 0x0190 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data9[16]; /* Offset 0x01A0 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data10[16]; /* Offset 0x01B0 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data11[16]; /* Offset 0x01C0 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data12[16]; /* Offset 0x01D0 */
+ u8 hda_verb_data13[16]; /* Offset 0x01E0 */
+ u8 hda_verb_pad[47]; /* Offset 0x01F0 */
+ u16 terminator; /* Offset 0x021F */
+#define VPD_IMAGE_ID 0x445056574F4E4E4D /* 'MNNOWVPD' */
+struct __packed vpd_region {
+ u64 sign; /* Offset 0x0000 */
+ u32 img_rev; /* Offset 0x0008 */
+ u32 upd_offset; /* Offset 0x000C */
+ u8 unused[16]; /* Offset 0x0010 */
+ u32 fsp_res_memlen; /* Offset 0x0020 */
+ u8 disable_pcie1; /* Offset 0x0024 */
+ u8 disable_pcie2; /* Offset 0x0025 */
+ u8 disable_pcie3; /* Offset 0x0026 */
+ u8 enable_azalia; /* Offset 0x0027 */
+ u8 legacy_seg_decode; /* Offset 0x0028 */
+ u8 pcie_port_ioh; /* Offset 0x0029 */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/tnc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/tnc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d151509a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-queensbay/tnc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_ARCH_TNC_H_
+#define _X86_ARCH_TNC_H_
+/* IGD Function Disable Register */
+#define IGD_FD 0xc4
+#define FUNC_DISABLE 0x00000001
+/* Memory BAR Enable */
+#define MEM_BAR_EN 0x00000001
+/* LPC PCI Configuration Registers */
+#define LPC_RCBA 0xf0
+/* Root Complex Register Block */
+struct tnc_rcba {
+ u32 rctl;
+ u32 esd;
+ u32 rsvd1[2];
+ u32 hdd;
+ u32 rsvd2;
+ u32 hdba;
+ u32 rsvd3[3129];
+ u32 d31ip;
+ u32 rsvd4[3];
+ u32 d27ip;
+ u32 rsvd5;
+ u32 d02ip;
+ u32 rsvd6;
+ u32 d26ip;
+ u32 d25ip;
+ u32 d24ip;
+ u32 d23ip;
+ u32 d03ip;
+ u32 rsvd7[3];
+ u16 d31ir;
+ u16 rsvd8[3];
+ u16 d27ir;
+ u16 d26ir;
+ u16 d25ir;
+ u16 d24ir;
+ u16 d23ir;
+ u16 rsvd9[7];
+ u16 d02ir;
+ u16 d03ir;
+#endif /* _X86_ARCH_TNC_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-slimbootloader/slimbootloader.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-slimbootloader/slimbootloader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05dd1b2b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-slimbootloader/slimbootloader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation <www.intel.com>
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/hob.h>
+ * A GUID to get MemoryMap info hob which is provided by Slim Bootloader
+ */
+ EFI_GUID(0xa1ff7424, 0x7a1a, 0x478e, \
+ 0xa9, 0xe4, 0x92, 0xf3, 0x57, 0xd1, 0x28, 0x32)
+ * A GUID to get SerialPort info hob which is provided by Slim Bootloader
+ */
+ EFI_GUID(0x6c6872fe, 0x56a9, 0x4403, \
+ 0xbb, 0x98, 0x95, 0x8d, 0x62, 0xde, 0x87, 0xf1)
+ * A GUID to get boot performance info hob which is provided by Slim Bootloader
+ */
+ EFI_GUID(0x868204be, 0x23d0, 0x4ff9, \
+ 0xac, 0x34, 0xb9, 0x95, 0xac, 0x04, 0xb1, 0xb9)
+ * A single entry of memory map information
+ *
+ * @addr: start address of a memory map entry
+ * @size: size of a memory map entry
+ * @type: usable:1, reserved:2, acpi:3, nvs:4, unusable:5
+ * @flag: only used in Slim Bootloader
+ * @rsvd: padding for alignment
+ */
+struct sbl_memory_map_entry {
+ u64 addr;
+ u64 size;
+ u8 type;
+ u8 flag;
+ u8 rsvd[6];
+ * This includes all memory map entries which is sorted based on physical start
+ * address, from low to high, and carved out reserved, acpi nvs, acpi reclaim
+ * and usable memory.
+ *
+ * @rev : revision of memory_map_info structure. currently 1.
+ * @rsvd : padding for alignment
+ * @count: the number of memory map entries
+ * @entry: array of all memory map entries
+ */
+struct sbl_memory_map_info {
+ u8 rev;
+ u8 rsvd[3];
+ u32 count;
+ struct sbl_memory_map_entry entry[0];
+ * This includes serial port info which has already been initialized in previous
+ * Slim Bootloader stage.
+ * The Slim Bootloader initializes serial port regardless of debug/release build
+ * modes, and it passes the information to a payload thru hob. So, a payload can
+ * re-use the serial information without re-initializing serial port.
+ *
+ * @rev : revision of serial_port_info structure. currently 1.
+ * @rsvd : padding for alignment
+ * @type : port io: 1, mmio: 2
+ * @base : io base address. ex) 0x3f8, 0x80001000
+ * @baud : uart baud rate
+ * @stride: register stride in Bytes
+ * @clk : uart frequency in Hz
+ * @rsvd1 : reserved
+ */
+struct sbl_serial_port_info {
+ u8 rev;
+ u8 rsvd[3];
+ u32 type;
+ u32 base;
+ u32 baud;
+ u32 stride;
+ u32 clk;
+ u32 rsvd1;
+ * This includes timestamp data which has been collected in Slim Bootloader
+ * stages from the reset vector. In addition, this has TSC frequency in KHz to
+ * calculate each timestamp.
+ *
+ * @rev : revision of performance_info structure. currently 1.
+ * @rsvd : padding for alignment
+ * @count : the number of collected timestamp data
+ * @flags : only used in Slim Bootloader
+ * @frequency: tsc frequency in KHz
+ * @timestamp: the array of timestamp data which has 64-bit tsc value
+ */
+struct sbl_performance_info {
+ u8 rev;
+ u8 rsvd[3];
+ u16 count;
+ u16 flags;
+ u32 frequency;
+ u64 timestamp[0];
+#endif /* __SLIMBOOTLOADER_ARCH_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/global_nvs.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/global_nvs.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..895b807e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/global_nvs.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Partially based on global_nvs.asl for other x86 platforms
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/global_nvs.h>
+OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, ACPI_GNVS_ADDR, ACPI_GNVS_SIZE)
+Field(GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ PCNT, 8, /* processor count */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/platform.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/platform.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf75ca754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/platform.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Partially based on platform.asl for other x86 platforms
+ */
+#include <asm/acpi/statdef.asl>
+#include <asm/arch/iomap.h>
+ * The _PTS method (Prepare To Sleep) is called before the OS is
+ * entering a sleep state. The sleep state number is passed in Arg0.
+ */
+Method(_PTS, 1)
+/* The _WAK method is called on system wakeup */
+Method(_WAK, 1)
+ Return (Package() { Zero, Zero })
+Scope (_SB)
+ /* Real Time Clock */
+ Device (RTC0)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0B00"))
+ Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ IO(Decode16, 0x70, 0x70, 0x01, 0x08)
+ })
+ }
+/* ACPI global NVS */
+#include "global_nvs.asl"
+Scope (\_SB)
+ #include "southcluster.asl"
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/southcluster.asl b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/southcluster.asl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df6662593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/acpi/southcluster.asl
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Partially based on southcluster.asl for other x86 platforms
+ */
+Device (PCI0)
+ Name (_HID, EISAID("PNP0A08")) /* PCIe */
+ Name (_CID, EISAID("PNP0A03")) /* PCI */
+ Name (_UID, Zero)
+ Name (_BBN, Zero)
+ Name (MCRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ /* Bus Numbers */
+ WordBusNumber(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x00ff, 0x0000, 0x0100, , , PB00)
+ /* IO Region 0 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0cf7, 0x0000, 0x0cf8, , , PI00)
+ /* PCI Config Space */
+ IO(Decode16, 0x0cf8, 0x0cf8, 0x0001, 0x0008)
+ /* IO Region 1 */
+ WordIO(ResourceProducer, MinFixed, MaxFixed, PosDecode, EntireRange,
+ 0x0000, 0x0d00, 0xffff, 0x0000, 0xf300, , , PI01)
+ /* GPIO Low Memory Region */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x000ddcc0, 0x000ddccf, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000010, , , GP00)
+ /* PSH Memory Region 0 */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x04819000, 0x04898fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00080000, , , PSH0)
+ /* PSH Memory Region 1 */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x04919000, 0x04920fff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00008000, , , PSH1)
+ /* SST Memory Region */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x05e00000, 0x05ffffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x00200000, , , SST0)
+ /* PCI Memory Region */
+ DWordMemory(ResourceProducer, PosDecode, MinFixed, MaxFixed,
+ Cacheable, ReadWrite,
+ 0x00000000, 0x80000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000,
+ 0x80000000, , , PMEM)
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (MCRS)
+ }
+ /* Device Resource Consumption */
+ Device (PDRC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, EISAID("PNP0C02"))
+ Name (_UID, One)
+ Name (PDRS, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (PDRS)
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_OSC, 4)
+ {
+ /* Check for proper GUID */
+ If (LEqual(Arg0, ToUUID("33db4d5b-1ff7-401c-9657-7441c03dd766"))) {
+ /* Let OS control everything */
+ Return (Arg3)
+ } Else {
+ /* Unrecognized UUID */
+ CreateDWordField(Arg3, 0, CDW1)
+ Or(CDW1, 4, CDW1)
+ Return (Arg3)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (SDHC)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00010003)
+ Name (_DEP, Package (0x01)
+ {
+ })
+ Name (PSTS, Zero)
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ }
+ Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If (PSTS == Zero)
+ {
+ If (^^GPIO.AVBL == One)
+ {
+ ^^GPIO.WFD3 = One
+ PSTS = One
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* BCM43340 */
+ Device (BRC1)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x01)
+ Name (_DEP, Package (0x01)
+ {
+ })
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ Method (_PS3, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If (^^^GPIO.AVBL == One)
+ {
+ ^^^GPIO.WFD3 = Zero
+ PSTS = Zero
+ }
+ }
+ Method (_PS0, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If (PSTS == Zero)
+ {
+ If (^^^GPIO.AVBL == One)
+ {
+ ^^^GPIO.WFD3 = One
+ PSTS = One
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Device (BRC2)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x02)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (Zero)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Device (SPI5)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00070001)
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullUp, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 110 }
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullUp, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 111 }
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullUp, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 112 }
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullUp, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 113 }
+ FixedDMA(0x000d, 0x0002, Width32bit, )
+ FixedDMA(0x000c, 0x0003, Width32bit, )
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ /*
+ * See
+ * http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/acpi/gpio-properties.txt
+ * for more information about GPIO bindings.
+ */
+ Name (_DSD, Package () {
+ ToUUID("daffd814-6eba-4d8c-8a91-bc9bbf4aa301"),
+ Package () {
+ Package () {
+ "cs-gpios", Package () {
+ ^SPI5, 0, 0, 0,
+ ^SPI5, 1, 0, 0,
+ ^SPI5, 2, 0, 0,
+ ^SPI5, 3, 0, 0,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ })
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (I2C1)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00080000)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (SSCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x02F8, 0x037B, Zero,
+ })
+ Name (FMCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x0087, 0x010A, Zero,
+ })
+ Name (HSCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x0008, 0x0020, Zero,
+ })
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ FixedDMA(0x0009, 0x0000, Width32bit, )
+ FixedDMA(0x0008, 0x0001, Width32bit, )
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (I2C6)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00090001)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (SSCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x02F8, 0x037B, Zero,
+ })
+ Name (FMCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x0087, 0x010A, Zero,
+ })
+ Name (HSCN, Package ()
+ {
+ 0x0008, 0x0020, Zero,
+ })
+ }
+ Device (GPIO)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x000c0000)
+ Method (_STA)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (AVBL, Zero)
+ Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If (Arg0 == 0x08)
+ {
+ AVBL = Arg1
+ }
+ }
+ OperationRegion (GPOP, GeneralPurposeIo, 0, 1)
+ Field (GPOP, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ Connection (
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullDefault, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 96 }
+ ),
+ WFD3, 1,
+ }
+ }
+ Device (DWC3)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00110000)
+ Name (_DEP, Package ()
+ {
+ })
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Device (RHUB)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, Zero)
+ Name (PCKG, Package () {
+ Buffer (0x14) {}
+ })
+ /* GPLD: Generate Port Location Data (PLD) */
+ Method (GPLD, 1, Serialized) {
+ /* REV: Revision 0x02 for ACPI 5.0 */
+ CreateField (DerefOf (Index (PCKG, Zero)), Zero, 0x07, REV)
+ Store (0x0002, REV)
+ /* VISI: Port visibility to user per port */
+ CreateField (DerefOf (Index (PCKG, Zero)), 0x40, One, VISI)
+ Store (Arg0, VISI)
+ /* VOFF: Vertical offset is not supplied */
+ CreateField (DerefOf (Index (PCKG, Zero)), 0x80, 0x10, VOFF)
+ Store (0xFFFF, VOFF)
+ /* HOFF: Horizontal offset is not supplied */
+ CreateField (DerefOf (Index (PCKG, Zero)), 0x90, 0x10, HOFF)
+ Store (0xFFFF, HOFF)
+ Return (PCKG)
+ }
+ Device (HS01) { Name (_ADR, 1) }
+ Device (SS01) { Name (_ADR, 2) }
+ }
+ }
+ Device (PWM0)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00170000)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ }
+ Device (HSU0)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00040001)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Device (BTH0)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "BCM2E95")
+ Name (_DEP, Package ()
+ {
+ HSU0
+ })
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ UartSerialBus(0x0001C200, DataBitsEight, StopBitsOne,
+ 0xFC, LittleEndian, ParityTypeNone, FlowControlHardware,
+ 0x20, 0x20, "\\_SB.PCI0.HSU0", 0, ResourceConsumer, , )
+ GpioInt(Level, ActiveHigh, Exclusive, PullNone, 0,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 185 }
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullDefault, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 184 }
+ GpioIo(Exclusive, PullDefault, 0, 0, IoRestrictionOutputOnly,
+ "\\_SB.PCI0.GPIO", 0, ResourceConsumer, , ) { 71 }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ Name (_DSD, Package () {
+ ToUUID("daffd814-6eba-4d8c-8a91-bc9bbf4aa301"),
+ Package () {
+ Package () { "host-wakeup-gpios", Package () { ^BTH0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+ Package () { "device-wakeup-gpios", Package () { ^BTH0, 1, 0, 0 } },
+ Package () { "shutdown-gpios", Package () { ^BTH0, 2, 0, 0 } },
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ Device (IPC1)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00130000)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Device (PMIC)
+ {
+ Name (_HID, "INTC100E")
+ Name (_CID, "INTC100E")
+ Name (_DDN, "Basin Cove PMIC")
+ Name (_DEP, Package ()
+ {
+ IPC1
+ })
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ /*
+ * Shadow registers in SRAM for PMIC:
+ * SRAM PMIC register
+ * --------------------
+ * 0x00- Unknown
+ * 0x03 THRMIRQ (0x04)
+ * 0x04 BCUIRQ (0x05)
+ * 0x05 ADCIRQ (0x06)
+ * 0x06 CHGRIRQ0 (0x07)
+ * 0x07 CHGRIRQ1 (0x08)
+ * 0x08- Unknown
+ * 0x0a PBSTATUS (0x27)
+ * 0x0b- Unknown
+ */
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0xFFFFF610, 0x00000010)
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 30 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 23 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 52 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 51 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 50 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 27 }
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 49 }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ OperationRegion (PMOP, 0x8D, Zero, 0x0100)
+ Field (PMOP, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+ {
+ SEL1, 32,
+ SEL2, 32,
+ VCCL, 32,
+ VNNL, 32,
+ AONL, 32,
+ CNTC, 32,
+ CNTN, 32,
+ AONN, 32,
+ CNT1, 32,
+ CNT2, 32,
+ CNT3, 32,
+ FLEX, 32,
+ PRG1, 32,
+ PRG2, 32,
+ PRG3, 32,
+ VLDO, 32,
+ }
+ Name (AVBL, Zero)
+ Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ If ((Arg0 == 0x8D))
+ {
+ AVBL = Arg1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Device (GDMA)
+ {
+ Name (_ADR, 0x00150000)
+ Name (_UID, Zero)
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate ()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0xFF192000, 0x00001000)
+ Interrupt(ResourceConsumer, Level, ActiveHigh, Shared, ,, ) { 32 }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ }
+Device (FLIS)
+ Name (_HID, "INTC1002")
+ Name (_DDN, "Intel Merrifield Family-Level Interface Shim")
+ Name (RBUF, ResourceTemplate()
+ {
+ Memory32Fixed(ReadWrite, 0xFF0C0000, 0x00008000)
+ PinGroup("spi5", ResourceProducer, ) { 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 }
+ PinGroup("uart0", ResourceProducer, ) { 115, 116, 117, 118 }
+ PinGroup("uart1", ResourceProducer, ) { 119, 120, 121, 122 }
+ PinGroup("uart2", ResourceProducer, ) { 123, 124, 125, 126 }
+ PinGroup("pwm0", ResourceProducer, ) { 144 }
+ PinGroup("pwm1", ResourceProducer, ) { 145 }
+ PinGroup("pwm2", ResourceProducer, ) { 132 }
+ PinGroup("pwm3", ResourceProducer, ) { 133 }
+ })
+ Method (_CRS, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (RBUF)
+ }
+ Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
+ {
+ Return (STA_VISIBLE)
+ }
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/global_nvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/global_nvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7811a331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/global_nvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Partially based on global_nvs.h for other x86 platforms
+ */
+#ifndef _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+#define _GLOBAL_NVS_H_
+struct __packed acpi_global_nvs {
+ u8 pcnt; /* processor count */
+ /*
+ * Add padding so sizeof(struct acpi_global_nvs) == 0x100.
+ * This must match the size defined in the global_nvs.asl.
+ */
+ u8 rsvd[255];
+#endif /* _GLOBAL_NVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/iomap.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/iomap.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0fc03e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/arch-tangier/iomap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+/* Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation */
+#define MCFG_BASE_ADDRESS 0x3f500000
+#define MCFG_BASE_SIZE 0x00100000
+#endif /* _TANGIER_IOMAP_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/atomic.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/atomic.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14f811fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/atomic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H
+#define _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+typedef struct { volatile int counter; } atomic_t;
+ * Atomic operations that C can't guarantee us. Useful for
+ * resource counting etc..
+ */
+#define ATOMIC_INIT(i) { (i) }
+ * atomic_read - read atomic variable
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ *
+ * Atomically reads the value of @v.
+ */
+static inline int atomic_read(const atomic_t *v)
+ return READ_ONCE((v)->counter);
+ * atomic_set - set atomic variable
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ * @i: required value
+ *
+ * Atomically sets the value of @v to @i.
+ */
+static inline void atomic_set(atomic_t *v, int i)
+ v->counter = i;
+ * atomic_add - add integer to atomic variable
+ * @i: integer value to add
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ *
+ * Atomically adds @i to @v.
+ */
+static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
+ : "+m" (v->counter)
+ : "ir" (i));
+ * atomic_sub - subtract integer from atomic variable
+ * @i: integer value to subtract
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ *
+ * Atomically subtracts @i from @v.
+ */
+static inline void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v)
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "subl %1,%0"
+ : "+m" (v->counter)
+ : "ir" (i));
+ * atomic_inc - increment atomic variable
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ *
+ * Atomically increments @v by 1.
+ */
+static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0"
+ : "+m" (v->counter));
+ * atomic_dec - decrement atomic variable
+ * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
+ *
+ * Atomically decrements @v by 1.
+ */
+static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "decl %0"
+ : "+m" (v->counter));
+ * atomic_inc_short - increment of a short integer
+ * @v: pointer to type int
+ *
+ * Atomically adds 1 to @v
+ * Returns the new value of @u
+ */
+static inline short int atomic_inc_short(short int *v)
+ asm(LOCK_PREFIX "addw $1, %0" : "+m" (*v));
+ return *v;
+/* These are x86-specific, used by some header files */
+#define atomic_clear_mask(mask, addr) \
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "andl %0,%1" \
+ : : "r" (~(mask)), "m" (*(addr)) : "memory")
+#define atomic_set_mask(mask, addr) \
+ asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "orl %0,%1" \
+ : : "r" ((unsigned)(mask)), "m" (*(addr)) \
+ : "memory")
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_ATOMIC_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..196fcf9d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bitops.h
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+#ifndef _I386_BITOPS_H
+#define _I386_BITOPS_H
+ * Copyright 1992, Linus Torvalds.
+ */
+ * These have to be done with inline assembly: that way the bit-setting
+ * is guaranteed to be atomic. All bit operations return 0 if the bit
+ * was cleared before the operation and != 0 if it was not.
+ *
+ * bit 0 is the LSB of addr; bit 32 is the LSB of (addr+1).
+ */
+#include <asm-generic/bitops/fls.h>
+#include <asm-generic/bitops/__fls.h>
+#include <asm-generic/bitops/fls64.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+#define LOCK_PREFIX "lock ; "
+#define LOCK_PREFIX ""
+#define ADDR (*(volatile long *) addr)
+ * set_bit - Atomically set a bit in memory
+ * @nr: the bit to set
+ * @addr: the address to start counting from
+ *
+ * This function is atomic and may not be reordered. See __set_bit()
+ * if you do not require the atomic guarantees.
+ * Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not
+ * restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.
+ */
+static __inline__ void set_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btsl %1,%0"
+ :"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ * __set_bit - Set a bit in memory
+ * @nr: the bit to set
+ * @addr: the address to start counting from
+ *
+ * Unlike set_bit(), this function is non-atomic and may be reordered.
+ * If it's called on the same region of memory simultaneously, the effect
+ * may be that only one operation succeeds.
+ */
+static __inline__ void __set_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ __asm__(
+ "btsl %1,%0"
+ :"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ * clear_bit - Clears a bit in memory
+ * @nr: Bit to clear
+ * @addr: Address to start counting from
+ *
+ * clear_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered. However, it does
+ * not contain a memory barrier, so if it is used for locking purposes,
+ * you should call smp_mb__before_clear_bit() and/or smp_mb__after_clear_bit()
+ * in order to ensure changes are visible on other processors.
+ */
+static __inline__ void clear_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btrl %1,%0"
+ :"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+#define smp_mb__before_clear_bit() barrier()
+#define smp_mb__after_clear_bit() barrier()
+ * __change_bit - Toggle a bit in memory
+ * @nr: the bit to set
+ * @addr: the address to start counting from
+ *
+ * Unlike change_bit(), this function is non-atomic and may be reordered.
+ * If it's called on the same region of memory simultaneously, the effect
+ * may be that only one operation succeeds.
+ */
+static __inline__ void __change_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "btcl %1,%0"
+ :"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ * change_bit - Toggle a bit in memory
+ * @nr: Bit to clear
+ * @addr: Address to start counting from
+ *
+ * change_bit() is atomic and may not be reordered.
+ * Note that @nr may be almost arbitrarily large; this function is not
+ * restricted to acting on a single-word quantity.
+ */
+static __inline__ void change_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btcl %1,%0"
+ :"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ * test_and_set_bit - Set a bit and return its old value
+ * @nr: Bit to set
+ * @addr: Address to count from
+ *
+ * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
+ * It also implies a memory barrier.
+ */
+static __inline__ int test_and_set_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btsl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr) : "memory");
+ return oldbit;
+ * __test_and_set_bit - Set a bit and return its old value
+ * @nr: Bit to set
+ * @addr: Address to count from
+ *
+ * This operation is non-atomic and can be reordered.
+ * If two examples of this operation race, one can appear to succeed
+ * but actually fail. You must protect multiple accesses with a lock.
+ */
+static __inline__ int __test_and_set_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__(
+ "btsl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ return oldbit;
+ * test_and_clear_bit - Clear a bit and return its old value
+ * @nr: Bit to set
+ * @addr: Address to count from
+ *
+ * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
+ * It also implies a memory barrier.
+ */
+static __inline__ int test_and_clear_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btrl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr) : "memory");
+ return oldbit;
+ * __test_and_clear_bit - Clear a bit and return its old value
+ * @nr: Bit to set
+ * @addr: Address to count from
+ *
+ * This operation is non-atomic and can be reordered.
+ * If two examples of this operation race, one can appear to succeed
+ * but actually fail. You must protect multiple accesses with a lock.
+ */
+static __inline__ int __test_and_clear_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__(
+ "btrl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr));
+ return oldbit;
+/* WARNING: non atomic and it can be reordered! */
+static __inline__ int __test_and_change_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "btcl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr) : "memory");
+ return oldbit;
+ * test_and_change_bit - Change a bit and return its new value
+ * @nr: Bit to set
+ * @addr: Address to count from
+ *
+ * This operation is atomic and cannot be reordered.
+ * It also implies a memory barrier.
+ */
+static __inline__ int test_and_change_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__ __volatile__( LOCK_PREFIX
+ "btcl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit),"=m" (ADDR)
+ :"Ir" (nr) : "memory");
+ return oldbit;
+#if 0 /* Fool kernel-doc since it doesn't do macros yet */
+ * test_bit - Determine whether a bit is set
+ * @nr: bit number to test
+ * @addr: Address to start counting from
+ */
+static int test_bit(int nr, const volatile void * addr);
+static __inline__ int constant_test_bit(int nr, const volatile void * addr)
+ return ((1UL << (nr & 31)) & (((const volatile unsigned int *) addr)[nr >> 5])) != 0;
+static __inline__ int variable_test_bit(int nr, volatile void * addr)
+ int oldbit;
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "btl %2,%1\n\tsbbl %0,%0"
+ :"=r" (oldbit)
+ :"m" (ADDR),"Ir" (nr));
+ return oldbit;
+#define test_bit(nr,addr) \
+(__builtin_constant_p(nr) ? \
+ constant_test_bit((nr),(addr)) : \
+ variable_test_bit((nr),(addr)))
+ * find_first_zero_bit - find the first zero bit in a memory region
+ * @addr: The address to start the search at
+ * @size: The maximum size to search
+ *
+ * Returns the bit-number of the first zero bit, not the number of the byte
+ * containing a bit.
+ */
+static __inline__ int find_first_zero_bit(void * addr, unsigned size)
+ int d0, d1, d2;
+ int res;
+ if (!size)
+ return 0;
+ /* This looks at memory. Mark it volatile to tell gcc not to move it around */
+ __asm__ __volatile__(
+ "movl $-1,%%eax\n\t"
+ "xorl %%edx,%%edx\n\t"
+ "repe; scasl\n\t"
+ "je 1f\n\t"
+ "xorl -4(%%edi),%%eax\n\t"
+ "subl $4,%%edi\n\t"
+ "bsfl %%eax,%%edx\n"
+ "1:\tsubl %%ebx,%%edi\n\t"
+ "shll $3,%%edi\n\t"
+ "addl %%edi,%%edx"
+ :"=d" (res), "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&a" (d2)
+ :"1" ((size + 31) >> 5), "2" (addr), "b" (addr));
+ return res;
+ * find_next_zero_bit - find the first zero bit in a memory region
+ * @addr: The address to base the search on
+ * @offset: The bitnumber to start searching at
+ * @size: The maximum size to search
+ */
+static __inline__ int find_next_zero_bit (void * addr, int size, int offset)
+ unsigned long * p = ((unsigned long *) addr) + (offset >> 5);
+ int set = 0, bit = offset & 31, res;
+ if (bit) {
+ /*
+ * Look for zero in first byte
+ */
+ __asm__("bsfl %1,%0\n\t"
+ "jne 1f\n\t"
+ "movl $32, %0\n"
+ "1:"
+ : "=r" (set)
+ : "r" (~(*p >> bit)));
+ if (set < (32 - bit))
+ return set + offset;
+ set = 32 - bit;
+ p++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * No zero yet, search remaining full bytes for a zero
+ */
+ res = find_first_zero_bit (p, size - 32 * (p - (unsigned long *) addr));
+ return (offset + set + res);
+ * ffz - find first zero in word.
+ * @word: The word to search
+ *
+ * Undefined if no zero exists, so code should check against ~0UL first.
+ */
+static __inline__ unsigned long ffz(unsigned long word)
+ __asm__("bsfl %1,%0"
+ :"=r" (word)
+ :"r" (~word));
+ return word;
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+ * __ffs - find first set bit in word
+ * @word: The word to search
+ *
+ * Undefined if no bit exists, so code should check against 0 first.
+ */
+static inline unsigned long __ffs(unsigned long word)
+ __asm__("rep; bsf %1,%0"
+ : "=r" (word)
+ : "rm" (word));
+ return word;
+ * ffs - find first bit set
+ * @x: the word to search
+ *
+ * This is defined the same way as
+ * the libc and compiler builtin ffs routines, therefore
+ * differs in spirit from the above ffz (man ffs).
+ */
+static __inline__ int ffs(int x)
+ int r;
+ __asm__("bsfl %1,%0\n\t"
+ "jnz 1f\n\t"
+ "movl $-1,%0\n"
+ "1:" : "=r" (r) : "rm" (x));
+ return r+1;
+static inline int __ilog2(unsigned int x)
+ return generic_fls(x) - 1;
+ * hweightN - returns the hamming weight of a N-bit word
+ * @x: the word to weigh
+ *
+ * The Hamming Weight of a number is the total number of bits set in it.
+ */
+#define hweight32(x) generic_hweight32(x)
+#define hweight16(x) generic_hweight16(x)
+#define hweight8(x) generic_hweight8(x)
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#define ext2_set_bit __test_and_set_bit
+#define ext2_clear_bit __test_and_clear_bit
+#define ext2_test_bit test_bit
+#define ext2_find_first_zero_bit find_first_zero_bit
+#define ext2_find_next_zero_bit find_next_zero_bit
+/* Bitmap functions for the minix filesystem. */
+#define minix_test_and_set_bit(nr,addr) __test_and_set_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_set_bit(nr,addr) __set_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_test_and_clear_bit(nr,addr) __test_and_clear_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_test_bit(nr,addr) test_bit(nr,addr)
+#define minix_find_first_zero_bit(addr,size) find_first_zero_bit(addr,size)
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* _I386_BITOPS_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootm.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd8ce5572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Google Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef ARM_BOOTM_H
+#define ARM_BOOTM_H
+void bootm_announce_and_cleanup(void);
+ * boot_linux_kernel() - boot a linux kernel
+ *
+ * This boots a kernel image, either 32-bit or 64-bit. It will also work with
+ * a self-extracting kernel, if you set @image_64bit to false.
+ *
+ * @setup_base: Pointer to the setup.bin information for the kernel
+ * @load_address: Pointer to the start of the kernel image
+ * @image_64bit: true if the image is a raw 64-bit kernel, false if it
+ * is raw 32-bit or any type of self-extracting kernel
+ * such as a bzImage.
+ * @return -ve error code. This function does not return if the kernel was
+ * booted successfully.
+ */
+int boot_linux_kernel(ulong setup_base, ulong load_address, bool image_64bit);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootparam.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootparam.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a3c1f515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/bootparam.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_BOOTPARAM_H
+#define _ASM_X86_BOOTPARAM_H
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/screen_info.h>
+#include <linux/apm_bios.h>
+#include <linux/edd.h>
+#include <asm/e820.h>
+#include <asm/ist.h>
+#include <asm/video/edid.h>
+/* setup data types */
+enum {
+/* extensible setup data list node */
+struct setup_data {
+ __u64 next;
+ __u32 type;
+ __u32 len;
+ __u8 data[0];
+ * struct setup_header - Information needed by Linux to boot
+ *
+ * See https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/x86/boot.html
+ */
+struct setup_header {
+ __u8 setup_sects;
+ __u16 root_flags;
+ __u32 syssize;
+ __u16 ram_size;
+#define RAMDISK_PROMPT_FLAG 0x8000
+#define RAMDISK_LOAD_FLAG 0x4000
+ __u16 vid_mode;
+ __u16 root_dev;
+ __u16 boot_flag;
+ __u16 jump;
+ __u32 header;
+ __u16 version;
+ __u32 realmode_swtch;
+ __u16 start_sys;
+ __u16 kernel_version;
+ __u8 type_of_loader;
+ __u8 loadflags;
+#define LOADED_HIGH BIT(0)
+#define KASLR_FLAG BIT(1)
+#define QUIET_FLAG BIT(5)
+#define KEEP_SEGMENTS BIT(6) /* Obsolete */
+#define CAN_USE_HEAP BIT(7)
+ __u16 setup_move_size;
+ __u32 code32_start;
+ __u32 ramdisk_image;
+ __u32 ramdisk_size;
+ __u32 bootsect_kludge; /* Obsolete */
+ __u16 heap_end_ptr;
+ __u8 ext_loader_ver;
+ __u8 ext_loader_type;
+ __u32 cmd_line_ptr;
+ __u32 initrd_addr_max;
+ __u32 kernel_alignment;
+ __u8 relocatable_kernel;
+ u8 min_alignment;
+#define XLF_KERNEL_64 BIT(0)
+#define XLF_EFI_HANDOVER_32 BIT(2)
+#define XLF_EFI_HANDOVER_64 BIT(3)
+#define XLF_EFI_KEXEC BIT(4)
+ u16 xloadflags;
+ __u32 cmdline_size;
+ __u32 hardware_subarch;
+ __u64 hardware_subarch_data;
+ __u32 payload_offset;
+ __u32 payload_length;
+ __u64 setup_data;
+ __u64 pref_address;
+ __u32 init_size;
+ __u32 handover_offset;
+ u32 kernel_info_offset;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+struct sys_desc_table {
+ __u16 length;
+ __u8 table[14];
+struct efi_info {
+ __u32 efi_loader_signature;
+ __u32 efi_systab;
+ __u32 efi_memdesc_size;
+ __u32 efi_memdesc_version;
+ __u32 efi_memmap;
+ __u32 efi_memmap_size;
+ __u32 efi_systab_hi;
+ __u32 efi_memmap_hi;
+/* The so-called "zeropage" */
+struct boot_params {
+ struct screen_info screen_info; /* 0x000 */
+ struct apm_bios_info apm_bios_info; /* 0x040 */
+ __u8 _pad2[4]; /* 0x054 */
+ __u64 tboot_addr; /* 0x058 */
+ struct ist_info ist_info; /* 0x060 */
+ __u64 acpi_rsdp_addr; /* 0x070 */
+ __u8 _pad3[8]; /* 0x078 */
+ __u8 hd0_info[16]; /* obsolete! */ /* 0x080 */
+ __u8 hd1_info[16]; /* obsolete! */ /* 0x090 */
+ struct sys_desc_table sys_desc_table; /* 0x0a0 */
+ __u8 _pad4[144]; /* 0x0b0 */
+ struct edid_info edid_info; /* 0x140 */
+ struct efi_info efi_info; /* 0x1c0 */
+ __u32 alt_mem_k; /* 0x1e0 */
+ __u32 scratch; /* Scratch field! */ /* 0x1e4 */
+ __u8 e820_entries; /* 0x1e8 */
+ __u8 eddbuf_entries; /* 0x1e9 */
+ __u8 edd_mbr_sig_buf_entries; /* 0x1ea */
+ __u8 _pad6[6]; /* 0x1eb */
+ struct setup_header hdr; /* setup header */ /* 0x1f1 */
+ __u8 _pad7[0x290-0x1f1-sizeof(struct setup_header)];
+ __u32 edd_mbr_sig_buffer[EDD_MBR_SIG_MAX]; /* 0x290 */
+ struct e820_entry e820_map[E820MAX]; /* 0x2d0 */
+ __u8 _pad8[48]; /* 0xcd0 */
+ struct edd_info eddbuf[EDDMAXNR]; /* 0xd00 */
+ __u8 _pad9[276]; /* 0xeec */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+enum {
+ X86_SUBARCH_PC = 0,
+ X86_SUBARCH_CE4100,
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_BOOTPARAM_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/byteorder.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/byteorder.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2d1fd870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/byteorder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#ifndef _I386_BYTEORDER_H
+#define _I386_BYTEORDER_H
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+static __inline__ __u32 ___arch__swab32(__u32 x)
+ __asm__("bswap %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x));
+ return x;
+#define _constant_swab16(x) ((__u16)( \
+ (((__u16)(x) & (__u16)0x00ffU) << 8) | \
+ (((__u16)(x) & (__u16)0xff00U) >> 8)))
+static __inline__ __u16 ___arch__swab16(__u16 x)
+ return _constant_swab16(x);
+ __asm__("xchgb %b0,%h0" /* swap bytes */ \
+ : "=q" (x) \
+ : "0" (x)); \
+ return x;
+#define __arch__swab32(x) ___arch__swab32(x)
+#define __arch__swab16(x) ___arch__swab16(x)
+#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) || defined(__KERNEL__)
+# define __BYTEORDER_HAS_U64__
+# define __SWAB_64_THRU_32__
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+#include <linux/byteorder/little_endian.h>
+#endif /* _I386_BYTEORDER_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cache.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..145b8784d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors.
+ */
+#ifndef __X86_CACHE_H__
+#define __X86_CACHE_H__
+ * If CONFIG_SYS_CACHELINE_SIZE is defined use it for DMA alignment. Otherwise
+ * use 64-bytes, a safe default for x86.
+ */
+static inline void wbinvd(void)
+ asm volatile ("wbinvd" : : : "memory");
+static inline void invd(void)
+ asm volatile("invd" : : : "memory");
+/* Enable caches and write buffer */
+void enable_caches(void);
+/* Disable caches and write buffer */
+void disable_caches(void);
+#endif /* __X86_CACHE_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cb_sysinfo.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cb_sysinfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..675eef6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cb_sysinfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
+ * This file is part of the libpayload project.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ */
+#include <asm/coreboot_tables.h>
+/* Maximum number of memory range definitions */
+/* Allow a maximum of 8 GPIOs */
+/* Up to 10 MAC addresses */
+#define SYSINFO_MAX_MACS 10
+ * struct sysinfo_t - Information passed to U-Boot from coreboot
+ *
+ * Coreboot passes on a lot of information using a list of individual data
+ * structures identified by a numeric tag. These are parsed in U-Boot to produce
+ * this struct. Some of the pointers here point back to the tagged data
+ * structure, since it is assumed to remain around while U-Boot is running.
+ *
+ * The 'cbsysinfo' command can display this information.
+ *
+ * @cpu_khz: CPU frequence in KHz (e.g. 1100000)
+ * @serial: Pointer to the serial information, NULL if none
+ * @ser_ioport: Not actually provided by a tag and not used on modern hardware,
+ * which typicaally uses a memory-mapped port
+ * @ser_base: Not used at all, but present to match up with the coreboot data
+ * structure
+ * @n_memranges: Number of memory ranges
+ * @memrange: List of memory ranges:
+ * @base: Base address of range
+ * @size: Size of range in bytes
+ * @type: Type of range (CB_MEM_RAM, etc.)
+ * @option_table: Provides a pointer to the CMOS RAM options table, which
+ * indicates which options are available. The header is followed by a list
+ * of struct cb_cmos_entries records, so that an option can be found from
+ * its name. This is not used in U-Boot. NULL if not present
+ * @cmos_range_start: Start bit of the CMOS checksum range (in fact this must
+ * be a multiple of 8)
+ * @cmos_range_end: End bit of the CMOS checksum range (multiple of 8). This is
+ * the inclusive end.
+ * @cmos_checksum_location: Location of checksum, multiplied by 8. This is the
+ * byte offset into the CMOS RAM of the first checksum byte. The second one
+ * follows immediately. The checksum is a simple 16-bit sum of all the
+ * bytes from offset cmos_range_start / 8 to cmos_range_end / 8, inclusive,
+ * in big-endian format (so sum >> 8 is stored in the first byte).
+ * @vbnv_start: Start offset of CMOS RAM used for Chromium OS verified boot
+ * (typically 0x34)
+ * @vbnv_size: Number of bytes used by Chromium OS verified boot (typically
+ * 0x10)
+ * @extra_version: Extra version information, typically ""
+ * @build: Build date, e.g. "Wed Nov 18 02:51:58 UTC 2020"
+ * @compile_time: Compilation time, e.g. "02:51:58"
+ * @compile_by: Who compiled coreboot (never set?)
+ * @compile_host: Name of the machine that compiled coreboot (never set?)
+ * @compile_domain: Domain name of the machine that compiled coreboot (never
+ * set?)
+ * @compiler: Name of the compiler used to build coreboot (never set?)
+ * @linker: Name of the linker used to build coreboot (never set?)
+ * @assembler: Name of the assembler used to build coreboot (never set?)
+ * @cb_version: Coreboot version string, e.g. v1.9308_26_0.0.22-2599-g232f22c75d
+ * @framebuffer: Address of framebuffer tag, or NULL if none. See
+ * struct cb_framebuffer for the definition
+ * @num_gpios: Number of verified-boot GPIOs
+ * @gpios: List of GPIOs:
+ * @port: GPIO number, or 0xffffffff if not a GPIO
+ * @value: Value of GPIO (0 or 1)
+ * @name: Name of GPIO
+ *
+ * A typical list is:
+ * id: port polarity val name
+ * 0: - active-high 1 write protect
+ * 1: - active-high 0 recovery
+ * 2: - active-high 1 lid
+ * 3: - active-high 0 power
+ * 4: - active-high 0 oprom
+ * 5: 29 active-high 0 EC in RW
+ *
+ * @num_macs: Number of MAC addresses
+ * @macs: List of MAC addresses
+ * @serialno: Serial number, or NULL (never set?)
+ * @mbtable: Address of the multiboot table, or NULL. This is a
+ * struct multiboot_header, not used in U-Boot
+ * @header: Address of header, if there is a CB_TAG_FORWARD, else NULL
+ * @mainboard: Pointer to mainboard info or NULL. Typically the vendor is
+ * "Google" and the part number is ""
+ * @vboot_handoff: Pointer to Chromium OS verified boot hand-off information.
+ * This is struct vboot_handoff, providing access to internal information
+ * generated by coreboot when this is being used
+ * @vboot_handoff_size: Size of hand-off information (typically 0xc0c)
+ * @vdat_addr: Pointer to Chromium OS verified boot data, which uses
+ * struct chromeos_acpi. It sits in the Intel Global NVS struct, after the
+ * first 0x100 bytes
+ * @vdat_size: Size of this data, typically 0xf00
+ * @smbios_start: Address of SMBIOS tables
+ * @smbios_size: Size of SMBIOS tables (e.g. 0x800)
+ * @x86_rom_var_mtrr_index: MTRR number used for ROM caching. Not used in U-Boot
+ * @tstamp_table: Pointer to timestamp_table, struct timestamp_table
+ * @cbmem_cons: Pointer to the console dump, struct cbmem_console. This provides
+ * access to the console output generated by coreboot, typically about 64KB
+ * and mostly PCI enumeration info
+ * @mrc_cache: Pointer to memory-reference-code cache, typically NULL
+ * acpi_gnvs: @Pointer to Intel Global NVS struct, see struct acpi_global_nvs
+ * @board_id: Board ID indicating the board variant, typically 0xffffffff
+ * @ram_code: RAM code indicating the SDRAM type, typically 0xffffffff
+ * @wifi_calibration: WiFi calibration info, NULL if none
+ * @ramoops_buffer: Address of kernel Ramoops buffer
+ * @ramoops_buffer_size: Sizeof of Ramoops buffer, typically 1MB
+ * @spi_flash: Information about SPI flash:
+ * @size: Size in bytes, e.g. 16MB
+ * @sector_size; Sector size of flash device, e.g. 4KB
+ * @erase_cmd: Command used to erase flash, or 0 if not used
+ * @fmap_offset: SPI-flash offset of the flash map (FMAP) table. This has a
+ * __FMAP__ header. It provides information about the different top-level
+ * sections in the SPI flash, e.g. 0x204000
+ * @cbfs_offset: SPI-flash offset of the Coreboot Filesystem (CBFS) used for
+ * read-only data, e.g. 0x205000. This is typically called 'COREBOOT' in
+ * the flash map. It holds various coreboot binaries as well as
+ * video-configuration files and graphics data for the Chromium OS
+ * verified boot user interface.
+ * @cbfs_size: Size of CBFS, e.g. 0x17b000
+ * @boot_media_size; Size of boot media (i.e. SPI flash), e.g. 16MB
+ * @mtc_start; Start of MTC region (Nvidia private data), 0 if not used. See
+ * https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot/+/chromeos-2013.04/src/soc/nvidia/tegra210/mtc.c
+ * @mtc_size: Size of MTC region
+ * @chromeos_vpd: Chromium OS Vital Product Data region, typically NULL, meaning
+ * not used
+ */
+struct sysinfo_t {
+ unsigned int cpu_khz;
+ struct cb_serial *serial;
+ unsigned short ser_ioport;
+ unsigned long ser_base; // for mmapped serial
+ int n_memranges;
+ struct memrange {
+ unsigned long long base;
+ unsigned long long size;
+ unsigned int type;
+ struct cb_cmos_option_table *option_table;
+ u32 cmos_range_start;
+ u32 cmos_range_end;
+ u32 cmos_checksum_location;
+ u32 vbnv_start;
+ u32 vbnv_size;
+ char *version;
+ char *extra_version;
+ char *build;
+ char *compile_time;
+ char *compile_by;
+ char *compile_host;
+ char *compile_domain;
+ char *compiler;
+ char *linker;
+ char *assembler;
+ char *cb_version;
+ struct cb_framebuffer *framebuffer;
+ int num_gpios;
+ struct cb_gpio gpios[SYSINFO_MAX_GPIOS];
+ int num_macs;
+ struct mac_address macs[SYSINFO_MAX_MACS];
+ char *serialno;
+ unsigned long *mbtable; /** Pointer to the multiboot table */
+ struct cb_header *header;
+ struct cb_mainboard *mainboard;
+ void *vboot_handoff;
+ u32 vboot_handoff_size;
+ void *vdat_addr;
+ u32 vdat_size;
+ u64 smbios_start;
+ u32 smbios_size;
+ int x86_rom_var_mtrr_index;
+ void *tstamp_table;
+ void *cbmem_cons;
+ void *mrc_cache;
+ void *acpi_gnvs;
+ u32 board_id;
+ u32 ram_code;
+ void *wifi_calibration;
+ u64 ramoops_buffer;
+ u32 ramoops_buffer_size;
+ struct {
+ u32 size;
+ u32 sector_size;
+ u32 erase_cmd;
+ } spi_flash;
+ u64 fmap_offset;
+ u64 cbfs_offset;
+ u64 cbfs_size;
+ u64 boot_media_size;
+ u64 mtc_start;
+ u32 mtc_size;
+ void *chromeos_vpd;
+extern struct sysinfo_t lib_sysinfo;
+int get_coreboot_info(struct sysinfo_t *info);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cmos_layout.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cmos_layout.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2f6d1855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cmos_layout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __CMOS_LAYOUT_H
+#define __CMOS_LAYOUT_H
+ * The RTC internal registers and RAM is organized as two banks of 128 bytes
+ * each, called the standard and extended banks. The first 14 bytes of the
+ * standard bank contain the RTC time and date information along with four
+ * registers, A - D, that are used for configuration of the RTC. The extended
+ * bank contains a full 128 bytes of battery backed SRAM.
+ *
+ * For simplicity in U-Boot we only support CMOS in the standard bank, and
+ * its base address starts from offset 0x10, which leaves us 112 bytes space.
+ */
+#define CMOS_BASE 0x10
+ * The file records all offsets off CMOS_BASE that is currently used by
+ * U-Boot for various reasons. It is put in such a unified place in order
+ * to be consistent across platforms.
+ */
+/* stack address for S3 boot in a FSP configuration, 4 bytes */
+#endif /* __CMOS_LAYOUT_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/config.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..221eb93d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2009 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_CONFIG_H_
+#define _ASM_CONFIG_H_
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/control_regs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/control_regs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44b8ba255
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/control_regs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2008-2011
+ * Graeme Russ, <graeme.russ@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, <daniel@omicron.se>
+ *
+ * Portions of this file are derived from the Linux kernel source
+ * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
+ */
+#ifndef __X86_CONTROL_REGS_H
+#define __X86_CONTROL_REGS_H
+ * The memory clobber prevents the GCC from reordering the read/write order
+ * of CR0
+static inline unsigned long read_cr0(void)
+ unsigned long val;
+ asm volatile ("movl %%cr0, %0" : "=r" (val) : : "memory");
+ return val;
+static inline void write_cr0(unsigned long val)
+ asm volatile ("movl %0, %%cr0" : : "r" (val) : "memory");
+static inline unsigned long read_cr2(void)
+ unsigned long val;
+ asm volatile("mov %%cr2,%0\n\t" : "=r" (val) : : "memory");
+ return val;
+static inline unsigned long read_cr3(void)
+ unsigned long val;
+ asm volatile("mov %%cr3,%0\n\t" : "=r" (val) : : "memory");
+ return val;
+static inline unsigned long read_cr4(void)
+ unsigned long val;
+ asm volatile("mov %%cr4,%0\n\t" : "=r" (val) : : "memory");
+ return val;
+static inline unsigned long get_debugreg(int regno)
+ unsigned long val = 0; /* Damn you, gcc! */
+ switch (regno) {
+ case 0:
+ asm("mov %%db0, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ asm("mov %%db1, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ asm("mov %%db2, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ asm("mov %%db3, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ asm("mov %%db6, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ asm("mov %%db7, %0" : "=r" (val));
+ break;
+ default:
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ return val;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/coreboot_tables.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/coreboot_tables.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a74654bbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/coreboot_tables.h
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
+ * This file is part of the libpayload project.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+ */
+struct timestamp_entry {
+ u32 entry_id;
+ u64 entry_stamp;
+} __packed;
+struct timestamp_table {
+ u64 base_time;
+ u16 max_entries;
+ u16 tick_freq_mhz;
+ u32 num_entries;
+ struct timestamp_entry entries[0]; /* Variable number of entries */
+} __packed;
+enum timestamp_id {
+ /* coreboot-specific timestamp IDs */
+ TS_END_ULZMA = 16,
+ TS_START_ULZ4F = 17,
+ TS_END_ULZ4F = 18,
+ /* 500+ reserved for vendorcode extensions (500-600: google/chromeos) */
+ /* 940-950 reserved for vendorcode extensions (940-950: Intel ME) */
+ /* 950+ reserved for vendorcode extensions (950-999: intel/fsp) */
+ /* 1000+ reserved for payloads (1000-1200: ChromeOS depthcharge) */
+ /* U-Boot entry IDs start at 1000 */
+ TS_U_BOOT_INITTED = 1000, /* This is where U-Boot starts */
+ TS_RO_VB_INIT = 1002,
+ TS_VB_VBOOT_DONE = 1100,
+ TS_U_BOOT_START_KERNEL = 1100, /* Right before jumping to kernel */
+struct memory_area;
+struct cbuint64 {
+ u32 lo;
+ u32 hi;
+struct cb_header {
+ u8 signature[4];
+ u32 header_bytes;
+ u32 header_checksum;
+ u32 table_bytes;
+ u32 table_checksum;
+ u32 table_entries;
+struct cb_record {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+#define CB_TAG_UNUSED 0x0000
+#define CB_TAG_MEMORY 0x0001
+struct cb_memory_range {
+ struct cbuint64 start;
+ struct cbuint64 size;
+ u32 type;
+#define CB_MEM_RAM 1
+#define CB_MEM_RESERVED 2
+#define CB_MEM_ACPI 3
+#define CB_MEM_NVS 4
+#define CB_MEM_UNUSABLE 5
+#define CB_MEM_TABLE 16
+struct cb_memory {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ struct cb_memory_range map[0];
+#define CB_TAG_HWRPB 0x0002
+struct cb_hwrpb {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 hwrpb;
+#define CB_TAG_MAINBOARD 0x0003
+struct cb_mainboard {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u8 vendor_idx;
+ u8 part_number_idx;
+ u8 strings[0];
+#define CB_TAG_VERSION 0x0004
+#define CB_TAG_EXTRA_VERSION 0x0005
+#define CB_TAG_BUILD 0x0006
+#define CB_TAG_COMPILE_TIME 0x0007
+#define CB_TAG_COMPILE_BY 0x0008
+#define CB_TAG_COMPILE_HOST 0x0009
+#define CB_TAG_COMPILE_DOMAIN 0x000a
+#define CB_TAG_COMPILER 0x000b
+#define CB_TAG_LINKER 0x000c
+#define CB_TAG_ASSEMBLER 0x000d
+struct cb_string {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u8 string[0];
+#define CB_TAG_SERIAL 0x000f
+struct cb_serial {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 type;
+ u32 baseaddr;
+ u32 baud;
+ u32 regwidth;
+ /*
+ * Crystal or input frequency to the chip containing the UART.
+ * Provide the board specific details to allow the payload to
+ * initialize the chip containing the UART and make independent
+ * decisions as to which dividers to select and their values
+ * to eventually arrive at the desired console baud-rate.
+ */
+ u32 input_hertz;
+ /*
+ * UART PCI address: bus, device, function
+ * 1 << 31 - Valid bit, PCI UART in use
+ * Bus << 20
+ * Device << 15
+ * Function << 12
+ */
+ u32 uart_pci_addr;
+#define CB_TAG_CONSOLE 0x0010
+struct cb_console {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u16 type;
+#define CB_TAG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250 0
+#define CB_TAG_FORWARD 0x0011
+struct cb_forward {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 forward;
+#define CB_TAG_FRAMEBUFFER 0x0012
+struct cb_framebuffer {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 physical_address;
+ u32 x_resolution;
+ u32 y_resolution;
+ u32 bytes_per_line;
+ u8 bits_per_pixel;
+ u8 red_mask_pos;
+ u8 red_mask_size;
+ u8 green_mask_pos;
+ u8 green_mask_size;
+ u8 blue_mask_pos;
+ u8 blue_mask_size;
+ u8 reserved_mask_pos;
+ u8 reserved_mask_size;
+#define CB_TAG_GPIO 0x0013
+struct cb_gpio {
+ u32 port;
+ u32 polarity;
+ u32 value;
+struct cb_gpios {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 count;
+ struct cb_gpio gpios[0];
+#define CB_TAG_FDT 0x0014
+struct cb_fdt {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size; /* size of the entire entry */
+ /* the actual FDT gets placed here */
+#define CB_TAG_VDAT 0x0015
+struct cb_vdat {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size; /* size of the entire entry */
+ void *vdat_addr;
+ u32 vdat_size;
+#define CB_TAG_TIMESTAMPS 0x0016
+#define CB_TAG_CBMEM_CONSOLE 0x0017
+struct cbmem_console {
+ u32 size;
+ u32 cursor;
+ char body[0];
+} __packed;
+#define CB_TAG_MRC_CACHE 0x0018
+struct cb_cbmem_tab {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 cbmem_tab;
+#define CB_TAG_VBNV 0x0019
+struct cb_vbnv {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 vbnv_start;
+ u32 vbnv_size;
+#define CB_TAG_VBOOT_HANDOFF 0x0020
+#define CB_TAG_X86_ROM_MTRR 0x0021
+struct cb_x86_rom_mtrr {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ /*
+ * The variable range MTRR index covering the ROM. If one wants to
+ * enable caching the ROM, the variable MTRR needs to be set to
+ * write-protect. To disable the caching after enabling set the
+ * type to uncacheable
+ */
+ u32 index;
+#define CB_TAG_DMA 0x0022
+#define CB_TAG_RAM_OOPS 0x0023
+#define CB_TAG_ACPI_GNVS 0x0024
+#define CB_TAG_BOARD_ID 0x0025
+struct cb_board_id {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ /* Board ID as retrieved from the board revision GPIOs. */
+ u32 board_id;
+#define CB_TAG_MAC_ADDRS 0x0026
+struct mac_address {
+ u8 mac_addr[6];
+ u8 pad[2]; /* Pad it to 8 bytes to keep it simple. */
+struct cb_macs {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 count;
+ struct mac_address mac_addrs[0];
+#define CB_TAG_RAM_CODE 0x0028
+struct cb_ram_code {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 ram_code;
+#define CB_TAG_SPI_FLASH 0x0029
+struct cb_spi_flash {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 flash_size;
+ u32 sector_size;
+ u32 erase_cmd;
+#define CB_TAG_MTC 0x002b
+#define CB_TAG_VPD 0x002c
+struct lb_range {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 range_start;
+ u32 range_size;
+#define CB_TAG_BOOT_MEDIA_PARAMS 0x0030
+struct cb_boot_media_params {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ /* offsets are relative to start of boot media */
+ u64 fmap_offset;
+ u64 cbfs_offset;
+ u64 cbfs_size;
+ u64 boot_media_size;
+#define CB_TAG_CBMEM_ENTRY 0x0031
+#define CBMEM_ID_SMBIOS 0x534d4254
+struct cb_cbmem_entry {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u64 address;
+ u32 entry_size;
+ u32 id;
+#define CB_TAG_TSC_INFO 0x0032
+struct cb_tsc_info {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 freq_khz;
+#define CB_TAG_SERIALNO 0x002a
+#define CB_TAG_CMOS_OPTION_TABLE 0x00c8
+struct cb_cmos_option_table {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 header_length;
+ /* entries follow after this header */
+#define CB_TAG_OPTION 0x00c9
+struct cb_cmos_entries {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 bit;
+ u32 length;
+ u32 config;
+ u32 config_id;
+#define CB_TAG_OPTION_ENUM 0x00ca
+struct cb_cmos_enums {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 config_id;
+ u32 value;
+#define CB_TAG_OPTION_DEFAULTS 0x00cb
+struct cb_cmos_defaults {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 name_length;
+ u8 default_set[CB_CMOS_IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE];
+#define CB_TAG_OPTION_CHECKSUM 0x00cc
+struct cb_cmos_checksum {
+ u32 tag;
+ u32 size;
+ u32 range_start;
+ u32 range_end;
+ u32 location;
+ u32 type;
+/* Helpful macros */
+#define MEM_RANGE_COUNT(_rec) \
+ (((_rec)->size - sizeof(*(_rec))) / sizeof((_rec)->map[0]))
+#define MEM_RANGE_PTR(_rec, _idx) \
+ (((u8 *) (_rec)) + sizeof(*(_rec)) \
+ + (sizeof((_rec)->map[0]) * (_idx)))
+#define MB_VENDOR_STRING(_mb) \
+ (((unsigned char *) ((_mb)->strings)) + (_mb)->vendor_idx)
+#define MB_PART_STRING(_mb) \
+ (((unsigned char *) ((_mb)->strings)) + (_mb)->part_number_idx)
+#define UNPACK_CB64(_in) \
+ ((((u64) _in.hi) << 32) | _in.lo)
+#define CBMEM_MAGIC 0x434f5245
+struct cbmem_entry {
+ u32 magic;
+ u32 id;
+ u64 base;
+ u64 size;
+} __packed;
+#define CBMEM_ID_FREESPACE 0x46524545
+#define CBMEM_ID_GDT 0x4c474454
+#define CBMEM_ID_ACPI 0x41435049
+#define CBMEM_ID_CBTABLE 0x43425442
+#define CBMEM_ID_PIRQ 0x49525154
+#define CBMEM_ID_MPTABLE 0x534d5054
+#define CBMEM_ID_RESUME 0x5245534d
+#define CBMEM_ID_RESUME_SCRATCH 0x52455343
+#define CBMEM_ID_SMBIOS 0x534d4254
+#define CBMEM_ID_TIMESTAMP 0x54494d45
+#define CBMEM_ID_MRCDATA 0x4d524344
+#define CBMEM_ID_CONSOLE 0x434f4e53
+#define CBMEM_ID_NONE 0x00000000
+ * high_table_reserve() - reserve configuration table in high memory
+ *
+ * This reserves configuration table in high memory.
+ *
+ * @return: always 0
+ */
+int high_table_reserve(void);
+ * high_table_malloc() - allocate configuration table in high memory
+ *
+ * This allocates configuration table in high memory.
+ *
+ * @bytes: size of configuration table to be allocated
+ * @return: pointer to configuration table in high memory
+ */
+void *high_table_malloc(size_t bytes);
+ * write_coreboot_table() - write coreboot table
+ *
+ * This writes coreboot table at a given address.
+ *
+ * @addr: start address to write coreboot table
+ * @cfg_tables: pointer to configuration table memory area
+ */
+void write_coreboot_table(u32 addr, struct memory_area *cfg_tables);
+ * locate_coreboot_table() - Try to find coreboot tables at standard locations
+ *
+ * @return address of table that was found, or -ve error number
+ */
+long locate_coreboot_table(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b001bbee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors.
+ *
+ * Part of this file is adapted from coreboot
+ * src/arch/x86/include/arch/cpu.h and
+ * src/arch/x86/lib/cpu.c
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_CPU_H
+#define _ASM_CPU_H
+enum {
+ X86_VENDOR_ANY = 0xfe,
+/* Global descriptor table (GDT) bits */
+enum {
+ GDT_4KB = 1ULL << 55,
+ GDT_32BIT = 1ULL << 54,
+ GDT_LONG = 1ULL << 53,
+ GDT_PRESENT = 1ULL << 47,
+ GDT_NOTSYS = 1ULL << 44,
+ GDT_CODE = 1ULL << 43,
+ GDT_LIMIT_LOW_MASK = 0xffff,
+ GDT_BASE_LOW_MASK = 0xffff,
+ * System controllers in an x86 system. We mostly need to just find these and
+ * use them on PCI. At some point these might have their own uclass (e.g.
+ * UCLASS_VIDEO for the GMA device).
+ */
+enum {
+ X86_NONE,
+ X86_SYSCON_ME, /* Intel Management Engine */
+ X86_SYSCON_PINCONF, /* Intel x86 pin configuration */
+ X86_SYSCON_PMU, /* Power Management Unit */
+ X86_SYSCON_SCU, /* System Controller Unit */
+ X86_SYSCON_PUNIT, /* Power unit */
+struct cpuid_result {
+ uint32_t eax;
+ uint32_t ebx;
+ uint32_t ecx;
+ uint32_t edx;
+ * Generic CPUID function
+ */
+static inline struct cpuid_result cpuid(int op)
+ struct cpuid_result result;
+ asm volatile(
+ "mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%ebx, %%esi;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (result.eax),
+ "=S" (result.ebx),
+ "=c" (result.ecx),
+ "=d" (result.edx)
+ : "0" (op)
+ : "edi");
+ return result;
+ * Generic Extended CPUID function
+ */
+static inline struct cpuid_result cpuid_ext(int op, unsigned ecx)
+ struct cpuid_result result;
+ asm volatile(
+ "mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%ebx, %%esi;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (result.eax),
+ "=S" (result.ebx),
+ "=c" (result.ecx),
+ "=d" (result.edx)
+ : "0" (op), "2" (ecx)
+ : "edi");
+ return result;
+ * CPUID functions returning a single datum
+ */
+static inline unsigned int cpuid_eax(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax;
+ __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (eax)
+ : "0" (op)
+ : "ecx", "edx", "edi");
+ return eax;
+static inline unsigned int cpuid_ebx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ebx;
+ __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%ebx, %%esi;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (eax), "=S" (ebx)
+ : "0" (op)
+ : "ecx", "edx", "edi");
+ return ebx;
+static inline unsigned int cpuid_ecx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, ecx;
+ __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (eax), "=c" (ecx)
+ : "0" (op)
+ : "edx", "edi");
+ return ecx;
+static inline unsigned int cpuid_edx(unsigned int op)
+ unsigned int eax, edx;
+ __asm__("mov %%ebx, %%edi;"
+ "cpuid;"
+ "mov %%edi, %%ebx;"
+ : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx)
+ : "0" (op)
+ : "ecx", "edi");
+ return edx;
+/* Standard macro to see if a specific flag is changeable */
+static inline int flag_is_changeable_p(uint32_t flag)
+ uint32_t f1, f2;
+ asm(
+ "pushfl\n\t"
+ "pushfl\n\t"
+ "popl %0\n\t"
+ "movl %0,%1\n\t"
+ "xorl %2,%0\n\t"
+ "pushl %0\n\t"
+ "popfl\n\t"
+ "pushfl\n\t"
+ "popl %0\n\t"
+ "popfl\n\t"
+ : "=&r" (f1), "=&r" (f2)
+ : "ir" (flag));
+ return ((f1^f2) & flag) != 0;
+static inline void mfence(void)
+ __asm__ __volatile__("mfence" : : : "memory");
+ * cpu_enable_paging_pae() - Enable PAE-paging
+ *
+ * @cr3: Value to set in cr3 (PDPT or PML4T)
+ */
+void cpu_enable_paging_pae(ulong cr3);
+ * cpu_disable_paging_pae() - Disable paging and PAE
+ */
+void cpu_disable_paging_pae(void);
+ * cpu_has_64bit() - Check if the CPU has 64-bit support
+ *
+ * @return 1 if this CPU supports long mode (64-bit), 0 if not
+ */
+int cpu_has_64bit(void);
+ * cpu_vendor_name() - Get CPU vendor name
+ *
+ * @vendor: CPU vendor enumeration number
+ *
+ * @return: Address to hold the CPU vendor name string
+ */
+const char *cpu_vendor_name(int vendor);
+#define CPU_MAX_NAME_LEN 49
+ * cpu_get_name() - Get the name of the current cpu
+ *
+ * @name: Place to put name, which must be CPU_MAX_NAME_LEN bytes including
+ * @return pointer to name, which will likely be a few bytes after the start
+ * of @name
+ * \0 terminator
+ */
+char *cpu_get_name(char *name);
+ * cpu_call64() - Jump to a 64-bit Linux kernel (internal function)
+ *
+ * The kernel is uncompressed and the 64-bit entry point is expected to be
+ * at @target.
+ *
+ * This function is used internally - see cpu_jump_to_64bit() for a more
+ * useful function.
+ *
+ * @pgtable: Address of 24KB area containing the page table
+ * @setup_base: Pointer to the setup.bin information for the kernel
+ * @target: Pointer to the start of the kernel image
+ */
+void cpu_call64(ulong pgtable, ulong setup_base, ulong target);
+ * cpu_call32() - Jump to a 32-bit entry point
+ *
+ * @code_seg32: 32-bit code segment to use (GDT offset, e.g. 0x20)
+ * @target: Pointer to the start of the 32-bit U-Boot image/entry point
+ * @table: Pointer to start of info table to pass to U-Boot
+ */
+void cpu_call32(ulong code_seg32, ulong target, ulong table);
+ * cpu_jump_to_64bit() - Jump to a 64-bit Linux kernel
+ *
+ * The kernel is uncompressed and the 64-bit entry point is expected to be
+ * at @target.
+ *
+ * @setup_base: Pointer to the setup.bin information for the kernel
+ * @target: Pointer to the start of the kernel image
+ */
+int cpu_jump_to_64bit(ulong setup_base, ulong target);
+ * cpu_jump_to_64bit_uboot() - special function to jump from SPL to U-Boot
+ *
+ * This handles calling from 32-bit SPL to 64-bit U-Boot.
+ *
+ * @target: Address of U-Boot in RAM
+ */
+int cpu_jump_to_64bit_uboot(ulong target);
+ * cpu_get_family_model() - Get the family and model for the CPU
+ *
+ * @return the CPU ID masked with 0x0fff0ff0
+ */
+u32 cpu_get_family_model(void);
+ * cpu_get_stepping() - Get the stepping value for the CPU
+ *
+ * @return the CPU ID masked with 0xf
+ */
+u32 cpu_get_stepping(void);
+ * cpu_phys_address_size() - Get the physical address size in bits
+ *
+ * This is 32 for older CPUs but newer ones may support 36.
+ *
+ * @return address size (typically 32 or 36)
+ */
+int cpu_phys_address_size(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_common.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e41ceda73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Common code for Intel CPUs
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_CPU_COMMON_H
+#define __ASM_CPU_COMMON_H
+/* Standard Intel bus clock is fixed at 100MHz */
+enum {
+struct cpu_info;
+struct udevice;
+ * cpu_common_init() - Set up common CPU init
+ *
+ * This reports BIST failure, enables the LAPIC, updates microcode, enables
+ * the upper 128-bytes of CROM RAM, probes the northbridge, PCH, LPC and SATA.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int cpu_common_init(void);
+ * cpu_set_flex_ratio_to_tdp_nominal() - Set up the maximum non-turbo rate
+ *
+ * If a change is needed, this function will do a soft reset so it takes
+ * effect.
+ *
+ * Some details are available here:
+ * http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=76092
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int cpu_set_flex_ratio_to_tdp_nominal(void);
+ * cpu_intel_get_info() - Obtain CPU info for Intel CPUs
+ *
+ * Most Intel CPUs use the same MSR to obtain the clock speed, and use the same
+ * features. This function fills in these values, given the value of the base
+ * clock in MHz (typically this should be set to 100).
+ *
+ * @info: cpu_info struct to fill in
+ * @bclk_mz: the base clock in MHz
+ *
+ * @return 0 always
+ */
+int cpu_intel_get_info(struct cpu_info *info, int bclk_mz);
+ * cpu_configure_thermal_target() - Set the thermal target for a CPU
+ *
+ * This looks up the tcc-offset property and uses it to set the
+ *
+ * @dev: CPU device
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOENT if no target is given in device tree
+ */
+int cpu_configure_thermal_target(struct udevice *dev);
+ * cpu_set_perf_control() - Set the nominal CPU clock speed
+ *
+ * This sets the clock speed as a multiplier of BCLK
+ *
+ * @clk_ratio: Ratio to use
+ */
+void cpu_set_perf_control(uint clk_ratio);
+ * cpu_config_tdp_levels() - Check for configurable TDP option
+ *
+ * @return true if the CPU has configurable TDP (Thermal-design power)
+ */
+bool cpu_config_tdp_levels(void);
+/** enum burst_mode_t - Burst-mode states */
+enum burst_mode_t {
+ * cpu_get_burst_mode_state() - Get the Burst/Turbo Mode State
+ *
+ * This reads MSR IA32_MISC_ENABLE 0x1A0
+ * Bit 38 - TURBO_MODE_DISABLE Bit to get state ENABLED / DISABLED.
+ * Also checks cpuid 0x6 to see whether burst mode is supported.
+ *
+ * @return current burst mode status
+ */
+enum burst_mode_t cpu_get_burst_mode_state(void);
+ * cpu_set_burst_mode() - Set CPU burst mode
+ *
+ * @burst_mode: true to enable burst mode, false to disable
+ */
+void cpu_set_burst_mode(bool burst_mode);
+ * cpu_set_eist() - Enable Enhanced Intel Speed Step Technology
+ *
+ * @eist_status: true to enable EIST, false to disable
+ */
+void cpu_set_eist(bool eist_status);
+ * cpu_set_p_state_to_turbo_ratio() - Set turbo ratio
+ *
+ * TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT MSR (0x1AD) Bits 31:0 indicates the
+ * factory configured values for of 1-core, 2-core, 3-core
+ * and 4-core turbo ratio limits for all processors.
+ *
+ * 7:0 - MAX_TURBO_1_CORE
+ * 15:8 - MAX_TURBO_2_CORES
+ * 23:16 - MAX_TURBO_3_CORES
+ * 31:24 - MAX_TURBO_4_CORES
+ *
+ * Set PERF_CTL MSR (0x199) P_Req with that value.
+ */
+void cpu_set_p_state_to_turbo_ratio(void);
+ * cpu_get_coord_type() - Get the type of coordination for P-State transition
+ *
+ * See ACPI spec v6.3 section _PSD (P-State Dependency)
+ *
+ * @return HW_ALL (always)
+ */
+int cpu_get_coord_type(void);
+ * cpu_get_min_ratio() - get minimum support frequency ratio for CPU
+ *
+ * @return minimum ratio
+ */
+int cpu_get_min_ratio(void);
+ * cpu_get_max_ratio() - get nominal TDP ration or max non-turbo ratio
+ *
+ * If a nominal TDP ratio is available, it is returned. Otherwise this returns
+ * the maximum non-turbo frequency ratio for this processor
+ *
+ * @return max ratio
+ */
+int cpu_get_max_ratio(void);
+ * cpu_get_bus_clock_khz() - Get the bus clock frequency in KHz
+ *
+ * This is the value the clock ratio is multiplied with
+ *
+ * @return bus-block frequency in KHz
+ */
+int cpu_get_bus_clock_khz(void);
+ * cpu_get_power_max() - Get maximum CPU TDP
+ *
+ * @return maximum CPU TDP (Thermal-design power) in mW
+ */
+int cpu_get_power_max(void);
+ * cpu_get_max_turbo_ratio() - Get maximum turbo ratio
+ *
+ * @return maximum ratio
+ */
+int cpu_get_max_turbo_ratio(void);
+ * cpu_get_cores_per_package() - Get the number of CPU cores in each package
+ *
+ * @return number of cores
+ */
+int cpu_get_cores_per_package(void);
+ * cpu_mca_configure() - Set up machine-check exceptions ready for use
+ *
+ * These allow the SoC to report errors while running. See here for details:
+ *
+ * https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/white-papers/machine-check-exceptions-debug-paper.pdf
+ */
+void cpu_mca_configure(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_x86.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_x86.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fd5f03fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/cpu_x86.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_CPU_X86_H
+#define _ASM_CPU_X86_H
+ * cpu_x86_bind() - Bind an x86 CPU with the driver
+ *
+ * This updates cpu device's platform data with information from device tree,
+ * like the processor local apic id.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device to check (UCLASS_CPU)
+ * @return 0 always
+ */
+int cpu_x86_bind(struct udevice *dev);
+ * cpu_x86_get_desc() - Get a description string for an x86 CPU
+ *
+ * This uses cpu_get_name() and is suitable to use as the get_desc() method for
+ * the CPU uclass.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device to check (UCLASS_CPU)
+ * @buf: Buffer to place string
+ * @size: Size of string space
+ * @return: 0 if OK, -ENOSPC if buffer is too small, other -ve on error
+ */
+int cpu_x86_get_desc(const struct udevice *dev, char *buf, int size);
+ * cpu_x86_get_count() - Get the number of cores for an x86 CPU
+ *
+ * This function is suitable to use as the get_count() method for
+ * the CPU uclass.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device to check (UCLASS_CPU)
+ * @return: Number of cores if successful,
+ * -ENOENT if not "/cpus" entry is found in the device tree
+ */
+int cpu_x86_get_count(const struct udevice *dev);
+ * cpu_x86_get_vendor() - Get a vendor string for an x86 CPU
+ *
+ * This uses cpu_vendor_name() and is suitable to use as the get_vendor()
+ * method for the CPU uclass.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device to check (UCLASS_CPU)
+ * @buf: Buffer to place string
+ * @size: Size of string space
+ * @return: 0 if OK, -ENOSPC if buffer is too small, other -ve on error
+ */
+int cpu_x86_get_vendor(const struct udevice *dev, char *buf, int size);
+#endif /* _ASM_CPU_X86_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8be1003e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/dma-mapping.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2007
+ * Stelian Pop <stelian@popies.net>
+ * Lead Tech Design <www.leadtechdesign.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_X86_DMA_MAPPING_H
+#define __ASM_X86_DMA_MAPPING_H
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/cache.h>
+#include <cpu_func.h>
+#include <linux/dma-direction.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+static inline void *dma_alloc_coherent(size_t len, unsigned long *handle)
+ *handle = (unsigned long)memalign(ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN, len);
+ return (void *)*handle;
+static inline void dma_free_coherent(void *addr)
+ free(addr);
+#endif /* __ASM_X86_DMA_MAPPING_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/e820.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/e820.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..850a0a7a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/e820.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_E820_H
+#define _ASM_X86_E820_H
+#define E820MAX 128 /* number of entries in E820MAP */
+#define E820_RAM 1
+#define E820_RESERVED 2
+#define E820_ACPI 3
+#define E820_NVS 4
+#define E820_UNUSABLE 5
+#define E820_COUNT 6 /* Number of types */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <linux/types.h>
+struct e820_entry {
+ __u64 addr; /* start of memory segment */
+ __u64 size; /* size of memory segment */
+ __u32 type; /* type of memory segment */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+#define ISA_START_ADDRESS 0xa0000
+#define ISA_END_ADDRESS 0x100000
+/* Implementation-defined function to install an e820 map */
+unsigned int install_e820_map(unsigned int max_entries,
+ struct e820_entry *);
+ * cb_install_e820_map() - Install e820 map provided by coreboot sysinfo
+ *
+ * This should be used when booting from coreboot, since in that case the
+ * memory areas are provided by coreboot in its sysinfo.
+ *
+ * @max_entries: Maximum number of entries to write
+ * @entries: Place to put entires
+ * @return number of entries written
+ */
+unsigned int cb_install_e820_map(unsigned int max_entries,
+ struct e820_entry *entries);
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_E820_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/early_cmos.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/early_cmos.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..543a9e69f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/early_cmos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __EARLY_CMOS_H
+#define __EARLY_CMOS_H
+/* CMOS actually resides in the RTC SRAM */
+#define CMOS_IO_PORT 0x70
+ * cmos_read8() - Get 8-bit data stored at the given address
+ *
+ * This reads from CMOS for the 8-bit data stored at the given address.
+ *
+ * @addr: RTC SRAM address
+ * @return: 8-bit data stored at the given address
+ */
+u8 cmos_read8(u8 addr);
+ * cmos_read16() - Get 16-bit data stored at the given address
+ *
+ * This reads from CMOS for the 16-bit data stored at the given address.
+ *
+ * @addr: RTC SRAM address
+ * @return: 16-bit data stored at the given address
+ */
+u16 cmos_read16(u8 addr);
+ * cmos_read32() - Get 32-bit data stored at the given address
+ *
+ * This reads from CMOS for the 32-bit data stored at the given address.
+ *
+ * @addr: RTC SRAM address
+ * @return: 32-bit data stored at the given address
+ */
+u32 cmos_read32(u8 addr);
+#endif /* __EARLY_CMOS_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fast_spi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fast_spi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82e3d8f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fast_spi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ */
+#ifndef ASM_FAST_SPI_H
+#define ASM_FAST_SPI_H
+#include <pci.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+/* Register offsets from the MMIO region base (PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0) */
+struct fast_spi_regs {
+ u32 bfp;
+ u32 hsfsts_ctl;
+ u32 faddr;
+ u32 dlock;
+ u32 fdata[0x10];
+ u32 fracc;
+ u32 freg[12];
+ u32 fpr[5];
+ u32 gpr0;
+ u32 spare2;
+ u32 sts_ctl;
+ u16 preop;
+ u16 optype;
+ u8 opmenu[8];
+ u32 spare3;
+ u32 fdoc;
+ u32 fdod;
+ u32 spare4;
+ u32 afc;
+ u32 vscc[2];
+ u32 ptinx;
+ u32 ptdata;
+check_member(fast_spi_regs, ptdata, 0xd0);
+/* Bit definitions for BFPREG (0x00) register */
+#define SPIBAR_BFPREG_PRB_MASK 0x7fff
+/* PCI configuration registers */
+ * fast_spi_get_bios_mmap() - Get memory map for SPI flash
+ *
+ * @pdev: PCI device to use (this is the Fast SPI device)
+ * @map_basep: Returns base memory address for mapped SPI
+ * @map_sizep: Returns size of mapped SPI
+ * @offsetp: Returns start offset of SPI flash where the map works
+ * correctly (offsets before this are not visible)
+ * @return 0 (always)
+ */
+int fast_spi_get_bios_mmap(pci_dev_t pdev, ulong *map_basep, uint *map_sizep,
+ uint *offsetp);
+ * fast_spi_get_bios_mmap_regs() - Get memory map for SPI flash given regs
+ *
+ * @regs: SPI registers to use
+ * @map_basep: Returns base memory address for mapped SPI
+ * @map_sizep: Returns size of mapped SPI
+ * @offsetp: Returns start offset of SPI flash where the map works
+ * correctly (offsets before this are not visible)
+ * @return 0 (always)
+ */
+int fast_spi_get_bios_mmap_regs(struct fast_spi_regs *regs, ulong *map_basep,
+ uint *map_sizep, uint *offsetp);
+ * fast_spi_early_init() - Set up a BAR to use SPI early in U-Boot
+ *
+ * @pdev: PCI device to use (this is the Fast SPI device)
+ * @mmio_base: MMIO base to use to access registers
+ */
+int fast_spi_early_init(pci_dev_t pdev, ulong mmio_base);
+#endif /* ASM_FAST_SPI_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_api.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a9b61903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_FSP_API_H
+#define __ASM_FSP_API_H
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+enum fsp_phase {
+ /* Notification code for post PCI enuermation */
+ INIT_PHASE_PCI = 0x20,
+ /*
+ * Notification code before transferring control to the payload.
+ * This is issued at the end of init before starting main(), i.e.
+ * the command line / boot script.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Notification code before existing boot services. This is issued
+ * just before removing devices and booting the kernel.
+ */
+struct fsp_notify_params {
+ /* Notification phase used for NotifyPhase API */
+ enum fsp_phase phase;
+/* FspNotify API function prototype */
+typedef asmlinkage u32 (*fsp_notify_f)(struct fsp_notify_params *params);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_azalia.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_azalia.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e59180bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_azalia.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef _FSP_AZALIA_H_
+#define _FSP_AZALIA_H_
+struct __packed azalia_verb_table_header {
+ u32 vendor_device_id;
+ u16 sub_system_id;
+ u8 revision_id; /* 0xff applies to all steppings */
+ u8 front_panel_support;
+ u16 number_of_rear_jacks;
+ u16 number_of_front_jacks;
+struct __packed azalia_verb_table {
+ struct azalia_verb_table_header header;
+ const u32 *data;
+struct __packed azalia_config {
+ u8 pme_enable:1;
+ u8 docking_supported:1;
+ u8 docking_attached:1;
+ u8 hdmi_codec_enable:1;
+ u8 azalia_v_ci_enable:1;
+ u8 rsvdbits:3;
+ /* number of verb tables provided by platform */
+ u8 verb_table_num;
+ const struct azalia_verb_table *verb_table;
+ /* delay timer after azalia reset */
+ u16 reset_wait_timer_ms;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_bootmode.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_bootmode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc96ec308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_bootmode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_BOOT_MODE_H__
+#define __FSP_BOOT_MODE_H__
+/* 0x21 - 0xf..f are reserved */
+#define BOOT_FULL_CONFIG 0x00
+#define BOOT_ON_S4_RESUME 0x05
+#define BOOT_ON_S5_RESUME 0x06
+#define BOOT_ON_S2_RESUME 0x10
+#define BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME 0x11
+#define BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE 0x12
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_fv.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_fv.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7492c87c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_fv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_FV___
+#define __FSP_FV___
+#include <efi.h>
+#define EFI_FV_FILE_ATTR_ALIGNMENT 0x0000001F
+#define EFI_FV_FILE_ATTR_FIXED 0x00000100
+#define EFI_FV_FILE_ATTR_MEMORY_MAPPED 0x00000200
+/* Attributes bit definitions */
+#define EFI_FVB2_READ_DISABLED_CAP 0x00000001
+#define EFI_FVB2_READ_ENABLED_CAP 0x00000002
+#define EFI_FVB2_READ_STATUS 0x00000004
+#define EFI_FVB2_WRITE_DISABLED_CAP 0x00000008
+#define EFI_FVB2_WRITE_ENABLED_CAP 0x00000010
+#define EFI_FVB2_WRITE_STATUS 0x00000020
+#define EFI_FVB2_LOCK_CAP 0x00000040
+#define EFI_FVB2_LOCK_STATUS 0x00000080
+#define EFI_FVB2_STICKY_WRITE 0x00000200
+#define EFI_FVB2_MEMORY_MAPPED 0x00000400
+#define EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY 0x00000800
+#define EFI_FVB2_READ_LOCK_CAP 0x00001000
+#define EFI_FVB2_READ_LOCK_STATUS 0x00002000
+#define EFI_FVB2_WRITE_LOCK_CAP 0x00004000
+#define EFI_FVB2_WRITE_LOCK_STATUS 0x00008000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT 0x001F0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_1 0x00000000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_2 0x00010000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_4 0x00020000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_8 0x00030000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16 0x00040000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_32 0x00050000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_64 0x00060000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_128 0x00070000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_256 0x00080000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_512 0x00090000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_1K 0x000A0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_2K 0x000B0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_4K 0x000C0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_8K 0x000D0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16K 0x000E0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_32K 0x000F0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_64K 0x00100000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_128K 0x00110000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_256K 0x00120000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_512K 0x00130000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_1M 0x00140000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_2M 0x00150000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_4M 0x00160000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_8M 0x00170000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_16M 0x00180000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_32M 0x00190000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_64M 0x001A0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_128M 0x001B0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_256M 0x001C0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_512M 0x001D0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_1G 0x001E0000
+#define EFI_FVB2_ALIGNMENT_2G 0x001F0000
+struct fv_blkmap_entry {
+ /* The number of sequential blocks which are of the same size */
+ u32 num_blocks;
+ /* The size of the blocks */
+ u32 length;
+/* Describes the features and layout of the firmware volume */
+struct fv_header {
+ /*
+ * The first 16 bytes are reserved to allow for the reset vector of
+ * processors whose reset vector is at address 0.
+ */
+ u8 zero_vec[16];
+ /*
+ * Declares the file system with which the firmware volume
+ * is formatted.
+ */
+ efi_guid_t fs_guid;
+ /*
+ * Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume, including
+ * the header.
+ */
+ u64 fv_len;
+ /* Set to EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE */
+ u32 sign;
+ /*
+ * Declares capabilities and power-on defaults for the firmware
+ * volume.
+ */
+ u32 attr;
+ /* Length in bytes of the complete firmware volume header */
+ u16 hdr_len;
+ /*
+ * A 16-bit checksum of the firmware volume header.
+ * A valid header sums to zero.
+ */
+ u16 checksum;
+ /*
+ * Offset, relative to the start of the header, of the extended
+ * header (EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER) or zero if there is
+ * no extended header.
+ */
+ u16 ext_hdr_off;
+ /* This field must always be set to zero */
+ u8 reserved[1];
+ /*
+ * Set to 2. Future versions of this specification may define new
+ * header fields and will increment the Revision field accordingly.
+ */
+ u8 rev;
+ /*
+ * An array of run-length encoded FvBlockMapEntry structures.
+ * The array is terminated with an entry of {0,0}.
+ */
+ struct fv_blkmap_entry block_map[1];
+#define EFI_FVH_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('_', 'F', 'V', 'H')
+/* Firmware Volume Header Revision definition */
+#define EFI_FVH_REVISION 0x02
+/* Extension header pointed by ExtHeaderOffset of volume header */
+struct fv_ext_header {
+ /* firmware volume name */
+ efi_guid_t fv_name;
+ /* Size of the rest of the extension header including this structure */
+ u32 ext_hdr_size;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea3983e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_HOB_H__
+#define __FSP_HOB_H__
+#include <asm/hob.h>
+enum pixel_format {
+ pixel_rgbx_8bpc, /* RGB 8 bit per color */
+ pixel_bgrx_8bpc, /* BGR 8 bit per color */
+ pixel_bitmask,
+struct __packed hob_graphics_info {
+ phys_addr_t fb_base; /* framebuffer base address */
+ u32 fb_size; /* framebuffer size */
+ u32 version;
+ u32 width;
+ u32 height;
+ enum pixel_format pixel_format;
+ u32 red_mask;
+ u32 green_mask;
+ u32 blue_mask;
+ u32 reserved_mask;
+ u32 pixels_per_scanline;
+/* FSP specific GUID HOB definitions */
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA1 0x912740be
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA2 0x2284
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA3 0x4734
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_0 0xb9
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_1 0x71
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_2 0x84
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_3 0xb0
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_4 0x27
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_5 0x35
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_6 0x3f
+#define FSP_GUID_DATA4_7 0x0c
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE0 0xbe
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE1 0x40
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE2 0x27
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE3 0x91
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE4 0x84
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE5 0x22
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE6 0x34
+#define FSP_GUID_BYTE7 0x47
+#define FSP_HEADER_GUID \
+ EFI_GUID(0x721acf02, 0x4d77, 0x4c2a, \
+ 0xb3, 0xdc, 0x27, 0x0b, 0x7b, 0xa9, 0xe4, 0xb0)
+ EFI_GUID(0xa034147d, 0x690c, 0x4154, \
+ 0x8d, 0xe6, 0xc0, 0x44, 0x64, 0x1d, 0xe9, 0x42)
+ EFI_GUID(0xbbcff46c, 0xc8d3, 0x4113, \
+ 0x89, 0x85, 0xb9, 0xd4, 0xf3, 0xb3, 0xf6, 0x4e)
+ EFI_GUID(0x69a79759, 0x1373, 0x4367, \
+ 0xa6, 0xc4, 0xc7, 0xf5, 0x9e, 0xfd, 0x98, 0x6e)
+ EFI_GUID(0xd038747c, 0xd00c, 0x4980, \
+ 0xb3, 0x19, 0x49, 0x01, 0x99, 0xa4, 0x7d, 0x55)
+ EFI_GUID(0x9c7c3aa7, 0x5332, 0x4917, \
+ 0x82, 0xb9, 0x56, 0xa5, 0xf3, 0xe6, 0x2a, 0x07)
+/* The following GUIDs are newly introduced in FSP spec 1.1 */
+ EFI_GUID(0x73ff4f56, 0xaa8e, 0x4451, \
+ 0xb3, 0x16, 0x36, 0x35, 0x36, 0x67, 0xad, 0x44)
+ EFI_GUID(0x39f62cce, 0x6825, 0x4669, \
+ 0xbb, 0x56, 0x54, 0x1a, 0xba, 0x75, 0x3a, 0x07)
+/* The following GUIDs are observed with FSP 2.1 / Apollo Lake */
+ EFI_GUID(0x6dadf1d1, 0xd4cc, 0x4910, \
+ 0xbb, 0x6e, 0x82, 0xb1, 0xfd, 0x80, 0xff, 0x3d)
+ EFI_GUID(0xea296d92, 0x0b69, 0x423c, \
+ 0x8c, 0x28, 0x33, 0xb4, 0xe0, 0xa9, 0x12, 0x68)
+ EFI_GUID(0x9b3ada4f, 0xae56, 0x4c24, \
+ 0x8d, 0xea, 0xf0, 0x3b, 0x75, 0x58, 0xae, 0x50)
+ EFI_GUID(0x86d70125, 0xbaa3, 0x4296, \
+ 0xa6, 0x2f, 0x60, 0x2b, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x90, 0x81)
+ EFI_GUID(0x4ed4bf27, 0x4092, 0x42e9, \
+ 0x80, 0x7d, 0x52, 0x7b, 0x1d, 0x00, 0xc9, 0xbd)
+ EFI_GUID(0x01a1108c, 0x9dee, 0x4984, \
+ 0x88, 0xc3, 0xee, 0xe8, 0xc4, 0x9e, 0xfb, 0x89)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_infoheader.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_infoheader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e72c052ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_infoheader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _FSP_HEADER_H_
+#define _FSP_HEADER_H_
+#define FSP_HEADER_OFF 0x94 /* Fixed FSP header offset in the FSP image */
+struct __packed fsp_header {
+ u32 sign; /* 'FSPH' */
+ u32 hdr_len; /* header length */
+ u8 reserved1[3];
+ u8 hdr_rev; /* header rev */
+ u32 img_rev; /* image rev */
+ char img_id[8]; /* signature string */
+ u32 img_size; /* image size */
+ u32 img_base; /* image base */
+ u32 img_attr; /* image attribute */
+ u32 cfg_region_off; /* configuration region offset */
+ u32 cfg_region_size; /* configuration region size */
+ u32 api_num; /* number of API entries */
+ u32 fsp_tempram_init; /* tempram_init offset */
+ u32 fsp_init; /* fsp_init offset */
+ u32 fsp_notify; /* fsp_notify offset */
+ u32 fsp_mem_init; /* fsp_mem_init offset */
+ u32 fsp_tempram_exit; /* fsp_tempram_exit offset */
+ u32 fsp_silicon_init; /* fsp_silicon_init offset */
+enum fsp_type {
+enum {
+#define EFI_FSPH_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32('F', 'S', 'P', 'H')
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
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index 000000000..3cd3e4fcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_SUPPORT_H__
+#define __FSP_SUPPORT_H__
+#include <signatures.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_bootmode.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_fv.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_hob.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_infoheader.h>
+#include <asm/fsp_arch.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_azalia.h>
+#define FSP_LOWMEM_BASE 0x100000UL
+#define FSP_HIGHMEM_BASE 0x100000000ULL
+#define UPD_TERMINATOR 0x55AA
+ * fsp_find_header() - Find FSP header offset in FSP image
+ *
+ * @return the offset of FSP header. If signature is invalid, returns 0.
+ */
+struct fsp_header *fsp_find_header(void);
+ * fsp_notify() - FSP notification wrapper function
+ *
+ * @fsp_hdr: Pointer to FSP information header
+ * @phase: FSP initialization phase defined in enum fsp_phase
+ *
+ * @return compatible status code with EFI_STATUS defined in PI spec
+ */
+u32 fsp_notify(struct fsp_header *fsp_hdr, u32 phase);
+ * fsp_get_usable_lowmem_top() - retrieves the top of usable low memory
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ *
+ * @return Usable low memory top.
+ */
+u32 fsp_get_usable_lowmem_top(const void *hob_list);
+ * fsp_get_usable_highmem_top() - retrieves the top of usable high memory
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ *
+ * @return Usable high memory top.
+ */
+u64 fsp_get_usable_highmem_top(const void *hob_list);
+ * fsp_get_reserved_mem_from_guid() - retrieves a special reserved memory region
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
+ * If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ * @guid: A pointer to the owner guild.
+ *
+ * @return Reserved region start address.
+ * 0 if this region does not exist.
+ */
+u64 fsp_get_reserved_mem_from_guid(const void *hob_list,
+ u64 *len, const efi_guid_t *guid);
+ * fsp_get_fsp_reserved_mem() - retrieves the FSP reserved normal memory
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the FSP reserved memory length buffer.
+ * If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ * @return FSP reserved memory base
+ * 0 if this region does not exist.
+ */
+u32 fsp_get_fsp_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem() - retrieves the TSEG reserved normal memory
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the TSEG reserved memory length buffer.
+ * If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the TSEG reserved memory.
+ * @return others: TSEG reserved memory base.
+ */
+u32 fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_get_nvs_data() - retrieves FSP Non-volatile Storage HOB buffer and size
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the NVS data buffer length.
+ * If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the NVS HOB.
+ * @return others: FSP NVS data buffer pointer.
+ */
+void *fsp_get_nvs_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_get_var_nvs_data() - get FSP variable Non-volatile Storage HOB buffer
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the NVS data buffer length.
+ * If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the NVS HOB.
+ * @return others: FSP NVS data buffer pointer.
+ */
+void *fsp_get_var_nvs_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_get_graphics_info() - retrieves graphics information.
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the graphics info HOB length.
+ * If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the graphics info HOB.
+ * @return others: A pointer to struct hob_graphics_info.
+ */
+void *fsp_get_graphics_info(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_init_phase_pci() - Tell the FSP that we have completed PCI init
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -EPERM if the FSP gave an error.
+ */
+int fsp_init_phase_pci(void);
+ * fsp_scan_for_ram_size() - Scan the HOB list to find the RAM size
+ *
+ * This sets gd->ram_size based on what it finds.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fsp_scan_for_ram_size(void);
+ * fsp_notify() - FSP notification wrapper function
+ *
+ * @fsp_hdr: Pointer to FSP information header
+ * @phase: FSP initialization phase defined in enum fsp_phase
+ *
+ * @return compatible status code with EFI_STATUS defined in PI spec
+ */
+u32 fsp_notify(struct fsp_header *fsp_hdr, u32 phase);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_api.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_api.h
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index 000000000..524da5feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP1_API_H__
+#define __FSP1_API_H__
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_api.h>
+ * FSP common configuration structure.
+ * This needs to be included in the platform-specific struct fsp_config_data.
+ */
+struct fsp_cfg_common {
+ struct fsp_header *fsp_hdr;
+ u32 stack_top;
+ u32 boot_mode;
+ * FspInit continuation function prototype.
+ * Control will be returned to this callback function after FspInit API call.
+ */
+typedef void (*fsp_continuation_f)(u32 status, void *hob_list);
+struct fsp_init_params {
+ /* Non-volatile storage buffer pointer */
+ void *nvs_buf;
+ /* Runtime buffer pointer */
+ void *rt_buf;
+ /* Continuation function address */
+ fsp_continuation_f continuation;
+struct common_buf {
+ /*
+ * Stack top pointer used by the bootloader. The new stack frame will be
+ * set up at this location after FspInit API call.
+ */
+ u32 stack_top;
+ u32 boot_mode; /* Current system boot mode */
+ void *upd_data; /* User platform configuraiton data region */
+ u32 tolum_size; /* Top of low usable memory size (FSP 1.1) */
+ u32 reserved[6]; /* Reserved */
+/* FspInit API function prototype */
+typedef asmlinkage u32 (*fsp_init_f)(struct fsp_init_params *params);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_ffs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_ffs.h
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index 000000000..b7558e5a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_ffs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_FFS_H__
+#define __FSP_FFS_H__
+/* Used to verify the integrity of the file */
+union __packed ffs_integrity {
+ struct {
+ /*
+ * The IntegrityCheck.checksum.header field is an 8-bit
+ * checksum of the file header. The State and
+ * IntegrityCheck.checksum.file fields are assumed to be zero
+ * and the checksum is calculated such that the entire header
+ * sums to zero.
+ */
+ u8 header;
+ /*
+ * If the FFS_ATTRIB_CHECKSUM (see definition below) bit of
+ * the Attributes field is set to one, the
+ * IntegrityCheck.checksum.file field is an 8-bit checksum of
+ * the file data. If the FFS_ATTRIB_CHECKSUM bit of the
+ * Attributes field is cleared to zero, the
+ * IntegrityCheck.checksum.file field must be initialized with
+ * a value of 0xAA. The IntegrityCheck.checksum.file field is
+ * valid any time the EFI_FILE_DATA_VALID bit is set in the
+ * State field.
+ */
+ u8 file;
+ } checksum;
+ /* This is the full 16 bits of the IntegrityCheck field */
+ u16 checksum16;
+ * Each file begins with the header that describe the
+ * contents and state of the files.
+ */
+struct __packed ffs_file_header {
+ /*
+ * This GUID is the file name.
+ * It is used to uniquely identify the file.
+ */
+ efi_guid_t name;
+ /* Used to verify the integrity of the file */
+ union ffs_integrity integrity;
+ /* Identifies the type of file */
+ u8 type;
+ /* Declares various file attribute bits */
+ u8 attr;
+ /* The length of the file in bytes, including the FFS header */
+ u8 size[3];
+ /*
+ * Used to track the state of the file throughout the life of
+ * the file from creation to deletion.
+ */
+ u8 state;
+struct __packed ffs_file_header2 {
+ /*
+ * This GUID is the file name. It is used to uniquely identify the file.
+ * There may be only one instance of a file with the file name GUID of
+ * Name in any given firmware volume, except if the file type is
+ */
+ efi_guid_t name;
+ /* Used to verify the integrity of the file */
+ union ffs_integrity integrity;
+ /* Identifies the type of file */
+ u8 type;
+ /* Declares various file attribute bits */
+ u8 attr;
+ /*
+ * The length of the file in bytes, including the FFS header.
+ * The length of the file data is either
+ * (size - sizeof(struct ffs_file_header)). This calculation means a
+ * zero-length file has a size of 24 bytes, which is
+ * sizeof(struct ffs_file_header). Size is not required to be a
+ * multiple of 8 bytes. Given a file F, the next file header is located
+ * at the next 8-byte aligned firmware volume offset following the last
+ * byte of the file F.
+ */
+ u8 size[3];
+ /*
+ * Used to track the state of the file throughout the life of
+ * the file from creation to deletion.
+ */
+ u8 state;
+ /*
+ * If FFS_ATTRIB_LARGE_FILE is set in attr, then ext_size exists
+ * and size must be set to zero.
+ * If FFS_ATTRIB_LARGE_FILE is not set then
+ * struct ffs_file_header is used.
+ */
+ u32 ext_size;
+ * Pseudo type. It is used as a wild card when retrieving sections.
+ * The section type EFI_SECTION_ALL matches all section types.
+ */
+#define EFI_SECTION_ALL 0x00
+/* Encapsulation section Type values */
+/* Leaf section Type values */
+#define EFI_SECTION_PE32 0x10
+#define EFI_SECTION_PIC 0x11
+#define EFI_SECTION_TE 0x12
+#define EFI_SECTION_RAW 0x19
+/* Common section header */
+struct __packed raw_section {
+ /*
+ * A 24-bit unsigned integer that contains the total size of
+ * the section in bytes, including the EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER.
+ */
+ u8 size[3];
+ u8 type;
+struct __packed raw_section2 {
+ /*
+ * A 24-bit unsigned integer that contains the total size of
+ * the section in bytes, including the EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER.
+ */
+ u8 size[3];
+ u8 type;
+ /*
+ * If size is 0xFFFFFF, then ext_size contains the size of
+ * the section. If size is not equal to 0xFFFFFF, then this
+ * field does not exist.
+ */
+ u32 ext_size;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h
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index 000000000..a44a5504a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP1_SUPPORT_H__
+#define __FSP1_SUPPORT_H__
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_support.h>
+#include "fsp_ffs.h"
+ * fsp_asm_continuation() - FSP Continuation assembly helper routine
+ *
+ * This routine jumps to the C version of FSP continuation function
+ */
+void fsp_asm_continuation(void);
+ * fsp_init_done() - FSP initialization complete
+ *
+ * This is the function that indicates FSP initialization is complete and jumps
+ * back to the bootloader with HOB list pointer as the parameter.
+ *
+ * @hob_list: HOB list pointer
+ */
+void fsp_init_done(void *hob_list);
+ * fsp_continue() - FSP Continuation function
+ *
+ * @status: Always 0
+ * @hob_list: HOB list pointer
+ *
+ * @return Never returns
+ */
+void fsp_continue(u32 status, void *hob_list);
+ * fsp_init() - FSP initialization wrapper function
+ *
+ * @stack_top: bootloader stack top address
+ * @boot_mode: boot mode defined in fsp_bootmode.h
+ * @nvs_buf: Non-volatile memory buffer pointer
+ */
+void fsp_init(u32 stack_top, u32 boot_mode, void *nvs_buf);
+ * fsp_get_bootloader_tmp_mem() - retrieves temporary stack buffer and size
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the bootloader temporary stack length.
+ * If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the bootloader temporary stack HOB.
+ * @return others: Bootloader temporary stackbuffer pointer.
+ */
+void *fsp_get_bootloader_tmp_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
+ * fsp_update_configs() - overrides the default configurations of FSP
+ *
+ * @config: A pointer to the FSP configuration data structure
+ * @rt_buf: A pointer to the FSP runtime buffer data structure
+ *
+ * @return None
+ */
+void fsp_update_configs(struct fsp_config_data *config,
+ struct fspinit_rtbuf *rt_buf);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_api.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af1e8857b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Andrey Petrov <andrey.petrov@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ * (Written by Alexandru Gagniuc <alexandrux.gagniuc@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ * Mostly taken from coreboot fsp2_0/memory_init.c
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_FSP2_API_H
+#define __ASM_FSP2_API_H
+#include <asm/fsp/fsp_api.h>
+struct fspm_upd;
+struct fsps_upd;
+struct hob_header;
+enum fsp_boot_mode {
+struct __packed fsp_upd_header {
+ u64 signature;
+ u8 revision;
+ u8 reserved[23];
+ * fsp_memory_init() - Init the SDRAM
+ *
+ * @s3wake: true if we are booting from resume, so cannot reinit the mememory
+ * from scatch since we will lose its contents
+ * @use_spi_flash: true to use the fast SPI driver to read FSP, otherwise use
+ * mapped SPI
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fsp_memory_init(bool s3wake, bool use_spi_flash);
+typedef asmlinkage int (*fsp_memory_init_func)(struct fspm_upd *params,
+ struct hob_header **hobp);
+ * fsp_silicon_init() - Init the silicon
+ *
+ * This calls the FSP's 'silicon init' entry point
+ *
+ * @s3wake: true if we are booting from resume, so cannot reinit the mememory
+ * from scatch since we will lose its contents
+ * @use_spi_flash: true to use the fast SPI driver to read FSP, otherwise use
+ * mapped SPI
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fsp_silicon_init(bool s3wake, bool use_spi_flash);
+typedef asmlinkage int (*fsp_silicon_init_func)(struct fsps_upd *params);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_internal.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4a4fbbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp2/fsp_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corp.
+ * (Written by Alexandru Gagniuc <alexandrux.gagniuc@intel.com> for Intel Corp.)
+ * Mostly taken from coreboot
+ */
+struct binman_entry;
+struct fsp_header;
+struct fspm_upd;
+struct fsps_upd;
+enum fsp_type_t {
+ FSP_M,
+ FSP_S,
+int fsp_get_header(ulong offset, ulong size, bool use_spi_flash,
+ struct fsp_header **fspp);
+ * fsp_locate_fsp() - Locate an FSP component
+ *
+ * This finds an FSP component by various methods. It is not as general-purpose
+ * as it looks, since it expects FSP-M to be requested in SPL (only), and FSP-S
+ * to be requested in U-Boot proper.
+ *
+ * @type: Component to locate
+ * @entry: Returns location of component
+ * @use_spi_flash: true to read using the Fast SPI driver, false to use
+ * memory-mapped SPI flash
+ * @devp: Returns northbridge device
+ * @hdrp: Returns FSP header
+ * @rom_offsetp: If non-NULL, returns the offset to add to any image position to
+ * find the memory-mapped location of that position. For example, for ROM
+ * position 0x1000, it will be mapped into 0x1000 + *rom_offsetp.
+ */
+int fsp_locate_fsp(enum fsp_type_t type, struct binman_entry *entry,
+ bool use_spi_flash, struct udevice **devp,
+ struct fsp_header **hdrp, ulong *rom_offsetp);
+ * arch_fsps_preinit() - Perform init needed before calling FSP-S
+ *
+ * This allows use of probed drivers and PCI so is a convenient place to do any
+ * init that is needed before FSP-S is called. After this, U-Boot relocates and
+ * calls arch_fsp_init_r() before PCI is probed, and that function is not
+ * allowed to probe PCI before calling FSP-S.
+ */
+int arch_fsps_preinit(void);
+ * fspm_update_config() - Set up the config structure for FSP-M
+ *
+ * @dev: Hostbridge device containing config
+ * @upd: Config data to fill in
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOENT if OK but no MRC-cache data was found, other -ve on
+ * error
+ */
+int fspm_update_config(struct udevice *dev, struct fspm_upd *upd);
+ * fspm_done() - Indicate that memory init is complete
+ *
+ * This allows the board to do whatever post-init it needs before things
+ * continue.
+ *
+ * @dev: Hostbridge device
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fspm_done(struct udevice *dev);
+ * fsps_update_config() - Set up the config structure for FSP-S
+ *
+ * @dev: Hostbridge device containing config
+ * @rom_offset: Value to add to convert from ROM offset to memory-mapped address
+ * @upd: Config data to fill in
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fsps_update_config(struct udevice *dev, ulong rom_offset,
+ struct fsps_upd *upd);
+ * prepare_mrc_cache() - Read the MRC cache into the product-data struct
+ *
+ * This looks for cached Memory-reference code (MRC) data and stores it into
+ * @upd for use by the FSP-M binary.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOENT if no data (whereupon the caller can continue and
+ * expect a slower boot), other -ve value on other error
+ */
+int prepare_mrc_cache(struct fspm_upd *upd);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp_arch.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp_arch.h
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index 000000000..3b2077b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp_arch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
+ *
+ * Architecture-specific definitions (FSP config and VPD/UPD)
+ */
+#ifndef __FSP_ARCH_H__
+#define __FSP_ARCH_H__
+ * Note: use #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__ around any struct definitions or other C code
+ * since this file can be included from assembly.
+ */
+#include <asm/fsp1/fsp_api.h>
+#include <asm/fsp1/fsp_ffs.h>
+#include <asm/arch/fsp/fsp_vpd.h>
+#include <asm/arch/fsp/fsp_configs.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/global_data.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/global_data.h
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index 000000000..3e4044593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/global_data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002-2010
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_GBL_DATA_H
+#define __ASM_GBL_DATA_H
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/mrccache.h>
+enum pei_boot_mode_t {
+struct dimm_info {
+ uint32_t dimm_size;
+ uint16_t ddr_type;
+ uint16_t ddr_frequency;
+ uint8_t rank_per_dimm;
+ uint8_t channel_num;
+ uint8_t dimm_num;
+ uint8_t bank_locator;
+ /* The 5th byte is '\0' for the end of string */
+ uint8_t serial[5];
+ /* The 19th byte is '\0' for the end of string */
+ uint8_t module_part_number[19];
+ uint16_t mod_id;
+ uint8_t mod_type;
+ uint8_t bus_width;
+} __packed;
+struct pei_memory_info {
+ uint8_t dimm_cnt;
+ /* Maximum num of dimm is 8 */
+ struct dimm_info dimm[8];
+} __packed;
+struct memory_area {
+ uint64_t start;
+ uint64_t size;
+struct memory_info {
+ int num_areas;
+ uint64_t total_memory;
+ uint64_t total_32bit_memory;
+ struct memory_area area[CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS];
+ * A request for a memory region to be set up in a particular way. These
+ * requests are processed before board_init_r() is called. They are generally
+ * optional and can be ignored with some performance impact.
+ */
+struct mtrr_request {
+ int type; /* MTRR_TYPE_... */
+ uint64_t start;
+ uint64_t size;
+ * struct mrc_output - holds the MRC data
+ *
+ * @buf: MRC training data to save for the next boot. This is set to point to
+ * the raw data after SDRAM init is complete. Then mrccache_setup()
+ * turns it into a proper cache record with a checksum
+ * @len: Length of @buf
+ * @cache: Resulting cache record
+ */
+struct mrc_output {
+ char *buf;
+ uint len;
+ struct mrc_data_container *cache;
+/* Architecture-specific global data */
+struct arch_global_data {
+ u64 gdt[X86_GDT_NUM_ENTRIES] __aligned(16);
+ struct global_data *gd_addr; /* Location of Global Data */
+ uint8_t x86; /* CPU family */
+ uint8_t x86_vendor; /* CPU vendor */
+ uint8_t x86_model;
+ uint8_t x86_mask;
+ uint32_t x86_device;
+ uint64_t tsc_base; /* Initial value returned by rdtsc() */
+ bool tsc_inited; /* true if tsc is ready for use */
+ unsigned long clock_rate; /* Clock rate of timer in Hz */
+ void *new_fdt; /* Relocated FDT */
+ uint32_t bist; /* Built-in self test value */
+ enum pei_boot_mode_t pei_boot_mode;
+ const struct pch_gpio_map *gpio_map; /* board GPIO map */
+ struct memory_info meminfo; /* Memory information */
+ struct pei_memory_info pei_meminfo; /* PEI memory information */
+ void *hob_list; /* FSP HOB list */
+ struct mtrr_request mtrr_req[MAX_MTRR_REQUESTS];
+ int mtrr_req_count;
+ int has_mtrr;
+ /* MRC training data */
+ struct mrc_output mrc[MRC_TYPE_COUNT];
+ ulong table; /* Table pointer from previous loader */
+ int turbo_state; /* Current turbo state */
+ struct irq_routing_table *pirq_routing_table;
+ int dw_i2c_num_cards; /* Used by designware i2c driver */
+ u32 high_table_ptr;
+ u32 high_table_limit;
+ int prev_sleep_state; /* Previous sleep state ACPI_S0/1../5 */
+ ulong backup_mem; /* Backup memory address for S3 */
+ struct fsp_header *fsp_s_hdr; /* Pointer to FSP-S header */
+ void *itss_priv; /* Private ITSS data pointer */
+ ulong acpi_start; /* Start address of ACPI tables */
+ ulong coreboot_table; /* Address of coreboot table */
+#include <asm-generic/global_data.h>
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+# if defined(CONFIG_EFI_APP) || CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(X86_64)
+/* TODO(sjg@chromium.org): Consider using a fixed register for gd on x86_64 */
+#define gd global_data_ptr
+#define DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR extern struct global_data *global_data_ptr
+# else
+static inline __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) gd_t *get_fs_gd_ptr(void)
+ gd_t *gd_ptr;
+ asm volatile("fs mov 0, %0\n" : "=r" (gd_ptr));
+ asm volatile("fs movl 0, %0\n" : "=r" (gd_ptr));
+ return gd_ptr;
+#define gd get_fs_gd_ptr()
+# endif
+#endif /* __ASM_GBL_DATA_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/gpio.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/gpio.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a45ae3463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/gpio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_GPIO_H_
+#define _X86_GPIO_H_
+#include <asm-generic/gpio.h>
+struct ich6_bank_plat {
+ uint16_t base_addr;
+ const char *bank_name;
+ int offset;
+#endif /* _X86_GPIO_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/handoff.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/handoff.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aec49b9b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/handoff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Architecture-specific SPL handoff information for x86
+ *
+ * Copyright 2018 Google, Inc
+ * Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
+ */
+#ifndef __x86_asm_handoff_h
+#define __x86_asm_handoff_h
+ * struct arch_spl_handoff - architecture-specific handoff info
+ *
+ * @usable_ram_top: Value returned by board_get_usable_ram_top() in SPL
+ * @hob_list: Start of FSP hand-off blocks (HOBs)
+ */
+struct arch_spl_handoff {
+ ulong usable_ram_top;
+ void *hob_list;
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56e11dbb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Intel */
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __HOB_H__
+#define __HOB_H__
+#include <efi.h>
+#include <efi_loader.h>
+/* Type of HOB Header */
+#define HOB_TYPE_MEM_ALLOC 0x0002
+#define HOB_TYPE_RES_DESC 0x0003
+#define HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT 0x0004
+#define HOB_TYPE_EOH 0xFFFF
+/* Value of ResourceType in HOB_RES_DESC */
+#define RES_SYS_MEM 0x00000000
+#define RES_MMAP_IO 0x00000001
+#define RES_IO 0x00000002
+#define RES_FW_DEVICE 0x00000003
+#define RES_MMAP_IO_PORT 0x00000004
+#define RES_MEM_RESERVED 0x00000005
+#define RES_IO_RESERVED 0x00000006
+#define RES_MAX_MEM_TYPE 0x00000007
+ * These types can be ORed together as needed.
+ *
+ * The first three enumerations describe settings
+ * The rest of the settings describe capabilities
+ */
+#define RES_ATTR_PRESENT 0x00000001
+#define RES_ATTR_INITIALIZED 0x00000002
+#define RES_ATTR_TESTED 0x00000004
+#define RES_ATTR_SINGLE_BIT_ECC 0x00000008
+#define RES_ATTR_MULTIPLE_BIT_ECC 0x00000010
+#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_1 0x00000020
+#define RES_ATTR_ECC_RESERVED_2 0x00000040
+#define RES_ATTR_READ_PROTECTED 0x00000080
+#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_PROTECTED 0x00000100
+#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHEABLE 0x00000400
+#define RES_ATTR_WRITE_COMBINEABLE 0x00000800
+#define RES_ATTR_16_BIT_IO 0x00004000
+#define RES_ATTR_32_BIT_IO 0x00008000
+#define RES_ATTR_64_BIT_IO 0x00010000
+#define RES_ATTR_UNCACHED_EXPORTED 0x00020000
+ * Describes the format and size of the data inside the HOB.
+ * All HOBs must contain this generic HOB header.
+ */
+struct hob_header {
+ u16 type; /* HOB type */
+ u16 len; /* HOB length */
+ u32 reserved; /* always zero */
+ * Describes all memory ranges used during the HOB producer phase that
+ * exist outside the HOB list. This HOB type describes how memory is used,
+ * not the physical attributes of memory.
+ */
+struct hob_mem_alloc {
+ struct hob_header hdr;
+ /*
+ * A GUID that defines the memory allocation region's type and purpose,
+ * as well as other fields within the memory allocation HOB. This GUID
+ * is used to define the additional data within the HOB that may be
+ * present for the memory allocation HOB. Type efi_guid_t is defined in
+ * InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
+ */
+ efi_guid_t name;
+ /*
+ * The base address of memory allocated by this HOB.
+ * Type phys_addr_t is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
+ * specification.
+ */
+ phys_addr_t mem_base;
+ /* The length in bytes of memory allocated by this HOB */
+ phys_size_t mem_len;
+ /*
+ * Defines the type of memory allocated by this HOB.
+ * The memory type definition follows the EFI_MEMORY_TYPE definition.
+ * Type EFI_MEMORY_TYPE is defined in AllocatePages() in the UEFI 2.0
+ * specification.
+ */
+ enum efi_mem_type mem_type;
+ /* padding */
+ u8 reserved[4];
+ * Describes the resource properties of all fixed, nonrelocatable resource
+ * ranges found on the processor host bus during the HOB producer phase.
+ */
+struct hob_res_desc {
+ struct hob_header hdr;
+ /*
+ * A GUID representing the owner of the resource. This GUID is
+ * used by HOB consumer phase components to correlate device
+ * ownership of a resource.
+ */
+ efi_guid_t owner;
+ u32 type;
+ u32 attr;
+ /* The physical start address of the resource region */
+ phys_addr_t phys_start;
+ /* The number of bytes of the resource region */
+ phys_size_t len;
+ * Allows writers of executable content in the HOB producer phase to
+ * maintain and manage HOBs with specific GUID.
+ */
+struct hob_guid {
+ struct hob_header hdr;
+ /* A GUID that defines the contents of this HOB */
+ efi_guid_t name;
+ /* GUID specific data goes here */
+ * get_next_hob() - return a pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list
+ *
+ * This macro returns a pointer to HOB that follows the HOB specified by hob
+ * in the HOB List.
+ *
+ * @hdr: A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return A pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list.
+ */
+static inline const struct hob_header *get_next_hob(const struct hob_header
+ *hdr)
+ return (const struct hob_header *)((uintptr_t)hdr + hdr->len);
+ * end_of_hob() - determine if a HOB is the last HOB in the HOB list
+ *
+ * This macro determine if the HOB specified by hob is the last HOB in the
+ * HOB list. If hob is last HOB in the HOB list, then true is returned.
+ * Otherwise, false is returned.
+ *
+ * @hdr: A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return true: The HOB specified by hdr is the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ * @return false: The HOB specified by hdr is not the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ */
+static inline bool end_of_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+ return hdr->type == HOB_TYPE_EOH;
+ * get_guid_hob_data() - return a pointer to data buffer from a HOB of
+ *
+ * This macro returns a pointer to the data buffer in a HOB specified by hob.
+ * hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
+ *
+ * @hdr: A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return A pointer to the data buffer in a HOB.
+ */
+static inline void *get_guid_hob_data(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+ return (void *)((uintptr_t)hdr + sizeof(struct hob_guid));
+ * get_guid_hob_data_size() - return the size of the data buffer from a HOB
+ * of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT
+ *
+ * This macro returns the size, in bytes, of the data buffer in a HOB
+ * specified by hob. hob is assumed to be a HOB of type HOB_TYPE_GUID_EXT.
+ *
+ * @hdr: A pointer to a HOB.
+ *
+ * @return The size of the data buffer.
+ */
+static inline u16 get_guid_hob_data_size(const struct hob_header *hdr)
+ return hdr->len - sizeof(struct hob_guid);
+ * Returns the next instance of a HOB type from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @type: HOB type to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @return A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list);
+ * Returns the next instance of the matched GUID HOB from the starting HOB.
+ *
+ * @guid: GUID to search
+ * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
+ *
+ * @return A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
+ */
+const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
+ const void *hob_list);
+ * This function retrieves a GUID HOB data buffer and size.
+ *
+ * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
+ * @len: A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
+ * If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
+ * @guid A pointer to HOB GUID.
+ *
+ * @return NULL: Failed to find the GUID HOB.
+ * @return others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
+ */
+void *hob_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
+ const efi_guid_t *guid);
+#endif /* __HOB_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8254.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8254.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d769daf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8254.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se.
+ */
+/* i8254.h Intel 8254 PIT registers */
+#ifndef _ASMI386_I8254_H_
+#define _ASMI386_I8954_H_
+#define PIT_T0 0x00 /* PIT channel 0 count/status */
+#define PIT_T1 0x01 /* PIT channel 1 count/status */
+#define PIT_T2 0x02 /* PIT channel 2 count/status */
+#define PIT_COMMAND 0x03 /* PIT mode control, latch and read back */
+/* PIT Command Register Bit Definitions */
+#define PIT_CMD_CTR0 0x00 /* Select PIT counter 0 */
+#define PIT_CMD_CTR1 0x40 /* Select PIT counter 1 */
+#define PIT_CMD_CTR2 0x80 /* Select PIT counter 2 */
+#define PIT_CMD_LATCH 0x00 /* Counter Latch Command */
+#define PIT_CMD_LOW 0x10 /* Access counter bits 7-0 */
+#define PIT_CMD_HIGH 0x20 /* Access counter bits 15-8 */
+#define PIT_CMD_BOTH 0x30 /* Access counter bits 15-0 in two accesses */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE0 0x00 /* Select mode 0 */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE1 0x02 /* Select mode 1 */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE2 0x04 /* Select mode 2 */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE3 0x06 /* Select mode 3 */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE4 0x08 /* Select mode 4 */
+#define PIT_CMD_MODE5 0x0a /* Select mode 5 */
+/* The clock frequency of the i8253/i8254 PIT */
+#define PIT_TICK_RATE 1193182
+ * i8254_enable_beep() - Start a beep using the PCAT timer
+ *
+ * This starts beeping using the legacy i8254 timer. The beep may be silenced
+ * after a delay with i8254_disable_beep().
+ *
+ * @frequency_hz: Frequency of beep in Hz
+ * @return 0 if OK, -EINVAL if frequency_hz is 0
+ */
+int i8254_enable_beep(uint frequency_hz);
+ * i8254_disable_beep() - Disable the bepper
+ *
+ * This stops any existing beep
+ */
+void i8254_disable_beep(void);
+#endif /* _ASMI386_I8954_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8259.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8259.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b73052a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/i8259.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se.
+ */
+/* i8259.h i8259 PIC Registers */
+#ifndef _ASMI386_I8259_H_
+#define _ASMI386_I8959_H_
+/* PIC I/O mapped registers */
+#define IRR 0x0 /* Interrupt Request Register */
+#define ISR 0x0 /* In-Service Register */
+#define ICW1 0x0 /* Initialization Control Word 1 */
+#define OCW2 0x0 /* Operation Control Word 2 */
+#define OCW3 0x0 /* Operation Control Word 3 */
+#define ICW2 0x1 /* Initialization Control Word 2 */
+#define ICW3 0x1 /* Initialization Control Word 3 */
+#define ICW4 0x1 /* Initialization Control Word 4 */
+#define IMR 0x1 /* Interrupt Mask Register */
+/* IRR, IMR, ISR and ICW3 bits */
+#define IR7 0x80 /* IR7 */
+#define IR6 0x40 /* IR6 */
+#define IR5 0x20 /* IR5 */
+#define IR4 0x10 /* IR4 */
+#define IR3 0x08 /* IR3 */
+#define IR2 0x04 /* IR2 */
+#define IR1 0x02 /* IR1 */
+#define IR0 0x01 /* IR0 */
+/* SEOI bits */
+#define SEOI_IR7 0x07 /* IR7 */
+#define SEOI_IR6 0x06 /* IR6 */
+#define SEOI_IR5 0x05 /* IR5 */
+#define SEOI_IR4 0x04 /* IR4 */
+#define SEOI_IR3 0x03 /* IR3 */
+#define SEOI_IR2 0x02 /* IR2 */
+#define SEOI_IR1 0x01 /* IR1 */
+#define SEOI_IR0 0x00 /* IR0 */
+/* OCW2 bits */
+#define OCW2_RCLR 0x00 /* Rotate/clear */
+#define OCW2_NEOI 0x20 /* Non specific EOI */
+#define OCW2_NOP 0x40 /* NOP */
+#define OCW2_SEOI 0x60 /* Specific EOI */
+#define OCW2_RSET 0x80 /* Rotate/set */
+#define OCW2_REOI 0xa0 /* Rotate on non specific EOI */
+#define OCW2_PSET 0xc0 /* Priority Set Command */
+#define OCW2_RSEOI 0xe0 /* Rotate on specific EOI */
+/* ICW1 bits */
+#define ICW1_SEL 0x10 /* Select ICW1 */
+#define ICW1_LTIM 0x08 /* Level-Triggered Interrupt Mode */
+#define ICW1_ADI 0x04 /* Address Interval */
+#define ICW1_SNGL 0x02 /* Single PIC */
+#define ICW1_EICW4 0x01 /* Expect initilization ICW4 */
+ * ICW2 is the starting vector number
+ *
+ * ICW2 is bit-mask of present slaves for a master device,
+ * or the slave ID for a slave device
+ */
+/* ICW4 bits */
+#define ICW4_AEOI 0x02 /* Automatic EOI Mode */
+#define ICW4_PM 0x01 /* Microprocessor Mode */
+#define ELCR1 0x4d0
+#define ELCR2 0x4d1
+int i8259_init(void);
+#endif /* _ASMI386_I8959_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ibmpc.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ibmpc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4368b6e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ibmpc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_IBMPC_H_
+#define __ASM_IBMPC_H_ 1
+/* misc ports in an ibm compatible pc */
+#define MASTER_PIC 0x20
+#define PIT_BASE 0x40
+#define KBDDATA 0x60
+#define SYSCTLB 0x62
+#define KBDCMD 0x64
+#define SYSCTLA 0x92
+#define SLAVE_PIC 0xa0
+#define UART0_BASE 0x3f8
+#define UART1_BASE 0x2f8
+#define UART0_IRQ 4
+#define UART1_IRQ 3
+#define KBD_IRQ 1
+#define MSE_IRQ 12
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_acpi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_acpi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5781f1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_acpi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_INTEL_ACPI_H__
+#define __ASM_INTEL_ACPI_H__
+struct acpi_cstate;
+struct acpi_ctx;
+struct acpi_tstate;
+struct udevice;
+ * acpi_generate_cpu_header() - Start generating an ACPI CPU entry
+ *
+ * Generates the ACPI information for a CPU. After this, the caller should
+ * generate_p_state_entries(), generate_t_state_entries and then
+ * acpigen_pop_len() to close off this package.
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @core_id: CPU core number, as numbered by the SoC
+ * @c_state_map: Information about each C state
+ * @num_cstates: Number of entries in @c_state_map
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int acpi_generate_cpu_header(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, int core_id,
+ const struct acpi_cstate *c_state_map,
+ int num_cstates);
+ * acpi_generate_cpu_package_final() - Write out the CPU PPKG entry
+ *
+ * This writes information about the CPUs in the package
+ *
+ * @ctx: ACPI context pointer
+ * @cores_per_package: Number of CPU cores in each package in the SoC
+ */
+int acpi_generate_cpu_package_final(struct acpi_ctx *ctx,
+ int cores_per_package);
+void generate_p_state_entries(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, int core,
+ int cores_per_package);
+void generate_t_state_entries(struct acpi_ctx *ctx, int core,
+ int cores_per_package, struct acpi_tstate *entry,
+ int nentries);
+int southbridge_inject_dsdt(const struct udevice *dev, struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+int intel_southbridge_write_acpi_tables(const struct udevice *dev,
+ struct acpi_ctx *ctx);
+#endif /* __ASM_INTEL_ACPI_H__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_gnvs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_gnvs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc743dc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_gnvs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation.
+ *
+ * Taken from coreboot intelblocks/nvs.h
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _INTEL_GNVS_H_
+#define _INTEL_GNVS_H_
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+ * The chromeos_acpi portion of ACPI GNVS is assumed to live from offset
+ * 0x100 - 0x1000. When defining acpi_global_nvs, use check_member
+ * to ensure that it is properly aligned:
+ *
+ * check_member(acpi_global_nvs, chromeos, GNVS_CHROMEOS_ACPI_OFFSET);
+ */
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+enum {
+ BINF_RW_A = 1,
+ BINF_RW_B = 2
+enum {
+struct __packed chromeos_acpi_gnvs {
+ /* ChromeOS-specific */
+ u32 boot_reason; /* 00 boot reason */
+ u32 active_main_fw; /* 04 (0=recovery, 1=A, 2=B) */
+ u32 activeec_fw; /* 08 (0=RO, 1=RW) */
+ u16 switches; /* 0c CHSW */
+ u8 hwid[256]; /* 0e HWID */
+ u8 fwid[64]; /* 10e FWID */
+ u8 frid[64]; /* 14e FRID - 275 */
+ u32 main_fw_type; /* 18e (2 = developer mode) */
+ u32 recovery_reason; /* 192 recovery reason */
+ u32 fmap_base; /* 196 fmap base address */
+ u8 vdat[3072]; /* 19a VDAT space filled by verified boot */
+ u32 fwid_ptr; /* d9a smbios bios version */
+ u32 mehh[8]; /* d9e management engine hash */
+ u32 ramoops_base; /* dbe ramoops base address */
+ u32 ramoops_len; /* dc2 ramoops length */
+ u32 vpd_ro_base; /* dc6 pointer to RO_VPD */
+ u32 vpd_ro_size; /* dca size of RO_VPD */
+ u32 vpd_rw_base; /* dce pointer to RW_VPD */
+ u32 vpd_rw_size; /* dd2 size of RW_VPD */
+ u8 pad[298]; /* dd6-eff */
+struct __packed acpi_global_nvs {
+ /* Miscellaneous */
+ u8 pcnt; /* 0x00 - Processor Count */
+ u8 ppcm; /* 0x01 - Max PPC State */
+ u8 lids; /* 0x02 - LID State */
+ u8 pwrs; /* 0x03 - AC Power State */
+ u8 dpte; /* 0x04 - Enable DPTF */
+ u32 cbmc; /* 0x05 - 0x08 - coreboot Memory Console */
+ u64 pm1i; /* 0x09 - 0x10 - System Wake Source - PM1 Index */
+ u64 gpei; /* 0x11 - 0x18 - GPE Wake Source */
+ u64 nhla; /* 0x19 - 0x20 - NHLT Address */
+ u32 nhll; /* 0x21 - 0x24 - NHLT Length */
+ u32 prt0; /* 0x25 - 0x28 - PERST_0 Address */
+ u8 scdp; /* 0x29 - SD_CD GPIO portid */
+ u8 scdo; /* 0x2a - GPIO pad offset relative to the community */
+ u8 uior; /* 0x2b - UART debug controller init on S3 resume */
+ u8 ecps; /* 0x2c - SGX Enabled status */
+ u64 emna; /* 0x2d - 0x34 EPC base address */
+ u64 elng; /* 0x35 - 0x3C EPC Length */
+ u8 unused1[0x100 - 0x3d]; /* Pad out to 256 bytes */
+ /* ChromeOS-specific (0x100 - 0xfff) */
+ struct chromeos_acpi_gnvs chromeos;
+ u8 unused2[0x1000 - 0x100]; /* Pad out to 4096 bytes */
+check_member(acpi_global_nvs, chromeos, GNVS_CHROMEOS_ACPI_OFFSET);
+check_member(acpi_global_nvs, unused2, GNVS_CHROMEOS_ACPI_OFFSET);
+#endif /* _INTEL_GNVS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_opregion.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_opregion.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb3e38617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_opregion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Writing IntelGraphicsMem table for ACPI
+ *
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ * Modified from coreboot src/soc/intel/gma/opregion.h
+ */
+#define VBT_SIGNATURE 0x54425624
+/* IGD PCI Configuration register */
+#define ASLS 0xfc /* OpRegion Base */
+#define SWSCI 0xe8 /* SWSCI Register */
+#define SWSMISCI 0xe0 /* SWSMISCI Register */
+#define GSSCIE BIT(0) /* SCI Event trigger */
+#define SMISCISEL BIT(15) /* Select SMI or SCI event source */
+/* mailbox 0: header */
+struct __packed opregion_header {
+ u8 signature[16]; /* Offset 0 OpRegion signature */
+ u32 size; /* Offset 16 OpRegion size */
+ u32 version; /* Offset 20 OpRegion structure version */
+ u8 sbios_version[32]; /* Offset 24 System BIOS build version */
+ u8 vbios_version[16]; /* Offset 56 Video BIOS build version */
+ u8 driver_version[16]; /* Offset 72 Graphic drvr build version */
+ u32 mailboxes; /* Offset 88 Mailboxes supported */
+ u32 dmod; /* Offset 92 Driver Model */
+ u32 pcon; /* Offset 96 Platform Capabilities */
+ u16 dver[16]; /* Offset 100 GOP Version */
+ u8 reserved[124]; /* Offset 132 Reserved */
+#define IGD_OPREGION_SIGNATURE "IntelGraphicsMem"
+#define IGD_MBOX1 BIT(0)
+#define IGD_MBOX2 BIT(1)
+#define IGD_MBOX3 BIT(2)
+#define IGD_MBOX4 BIT(3)
+#define IGD_MBOX5 BIT(4)
+/* mailbox 1: public ACPI methods */
+struct __packed opregion_mailbox1 {
+ u32 drdy; /* Offset 0 Driver readiness */
+ u32 csts; /* Offset 4 Status */
+ u32 cevt; /* Offset 8 Current event */
+ u8 reserved[20]; /* Offset 12 Reserved */
+ u32 didl; /* Offset 32 Supported display device 1 */
+ u32 ddl2; /* Offset 36 Supported display device 2 */
+ u32 ddl3; /* Offset 40 Supported display device 3 */
+ u32 ddl4; /* Offset 44 Supported display device 4 */
+ u32 ddl5; /* Offset 48 Supported display device 5 */
+ u32 ddl6; /* Offset 52 Supported display device 6 */
+ u32 ddl7; /* Offset 56 Supported display device 7 */
+ u32 ddl8; /* Offset 60 Supported display device 8 */
+ u32 cpdl; /* Offset 64 Currently present display device 1 */
+ u32 cpl2; /* Offset 68 Currently present display device 2 */
+ u32 cpl3; /* Offset 72 Currently present display device 3 */
+ u32 cpl4; /* Offset 76 Currently present display device 4 */
+ u32 cpl5; /* Offset 80 Currently present display device 5 */
+ u32 cpl6; /* Offset 84 Currently present display device 6 */
+ u32 cpl7; /* Offset 88 Currently present display device 7 */
+ u32 cpl8; /* Offset 92 Currently present display device 8 */
+ u32 cadl; /* Offset 96 Currently active display device 1 */
+ u32 cal2; /* Offset 100 Currently active display device 2 */
+ u32 cal3; /* Offset 104 Currently active display device 3 */
+ u32 cal4; /* Offset 108 Currently active display device 4 */
+ u32 cal5; /* Offset 112 Currently active display device 5 */
+ u32 cal6; /* Offset 116 Currently active display device 6 */
+ u32 cal7; /* Offset 120 Currently active display device 7 */
+ u32 cal8; /* Offset 124 Currently active display device 8 */
+ u32 nadl; /* Offset 128 Next active device 1 */
+ u32 ndl2; /* Offset 132 Next active device 2 */
+ u32 ndl3; /* Offset 136 Next active device 3 */
+ u32 ndl4; /* Offset 140 Next active device 4 */
+ u32 ndl5; /* Offset 144 Next active device 5 */
+ u32 ndl6; /* Offset 148 Next active device 6 */
+ u32 ndl7; /* Offset 152 Next active device 7 */
+ u32 ndl8; /* Offset 156 Next active device 8 */
+ u32 aslp; /* Offset 160 ASL sleep timeout */
+ u32 tidx; /* Offset 164 Toggle table index */
+ u32 chpd; /* Offset 168 Current hot plug enable indicator */
+ u32 clid; /* Offset 172 Current lid state indicator */
+ u32 cdck; /* Offset 176 Current docking state indicator */
+ u32 sxsw; /* Offset 180 Display Switch notification on Sx State
+ * resume
+ */
+ u32 evts; /* Offset 184 Events supported by ASL */
+ u32 cnot; /* Offset 188 Current OS Notification */
+ u32 nrdy; /* Offset 192 Reasons for DRDY = 0 */
+ u32 ddl9; /* Offset 196 Extended Supported display device 1 */
+ u32 dd10; /* Offset 200 Extended Supported display device 2 */
+ u32 dd11; /* Offset 204 Extended Supported display device 3 */
+ u32 dd12; /* Offset 208 Extended Supported display device 4 */
+ u32 dd13; /* Offset 212 Extended Supported display device 5 */
+ u32 dd14; /* Offset 216 Extended Supported display device 6 */
+ u32 dd15; /* Offset 220 Extended Supported display device 7 */
+ u32 cpl9; /* Offset 224 Extended Currently present device 1 */
+ u32 cp10; /* Offset 228 Extended Currently present device 2 */
+ u32 cp11; /* Offset 232 Extended Currently present device 3 */
+ u32 cp12; /* Offset 236 Extended Currently present device 4 */
+ u32 cp13; /* Offset 240 Extended Currently present device 5 */
+ u32 cp14; /* Offset 244 Extended Currently present device 6 */
+ u32 cp15; /* Offset 248 Extended Currently present device 7 */
+ u8 reserved2[4]; /* Offset 252 Reserved 4 bytes */
+/* mailbox 2: software sci interface */
+struct __packed opregion_mailbox2 {
+ u32 scic; /* Offset 0 Software SCI function number parameters */
+ u32 parm; /* Offset 4 Software SCI function number parameters */
+ u32 dslp; /* Offset 8 Driver sleep timeout */
+ u8 reserved[244]; /* Offset 12 Reserved */
+/* mailbox 3: power conservation */
+struct __packed opregion_mailbox3 {
+ u32 ardy; /* Offset 0 Driver readiness */
+ u32 aslc; /* Offset 4 ASLE interrupt command / status */
+ u32 tche; /* Offset 8 Technology enabled indicator */
+ u32 alsi; /* Offset 12 Current ALS illuminance reading */
+ u32 bclp; /* Offset 16 Backlight britness to set */
+ u32 pfit; /* Offset 20 Panel fitting Request */
+ u32 cblv; /* Offset 24 Brightness Current State */
+ /* Offset 28 Backlight Brightness Level Duty Cycle Mapping Table */
+ u16 bclm[20];
+ u32 cpfm; /* Offset 68 Panel Fitting Current Mode */
+ u32 epfm; /* Offset 72 Enabled Panel Fitting Modes */
+ u8 plut[74]; /* Offset 76 Panel Look Up Table */
+ /* Offset 150 PWM Frequency and Minimum Brightness */
+ u32 pfmb;
+ u32 ccdv; /* Offset 154 Color Correction Default Values */
+ u32 pcft; /* Offset 158 Power Conservation Features */
+ u32 srot; /* Offset 162 Supported Rotation angle */
+ u32 iuer; /* Offset 166 Intel Ultrabook Event Register */
+ u64 fdsp; /* Offset 170 FFS Display Physical address */
+ u32 fdss; /* Offset 178 FFS Display Size */
+ u32 stat; /* Offset 182 State Indicator */
+ /*
+ * Offset 186 (Igd opregion offset 0x3BAh)
+ * Physical address of Raw VBT data
+ */
+ u64 rvda;
+ /* Offset 194 (Igd opregion offset 0x3C2h) Size of Raw VBT data */
+ u32 rvds;
+ u8 reserved[58]; /* Offset 198 Reserved */
+#define IGD_FIELD_VALID BIT(31)
+/* mailbox 4: vbt */
+struct __packed opregion_vbt {
+ u8 gvd1[6 << 10];
+/* Mailbox 5: BIOS to Driver Notification Extension */
+struct __packed opregion_mailbox5 {
+ u32 phed; /* Offset 7168 Panel Header */
+ u8 bddc[256]; /* Offset 7172 Panel EDID */
+ u8 reserved[764]; /* Offset 7428 764 bytes */
+/* IGD OpRegion */
+struct __packed igd_opregion {
+ struct opregion_header header;
+ struct opregion_mailbox1 mailbox1;
+ struct opregion_mailbox2 mailbox2;
+ struct opregion_mailbox3 mailbox3;
+ struct opregion_vbt vbt;
+ struct opregion_mailbox5 mailbox5;
+/* Intel Video BIOS (Option ROM) */
+struct __packed optionrom_header {
+ u16 signature;
+ u8 size;
+ u8 reserved[21];
+ u16 pcir_offset;
+ u16 vbt_offset;
+#define OPROM_SIGNATURE 0xaa55
+struct __packed optionrom_pcir {
+ u32 signature;
+ u16 vendor;
+ u16 device;
+ u16 reserved1;
+ u16 length;
+ u8 revision;
+ u8 classcode[3];
+ u16 imagelength;
+ u16 coderevision;
+ u8 codetype;
+ u8 indicator;
+ u16 reserved2;
+struct __packed optionrom_vbt {
+ u8 hdr_signature[20];
+ u16 hdr_version;
+ u16 hdr_size;
+ u16 hdr_vbt_size;
+ u8 hdr_vbt_checksum;
+ u8 hdr_reserved;
+ u32 hdr_vbt_datablock;
+ u32 hdr_aim[4];
+ u8 datahdr_signature[16];
+ u16 datahdr_version;
+ u16 datahdr_size;
+ u16 datahdr_datablocksize;
+ u8 coreblock_id;
+ u16 coreblock_size;
+ u16 coreblock_biossize;
+ u8 coreblock_biostype;
+ u8 coreblock_releasestatus;
+ u8 coreblock_hwsupported;
+ u8 coreblock_integratedhw;
+ u8 coreblock_biosbuild[4];
+ u8 coreblock_biossignon[155];
+ * intel_gma_init_igd_opregion() - Initialise IGD OpRegion
+ *
+ * This is called from ACPI code and OS drivers
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int intel_gma_init_igd_opregion(struct udevice *dev,
+ struct igd_opregion *opregion);
+#endif /* _ASM_INTEL_OPREGION_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44eedc205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot gpio.h
+ */
+#include <dm/pinctrl.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+ * struct pad_config - config for a pad
+ * @pad: offset of pad within community
+ * @pad_config: Pad config data corresponding to DW0, DW1, etc.
+ */
+struct pad_config {
+ int pad;
+ u32 pad_config[4];
+#include <asm/arch/gpio.h>
+/* GPIO community IOSF sideband clock gating */
+/* GPIO community RCOMP clock gating */
+/* GPIO community RTC clock gating */
+/* GFX controller clock gating */
+/* GPIO community partition clock gating */
+/* GPIO community local clock gating */
+/* Enable GPIO community power management configuration */
+ * GPIO numbers may not be contiguous and instead will have a different
+ * starting pin number for each pad group.
+ */
+#define INTEL_GPP_BASE(first_of_community, start_of_group, end_of_group,\
+ group_pad_base) \
+ { \
+ .first_pad = (start_of_group) - (first_of_community), \
+ .size = (end_of_group) - (start_of_group) + 1, \
+ .acpi_pad_base = (group_pad_base), \
+ }
+ * A pad base of -1 indicates that this group uses contiguous numbering
+ * and a pad base should not be used for this group.
+ */
+#define PAD_BASE_NONE -1
+/* The common/default group numbering is contiguous */
+#define INTEL_GPP(first_of_community, start_of_group, end_of_group) \
+ INTEL_GPP_BASE(first_of_community, start_of_group, end_of_group,\
+ * struct reset_mapping - logical to actual value for PADRSTCFG in DW0
+ *
+ * Note that the values are expected to be within the field placement of the
+ * register itself. i.e. if the reset field is at 31:30 then the values within
+ * logical and chipset should occupy 31:30.
+ */
+struct reset_mapping {
+ u32 logical;
+ u32 chipset;
+ * struct pad_group - describes the groups within each community
+ *
+ * @first_pad: offset of first pad of the group relative to the community
+ * @size: size of the group
+ * @acpi_pad_base: starting pin number for the pads in this group when they are
+ * used in ACPI. This is only needed if the pins are not contiguous across
+ * groups. Most groups will have this set to PAD_BASE_NONE and use
+ * contiguous numbering for ACPI.
+ */
+struct pad_group {
+ int first_pad;
+ uint size;
+ int acpi_pad_base;
+ * struct pad_community - community of pads
+ *
+ * This describes a community, or each group within a community when multiple
+ * groups exist inside a community
+ *
+ * @name: Community name
+ * @num_gpi_regs: number of gpi registers in community
+ * @max_pads_per_group: number of pads in each group; number of pads bit-mapped
+ * in each GPI status/en and Host Own Reg
+ * @first_pad: first pad in community
+ * @last_pad: last pad in community
+ * @host_own_reg_0: offset to Host Ownership Reg 0
+ * @gpi_int_sts_reg_0: offset to GPI Int STS Reg 0
+ * @gpi_int_en_reg_0: offset to GPI Int Enable Reg 0
+ * @gpi_smi_sts_reg_0: offset to GPI SMI STS Reg 0
+ * @gpi_smi_en_reg_0: offset to GPI SMI EN Reg 0
+ * @pad_cfg_base: offset to first PAD_GFG_DW0 Reg
+ * @gpi_status_offset: specifies offset in struct gpi_status
+ * @port: PCR Port ID
+ * @reset_map: PADRSTCFG logical to chipset mapping
+ * @num_reset_vals: number of values in @reset_map
+ * @groups; list of groups for this community
+ * @num_groups: number of groups
+ */
+struct pad_community {
+ const char *name;
+ size_t num_gpi_regs;
+ size_t max_pads_per_group;
+ uint first_pad;
+ uint last_pad;
+ u16 host_own_reg_0;
+ u16 gpi_int_sts_reg_0;
+ u16 gpi_int_en_reg_0;
+ u16 gpi_smi_sts_reg_0;
+ u16 gpi_smi_en_reg_0;
+ u16 pad_cfg_base;
+ u8 gpi_status_offset;
+ u8 port;
+ const struct reset_mapping *reset_map;
+ size_t num_reset_vals;
+ const struct pad_group *groups;
+ size_t num_groups;
+ * struct intel_pinctrl_priv - private data for each pinctrl device
+ *
+ * @comm: Pad community for this device
+ * @num_cfgs: Number of configuration words for each pad
+ * @itss: ITSS device (for interrupt handling)
+ * @itss_pol_cfg: Use to program Interrupt Polarity Control (IPCx) register
+ * Each bit represents IRQx Active High Polarity Disable configuration:
+ * when set to 1, the interrupt polarity associated with IRQx is inverted
+ * to appear as Active Low to IOAPIC and vice versa
+ */
+struct intel_pinctrl_priv {
+ const struct pad_community *comm;
+ int num_cfgs;
+ struct udevice *itss;
+ bool itss_pol_cfg;
+/* Exported common operations for the pinctrl driver */
+extern const struct pinctrl_ops intel_pinctrl_ops;
+/* Exported common probe function for the pinctrl driver */
+int intel_pinctrl_probe(struct udevice *dev);
+ * intel_pinctrl_of_to_plat() - Handle common plat setup
+ *
+ * @dev: Pinctrl device
+ * @comm: Pad community for this device
+ * @num_cfgs: Number of configuration words for each pad
+ * @return 0 if OK, -EDOM if @comm is NULL, other -ve value on other error
+ */
+int intel_pinctrl_of_to_plat(struct udevice *dev,
+ const struct pad_community *comm, int num_cfgs);
+ * pinctrl_route_gpe() - set GPIO groups for the general-purpose-event blocks
+ *
+ * The values from PMC register GPE_CFG are passed which is then mapped to
+ * proper groups for MISCCFG. This basically sets the MISCCFG register bits:
+ * dw0 = gpe0_route[11:8]. This is ACPI GPE0b.
+ * dw1 = gpe0_route[15:12]. This is ACPI GPE0c.
+ * dw2 = gpe0_route[19:16]. This is ACPI GPE0d.
+ *
+ * @dev: ITSS device
+ * @gpe0b: Value for GPE0B
+ * @gpe0c: Value for GPE0C
+ * @gpe0d: Value for GPE0D
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pinctrl_route_gpe(struct udevice *dev, uint gpe0b, uint gpe0c, uint gpe0d);
+ * pinctrl_config_pads() - Configure a list of pads
+ *
+ * Configures multiple pads using the provided data from the device tree.
+ *
+ * @dev: pinctrl device (any will do)
+ * @pads: Pad data, consisting of a pad number followed by num_cfgs entries
+ * containing the data for that pad (num_cfgs is set by the pinctrl device)
+ * @pads_count: Number of pads to configure
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pinctrl_config_pads(struct udevice *dev, u32 *pads, int pads_count);
+ * pinctrl_gpi_clear_int_cfg() - Set up the interrupts for use
+ *
+ * This enables the interrupt inputs and clears the status register bits
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pinctrl_gpi_clear_int_cfg(void);
+ * pinctrl_config_pads_for_node() - Configure pads
+ *
+ * Set up the pads using the data in a given node
+ *
+ * @dev: pinctrl device (any will do)
+ * @node: Node containing the 'pads' property with the data in it
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pinctrl_config_pads_for_node(struct udevice *dev, ofnode node);
+ * pinctrl_read_pads() - Read pad data from a node
+ *
+ * @dev: pinctrl device (any will do, it is just used to get config)
+ * @node: Node to read pad data from
+ * @prop: Property name to use (e.g. "pads")
+ * @padsp: Returns a pointer to an allocated array of pad data, in the format:
+ * <pad>
+ * <pad_config0>
+ * <pad_config1>
+ * ...
+ *
+ * The number of pad config values is set by the pinctrl controller.
+ * The caller must free this array.
+ * @pad_countp: Returns the number of pads read
+ * @ereturn 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pinctrl_read_pads(struct udevice *dev, ofnode node, const char *prop,
+ u32 **padsp, int *pad_countp);
+ * pinctrl_count_pads() - Count the number of pads in a pad array
+ *
+ * This used used with of-platdata where the array may be smaller than its
+ * maximum size. This function searches for the last pad in the array by finding
+ * the first 'zero' record
+ *
+ * This works out the number of records in the array. Each record has one word
+ * for the pad and num_cfgs words for the config.
+ *
+ * @dev: pinctrl device (any will do)
+ * @pads: Array of pad data
+ * @size: Size of pad data in bytes
+ * @return number of pads represented by the data
+ */
+int pinctrl_count_pads(struct udevice *dev, u32 *pads, int size);
+ * intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg_offset() - Get offset of pin config registers
+ *
+ * This works out the register offset of a pin within the p2sb region.
+ *
+ * @dev: Pinctrl device
+ * @offset: GPIO offset within this device
+ * @return register offset of first register within the GPIO p2sb region
+ */
+u32 intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg_offset(struct udevice *dev, uint offset);
+ * intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg_addr() - Get address of pin config registers
+ *
+ * This works out the absolute address of the registers for a pin
+ * @dev: Pinctrl device
+ * @offset: GPIO offset within this device
+ * @return register address of first register within the GPIO p2sb region
+ */
+u32 intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg_addr(struct udevice *dev, uint offset);
+ * intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg() - Get the value of a GPIO register
+ *
+ * @dev: Pinctrl device
+ * @offset: GPIO offset within this device
+ * @return register value within the GPIO p2sb region
+ */
+u32 intel_pinctrl_get_config_reg(struct udevice *dev, uint offset);
+ * intel_pinctrl_get_pad() - Get pad information for a pad
+ *
+ * This is used by the GPIO controller to find the pinctrl used by a pad.
+ *
+ * @pad: Pad to check
+ * @devp: Returns pinctrl device containing that pad
+ * @offsetp: Returns offset of pad within that pinctrl device
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOTBLK if pad number is invalid
+ */
+int intel_pinctrl_get_pad(uint pad, struct udevice **devp, uint *offsetp);
+ * intel_pinctrl_get_acpi_pin() - Get the ACPI pin for a pinctrl pin
+ *
+ * Maps a pinctrl pin (in terms of its offset within the pins controlled by that
+ * pinctrl) to an ACPI GPIO pin-table entry.
+ *
+ * @dev: Pinctrl device to check
+ * @offset: Offset of pin within that device (0 = first)
+ * @return associated ACPI GPIO pin-table entry, or standard pin number if the
+ * ACPI pad base is not set
+ */
+int intel_pinctrl_get_acpi_pin(struct udevice *dev, uint offset);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl_defs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl_defs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d83d24ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_pinctrl_defs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corp.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot gpio_defs.h
+ */
+/* This file is included by device trees, so avoid BIT() macros */
+#define GPIO_DW_SIZE(x) (sizeof(u32) * (x))
+#define PAD_CFG_OFFSET(x, dw_num) ((x) + GPIO_DW_SIZE(dw_num))
+#define PAD_CFG0_OFFSET(x) PAD_CFG_OFFSET(x, 0)
+#define PAD_CFG1_OFFSET(x) PAD_CFG_OFFSET(x, 1)
+#define PAD_CFG0_TX_STATE_BIT 0
+#define PAD_CFG0_RX_STATE_BIT 1
+#define PAD_CFG0_TX_DISABLE (1 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RX_DISABLE (1 << 9)
+#define PAD_CFG0_MODE_SHIFT 10
+#define PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_MASK (0xf << 17)
+#define PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_NMI (1 << 17)
+#define PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_SMI (1 << 18)
+#define PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_SCI (1 << 19)
+#define PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_IOAPIC (1 << 20)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RXTENCFG_MASK (3 << 21)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RXINV_MASK (1 << 23)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RX_POL_INVERT (1 << 23)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RX_POL_NONE (0 << 23)
+#define PAD_CFG0_PREGFRXSEL (1 << 24)
+#define PAD_CFG0_TRIG_MASK (3 << 25)
+#define PAD_CFG0_TRIG_LEVEL (0 << 25)
+#define PAD_CFG0_TRIG_EDGE_SINGLE (1 << 25) /* controlled by RX_INVERT*/
+#define PAD_CFG0_TRIG_OFF (2 << 25)
+#define PAD_CFG0_TRIG_EDGE_BOTH (3 << 25)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RXRAW1_MASK (1 << 28)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RXPADSTSEL_MASK (1 << 29)
+#define PAD_CFG0_RESET_MASK (3 << 30)
+#define PAD_CFG0_LOGICAL_RESET_PWROK (0U << 30)
+#define PAD_CFG0_LOGICAL_RESET_DEEP (1U << 30)
+ * Use the fourth bit in IntSel field to indicate gpio ownership. This field is
+ * RO and hence not used during gpio configuration.
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG1_GPIO_DRIVER (0x1 << 4)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IRQ_MASK (0xff << 0)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_MASK (0x3 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_SAME (0x0 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_DISPUPD (0x1 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_ENPD (0x2 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_ENPU (0x3 << 8)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_MASK (0xf << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_NONE (0x0 << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_DN_5K (0x2 << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_DN_20K (0x4 << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_UP_1K (0x9 << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_UP_5K (0xa << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_UP_2K (0xb << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_UP_20K (0xc << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_UP_667 (0xd << 10)
+#define PAD_CFG1_PULL_NATIVE (0xf << 10)
+/* Tx enabled driving last value driven, Rx enabled */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX_LAST_RXE (0x0 << 14)
+ * Tx enabled driving 0, Rx disabled and Rx driving 0 back to its controller
+ * internally
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX0_RX_DCR_X0 (0x1 << 14)
+ * Tx enabled driving 0, Rx disabled and Rx driving 1 back to its controller
+ * internally
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX0_RX_DCR_X1 (0x2 << 14)
+ * Tx enabled driving 1, Rx disabled and Rx driving 0 back to its controller
+ * internally
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX1_RX_DCR_X0 (0x3 << 14)
+ * Tx enabled driving 1, Rx disabled and Rx driving 1 back to its controller
+ * internally
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX1_RX_DCR_X1 (0x4 << 14)
+/* Tx enabled driving 0, Rx enabled */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX0_RXE (0x5 << 14)
+/* Tx enabled driving 1, Rx enabled */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TX1_RXE (0x6 << 14)
+/* Hi-Z, Rx driving 0 back to its controller internally */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_HIZCRX0 (0x7 << 14)
+/* Hi-Z, Rx driving 1 back to its controller internally */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_HIZCRX1 (0x8 << 14)
+/* Tx disabled, Rx enabled */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_TXD_RXE (0x9 << 14)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_IGNORE (0xf << 14) /* Ignore Iostandby */
+/* mask to extract Iostandby bits */
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_MASK (0xf << 14)
+#define PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_SHIFT 14 /* set Iostandby bits [17:14] */
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBEN 1
+/* Debounce Duration = (2 ^ PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_x_RTC) * RTC clock duration */
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_8_RTC (0x3 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_16_RTC (0x4 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_32_RTC (0x5 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_64_RTC (0x6 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_128_RTC (0x7 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_256_RTC (0x8 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_512_RTC (0x9 << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_1K_RTC (0xa << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_2K_RTC (0xb << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_4K_RTC (0xc << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_8K_RTC (0xd << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_16K_RTC (0xe << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_32K_RTC (0xf << 1)
+#define PAD_CFG2_DEBOUNCE_MASK 0x1f
+/* voltage tolerance 0=3.3V default 1=1.8V tolerant */
+#define PAD_CFG1_TOL_MASK (0x1 << 25)
+#define PAD_CFG1_TOL_1V8 (0x1 << 25)
+#define PAD_FUNC(value) PAD_CFG0_MODE_##value
+#define PAD_RESET(value) PAD_CFG0_LOGICAL_RESET_##value
+#define PAD_PULL(value) PAD_CFG1_PULL_##value
+#define PAD_IOSSTATE(value) PAD_CFG1_IOSSTATE_##value
+#define PAD_IOSTERM(value) PAD_CFG1_IOSTERM_##value
+#define PAD_IRQ_CFG(route, trig, inv) \
+ (PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_##route | \
+ PAD_CFG0_TRIG_##trig | \
+ PAD_CFG0_RX_POL_##inv)
+#define PAD_IRQ_CFG_DUAL_ROUTE(route1, route2, trig, inv) \
+ (PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_##route1 | \
+ PAD_CFG0_ROUTE_##route2 | \
+ PAD_CFG0_TRIG_##trig | \
+ PAD_CFG0_RX_POL_##inv)
+#define _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(__pad, __config0, __config1) \
+ __pad(__config0) (__config1)
+/* Native function configuration */
+#define PAD_CFG_NF(pad, pull, rst, func) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, PAD_RESET(rst) | PAD_FUNC(func), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ * Native 1.8V tolerant pad, only applies to some pads like I2C/I2S. Not
+ * applicable to all SOCs. Refer EDS.
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG_NF_1V8(pad, pull, rst, func) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, PAD_RESET(rst) | PAD_FUNC(func), PAD_PULL(pull) |\
+/* Native function configuration for standby state */
+#define PAD_CFG_NF_IOSSTATE(pad, pull, rst, func, iosstate) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, PAD_RESET(rst) | PAD_FUNC(func), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate))
+ * Native function configuration for standby state, also configuring iostandby
+ * as masked
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG_NF_IOSTANDBY_IGNORE(pad, pull, rst, func) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, PAD_RESET(rst) | PAD_FUNC(func), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ * Native function configuration for standby state, also configuring iosstate
+ * and iosterm
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG_NF_IOSSTATE_IOSTERM(pad, pull, rst, func, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, PAD_RESET(rst) | PAD_FUNC(func), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+/* General purpose output, no pullup/down */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPO(pad, val, rst) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+/* General purpose output, with termination specified */
+#define PAD_CFG_TERM_GPO(pad, val, pull, rst) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+/* General purpose output, no pullup/down */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPO_GPIO_DRIVER(pad, val, rst, pull) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+/* General purpose output */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPO_IOSSTATE_IOSTERM(pad, val, rst, pull, iosstate, ioterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_PULL(pull) | PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(ioterm))
+/* General purpose input */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI(pad, pull, rst) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+/* General purpose input. The following macro sets the
+ * Host Software Pad Ownership to GPIO Driver mode.
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_GPIO_DRIVER(pad, pull, rst) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+#define PAD_CFG_GPIO_DRIVER_HI_Z(pad, pull, rst, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+#define PAD_CFG_GPIO_HI_Z(pad, pull, rst, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+/* GPIO Interrupt */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_INT(pad, pull, rst, trig) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ * No Connect configuration for unused pad.
+ * Both TX and RX are disabled. RX disabling is done to avoid unnecessary
+ * setting of GPI_STS.
+ */
+#define PAD_NC(pad, pull) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+/* General purpose input, routed to APIC */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(IOAPIC, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+/* General purpose input, routed to APIC - with IOStandby Config*/
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC_IOS(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(IOAPIC, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+ * The following APIC macros assume the APIC will handle the filtering
+ * on its own end. One just needs to pass an active high message into the
+ * ITSS.
+ */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC_LOW(pad, pull, rst) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC(pad, pull, rst, LEVEL, INVERT)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC_HIGH(pad, pull, rst) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC(pad, pull, rst, LEVEL, NONE)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_APIC_EDGE_LOW(pad, pull, rst) \
+/* General purpose input, routed to SMI */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SMI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+/* General purpose input, routed to SMI */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI_IOS(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SMI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI_LOW(pad, pull, rst, trig) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI(pad, pull, rst, trig, INVERT)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI_HIGH(pad, pull, rst, trig) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SMI(pad, pull, rst, trig, NONE)
+/* General purpose input, routed to SCI */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SCI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+/* General purpose input, routed to SCI */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_IOS(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, iosstate, iosterm) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SCI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+ PAD_IOSSTATE(iosstate) | PAD_IOSTERM(iosterm))
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_LOW(pad, pull, rst, trig) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI(pad, pull, rst, trig, INVERT)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_HIGH(pad, pull, rst, trig) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI(pad, pull, rst, trig, NONE)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_DEBEN(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, dur) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT_3(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SCI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_LOW_DEBEN(pad, pull, rst, trig, dur) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_DEBEN(pad, pull, rst, trig, INVERT, dur)
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_HIGH_DEBEN(pad, pull, rst, trig, dur) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_SCI_DEBEN(pad, pull, rst, trig, NONE, dur)
+/* General purpose input, routed to NMI */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_NMI(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(NMI, trig, inv), PAD_PULL(pull) | \
+/* GPI, GPIO Driver, SCI interrupt */
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_GPIO_DRIVER_SCI(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG(SCI, trig, inv), \
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_DUAL_ROUTE(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, route1, route2) \
+ _PAD_CFG_STRUCT(pad, \
+ PAD_IRQ_CFG_DUAL_ROUTE(route1, route2, trig, inv), \
+#define PAD_CFG_GPI_IRQ_WAKE(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv) \
+ PAD_CFG_GPI_DUAL_ROUTE(pad, pull, rst, trig, inv, IOAPIC, SCI)
+#endif /* _ASM_INTEL_PINCTRL_DEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_regs.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_regs.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e017227a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/intel_regs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_INTEL_REGS_H
+#define __ASM_INTEL_REGS_H
+/* Access the memory-controller hub */
+#define MCH_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed10000
+#define MCH_BASE_SIZE 0x8000
+#define MCHBAR_REG(reg) (MCH_BASE_ADDRESS + (reg))
+#define MCHBAR_PEI_VERSION 0x5034
+#define MCH_PKG_POWER_LIMIT_LO 0x59a0
+#define MCH_PKG_POWER_LIMIT_HI 0x59a4
+#define MCH_DDR_POWER_LIMIT_LO 0x58e0
+#define MCH_DDR_POWER_LIMIT_HI 0x58e4
+/* Access the Root Complex Register Block */
+#define RCB_BASE_ADDRESS 0xfed1c000
+#define RCB_REG(reg) (RCB_BASE_ADDRESS + (reg))
+#define SOFT_RESET_CTRL 0x38f4
+#define SOFT_RESET_DATA 0x38f8
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/interrupt.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/interrupt.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e23fb2c8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/interrupt.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2009
+ * Graeme Russ, graeme.russ@gmail.com
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_INTERRUPT_H_
+#define __ASM_INTERRUPT_H_ 1
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#define SYS_NUM_IRQS 16
+/* Architecture defined exceptions */
+enum x86_exception {
+ EXC_DE = 0,
+ EXC_MF = 16,
+ * struct idt_ptr - Holds the IDT (Interrupt Descriptor Table)
+ *
+ * @size: Size of IDT in bytes
+ */
+struct idt_ptr {
+ unsigned short size;
+ unsigned long address;
+} __packed;
+/* arch/x86/cpu/interrupts.c */
+void set_vector(u8 intnum, void *routine);
+/* Architecture specific functions */
+void mask_irq(int irq);
+void unmask_irq(int irq);
+void specific_eoi(int irq);
+extern char exception_stack[];
+ * configure_irq_trigger() - Configure IRQ triggering
+ *
+ * Switch the given interrupt to be level / edge triggered
+ *
+ * @param int_num legacy interrupt number (3-7, 9-15)
+ * @param is_level_triggered true for level triggered interrupt, false for
+ * edge triggered interrupt
+ */
+void configure_irq_trigger(int int_num, bool is_level_triggered);
+void *x86_get_idt(void);
+ * interrupt_read_idt() - Read the IDT
+ *
+ * @ptr: Place to put IDT contents
+ */
+void interrupt_read_idt(struct idt_ptr *ptr);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/io.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/io.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83dc09757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2000-2002
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_IO_H
+#define _ASM_IO_H
+#include <compiler.h>
+ * This file contains the definitions for the x86 IO instructions
+ * inb/inw/inl/outb/outw/outl and the "string versions" of the same
+ * (insb/insw/insl/outsb/outsw/outsl). You can also use "pausing"
+ * versions of the single-IO instructions (inb_p/inw_p/..).
+ *
+ * This file is not meant to be obfuscating: it's just complicated
+ * to (a) handle it all in a way that makes gcc able to optimize it
+ * as well as possible and (b) trying to avoid writing the same thing
+ * over and over again with slight variations and possibly making a
+ * mistake somewhere.
+ */
+ * Thanks to James van Artsdalen for a better timing-fix than
+ * the two short jumps: using outb's to a nonexistent port seems
+ * to guarantee better timings even on fast machines.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, I'd like to be sure of a non-existent port:
+ * I feel a bit unsafe about using 0x80 (should be safe, though)
+ *
+ * Linus
+ */
+ /*
+ * Bit simplified and optimized by Jan Hubicka
+ * Support of BIGMEM added by Gerhard Wichert, Siemens AG, July 1999.
+ *
+ * isa_memset_io, isa_memcpy_fromio, isa_memcpy_toio added,
+ * isa_read[wl] and isa_write[wl] fixed
+ * - Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@conectiva.com.br>
+ */
+#define IO_SPACE_LIMIT 0xffff
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+ * readX/writeX() are used to access memory mapped devices. On some
+ * architectures the memory mapped IO stuff needs to be accessed
+ * differently. On the x86 architecture, we just read/write the
+ * memory location directly.
+ */
+#define readb(addr) (*(volatile u8 *)(uintptr_t)(addr))
+#define readw(addr) (*(volatile u16 *)(uintptr_t)(addr))
+#define readl(addr) (*(volatile u32 *)(uintptr_t)(addr))
+#define readq(addr) (*(volatile u64 *)(uintptr_t)(addr))
+#define __raw_readb readb
+#define __raw_readw readw
+#define __raw_readl readl
+#define __raw_readq readq
+#define writeb(b, addr) (*(volatile u8 *)(addr) = (b))
+#define writew(b, addr) (*(volatile u16 *)(addr) = (b))
+#define writel(b, addr) (*(volatile u32 *)(addr) = (b))
+#define writeq(b, addr) (*(volatile u64 *)(addr) = (b))
+#define __raw_writeb writeb
+#define __raw_writew writew
+#define __raw_writel writel
+#define __raw_writeq writeq
+#define memset_io(a,b,c) memset((a),(b),(c))
+#define memcpy_fromio(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(b),(c))
+#define memcpy_toio(a,b,c) memcpy((a),(b),(c))
+#define out_arch(type, endian, a, v) __raw_write##type(cpu_to_##endian(v), a)
+#define in_arch(type, endian, a) endian##_to_cpu(__raw_read##type(a))
+#define out_le64(a, v) out_arch(q, le64, a, v)
+#define out_le32(a, v) out_arch(l, le32, a, v)
+#define out_le16(a, v) out_arch(w, le16, a, v)
+#define in_le64(a) in_arch(q, le64, a)
+#define in_le32(a) in_arch(l, le32, a)
+#define in_le16(a) in_arch(w, le16, a)
+#define out_be32(a, v) out_arch(l, be32, a, v)
+#define out_be16(a, v) out_arch(w, be16, a, v)
+#define in_be32(a) in_arch(l, be32, a)
+#define in_be16(a) in_arch(w, be16, a)
+#define out_8(a, v) __raw_writeb(v, a)
+#define in_8(a) __raw_readb(a)
+#define clrbits(type, addr, clear) \
+ out_##type((addr), in_##type(addr) & ~(clear))
+#define setbits(type, addr, set) \
+ out_##type((addr), in_##type(addr) | (set))
+#define clrsetbits(type, addr, clear, set) \
+ out_##type((addr), (in_##type(addr) & ~(clear)) | (set))
+#define clrbits_be32(addr, clear) clrbits(be32, addr, clear)
+#define setbits_be32(addr, set) setbits(be32, addr, set)
+#define clrsetbits_be32(addr, clear, set) clrsetbits(be32, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrbits_le32(addr, clear) clrbits(le32, addr, clear)
+#define setbits_le32(addr, set) setbits(le32, addr, set)
+#define clrsetbits_le32(addr, clear, set) clrsetbits(le32, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrbits_be16(addr, clear) clrbits(be16, addr, clear)
+#define setbits_be16(addr, set) setbits(be16, addr, set)
+#define clrsetbits_be16(addr, clear, set) clrsetbits(be16, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrbits_le16(addr, clear) clrbits(le16, addr, clear)
+#define setbits_le16(addr, set) setbits(le16, addr, set)
+#define clrsetbits_le16(addr, clear, set) clrsetbits(le16, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrbits_8(addr, clear) clrbits(8, addr, clear)
+#define setbits_8(addr, set) setbits(8, addr, set)
+#define clrsetbits_8(addr, clear, set) clrsetbits(8, addr, clear, set)
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#define __SLOW_DOWN_IO "\njmp 1f\n1:\tjmp 1f\n1:"
+#define __SLOW_DOWN_IO "\noutb %%al,$0xed"
+ * Talk about misusing macros..
+ */
+#define __OUT1(s,x) \
+static inline void _out##s(unsigned x value, unsigned short port) {
+#define __OUT2(s,s1,s2) \
+__asm__ __volatile__ ("out" #s " %" s1 "0,%" s2 "1"
+#define __OUT(s,s1,x) \
+__OUT1(s,x) __OUT2(s,s1,"w") : : "a" (value), "Nd" (port)); } \
+__OUT1(s##_p,x) __OUT2(s,s1,"w") __FULL_SLOW_DOWN_IO : : "a" (value), "Nd" (port));}
+#define __IN1(s) \
+static inline RETURN_TYPE _in##s(unsigned short port) { RETURN_TYPE _v;
+#define __IN2(s,s1,s2) \
+__asm__ __volatile__ ("in" #s " %" s2 "1,%" s1 "0"
+#define __IN(s,s1,i...) \
+__IN1(s) __IN2(s,s1,"w") : "=a" (_v) : "Nd" (port) ,##i ); return _v; } \
+__IN1(s##_p) __IN2(s,s1,"w") __FULL_SLOW_DOWN_IO : "=a" (_v) : "Nd" (port) ,##i ); return _v; }
+#define __INS(s) \
+static inline void ins##s(unsigned short port, void * addr, unsigned long count) \
+{ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep ; ins" #s \
+: "=D" (addr), "=c" (count) : "d" (port),"0" (addr),"1" (count)); }
+#define __OUTS(s) \
+static inline void outs##s(unsigned short port, const void * addr, unsigned long count) \
+{ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep ; outs" #s \
+: "=S" (addr), "=c" (count) : "d" (port),"0" (addr),"1" (count)); }
+#define RETURN_TYPE unsigned char
+#define RETURN_TYPE unsigned short
+#define RETURN_TYPE unsigned int
+#define inb(port) _inb((uintptr_t)(port))
+#define inw(port) _inw((uintptr_t)(port))
+#define inl(port) _inl((uintptr_t)(port))
+#define outb(val, port) _outb(val, (uintptr_t)(port))
+#define outw(val, port) _outw(val, (uintptr_t)(port))
+#define outl(val, port) _outl(val, (uintptr_t)(port))
+/* IO space accessors */
+#define clrio(type, addr, clear) \
+ out##type(in##type(addr) & ~(clear), (addr))
+#define setio(type, addr, set) \
+ out##type(in##type(addr) | (set), (addr))
+#define clrsetio(type, addr, clear, set) \
+ out##type((in##type(addr) & ~(clear)) | (set), (addr))
+#define clrio_32(addr, clear) clrio(l, addr, clear)
+#define clrio_16(addr, clear) clrio(w, addr, clear)
+#define clrio_8(addr, clear) clrio(b, addr, clear)
+#define setio_32(addr, set) setio(l, addr, set)
+#define setio_16(addr, set) setio(w, addr, set)
+#define setio_8(addr, set) setio(b, addr, set)
+#define clrsetio_32(addr, clear, set) clrsetio(l, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrsetio_16(addr, clear, set) clrsetio(w, addr, clear, set)
+#define clrsetio_8(addr, clear, set) clrsetio(b, addr, clear, set)
+static inline void sync(void)
+ * TODO: The kernel offers some more advanced versions of barriers, it might
+ * have some advantages to use them instead of the simple one here.
+ */
+#define dmb() __asm__ __volatile__ ("" : : : "memory")
+#define __iormb() dmb()
+#define __iowmb() dmb()
+ * Read/write from/to an (offsettable) iomem cookie. It might be a PIO
+ * access or a MMIO access, these functions don't care. The info is
+ * encoded in the hardware mapping set up by the mapping functions
+ * (or the cookie itself, depending on implementation and hw).
+ *
+ * The generic routines don't assume any hardware mappings, and just
+ * encode the PIO/MMIO as part of the cookie. They coldly assume that
+ * the MMIO IO mappings are not in the low address range.
+ *
+ * Architectures for which this is not true can't use this generic
+ * implementation and should do their own copy.
+ */
+ * We assume that all the low physical PIO addresses (0-0xffff) always
+ * PIO. That means we can do some sanity checks on the low bits, and
+ * don't need to just take things for granted.
+ */
+#define PIO_RESERVED 0x10000UL
+ * Ugly macros are a way of life.
+ */
+#define IO_COND(addr, is_pio, is_mmio) do { \
+ unsigned long port = (unsigned long __force)addr; \
+ if (port >= PIO_RESERVED) { \
+ is_mmio; \
+ } else { \
+ is_pio; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+static inline u8 ioread8(const volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, return inb(port), return readb(addr));
+ return 0xff;
+static inline u16 ioread16(const volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, return inw(port), return readw(addr));
+ return 0xffff;
+static inline u32 ioread32(const volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, return inl(port), return readl(addr));
+ return 0xffffffff;
+static inline void iowrite8(u8 value, volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, outb(value, port), writeb(value, addr));
+static inline void iowrite16(u16 value, volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, outw(value, port), writew(value, addr));
+static inline void iowrite32(u32 value, volatile void __iomem *addr)
+ IO_COND(addr, outl(value, port), writel(value, addr));
+#include <asm-generic/io.h>
+#endif /* _ASM_IO_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioapic.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioapic.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e004e9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioapic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot file of the same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 coresystems GmbH
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_IOAPIC_H
+#define __ASM_IOAPIC_H
+#define IO_APIC_ADDR 0xfec00000
+/* Direct addressed register */
+#define IO_APIC_INDEX (IO_APIC_ADDR + 0x00)
+#define IO_APIC_DATA (IO_APIC_ADDR + 0x10)
+/* Indirect addressed register offset */
+#define IO_APIC_ID 0x00
+#define IO_APIC_VER 0x01
+ * io_apic_read() - Read I/O APIC register
+ *
+ * This routine reads I/O APIC indirect addressed register.
+ *
+ * @reg: address of indirect addressed register
+ * @return: register value to read
+ */
+u32 io_apic_read(u32 reg);
+ * io_apic_write() - Write I/O APIC register
+ *
+ * This routine writes I/O APIC indirect addressed register.
+ *
+ * @reg: address of indirect addressed register
+ * @val: register value to write
+ */
+void io_apic_write(u32 reg, u32 val);
+void io_apic_set_id(int ioapic_id);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioctl.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioctl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b279fe06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ioctl.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include <asm-generic/ioctl.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/irq.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/irq.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bee0760c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/irq.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ARCH_IRQ_H_
+#define _ARCH_IRQ_H_
+#include <dt-bindings/interrupt-router/intel-irq.h>
+ * Intel interrupt router configuration mechanism
+ *
+ * There are two known ways of Intel interrupt router configuration mechanism
+ * so far. On most cases, the IRQ routing configuration is controlled by PCI
+ * configuration registers on the legacy bridge, normally PCI BDF(0, 31, 0).
+ * On some newer platforms like BayTrail and Braswell, the IRQ routing is now
+ * in the IBASE register block where IBASE is memory-mapped.
+ */
+enum pirq_config {
+struct pirq_regmap {
+ int link;
+ int offset;
+ * Intel interrupt router control block
+ *
+ * Its members' value will be filled in based on device tree's input.
+ *
+ * @link_base: link value base number
+ * @link_num: number of PIRQ links supported
+ * @has_regmap: has mapping table between PIRQ link and routing register offset
+ * @irq_mask: IRQ mask representing the 16 IRQs in 8259, bit N is 1 means
+ * IRQ N is available to be routed
+ * @lb_bdf: irq router's PCI bus/device/function number encoding
+ * @ibase: IBASE register block base address
+ * @actl_8bit: ACTL register width is 8-bit (for ICH series chipset)
+ * @actl_addr: ACTL register offset
+ */
+struct irq_router {
+ int config;
+ u32 link_base;
+ int link_num;
+ bool has_regmap;
+ struct pirq_regmap *regmap;
+ u16 irq_mask;
+ u32 bdf;
+ u32 ibase;
+ bool actl_8bit;
+ int actl_addr;
+struct pirq_routing {
+ int bdf;
+ int pin;
+ int pirq;
+#define PIRQ_BITMAP 0xdef8
+#endif /* _ARCH_IRQ_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ist.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ist.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80b8597d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ist.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_IST_H
+#define _ASM_X86_IST_H
+ * Include file for the interface to IST BIOS
+ * Copyright 2002 Andy Grover <andrew.grover@intel.com>
+ */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+struct ist_info {
+ __u32 signature;
+ __u32 command;
+ __u32 event;
+ __u32 perf_level;
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+extern struct ist_info ist_info;
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_IST_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/itss.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/itss.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d4793277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/itss.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Interrupt Timer Subsystem
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot itss.h
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ARCH_ITSS_H
+#define _ASM_ARCH_ITSS_H
+#include <irq.h>
+#define GPIO_IRQ_START 50
+#define ITSS_MAX_IRQ 119
+#define IRQS_PER_IPC 32
+/* Max PXRC registers in ITSS */
+/* PIRQA Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQA_ROUT 0x3100
+/* PIRQB Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQB_ROUT 0x3101
+/* PIRQC Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQC_ROUT 0x3102
+/* PIRQD Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQD_ROUT 0x3103
+/* PIRQE Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQE_ROUT 0x3104
+/* PIRQF Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQF_ROUT 0x3105
+/* PIRQG Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQG_ROUT 0x3106
+/* PIRQH Routing Control Register */
+#define PCR_ITSS_PIRQH_ROUT 0x3107
+/* ITSS Interrupt polarity control */
+#define PCR_ITSS_IPC0_CONF 0x3200
+/* ITSS Power reduction control */
+#define PCR_ITSS_ITSSPRC 0x3300
+struct itss_plat {
+ /* Put this first since driver model will copy the data here */
+ struct dtd_intel_itss dtplat;
+/* struct pmc_route - Routing for PMC to GPIO */
+struct pmc_route {
+ u32 pmc;
+ u32 gpio;
+struct itss_priv {
+ struct pmc_route *route;
+ uint route_count;
+ u32 irq_snapshot[NUM_IPC_REGS];
+#endif /* _ASM_ARCH_ITSS_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lapic.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lapic.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78eef6afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lapic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot file of same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef _ARCH_ASM_LAPIC_H
+#define _ARCH_ASM_LAPIC_H
+#define LAPIC_DEFAULT_BASE 0xfee00000
+#define LAPIC_ID 0x020
+#define LAPIC_LVR 0x030
+#define LAPIC_TASKPRI 0x080
+#define LAPIC_TPRI_MASK 0xff
+#define LAPIC_RRR 0x0c0
+#define LAPIC_SPIV 0x0f0
+#define LAPIC_SPIV_ENABLE 0x100
+#define LAPIC_ICR 0x300
+#define LAPIC_DEST_SELF 0x40000
+#define LAPIC_DEST_ALLINC 0x80000
+#define LAPIC_DEST_ALLBUT 0xc0000
+#define LAPIC_ICR_RR_MASK 0x30000
+#define LAPIC_ICR_RR_INVALID 0x00000
+#define LAPIC_ICR_RR_INPROG 0x10000
+#define LAPIC_ICR_RR_VALID 0x20000
+#define LAPIC_INT_LEVELTRIG 0x08000
+#define LAPIC_INT_ASSERT 0x04000
+#define LAPIC_ICR_BUSY 0x01000
+#define LAPIC_DEST_LOGICAL 0x00800
+#define LAPIC_DM_FIXED 0x00000
+#define LAPIC_DM_LOWEST 0x00100
+#define LAPIC_DM_SMI 0x00200
+#define LAPIC_DM_REMRD 0x00300
+#define LAPIC_DM_NMI 0x00400
+#define LAPIC_DM_INIT 0x00500
+#define LAPIC_DM_STARTUP 0x00600
+#define LAPIC_DM_EXTINT 0x00700
+#define LAPIC_VECTOR_MASK 0x000ff
+#define LAPIC_ICR2 0x310
+#define GET_LAPIC_DEST_FIELD(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xff)
+#define SET_LAPIC_DEST_FIELD(x) ((x) << 24)
+#define LAPIC_LVT0 0x350
+#define LAPIC_LVT1 0x360
+#define LAPIC_LVT_MASKED (1 << 16)
+#define LAPIC_LVT_LEVEL_TRIGGER (1 << 15)
+#define LAPIC_LVT_REMOTE_IRR (1 << 14)
+#define LAPIC_INPUT_POLARITY (1 << 13)
+#define LAPIC_SEND_PENDING (1 << 12)
+#define LAPIC_LVT_RESERVED_1 (1 << 11)
+#define LAPIC_DELIVERY_MODE_MASK (7 << 8)
+#define LAPIC_DELIVERY_MODE_NMI (4 << 8)
+unsigned long lapic_read(unsigned long reg);
+void lapic_write(unsigned long reg, unsigned long v);
+void enable_lapic(void);
+void disable_lapic(void);
+unsigned long lapicid(void);
+int lapic_remote_read(int apicid, int reg, unsigned long *pvalue);
+void lapic_setup(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/linkage.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/linkage.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdca72eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/linkage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_LINKAGE_H
+#define _ASM_X86_LINKAGE_H
+#define asmlinkage CPP_ASMLINKAGE __attribute__((regparm(0)))
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_LINKAGE_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpc_common.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpc_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d462c2ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpc_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_LPC_COMMON_H
+#define __ASM_LPC_COMMON_H
+#define PCH_RCBA_BASE 0xf0
+#define RC 0x3400 /* 32bit */
+#define GCS 0x3410 /* 32bit */
+#define PMBASE 0x40
+#define ACPI_CNTL 0x44
+#define LPC_IO_DEC 0x80 /* IO Decode Ranges Register */
+#define COMB_DEC_RANGE (1 << 4) /* 0x2f8-0x2ff (COM2) */
+#define COMA_DEC_RANGE (0 << 0) /* 0x3f8-0x3ff (COM1) */
+#define LPC_EN 0x82 /* LPC IF Enables Register */
+#define CNF2_LPC_EN (1 << 13) /* 0x4e/0x4f */
+#define CNF1_LPC_EN (1 << 12) /* 0x2e/0x2f */
+#define MC_LPC_EN (1 << 11) /* 0x62/0x66 */
+#define KBC_LPC_EN (1 << 10) /* 0x60/0x64 */
+#define GAMEH_LPC_EN (1 << 9) /* 0x208/0x20f */
+#define GAMEL_LPC_EN (1 << 8) /* 0x200/0x207 */
+#define FDD_LPC_EN (1 << 3) /* LPC_IO_DEC[12] */
+#define LPT_LPC_EN (1 << 2) /* LPC_IO_DEC[9:8] */
+#define COMB_LPC_EN (1 << 1) /* LPC_IO_DEC[6:4] */
+#define COMA_LPC_EN (1 << 0) /* LPC_IO_DEC[3:2] */
+#define LPC_GEN1_DEC 0x84 /* LPC IF Generic Decode Range 1 */
+#define LPC_GEN2_DEC 0x88 /* LPC IF Generic Decode Range 2 */
+#define LPC_GEN3_DEC 0x8c /* LPC IF Generic Decode Range 3 */
+#define LPC_GEN4_DEC 0x90 /* LPC IF Generic Decode Range 4 */
+#define LPC_GENX_DEC(x) (0x84 + 4 * (x))
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_256B 0xfc0000 /* 256 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_128B 0x7c0000 /* 128 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_64B 0x3c0000 /* 64 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_32B 0x1c0000 /* 32 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_16B 0x0c0000 /* 16 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_8B 0x040000 /* 8 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_4B 0x000000 /* 4 Bytes */
+#define GEN_DEC_RANGE_EN (1 << 0) /* Range Enable */
+ * lpc_common_early_init() - Set up common LPC init
+ *
+ * This sets up the legacy decode areas, GEN_DEC, SPI prefetch and Port80. It
+ * also puts the RCB in the correct place so that RCB_REG() works.
+ *
+ * @dev: LPC device (a child of the PCH)
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ */
+int lpc_common_early_init(struct udevice *dev);
+int lpc_set_spi_protect(struct udevice *dev, int bios_ctrl, bool protect);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpss.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpss.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..781487268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/lpss.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_LPSS_H
+#define __ASM_LPSS_H
+struct udevice;
+/* D0 and D3 enable config */
+enum lpss_pwr_state {
+ STATE_D0 = 0,
+ STATE_D3 = 3
+ * lpss_reset_release() - Release device from reset
+ *
+ * This is used for devices which have LPSS support.
+ *
+ * @regs: Pointer to device registers
+ */
+void lpss_reset_release(void *regs);
+ * lpss_set_power_state() - Change power state of a device
+ *
+ * This is used for devices which have LPSS support.
+ *
+ * @dev: Device to update
+ * @state: New power state to set
+ */
+void lpss_set_power_state(struct udevice *dev, enum lpss_pwr_state state);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/me_common.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/me_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49d88623e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/me_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From Coreboot src/southbridge/intel/bd82x6x/me.h
+ *
+ * Coreboot copies lots of code around. Here we are trying to keep the common
+ * code in a separate file to reduce code duplication and hopefully make it
+ * easier to add new platform.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ME_COMMON_H
+#define __ASM_ME_COMMON_H
+#include <linux/compiler.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <pci.h>
+#define MCHBAR_PEI_VERSION 0x5034
+#define ME_RETRY 100000 /* 1 second */
+#define ME_DELAY 10 /* 10 us */
+ * Management Engine PCI registers
+ */
+#define PCI_CPU_MEBASE_L 0x70 /* Set by MRC */
+#define PCI_CPU_MEBASE_H 0x74 /* Set by MRC */
+#define PCI_ME_HFS 0x40
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_RESET 0
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_INIT 1
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_REC 2
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_NORMAL 5
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_WAIT 6
+#define ME_HFS_CWS_TRANS 7
+#define ME_HFS_STATE_M0_UMA 1
+#define ME_HFS_STATE_M3 4
+#define ME_HFS_STATE_M0 5
+#define ME_HFS_ERROR_NONE 0
+#define ME_HFS_MODE_DEBUG 2
+#define ME_HFS_MODE_DIS 3
+#define ME_HFS_ACK_NO_DID 0
+#define ME_HFS_ACK_RESET 1
+#define ME_HFS_ACK_S3 3
+#define ME_HFS_ACK_S4 4
+#define ME_HFS_ACK_S5 5
+struct me_hfs {
+ u32 working_state:4;
+ u32 mfg_mode:1;
+ u32 fpt_bad:1;
+ u32 operation_state:3;
+ u32 fw_init_complete:1;
+ u32 ft_bup_ld_flr:1;
+ u32 update_in_progress:1;
+ u32 error_code:4;
+ u32 operation_mode:4;
+ u32 reserved:4;
+ u32 boot_options_present:1;
+ u32 ack_data:3;
+ u32 bios_msg_ack:4;
+} __packed;
+#define PCI_ME_UMA 0x44
+struct me_uma {
+ u32 size:6;
+ u32 reserved_1:10;
+ u32 valid:1;
+ u32 reserved_0:14;
+ u32 set_to_one:1;
+} __packed;
+#define PCI_ME_H_GS 0x4c
+#define ME_INIT_DONE 1
+struct me_did {
+ u32 uma_base:16;
+ u32 reserved:7;
+ u32 rapid_start:1; /* Broadwell only */
+ u32 status:4;
+ u32 init_done:4;
+} __packed;
+#define PCI_ME_GMES 0x48
+#define ME_GMES_PHASE_ROM 0
+#define ME_GMES_PHASE_BUP 1
+struct me_gmes {
+ u32 bist_in_prog:1;
+ u32 icc_prog_sts:2;
+ u32 invoke_mebx:1;
+ u32 cpu_replaced_sts:1;
+ u32 mbp_rdy:1;
+ u32 mfs_failure:1;
+ u32 warm_rst_req_for_df:1;
+ u32 cpu_replaced_valid:1;
+ u32 reserved_1:2;
+ u32 fw_upd_ipu:1;
+ u32 reserved_2:4;
+ u32 current_state:8;
+ u32 current_pmevent:4;
+ u32 progress_code:4;
+} __packed;
+#define PCI_ME_HERES 0xbc
+#define PCI_ME_EXT_SHA1 0x00
+#define PCI_ME_EXT_SHA256 0x02
+#define PCI_ME_HER(x) (0xc0+(4*(x)))
+struct me_heres {
+ u32 extend_reg_algorithm:4;
+ u32 reserved:26;
+ u32 extend_feature_present:1;
+ u32 extend_reg_valid:1;
+} __packed;
+ * Management Engine MEI registers
+ */
+#define MEI_H_CB_WW 0x00
+#define MEI_H_CSR 0x04
+#define MEI_ME_CB_RW 0x08
+#define MEI_ME_CSR_HA 0x0c
+struct mei_csr {
+ u32 interrupt_enable:1;
+ u32 interrupt_status:1;
+ u32 interrupt_generate:1;
+ u32 ready:1;
+ u32 reset:1;
+ u32 reserved:3;
+ u32 buffer_read_ptr:8;
+ u32 buffer_write_ptr:8;
+ u32 buffer_depth:8;
+} __packed;
+#define MEI_ADDRESS_CORE 0x01
+#define MEI_ADDRESS_AMT 0x02
+#define MEI_ADDRESS_WDT 0x04
+#define MEI_ADDRESS_MKHI 0x07
+#define MEI_ADDRESS_ICC 0x08
+struct mei_header {
+ u32 client_address:8;
+ u32 host_address:8;
+ u32 length:9;
+ u32 reserved:6;
+ u32 is_complete:1;
+} __packed;
+#define MKHI_GROUP_ID_CBM 0x00
+#define MKHI_GROUP_ID_FWCAPS 0x03
+#define MKHI_GROUP_ID_MDES 0x08
+#define MKHI_GROUP_ID_GEN 0xff
+#define MKHI_GET_FW_VERSION 0x02
+#define MKHI_END_OF_POST 0x0c
+/* Ivybridge only: */
+#define MKHI_GLOBAL_RESET 0x0b
+#define MKHI_FWCAPS_GET_RULE 0x02
+#define MKHI_MDES_ENABLE 0x09
+/* Broadwell only: */
+#define MKHI_GLOBAL_RESET 0x0b
+#define MKHI_FWCAPS_GET_RULE 0x02
+#define MKHI_GROUP_ID_HMRFPO 0x05
+#define MKHI_HMRFPO_LOCK 0x02
+#define MKHI_MDES_ENABLE 0x09
+#define MKHI_END_OF_POST_NOACK 0x1a
+struct mkhi_header {
+ u32 group_id:8;
+ u32 command:7;
+ u32 is_response:1;
+ u32 reserved:8;
+ u32 result:8;
+} __packed;
+struct me_fw_version {
+ u16 code_minor;
+ u16 code_major;
+ u16 code_build_number;
+ u16 code_hot_fix;
+ u16 recovery_minor;
+ u16 recovery_major;
+ u16 recovery_build_number;
+ u16 recovery_hot_fix;
+} __packed;
+#define CBM_RR_GLOBAL_RESET 0x01
+#define GLOBAL_RESET_MEBX 0x03
+struct me_global_reset {
+ u8 request_origin;
+ u8 reset_type;
+} __packed;
+enum me_bios_path {
+struct __packed mefwcaps_sku {
+ u32 full_net:1;
+ u32 std_net:1;
+ u32 manageability:1;
+ u32 small_business:1;
+ u32 l3manageability:1;
+ u32 intel_at:1;
+ u32 intel_cls:1;
+ u32 reserved:3;
+ u32 intel_mpc:1;
+ u32 icc_over_clocking:1;
+ u32 pavp:1;
+ u32 reserved_1:4;
+ u32 ipv6:1;
+ u32 kvm:1;
+ u32 och:1;
+ u32 vlan:1;
+ u32 tls:1;
+ u32 reserved_4:1;
+ u32 wlan:1;
+ u32 reserved_5:8;
+struct __packed tdt_state_flag {
+ u16 lock_state:1;
+ u16 authenticate_module:1;
+ u16 s3authentication:1;
+ u16 flash_wear_out:1;
+ u16 flash_variable_security:1;
+ u16 wwan3gpresent:1; /* ivybridge only */
+ u16 wwan3goob:1; /* ivybridge only */
+ u16 reserved:9;
+struct __packed tdt_state_info {
+ u8 state;
+ u8 last_theft_trigger;
+ struct tdt_state_flag flags;
+struct __packed mbp_rom_bist_data {
+ u16 device_id;
+ u16 fuse_test_flags;
+ u32 umchid[4];
+struct __packed mbp_platform_key {
+ u32 key[8];
+struct __packed mbp_header {
+ u32 mbp_size:8;
+ u32 num_entries:8;
+ u32 rsvd:16;
+struct __packed mbp_item_header {
+ u32 app_id:8;
+ u32 item_id:8;
+ u32 length:8;
+ u32 rsvd:8;
+struct __packed me_fwcaps {
+ u32 id;
+ u8 length;
+ struct mefwcaps_sku caps_sku;
+ u8 reserved[3];
+ * intel_me_status() - Check Intel Management Engine status
+ *
+ * @me_dev: Management engine PCI device
+ */
+void intel_me_status(struct udevice *me_dev);
+ * intel_early_me_init() - Early Intel Management Engine init
+ *
+ * @me_dev: Management engine PCI device
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int intel_early_me_init(struct udevice *me_dev);
+ * intel_early_me_uma_size() - Get UMA size from the Intel Management Engine
+ *
+ * @me_dev: Management engine PCI device
+ * @return UMA size if OK, -EINVAL on error
+ */
+int intel_early_me_uma_size(struct udevice *me_dev);
+ * intel_early_me_init_done() - Complete Intel Management Engine init
+ *
+ * @dev: Northbridge device
+ * @me_dev: Management engine PCI device
+ * @status: Status result (ME_INIT_...)
+ * @return 0 to continue to boot, -EINVAL on unknown result data, -ETIMEDOUT
+ * if ME did not respond
+ */
+int intel_early_me_init_done(struct udevice *dev, struct udevice *me_dev,
+ uint status);
+int intel_me_hsio_version(struct udevice *dev, uint16_t *version,
+ uint16_t *checksum);
+static inline void pci_read_dword_ptr(struct udevice *me_dev, void *ptr,
+ int offset)
+ u32 dword;
+ dm_pci_read_config32(me_dev, offset, &dword);
+ memcpy(ptr, &dword, sizeof(dword));
+static inline void pci_write_dword_ptr(struct udevice *me_dev, void *ptr,
+ int offset)
+ u32 dword = 0;
+ memcpy(&dword, ptr, sizeof(dword));
+ dm_pci_write_config32(me_dev, offset, dword);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/microcode.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/microcode.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ab750493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/microcode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+/* This is a declaration for ucode_base in start.S */
+extern u32 ucode_base;
+extern u32 ucode_size;
+ * microcode_update_intel() - Apply microcode updates
+ *
+ * Applies any microcode updates in the device tree.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -EEXIST if the updates were already applied, -ENOENT if
+ * not updates were found, -EINVAL if an update was invalid
+ */
+int microcode_update_intel(void);
+ * microcode_read_rev() - Read the microcode version
+ *
+ * This reads the microcode version of the currently running CPU
+ *
+ * @return microcode version number
+ */
+int microcode_read_rev(void);
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a3ae8e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * Taken from coreboot file of the same name
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_MP_H_
+#define _X86_MP_H_
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+#include <asm/cache.h>
+struct udevice;
+enum {
+ /* Indicates that the function should run on all CPUs */
+ /* Run on boot CPUs */
+ /* Run on non-boot CPUs */
+typedef int (*mp_callback_t)(struct udevice *cpu, void *arg);
+ * A mp_flight_record details a sequence of calls for the APs to perform
+ * along with the BSP to coordinate sequencing. Each flight record either
+ * provides a barrier for each AP before calling the callback or the APs
+ * are allowed to perform the callback without waiting. Regardless, each
+ * record has the cpus_entered field incremented for each record. When
+ * the BSP observes that the cpus_entered matches the number of APs
+ * the bsp_call is called with bsp_arg and upon returning releases the
+ * barrier allowing the APs to make further progress.
+ *
+ * Note that ap_call() and bsp_call() can be NULL. In the NULL case the
+ * callback will just not be called.
+ *
+ * @barrier: Ensures that the BSP and AP don't run the flight record at the same
+ * time
+ * @cpus_entered: Counts the number of APs that have run this record
+ * @ap_call: Function for the APs to call
+ * @ap_arg: Argument to pass to @ap_call
+ * @bsp_call: Function for the BSP to call
+ * @bsp_arg: Argument to pass to @bsp_call
+ */
+struct mp_flight_record {
+ atomic_t barrier;
+ atomic_t cpus_entered;
+ mp_callback_t ap_call;
+ void *ap_arg;
+ mp_callback_t bsp_call;
+ void *bsp_arg;
+} __attribute__((aligned(ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN)));
+#define MP_FLIGHT_RECORD(barrier_, ap_func_, ap_arg_, bsp_func_, bsp_arg_) \
+ { \
+ .barrier = ATOMIC_INIT(barrier_), \
+ .cpus_entered = ATOMIC_INIT(0), \
+ .ap_call = ap_func_, \
+ .ap_arg = ap_arg_, \
+ .bsp_call = bsp_func_, \
+ .bsp_arg = bsp_arg_, \
+ }
+#define MP_FR_BLOCK_APS(ap_func, ap_arg, bsp_func, bsp_arg) \
+ MP_FLIGHT_RECORD(0, ap_func, ap_arg, bsp_func, bsp_arg)
+#define MP_FR_NOBLOCK_APS(ap_func, ap_arg, bsp_func, bsp_arg) \
+ MP_FLIGHT_RECORD(1, ap_func, ap_arg, bsp_func, bsp_arg)
+ * mp_init() will set up the SIPI vector and bring up the APs according to
+ * mp_params. Each flight record will be executed according to the plan. Note
+ * that the MP infrastructure uses SMM default area without saving it. It's
+ * up to the chipset or mainboard to either e820 reserve this area or save this
+ * region prior to calling mp_init() and restoring it after mp_init returns.
+ *
+ * At the time mp_init() is called the MTRR MSRs are mirrored into APs then
+ * caching is enabled before running the flight plan.
+ *
+ * The MP init has the following properties:
+ * 1. APs are brought up in parallel.
+ * 2. The ordering of cpu number and APIC ids is not deterministic.
+ * Therefore, one cannot rely on this property or the order of devices in
+ * the device tree unless the chipset or mainboard know the APIC ids
+ * a priori.
+ *
+ * mp_init() returns < 0 on error, 0 on success.
+ */
+int mp_init(void);
+ * x86_mp_init() - Set up additional CPUs
+ *
+ * @returns < 0 on error, 0 on success.
+ */
+int x86_mp_init(void);
+ * mp_run_func() - Function to call on the AP
+ *
+ * @arg: Argument to pass
+ */
+typedef void (*mp_run_func)(void *arg);
+ * mp_run_on_cpus() - Run a function on one or all CPUs
+ *
+ * This does not return until all CPUs have completed the work
+ *
+ * Running on anything other than the boot CPU is only supported if
+ * CONFIG_SMP_AP_WORK is enabled
+ *
+ * @cpu_select: CPU to run on (its dev_seq() value), or MP_SELECT_ALL for
+ * all, or MP_SELECT_BSP for BSP
+ * @func: Function to run
+ * @arg: Argument to pass to the function
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ */
+int mp_run_on_cpus(int cpu_select, mp_run_func func, void *arg);
+ * mp_park_aps() - Park the APs ready for the OS
+ *
+ * This halts all CPUs except the main one, ready for the OS to use them
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int mp_park_aps(void);
+ * mp_first_cpu() - Get the first CPU to process, from a selection
+ *
+ * This is used to iterate through selected CPUs. Call this function first, then
+ * call mp_next_cpu() repeatedly (with the same @cpu_select) until it returns
+ * -EFBIG.
+ *
+ * @cpu_select: Selected CPUs (either a CPU number or MP_SELECT_...)
+ * @return next CPU number to run on (e.g. 0)
+ */
+int mp_first_cpu(int cpu_select);
+ * mp_next_cpu() - Get the next CPU to process, from a selection
+ *
+ * This is used to iterate through selected CPUs. After first calling
+ * mp_first_cpu() once, call this function repeatedly until it returns -EFBIG.
+ *
+ * The value of @cpu_select must be the same for all calls and must match the
+ * value passed to mp_first_cpu(), otherwise the behaviour is undefined.
+ *
+ * @cpu_select: Selected CPUs (either a CPU number or MP_SELECT_...)
+ * @prev_cpu: Previous value returned by mp_first_cpu()/mp_next_cpu()
+ * @return next CPU number to run on (e.g. 0)
+ */
+int mp_next_cpu(int cpu_select, int prev_cpu);
+static inline int mp_run_on_cpus(int cpu_select, mp_run_func func, void *arg)
+ /* There is only one CPU, so just call the function here */
+ func(arg);
+ return 0;
+static inline int mp_park_aps(void)
+ /* No APs to park */
+ return 0;
+static inline int mp_first_cpu(int cpu_select)
+ /* We cannot run on any APs, nor a selected CPU */
+ return cpu_select == MP_SELECT_APS ? -EFBIG : MP_SELECT_BSP;
+static inline int mp_next_cpu(int cpu_select, int prev_cpu)
+ /*
+ * When MP is not enabled, there is only one CPU and we did it in
+ * mp_first_cpu()
+ */
+ return -EFBIG;
+#endif /* _X86_MP_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mpspec.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mpspec.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a25f8f03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mpspec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Adapted from coreboot src/arch/x86/include/arch/smp/mpspec.h
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_MPSPEC_H
+#define __ASM_MPSPEC_H
+ * Structure definitions for SMP machines following the
+ * Intel MultiProcessor Specification 1.4
+ */
+#define MPSPEC_V14 4
+#define MPF_SIGNATURE "_MP_"
+struct mp_floating_table {
+ char mpf_signature[4]; /* "_MP_" */
+ u32 mpf_physptr; /* Configuration table address */
+ u8 mpf_length; /* Our length (paragraphs) */
+ u8 mpf_spec; /* Specification version */
+ u8 mpf_checksum; /* Checksum (makes sum 0) */
+ u8 mpf_feature1; /* Predefined or Unique configuration? */
+ u8 mpf_feature2; /* Bit7 set for IMCR/PIC */
+ u8 mpf_feature3; /* Unused (0) */
+ u8 mpf_feature4; /* Unused (0) */
+ u8 mpf_feature5; /* Unused (0) */
+struct mp_config_table {
+ char mpc_signature[4]; /* "PCMP" */
+ u16 mpc_length; /* Size of table */
+ u8 mpc_spec; /* Specification version */
+ u8 mpc_checksum; /* Checksum (makes sum 0) */
+ char mpc_oem[8]; /* OEM ID */
+ char mpc_product[12]; /* Product ID */
+ u32 mpc_oemptr; /* OEM table address */
+ u16 mpc_oemsize; /* OEM table size */
+ u16 mpc_entry_count; /* Number of entries in the table */
+ u32 mpc_lapic; /* Local APIC address */
+ u16 mpe_length; /* Extended table size */
+ u8 mpe_checksum; /* Extended table checksum */
+ u8 reserved;
+/* Base MP configuration table entry types */
+enum mp_base_config_entry_type {
+#define MPC_CPU_EN (1 << 0)
+#define MPC_CPU_BP (1 << 1)
+struct mpc_config_processor {
+ u8 mpc_type;
+ u8 mpc_apicid;
+ u8 mpc_apicver;
+ u8 mpc_cpuflag;
+ u32 mpc_cpusignature;
+ u32 mpc_cpufeature;
+ u32 mpc_reserved[2];
+#define BUSTYPE_ISA "ISA "
+#define BUSTYPE_MBI "MBI "
+#define BUSTYPE_MCA "MCA "
+#define BUSTYPE_MPI "MPI "
+#define BUSTYPE_PCI "PCI "
+#define BUSTYPE_TC "TC "
+#define BUSTYPE_VL "VL "
+#define BUSTYPE_VME "VME "
+struct mpc_config_bus {
+ u8 mpc_type;
+ u8 mpc_busid;
+ u8 mpc_bustype[6];
+#define MPC_APIC_USABLE (1 << 0)
+struct mpc_config_ioapic {
+ u8 mpc_type;
+ u8 mpc_apicid;
+ u8 mpc_apicver;
+ u8 mpc_flags;
+ u32 mpc_apicaddr;
+enum mp_irq_source_types {
+#define MP_IRQ_POLARITY_LOW 0x3
+#define MP_IRQ_TRIGGER_EDGE 0x4
+#define MP_IRQ_TRIGGER_MASK 0xc
+#define MP_APIC_ALL 0xff
+struct mpc_config_intsrc {
+ u8 mpc_type;
+ u8 mpc_irqtype;
+ u16 mpc_irqflag;
+ u8 mpc_srcbus;
+ u8 mpc_srcbusirq;
+ u8 mpc_dstapic;
+ u8 mpc_dstirq;
+struct mpc_config_lintsrc {
+ u8 mpc_type;
+ u8 mpc_irqtype;
+ u16 mpc_irqflag;
+ u8 mpc_srcbusid;
+ u8 mpc_srcbusirq;
+ u8 mpc_destapic;
+ u8 mpc_destlint;
+/* Extended MP configuration table entry types */
+enum mp_ext_config_entry_type {
+struct mp_ext_config {
+ u8 mpe_type;
+ u8 mpe_length;
+#define ADDRESS_TYPE_IO 0
+struct mp_ext_system_address_space {
+ u8 mpe_type;
+ u8 mpe_length;
+ u8 mpe_busid;
+ u8 mpe_addr_type;
+ u32 mpe_addr_base_low;
+ u32 mpe_addr_base_high;
+ u32 mpe_addr_length_low;
+ u32 mpe_addr_length_high;
+#define BUS_SUBTRACTIVE_DECODE (1 << 0)
+struct mp_ext_bus_hierarchy {
+ u8 mpe_type;
+ u8 mpe_length;
+ u8 mpe_busid;
+ u8 mpe_bus_info;
+ u8 mpe_parent_busid;
+ u8 reserved[3];
+ * X100 - X3FF
+ * X500 - X7FF
+ * X900 - XBFF
+ * XD00 - XFFF
+ */
+#define RANGE_LIST_IO_ISA 0
+ * X3B0 - X3BB
+ * X3C0 - X3DF
+ * X7B0 - X7BB
+ * X7C0 - X7DF
+ * XBB0 - XBBB
+ * XBC0 - XBDF
+ * XFB0 - XFBB
+ * XFC0 - XCDF
+ */
+#define RANGE_LIST_IO_VGA 1
+struct mp_ext_compat_address_space {
+ u8 mpe_type;
+ u8 mpe_length;
+ u8 mpe_busid;
+ u8 mpe_addr_modifier;
+ u32 mpe_range_list;
+ * mp_next_mpc_entry() - Compute MP configuration table end to be used as
+ * next base table entry start address
+ *
+ * This computes the end address of current MP configuration table, without
+ * counting any extended configuration table entry.
+ *
+ * @mc: configuration table header address
+ * @return: configuration table end address
+ */
+static inline ulong mp_next_mpc_entry(struct mp_config_table *mc)
+ return (ulong)mc + mc->mpc_length;
+ * mp_add_mpc_entry() - Add a base MP configuration table entry
+ *
+ * This adds the base MP configuration table entry size with
+ * added base table entry length and increases entry count by 1.
+ *
+ * @mc: configuration table header address
+ * @length: length of the added table entry
+ */
+static inline void mp_add_mpc_entry(struct mp_config_table *mc, uint length)
+ mc->mpc_length += length;
+ mc->mpc_entry_count++;
+ * mp_next_mpe_entry() - Compute MP configuration table end to be used as
+ * next extended table entry start address
+ *
+ * This computes the end address of current MP configuration table,
+ * including any extended configuration table entry.
+ *
+ * @mc: configuration table header address
+ * @return: configuration table end address
+ */
+static inline ulong mp_next_mpe_entry(struct mp_config_table *mc)
+ return (ulong)mc + mc->mpc_length + mc->mpe_length;
+ * mp_add_mpe_entry() - Add an extended MP configuration table entry
+ *
+ * This adds the extended MP configuration table entry size with
+ * added extended table entry length.
+ *
+ * @mc: configuration table header address
+ * @mpe: extended table entry base address
+ */
+static inline void mp_add_mpe_entry(struct mp_config_table *mc,
+ struct mp_ext_config *mpe)
+ mc->mpe_length += mpe->mpe_length;
+ * mp_write_floating_table() - Write the MP floating table
+ *
+ * This writes the MP floating table, and points MP configuration table
+ * to its end address so that MP configuration table follows immediately
+ * after the floating table.
+ *
+ * @mf: MP floating table base address
+ * @return: MP configuration table header address
+ */
+struct mp_config_table *mp_write_floating_table(struct mp_floating_table *mf);
+ * mp_config_table_init() - Initialize the MP configuration table header
+ *
+ * This populates the MP configuration table header with valid bits.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ */
+void mp_config_table_init(struct mp_config_table *mc);
+ * mp_write_processor() - Write a processor entry
+ *
+ * This writes a processor entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ */
+void mp_write_processor(struct mp_config_table *mc);
+ * mp_write_bus() - Write a bus entry
+ *
+ * This writes a bus entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @id: bus id
+ * @bustype: bus type name
+ */
+void mp_write_bus(struct mp_config_table *mc, int id, const char *bustype);
+ * mp_write_ioapic() - Write an I/O APIC entry
+ *
+ * This writes an I/O APIC entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @id: I/O APIC id
+ * @ver: I/O APIC version
+ * @apicaddr: I/O APIC address
+ */
+void mp_write_ioapic(struct mp_config_table *mc, int id, int ver, u32 apicaddr);
+ * mp_write_intsrc() - Write an I/O interrupt assignment entry
+ *
+ * This writes an I/O interrupt assignment entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @irqtype: IRQ type (INT/NMI/SMI/ExtINT)
+ * @irqflag: IRQ flag (level/trigger)
+ * @srcbus: source bus id where the interrupt comes from
+ * @srcbusirq: IRQ number mapped on the source bus
+ * @dstapic: destination I/O APIC id where the interrupt goes to
+ * @dstirq: destination I/O APIC pin where the interrupt goes to
+ */
+void mp_write_intsrc(struct mp_config_table *mc, int irqtype, int irqflag,
+ int srcbus, int srcbusirq, int dstapic, int dstirq);
+ * mp_write_pci_intsrc() - Write a PCI interrupt assignment entry
+ *
+ * This writes a PCI interrupt assignment entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @irqtype: IRQ type (INT/NMI/SMI/ExtINT)
+ * @srcbus: PCI bus number where the interrupt comes from
+ * @dev: device number on the PCI bus
+ * @pin: PCI interrupt pin (INT A/B/C/D)
+ * @dstapic: destination I/O APIC id where the interrupt goes to
+ * @dstirq: destination I/O APIC pin where the interrupt goes to
+ */
+void mp_write_pci_intsrc(struct mp_config_table *mc, int irqtype,
+ int srcbus, int dev, int pin, int dstapic, int dstirq);
+ * mp_write_lintsrc() - Write a local interrupt assignment entry
+ *
+ * This writes a local interrupt assignment entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @irqtype: IRQ type (INT/NMI/SMI/ExtINT)
+ * @irqflag: IRQ flag (level/trigger)
+ * @srcbus: PCI bus number where the interrupt comes from
+ * @srcbusirq: IRQ number mapped on the source bus
+ * @dstapic: destination local APIC id where the interrupt goes to
+ * @destlint: destination local APIC pin where the interrupt goes to
+ */
+void mp_write_lintsrc(struct mp_config_table *mc, int irqtype, int irqflag,
+ int srcbus, int srcbusirq, int destapic, int destlint);
+ * mp_write_address_space() - Write a system address space entry
+ *
+ * This writes a system address space entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @busid: bus id for the bus where system address space is mapped
+ * @addr_type: system address type
+ * @addr_base_low: starting address low
+ * @addr_base_high: starting address high
+ * @addr_length_low: address length low
+ * @addr_length_high: address length high
+ */
+void mp_write_address_space(struct mp_config_table *mc,
+ int busid, int addr_type,
+ u32 addr_base_low, u32 addr_base_high,
+ u32 addr_length_low, u32 addr_length_high);
+ * mp_write_bus_hierarchy() - Write a bus hierarchy descriptor entry
+ *
+ * This writes a bus hierarchy descriptor entry to the configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @busid: bus id
+ * @bus_info: bit0 indicates if the bus is a subtractive decode bus
+ * @parent_busid: parent bus id
+ */
+void mp_write_bus_hierarchy(struct mp_config_table *mc,
+ int busid, int bus_info, int parent_busid);
+ * mp_write_compat_address_space() - Write a compat bus address space entry
+ *
+ * This writes a compatibility bus address space modifier entry to the
+ * configuration table.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @busid: bus id
+ * @addr_modifier: add or subtract to predefined address range list
+ * @range_list: list of predefined address space ranges
+ */
+void mp_write_compat_address_space(struct mp_config_table *mc, int busid,
+ int addr_modifier, u32 range_list);
+ * mptable_finalize() - Finalize the MP table
+ *
+ * This finalizes the MP table by calculating required checksums.
+ *
+ * @mc: MP configuration table header address
+ * @return: MP table end address
+ */
+u32 mptable_finalize(struct mp_config_table *mc);
+ * mp_determine_pci_dstirq() - Determine PCI device's int pin on the I/O APIC
+ *
+ * This determines a PCI device's interrupt pin number on the I/O APIC.
+ *
+ * This can be implemented by platform codes to handle specifal cases, which
+ * do not conform to the normal chipset/board design where PIRQ[A-H] are mapped
+ * directly to I/O APIC INTPIN#16-23.
+ *
+ * @bus: bus number of the pci device
+ * @dev: device number of the pci device
+ * @func: function number of the pci device
+ * @pirq: PIRQ number the PCI device's interrupt pin is routed to
+ * @return: interrupt pin number on the I/O APIC
+ */
+int mp_determine_pci_dstirq(int bus, int dev, int func, int pirq);
+ * write_mp_table() - Write MP table
+ *
+ * This writes MP table at a given address.
+ *
+ * @addr: start address to write MP table
+ * @return: end address of MP table
+ */
+ulong write_mp_table(ulong addr);
+#endif /* __ASM_MPSPEC_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrc_common.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrc_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4e56bf37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrc_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_MRC_COMMON_H
+#define __ASM_MRC_COMMON_H
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+ * mrc_common_init() - Set up SDRAM
+ *
+ * This calls the memory reference code (MRC) to set up SDRAM
+ *
+ * @dev: Northbridge device
+ * @pei_data: Platform-specific data required by the MRC
+ * @use_asm_linkage: true if the call to MRC requires asmlinkage, false if it
+ * uses normal U-Boot calling
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int mrc_common_init(struct udevice *dev, void *pei_data, bool use_asm_linkage);
+asmlinkage void sdram_console_tx_byte(unsigned char byte);
+int mrc_locate_spd(struct udevice *dev, int size, const void **spd_datap);
+void report_memory_config(void);
+ * mrc_add_memory_area() - Add a new usable memory area to our list
+ *
+ * Note: @start and @end must not span the first 4GB boundary
+ *
+ * @info: Place to store memory info
+ * @start: Start of this memory area
+ * @end: End of this memory area + 1
+ */
+int mrc_add_memory_area(struct memory_info *info, uint64_t start,
+ uint64_t end);
+ * This function looks for the highest region of memory lower than 4GB which
+ * has enough space for U-Boot where U-Boot is aligned on a page boundary.
+ * It overrides the default implementation found elsewhere which simply
+ * picks the end of ram, wherever that may be. The location of the stack,
+ * the relocation address, and how far U-Boot is moved by relocation are
+ * set in the global data structure.
+ */
+ulong mrc_common_board_get_usable_ram_top(ulong total_size);
+void mrc_common_dram_init_banksize(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrccache.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrccache.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b104a2f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mrccache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Google, Inc
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_MRCCACHE_H
+#define _ASM_MRCCACHE_H
+#include <compiler.h>
+#define MRC_DATA_ALIGN 0x100
+#define MRC_DATA_SIGNATURE (('M' << 0) | ('R' << 8) | \
+ ('C' << 16) | ('D'<<24))
+struct __packed mrc_data_container {
+ u32 signature; /* "MRCD" */
+ u32 data_size; /* Size of the 'data' field */
+ u32 checksum; /* IP style checksum */
+ u32 reserved; /* For header alignment */
+ u8 data[0]; /* Variable size, platform/run time dependent */
+struct mrc_region {
+ u32 base;
+ u32 offset;
+ u32 length;
+/* Types of MRC data */
+enum mrc_type_t {
+struct udevice;
+ * mrccache_find_current() - find the latest MRC cache record
+ *
+ * This searches the MRC cache region looking for the latest record to use
+ * for setting up SDRAM
+ *
+ * @entry: Position and size of MRC cache in SPI flash
+ * @return pointer to latest record, or NULL if none
+ */
+struct mrc_data_container *mrccache_find_current(struct mrc_region *entry);
+ * mrccache_reserve() - reserve MRC data on the stack
+ *
+ * This copies MRC data pointed by gd->arch.mrc_output to a new place on the
+ * stack with length gd->arch.mrc_output_len, and updates gd->arch.mrc_output
+ * to point to the new place once the migration is done.
+ *
+ * This routine should be called by reserve_arch() before U-Boot is relocated
+ * when MRC cache is enabled.
+ *
+ * @return 0 always
+ */
+int mrccache_reserve(void);
+ * mrccache_get_region() - get MRC region on the SPI flash
+ *
+ * This gets MRC region whose offset and size are described in the device tree
+ * as a subnode to the SPI flash. This tries to find the SPI flash device
+ * (without probing it), falling back to looking for the devicetree node if
+ * driver model is not inited or the SPI flash is not found.
+ *
+ * @type: Type of MRC data to use
+ * @devp: Returns pointer to the SPI flash device, if found
+ * @entry: Position and size of MRC cache in SPI flash
+ * @return 0 if success, -ENOENT if SPI flash node does not exist in the
+ * device tree, -EPERM if MRC region subnode does not exist in the device
+ * tree, -EINVAL if MRC region properties format is incorrect, other error
+ * if SPI flash probe failed.
+ */
+int mrccache_get_region(enum mrc_type_t type, struct udevice **devp,
+ struct mrc_region *entry);
+ * mrccache_save() - save MRC data to the SPI flash
+ *
+ * This saves MRC data stored previously by gd->arch.mrc_output to a proper
+ * place within the MRC region on the SPI flash.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if saved to SPI flash successfully, other error if failed
+ */
+int mrccache_save(void);
+ * mrccache_spl_save() - Save to the MRC region from SPL
+ *
+ * When SPL is used to set up the memory controller we want to save the MRC
+ * data in SPL to avoid needing to pass it up to U-Boot proper to save. This
+ * function handles that.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if saved to SPI flash successfully, other error if failed
+ */
+int mrccache_spl_save(void);
+#endif /* _ASM_MRCCACHE_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c49b4225a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr-index.h
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Taken from the linux kernel file of the same name
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2012
+ * Graeme Russ, <graeme.russ@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H
+#define _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+/* CPU model specific register (MSR) numbers */
+/* x86-64 specific MSRs */
+#define MSR_EFER 0xc0000080 /* extended feature register */
+#define MSR_STAR 0xc0000081 /* legacy mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_LSTAR 0xc0000082 /* long mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_CSTAR 0xc0000083 /* compat mode SYSCALL target */
+#define MSR_SYSCALL_MASK 0xc0000084 /* EFLAGS mask for syscall */
+#define MSR_FS_BASE 0xc0000100 /* 64bit FS base */
+#define MSR_GS_BASE 0xc0000101 /* 64bit GS base */
+#define MSR_KERNEL_GS_BASE 0xc0000102 /* SwapGS GS shadow */
+#define MSR_TSC_AUX 0xc0000103 /* Auxiliary TSC */
+/* EFER bits: */
+#define _EFER_SCE 0 /* SYSCALL/SYSRET */
+#define _EFER_LME 8 /* Long mode enable */
+#define _EFER_LMA 10 /* Long mode active (read-only) */
+#define _EFER_NX 11 /* No execute enable */
+#define _EFER_SVME 12 /* Enable virtualization */
+#define _EFER_LMSLE 13 /* Long Mode Segment Limit Enable */
+#define _EFER_FFXSR 14 /* Enable Fast FXSAVE/FXRSTOR */
+#define EFER_SCE (1<<_EFER_SCE)
+#define EFER_LME (1<<_EFER_LME)
+#define EFER_LMA (1<<_EFER_LMA)
+#define EFER_NX (1<<_EFER_NX)
+#define EFER_SVME (1<<_EFER_SVME)
+#define EFER_LMSLE (1<<_EFER_LMSLE)
+#define EFER_FFXSR (1<<_EFER_FFXSR)
+/* Intel MSRs. Some also available on other CPUs */
+#define MSR_PIC_MSG_CONTROL 0x2e
+#define PLATFORM_INFO_SET_TDP (1 << 29)
+#define MSR_MTRR_CAP_MSR 0x0fe
+#define MSR_MTRR_CAP_SMRR (1 << 11)
+#define MSR_MTRR_CAP_WC (1 << 10)
+#define MSR_MTRR_CAP_FIX (1 << 8)
+#define MSR_MTRR_CAP_VCNT 0xff
+#define MSR_IA32_PERFCTR0 0x000000c1
+#define MSR_IA32_PERFCTR1 0x000000c2
+#define MSR_FSB_FREQ 0x000000cd
+#define MSR_NHM_PLATFORM_INFO 0x000000ce
+#define MSR_NHM_SNB_PKG_CST_CFG_CTL 0x000000e2
+#define NHM_C3_AUTO_DEMOTE (1UL << 25)
+#define NHM_C1_AUTO_DEMOTE (1UL << 26)
+#define ATM_LNC_C6_AUTO_DEMOTE (1UL << 25)
+#define SNB_C1_AUTO_UNDEMOTE (1UL << 27)
+#define SNB_C3_AUTO_UNDEMOTE (1UL << 28)
+#define MSR_PLATFORM_INFO 0x000000ce
+#define MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL 0x000000e2
+/* Set MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL[3:0] for Package C-State limit */
+/* Set MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL[7:4] for Core C-State limit*/
+#define CORE_C_STATE_LIMIT_C10_MASK 0x70
+/* Set MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL[10] to IO redirect to MWAIT */
+/* Set MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL[15] to lock CST_CFG [0-15] bits */
+#define CST_CFG_LOCK_MASK BIT(15)
+#define SINGLE_PCTL BIT(11)
+/* ACPI PMIO Offset to C-state register */
+#define MSR_MTRRcap 0x000000fe
+#define MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL 0x00000119
+#define MSR_IA32_BBL_CR_CTL3 0x0000011e
+#define MSR_POWER_MISC 0x00000120
+#define FLUSH_DL1_L2 (1 << 8)
+#define ENABLE_ULFM_AUTOCM_MASK (1 << 2)
+#define ENABLE_INDP_AUTOCM_MASK (1 << 3)
+#define MSR_EMULATE_PM_TIMER 0x121
+#define EMULATE_PM_TMR_EN (1 << 16)
+#define MSR_FEATURE_CONFIG 0x13c
+#define FEATURE_CONFIG_LOCK (1 << 0)
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS 0x00000174
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_ESP 0x00000175
+#define MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_EIP 0x00000176
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_CAP 0x00000179
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_STATUS 0x0000017a
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_CTL 0x0000017b
+#define MSR_FLEX_RATIO 0x194
+#define FLEX_RATIO_LOCK (1 << 20)
+#define FLEX_RATIO_EN (1 << 16)
+/* This is burst mode BIT 38 in IA32_MISC_ENABLE MSR at offset 1A0h */
+#define BURST_MODE_DISABLE (1 << 6)
+#define MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE 0x000001a0
+/* MISC_ENABLE bits: architectural */
+/* MISC_ENABLE bits: model-specific, meaning may vary from core to core */
+#define MISC_ENABLE_TM2 BIT_ULL(13)
+#define MSR_PREFETCH_CTL 0x1a4
+#define PREFETCH_L1_DISABLE (1 << 0)
+#define PREFETCH_L2_DISABLE (1 << 2)
+#define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_0 0x000001a6
+#define MSR_OFFCORE_RSP_1 0x000001a7
+#define MSR_MISC_PWR_MGMT 0x1aa
+#define MISC_PWR_MGMT_EIST_HW_DIS (1 << 0)
+#define MSR_TURBO_RATIO_LIMIT 0x000001ad
+#define MSR_IA32_PACKAGE_THERM_STATUS 0x000001b1
+#define MSR_IA32_PACKAGE_THERM_INTERRUPT 0x000001b2
+#define MSR_LBR_SELECT 0x000001c8
+#define MSR_LBR_TOS 0x000001c9
+#define MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_DCA_CAP 0x1f8
+#define MSR_POWER_CTL 0x000001fc
+#define MSR_LBR_NHM_FROM 0x00000680
+#define MSR_LBR_NHM_TO 0x000006c0
+#define MSR_LBR_CORE_FROM 0x00000040
+#define MSR_LBR_CORE_TO 0x00000060
+#define MSR_IA32_PEBS_ENABLE 0x000003f1
+#define MSR_IA32_DS_AREA 0x00000600
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_CAPABILITIES 0x00000345
+#define MSR_PEBS_LD_LAT_THRESHOLD 0x000003f6
+#define MSR_MTRRfix64K_00000 0x00000250
+#define MSR_MTRRfix16K_80000 0x00000258
+#define MSR_MTRRfix16K_A0000 0x00000259
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_C0000 0x00000268
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_C8000 0x00000269
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_D0000 0x0000026a
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_D8000 0x0000026b
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_E0000 0x0000026c
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_E8000 0x0000026d
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_F0000 0x0000026e
+#define MSR_MTRRfix4K_F8000 0x0000026f
+#define MSR_MTRRdefType 0x000002ff
+#define MSR_IA32_CR_PAT 0x00000277
+#define MSR_IA32_DEBUGCTLMSR 0x000001d9
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTBRANCHFROMIP 0x000001db
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTBRANCHTOIP 0x000001dc
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTINTFROMIP 0x000001dd
+#define MSR_IA32_LASTINTTOIP 0x000001de
+/* DEBUGCTLMSR bits (others vary by model): */
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_LBR (1UL << 0) /* last branch recording */
+/* single-step on branches */
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTF (1UL << 1)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_TR (1UL << 6)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTS (1UL << 7)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTINT (1UL << 8)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTS_OFF_OS (1UL << 9)
+#define DEBUGCTLMSR_BTS_OFF_USR (1UL << 10)
+#define MSR_IA32_POWER_CTL 0x000001fc
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL 0x00000400
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_STATUS 0x00000401
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_ADDR 0x00000402
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_MISC 0x00000403
+/* C-state Residency Counters */
+#define MSR_PKG_C3_RESIDENCY 0x000003f8
+#define MSR_PKG_C6_RESIDENCY 0x000003f9
+#define MSR_PKG_C7_RESIDENCY 0x000003fa
+#define MSR_CORE_C3_RESIDENCY 0x000003fc
+#define MSR_CORE_C6_RESIDENCY 0x000003fd
+#define MSR_CORE_C7_RESIDENCY 0x000003fe
+#define MSR_PKG_C2_RESIDENCY 0x0000060d
+#define MSR_PKG_C8_RESIDENCY 0x00000630
+#define MSR_PKG_C9_RESIDENCY 0x00000631
+#define MSR_PKG_C10_RESIDENCY 0x00000632
+/* Run Time Average Power Limiting (RAPL) Interface */
+#define MSR_PKG_POWER_SKU_UNIT 0x00000606
+#define IRTL_VALID (1 << 15)
+#define IRTL_1_NS (0 << 10)
+#define IRTL_32_NS (1 << 10)
+#define IRTL_1024_NS (2 << 10)
+#define IRTL_32768_NS (3 << 10)
+#define IRTL_1048576_NS (4 << 10)
+#define IRTL_33554432_NS (5 << 10)
+#define IRTL_RESPONSE_MASK (0x3ff)
+#define MSR_PKG_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000610
+/* long duration in low dword, short duration in high dword */
+#define PKG_POWER_LIMIT_MASK 0x7fff
+#define PKG_POWER_LIMIT_EN (1 << 15)
+#define PKG_POWER_LIMIT_CLAMP (1 << 16)
+ * For Mobile, RAPL default PL1 time window value set to 28 seconds.
+ * RAPL time window calculation defined as follows:
+ * Time Window = (float)((1+X/4)*(2*^Y), X Corresponds to [23:22],
+ * Y to [21:17] in MSR 0x610. 28 sec is equal to 0x6e.
+ */
+#define MSR_PKG_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000611
+#define MSR_PKG_PERF_STATUS 0x00000613
+#define MSR_PKG_POWER_SKU 0x614
+#define MSR_DRAM_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000618
+#define MSR_DRAM_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000619
+#define MSR_DRAM_PERF_STATUS 0x0000061b
+#define MSR_DRAM_POWER_INFO 0x0000061c
+#define MSR_PP0_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000638
+#define MSR_PP0_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000639
+#define MSR_PP0_POLICY 0x0000063a
+#define MSR_PP0_PERF_STATUS 0x0000063b
+#define MSR_PP1_POWER_LIMIT 0x00000640
+#define MSR_PP1_ENERGY_STATUS 0x00000641
+#define MSR_PP1_POLICY 0x00000642
+#define MSR_CONFIG_TDP_NOMINAL 0x00000648
+#define MSR_TURBO_ACTIVATION_RATIO 0x0000064c
+#define MSR_CORE_C1_RES 0x00000660
+#define MSR_IACORE_RATIOS 0x0000066a
+#define MSR_IACORE_TURBO_RATIOS 0x0000066c
+#define MSR_IACORE_VIDS 0x0000066b
+#define MSR_IACORE_TURBO_VIDS 0x0000066d
+#define MSR_PKG_TURBO_CFG1 0x00000670
+#define MSR_CPU_TURBO_WKLD_CFG1 0x00000671
+#define MSR_CPU_TURBO_WKLD_CFG2 0x00000672
+#define MSR_CPU_THERM_CFG1 0x00000673
+#define MSR_CPU_THERM_CFG2 0x00000674
+#define MSR_CPU_THERM_SENS_CFG 0x00000675
+#define MSR_AMD64_MC0_MASK 0xc0010044
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_STATUS(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_STATUS + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_ADDR(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_ADDR + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_MISC(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_MISC + 4*(x))
+#define MSR_AMD64_MCx_MASK(x) (MSR_AMD64_MC0_MASK + (x))
+/* These are consecutive and not in the normal 4er MCE bank block */
+#define MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL2 0x00000280
+#define MSR_IA32_MCx_CTL2(x) (MSR_IA32_MC0_CTL2 + (x))
+#define MSR_P6_PERFCTR0 0x000000c1
+#define MSR_P6_PERFCTR1 0x000000c2
+#define MSR_P6_EVNTSEL0 0x00000186
+#define MSR_P6_EVNTSEL1 0x00000187
+#define MSR_KNC_PERFCTR0 0x00000020
+#define MSR_KNC_PERFCTR1 0x00000021
+#define MSR_KNC_EVNTSEL0 0x00000028
+#define MSR_KNC_EVNTSEL1 0x00000029
+/* Alternative perfctr range with full access. */
+#define MSR_IA32_PMC0 0x000004c1
+/* AMD64 MSRs. Not complete. See the architecture manual for a more
+ complete list. */
+#define MSR_AMD64_PATCH_LEVEL 0x0000008b
+#define MSR_AMD64_TSC_RATIO 0xc0000104
+#define MSR_AMD64_NB_CFG 0xc001001f
+#define MSR_AMD64_PATCH_LOADER 0xc0010020
+#define MSR_AMD64_OSVW_ID_LENGTH 0xc0010140
+#define MSR_AMD64_OSVW_STATUS 0xc0010141
+#define MSR_AMD64_LS_CFG 0xc0011020
+#define MSR_AMD64_DC_CFG 0xc0011022
+#define MSR_AMD64_BU_CFG2 0xc001102a
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHCTL 0xc0011030
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHLINAD 0xc0011031
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSFETCHPHYSAD 0xc0011032
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPCTL 0xc0011033
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPRIP 0xc0011034
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA 0xc0011035
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA2 0xc0011036
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSOPDATA3 0xc0011037
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSDCLINAD 0xc0011038
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSDCPHYSAD 0xc0011039
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSCTL 0xc001103a
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBSBRTARGET 0xc001103b
+#define MSR_AMD64_IBS_REG_COUNT_MAX 8 /* includes MSR_AMD64_IBSBRTARGET */
+/* Fam 16h MSRs */
+#define MSR_F16H_L2I_PERF_CTL 0xc0010230
+#define MSR_F16H_L2I_PERF_CTR 0xc0010231
+/* Fam 15h MSRs */
+#define MSR_F15H_PERF_CTL 0xc0010200
+#define MSR_F15H_PERF_CTR 0xc0010201
+#define MSR_F15H_NB_PERF_CTL 0xc0010240
+#define MSR_F15H_NB_PERF_CTR 0xc0010241
+/* Fam 10h MSRs */
+#define MSR_FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_BASE 0xc0010058
+#define FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_ENABLE (1<<0)
+#define FAM10H_MMIO_CONF_BASE_MASK 0xfffffffULL
+#define MSR_FAM10H_NODE_ID 0xc001100c
+/* K8 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM1 0xc001001a
+#define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM2 0xc001001d
+#define MSR_K8_SYSCFG 0xc0010010
+#define MSR_K8_INT_PENDING_MSG 0xc0010055
+/* C1E active bits in int pending message */
+#define K8_INTP_C1E_ACTIVE_MASK 0x18000000
+#define MSR_K8_TSEG_ADDR 0xc0010112
+#define K8_MTRRFIXRANGE_DRAM_ENABLE 0x00040000 /* MtrrFixDramEn bit */
+#define K8_MTRRFIXRANGE_DRAM_MODIFY 0x00080000 /* MtrrFixDramModEn bit */
+#define K8_MTRR_RDMEM_WRMEM_MASK 0x18181818 /* Mask: RdMem|WrMem */
+/* K7 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0 0xc0010000
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR0 0xc0010004
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL1 0xc0010001
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR1 0xc0010005
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL2 0xc0010002
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR2 0xc0010006
+#define MSR_K7_EVNTSEL3 0xc0010003
+#define MSR_K7_PERFCTR3 0xc0010007
+#define MSR_K7_CLK_CTL 0xc001001b
+#define MSR_K7_HWCR 0xc0010015
+#define MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL 0xc0010041
+#define MSR_K7_FID_VID_STATUS 0xc0010042
+/* K6 MSRs */
+#define MSR_K6_WHCR 0xc0000082
+#define MSR_K6_UWCCR 0xc0000085
+#define MSR_K6_EPMR 0xc0000086
+#define MSR_K6_PSOR 0xc0000087
+#define MSR_K6_PFIR 0xc0000088
+/* Centaur-Hauls/IDT defined MSRs. */
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR1 0x00000107
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR2 0x00000108
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR3 0x00000109
+#define MSR_IDT_FCR4 0x0000010a
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR0 0x00000110
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR1 0x00000111
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR2 0x00000112
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR3 0x00000113
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR4 0x00000114
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR5 0x00000115
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR6 0x00000116
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR7 0x00000117
+#define MSR_IDT_MCR_CTRL 0x00000120
+/* VIA Cyrix defined MSRs*/
+#define MSR_VIA_FCR 0x00001107
+#define MSR_VIA_LONGHAUL 0x0000110a
+#define MSR_VIA_RNG 0x0000110b
+#define MSR_VIA_BCR2 0x00001147
+/* Transmeta defined MSRs */
+#define MSR_TMTA_LONGRUN_CTRL 0x80868010
+#define MSR_TMTA_LONGRUN_FLAGS 0x80868011
+#define MSR_TMTA_LRTI_READOUT 0x80868018
+#define MSR_TMTA_LRTI_VOLT_MHZ 0x8086801a
+/* Intel defined MSRs. */
+#define MSR_IA32_P5_MC_ADDR 0x00000000
+#define MSR_IA32_P5_MC_TYPE 0x00000001
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC 0x00000010
+#define MSR_IA32_PLATFORM_ID 0x00000017
+#define MSR_IA32_EBL_CR_POWERON 0x0000002a
+#define MSR_EBC_FREQUENCY_ID 0x0000002c
+#define MSR_SMI_COUNT 0x00000034
+#define MSR_IA32_FEATURE_CONTROL 0x0000003a
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC_ADJUST 0x0000003b
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE 0x0000001b
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BSP (1<<8)
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_ENABLE (1<<11)
+#define MSR_IA32_APICBASE_BASE (0xfffff<<12)
+#define MSR_IA32_TSCDEADLINE 0x000006e0
+#define MSR_IA32_UCODE_WRITE 0x00000079
+#define MSR_IA32_UCODE_REV 0x0000008b
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_STATUS 0x00000198
+#define MSR_IA32_PERF_CTL 0x00000199
+#define MSR_AMD_PSTATE_DEF_BASE 0xc0010064
+#define MSR_AMD_PERF_STATUS 0xc0010063
+#define MSR_AMD_PERF_CTL 0xc0010062
+#define MSR_PMG_CST_CONFIG_CTL 0x000000e2
+/* CST Range (R/W) IO port block size */
+#define MSR_PMG_IO_CAPTURE_ADR 0x000000e4
+#define MSR_IA32_MPERF 0x000000e7
+#define MSR_IA32_APERF 0x000000e8
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_CONTROL 0x0000019a
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_INTERRUPT 0x0000019b
+#define THERM_INT_HIGH_ENABLE (1 << 0)
+#define THERM_INT_LOW_ENABLE (1 << 1)
+#define THERM_INT_PLN_ENABLE (1 << 24)
+#define MSR_IA32_THERM_STATUS 0x0000019c
+#define THERM_STATUS_PROCHOT (1 << 0)
+#define THERM_STATUS_POWER_LIMIT (1 << 10)
+#define MSR_THERM2_CTL 0x0000019d
+#define MSR_THERM2_CTL_TM_SELECT (1ULL << 16)
+#define MSR_IA32_TSC_DEADLINE 0x000006E0
+/* P4/Xeon+ specific */
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EAX 0x00000180
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EBX 0x00000181
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ECX 0x00000182
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EDX 0x00000183
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ESI 0x00000184
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EDI 0x00000185
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EBP 0x00000186
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_ESP 0x00000187
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EFLAGS 0x00000188
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_EIP 0x00000189
+#define MSR_IA32_MCG_RESERVED 0x0000018a
+/* Pentium IV performance counter MSRs */
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR0 0x00000300
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR1 0x00000301
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR2 0x00000302
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_PERFCTR3 0x00000303
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR0 0x00000304
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR1 0x00000305
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR2 0x00000306
+#define MSR_P4_MS_PERFCTR3 0x00000307
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR0 0x00000308
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR1 0x00000309
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR2 0x0000030a
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_PERFCTR3 0x0000030b
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR0 0x0000030c
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR1 0x0000030d
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR2 0x0000030e
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR3 0x0000030f
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR4 0x00000310
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_PERFCTR5 0x00000311
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR0 0x00000360
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR1 0x00000361
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR2 0x00000362
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_CCCR3 0x00000363
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR0 0x00000364
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR1 0x00000365
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR2 0x00000366
+#define MSR_P4_MS_CCCR3 0x00000367
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR0 0x00000368
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR1 0x00000369
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR2 0x0000036a
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_CCCR3 0x0000036b
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0 0x0000036c
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR1 0x0000036d
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR2 0x0000036e
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR3 0x0000036f
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR4 0x00000370
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR5 0x00000371
+#define MSR_P4_ALF_ESCR0 0x000003ca
+#define MSR_P4_ALF_ESCR1 0x000003cb
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_ESCR0 0x000003b2
+#define MSR_P4_BPU_ESCR1 0x000003b3
+#define MSR_P4_BSU_ESCR0 0x000003a0
+#define MSR_P4_BSU_ESCR1 0x000003a1
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0 0x000003b8
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR1 0x000003b9
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR2 0x000003cc
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR3 0x000003cd
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR4 0x000003e0
+#define MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR5 0x000003e1
+#define MSR_P4_DAC_ESCR0 0x000003a8
+#define MSR_P4_DAC_ESCR1 0x000003a9
+#define MSR_P4_FIRM_ESCR0 0x000003a4
+#define MSR_P4_FIRM_ESCR1 0x000003a5
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_ESCR0 0x000003a6
+#define MSR_P4_FLAME_ESCR1 0x000003a7
+#define MSR_P4_FSB_ESCR0 0x000003a2
+#define MSR_P4_FSB_ESCR1 0x000003a3
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR0 0x000003ba
+#define MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR1 0x000003bb
+#define MSR_P4_IS_ESCR0 0x000003b4
+#define MSR_P4_IS_ESCR1 0x000003b5
+#define MSR_P4_ITLB_ESCR0 0x000003b6
+#define MSR_P4_ITLB_ESCR1 0x000003b7
+#define MSR_P4_IX_ESCR0 0x000003c8
+#define MSR_P4_IX_ESCR1 0x000003c9
+#define MSR_P4_MOB_ESCR0 0x000003aa
+#define MSR_P4_MOB_ESCR1 0x000003ab
+#define MSR_P4_MS_ESCR0 0x000003c0
+#define MSR_P4_MS_ESCR1 0x000003c1
+#define MSR_P4_PMH_ESCR0 0x000003ac
+#define MSR_P4_PMH_ESCR1 0x000003ad
+#define MSR_P4_RAT_ESCR0 0x000003bc
+#define MSR_P4_RAT_ESCR1 0x000003bd
+#define MSR_P4_SAAT_ESCR0 0x000003ae
+#define MSR_P4_SAAT_ESCR1 0x000003af
+#define MSR_P4_SSU_ESCR0 0x000003be
+#define MSR_P4_SSU_ESCR1 0x000003bf /* guess: not in manual */
+#define MSR_P4_TBPU_ESCR0 0x000003c2
+#define MSR_P4_TBPU_ESCR1 0x000003c3
+#define MSR_P4_TC_ESCR0 0x000003c4
+#define MSR_P4_TC_ESCR1 0x000003c5
+#define MSR_P4_U2L_ESCR0 0x000003b0
+#define MSR_P4_U2L_ESCR1 0x000003b1
+#define MSR_P4_PEBS_MATRIX_VERT 0x000003f2
+/* Intel Core-based CPU performance counters */
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR0 0x00000309
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR1 0x0000030a
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR2 0x0000030b
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_FIXED_CTR_CTRL 0x0000038d
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS 0x0000038e
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL 0x0000038f
+#define MSR_CORE_PERF_GLOBAL_OVF_CTRL 0x00000390
+/* Geode defined MSRs */
+#define MSR_GEODE_BUSCONT_CONF0 0x00001900
+/* Intel VT MSRs */
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_BASIC 0x00000480
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PINBASED_CTLS 0x00000481
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS 0x00000482
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_EXIT_CTLS 0x00000483
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_ENTRY_CTLS 0x00000484
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC 0x00000485
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED0 0x00000486
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR0_FIXED1 0x00000487
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED0 0x00000488
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_CR4_FIXED1 0x00000489
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMCS_ENUM 0x0000048a
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_PROCBASED_CTLS2 0x0000048b
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_EPT_VPID_CAP 0x0000048c
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PINBASED_CTLS 0x0000048d
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_PROCBASED_CTLS 0x0000048e
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_EXIT_CTLS 0x0000048f
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_TRUE_ENTRY_CTLS 0x00000490
+#define MSR_IA32_VMX_VMFUNC 0x00000491
+#define MSR_IA32_PQR_ASSOC 0xc8f
+/* MSR bits 33:32 encode slot number 0-3 */
+#define MSR_IA32_PQR_ASSOC_MASK (1 << 0 | 1 << 1)
+#define MSR_L2_QOS_MASK(reg) (0xd10 + (reg))
+/* VMX_BASIC bits and bitmasks */
+#define VMX_BASIC_64 0x0001000000000000LLU
+#define VMX_BASIC_MEM_TYPE_MASK 0x003c000000000000LLU
+#define VMX_BASIC_INOUT 0x0040000000000000LLU
+/* MSR_IA32_VMX_MISC bits */
+/* AMD-V MSRs */
+#define MSR_VM_CR 0xc0010114
+#define MSR_VM_IGNNE 0xc0010115
+#define MSR_VM_HSAVE_PA 0xc0010117
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_MSR_INDEX_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e613de6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/msr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Taken from the linux kernel file of the same name
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2012
+ * Graeme Russ, <graeme.russ@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_MSR_H
+#define _ASM_X86_MSR_H
+#include <asm/msr-index.h>
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#define X86_IOC_RDMSR_REGS _IOWR('c', 0xA0, __u32[8])
+#define X86_IOC_WRMSR_REGS _IOWR('c', 0xA1, __u32[8])
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+struct msr {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ u32 l;
+ u32 h;
+ };
+ u64 q;
+ };
+struct msr_info {
+ u32 msr_no;
+ struct msr reg;
+ struct msr *msrs;
+ int err;
+struct msr_regs_info {
+ u32 *regs;
+ int err;
+static inline unsigned long long native_read_tscp(unsigned int *aux)
+ unsigned long low, high;
+ asm volatile(".byte 0x0f,0x01,0xf9"
+ : "=a" (low), "=d" (high), "=c" (*aux));
+ return low | ((u64)high << 32);
+ * both i386 and x86_64 returns 64-bit value in edx:eax, but gcc's "A"
+ * constraint has different meanings. For i386, "A" means exactly
+ * edx:eax, while for x86_64 it doesn't mean rdx:rax or edx:eax. Instead,
+ * it means rax *or* rdx.
+ */
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+#define DECLARE_ARGS(val, low, high) unsigned low, high
+#define EAX_EDX_VAL(val, low, high) ((low) | ((u64)(high) << 32))
+#define EAX_EDX_ARGS(val, low, high) "a" (low), "d" (high)
+#define EAX_EDX_RET(val, low, high) "=a" (low), "=d" (high)
+#define DECLARE_ARGS(val, low, high) unsigned long long val
+#define EAX_EDX_VAL(val, low, high) (val)
+#define EAX_EDX_ARGS(val, low, high) "A" (val)
+#define EAX_EDX_RET(val, low, high) "=A" (val)
+static inline __attribute__((no_instrument_function))
+ unsigned long long native_read_msr(unsigned int msr)
+ DECLARE_ARGS(val, low, high);
+ asm volatile("rdmsr" : EAX_EDX_RET(val, low, high) : "c" (msr));
+ return EAX_EDX_VAL(val, low, high);
+static inline void native_write_msr(unsigned int msr,
+ unsigned low, unsigned high)
+ asm volatile("wrmsr" : : "c" (msr), "a"(low), "d" (high) : "memory");
+extern unsigned long long native_read_tsc(void);
+extern int native_rdmsr_safe_regs(u32 regs[8]);
+extern int native_wrmsr_safe_regs(u32 regs[8]);
+static inline unsigned long long native_read_pmc(int counter)
+ DECLARE_ARGS(val, low, high);
+ asm volatile("rdpmc" : EAX_EDX_RET(val, low, high) : "c" (counter));
+ return EAX_EDX_VAL(val, low, high);
+#include <asm/paravirt.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+ * Access to machine-specific registers (available on 586 and better only)
+ * Note: the rd* operations modify the parameters directly (without using
+ * pointer indirection), this allows gcc to optimize better
+ */
+#define rdmsr(msr, val1, val2) \
+do { \
+ u64 __val = native_read_msr((msr)); \
+ (void)((val1) = (u32)__val); \
+ (void)((val2) = (u32)(__val >> 32)); \
+} while (0)
+static inline void wrmsr(unsigned msr, unsigned low, unsigned high)
+ native_write_msr(msr, low, high);
+#define rdmsrl(msr, val) \
+ ((val) = native_read_msr((msr)))
+#define wrmsrl(msr, val) \
+ native_write_msr((msr), (u32)((u64)(val)), (u32)((u64)(val) >> 32))
+static inline void msr_clrsetbits_64(unsigned msr, u64 clear, u64 set)
+ u64 val;
+ val = native_read_msr(msr);
+ val &= ~clear;
+ val |= set;
+ wrmsrl(msr, val);
+static inline void msr_setbits_64(unsigned msr, u64 set)
+ u64 val;
+ val = native_read_msr(msr);
+ val |= set;
+ wrmsrl(msr, val);
+static inline void msr_clrbits_64(unsigned msr, u64 clear)
+ u64 val;
+ val = native_read_msr(msr);
+ val &= ~clear;
+ wrmsrl(msr, val);
+/* rdmsr with exception handling */
+#define rdmsr_safe(msr, p1, p2) \
+({ \
+ int __err; \
+ u64 __val = native_read_msr_safe((msr), &__err); \
+ (*p1) = (u32)__val; \
+ (*p2) = (u32)(__val >> 32); \
+ __err; \
+static inline int rdmsrl_amd_safe(unsigned msr, unsigned long long *p)
+ u32 gprs[8] = { 0 };
+ int err;
+ gprs[1] = msr;
+ gprs[7] = 0x9c5a203a;
+ err = native_rdmsr_safe_regs(gprs);
+ *p = gprs[0] | ((u64)gprs[2] << 32);
+ return err;
+static inline int wrmsrl_amd_safe(unsigned msr, unsigned long long val)
+ u32 gprs[8] = { 0 };
+ gprs[0] = (u32)val;
+ gprs[1] = msr;
+ gprs[2] = val >> 32;
+ gprs[7] = 0x9c5a203a;
+ return native_wrmsr_safe_regs(gprs);
+static inline int rdmsr_safe_regs(u32 regs[8])
+ return native_rdmsr_safe_regs(regs);
+static inline int wrmsr_safe_regs(u32 regs[8])
+ return native_wrmsr_safe_regs(regs);
+typedef struct msr_t {
+ uint32_t lo;
+ uint32_t hi;
+} msr_t;
+static inline struct msr_t msr_read(unsigned msr_num)
+ struct msr_t msr;
+ rdmsr(msr_num, msr.lo, msr.hi);
+ return msr;
+static inline void msr_write(unsigned msr_num, msr_t msr)
+ wrmsr(msr_num, msr.lo, msr.hi);
+#define rdtscl(low) \
+ ((low) = (u32)__native_read_tsc())
+#define rdtscll(val) \
+ ((val) = __native_read_tsc())
+#define rdpmc(counter, low, high) \
+do { \
+ u64 _l = native_read_pmc((counter)); \
+ (low) = (u32)_l; \
+ (high) = (u32)(_l >> 32); \
+} while (0)
+#define rdtscp(low, high, aux) \
+do { \
+ unsigned long long _val = native_read_tscp(&(aux)); \
+ (low) = (u32)_val; \
+ (high) = (u32)(_val >> 32); \
+} while (0)
+#define rdtscpll(val, aux) (val) = native_read_tscp(&(aux))
+#endif /* !CONFIG_PARAVIRT */
+#define checking_wrmsrl(msr, val) wrmsr_safe((msr), (u32)(val), \
+ (u32)((val) >> 32))
+#define write_tsc(val1, val2) wrmsr(MSR_IA32_TSC, (val1), (val2))
+#define write_rdtscp_aux(val) wrmsr(MSR_TSC_AUX, (val), 0)
+struct msr *msrs_alloc(void);
+void msrs_free(struct msr *msrs);
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_MSR_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mtrr.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mtrr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..384672e93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/mtrr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
+ *
+ * From Coreboot file of the same name
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_MTRR_H
+#define _ASM_MTRR_H
+/* MTRR region types */
+#define MTRR_TYPE_COUNT 7
+#define MTRR_CAP_MSR 0x0fe
+#define MTRR_DEF_TYPE_MSR 0x2ff
+#define MTRR_CAP_SMRR (1 << 11)
+#define MTRR_CAP_WC (1 << 10)
+#define MTRR_CAP_FIX (1 << 8)
+#define MTRR_CAP_VCNT_MASK 0xff
+#define MTRR_DEF_TYPE_MASK 0xff
+#define MTRR_DEF_TYPE_EN (1 << 11)
+#define MTRR_DEF_TYPE_FIX_EN (1 << 10)
+#define MTRR_PHYS_BASE_MSR(reg) (0x200 + 2 * (reg))
+#define MTRR_PHYS_MASK_MSR(reg) (0x200 + 2 * (reg) + 1)
+#define MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID (1 << 11)
+#define MTRR_BASE_TYPE_MASK 0x7
+/* Maximum number of MTRRs supported - see also mtrr_get_var_count() */
+#define MTRR_MAX_COUNT 10
+#define NUM_FIXED_MTRRS 11
+#define MTRR_FIX_64K_00000_MSR 0x250
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_80000_MSR 0x258
+#define MTRR_FIX_16K_A0000_MSR 0x259
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_C0000_MSR 0x268
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_C8000_MSR 0x269
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_D0000_MSR 0x26a
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_D8000_MSR 0x26b
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_E0000_MSR 0x26c
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_E8000_MSR 0x26d
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_F0000_MSR 0x26e
+#define MTRR_FIX_4K_F8000_MSR 0x26f
+#define MTRR_FIX_TYPE(t) ((t << 24) | (t << 16) | (t << 8) | t)
+#if !defined(__ASSEMBLY__)
+ * Information about the previous MTRR state, set up by mtrr_open()
+ *
+ * @deftype: Previous value of MTRR_DEF_TYPE_MSR
+ * @enable_cache: true if cache was enabled
+ */
+struct mtrr_state {
+ uint64_t deftype;
+ bool enable_cache;
+ * struct mtrr - Information about a single MTRR
+ *
+ * @base: Base address and MTRR_BASE_TYPE_MASK
+ * @mask: Mask and MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID
+ */
+struct mtrr {
+ u64 base;
+ u64 mask;
+ * struct mtrr_info - Information about all MTRRs
+ *
+ * @mtrr: Information about each mtrr
+ */
+struct mtrr_info {
+ struct mtrr mtrr[MTRR_MAX_COUNT];
+ * mtrr_open() - Prepare to adjust MTRRs
+ *
+ * Use mtrr_open() passing in a structure - this function will init it. Then
+ * when done, pass the same structure to mtrr_close() to re-enable MTRRs and
+ * possibly the cache.
+ *
+ * @state: Empty structure to pass in to hold settings
+ * @do_caches: true to disable caches before opening
+ */
+void mtrr_open(struct mtrr_state *state, bool do_caches);
+ * mtrr_close() - Clean up after adjusting MTRRs, and enable them
+ *
+ * This uses the structure containing information returned from mtrr_open().
+ *
+ * @state: Structure from mtrr_open()
+ * @state: true to restore cache state to that before mtrr_open()
+ */
+void mtrr_close(struct mtrr_state *state, bool do_caches);
+ * mtrr_add_request() - Add a new MTRR request
+ *
+ * This adds a request for a memory region to be set up in a particular way.
+ *
+ * @type: Requested type (MTRR_TYPE_)
+ * @start: Start address
+ * @size: Size
+ *
+ * @return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure
+ */
+int mtrr_add_request(int type, uint64_t start, uint64_t size);
+ * mtrr_commit() - set up the MTRR registers based on current requests
+ *
+ * This sets up MTRRs for the available DRAM and the requests received so far.
+ * It must be called with caches disabled.
+ *
+ * @do_caches: true if caches are currently on
+ *
+ * @return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure
+ */
+int mtrr_commit(bool do_caches);
+ * mtrr_set_next_var() - set up a variable MTRR
+ *
+ * This finds the first free variable MTRR and sets to the given area
+ *
+ * @type: Requested type (MTRR_TYPE_)
+ * @start: Start address
+ * @size: Size
+ * @return 0 on success, -ENOSPC if there are no more MTRRs
+ */
+int mtrr_set_next_var(uint type, uint64_t base, uint64_t size);
+ * mtrr_read_all() - Save all the MTRRs
+ *
+ * This reads all MTRRs from the boot CPU into a struct so they can be loaded
+ * onto other CPUs
+ *
+ * @info: Place to put the MTRR info
+ */
+void mtrr_read_all(struct mtrr_info *info);
+ * mtrr_set_valid() - Set the valid flag for a selected MTRR and CPU(s)
+ *
+ * @cpu_select: Selected CPUs (either a CPU number or MP_SELECT_...)
+ * @reg: MTRR register to write (0-7)
+ * @valid: Valid flag to write
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ */
+int mtrr_set_valid(int cpu_select, int reg, bool valid);
+ * mtrr_set() - Set the base address and mask for a selected MTRR and CPU(s)
+ *
+ * @cpu_select: Selected CPUs (either a CPU number or MP_SELECT_...)
+ * @reg: MTRR register to write (0-7)
+ * @base: Base address and MTRR_BASE_TYPE_MASK
+ * @mask: Mask and MTRR_PHYS_MASK_VALID
+ * @return 0 on success, -ve on error
+ */
+int mtrr_set(int cpu_select, int reg, u64 base, u64 mask);
+ * mtrr_get_var_count() - Get the number of variable MTRRs
+ *
+ * Some CPUs have more than 8 MTRRs. This function returns the actual number
+ *
+ * @return number of variable MTRRs
+ */
+int mtrr_get_var_count(void);
+# error "CONFIG_XIP_ROM_SIZE is not a power of 2"
+# error "CONFIG_CACHE_ROM_SIZE is not a power of 2"
+#define CACHE_ROM_BASE (((1 << 20) - (CONFIG_CACHE_ROM_SIZE >> 12)) << 12)
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/p2sb.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/p2sb.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f63eae8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/p2sb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef ASM_P2SB_H
+#define ASM_P2SB_H
+/* Platform data for the P2SB */
+struct p2sb_plat {
+ struct dtd_intel_p2sb dtplat;
+ ulong mmio_base;
+ pci_dev_t bdf;
+#endif /* ASM_P2SB_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pch_common.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pch_common.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4614d3f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pch_common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef __asm_pch_common_h
+#define __asm_pch_common_h
+/* Common Intel SATA registers */
+#define SATA_SIRI 0xa0 /* SATA Indexed Register Index */
+#define SATA_SIRD 0xa4 /* SATA Indexed Register Data */
+#define SATA_SP 0xd0 /* Scratchpad */
+#define INTR_LN 0x3c
+#define IDE_TIM_PRI 0x40 /* IDE timings, primary */
+#define IDE_DECODE_ENABLE (1 << 15)
+#define IDE_SITRE (1 << 14)
+#define IDE_ISP_5_CLOCKS (0 << 12)
+#define IDE_ISP_4_CLOCKS (1 << 12)
+#define IDE_ISP_3_CLOCKS (2 << 12)
+#define IDE_RCT_4_CLOCKS (0 << 8)
+#define IDE_RCT_3_CLOCKS (1 << 8)
+#define IDE_RCT_2_CLOCKS (2 << 8)
+#define IDE_RCT_1_CLOCKS (3 << 8)
+#define IDE_DTE1 (1 << 7)
+#define IDE_PPE1 (1 << 6)
+#define IDE_IE1 (1 << 5)
+#define IDE_TIME1 (1 << 4)
+#define IDE_DTE0 (1 << 3)
+#define IDE_PPE0 (1 << 2)
+#define IDE_IE0 (1 << 1)
+#define IDE_TIME0 (1 << 0)
+#define IDE_TIM_SEC 0x42 /* IDE timings, secondary */
+#define SERIRQ_CNTL 0x64
+ * pch_common_sir_read() - Read from a SATA indexed register
+ *
+ * @dev: SATA device
+ * @idx: Register index to read
+ * @return value read from register
+ */
+u32 pch_common_sir_read(struct udevice *dev, int idx);
+ * pch_common_sir_write() - Write to a SATA indexed register
+ *
+ * @dev: SATA device
+ * @idx: Register index to write
+ * @value: Value to write
+ */
+void pch_common_sir_write(struct udevice *dev, int idx, u32 value);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pci.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pci.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a7207357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pci.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se
+ */
+#ifndef _PCI_I386_H_
+#define _PCI_I386_H_
+#include <pci.h>
+/* bus mapping constants (used for PCI core initialization) */
+#define PCI_REG_ADDR 0xcf8
+#define PCI_REG_DATA 0xcfc
+#define PCI_CFG_EN 0x80000000
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+ * pci_x86_read_config() - Read a configuration value from a device
+ *
+ * This function can be called before PCI is set up in driver model.
+ *
+ * @bdf: PCI device address: bus, device and function -see PCI_BDF()
+ * @offset: Register offset to read
+ * @valuep: Place to put the returned value
+ * @size: Access size
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pci_x86_read_config(pci_dev_t bdf, uint offset, ulong *valuep,
+ enum pci_size_t size);
+ * pci_bus_write_config() - Write a configuration value to a device
+ *
+ * This function can be called before PCI is set up in driver model.
+ *
+ * @bdf: PCI device address: bus, device and function -see PCI_BDF()
+ * @offset: Register offset to write
+ * @value: Value to write
+ * @size: Access size
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pci_x86_write_config(pci_dev_t bdf, uint offset, ulong value,
+ enum pci_size_t size);
+ * pci_bus_clrset_config32() - Update a configuration value for a device
+ *
+ * The register at @offset is updated to (oldvalue & ~clr) | set. This function
+ * can be called before PCI is set up in driver model.
+ *
+ * @bdf: PCI device address: bus, device and function -see PCI_BDF()
+ * @offset: Register offset to update
+ * @clr: Bits to clear
+ * @set: Bits to set
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int pci_x86_clrset_config(pci_dev_t bdf, uint offset, ulong clr, ulong set,
+ enum pci_size_t size);
+ * Assign IRQ number to a PCI device
+ *
+ * This function assigns IRQ for a PCI device. If the device does not exist
+ * or does not require interrupts then this function has no effect.
+ *
+ * @bus: PCI bus number
+ * @device: PCI device number
+ * @irq: An array of IRQ numbers that are assigned to INTA through
+ * INTD of this PCI device.
+ */
+void pci_assign_irqs(int bus, int device, u8 irq[4]);
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _PCI_I386_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pirq_routing.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pirq_routing.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..67e5c447a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pirq_routing.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Ported from coreboot src/arch/x86/include/arch/pirq_routing.h
+ */
+#ifndef _PIRQ_ROUTING_H_
+#define _PIRQ_ROUTING_H_
+ * This is the maximum number on interrupt entries that a PCI device may have.
+ * This is NOT the number of slots or devices in the system
+ * This is NOT the number of entries in the PIRQ table
+ *
+ * This tells us that in the PIRQ table, we are going to have 4 link-bitmap
+ * entries per PCI device which is fixed at 4: INTA, INTB, INTC, and INTD.
+ *
+ * CAUTION: If you change this, PIRQ routing will not work correctly.
+ */
+ (('$' << 0) + ('P' << 8) + ('I' << 16) + ('R' << 24))
+#define PIRQ_VERSION 0x0100
+struct __packed irq_info {
+ u8 bus; /* Bus number */
+ u8 devfn; /* Device and function number */
+ struct __packed {
+ u8 link; /* IRQ line ID, 0=not routed */
+ u16 bitmap; /* Available IRQs */
+ u8 slot; /* Slot number, 0=onboard */
+ u8 rfu;
+struct __packed irq_routing_table {
+ u32 signature; /* PIRQ_SIGNATURE */
+ u16 version; /* PIRQ_VERSION */
+ u16 size; /* Table size in bytes */
+ u8 rtr_bus; /* busno of the interrupt router */
+ u8 rtr_devfn; /* devfn of the interrupt router */
+ u16 exclusive_irqs; /* IRQs devoted exclusively to PCI usage */
+ u16 rtr_vendor; /* Vendor ID of the interrupt router */
+ u16 rtr_device; /* Device ID of the interrupt router */
+ u32 miniport_data;
+ u8 rfu[11];
+ u8 checksum; /* Modulo 256 checksum must give zero */
+ struct irq_info slots[CONFIG_IRQ_SLOT_COUNT];
+ * get_irq_slot_count() - Get the number of entries in the irq_info table
+ *
+ * This calculates the number of entries for the irq_info table.
+ *
+ * @rt: pointer to the base address of the struct irq_info
+ * @return: number of entries
+ */
+static inline int get_irq_slot_count(struct irq_routing_table *rt)
+ return (rt->size - 32) / sizeof(struct irq_info);
+ * pirq_check_irq_routed() - Check whether an IRQ is routed to 8259 PIC
+ *
+ * This function checks whether an IRQ is routed to 8259 PIC for a given link.
+ *
+ * Note: this function should be provided by the platform codes, as the
+ * implementation of interrupt router may be different.
+ *
+ * @dev: irq router's udevice
+ * @link: link number which represents a PIRQ
+ * @irq: the 8259 IRQ number
+ * @return: true if the irq is already routed to 8259 for a given link,
+ * false elsewise
+ */
+bool pirq_check_irq_routed(struct udevice *dev, int link, u8 irq);
+ * pirq_translate_link() - Translate a link value
+ *
+ * This function translates a platform-specific link value to a link number.
+ * On Intel platforms, the link value is normally a offset into the PCI
+ * configuration space into the legacy bridge.
+ *
+ * Note: this function should be provided by the platform codes, as the
+ * implementation of interrupt router may be different.
+ *
+ * @dev: irq router's udevice
+ * @link: platform-specific link value
+ * @return: link number which represents a PIRQ
+ */
+int pirq_translate_link(struct udevice *dev, int link);
+ * pirq_assign_irq() - Assign an IRQ to a PIRQ link
+ *
+ * This function assigns the IRQ to a PIRQ link so that the PIRQ is routed to
+ * the 8259 PIC.
+ *
+ * Note: this function should be provided by the platform codes, as the
+ * implementation of interrupt router may be different.
+ *
+ * @dev: irq router's udevice
+ * @link: link number which represents a PIRQ
+ * @irq: IRQ to which the PIRQ is routed
+ */
+void pirq_assign_irq(struct udevice *dev, int link, u8 irq);
+ * pirq_route_irqs() - Route PIRQs to 8259 PIC
+ *
+ * This function configures all PCI devices' interrupt pins and maps them to
+ * PIRQs and finally 8259 PIC. The routed irq number is written to interrupt
+ * line register in the configuration space of the PCI device for OS to use.
+ * The configuration source is taken from a struct irq_info table, the format
+ * of which is defined in PIRQ routing table spec and PCI BIOS spec.
+ *
+ * @dev: irq router's udevice
+ * @irq: pointer to the base address of the struct irq_info
+ * @num: number of entries in the struct irq_info
+ */
+void pirq_route_irqs(struct udevice *dev, struct irq_info *irq, int num);
+ * copy_pirq_routing_table() - Copy a PIRQ routing table
+ *
+ * This helper function copies the given PIRQ routing table to a given address.
+ * Before copying, it does several sanity tests against the PIRQ routing table.
+ * It also fixes up the table checksum and align the given address to a 16 byte
+ * boundary to meet the PIRQ routing table spec requirements.
+ *
+ * @addr: address to store the copied PIRQ routing table
+ * @rt: pointer to the PIRQ routing table to copy from
+ * @return: end address of the copied PIRQ routing table
+ */
+u32 copy_pirq_routing_table(u32 addr, struct irq_routing_table *rt);
+#endif /* _PIRQ_ROUTING_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pmu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pmu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..818e80881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pmu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_ASM_PMU_H_
+#define _X86_ASM_PMU_H_
+int pmu_turn_power(unsigned int lss, bool on);
+#endif /* _X86_ASM_PMU_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pnp_def.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pnp_def.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0345d195c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/pnp_def.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ *
+ * Adapted from coreboot src/include/device/pnp_def.h
+ * and arch/x86/include/arch/io.h
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_PNP_DEF_H_
+#define _ASM_PNP_DEF_H_
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#define PNP_IDX_EN 0x30
+#define PNP_IDX_IO0 0x60
+#define PNP_IDX_IO1 0x62
+#define PNP_IDX_IO2 0x64
+#define PNP_IDX_IO3 0x66
+#define PNP_IDX_IRQ0 0x70
+#define PNP_IDX_IRQ1 0x72
+#define PNP_IDX_DRQ0 0x74
+#define PNP_IDX_DRQ1 0x75
+#define PNP_IDX_MSC0 0xf0
+#define PNP_IDX_MSC1 0xf1
+/* Generic functions for pnp devices */
+ * pnp device is a 16-bit integer composed of its i/o port address at high byte
+ * and logic function number at low byte.
+ */
+#define PNP_DEV(PORT, FUNC) (((PORT) << 8) | (FUNC))
+static inline void pnp_write_config(uint16_t dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
+ uint8_t port = dev >> 8;
+ outb(reg, port);
+ outb(value, port + 1);
+static inline uint8_t pnp_read_config(uint16_t dev, uint8_t reg)
+ uint8_t port = dev >> 8;
+ outb(reg, port);
+ return inb(port + 1);
+static inline void pnp_set_logical_device(uint16_t dev)
+ uint8_t device = dev & 0xff;
+ pnp_write_config(dev, 0x07, device);
+static inline void pnp_set_enable(uint16_t dev, int enable)
+ pnp_write_config(dev, PNP_IDX_EN, enable ? 1 : 0);
+static inline int pnp_read_enable(uint16_t dev)
+ return !!pnp_read_config(dev, PNP_IDX_EN);
+static inline void pnp_set_iobase(uint16_t dev, uint8_t index, uint16_t iobase)
+ pnp_write_config(dev, index + 0, (iobase >> 8) & 0xff);
+ pnp_write_config(dev, index + 1, iobase & 0xff);
+static inline uint16_t pnp_read_iobase(uint16_t dev, uint8_t index)
+ return ((uint16_t)(pnp_read_config(dev, index)) << 8) |
+ pnp_read_config(dev, index + 1);
+static inline void pnp_set_irq(uint16_t dev, uint8_t index, unsigned irq)
+ pnp_write_config(dev, index, irq);
+static inline void pnp_set_drq(uint16_t dev, uint8_t index, unsigned drq)
+ pnp_write_config(dev, index, drq & 0xff);
+#endif /* _ASM_PNP_DEF_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/posix_types.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/posix_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbcea7f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/posix_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#ifndef __ARCH_I386_POSIX_TYPES_H
+#define __ARCH_I386_POSIX_TYPES_H
+ * This file is generally used by user-level software, so you need to
+ * be a little careful about namespace pollution etc. Also, we cannot
+ * assume GCC is being used.
+ */
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_dev_t;
+typedef unsigned long __kernel_ino_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_mode_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_nlink_t;
+typedef long __kernel_off_t;
+typedef int __kernel_pid_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_ipc_pid_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_uid_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_gid_t;
+/* checking against __x86_64__ covers both 64-bit EFI stub and 64-bit U-Boot */
+#if defined(__x86_64__)
+typedef unsigned long __kernel_size_t;
+typedef long __kernel_ssize_t;
+typedef unsigned int __kernel_size_t;
+typedef int __kernel_ssize_t;
+typedef int __kernel_ptrdiff_t;
+typedef long __kernel_time_t;
+typedef long __kernel_suseconds_t;
+typedef long __kernel_clock_t;
+typedef int __kernel_daddr_t;
+typedef char * __kernel_caddr_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_uid16_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_gid16_t;
+typedef unsigned int __kernel_uid32_t;
+typedef unsigned int __kernel_gid32_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_old_uid_t;
+typedef unsigned short __kernel_old_gid_t;
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+typedef long long __kernel_loff_t;
+typedef struct {
+#if defined(__KERNEL__) || defined(__USE_ALL)
+ int val[2];
+#else /* !defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(__USE_ALL) */
+ int __val[2];
+#endif /* !defined(__KERNEL__) && !defined(__USE_ALL) */
+} __kernel_fsid_t;
+#if defined(__KERNEL__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2)
+#undef __FD_SET
+#define __FD_SET(fd,fdsetp) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__("btsl %1,%0": \
+ "=m" (*(__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)):"r" ((int) (fd)))
+#undef __FD_CLR
+#define __FD_CLR(fd,fdsetp) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__("btrl %1,%0": \
+ "=m" (*(__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)):"r" ((int) (fd)))
+#undef __FD_ISSET
+#define __FD_ISSET(fd,fdsetp) (__extension__ ({ \
+ unsigned char __result; \
+ __asm__ __volatile__("btl %1,%2 ; setb %0" \
+ :"=q" (__result) :"r" ((int) (fd)), \
+ "m" (*(__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp))); \
+ __result; }))
+#undef __FD_ZERO
+#define __FD_ZERO(fdsetp) \
+do { \
+ int __d0, __d1; \
+ __asm__ __volatile__("cld ; rep ; stosl" \
+ :"=m" (*(__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)), \
+ "=&c" (__d0), "=&D" (__d1) \
+ :"a" (0), "1" (__FDSET_LONGS), \
+ "2" ((__kernel_fd_set *) (fdsetp)) : "memory"); \
+} while (0)
+#endif /* defined(__KERNEL__) || !defined(__GLIBC__) || (__GLIBC__ < 2) */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/post.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/post.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..939b6fa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/post.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
+ */
+#ifndef _post_h
+#define _post_h
+/* port to use for post codes */
+#define POST_PORT 0x80
+/* post codes which represent various stages of init */
+#define POST_START 0x1e
+#define POST_CAR_START 0x1f
+#define POST_CAR_SIPI 0x20
+#define POST_CAR_MTRR 0x21
+#define POST_CAR_MASK 0x24
+#define POST_CAR_FILL 0x25
+#define POST_CAR_ROM_CACHE 0x26
+#define POST_CAR_MRC_CACHE 0x27
+#define POST_CAR_CPU_CACHE 0x28
+#define POST_START_STACK 0x29
+#define POST_START_DONE 0x2a
+#define POST_CPU_INIT 0x2b
+#define POST_EARLY_INIT 0x2c
+#define POST_CPU_INFO 0x2d
+#define POST_PRE_MRC 0x2e
+#define POST_MRC 0x2f
+#define POST_DRAM 0x30
+#define POST_LAPIC 0x31
+#define POST_OS_RESUME 0x40
+#define POST_RAM_FAILURE 0xea
+#define POST_BIST_FAILURE 0xeb
+#define POST_CAR_FAILURE 0xec
+/* Output a post code using al - value must be 0 to 0xff */
+#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
+#define post_code(value) \
+ movb $value, %al; \
+ outb %al, $POST_PORT
+#include <asm/io.h>
+static inline void post_code(int code)
+ outb(code, POST_PORT);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor-flags.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor-flags.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a3e836eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor-flags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* Various flags defined: can be included from assembler. */
+ * EFLAGS bits
+ */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_CF 0x00000001 /* Carry Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_PF 0x00000004 /* Parity Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_AF 0x00000010 /* Auxillary carry Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_ZF 0x00000040 /* Zero Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_SF 0x00000080 /* Sign Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_TF 0x00000100 /* Trap Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_IF 0x00000200 /* Interrupt Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_DF 0x00000400 /* Direction Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_OF 0x00000800 /* Overflow Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_IOPL 0x00003000 /* IOPL mask */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_NT 0x00004000 /* Nested Task */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_RF 0x00010000 /* Resume Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VM 0x00020000 /* Virtual Mode */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_AC 0x00040000 /* Alignment Check */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VIF 0x00080000 /* Virtual Interrupt Flag */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_VIP 0x00100000 /* Virtual Interrupt Pending */
+#define X86_EFLAGS_ID 0x00200000 /* CPUID detection flag */
+ * Basic CPU control in CR0
+ */
+#define X86_CR0_PE 0x00000001 /* Protection Enable */
+#define X86_CR0_MP 0x00000002 /* Monitor Coprocessor */
+#define X86_CR0_EM 0x00000004 /* Emulation */
+#define X86_CR0_TS 0x00000008 /* Task Switched */
+#define X86_CR0_ET 0x00000010 /* Extension Type */
+#define X86_CR0_NE 0x00000020 /* Numeric Error */
+#define X86_CR0_WP 0x00010000 /* Write Protect */
+#define X86_CR0_AM 0x00040000 /* Alignment Mask */
+#define X86_CR0_NW 0x20000000 /* Not Write-through */
+#define X86_CR0_CD 0x40000000 /* Cache Disable */
+#define X86_CR0_PG 0x80000000 /* Paging */
+ * Paging options in CR3
+ */
+#define X86_CR3_PWT 0x00000008 /* Page Write Through */
+#define X86_CR3_PCD 0x00000010 /* Page Cache Disable */
+ * Intel CPU features in CR4
+ */
+#define X86_CR4_VME 0x00000001 /* enable vm86 extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_PVI 0x00000002 /* virtual interrupts flag enable */
+#define X86_CR4_TSD 0x00000004 /* disable time stamp at ipl 3 */
+#define X86_CR4_DE 0x00000008 /* enable debugging extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_PSE 0x00000010 /* enable page size extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_PAE 0x00000020 /* enable physical address extensions */
+#define X86_CR4_MCE 0x00000040 /* Machine check enable */
+#define X86_CR4_PGE 0x00000080 /* enable global pages */
+#define X86_CR4_PCE 0x00000100 /* enable performance counters at ipl 3 */
+#define X86_CR4_OSFXSR 0x00000200 /* enable fast FPU save and restore */
+#define X86_CR4_OSXMMEXCPT 0x00000400 /* enable unmasked SSE exceptions */
+#define X86_CR4_VMXE 0x00002000 /* enable VMX virtualization */
+#define X86_CR4_OSXSAVE 0x00040000 /* enable xsave and xrestore */
+ * x86-64 Task Priority Register, CR8
+ */
+#define X86_CR8_TPR 0x0000000F /* task priority register */
+ * AMD and Transmeta use MSRs for configuration; see <asm/msr-index.h>
+ */
+ * NSC/Cyrix CPU configuration register indexes
+ */
+#define CX86_PCR0 0x20
+#define CX86_GCR 0xb8
+#define CX86_CCR0 0xc0
+#define CX86_CCR1 0xc1
+#define CX86_CCR2 0xc2
+#define CX86_CCR3 0xc3
+#define CX86_CCR4 0xe8
+#define CX86_CCR5 0xe9
+#define CX86_CCR6 0xea
+#define CX86_CCR7 0xeb
+#define CX86_PCR1 0xf0
+#define CX86_DIR0 0xfe
+#define CX86_DIR1 0xff
+#define CX86_ARR_BASE 0xc4
+#define CX86_RCR_BASE 0xdc
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#ifdef CONFIG_VM86
+#define X86_VM_MASK X86_EFLAGS_VM
+#define X86_VM_MASK 0 /* No VM86 support */
+#endif /* _ASM_X86_PROCESSOR_FLAGS_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d7b683678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/processor.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_PROCESSOR_H_
+#define __ASM_PROCESSOR_H_ 1
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE 8
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_NULL 0
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_UNUSED 1
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_CS 2
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS 3
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_FS 4
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_CS 5
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_DS 6
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_CS 7
+#define X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_DS 8
+#define X86_GDT_NUM_ENTRIES 9
+/* Length of the public header on Intel microcode blobs */
+#define UCODE_HEADER_LEN 0x30
+ * This register is documented in (for example) the Intel Atom Processor E3800
+ * Product Family Datasheet in "PCU - Power Management Controller (PMC)".
+ *
+ * RST_CNT: Reset Control Register (RST_CNT) Offset cf9.
+ *
+ * The naming follows Intel's naming.
+ */
+#define IO_PORT_RESET 0xcf9
+#define SYS_RST (1 << 1) /* 0 for soft reset, 1 for hard reset */
+#define RST_CPU (1 << 2) /* initiate reset */
+#define FULL_RST (1 << 3) /* full power cycle */
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void cpu_hlt(void)
+ asm("hlt");
+static inline ulong cpu_get_sp(void)
+ ulong result;
+ asm volatile(
+ "mov %%esp, %%eax"
+ : "=a" (result));
+ return result;
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ptrace.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ptrace.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3849bc075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/ptrace.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#ifndef _I386_PTRACE_H
+#define _I386_PTRACE_H
+#include <asm/types.h>
+#define EBX 0
+#define ECX 1
+#define EDX 2
+#define ESI 3
+#define EDI 4
+#define EBP 5
+#define EAX 6
+#define DS 7
+#define ES 8
+#define FS 9
+#define GS 10
+#define ORIG_EAX 11
+#define EIP 12
+#define CS 13
+#define EFL 14
+#define UESP 15
+#define SS 16
+#define FRAME_SIZE 17
+/* this struct defines the way the registers are stored on the
+ stack during a system call. */
+struct pt_regs {
+ long ebx;
+ long ecx;
+ long edx;
+ long esi;
+ long edi;
+ long ebp;
+ long eax;
+ int xds;
+ int xes;
+ int xfs;
+ int xgs;
+ long orig_eax;
+ long eip;
+ int xcs;
+ long eflags;
+ long esp;
+ int xss;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct irq_regs {
+ /* Pushed by irq_common_entry */
+ long ebx;
+ long ecx;
+ long edx;
+ long esi;
+ long edi;
+ long ebp;
+ long esp;
+ long eax;
+ long xds;
+ long xes;
+ long xfs;
+ long xgs;
+ long xss;
+ /* Pushed by vector handler (irq_<num>) */
+ long irq_id;
+ /* Pushed by cpu in response to interrupt */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ long eip;
+ long xcs;
+ long eflags;
+ } ctx1;
+ struct {
+ long err;
+ long eip;
+ long xcs;
+ long eflags;
+ } ctx2;
+ } context;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* Arbitrarily choose the same ptrace numbers as used by the Sparc code. */
+#define PTRACE_GETREGS 12
+#define PTRACE_SETREGS 13
+/* options set using PTRACE_SETOPTIONS */
+#define PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD 0x00000001
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#define user_mode(regs) ((VM_MASK & (regs)->eflags) || (3 & (regs)->xcs))
+#define instruction_pointer(regs) ((regs)->eip)
+extern void show_regs(struct pt_regs *);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/report_platform.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/report_platform.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26e70f14a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/report_platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 Google, Inc
+ */
+ * report_platform_info() - Report platform information
+ *
+ * This reports information about the CPU and chipset.
+ *
+ * @dev: Northbridge device
+ */
+void report_platform_info(struct udevice *dev);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/scu.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/scu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5ec5a19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/scu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_ASM_SCU_IPC_H_
+#define _X86_ASM_SCU_IPC_H_
+/* IPC defines the following message types */
+#define IPCMSG_WARM_RESET 0xf0
+#define IPCMSG_COLD_RESET 0xf1
+#define IPCMSG_SOFT_RESET 0xf2
+#define IPCMSG_COLD_BOOT 0xf3
+#define IPCMSG_WATCHDOG_TIMER 0xf8 /* Set Kernel Watchdog Threshold */
+struct ipc_ifwi_version {
+ u16 minor;
+ u8 major;
+ u8 hardware_id;
+ u32 reserved[3];
+/* Issue commands to the SCU with or without data */
+int scu_ipc_simple_command(u32 cmd, u32 sub);
+int scu_ipc_command(u32 cmd, u32 sub, u32 *in, int inlen, u32 *out, int outlen);
+int scu_ipc_raw_command(u32 cmd, u32 sub, u32 *in, int inlen, u32 *out,
+ int outlen, u32 dptr, u32 sptr);
+#endif /* _X86_ASM_SCU_IPC_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sections.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sections.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a6be3604e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sections.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors.
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_X86_SECTIONS_H
+#define __ASM_X86_SECTIONS_H
+#include <asm-generic/sections.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/setjmp.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/setjmp.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49c36c1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/setjmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * Written by H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>
+ * Brought in from Linux v4.4 and modified for U-Boot
+ * From Linux arch/um/sys-i386/setjmp.S
+ */
+#ifndef __setjmp_h
+#define __setjmp_h
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+struct jmp_buf_data {
+ unsigned long __rip;
+ unsigned long __rsp;
+ unsigned long __rbp;
+ unsigned long __rbx;
+ unsigned long __r12;
+ unsigned long __r13;
+ unsigned long __r14;
+ unsigned long __r15;
+struct jmp_buf_data {
+ unsigned int __ebx;
+ unsigned int __esp;
+ unsigned int __ebp;
+ unsigned int __esi;
+ unsigned int __edi;
+ unsigned int __eip;
+int setjmp(struct jmp_buf_data *jmp_buf);
+void longjmp(struct jmp_buf_data *jmp_buf, int val);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sfi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sfi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09d470081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sfi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ OR BSD-3-Clause */
+ * Copyright(c) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_SFI_H
+#define _LINUX_SFI_H
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+/* Table signatures reserved by the SFI specification */
+#define SFI_SIG_SYST "SYST"
+#define SFI_SIG_FREQ "FREQ"
+#define SFI_SIG_CPUS "CPUS"
+#define SFI_SIG_MTMR "MTMR"
+#define SFI_SIG_MRTC "MRTC"
+#define SFI_SIG_MMAP "MMAP"
+#define SFI_SIG_APIC "APIC"
+#define SFI_SIG_XSDT "XSDT"
+#define SFI_SIG_WAKE "WAKE"
+#define SFI_SIG_DEVS "DEVS"
+#define SFI_SIG_GPIO "GPIO"
+#define SFI_OEM_ID_SIZE 6
+#define SFI_NAME_LEN 16
+#define SFI_GET_NUM_ENTRIES(ptable, entry_type) \
+ ((ptable->header.len - sizeof(struct sfi_table_header)) / \
+ (sizeof(entry_type)))
+ * Table structures must be byte-packed to match the SFI specification,
+ * as they are provided by the BIOS.
+ */
+struct __packed sfi_table_header {
+ u32 len;
+ u8 rev;
+ u8 csum;
+ char oem_id[SFI_OEM_ID_SIZE];
+ char oem_table_id[SFI_OEM_TABLE_ID_SIZE];
+struct __packed sfi_table_simple {
+ struct sfi_table_header header;
+ u64 pentry[1];
+/* Comply with UEFI spec 2.1 */
+struct __packed sfi_mem_entry {
+ u32 type;
+ u64 phys_start;
+ u64 virt_start;
+ u64 pages;
+ u64 attrib;
+/* Memory type definitions */
+enum sfi_mem_type {
+struct __packed sfi_cpu_table_entry {
+ u32 apic_id;
+struct __packed sfi_cstate_table_entry {
+ u32 hint; /* MWAIT hint */
+ u32 latency; /* latency in ms */
+struct __packed sfi_apic_table_entry {
+ u64 phys_addr; /* phy base addr for APIC reg */
+struct __packed sfi_freq_table_entry {
+ u32 freq_mhz; /* in MHZ */
+ u32 latency; /* transition latency in ms */
+ u32 ctrl_val; /* value to write to PERF_CTL */
+struct __packed sfi_wake_table_entry {
+ u64 phys_addr; /* pointer to where the wake vector locates */
+struct __packed sfi_timer_table_entry {
+ u64 phys_addr; /* phy base addr for the timer */
+ u32 freq_hz; /* in HZ */
+ u32 irq;
+struct __packed sfi_rtc_table_entry {
+ u64 phys_addr; /* phy base addr for the RTC */
+ u32 irq;
+struct __packed sfi_device_table_entry {
+ u8 type; /* bus type, I2C, SPI or ...*/
+ u8 host_num; /* attached to host 0, 1...*/
+ u16 addr;
+ u8 irq;
+ u32 max_freq;
+ char name[SFI_NAME_LEN];
+enum {
+struct __packed sfi_gpio_table_entry {
+ char controller_name[SFI_NAME_LEN];
+ u16 pin_no;
+ char pin_name[SFI_NAME_LEN];
+struct sfi_xsdt_header {
+ uint32_t oem_revision;
+ uint32_t creator_id;
+ uint32_t creator_revision;
+typedef int (*sfi_table_handler) (struct sfi_table_header *table);
+ * write_sfi_table() - Write Simple Firmware Interface tables
+ *
+ * @base: Address to write table to
+ * @return address to use for the next table
+ */
+ulong write_sfi_table(ulong base);
+#endif /*_LINUX_SFI_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sipi.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sipi.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..248342252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sipi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Gooogle, Inc
+ * Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_SIPI_H
+#define _ASM_SIPI_H
+#define AP_DEFAULT_BASE 0x30000
+#define AP_DEFAULT_SIZE 0x10000
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
+ * struct sipi_params_16bit - 16-bit SIPI entry-point parameters
+ *
+ * These are set up in the same space as the SIPI 16-bit code so that each AP
+ * can access the parameters when it boots.
+ *
+ * Each of these must be set up for the AP to boot, except @segment which is
+ * set in the assembly code.
+ *
+ * @ap_start: 32-bit SIPI entry point for U-Boot
+ * @segment: Code segment for U-Boot
+ * @pad: Padding (not used)
+ * @gdt_limit: U-Boot GDT limit (X86_GDT_SIZE - 1)
+ * @gdt: U-Boot GDT (gd->arch.gdt)
+ * @unused: Not used
+ */
+struct __packed sipi_params_16bit {
+ u32 ap_start;
+ u16 segment;
+ u16 pad;
+ u16 gdt_limit;
+ u32 gdt;
+ u16 unused;
+ * struct sipi_params - 32-bit SIP entry-point parameters
+ *
+ * These are used by the AP init code and must be set up before the APs start.
+ * The members must match with the sipi_params layout in sipi_vector.S.
+ *
+ * The stack area extends down from @stack_top, with @stack_size allocated
+ * for each AP.
+ *
+ * @idt_ptr: Interrupt descriptor table pointer
+ * @stack_top: Top of the AP stack area
+ * @stack_size: Size of each AP's stack
+ * @microcode_lock: Used to ensure only one AP loads microcode at once
+ * 0xffffffff enables parallel loading.
+ * @microcode_ptr: Pointer to microcode, or 0 if none
+ * @msr_table_ptr: Pointer to saved MSRs, a list of struct saved_msr
+ * @msr_count: Number of saved MSRs
+ * @c_handler: C function to call once early init is complete
+ * @ap_count: Shared atomic value to allocate CPU indexes
+ */
+struct sipi_params {
+ u32 idt_ptr;
+ u32 stack_top;
+ u32 stack_size;
+ u32 microcode_lock;
+ u32 microcode_ptr;
+ u32 msr_table_ptr;
+ u32 msr_count;
+ u32 c_handler;
+ atomic_t ap_count;
+/* 16-bit AP entry point */
+void ap_start16(void);
+/* end of 16-bit code/data, marks the region to be copied to SIP vector */
+void ap_start16_code_end(void);
+/* 32-bit AP entry point */
+void ap_start(void);
+extern char sipi_params_16bit[];
+extern char sipi_params[];
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/smm.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/smm.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e539fda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/smm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * SMM definitions (U-Boot does not support SMM itself)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Modified from coreboot smm.h
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_SMM_H
+#define _ASM_SMM_H
+#define APM_CNT 0xb2
+#define APM_CNT_CST_CONTROL 0x85
+#define APM_CNT_PST_CONTROL 0x80
+#define APM_CNT_ACPI_DISABLE 0x1e
+#define APM_CNT_ACPI_ENABLE 0xe1
+#define APM_CNT_MBI_UPDATE 0xeb
+#define APM_CNT_GNVS_UPDATE 0xea
+#define APM_CNT_FINALIZE 0xcb
+#define APM_CNT_LEGACY 0xcc
+#define APM_CNT_SMMSTORE 0xed
+#define APM_CNT_ELOG_GSMI 0xef
+#define APM_STS 0xb3
+#endif /* _ASM_SMM_H */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/speedstep.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/speedstep.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..43bfabffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/speedstep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From Coreboot file of same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 coresystems GmbH
+ * 2012 secunet Security Networks AG
+ */
+/* Magic value used to locate speedstep configuration in the device tree */
+/* MWAIT coordination I/O base address. This must match
+ * the \_PR_.CPU0 PM base address.
+ */
+#define PMB0_BASE 0x510
+/* PMB1: I/O port that triggers SMI once cores are in the same state.
+ * See CSM Trigger, at PMG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL[6:4]
+ */
+#define PMB1_BASE 0x800
+struct sst_state {
+ uint8_t dynfsb:1; /* whether this is SLFM */
+ uint8_t nonint:1; /* add .5 to ratio */
+ uint8_t ratio:6;
+ uint8_t vid;
+ uint8_t is_turbo;
+ uint8_t is_slfm;
+ uint32_t power;
+#define SPEEDSTEP_VID_MASK 0x3f
+#define SPEEDSTEP_STATE_FROM_MSR(val, mask) ((struct sst_state){ \
+ 0, /* dynfsb won't be read. */ \
+ ((val & mask) & SPEEDSTEP_RATIO_NONINT) ? 1 : 0, \
+ (((val & mask) & SPEEDSTEP_RATIO_VALUE_MASK) \
+ (val & mask) & SPEEDSTEP_VID_MASK, \
+ 0, /* not turbo by default */ \
+ 0, /* not slfm by default */ \
+ 0 /* power is hardcoded in software. */ \
+ })
+#define SPEEDSTEP_ENCODE_STATE(state) ( \
+ ((uint16_t)(state).dynfsb << SPEEDSTEP_RATIO_DYNFSB_SHIFT) | \
+ ((uint16_t)(state).nonint << SPEEDSTEP_RATIO_NONINT_SHIFT) | \
+ ((uint16_t)(state).ratio << SPEEDSTEP_RATIO_SHIFT) | \
+ ((uint16_t)(state).vid & SPEEDSTEP_VID_MASK))
+#define SPEEDSTEP_DOUBLE_RATIO(state) ( \
+ ((uint8_t)(state).ratio * 2) + (state).nonint)
+struct sst_params {
+ struct sst_state slfm;
+ struct sst_state min;
+ struct sst_state max;
+ struct sst_state turbo;
+/* Looking at core2's spec, the highest normal bus ratio for an eist enabled
+ processor is 14, the lowest is always 6. This makes 5 states with the
+ minimal step width of 2. With turbo mode and super LFM we have at most 7. */
+struct sst_table {
+ /* Table of p-states for EMTTM and ACPI by decreasing performance. */
+ struct sst_state states[SPEEDSTEP_MAX_STATES];
+ int num_states;
+void speedstep_gen_pstates(struct sst_table *);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/spl.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/spl.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc6cac08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/spl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Google, Inc
+ * Written by Simon Glass <sjg@chromium.org>
+ */
+#ifndef __asm_spl_h
+#define __asm_spl_h
+enum {
+void jump_to_spl(ulong entry);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/string.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/string.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c15b264a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/string.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#ifndef __ASM_I386_STRING_H
+#define __ASM_I386_STRING_H
+ * We don't do inline string functions, since the
+ * optimised inline asm versions are not small.
+ */
+extern char *strncpy(char *__dest, __const__ char *__src, __kernel_size_t __n);
+extern char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
+extern char *strchr(const char *s, int c);
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
+extern void *memcpy(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void *memmove(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void *memset(void *, int, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void *memcpy(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void *memmove(void *, const void *, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void *memset(void *, int, __kernel_size_t);
+#endif /* CONFIG_X86_64 */
+extern void *memchr(const void *, int, __kernel_size_t);
+extern void memzero(void *ptr, __kernel_size_t n);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sysreset.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sysreset.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e586f51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/sysreset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_ASM_SYSRESET_H_
+#define _X86_ASM_SYSRESET_H_
+#include <dt-structs.h>
+struct x86_sysreset_plat {
+ struct dtd_x86_reset dtplat;
+ struct udevice *pch;
+#endif /* _X86_ASM_SYSRESET_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/tables.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/tables.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf66e7901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/tables.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, Bin Meng <bmeng.cn@gmail.com>
+ */
+#ifndef _X86_TABLES_H_
+#define _X86_TABLES_H_
+#include <tables_csum.h>
+#define ROM_TABLE_ALIGN 1024
+/* SeaBIOS expects coreboot tables at address range 0x0000-0x1000 */
+#define CB_TABLE_ADDR 0x800
+ * table_compute_checksum() - Compute a table checksum
+ *
+ * This computes an 8-bit checksum for the configuration table.
+ * All bytes in the configuration table, including checksum itself and
+ * reserved bytes must add up to zero.
+ *
+ * @v: configuration table base address
+ * @len: configuration table size
+ * @return: the 8-bit checksum
+ */
+u8 table_compute_checksum(void *v, int len);
+ * table_fill_string() - Fill a string with pad in the configuration table
+ *
+ * This fills a string in the configuration table. It copies number of bytes
+ * from the source string, and if source string length is shorter than the
+ * required size to copy, pad the table string with the given pad character.
+ *
+ * @dest: where to fill a string
+ * @src: where to copy from
+ * @n: number of bytes to copy
+ * @pad: character to pad the remaining bytes
+ */
+void table_fill_string(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n, char pad);
+ * write_tables() - Write x86 configuration tables
+ *
+ * This writes x86 configuration tables, including PIRQ routing table,
+ * Multi-Processor table and ACPI table. Whether a specific type of
+ * configuration table is written is controlled by a Kconfig option.
+ *
+ * @return 0 if OK, -ENOSPC if table too large
+ */
+int write_tables(void);
+ * write_pirq_routing_table() - Write PIRQ routing table
+ *
+ * This writes PIRQ routing table at a given address.
+ *
+ * @start: start address to write PIRQ routing table
+ * @return: end address of PIRQ routing table
+ */
+ulong write_pirq_routing_table(ulong start);
+#endif /* _X86_TABLES_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/turbo.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/turbo.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94a635397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/turbo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
+ * From coreboot file of the same name
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_TURBO_H
+#define _ASM_TURBO_H
+#define CPUID_LEAF_PM 6
+#define PM_CAP_TURBO_MODE (1 << 1)
+enum {
+/* Return current turbo state */
+int turbo_get_state(void);
+/* Enable turbo */
+void turbo_enable(void);
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/types.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/types.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba5000156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef __ASM_I386_TYPES_H
+#define __ASM_I386_TYPES_H
+#include <asm-generic/int-ll64.h>
+typedef unsigned short umode_t;
+ * These aren't exported outside the kernel to avoid name space clashes
+ */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#define BITS_PER_LONG 64
+#define BITS_PER_LONG 32
+/* Dma addresses are 32-bits wide. */
+typedef u32 dma_addr_t;
+typedef unsigned long long phys_addr_t;
+typedef unsigned long long phys_size_t;
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot-x86.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot-x86.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d732661f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot-x86.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se.
+ */
+#ifndef _U_BOOT_I386_H_
+#define _U_BOOT_I386_H_ 1
+struct global_data;
+extern char gdt_rom[];
+/* cpu/.../cpu.c */
+int arch_cpu_init(void);
+ * x86_cpu_init_f() - Set up basic features of the x86 CPU
+ *
+ * 0 on success, -ve on error
+ */
+int x86_cpu_init_f(void);
+ * x86_cpu_reinit_f() - Set up the CPU a second time
+ *
+ * Once cpu_init_f() has been called (e.g. in SPL) we should not call it
+ * again (e.g. in U-Boot proper) since it sets up the state from scratch.
+ * Call this function in later phases of U-Boot instead. It reads the CPU
+ * identify so that CPU functions can be used correctly, but does not change
+ * anything.
+ *
+ * @return 0 (indicating success, to mimic cpu_init_f())
+ */
+int x86_cpu_reinit_f(void);
+ * x86_cpu_init_tpl() - Do the minimum possible CPU init
+ *
+ * This just sets up the CPU features and figured out the identity
+ *
+ * @return 0 (indicating success, to mimic cpu_init_f())
+ */
+int x86_cpu_init_tpl(void);
+ * cpu_reinit_fpu() - Reinit the FPU if something is wrong with it
+ *
+ * The FSP-M code can leave registers in use in the FPU. This functions reinits
+ * it so that the FPU can be used safely
+ */
+void cpu_reinit_fpu(void);
+int cpu_init_f(void);
+void setup_gdt(struct global_data *id, u64 *gdt_addr);
+ * Setup FSP execution environment GDT to use the one we used in
+ * arch/x86/cpu/start16.S and reload the segment registers.
+ */
+void setup_fsp_gdt(void);
+int init_cache(void);
+int cleanup_before_linux(void);
+/* cpu/.../timer.c */
+void timer_isr(void *);
+typedef void (timer_fnc_t) (void);
+int register_timer_isr (timer_fnc_t *isr_func);
+unsigned long get_tbclk_mhz(void);
+void timer_set_base(uint64_t base);
+int i8254_init(void);
+/* cpu/.../interrupts.c */
+int cpu_init_interrupts(void);
+int cleanup_before_linux(void);
+int x86_cleanup_before_linux(void);
+void x86_enable_caches(void);
+void x86_disable_caches(void);
+int x86_init_cache(void);
+ulong board_get_usable_ram_top(ulong total_size);
+int default_print_cpuinfo(void);
+/* Set up a UART which can be used with printch(), printhex8(), etc. */
+int setup_internal_uart(int enable);
+void isa_unmap_rom(u32 addr);
+u32 isa_map_rom(u32 bus_addr, int size);
+/* arch/x86/lib/... */
+int video_bios_init(void);
+/* arch/x86/lib/fsp1,2/... */
+ * fsp_save_s3_stack() - save stack address to CMOS for next S3 boot
+ *
+ * At the end of pre-relocation phase, save the new stack address
+ * to CMOS and use it as the stack on next S3 boot for fsp_init()
+ * continuation function.
+ *
+ * @return: 0 if OK, -ve on error
+ */
+int fsp_save_s3_stack(void);
+void board_init_f_r_trampoline(ulong) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+void board_init_f_r(void) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
+int arch_misc_init(void);
+/* Read the time stamp counter */
+static inline __attribute__((no_instrument_function)) uint64_t rdtsc(void)
+ uint32_t high, low;
+ __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc" : "=a" (low), "=d" (high));
+ return (((uint64_t)high) << 32) | low;
+/* board/... */
+void timer_set_tsc_base(uint64_t new_base);
+uint64_t timer_get_tsc(void);
+void quick_ram_check(void);
+#define PCI_VGA_RAM_IMAGE_START 0xc0000
+#endif /* _U_BOOT_I386_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..432eb35b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/u-boot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
+ * Marius Groeger <mgroeger@sysgo.de>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <www.elinos.com>
+ * Alex Zuepke <azu@sysgo.de>
+ *
+ ********************************************************************
+ * NOTE: This header file defines an interface to U-Boot. Including
+ * this (unmodified) header file in another file is considered normal
+ * use of U-Boot, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived
+ * work".
+ ********************************************************************
+ */
+#ifndef _U_BOOT_H_
+#define _U_BOOT_H_ 1
+/* Use the generic board which requires a unified bd_info */
+#include <asm-generic/u-boot.h>
+#include <asm/u-boot-x86.h>
+/* For image.h:image_check_target_arch() */
+#endif /* _U_BOOT_H_ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/unaligned.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/unaligned.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6cecbbb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/unaligned.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include <asm-generic/unaligned.h>
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/video/edid.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/video/edid.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..928c342b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/video/edid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef __linux_video_edid_h__
+#define __linux_video_edid_h__
+#if !defined(__KERNEL__) || defined(CONFIG_X86)
+struct edid_info {
+ unsigned char dummy[128];
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+extern struct edid_info edid_info;
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* __linux_video_edid_h__ */
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/zimage.h b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/zimage.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6679767d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/arch/x86/include/asm/zimage.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, daniel@omicron.se
+ */
+#ifndef _ASM_ZIMAGE_H_
+#define _ASM_ZIMAGE_H_
+#include <asm/bootparam.h>
+#include <asm/e820.h>
+/* linux i386 zImage/bzImage header. Offsets relative to
+ * the start of the image */
+#define HEAP_FLAG 0x80
+#define BIG_KERNEL_FLAG 0x01
+/* magic numbers */
+#define KERNEL_MAGIC 0xaa55
+#define KERNEL_V2_MAGIC 0x53726448
+/* limits */
+#define BZIMAGE_MAX_SIZE 15*1024*1024 /* 15MB */
+#define ZIMAGE_MAX_SIZE 512*1024 /* 512k */
+#define SETUP_MAX_SIZE 32768
+#define SETUP_START_OFFSET 0x200
+#define BZIMAGE_LOAD_ADDR 0x100000
+#define ZIMAGE_LOAD_ADDR 0x10000
+ * load_zimage() - Load a zImage or bzImage
+ *
+ * This copies an image into the standard location ready for setup
+ *
+ * @image: Address of image to load
+ * @kernel_size: Size of kernel including setup block (or 0 if the kernel is
+ * new enough to have a 'syssize' value)
+ * @load_addressp: Returns the address where the kernel has been loaded
+ * @return address of setup block, or NULL if something went wrong
+ */
+struct boot_params *load_zimage(char *image, unsigned long kernel_size,
+ ulong *load_addressp);
+ * setup_zimage() - Set up a loaded zImage or bzImage ready for booting
+ *
+ * @setup_base: Pointer to the boot parameters, typically at address
+ * @cmd_line: Place to put the command line, or NULL to use the one in the setup
+ * block
+ * @initrd_addr: Address of the initial ramdisk, or 0 if none
+ * @initrd_size: Size of the initial ramdisk, or 0 if none
+ * @load_address: Address where the bzImage is moved before booting, either
+ * @cmdline_force: Address of 'override' command line, or 0 to use the one in
+ * the * setup block
+ * @return 0 (always)
+ */
+int setup_zimage(struct boot_params *setup_base, char *cmd_line, int auto_boot,
+ ulong initrd_addr, ulong initrd_size, ulong cmdline_force);
+ * zimage_dump() - Dump the metadata of a zimage
+ *
+ * This shows all available information in a zimage that has been loaded.
+ *
+ * @base_ptr: Pointer to the boot parameters, typically at address
+ */
+void zimage_dump(struct boot_params *base_ptr);
+void setup_video(struct screen_info *screen_info);
+void setup_efi_info(struct efi_info *efi_info);